• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 29,945 Views, 1,520 Comments

The Heart of a Dragon - Razorbeam

Spike enters a relationship with Celestia when Rarity denies his love.

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[Rarity] VIII: The Final Trip

Spike chuckled lightly to himself as he continued to rub the purple-maned mare's back. She had shown up to the study very early that morning in such a state that Spike was unsure whether she was still drunk, or just hung over. She had looked like a complete and total mess, her hair tossed about wildly and her coat every variation of the word 'frazzled'.

And she was as beautiful as ever.

She sighed contentedly while Spike continued his work, doing everything he could to make her feel better. "Thank you, Spike," she said quietly, her tone quickly building to apologetic. "I really should have been more careful about how much I drank."

Spike just laughed again. "Rarity, for the hundredth time, don't worry about it. I had a great time, and it's not like I've never had to deal with drunk ponies before. Usually it's just not you. Besides, I think it's kind of cute," he added, keeping his tone optimistic.

Rarity spun on him, her eyes all full of questions. "Really? Why, that's one of the strangest things I've ever heard; I certainly don't think there's anything cute about the way I look right now," she huffed, pouting lightly.

Spike disagreed. While she certainly wasn't her usual, magnificently groomed and proper self, she looked like an adorable little ball of disheveled white fluff, with a slightly misplaced purple mane. Spike had done his best to smooth that out for her, but his large claws weren't exactly designed for detailed work like that. Still, he knew no amount of arguing over her looks would convince her of his view, so he took a different approach.

"All I meant by it is that your behavior last night was cute," he put in, spinning her back around gently and going right back to his gentle work on her spine. Again, his large claws weren't the best tools for the job, but he managed it with care. "Besides, you really don't look that bad. If this is the worst you can look in the morning, especially with a hangover, I would consider that beautiful compared to the alternatives..." he finished quietly, hoping his argument was convincing enough.

That seemed to belay her fears that she was completely hideous right now. He could just see the corners of her mouth turned up into a slight smile, her cheeks flushed lightly as she took the expected, but welcome, compliment.

"Spike..." she chimed suddenly, placing a hoof on one of his arms to stop his massage work. "There's something I need to ask you." Her tone was quiet, withdrawn, as if the question she needed to ask was one she wasn't certain she should.

"Go ahead," Spike urged her, nudging her gently and giving her shoulder a light squeeze to ensure her it would be fine, whatever she had to say.

She smiled slightly at that, but her eyes still looked worried. "It's about... Us." Her tone faltered at the end, but Spike's comforting claw on her shoulder did not. He just smiled at her, and nodded slightly. Reassured, she continued. "About last night; I know I shouldn't have taken you out. Twilight said we should go just as friends, but I knew that wouldn't be possible with the way things are. I dragged you out on a date, in the middle of all that heart searching you were doing, and I'm worried I've just muddled it up even more," she sighed, a slight hint of anger towards herself adding a little growl to her words.

Spike's lips turned up a little at the corners in a sly grin. "You say it like you stole me from somepony," he pointed out, his eyes full of understanding.

Rarity nodded slowly, fascinated at how calm and reserved Spike was about that statement. How could he know what was weighing on her mind so thoroughly, yet be so unaffected by it? She was sure he would have been angry for meddling with his choice, for coming between him and his budding relationship with Celestia. She was afraid last night had only been a case of Spike being unable to say no. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had enjoyed himself, but for some obscure reason, she still feared he had just been acting to spare her feelings.

Mares came up with the weirdest ideas sometimes.

"But I did steal you. Away, that is," she replied finally, her thoughts falling in line.

Spike's smile only widened, and Rarity knew that smile. It was a trademark he shared with his mother figure, a clever smirk that he and Twilight both displayed whenever they were about to be brilliant. Rarity had no idea what was coming, but she was certain it was about to be well over her head in her current state.

"Let me explain something, Rarity. I love Celestia. She is wonderful, and even though she agreed to be my mare once, she let that go for the sake of my happiness. She doesn't want me to feel bound to her; she doesn't want me to feel like I'm hers. She wants to see me make my own choice. You're not stealing me from her. To help you understand, let me tell you a story," he said quietly, smiling at her softly.

