• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 29,945 Views, 1,520 Comments

The Heart of a Dragon - Razorbeam

Spike enters a relationship with Celestia when Rarity denies his love.

  • ...

Author's Notes: Exit, Stage Left

Let me state in plain terms that I will not be doing this in any particular order once I finish my "this was how the plot rolled" section. Thoughts will fly through the air free like birds after that. If any of you are reading this anyways, you'll probably get bored. I'll make some god-awful puns or snappy comments to keep those of you who risk it entertained.

Alright, here we go. Prepare for spoilers. To all you guys who read this section first: if you don't want them, bail out right the cuss now. I'm not going to do any 'in this chapter, then in this one' business. I'm just going to give out some character analysis and my opinion of the plot.


Personally, I believe putting Rarity in that nasty initial conflict with Spike was a necessary evil. Sure it makes things hard to deal with between the two of them for a while, but in the end it makes their relationship more believable to me. Something real happens between them because of that strife in the end; I didn't have to base that love on anything from the show or any other fan-fic. That relationship is legit and independent. Kind of a big deal to me. Why modify, when you can create?

Likewise, that conflict also makes Spike's relationship believable with Celestia. She is completely, undeniably the feel-good character, and unless Spike came to her with some kind of problem, the entire thing would have crumbled into this nasty mush of nonsense. The only difference is that there's no direct conflict between him and Tia; but indirect conflict is still conflict. The other thing that really drew me to this relationship is that, in my personal reading history, it hadn't even been mentioned, much less done. Again; prefer to build things myself.

Spike's 'GTFO to Canterlot' was a the second hill in our little roller-coaster of crazy. It was a much needed reprise from the bad feels on his end, as well as a solid chance to put Rarity's views into perspective for the readers; though most of you just hated her freaking guts at the time. But she laid her heart out on the table to Twilight, telling her the whole truth, even though she knew Twi would be pissed. Respectable if you ask me.

That's the start of Rarity's upswing. Let's be honest, it's not a straight line; she's awful, then she sucks a little less, and so on and so forth until personally I didn't dislike her anymore, and actually kind of felt supportive of her new mission in life with Spike. Clearly those sentiments were not unanimous, but what can you do? Her little bout with Madam was her salvation in all reality. Without that push, she'd have stayed a jerk the rest of the fic.

Spike's 'pursue the love' moment with Tia was very snap-to. I like that, because it does set Tia up as a sort of rebound girl. She's not supposed to instantly be a 'better' match for Spike than Rarity, just the more available one. There's growth in that relationship, though most of it is transparent because none of it is caused by direct conflict. It makes things seem really fast, but that's half the fun of it.

And then the 'oh shit' moment. That kiss was just too fun to write. At last, we pit civil Celestia with regretful Rarity. Jealousy being defeated was the main theme here; Tia admits that she loves Spike, and Rarity can't really argue that. That would just be hypocritical. At last we lay the feelings of both mares on the table, and we put the ball back in Spike's court.

And then, the endings go <->. Smashing Tia's feelings was the really hard one to do for me: Rarity was kind of on the outside already by the time Spike broke it to her. But man, Tia had that relationship ripped out from under her, regardless of how sudden it had started. Not easy to do for me.

I prefer the dinner scene in Rarity's ending greatly to the camping trip. They both do something very important; they kill the stale-as-hell scenery. Dinner at a night-club, camping in the boonies... either way, they're not in the castle anymore. I was getting really, really tired of describing the balcony and saying 'in the study'. You're all lying if you say you weren't tired of reading it.

And then the epilogues: I regret nothing. What happened in each are clear representations of the benefits and drawbacks of his decisions.

Rarity's epilogue slew me... Having to kill her felt wrong, though I knew it was right in terms of what 'had to happen'. I cried, viewers. Like an angry, hungry baby. I don't even like Rarity that much, but for the love of Christ that heartbreak was bad. Maybe that was just me being drunk. Under no circumstances should you listen to anything sad or orchestral in nature while reading it.

