• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 29,945 Views, 1,520 Comments

The Heart of a Dragon - Razorbeam

Spike enters a relationship with Celestia when Rarity denies his love.

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[Celestia] Epilogue

Spike smiled as he banked hard, the pegasi in his wake beating wing to keep pace and hold formation. "Cloudhopper, you're out too wide! Close in, get wingtip to wingtip with Gale!" he called over his shoulder. The young recruit did as he ordered with a 'sir yes sir' that Spike couldn't hear over the rush of the wind. Their arrowhead formation was finally symmetrical again as his trainees recovered from his sudden turn. He alighted atop one of the Castle's many walls, his protégés following close behind.

"Good work, everypony. Try to remember that you should all be extensions of each other. It comes with time, but eventually you'll learn the signs of when your wing leader is about to turn or dive. Keep practicing, and take turns flying at the head in the next drills. Now then, back in the air, double-time!" he roared suddenly. The pegasi didn't flinch like they had a week ago, all snapping to salutes instantly and then bailing off the wall, forming up into another arrowhead as they zipped off.

"You certainly command their attention," a voice he knew all too well called from behind him.

He turned, smiling to his marefriend. Five years had passed between them since he had pledged to stay with her as long as she would have him. In all that time she had never turned him away, had only drawn him closer with her compassion and love.

Celestia strode up to him and nuzzled him gently. Spike returned her embrace, kissing her lightly on the lips as she made to withdraw. She only smiled, gestures like that common but not taken for granted between them. "They seem to be improving. Your training has done them wonders," she congratulated, watching the squad under Spike's command execute a nearly perfect turn; nearly, because Cloudhopper was again out wide.

Spike scowled at that, displeased. "Most of them improved, anyways," he said with a sigh, letting it go. Cloud was a pegasus that shared a mindset with Pinkie Pie, it seemed; always somewhere else, cracking jokes or daydreaming when he should be focused. Still, he was a good source of morale, and he wasn't getting any worse. "But it's not my training they're benefiting from. It's Rainbow's; she's the one who taught me all the tricks of the trade, after all," he pointed out.

"It doesn't change the fact that you're their leader, and that it's you they're learning from. Give yourself some credit. You are captain of the Airborne Elite, after all," she prodded him in the chest, smiling warmly as she left her hoof there, her touch gentle.

Spike smiled and ran a clawed hand down her outstretched leg and back up, comfortable with the contact. "That's only because you assigned me to it. I have to say, it really feels like favoritism somehow," he teased, winking at her.

She just laughed. They had been over it many times just how great a flier Spike truly was; few could match his speed or skill, save for his own trainer, or perhaps the Wonderbolts.

The work was mundane, mostly training new recruits and teaching them discipline. It was very rare that the Airborne had to perform any kind of field work, as things were almost constantly peaceful these days. Much of their time was simply spent learning to be the best fliers they could be, ready if Equestria ever needed them.

Spike found meaning in it all the same; even if he wasn't saving the country, he was preparing these stallions and mares for reality, where teamwork and friendship were possibly the most powerful forces in the world. With just one of those virtues mountains could be moved. With both, as he often said, the entire world could be changed.

He was splendid at his job, though he regarded himself as too soft-hearted for the work sometimes. He did his best to act fierce when it seemed appropriate, but his natural compassion and sense of humor almost always bled through in the end. Truth be told he made a terrible captain for that reason alone.

Yet no other trainer garnered so much respect from his troops, or commanded such obedience. Spike saw the difference there; other captains held the respect of authority, but Spike's trainees respected him as a wise friend and a leader.

Celestia smiled knowingly as he looked away from her and back to his troops. She chuckled lightly, tugging his head back to face her gently. "They'll be fine. Come on, it's time for dinner anyways," she coaxed, her voice warm and inviting in the extreme.

Spike was unable to resist that urging tone. Besides that, he had made a promise to himself this morning that he would at last follow through.

The same promise he had been making every day for a week. Steeling himself, he walked with her inside, his arm draped around her neck gently, his wings tucked to his back to press her close. He let the conversation flow, allowing it to distract her as he steered them. He pointedly turned left at one intersection, though he knew the dining hall was the other way. Much to his satisfaction and amusement, she never noticed, too caught up in their talk about Twilight's latest spell submission. She had found a way to turn pine cones into apples, which had caused an angry letter from Applejack. Apparently the opposite was also possible, for the farmer had complained loudly in a letter to the princess that many of her prized apples were now pine cones instead.