Rarity tried to follow his reasoning, but it didn't jive with her emotions. She nodded when he recommended the story, certain that an illustration would do much more for her creative mind than cold, hard logic. He knew her so well, she realized. Twilight would never have resorted to a story, would have simply let Rarity smile blankly and nod the whole time she talked. Spike knew how to make her understand.

"A mare once owned a beautiful vase. It was the most treasured one in her collection, she had had it since she was a young filly. As time grew on, so did her collection, but that vase remained her favorite. One day, something terrible happened, and in her anger she accidentally broke her favorite vase."

Rarity looked hurt. This story was beginning to sound far too familiar.

Spike smiled at her sadly. "Shattered to bits, and angry with herself, she could think of no way to repair that vase. She did the only thing she could to protect herself from the loss of it, and so she put it out of sight. One day, a friend she loved deeply came to her house, and saw the broken vase. She could tell, even by the pieces, that it was beautiful. She did not want her friend to have to look at that shattered thing, and so she took the pieces away."

Rarity's eyes were growing wider by the minute as her mind began to wrap around the soon-to-be conclusion.

"That friend tried to fix the vase, putting many of the pieces back together. But at the end it fell apart, because there was one piece she didn't have, right at its middle. The mare who owned the vase came to her friend, looking for it. Around her neck, she kept that piece of the vase. Together, she and her dear friend finally fixed that broken shell, and though it was cracked, it was no less beautiful."

Spike smiled at her gently as tears welled in her eyes. Now she could see it, he knew. "I am that vase, and you are its owner," he said softly, just for the sheer joy of watching happy tears flood her eyes, despite her will to fight them back.

"A-and what happened next?" she asked shakily, trying to keep her voice under control.

Spike came closer to her, his snout pressed nose-to-nose with her. He kissed her lightly on the lips, as she had kissed him the night before. "The mare took her vase home again," Spike said warmly, pulling away from the kiss, glad to see that though she hadn't been expecting it, her eyes held only joy.

She pulled him back, kissing him again, harder and more passionately. She was moved by that story; their story. How had she not seen it until now? That thought vanished almost instantly as she realized how immaterial it was; how worthless all of her worries were. She couldn't steal Spike from Celestia, because he had always been hers!

The two kissed passionately for a time that seemed unending to them, the sounds of nature filtering in from the balcony only background tones in their strange and purple world of bliss. At last the kiss faded, the two of them staring at each other longingly as if they wished it hadn't. They didn't kiss again, but just smiled at one another. Rarity's eyes were still wet with tears, her coat stained darker by the flow under her eyes.

Spike wiped them away gently, carefully. She didn't flinch, even with his claws so close to her eyes, and he could tell at last her fear was truly gone. All he could see reflected in the deep, blue ocean of her gaze was admiration and desire. Desire to be with him, around him.


He picked her up lightly, cradling her in his massive arms. She smiled up at him, and nestled closer.

"Spike, I want you to hold me like this forever," she sighed gently.

Spike smiled sadly, repressing his wince. Forever. If she only knew how badly he wished he could. He held her closer subconsciously, thinking over his sad fate. She would leave him one day, he knew. He hadn't told her yet.

He made a decision then that he would honor for the rest of her life. He would never tell Rarity of his predicament. He would never, in all of her life, allow her to know how much sorrow being with her would eventually cause him. She deserved better than that simply for the joy she was causing him now. She didn't need to know; it would only hurt her. All she needed to know was that, when she died, he would be right there with her, ready to see her off. She would find that out first-hoof many years from now.

Many wonderful years.

"Spike?" she asked, and he realized with a start that he had never answered her when she had asked him to hold her forever. He could almost picture her saying 'how unromantic' with a huff. Smiling slightly at the thought, and letting his worries fade, he lowered his head to nuzzle her gently in his arms.

"As you wish, my lady."