Tia's made up for it. Some real, wicked-bad heartbreak for killing Twilight too, but that wasn't as hard: I think the Rarity shit numbed me. Worst part is I like Twi so much more than Rarity. Still, mostly good feels: all the six getting hitched, the very touching wedding. And then the unexpected! Children, not possible in any other Spike pairing. But hey, Tia's a goddess, she can magic up some genetics if she wants. Besides, it's not like mushing two life-forces together is an unbelievable or original concept. I am content with it, and as I said, while terribly unfair to the Spikity pairing, it 'makes sense'.


Spike... Ho ho ho, that dragon. I took him from heartbroken, teenager know-nothing to mature, confused, and lovesick. Not much progression, but pretty solid for seven days worth of plot. His reactions and outlooks on life are so typical of teens to begin with, but his time with Tia and Luna really shines through as he comes to accept that troubles happen in life, especially in love, and that he has to take charge of his heart. He's witty, polite, and all around he just feels like someone I would want to be around and lend a claw to.

Rarity... I did some bad things to her in this fic. Necessary, but no less turbulent to my heart. She's definitely not favorite pony; Dashie is. But I digress. I didn't like having to wreck her shit right off the bat, but that's her growth. She always came across as stuck up and selfish to me, minus the scenes in the show where they try way too hard to overcome her bullshit and make her seem generous for a few seconds. What the show does with her doesn't make her acceptable for someone of Spike's temperament. So I started her how I've always seen her; ladylike, but shallow and self-serving.

I did everything in my power to rebuild her; I had the technology. I took her from the ground up and made her into a mare who wanted to make Spike happy, who worked hard to earn his love, instead of expecting to simply fix her mistakes for her own sake. In the end, she came to represent what it meant to be a real lady, the way Spike is a real gentledrake.

Tia... I shot myself in the foot bad using her. I had no idea what I was doing; there was nothing to base her on besides the 'love everything, all is good, stay calm and do nothing' the show puts out. Worthless as a fictional character, perfectly acceptable as a 'silent god' kind of figure. That's what they use her for in the show, but that's unusable for romance.

Instead I took it upon myself to make her seem more realistic, by taking her typical image and turning it into a forced act. Spike catching her singing was the trigger for me to cut loose and create her from scratch as just another mare; a unique female with an atypical sense of humor and unending compassion. Certain things about her remained; tolerance, strength of will, etc. But her emotions were her mode of development. Through those and her sudden, spur of the moment actions, I did what I could to turn her into a real character.

Luna... What? Not much to say here, other than I just used her to inject comedy where appropriate, and to generate Philosospike moments. In other words, Luna the prankster. Or Luna, Relationship Scientist, Ph. D. Regardless of how you saw her, I enjoyed her role as a filler character.


I had a great time with this. This is the important section; you, the readers, are fun and exciting, and have been very fun to work for. This wouldn't have meant half of what it did to me if nobody had read it. Even those of you that hated it brought me great joy, because an opinion is an opinion, and feedback is feedback.

I learned more about my own writing during this one fic than I have in all of my other combined writings because of you all. Insights, opinions, all of it mattered. Even if all you said was that it was well written and asked me to keep up the good work, I took your advice and kept up the god-damned good work. Even if you think you said nothing of note to me, or said nothing at all, you were the push I needed to make this something great. And it is, in my eyes.

There are some of you I have to thank in front of all my viewers, even though I am certain I thanked you all personally.

First, I would like to thank Ninjazz; he has been a ridiculously loyal fan, always willing to give his feedback, often in the form of page-long chapter reviews. His comments and e-mails really lit a spark in my mind for the final chapters, and for that, Ninjazz, I humbly thank you for the thousandth time.

Second, _Medicshy. True to your name, I understand you're not the biggest fan of public recognition. No matter how minuscule you think your efforts were on my behalf, they meant the world to me. Your pre-reading upped the quality of this work many times over for the final chapters, and they would not be what they are today without you. Give yourself a pat on the back when nobody is looking: you earned it.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly of all are my friends StormXtreme, Noata, and Cody [because Cody doesn't have a shnazzy username]. Without them, this never would have been posted in the first place. Their encouragement, support, and appreciation of my work led me to take the leap and get this fic on the web. And holy crap, it even got featured at one time. These are my bros back home, and I love them like family. Always there for me, guys!

That's all my personal hooplah. You've got my two cents, for what they're worth, and you all have my infinite appreciation! I look forward to seeing some of you again in future comments as I strive to always write my next great work.