Spike had to suppress a laugh as they made their way into the garden instead of the dining room. Celestia simply kept on talking, oblivious to the change. Spike did his best to distract her further as he led her to the cherry tree on the garden's south edge. At last he stopped moving and simply grinned at her.

Now she seemed to notice that something wasn't right. "Spike, why are we in the garden? You know full well that our meal is the other way," she chided, as if she thought he was just pulling some prank on her.

He allowed himself a chuckle that helped to relieve some of his nerves. "I know, I know. But somehow I just couldn't resist this chance," he said, his heart beating faster as he prepared himself.

"The chance for what?" she asked curiously, happily, as if she were glad it wasn't all a prank.

Spike just smiled at her warmly, his heart in his eyes. "Do you remember the day I caught you singing here for the first time?" he asked pleasantly, looking from her to the tree.

She followed his gaze, smiling nostalgically. "Of course; the day you fell for me," she teased, but she knew he was being sincere with whatever he had on his heart, and so she turned her tone serious, yet pleasant. "It only seems like yesterday, doesn't it?" she asked, leaning into him and smiling, closing her eyes as she envisioned that day.

"It's simply amazing," he replied, stroking her mane, "how much time has flowed on, yet it feels like none has passed." He pulled away from her gently, letting her regain her balance as she lost her dragon to lean on. He knelt in front of her, and took her hoof in his clawed hands.

"The last time you saw me here like this I told you that I wanted you and needed you. These days I want and need you even more," he said with a warm smile, watching her face go from a smirk to puzzled. It shifted to shock as the realization came upon her what was happening, and Spike had to resist the urge to chuckle with joy.

"I never want to part with you, I want to be forever with you. Then, I asked you to be my mare, but today and for the rest of time, I ask you to be my wife. Celestia, will you marry me?"

She let out a shaky, teary laugh, unable to react any other way as her mind was filled with utter joy. That laugh was the purest expression of the leap her heart had taken. She smiled at him and bit her lip, as if trying to contain another such outburst of elation. At last, instead came her reply. "Yes!" she whispered gently, falling into him and meeting him there in his kneeling position, kissing him deeply. She pulled away, her voice full of triumphant exuberance. "How could I say no?" she asked with another beautiful laugh of pure bliss.

Spike chuckled, his heart still hammering like a thunderstorm as he hugged her close. "I knew you wouldn't," he remarked quietly, pulling her tighter. He kissed her deeply, and she returned that loving gesture full force as she realized the rest of her eternity would be fulfilled by Spike's love.

The wedding was to be grand; there was not a single pony in all of Equestria who had not been invited. Even griffons that took up residence in the country had been sent invitations, as well as nobility from dragon-ruled regions deep in the mountains. As a result, the entire service was to be held outside, being that it was the only way to accommodate such vast numbers of guests.

Spike was nervous to say the least, even though the event was still a few days off. He and Tia were in her room this evening, spending the time she had off from her duties together, as they had been doing for years now. Spike was more tense than usual, his responses to her talk few and far between, as if he were somewhere far away.

"Spike, what is it?" she asked at last, unwilling to let him continue dwelling on whatever was plaguing his mind. "Something about the wedding?"

Spike snapped out of another daydream and sighed. "I'm sorry Tia. Yeah, the wedding has me a bit worried... I know all the planning has been taken care of, but something is nagging at me," he finished, glad that he didn't need to hide his worries anymore. Even his simplest concerns were of great importance to his betrothed. He allowed himself a smile as he thought of that. He and Tia, to be married at last. What a glorious thing.

"Go on," she urged gently, nuzzling him. His sudden, warm smile had comforted her; at least he wasn't having second thoughts about marrying her.

"It's just that... You're a princess. But haven't you been married before? Wouldn't that make you a queen instead?" he asked. It wasn't quite where he had wanted to start with it all, but it was the shallow end of his tide of troubles.

"Yes, I've been married before. Only once, nearly a thousand years ago now. Back then my father and mother weren't royalty; Equestria didn't exist. We lived happy lives, and Luna and I both married at the proper age for the time. But as I've said before, eventually he passed away. My parents died one day as well, for though they were both alicorns, they were killed by a magical plague that nearly eradicated our kind. Luna and I were saved by our alignment with the Elements. That's why there are no more male alicorns in the world; only Luna, Cadance, and I remain. Together Luna and I founded our nation, but we were no longer married. Equestria has never had a king or a queen," she finished, her tone slightly melancholy as she recounted an age's worth of sorrow and strife in just a few short words.

Spike sighed, because her tale tied immediately into his next point. "Until now, you mean," he said quietly.

