• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 29,925 Views, 1,520 Comments

The Heart of a Dragon - Razorbeam

Spike enters a relationship with Celestia when Rarity denies his love.

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[Rarity] VII: To Fix a Heart

Splotched sunlight dappled the walls of Rarity's guest room, pinpoints of light drifting here and there as the sun filtered through the trees outside the windows. The canopy bed here was much like the one she owned back at the boutique, though significantly more comfortable. The large oak double doors swung open easily as the white unicorn made her way inside, chatting over her shoulder.

"Thank you so much for meeting with me," Rarity chimed, in good spirits this morning. She had been nervous at first when asking Twilight to talk, remembering all too well how it had gone last time. But things seemed to have smoothed over as far as the purple mare was concerned, so Rarity was ready to risk it.

"Not at all. I know things didn't go so well in Ponyville, but a lot has changed in such a short time. Spike's in a rough place right now, but I can't imagine it's any easier on you. I mean, you just figured out how much you love him, and now this," Twilight finished, trailing off when she realized she was broaching a touchy subject.

Rarity sighed, but cleared her throat to get her own mind back on track. "No need to worry about that. The princess and I already discussed our feelings for Spike, and it's only natural his heart is torn. After all, she's very beautiful and wise. I certainly wouldn't look half as wonderful at her age. But that's beside the point: I just wanted to catch up a bit, since we're both here and Spike is busy thinking anyways."

Twilight smiled, her eyes full of curious light. "I've been wondering what happened between Ponyville and your train trip. It definitely seems have done you some good."

Rarity smiled sheepishly. "Well, I had a little help. I met this wonderful old mare on the train; never did get her real name, just called her Madam. She'd been around the block once before with this type of situation," Rarity said, waving a hoof in Twilight's direction.

Twilight looked at Rarity skeptically. "I highly doubt she dated a dragon, Rarity."

Rarity just scowled as if Twilight was being absurd. "That's not what I meant, and you know it. Anyways, she said her husband had once had to chase after her like I did with Spike. I was nervous of course, since I wasn't sure if I was over my fear of Spike. But I knew it had to be done, and she convinced me to just 'muscle through it', as the saying goes."

"Well what about now? Are you still afraid of him?" Twilight asked, nudging Rarity on the shoulder to hasten her answer, feeling as if this were a question her friend wouldn't care to reply to right away.

"A little, but..." Rarity blushed, looking at the floor. Something had changed recently, especially since her talk with Spike the night before. When he had stroked her mane, her heart had indeed fluttered with fear; at the same time, the gentleness of his touch contrasted with the look of his claws. It was like falling from a great height, only to be caught at the last second; terrifying, yet invigorating. Thrilling. After letting Spike touch her, after facing that fear head on, she almost yearned for it. It was new and exciting, different from other males she had been with.

Twilight looked at her in confusion. "Why are you blushing?" she asked, clueless to the inner workings of Rarity's mind. Twilight was not inherently romantic, at least not that Rarity had ever seen, so it was very unlikely she would guess what the matter was.

Yet Rarity felt a drive to tell her, to tell somepony at least, about the thrill she felt being near Spike now. "Oh, Twilight, it's wonderful. I know this is going to sound strange, but when he reached for me last night with those wicked claws, I had to struggle to keep my ground. But when he touched me he was so gentle; it was like being afraid of nothing, but the fear remained anyways. My heart raced, my breath caught, and yet I was safe and secure. It was a thrill, Twilight!" Rarity gushed, shivering at the memory.

Twilight looked at Rarity like she was insane. "I'm really sure I don't understand, and I don't think I want to. So you're saying you're not afraid of him, right?" she asked, her voice slightly pleading, as if this would stop the incredibly awkward twist of Rarity's tale.

"No, not like I was. Not enough to keep me from him. Sure he's intimidating, but that's becoming another part of his charm for me. Is that strange?" she asked, pouting as if a negative opinion would simply crush her.

"Uh, well..." Twilight started, but Rarity's face was too much to bear. With a sigh, Twilight let her own opinion go, and focused instead on how much pleasure Rarity got out of being close to Spike now. It shouldn't matter the reason, as long as they were both happy. "No, I suppose not. At least not too much," she said with a chuckle, to lighten the mood.

Rarity smiled, glad to have a little validation. She could tell Twilight had to force that answer, but it still helped.

Twilight cleared her throat, ready to move on to new topics. "So, how do you think things are going to play out? I don't know what you and the Princess talked about last night, but Spike sure had a lot to say," she said, her tone teasing, daring Rarity to ask about that private conversation with Spike. Twilight knew better than to disclose too much, but there were bits Rarity could stand to hear.