This is Razorbeam, thanking you all. Goodnight!

PS - Curtain and bring the house-lights back up and all that stuff. Autographs later. Drinking first.

Comments ( 224 )

"Woah, what, Razorbeam updated three times? But there's only two epilogues, what the hell is the third thi-" :ajbemused:


-slow clap- just....wow...good sir...and the goodnight part in the notes were touching as well...


Now that's a lofty claim! Thank you very much, it's things like this that would leave me speechless if I weren't a spastic writer. :pinkiecrazy:

I am glad that you enjoyed it enough to put it into a 'hands-down' category like that. I'm very honored to have produced such a work. Again, thank you! :fluttercry:

Everything you wrote about writing is soooo right on it's not even funny. I don't do author's notes (I'm just the chronicler, the story is it's own beast) but that support, even when silent, can mean so much...

As for me being a great help, I still don't think I did a lot, but if you say so I'll take your word on it. I may not like public recognition, but I still thrive on it (I am an actor and an artist. In the words or Bo Burnham: My drug's attention, I am an addict.) so it means a lot, even when I stand in the background and deflect it.

Thank you again, and I can't wait to see what comes in the future.

526573 Hey, no need to thank me for something you've earned. But, you're welcome none the less.

:heart:here you go:twilightsmile:


'And So It Is' by Nick Farr. Good luck man. :fluttercry:

Very, Very good one, Razor. You definitly have talent. I had so many feels, at all the right times, and for all the right lenghts. You have the pace and transitions down pat, characterization staying strong, and even building up Celestia from 'I'M-A-PRETTY-PRINCESS' .
This fic right here... This is how somepony writes a romance.
I was wary at first, saying 'SpikeXCelestia? what a wierd ship.', but I am so glad I gave it a shot.
Even the parts with Philoso-Luna were well done.
Bravo. :twilightsmile:

The way you described making this fanfic.... Just beautiful... Made perfect sense and made the reader think about a the hard work you put into a tale such as this


Thank you kind sir, I shall see you in the afterlife, forever stuck in a face of sheer sorrow. :fluttercry: :fluttercry: :fluttercry: Good day to you Razorbeam, achiever of favorites and likes. :moustache:

"So I started her how I've always seen her; ladylike, but shallow and self-serving." Glad to see I'm not the only one. I still sincerely enjoyed both the story and ( *gasp!* Unbelievable!) the author's notes themselves. I just love how you took the basic Celestia, who really is rather faceless... In a metaphorical sense (Heh, Celestia lacking a face, odd thought there), and gave her an actual, believable personality.

526593 Heh, you'd be surprised how much difference a little pre-reading attention can do for a story, As a wise man once said, "All big things are composed of little things." A minor error here, a little mistype there, all minor, all that will interrupt the flow of a story and take away from it's overall effect. Prime example would be one of my favorite books "Lords of the Sky" Fantasy book with a nifty plot and characters. The only problem? Grammar errors, far as the eye can see, only a step above google translate in errors.., Like half the time every page had at least 3 errors. And so, to you, Ninjazz, and all the others who helped contribute, I have to thank you as well. (...All that jazz. Ninjazz. I'm attempting to glare at my reflection in my laptop for not noticing that earlier.)

But most of all, thank you again for a wonderful story Razor. Rather looking forward to your next story, if this is anything to go by, it's gonna be good. Heh, had this pop into my mind there, just replace the text with "It's gonna be good." 27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m02u5cL95B1qinmdwo1_500.gif

Starting up a blog on favorite stories would love to hear your favorites and what yoou are looking for in a story razorbeam and I started it up so drop by and leave a comment.:pinkiehappy:

You have made me cry, laugh, smile, and get furious. Every day that you didn't update was another long heartbreaking day for me. All I can really say is that your fanfic has really touched me and I only wish you can still wrote such great stories. But promise me that you'll have fun when doing so. :moustache:

you made me actually cry manly tears dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/eenope.png bro it takes allot to make me cry so good job

Aren't dragons and ponies able to have babies? "Draconeqquises" (Sp?) like Discord?

Damn man you put a lot of thought into this story, I am quite impressed. If you want to get picky (I DO I DO) a 1/2 dragon 1/2 horse(pony) is a krin if I recall my mythology correctly. Regardless this was an excellent read.