Spike sighed as he traversed the halls, on his way to Celestia's chambers. This was the part he dreaded. He had no desire to undo everything that had happened between him and Tia, but he had made his decision. His shoulders squared a little as that thought ran through his head.

He had made up his mind, and Tia had agreed to honor that.

He arrived at her door and knocked lightly. He doubted she was actually present within; even with everything that was going on in her own castle, she still had duties to attend to. Still, he hoped she was. Otherwise, he would have worked himself up for nothing.

The call came across the doorway for him to come on in, simultaneously filling him with relief and dread. He was having second thoughts now. Even if she had agreed to take it with grace, and everything he knew about her urged him that she would, he had some serious reservations telling the princess of the known world they wouldn't be seeing each other anymore.

Sighing to himself and bracing his nerves, he pushed open the door. "Tia, it's me," he said quietly, not wanting to interrupt whatever she was doing.

She was simply standing at a desk, reading a jumble of parchments Spike couldn't identify from here. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked with a cough, when she didn't acknowledge him for a moment.

She started, and then smiled in apology. "No, sorry. If anything, you're a welcome distraction. It's not often I have to deal with the expense reports for the city myself, usually the treasurers are on top of this kind of thing. Lately though, we've had more and more issues with the census being inaccurate, and take my word for it, it's not pretty," she huffed, dropping a stack of papers her magic had been holding.

"So what's the occasion?" she asked pleasantly, smiling at him gently as she strode over. She made like she was about to hug him, but he suddenly grew tense, and his body language put her off.

She was no fool, and Spike could see the pieces already putting themselves together in her head. Somehow, it was worse that she understood it herself. It would have been easier to deal with what was about to happen if he had told her, but he figured it was not too late to try.

"The occasion is that I have made up my mind..." he said quietly, his tone conveying all the difficulty of the task, and all the pain it caused his heart. "Celestia, I've chosen to stay with Rarity, as long as I can." He'd basically thrown his decision in her face, but beating around the bush about it could only make it worse.

He was slightly pleased that she didn't react hardly at all. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, he couldn't say, but neutrality was better than negativity right now.

Celestia was silent for a time, but at last she spoke up. "I was afraid you'd say that," she said sadly, though it was only in her tone.

Spike winced, seeing the one thing he could not bear to see on her face. That mask, the one she used on everypony, to give herself an aura of power and stability. Her false face, a paper-thin shield between her emotions and him, was an empty thing to Spike. He knew that for her to wear it against him, her dear friend and a dragon she dearly loved, meant that her emotions were so unstable that she could not trust him with them.

He couldn't rightly disagree. Even if she did reveal those emotions to him in force, he had no idea what he would do, how he would handle them. His musings and fears were interrupted by her speaking again.

"Does she know?" Celestia asked quietly, a slight waver in her voice that broke Spike's heart into a thousand pieces.

Yet it was used to being shattered now, he was familiar with those pieces. Putting it back together was second nature, and so he steeled his nerves against her sorrow and his own guilt. He knew what she meant; she wanted to know if he had told Rarity about the immortality.

"No, she doesn't know. And she never will, not until the very end. Maybe not even then," he said in a hushed tone, to portray the gravity of what he was saying.

"Spike..." Celestia started, her tone growing concerned.

He raised a claw to stop her, but not coldly. His smile was warm, and understanding. "I know, it's unfair to hide things from her. And I know that no matter what I said, she would never love me any less. I just don't want that looming over her, Tia. I don't want her to spend her life knowing she'll leave me behind someday," he said, his smile shrinking by a few fangs, but not vanishing.

She still didn't seemed pleased with that course of action, but she let it go at that, merely nodding. Spike sighed in relief, glad that it hadn't become an argument.

"What will you do, then?" Celestia asked, her voice once again watery, as if her emotions were contained within a soap bubble ready to pop at any second.

Spike looked at her forlornly. "I love it here, and I wish I could stay; but her home and mine are back in Ponyville, and so we'll return there.