The light in Rarity's eyes said she wanted to know exactly what Twilight and Spike had discussed the previous evening, but all of her years of practiced etiquette demanded she answer Twilight's inquiry first.

"Celestia and I had a chat over desert about this little love-triangle we have going on," Rarity said, pouting slightly. "She's so calm about it all, and I can't tell if it's confidence, or just that she really does believe she'd be fine as long as Spike was happy," she huffed, clearly feeling inferior.

"Wouldn't you be happy, to see Spike happy?" Twilight asked, a little puzzled. She wasn't very experienced with romance, but she had read enough books to assume that the most important thing about love was making the other pony, or dragon, involved happy.

"Well of course I would. Be happy for him, I mean. But I wouldn't be very happy for myself," Rarity sighed. "I don't want to just wait for Spike to make a decision. I'm sure he'll pick Celestia over me. She's much more beautiful, not to mention older and wiser. And it doesn't seem that she was ever afraid of him like I was. Still, I know it's selfish... I've done a lot of thinking about selfishness lately, and I'll have to accept his decision no matter what. It's not my place to tamper with his choice," she said, squaring her shoulders after her little rant, confident that not interfering was the right thing to do.

Twilight wasn't so sure. "He didn't seem to put off that line of thinking at all. In fact, as it stands, he seems pretty equally torn. If you both wait, I don't think he'd ever decide," Twilight said quietly.

"Are you saying I should pursue Spike behind Celestia's back?" Rarity asked, aghast, her eyes and mouth going wide. Such thoughts were far too underhooved for a mare of Twilight's personality!

Twilight put a hoof to her eyes and groaned. "No, that's not what I'm saying at all! This isn't about winning him from her, or anything like that. You should be spending time with him because you love him, not thinking of this like a game against Celestia. I wish it were another way, but there's a definite competition for Spike's heart going on right now, and he's too torn between the two of you. He needs a nudge sooner or later. You should both be doing your best to prove your love and make him see more clearly who he wants to be with, don't you think?" Twilight asked, her voice strained with uncertainty.

Rarity pondered that. It would be difficult to pursue Spike without seeming like she was trying to steal him away. Yet Twilight was right, the confused heart often needed guidance. She had found herself torn between love interests before, and though they had been truly fighting for her affections, she had eventually simply gone for the one she had connected most with, not the one she had received the most from. In that regard, she supposed it was only natural to try and help Spike make up his mind.

"I should probably mention this to the princess. The last thing I need is for her to be angry with me in the middle of all this," Rarity grumbled, scowling at the floor in thought.

Twilight just smiled. "Let me take care of that. This was my advice anyways," she said with a little laugh, to show she wasn't worried. "I'm sure the princess will understand; she might even have some ideas in store herself."

"Speaking of ideas, what should I do?" Rarity inquired, rubbing a hoof on her chin in thought. "I certainly don't want to do anything too overt."

"Just take him out to dinner or something," Twilight said with a small smile. "There's nothing wrong with that; even friends go to dinner, right?"

Rarity smiled, pleased with that answer. "And I know just the place. It opened the last time I did a show here, and I've heard it's to die for. I never did get to try it though, so I'll take Spike along." She was giddy with anticipation, glad that she could do something to spend time with Spike, even with his heart indecipherable. One date wouldn't hurt anything.

Twilight shared her enthusiasm, thinking this was just the kind of thing Spike needed. Ever since the night before he had been brooding and uncertain, and was only talking himself into a foul mood. He'd never make up his mind at that rate, and would only frustrate himself more. Spending time with his loves, the both of them, would help to narrow his choice a little more, make him see which of them he truly desired.

She made her way back towards the bedroom door. It was already roughly two in the afternoon, and she had spent all morning with a rather confused and displeased Spike. She was eager to set things in motion and get him working for his heart again. "I'll go let the princess know that you and Spike have plans tonight. And don't worry, I'll make sure she knows it's just as friends. After all, it's been a while since you two did anything friendly." With a little laugh, Twilight made her way out of the room.

"Alright dear, and thank you!" Rarity called after her, not at all offended by the abrupt departure. Dinner wasn't far off, and she intended to look decent for Spike: she didn't want to overdo it, though. She'd wear something nice anyways, blame it on the restaurant scene. She knew Spike wouldn't likely wear anything, though for some reason she thought a bow-tie might be fitting... if she could discover one that would fit him. That clicked an idea, and she made her way down the hallway after Twilight.

"Twilight, wait a minute!" she called, the purple unicorn almost to the end of the hall. She waited patiently while Rarity trotted up.

"Something wrong?" she asked, looking concerned.