This was a very good story. I liked how you made different endings for Spike. I'm a bit sad that it ended already, but still.

Amazing ending to the TiaSpike ark.
I then read the RarySpike branch and I must say I though it won't be as great. But I was wrong. Separated, these two make great stories. Also, RarySpike's prologue was indeed the saddest of them two but it's ending was beautiful.

Celestia's prologue ended with the promise of a wonderful future for the two immortal beings. Rarity's prologue ended in a bittersweet remembrance of the past, many generations in the future. Personally I prefer Celestia's ending, having something to look forward to alongside the being you love and cherish is always better than living with pain in your heart for the rest of your life. Even so, Spike was happy, watching over the new generations, the successors of his best friends from childhood.

Anyway, great story, well written and carefully planned out. A little bit of a drag at the beginning but you managed to shake that off :)

I cry for the feels you all cause me. Thank you so much, all of you, for your kind words and ready viewership! There are so many of you, and I don't even know how to begin replying to all of this. But I will anyways. :pinkiecrazy:

And now, as always, some distinct replies to the viewers:

Why so grumpy, bro? :applejackunsure:

Thank you kindly! I don't know anything about genius, but I do what I can to make good stories. Glad you enjoyed it all! I highly doubt I'm anywhere the professional writing level of big names like HP, but thank you all the same!

Aha, so you noticed. I'm afraid now I'll have to kill you. :pinkiecrazy:

I am sorry the sadness happened, but it was one of the story tags, so you were warned. :pinkiesad2:

You are forever welcome. I am glad your jimmies are safe! :raritywink:

Thank you for your comments, and your dedication in following this story. I'm very glad you stuck with this and enjoyed it as much as you did, and that the endings satisfied! I aim to please! :rainbowkiss:

Whew! Holly balls that was a lot of comments. Very glad I managed to hit this many of you so far: there will be more, I am sure. I go now to prepare myself for the oncoming comment wave. :twilightoops:
All the same, glad you enjoyed it, and that you are willing to accept the plot as-is, and still find some fun in it. Harem ending isn't coming though, sorry man. Fic's marked complete.

Thank you so much! Some ships just seem strange unless you hop on board. Glad you gave it a shot and found it deserving of your attention!

A simple gift of words, nothing more. I'm not worth comparing your writing to. I'm glad you rank it among some of your favorite readings the fandom has to offer, and I humbly thank you.

For your comments on all of the ending chapters, thank you! A dwarf's opinion is certainly worth something; things old as the stone are often hard to impress, and even harder to move. Glad I have been able to accomplish both.

Ahaha! Excellent gif choice. I am glad to hear that you're in sync with my take on Rarity, and that you are looking forward to my future works! You are incredibly welcome!

The internets have many corners, my friend. Still, thank you for such high praise! I hope you find me still worthy of it in the future.

I'm not finished writing, not by a long shot. And I promise, I will always enjoy the work I do!

Ah, the Futurama tears! Perhaps my work is not quite so comparable...? Still, thank you for commenting! Your gifs always make me smile. :pinkiesmile:

Mmmmm, gin and cinnamon buns. For the record... that fic you mentioned? Yeah, I'm not writing that. :rainbowlaugh:
Thank you for sticking with this story for so long! I look forward to seeing your username again, my friend!

527313 No regrets like i said i just prefer happy endings doesn't mean i can't appreciate the sad ones

What a ride. Cheers to you, mate, you made me cry with that Rarity epilogue. This is easily my favorite romance fic, consider yourself stalked er, tracked.

527313 Heehee, sorry, when I said that (Literally, I say what I type.) that image just popped in outta nowhere.
Anyways, got any ideas as to what you'll write next? Gotta be hard having just finished one.

"Under no circumstances should you listen to anything sad or orchestral in nature while reading it."


The one thing I'd like to have seen is our mystery mare Madam make [ALLITERATION 4X] another appearance. Or something.

Heh, I still find it a tad hard to understand the negative feelings people had towards Rarity at the beginning of the story, even yours as the author Razor. Maybe I'm terribly unromantic or something, but getting scared at the thought of an intimate relationship with a dragon makes perfect sense to me. I just don't see it as Rarity being a jerk.