She just smiled at him, mocking the clouds forming in his mind, and daring his sorrow to remain. It couldn't in light of that comforting, perfect warmth, and so Spike smiled back, though it was not quite sincere.

"Is that what this is about?" she asked, as if it were silly.

"Of course; I can't be a king, Tia. I'm almost eighteen now, but even by pony standards that's very young. I don't know anything about running a country, being a diplomat... I'm worried I'll fail you, and all the ponies in Equestria" he said quietly, kissing her cheek gently because he needed the contact.

She nuzzled him softly, giving him all the comfort he needed. "Spike, so what if you don't have years of experience? You have compassion, integrity, loyalty, tenacity... Need I go on?" she teased, kissing his lips gently. "You don't have to wear a mask to be a leader, don't have to make perfect decisions for your subjects to love you. You taught me that lesson yourself. You only need to love them in return, and always do what is right in your heart. There can be no greater king than that," she whispered gently, pulling back and smiling warmly at him.

Spike smiled back softly, encouraged by her faith in him more than her words. "Tia, I'd be a wreck without you," Spike chuckled, kissing her gently.

"You'll never have to be," she said quietly, snuggling close to him.

Nopony in living memory, even Luna, could recall Celestia looking so beautiful as she did today.

Rarity, of all ponies, had made the dress; had offered as soon as she received her invitation a month past. Rumors circulated saying she had completely dropped all other orders and had worked non-stop for this occasion. It showed, for not only had she made the most perfect dress of her career to date for Tia, she had also made six dresses for the bridesmaids.

Twilight, Rarity, and the others all looked stunning as well. Spike had been nervous that somehow things would still be awkward between Rarity and Tia, even though the purple-maned pony had visited them without trouble numerous times in the last few years, and had even married herself. If Spike knew anything about mares, it was that weddings made them crazy. Still, things seemed more than civil between his past love and his bride-to-be, even at the rehearsal.

The service was being held in the town square, nearly three times the size of Canterlot Castle's great hall. Across the way a wall of ivy had been erected, which Spike knew his betrothed waited behind. Pegasi and gryphons dotted the sky and lined rooftops, and even a few brave earth ponies had made their way onto such lofty perches. Nopony wanted to miss this event.

"Dude, your tie," coughed one of his groomsponies. Spike smiled as he looked back at the array of six stallions behind him. A lot had happened in the years before this day; all of his childhood friends had gone on to get married, including Rainbow Dash, who had been the one Spike had least expected to get hitched. It was her husband who had pointed out that his tie was crooked.

Spike bent low while the dark blue pegasus corrected his long, solid black tie, which had been hanging a little too loosely and had rocked left. "Thanks, Blitz," he offered up, forming a fist with his clawed hand. Blitz was a Wonderbolt through and through, he and Dash having met during their preliminary flights with the team. They had both been accepted, and had started going steady almost immediately after the 'celebration'.

"Not a problem," he said under his breath, both of them trying to be quiet. He raised a hoof and bumped it to Spike's knuckles with a smirk. "You've got to look your best today; you're marrying a princess."

Spike chuckled nervously and turned back to face the ivy wall. "Don't remind me," he said jokingly, drawing laughs from the other stallions behind him.

He smiled gently as he caught sight of something in the crowd; a purplish ball of fluff being cradled by Twilight's mother. Twi and her husband, Gearrick, had been married almost a full year now, and they were now the proud parents of a beautiful filly. Gearrick was a steam-tinker, the kind of creative mind that perfectly complimented Twilight's 'do it by the book' personality. His work had been renowned in Manehattan and Fillydelphia, where the push for steam-tech was largest. He had moved to Ponyville to lead a more quiet life with his wife, using his talent for technology to benefit the small town in glorious ways.

Rarity had eventually married Fancy Pants' younger brother, Pricey. Despite the first impression his name caused, he was actually very down to earth. Ever the gentlecolt, he was everything Rarity could have asked for in a stallion. He had a sound mind for business, and a peculiar charisma that had everypony hanging on his words. Together they had moved their business and home to Canterlot. Last Spike had heard, they were finally planning to try and have some foals, now that their business had finally settled down.

AJ had gotten hitched to the oldest brother in the Cherry family, Black Cherry. Most ponies affectionately referred to the couple as Blackjack these days. Their wedding had been held in Appaloosa, though the two had purchased several acres outside of Ponyville and moved back there, growing cherries and apples in tandem. Their goods were the best around, daily shipments being sent off to Canterlot to fuel the demand for their pies, tarts, and other treats.