"No, nothing like that. I just had a wonderful idea, but I need to know where the castle keeps its tailoring supplies; normally I bring my own, but this is an emergency," she pleaded, taking one of Twilight's front hooves in her own and pouting gently.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You're going to go overboard and make a dress to impress Spike, aren't you?" she asked, scowling.

Rarity scowled right back. "Oh heavens no, I already know what I'm wearing. But this restaurant is top notch, and I want Spike to look his best. I was going to make him a nice bow tie for the occasion," she purred, dropping Twilight's hoof.

She sighed, but then smiled knowingly. This was so typical of Rarity. Every occasion demanded new attire, it seemed, so she couldn't really fault her for being herself. "Alright, but don't overdo it. Remember, this isn't about stealing his heart; it's about spending time with him."

"I know dear, and I promise. Now then, do you know how big around his neck is?" she asked, batting her eyelashes in her classic, pleading way.

Twilight just smiled and shook her head at the antics. "I'm not completely sure, since I've never measured it myself. But if I had to venture a guess, I'd say his neck is probably about four feet all the way around, at least in the middle," she finished, scratching at her chin as she ran the rough calculation.

It was all Rarity needed to hear; a guess was good enough. She would make it a little large, just to be safe, and in such a way that the extra could be stylishly dealt with. "Thank you dear. Now then, how do I get to the castle tailor?"

Twilight pointed to her left. "It's down that way, and on the first floor. When you get to the bottom, hang a right, and it should be the fifth door down," she said, smiling warmly. "Good luck!" she chimed, before trotting off the other way from the intersection.

Rarity made her way down the left hall, carefully picking her way to the expected room. As always, Twilight's memory proved superb, and she was right on target.

Rarity smiled as she gazed upon bolts of cloth, some gleaming and grand, others simple by contrast. This was her element, and here she was every bit a princess or noble as Celestia. Humming to herself as she always did when starting a new project, Rarity got to work.

It would have to be done before dinner, after all.

Seven o' clock rolled around, and her preparations were complete. She looked a little more spiffy than she usually did, though certainly not enough to consider it 'overdone' by her standards. The bow tie had turned out marvelously, a simple black fabric with silver pinstripes running diagonally. She had tied it a few times to ensure that the lines wouldn't look unpleasant, and was in fact pleased to find that her craftsponyship had allowed the lines to flow very smoothly from side to side.

She was certain it would be a hit, but had overlooked one major problem; she hadn't even asked Spike to dinner. Panicked, she made her way a little faster to the study, hoping that Twilight had had the foresight to at least keep Spike from going to dinner on his own.

She knocked lightly, despite her hurry and her slight panic. The door swung open though, revealing the dragon of her dreams, and she let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Oh, there you are, Rarity. Twilight said you wanted to go to dinner tonight, but that you had a little business to take care of..." he said, his tone strong at first, but shifting to weak as he got full view of her.

Her mane was done in the usual way, always considered too stylish for most anypony on a normal day. It suited her perfectly today, complimenting her darkly-outlined, crystal blue eyes. She was wearing a bluish gown; not quite a full dress, but beautiful nonetheless, outlining her curves and allowing full view of her gently swaying flank when she walked. She had even thrown on some silver metalwork horseshoes.

She smiled at him gently, watching calmly as he went speechless. She let his gaze linger a few moments before she cleared her throat, trying to snap him back to reality.

"O-oh, sorry. I didn't mean to stare, but you look fantastic. Wherever we're going must be pretty high-brow, huh?" he asked, blinking to clear his mind a little, and smiling sheepishly at her.

"Oh, it's top notch of course, but don't worry; this little gown pales in comparison to your scales," she said with a warm wink, nudging his side gently. "So don't feel under-dressed."

Spike scratched the back of his neck, feeling exactly that way. Clothes didn't come in his size, though he had to admit his scales did have a gem-like quality to them. "I still wish I had something to wear. I'm going to make you look bad," he muttered sadly.

Rarity smiled, exactly what she had been waiting for. "Well, it's a good thing I made you a little something then, isn't it?" she tittered, laughing warmly as she pulled out the untied bow tie. It didn't look like much more than a simple strip of pinstriped cloth as she floated it to Spike's neck, but he knew better than to think it would be that simple.

"May I?" she cooed, using her magic to flare the tie out wide in front of his neck. Spike obliged, tilting his head up towards the ceiling, finally catching on to what the gift was. Rarity tied it in just a few strokes, accustomed to such things. "There, done! Let me see your face; I bet you look magnificent," she purred, walking a little closer to get a better look.

Spike lowered his head, smiling the most charming smile he could manage. "How is it? It certainly fits nice," he congratulated, tapping one flap of the tie gently in appreciation.