Celestia lost it then and there, that statement taking with it her last denials of her feelings. She trotted forward quickly, as if she were afraid somehow she wouldn't make it to him before he vanished. "Oh, Spike..." she cried gently, sobs wracking her shoulders as she hugged him tightly. She went up on her hind legs to wrap her forelegs around his neck in a tight embrace, pressing her face into his shoulder and letting the tears fall there.

Spike handled it with grace, hugging her back and stroking her mane as she cried over him. He just held her for a time, unable to deny the pain in his own heart that this was causing him. Her tears burned like magma against his fireproof scales, her sobbing breaths were like a hurricane in his mind, tossing his heart about. His decision was firm and unwavering, however, and he weathered the storm of her sorrow as he used that strength and confidence to support her.

"I don't want you to go!" she sobbed, nuzzling his neck. "I know you'll be happy, and I know it will be wonderful... But I will miss you so much," she sniffed, the tears abating to allow for conversation.

Spike held her out a ways so that he could meet her tear-stained eyes. He smiled gently, knowing that his next statement would be ironic, old as she was. Yet it came to mind and felt appropriate, holding her like a fragile, lost filly in her time of need.

"Hush now, little one," he said soothingly, stroking her mane again. That seemed to calm her, and even brought a sad smile to her face. "You make it sound like you will never see me again. I once said I will always be there for you, and I meant it. I had a wonderful time, and my love for you still lingers there. But I've made my decision, and now you and I have to go back to our friendship. Our wonderful, glorious, powerful friendship," he said, squeezing her shoulders gently, and smiling as sincerely as he could in the face of her sadness.

She smiled back, the quiver in her lower lip making her question if she had the control to speak again or not. She went for it anyways, hugging Spike again. This time more gently, as a friend saying a gentle farewell, and not as a mare losing her lover. "I promised I would respect your decision, and that hasn't changed either. I will miss you that way, Spike... But time heals all wounds, and I have nothing but time on my hooves," she said quietly, squeezing him tighter. "But you will always be my dear friend, and I am sure I will see you soon." Her tone tried to rise for a cheerful note, but she choked on a lump in her throat.

Spike patted her back gently and smiled. "You'll see more of me than you think. Rarity has always talked of wanting to move to Canterlot, after all..." he let that implication hang there, smiling as she acknowledged it with a tight squeeze.

"You will come visit, won't you?" she whispered quietly.

"As often as you like. I know Rarity won't mind, not after everything you've done for us both, though she can be a bit jealous sometimes," he admitted sheepishly.

She chuckled lightly, though her voice was still sad. "You don't say?" she managed to tease, finally breaking out of the embrace. She took a few steps back, giving him his space back at last. "Spike, I'm-" she began, but was cut off by his forgiving smile.

"Never be sorry for loving someone," he replied quietly, reaching forward and wiping the tears from her eyes. "It is the greatest gift you can give them, even if it is only for a while. I'm the one who's sorry; sorry I couldn't do more. But the time has come to make a choice, and she needs me. She's been through so much to find me, and I can only love her all the more for it," he said quietly.

Celestia nodded gently, finally allowing those words to hit her heart without stinging her. She smiled, finally a warm and happy one. "I truly am happy for you, Spike. For you both. Don't worry yourself about me, I will be fine. But you're right; she needs you. Go to her; I don't think you'll see me again before you leave. Just know, you go with my blessing," she said quietly, looking him square in the eye, and doing her best to smile wider.

Spike hugged her tightly one last time before setting her down and smiling back, his enthusiasm clear on his face. "Thank you, Tia. For everything," he clarified, stepping towards the door. He looked back at her, but she only waved a hoof, smiling pleasantly, urging him to do what his heart desired and go to Rarity. Spike gave her once last glance as he shut the door behind him.

Her true face bid him farewell, the mask shattered by their friendship.

The ride back to Ponyville was a grand time for the new couple. Rarity had regaled Spike with all the details of her trip, of all the struggles she had faced, and how she was 'over' her fear of him. She had kept the intimate little detail private from him so far, but it was only a matter of time before she told him that too.