Water under the bridge however, as it got us to two separate wonderful stories and endings. Also, I appreciate you having the mane 5/6 get married and have plenty of kids.

I must say I enjoyed both endings quite well. Now that I have time, I at least wanted to let you know this journey was a very well-crafted, and, at times sad and bittersweet, but other times, wonderful in the hopefulness.

I look forward to more stories from you, should you choose to write them! =)

it takes a lot for me to cry, much less to shed a tear.

this story didn't do either, but it did tug at my heartstrings, and deserves every thumb and fav it gets.:pinkiesmile:

i will re-read when given the chance, but until then, keep doing what your doing.

PS: I liked Celestia's ending much better. personally it felt more natural.

It did not take long after reading the first chapter of your fan-fic that I fell into a trance from your writing skills. You made all the characters ebb and flow naturally, as if we (the readers) were watching a theatrical performance. As the story soon headed to the "Shitstorm of the Year" with the Rarity and Celestia face-off, I thought to myself "How will Razorbeam handle this?" It seemed that to have the storm would be a natural reaction, to have the two mares duke it out in some type of verbal Mortal Kombat, but you did something entirely different; you made the situation realistic between two civilized individuals, each with their own reasons to fight for Spike, but still respect each other. Well done!:pinkiehappy:

As for the individual endings, I must say am greatly impressed on how it was handled. I was not too keen on the idea at first, only because I was used to single-track stories, but after the first release of the dual story-lines I realized just how brilliant of a plan it was. You were able to make everyone happy in the sense of either Spike with Celestia or Rarity and you could further character development. The endings for both had many feels and many manly tears, but it also had a uplifting tone to it, which I salute you for.

So, after all that, I thank you ,Razorbeam, for creating a story that caught the readers' attention and delighted the soul. I can hardly wait for your next creation of awesome!

I followed this from beginning to end and I have to say this is definitely one of my favourite fics and quite possibly the best romance fic I've ever read. I take my hat off to you Razorbeam.

So much crying! A beautiful tale, I weap for the happy and the sad in both endings, as well as for the end of the story it's self!

All great things have to come to an end eventually, in this case this wonderful story that I was lucky enough to get to read.

Both endings choked me up, and nearly had me bawling, and the epilogues were powerful enough to yank a few rebellious tears from my eyes. It was a great privilege to have ridden along with this story since the day i first stumbled across it while trying to understand how the search system on this site works.

You managed to actually sell me on an actual SpikexRarity ship, a thing very few authors and stories have managed to do for me due to my overall lack of interest in the pairing, but with this story I was actually ok with it. And you made the CelestiaxSpike more believable than anyone else has by far so multiple kudos for that Razorbeam.

You good sir are exceptionally talented, and I look forward to what you do next. You got a fan in me.

ALL THAT JAZZ: (wait... he ain't ganna mean... :rainbowderp:)

"First, I would like to thank Ninjazz..." (...:rainbowderp:)

I freakin' love you, man. :rainbowkiss:

And now that this fic has come to its close, I can finally write that appreciation comment that I planned on doing. It just wouldn't make sense to write it down in the middle of the story.

526425 you are truly made of magic. Your words sing of sorcery as every phrase and sentence possess my mind for words that only a wiser person could think of. Word sorcery. You possess it and have using it expertly to actually make me read a ship fic. A Spike ship no-less! I will tell you this, I hate ships. I find them silly and stupid. The amount of shipping in this series is way too damn high! But, I am a fan of good stories. I gotta say, when I started reading this fic around a month ago, I was in it for the Celestia ship because of how interesting you made it sound. Throw in one of the most detailed and purposely flawed Rarity character I have ever read and you got yourself a reader. I knew as a Rarity fan that I probably wasn't going to get the best of feels when I started reading this (the initial chapters heavily showed that). But I was in it for the concept. Then you showed me a better side of Rarity, one who was willing to fight herself to gain forgiveness and love. What followed was not only the conflict between Celestia and Rarity (and their fans :ajbemused:), but the conflict in my head for who to actually vote for. Then I remembered who the main character in this fic was, Spike. The rest you know, my friend.