He looked marvelous, the silver pinstripes in the tie acting as a perfect complement to his ivory grin. They were angled just right so that no matter where one looked, the pinstripes matched up with the hatch-pattern of his scales. Now it was Rarity who gawked, amazed at how such a simple addition to his form could be so pleasing to the eye. The purple of his scales and the black of the tie danced nicely, the darker fabric drawing the eye to the silver lines and his brilliant, amethyst hide.

"It's that bad, huh?" Spike asked, mistaking her silent, open-mouthed stare for displeasure.

"Oh not at all, Spike. You look better than ever, if that's not too rude," she said, smiling widely to show her sincerity. Spike smiled as well, pleased that she found it stylish on him. Designing for a dragon couldn't be easy, and he was grateful for the gift.

"Thank you, Rarity. It means a lot to me," he said sincerely, dipping his head in thanks to hug her. She embraced his neck, careful not to ruffle the tie, and rubbed her cheek against his.

"Oh you're welcome, dear. I'm only sorry I didn't finish it sooner. You must be starving, having to wait for me like that!" she said, pouting in sympathy.

"No, no, it's fine," Spike said hurriedly, not wanting to seem like he had been waiting on her. Truth be told he had eaten a fairly large lunch, so he wasn't even that terribly hungry. Between Twilight's prompting and his own desires to spend time with either of the mares he loved, he'd been more than willing to wait for his dinner. "No sense waiting now though, right?" he asked, raising a clawed finger to accentuate his point.

Rarity laughed a little, turning back the way she had come. "Alright then, my handsome dragon. Let's you and I go out for a night on the town," she said with a warm smile, trotting a few steps ahead so that Spike would have room to follow.

Spike laughed too, a warm and friendly chuckle, excited for his evening with this mare. "As you wish, my lady," he said back, his tone all playfulness. The two made their way out of the castle and through the gates, laughing and smiling all the while.

The city was bustling, even so late in the evening. The sun wasn't quite set, perching on the rim of the world and painting the city a warm orange. Still, lights all over were coming on; not candles, but orbs of magic in various colors, all equally bright. The city was gorgeous at night, magnificently and comfortably alive.

Their destination was no less extravagant; the building was massive, with an entire block dedicated to itself. It was three stories high, with outdoor sections on each level. Only the one on the top floor would be open enough to seat Spike, but Rarity had assured him he would be accommodated. The restaurant, called the 'Blinking Jewell', certainly lived up to its name. Warm music filtered out from every opening, followed closely by gently pulsing lights of varying colors.

"It's amazing! I've never seen a building like this before," Spike said, smiling like a child shown a new toy.

"It's only open in the evening and late into the night, for those ponies and dragons who like to have a little fun before bed," she said, glad he was impressed with the place. "I had Twilight make us a reservation up on the top floor, so that you and I can sit on the balcony. The owners were more than happy to clear us a little space, so we shouldn't have any trouble. Now then, I shall meet you at the top," Rarity said, smiling and wandering towards the building.

Spike scooped her up suddenly, smiling down at her and careful to handle her gently. He didn't want to ruin a single thread or hair on her head. "Please, allow me," he said quietly, spreading his large wings and beating hard to get level with his landing zone. The structure certainly looked solid enough, but he came in lightly all the same.

Rarity gasped as they went airborne, having never flown in Spike's arms before. But, just like his touch, she found it thrilling. Here, everything was out of her hooves and in Spike's claws; a situation she was strangely comfortable with. She nestled closer as they landed, fearing it would be a jarring experience. Spike's flying prowess proved her fears wrong, and they landed so smoothly that Rarity was not sure they had at all, until he set her down gently.

"I hope I didn't startle you too badly," Spike said, just now realizing that he should have asked her first.

"Oh not at all! In fact, I would very much like to do that again on the way back," she cooed, shaking herself to clear the feeling of excitement building in her stomach. There would be plenty of time for that later. She looked about, surprised that the balcony only held a few tables. Spike was large, certainly, but the balcony would have had plenty of room for them even with five or six more tables present.

The two chose the nearest one, with the most open space available. Spike curled comfortably on the balcony at one end of the table, gently setting aside the unneeded chairs. Rarity made her way to her seat, but found it pulled out for her already. Curious, she looked under the table to see Spike's tail wrapped around the back legs, a warm smile on the dragon's face.

She sat down and smiled as Spike pulled his tail back, pulling her chair in gently with it. "You are such a perfect gentledrake, Spike!" she gushed, placing her chin in her hooves and batting her eyelashes.