Pinkie's wedding had been the wildest affair Spike had ever attended. The turnout had been nearly as drastic as today's, by sheer volume of sent invitations alone. She had married an equally bubbly and spastic stallion by the name of Blast Cannon, the commander of Canterlot's fireworks brigade. He was a fun-loving sort, though unlike Pinkie he could focus on something for a significant span of time. He was just the right amount of steady for Pinkie to lean on, and just the necessary amount of crazy to love her.

Fluttershy's wedding had been last, and completely unexpected. Nopony had complained, however, when Big Mac had popped the question. Very few ponies had known they were even seeing each other, outside of her six closest friends. The only reason Tia had known at all was through Spike. The two were a perfect fit, Big Mac silent and supportive of her, Fluttershy tender and kind when the red stallion had been having a rough day.

Spike reflected on all of that fondly as he gazed at his crowd of friends; his family. And today, he would welcome one more into the fold.

And she would stay there forever.

His heart leaped into his throat as the fanfare sounded at last. He stood a little taller, smiled a little goofier. His gaze went back to the ivy wall, and out stepped Celestia. Luna laughed lightly to herself as she saw her sister, but it wasn't mocking; it was joyous.

She was resplendent in a white and golden dress, the sun alone her rival for attention, because only it could outshine her this day. Every beam of light caught silken strands, reflected a hundred fold through dazzling diamonds knit through the cloth. Applebloom and Scootaloo came behind her, carrying the tail of her perfect dress, old enough now to perform such important duties in a ceremony like this.

Sweetie Belle had a different part to play than her close friends, singing in perfect harmony with the piano, using the words Celestia had taught her for this occasion as the bride made her slow way to the altar.

Spike nearly ran to her, entranced as anypony might be by such a goddess. Big Mac stepped on his tail lightly, urging him to stand still and wait. "Nope," he grumbled, his voice low so that only the groomsponies would hear. "You'll get yer chance, but let the lady come to you."

Spike smiled wider, barely hearing his friend as Tia smiled at him; just him. She stood across from him, and winked. He winked right back, feeling too right and happy to flush red. The entire gathering went silent as Luna spoke up, for she was to lead the ceremony today.

The minutes dragged on, yet nobody complained. Everything was as it should have been, the service beautiful and majestic. At last, it came time for the vows.

Spike had taken weeks to write his own, for they were words that he would live by until the end of time, or his life. No promise could be more sincere, more binding, than the promises he would make today to his immortal bride.

"Celestia, you have taught me so much, and though I can never grow taller, I will always grow wiser, and grow to love you more. I will never leave your side, never betray you. When you cry, I will cry. When you laugh, I will laugh. And when you sing, I will sing. Your pain will be my pain, and all of your joy my joy. From now until the end of time, every day will make you more beautiful in my eyes. This I promise," he said with a perfect smile, her front hooves in his clawed hands as he looked deep into her purple eyes, his green ones burning those words into her soul.

Her eyes filled with happy tears, her heart swelled with joy and adoration. Her voice was obviously strained for control as she returned her own vows.

"Spike, you've shown me a love I could never have asked for. I am the luckiest mare alive, to have found that I never had to ask for it, and never will have to. All the days of our lives I will be with you, to love and care for you. When you need to lean on me, I will be strong. When you are hurt, I will heal you. When you are happy, I will hold you. No matter the storms or clear skies, I will be at your side," she said, and now Spike's eyes softened and flooded as well.

Their vows complete, the pair turned teary-eyed to Luna, who was smiling widely.

"The sun and the moon have seen your perfect unity; your deserving love. For all the ages they have judged eternally, and here they have found your love to be undeniable. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you dragon and wife." She smiled deeply at Spike, letting a teasing pause hang there for a split second. "You may kiss the bride."

Spike kissed her deeply, the entire nation in an uproar, cheering wildly. When at last that perfect moment had passed, Spike swept her off her hooves, catching a glimpse of a beaming, teary-eyed Twilight just before his world filled with white. His nose filled with her scent as she nuzzled him close.

"This has been the happiest day of my life," she whispered gently, kissing him again as he carried her down the aisle. Roses flew like snowflakes in a blizzard, painting the sky red and white, dancing down around them. The cheering was deafening, yet Spike heard her clear as day.

"I am glad I'm not alone," he said, echoing her sentiments with a warm smile. He had never felt so joyous, so perfect, in all of his days.

She laughed lightly, her note pure and wonderful to his ears. "You never will be."