They had even reflected on their kiss that morning, Rarity claiming she had never moved so quickly with anypony in her dating life. Spike was sure that somehow that was a compliment, though he had a hard time equating a fast relationship to a good thing. Still, it didn't feel abnormal or wrong to either of them, so neither of them pushed the subject. Twilight had opted to stay and check things out about the new library wing, so they had all the privacy they could ask for.

Their homecoming was as eventful as could be expected, especially when they shared a hometown with Pinkie Pie. After only a few short minutes of arriving, the two lovebirds had been swarmed by their friends, who had likely received a letter from Twilight that same day. The purple pony had been the first to know about Spike's decision, and though he had never pegged her as a gossip, he supposed she had sent word ahead.

In the time it took to walk with their friends between the station and the boutique, Pinkie had already outlined over fifteen different possible celebration parties, and was currently attempting to decide if she should just throw one large one and invite everypony, or throw several small ones so that people could attend whichever fit their schedule. It was Fluttershy who eventually saved Spike and Rarity from being enlisted in multiple parties, reminding Pinkie that she had agreed a very long time ago to perform no more than two parties a week. Pinkie had reluctantly conceded the point, after many failed attempts to find loopholes in that long ago promise. Her friends simply weren't as available as she was.

At last they reached the boutique, their escort party dispersing as Rainbow Dash lead the retreat, stating she had no desire to watch the new couple 'go at it'. She was as teasing as always about it though, and so nopony took any offense to her crude comedy, soon heading off as well.

That left just Spike and Rarity, who entered the boutique together. They spent the remainder of their afternoon together, laughing and talking, kissing gently where appropriate, and just holding near one another. Rarity had gone over her latest fashion plans, to which Spike listened intently, offering criticism and correcting her on occasion. Since he had been spending more time with her, before all this mess with his heart, he had learned a great deal about her work and what in entailed.

Time wore on until it grew late, and at last the two received the visitor they had been expecting all day. Pinkie had returned, inviting them out that evening for a grand party. She had already taken care of telling the entire town, to which Spike and Rarity flushed red and looked at each other knowingly. Still, they both agreed to attend, and so Pinkie departed. The party was not long off, and so Spike and Rarity decided to get ready sooner rather than later.

After all, Spike had a magnificent bow tie he was dying to wear.

The party was in full swing already by the time they arrived. Most ponies had dressed in something a little fancy, having expected that it was required attire for a party partly in Rarity's honor. Despite the improved outfits, the music was as it had always been; fun, fast, and loud. Vinyl Scratch had offered to DJ the party, to which nopony had complained, and so the ground was practically vibrating from the bass.

Spike didn't mind, and in fact preferred these kinds of parties. The music, so fast and vibrant, and all the ponies cutting loose, urged him to do the same. He tugged Rarity along, smiling at her to encourage her. She had been sheepish, knowing that the entire town already knew about them. But Spike's smile was all the encouragement she needed to follow him into the crowd. Everypony parted before them out of respect, offering congratulations and best wishes as they made their way towards the stage set up in the center of town. An indoor party would have been a waste on such a beautiful night, and would have been nearly impossible for Spike to attend, so Pinkie had improvised.

The music stopped at the end of the latest song, the microphone making soft thumping noises as somepony position themselves in front of it. Nopony could have expected to see what they did, standing on stage.

Fluttershy, blushing red like a wildfire, was standing at the microphone, with Rainbow Dash at her side for support. The rainbow pony smiled and winked at the gaping faces of Spike and Rarity.

"Uh... Um... G-good evening, everypony. Rarity and Spike, I w-would congratulate you personally, but I d-didn't think you would be able to hear me over the music..." she pressed, Rainbow nudging her gently as she got off topic. "A-anyways, I just wanted to congratulate you both; you're a wonderful couple, and it's been a long time coming," she continued, her voice getting stronger and steadier as she wound her way into her speech.