Spike just chuckled at her classic antics; it brought back good memories. She had used to use reactions like that on him because she knew he liked her, often driving him to do strange and amusing things to get reactions out of her in return. Those had been comfortable times, and it only made the mood that evening seem even more peaceful. "Thank you, but I'm just doing my job," he said with a warm smile.

More dinner-goers arrived on their balcony, taking up three of the five or so remaining tables. They stared hard at Spike, unsure what a dragon was doing in a place like this, and Spike nervously waved to them. Most of them blinked in surprise, expecting to be scowled at, not waved to. Shrugging, they smiled and waved back, and that set Spike's heart at ease. He knew he'd be a surprising sight most places, but as long as nopony gawked, he would be fine.

Rarity smiled as the other ponies waved back, glad to see that their arrival wouldn't be a sour note on her evening with Spike. A waiter came, smiling at them both, a martini for his cutie mark. He was clearly a professional, undaunted even when serving a customer with Spike's size, and potential appetite.

"Good evening, you two. Welcome to the Blinking Jewell. I hope you didn't wait long on me?" he inquired, standing between them both at the edge of the table. He was a black-coated unicorn with bright blue eyes and a charming, business-like smile.

"Not at all," Spike said, smiling back, ready to gauge the waiter's reaction.

The waiter didn't waver an inch face-to-face with Spike's fangs, only smiled wider. "Excellent! Well, can I start you both off with some drinks?" he asked, pleasantly, using his magic to take out a quill and notepad. He looked to Rarity first, smiling warmly. "How about for the lady?"

"Oh, I'll take a martini," Rarity said with a smile, impressed by the prompt service and composure of their waiter.

The waiter took on a slightly pained look, the signature of all table-side apologies. "I hate to tell you this, miss, but the bar is packed right now. If you want anything alcoholic, you'll have to step inside and grab it from there, or else wait a very long time for the drinks," he said, bowing his head slightly.

Rarity's smile shrank by a few teeth, but she built it back up to full strength rapidly. "That's no problem at all, don't worry. Can we just get some water here for the time being?" she asked.

The waiter smiled and put his notepad away, happy to hear they weren't too inconvenienced. "Of course. I'll come back with the water right away, and then I'll grab your orders once you've got your drinks." His job done, he wandered off to another table, continuing his excellent service.

Spike looked to the door leading inside; he could see the bar from here, but had no idea how he would go about getting in there. He chuckled a little to himself as he pictured himself poking his head into the building, the ponies piled around the bar dispersing. He shook his head, smiling ironically, and looked back to Rarity. "Do you mind...?" he asked, raising a claw over his head to gesture about his height.

Rarity laughed lightly to herself and hopped out of her chair, heading that way already. "Of course. What would you like?" she asked, slightly surprised Spike was drinking.

"I don't know, really," Spike called over the music, drawing Rarity back a few steps to hear him better. "All I've had is wine, but I wouldn't mind something new. Surprise me," he said with a warm, trusting smile.

"Alright, but I expect you to drink it!" she called back, smiling wickedly as if she had something dastardly planned.

Spike laughed a little, certain that he wouldn't like whatever she brought him at first. After only a few minutes of waiting, the waiter returned with the water they had asked for, offering to wait for Rarity since his other tables had already been served or were still making up their minds.

She returned in short order, toting a small margarita, and the largest glass the place could offer for Spike, full of some mysterious liquid Spike couldn't even begin to guess at. It smelled strange and unpleasant at first, but it had a tangy bite to its scent that Spike somewhat enjoyed after a couple sniffs. She used her magic to set it down in front of him, taking her seat back again. Spike's tail drew her back to the table as usual, and the waiter smiled.

"Alright, ready to order?" he asked, whipping out the quill and notepad.

"I'll have the garden salad special, with the vegetable soup," Rarity dictated pleasantly. Various other exchanges were made, considering salad dressing, the type of bread she would like with her soup, and so on. Spike lost track of the transactions, hardly able to believe the complexity of a single meal.

"And you?" The gentlecolt asked, prepping his quill again.

Spike had been pondering the menu the entire time Rarity had been getting drinks, and had finally made up his mind. Pony establishments rarely carried anything he was excited about eating, but fish was on the menu here, and that was something he could get behind. "I'll take the smoked salmon fillet, and the potato soup on the side," he said, hoping his meal wasn't as complicated as Rarity's.

The waiter seemed to sense Spike's uncertainty, and simply put the notepad away. "Alright, we'll get that right out for you both. Enjoy your drinks while you wait!" His work done, he trotted off to the kitchen to put their order in.