"This... is your lot, Spike..." Twilight admonished quietly. Even with her words separated by deep, painful breaths, she still meant to scold him. "You knew... that it would happen... one day."

Spike looked at her with tears in his emerald eyes. Tia stood at his side, doing her best to smile at her ancient student. Twilight had lived to be the oldest of all the Elements, had even outlived her husband. At the ripe old age of one hundred and ten, Spike could hardly complain about all the time he had been able to share with her.

"Grandmother, please..." a deep purple pony coaxed, bidding Twilight to calm down. She looked so much like her grandmother had used to all those years ago. A slight beeping in the background slowed in pace as Twilight heeded her granddaughter's warning.

"Now Spike..." Twilight called more calmly, the great dragon weeping like a baby as he slid his head under her shaking foreleg to embrace her.

"Yes, Twilight?" he asked, sniffling loudly.

"You take good care of our family; I'm going to need you even more when I'm gone," she whispered, so that only he could hear it.

Spike choked, laying his head gently across her chest as she closed her eyes. "Of course, Twilight. They couldn't be in better claws."

"Miracle..." Twilight called weakly, opening her eyes tiredly.

"Yes, grandma?" the young mare asked gently, doing her best to smile, though her eyes were full of tears.

"Just because he's a king doesn't mean he's not family," Twi said with a warm smile. "You keep him in line for me, you hear?"

"Of course," Miracle replied, her laugh choked as her mother and husband each held her close to ebb her oncoming sobs.

Now Twilight looked at Celestia. "And Celestia," she croaked, clearly only a few breaths from gone. "Take care of him. And thank you for making this life an adventure," she said warmly.

Celestia nuzzled her as she closed her eyes, crying hard now. "I wouldn't have had it any other way," she said sadly, with a hiccup of a laugh.

At last, it was time. She turned her eyes back to Spike, and rubbed her nose against his with the last of her strength. "You were my first son; my pride and joy. I love you, Spike," she sighed.

Spike died inside as he realized those words had taken her last breath with them. Like an infant, he cried rivers as Celestia and the rest of his family joined him in his grief.

"Farewell... mother."

"What is it, Tia?" Spike asked, rushing to her side. Luna had told him she needed to see him right away, and his heart ached to have found her crying.

"Oh Spike," she cried, but Spike's heart jumped as he noted that they were tears of joy.

"What happened?" he asked, suddenly intrigued and confused.

"I was working on a new spell... for us," she sniffed, rubbing noses with him.

"What do you mean?" he asked, rubbing back.

"I know we can't have children; not physically anyways... I didn't want to ever bring it up between us. But what if we could have a child... magically?" she asked, her voice going out as she lost control.

Spike's eyes went wide as he caught on. "You don't mean...?" he asked, his tone all disbelief.

She nodded, a hoof put to her snout as she held in an excited giggle.

"How?" he asked, looking from her face to her stomach.

"I found how to use the way our souls come together in lovemaking; instead of using your genes, I could fuse some of your essence with mine. It would have to be an alicorn, to grow inside my body. I thought I could give those essences a physical form," she explained, doing her best to calm down enough to detail it. "I didn't tell you sooner because I wasn't sure it would work... But it did."

"So you took a portion of my life-force, and a portion of yours, and fused them?" he asked, awed that such a thing was even possible.

She nodded gently, smiling almost proudly.

Spike laughed loudly, joyously. "Tia, this is wonderful!" Spike strode to the balcony, unable to contain his overflow of joy any longer. He threw the doors wide, and screamed at the sky. "I'm a father!" he roared, all of his heart and soul in that cry to the sun.

Celestia walked up behind him, laughing to herself as she reveled in his elation. He whirled on her and kissed her roughly, deeply. She returned it, all for that free exchange of pure bliss.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked suddenly. If it was a spell, he was certain she could know.

"It wasn't my decision to make, but I can feel her... It's a girl," she said with a sure smile, though the child was hardly more than a thought in her head and a speck in her body.

"Then what should we call her?" Spike asked, hugging Tia tight.

Tia thought silently for a while, then chuckled. "Mother Celestia, aunt Luna... and baby Terra. It has a wonderful ring to it," she said warmly, nuzzling Spike.

"I love it," Spike replied, kissing her deeply.

Spike laughed as Tia climbed on him, her eyes getting that particular look they always did when she was ready to play. She smirked as his gaze took on a similar look, as if they were both hunters after the same quarry.

"Just because we have one on the way though..." she said quietly, winking at Spike as she ran a hoof down his chest.

Spike chuckled, and rolled her under his wings, kissing her deeply.

"I like the way you think."