I was just about to comment on your author's notes :rainbowlaugh:. Should show you how much I like commenting on whatever you write down. But I do appreciate you giving us the walk through. Always interesting to take a tour into someone's mind or thought process. Specially in my case since your kinda best author now.

Plot Stuff - Dear lord, its like I'm reliving the entire fic through the narration of a sharp tongued speaker. :rainbowlaugh:

Character Business - Spike and Tia had my thoughts exactly. And who doesn't love Luna? Your words on Rarity? Well, lets just say I respect your opinion. :pinkiecrazy: But, yeah. Build her up you did. Brought her down like a ton of bricks first.

All That Jazz - And probably the most important part of this message. I humbly thank you for reading every single one of my comments and other messages and honourably return every word of appreciation, twice fold. I am extremely honoured to have helped you in any way shape or form to help create this fic. It feels wonderful to actually contribute to something I love so much that I reserved so much time to reading then commenting on every chapter. It really does feel amazing to be given credit for something like this. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

526593, I will thank you as well. Whatever you may feel towards recognition, you deserve something at least!

And Razor's friends, of course.

And then we end this all with an ending to an amazing play, wipe our tears away, standing applause, and get in line for autographs. Oh... Drinks first? I ain't allowed to yet. :fluttershysad:

And with that, I look forward to more feels between you and me, Razorbeam. In later masterpieces or other random encounters, or maybe even call you up on that fic that I might actually finish up. Damn, this triple post has taken alot out of me. Between the tsunami of feels (good and bad) from reading and the endless pondering of what to write down... This has been my most difficult day. Anyhow, best wishes and regards, my friend!

PS - 526850, you are certainly welcome. It's kinda odd to be thanked for just being a fan though. :twilightblush:

And, Razor, you can consider 527772's comment a lot like my own. Fortunate to have someone else write down a huge ass comment and be able to refer to that instead. Hell, even the music thing. I keep forgetting to tell you that your fic has made me think of some the most wonderful pieces of music to randomly generate itself in my head. I only wish that I could have wrote some of it down... But I can't read music. :rainbowlaugh:

My last action. Download this fic. It joins My Little Dashie as the only two fics ever to be stored on my computer. This has certainly be quite the experience. So it deserves a spot somewhere on my computer.

527313 I would ask that you refrain from killing me, if at all possible. Please?....

527313 oh you
and your humbling comment

Of course the warning about orchestral music would have to come at THE FREAKIN END OF THE STORY!!!! I JUST CRIED LIKE A FRICKING BABY AND I COULD HAVE AVOIDED THIS?!?!?

Still, I would probably read anything you ever wrote. EVER. Seriously. Even your shopping lists would enthrall me now. You are a master of the form. Have a moustache. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Your work is simply amazing, I will be adding you to my watch list, I am looking forward to any of your fictions in the future. Fantastic writing and very believable characters.

I literally went all out on the last 2 epilogues so I don't really know how to express myself here... There's really nothing else I can say more than that the story was pure beauty and sadness both fused together into a cascade of joy, comedy and heartwrenching sadness of grand proportions. Epicness incarnate, someone would say.

My reaction? Picture this dude, only that he holds a computer: media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0rfcuxtoE1ql2ci6.gif

Before I depart; Here, this is for you. Take it with my thanks for such an excellent story: :moustache:

I'm truly glad that I stumbled upon this story and was able to follow this grand adventure to the end.
Alex out.


"Autographs later. Drinking first."

I can tell you right now boys, this man has all the best Ideas!

Whats this?
an authors note that didnt make me want to hang myself?

Leave it to Razor.:ajsmug:

Fascinating. I'm the kind of person who really likes to hear a person's thought processes and opinions as they either evaluate or build a story. This is no exception. I feel it gives better insight into how the story was built and what the author was really striving for as they were writing. With what you had, I think you did an exceptional job weaving it together... with two different endings on top of that!
Although I wasn't there from the beginning, I always looked forward to your stuff. I'm a sucker for a good romance fic :twilightblush:
Either way, it was quite a ride getting here. Thanks for the wonderful story, and I hope your future attempts become just as successful, if not more so than this one.

528333 Oi. Someone helps out with a story as good as this, even lightly, then they deserve my thanks. And according to the notes, you helped a lot.