With that settled, Spike snaked his long tongue into his cup, giving it a cursory taste. It tingled his tongue, though he expected it would have felt like burning to most anypony else. Breathing fire had its perks. The taste was unpleasant at first, but once he removed his tongue, the aftertaste wasn't so bad. "What is this stuff?" he asked, snaking his tongue in again as if he had already forgotten whether he liked it or not. Even after a second taste, he wasn't sure.

"It's bourbon, a kind of whiskey," Rarity said, sipping lightly on her margarita. "It's fairly strong liquor, but a dragon your size shouldn't be bothered too much by it," she teased with a wink.

The two took turns talking and sipping on their drinks, Spike starting to enjoy this new beverage more with each pull.

The inside of the restaurant was everything Rarity would have dreamed. Crystal lamps of every hue and shade lined the walls, flickering as if they were candle-lit, yet they were clearly magical. They mixed well, pleasing to the eye, and only highlighted the room's light marble flooring and contrasted with the dark wood of the bar.

It was very classy to be sure, and there were many ponies dressed more daringly than Rarity, wearing revealing dresses or extreme hairstyles. She didn't regret her decision with the simple gown, however; everypony else felt overdone, yet she felt she fit the scene.

She and Spike had squared away their first drinks already, long before the food had arrived. The margarita had been delicious, but hadn't done anything for her. Where flavor was concerned, she expected her food to more than make up for her drinks, so she had secretly made up her mind to get herself something a little stronger. She'd never had a problem with long island tea, so that seemed like a decent enough idea. She was expected to get something new for Spike each round, since it seemed he was taking on a new-found interest in drinking. She'd take it easy on him this round, though she expected it would take an absurd amount to make her draconian friend even a slight bit tipsy.

She made her way to the bar, not wanting to keep Spike waiting. It was packed, like their waiter had said, but she had a few tricks up her sleeves, as the saying went. Batting her eyelashes and gently nudging a stallion here or there would get her to the front of the line in no time, she knew. She put her tactics to work immediately, letting her voice drop into a flirtatiously pleading tone, all but begging her way to the front of the bar.

She didn't really consider it underhooved so much as clever. However, this method wasn't without risks, and Rarity sighed and rolled her eyes as one such little quirk made itself known.

"Bartender, her drinks are on me!" came a haughty voice from behind her. The ponies on her left made way for a large chestnut stallion, wearing a tuxedo over his torso, coattails parting over his tail. He wasn't bad to look at, and in any other situation, Rarity would have gone right along with the flirting. Tonight, though, her mind was only set on one male in the entire world, and this stallion was about to become a severe nuisance.

"That won't be necessary, but thank you for the offer," Rarity cooed, knowing that the only way to really deal with a male who wanted her was to give him just enough that he would be satisfied, so she kept her tone light and playful. Catering to the male pride was key here, convincing him that he had to leave, but could leave confident in his skills with women. Offending him would only make him try harder. "You see, I'm already here with someone, and tonight is my treat."

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that," the stallion lied, smiling smugly. "Where is this stallion of yours, hmm? I'd certainly like to meet the gentlecolt who reeled in a lady like you," he said with a wink.

Oh, he's one of those. Rarity though in disgust. The type of stallion who would even try to steal a girl out from under her boyfriend. He was likely looking for a chance to try and compare himself to whoever Rarity was with so that he could try to outshine him. That gave Rarity an idea, and this time she didn't bother shooing the obstinate stallion away.

"Of course, I should have known better! I'd love for you to meet him, he's simply to die for," she swooned, making it known that she had extreme feelings for Spike. She watched with amusement as the stallion's smile shrank a few teeth. He was now reconsidering his odds competing with this mystery stallion. Rarity grabbed her drinks with her magic, and started out past the crowd. "We're out on the balcony for dinner, but I would love to introduce you. Could you help a poor dear out...?" she cooed, gesturing to the ponies crowded about.

The large earth pony smiled, thinking this was his chance to get a leg up on her boyfriend. He made it a point to part the crowd for her, clearing an easy path back out to the balcony. Rarity walked right out, sure the stallion would follow. He did, smiling smugly to himself, and Rarity could only imagine the satisfaction she would get when he saw Spike.

"Thank you so much. It would have taken me ages to get away from the bar myself," she said with a cute little laugh.

"No problem at all; size comes in handy sometimes," the stallion laughed, raising his voice to an almost taunting level, as if daring her boyfriend to come out of hiding.

Spike heard all of this exchange, looking from Rarity to the stallion, and back again. He sighed, easily assuming what had happened. Rarity was prone to flirting to get her way, and digging herself into a hole as a result. It certainly didn't help matters that the stallion was normally her type; tall and strong, and probably sly with his words. Spike couldn't deny a twinge of jealousy, even though he knew Rarity was only acting.

Spike stood from the table, painting a harmless smile on his face. He could guess what the problem was here; Rarity was unable to get rid of this flirt on her own.

Spike was just fine with that.

He wandered up to the pair, and Rarity smiled broadly at him. "Oh, Spike, there you are! This gentlecolt wanted to meet you. He said you must be a complete gentlecolt to be dating a lady like me, but I think he meant gentledrake," she giggled.

Spike smiled warmly, glad that it was all a ruse to get rid of this stalker she had picked up. "Of course, though I don't know about being a gentledrake. He certainly has fine taste in mares though, so I can't fault him for that. The name's Spike," Spike said, intentionally smiling such that his fangs were very prominently revealed. He extended a claw to shake hooves with the stallion, fully expecting the stallion to simply turn tail and run.

The stallion stared wide-eyed, clearly horrified. He had not been expecting to be outclassed in size, nor had he been expecting a dragon. Still, he had come this far, so he had to do his best to keep from looking like a fool. The best part of this strategy was that he could flee the scene after introducing himself, simply congratulating the couple instead of making his planned move on Rarity.

"T-the name's Steel Gauntlet," he said, clearing his throat to regain his composure, and shaking hooves with Spike. "I just wanted to congratulate you; she really is a beautiful mare, and you certainly are a handsome dragon. It's not often you see a couple like this, so I wanted to wish you my best. Anyways, I won't interrupt your dinner any longer; I have my own party to get back to after all," the stallion said, even giving off a warm chuckle before turning to leave. "Enjoy your evening, you two!" he called back, disappearing back into the bar.

Spike was thoroughly impressed by his escape tactics at the end of it all. He even managed to make it seem as if he had been expecting they were a strange couple all along.

Rarity giggled as she made her way to the table, drinks still in tow. "Did you see the look on his face? I know his type, and he was going to try and muscle in on me in front of my 'boyfriend'. I couldn't pass up the chance to pit his muscle against yours," she said, smiling sheepishly as if she expected to be scolded.

Spike admitted he was slightly upset, but he really couldn't expect anything else. With Celestia, her authority kept most people at bay, regardless of her beauty. Rarity, on the other claw, was beautiful and approachable, and so in the future it would only benefit her to have Spike around. He smiled at her warmly, coming to the realization that she needed his protection, that his form was helpful to her.

"It's fine. I have to admit, it was pretty funny," Spike laughed. "Just... try not to make a habit of that," he pleaded. "You don't want to see a jealous dragon."

Rarity smiled as she sipped at her long island tea, passing Spike his drink. She had been nice to him this time, and had gotten him a long island tea as well, though his was in significantly larger portions. "I'll try not to," she promised, setting her glass down and crossing a hoof over her heart.

The waiter arrived with their food, and Spike's stomach growled loudly at the scent of the salmon. The waiter just laughed, setting it down with his magic. "It sounds like I made it just in time," he joked, setting Rarity's meal in front of her as well. "Alright, I'll be back in a few to make sure everything's up to par. Enjoy!" he finished, trotting off.

Spike dug in, glad to find that the cooks had thought ahead and made extra for his appetite. Rarity daintily worked her salad fork with her magic, poking at her salad. The two conversed over dinner, sharing laughs and old stories about their friends and each other.

Spike chuckled to himself as his cargo kept right on talking and talking. He couldn't keep up with a word she was saying, busy as he was with his flying. He had flown high enough to avoid most of the buildings, but here and there he would have to bank to dodge a particularly tall one.

By the time they had received their check, Rarity had had one too many drinks. Spike had never seen her drunk before, and now that he had, he was glad he had stayed sober. He'd switched back to water after his own long island tea, figuring it would be best not to fly drunk.

Rarity had been talking incessantly ever since they had left the Blinking Jewel, mostly about the thrill of flying and the wonderful time she had had at dinner. Now and then her tone would drop as she lost track of what she was saying, and spike back up, high-pitched and loud as she recalled her train of thought.

Spike just smiled warmly, listening to her slurring her words in his arms and struggling to make sense. She was so helpless and wild this way, a victim to anything her mind concocted, and Spike found that endearing. She was cute this way, a different kind of trait altogether from her usual beauty, yet no less wonderful.

Near as he could tell, she had yet to wait for a response from him on any of her statements, so he just kept right on flying and smiling at her antics, his arms crossed in front of him, cradling her neck and flank so that she was looking up at him. He feared allowing her to look down in her drunken state would cause a panic.

She wriggled about anyways, eventually poking her head out past the safety of his arms, and looking down on the city.

"It's beautiful!" she squealed, looking this way and that, mesmerized by the gentle up-and-down motion of Spike's flight and the shifting lights below. "Oh I just love flying! I wish I had been born a pegasus," she grumbled, though the awe never left her eyes.