Well... sorry for not being following this story as it updated even though it should. However, I WILL read every single chapter and I WILL review them. No matter how late I might be, I WILL comment and review!

I've never cried harder from written text.

Thanks for writing this brilliantly done story.

Bravo good sir. I salute you. Continue.


Okay... I look away for five short hours to go to class and take a little nap, and come back to roughly 56.253647 comments. Not sure how to handle all the attention, and pretty sure I'm about to completely flop on answering all of them, but I will do what I can!

This is a general response to those of you who said any of the following, or anything similar, because my hands are wicked full with these comments right now:
-"I love you Razorbeam."
-"I cried, bro. The sadness!"
-"I cried, bro. The joy!"
-"Initiate stalking sequence..."
-"You could write a fic about (noun-adjective conjuction) and (noun-adjective conjuction) and I would read it."

I love you all also, in a very friendly manner. The fact that the fandom basically requires unrequited love for all of your fellow bronies has absolutely nothing to do with it, would love you all anyways. You have two eyes, one is meant for crying sad tears, and the other is meant for crying joyous ones. I took it upon myself to conduct an experiment on your face, using both. Stalking might be a strong word, but hey, I won't complain. I've been stalked by MUCH weirder people. And as for writing fics about 'blah' and 'blah'.... I just might. Thank you all for reading! :heart::pinkiesmile:

I guess you could call them negative feels, though it probably makes more sense to say I just thought she was incompatible with Spike at the start, and poorly developed as a romantic character from her show-base. Still, very glad you enjoyed it all the same! :moustache:

Only you, dude... I'm glad you survived it, I barely did, and I knew what was coming. I though about bringing Madam back for a scene or two at one point, maybe introducing her in Rarity's first ending chapter during their dinner date. But I felt it would have been out of place on the whole, so I had to refrain. All the same, I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :scootangel:

If I knew, man, I would give you some. I have no clue though, so you might be on your own for the gifs. Thank you for the read! :yay:

I am glad you were able to enjoy both. There was some real shiftiness going on, rumors in the crowd, about whether or not multiple endings was a good idea. Very glad I did it, as everyone seems to be satisfied. I look forward to seeing you again in future comments, and believe me, there will be more writing to come! :rainbowkiss:

Ah, Socratic; I haven't the space to do your comment justice. It was very poetic and spot on, perfect contrast between the two endings, while emphasizing that they were both still things of beauty. It doesn't take away from it at all that you had a favorite, but rather helps to point out just how difficult a decision it was to have settled on just one. Honestly, I don't think advertising your services to an author in his comments section is a shameless plug at all, and I would be honored to have you create a musical number or two if you find the time or the urge. I'm just a writer, and you or anyone else who finds inspiration or purpose in my work are free to utilize it. Thank you for such a touching and beautiful comment, and for such a generous offer. :pinkiehappy:

Very sorry to hear I caused some memory-reliving. :fluttercry:
I'm glad you enjoyed this story, and I'll be honest, I'm glad you cried. Means it wasn't just me. Thank you for loyally watching; your first comment ever was here, if I recall correctly, and since I've heard a lot from you. I'm honored! :pinkiesmile:
Anyways, I can do whatever I please in a ten-minute period, lol.

I am glad you found it so enthralling and deserving of your attention. I will strive to make my other tales in the future just as enticing and enjoyable. Thank you kindly for your high praise of my work! :scootangel:

Alright, comment-break number two... These things are really piling up! I need more of me. :twilightoops:

"And So It Is' by Nick Farr. The song itself probably won't tear you up at all, but in tandem with the Rarity ending man...

I really enjoyed this fic, and I was suprised you would be doing two different endings. Both had their merits, and both made me tear up. I applaud you.

529890 Perhaps, once I become a decent writer, I shall write a fanfic about this fanfic, addressing Madam.

So... It'll be a fanficcepti-*arrow to the knee*

528333 FUCK DUDE! That is one LONG ASS comment! But seriously I loved everything about this fiction. The plot (giggity), the grammar, the spelling, and most of all the story telling. AMAZING! I haven't cried this much since... well... My Little Dashie and Marley and Me. SADDEST MOVIE EVER!!! :raritycry:

Ahaha! That review man. Classy.

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