"But if you weren't a unicorn, you could never have made me this perfect bow tie," Spike pointed out, smiling gently at her.

She gasped, completely uncalled for and over the top, and spun back around in his arms to face him. "You're right," she said, her tone all but giving off the idea that she had completely forgotten she was a fashionista for the time being. She hugged Spike as much as she could, considering she was pressed against his chest, and her hooves couldn't reach around him. "Besides," she murmured, looking at him with eyes slightly out of focus. "Who needs wings, when I have you?"

Spike's wings skipped a beat, causing them to drop a few feet in altitude before he recovered. It was probably one of the cheesiest things she could have said, yet it lit his heart like the city below. Rarity giggled as they dropped, clearly enjoying the sudden bump in the ride. Spike realized she was long gone and wickedly drunk, but he still felt that her statement had been sincere.

He set down at the castle gate just long enough to get permission from the guards to fly over. It was already ten o' clock, and Spike wanted to get Rarity inside and to bed before she got much worse. The guards shared some laughs with Spike over the talkative mare's speeches before he departed.

Spike knew which room Rarity usually stayed in when she came here, and so he made his way straight there, still carrying her gently. He pushed open her door and dropped her lightly on the bed. Though she was drunk, she certainly didn't seem like she was in a hurry to go to bed, giggling as she bounced from her landing on the mattress. Spike laughed too, his heart full of warmth from her happiness.

"It's not bed time already, is it?" Rarity pouted, rolling onto her side so she could look at Spike, who was curling up on the floor.

"It doesn't have to be, if you don't want it to," Spike replied politely, not the slightest bit tired himself. These last few days had caught him staying up later and later, so ten wasn't a problem.

Rarity smiled, an idea dimly lighting her drunk mind. "Let's just sit and talk a while, Spike. Like we used to," she said, her tone going nostalgic.

Spike chuckled, not willing to pass up this chance to crack a joke. "You've been talking all night! I'll never get a word in edgewise," he teased.

"Oh hush," Rarity chided, scowling. "I know I talk a lot when I'm drunk, but that's just part of my charm," she huffed, pouting lightly.

Spike just smiled, expecting just such a reaction. "Alright, fine. What do you want to talk about then?"

"Let's talk about the old times. Before all this... mess," she said, throwing her hooves in the air when she settled on the right word for it. "About all the times we shared, and all the crazy things our friends did."

Spike smiled, his gaze far away as he pondered just such times. This was a topic he could be comfortable with, something finally normal in his life. They shared many fond memories together, and he was more than willing to recount them.

The two bantered back and forth, laughing until tears sprung, raising their voices to talk over one another. Here and there they would each say the exact same thing, mimicking Twilight or some other pony before bursting into laughter.

For Spike, it was indeed just like old times.

By the time two o' clock had rolled around, Rarity's drunken state and her wild antics during the evening had finally worn her out. She had fallen asleep in the center of the bed, horseshoes and all, leaving Spike left to clean up after her.

He gently shook her, trying to rouse her just enough to get her to co-operate as he peeled her out of the gown. She mumbled a bunch of nonsense, but reacted enough to his prodding touches to get the job done, and at last the dress was off. Spike hung it on a waiting hangar in the room's closet before returning to remove her horseshoes.

"You're hopeless," he muttered, smiling gently to himself, as she had already fallen back asleep. He set the shoes aside as well, and kept a silent vigil at the side of her bed for a time, simply gazing upon his sleeping friend. She was gorgeous, carefree in her sleep. A slight smile was on her face, the sign of a good dream.

Content that all was well, Spike at last yawned, feeling the need for sleep coming over him also. He made his way quietly to the door, thinking to escape without waking her. But some kind of sixth sense woke her as he left her side, feeling his presence departing.

"Spike, wait..." She whined, little more than half-awake, her eyes not even open.

Shaking his head and smiling to himself, he realized he should have known better. He padded back over to her bedside, gently petting her mane. "Yes?" he asked, figuring she wanted to say goodnight.

She muttered something he couldn't hear, so he leaned closer. Without warning him, she kissed him lightly on the lips, just a little peck of affection. "I just wanted to say goodnight... and I love you," she said, smiling slightly, her eyes open just a crack.

Spike smiled, the kiss not completely unexpected, or unwanted. He kissed her on the cheek as she closed her eyes again, her smile still in place. "Goodnight, my lady. I love you, too," he whispered, giving one last stroke of her mane before making his way over to the door. He paused with it cracked open, smiling back at his sleeping beauty.

Tonight would be a night he would never forget.