"I would like everypony else to help me congratulate them, too. Um, if you don't mind, that is..." she trailed off, realizing her speech was over and her momentum spent.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and smiled, taking the microphone from Fluttershy with a loud crackling sound. "Three cheers for Spike and Rarity, the most awesome couple I know!" she said, pumping a hoof in the air. "Hip hip!" she called to the crowd. All of them were facing Rarity and Spike by now, beaming ear to ear. Rarity flushed under all the attention, but Spike only smiled and waved as the resounding waves of 'hip hips' and 'hoorays' washed over them.

Once the cheering had subsided, the music came back on, but it was light and slow. Applejack had made her way on stage, tipping her hat to the new couple. "This next bit is for ya'll lovebirds in the crowd tonight. Now clear some space, and let the lady dance with her fella!" Applejack whooped, hopping off the stage and meandering through the crowd as a slow love song came on. Corny as anything, but bittersweet and wonderful.

Spike held out a claw to Rarity, beaming widely. "Come on, Rarity," he prodded, even as she took his offered claw. Though twice her size, he would find a way to dance with her.

She smiled and followed him out into a cleared space in the center of the party, her purple dress swishing and swaying with every step, the myriad small jewels knit into it catching the stage lights and reflecting them every which-way, like a Sonic Rainboom that wouldn't stop glowing, awing the crowd around her.

Spike stopped and bowed to her, dipping his head and putting a claw to his heart. He held his other out to her, waiting for her to accept his invitation. She curtsied in reply, giggling and taking his clawed hand with her hoof.

He scooped her off her hooves in a light twirl, landing her behind him. He was careful as he spun around her not to let his tail do anything abnormal. The two danced that way, Rarity's dainty hooves in his large claws, yet everyone only applauded them. They danced beautifully, Spike poising one claw at the tip of her right forehoof and using his contact with her other hoof to lead her into a gentle twirl. She spun like a dervish a few circuits, smiling and laughing like a schoolgirl all the while.

Other couples joined them then, inspired by their bold dance and skill. When at last the song ended, Rarity was breathing heavily, her mane tossed about, but not messy. Spike put it back into place with a gentle caress of her face, and in plain view of everypony, kissed her deeply.

The crowd erupted in cheers and hoots, many making bold comments that lead the ponies around them to chuckle good-naturedly. The purple pair paid them no mind, too busy with their kiss to care, though Rarity did blush deeply after the moment had passed. But it was a happy blush, not an embarrassed one.

They danced late into the night, but alas all good things did come to an end. Pinkie declared the party her most successful ever, and nopony was in a hurry to disagree as they made their ways home, chatting contentedly about the night's events, or sharing gossip about the new couple, all in good fun.

Spike and Rarity thanked their friends and made their way back to the boutique at last, two in the morning rearing its ugly head. Neither of them had had much to drink at the party, both of them sensing that tonight was special and shouldn't be muddled. This was their first real night as a couple.

The two made their way inside, Spike helping her out of her dress, and Rarity gently undoing his bow tie. The two sat in her room, yawning quietly but unwilling to let the time pass them by. At last, Rarity finally admitted that it might be time for bed. Spike was more than willing to agree.

"I just don't want tonight to end," she pouted, snuggling closer to him on the floor, cradled between his arms.

"We have every night after this too, Rarity," he pointed out warmly. "That's something to look forward to, don't you think?"

"Well I suppose you're right," she huffed, as if she hated him correcting her.

Spike let out a breathless laugh, just a grunt of amusement as he leaned down and kissed her head lightly. "Rarity..." he said quietly, to get her attention. Once he had it, he smiled at her. "I asked you before, but I think it's time I asked you again." His eyes and his smile both glowed with warmth.

"Rarity, will you be my-" he stopped short as she kissed him into silence, every word in his brain vanishing into oblivion.

"Yes," she replied. He had never finished it, had simply stopped at 'my', but she felt that was appropriate. "I will be anything you want me to be, Spike," she said quietly, running a hoof gently over the side of his face.

Spike smiled at her, unable to resist the urge to kiss her for those kind words. He pressed his lips against hers gently, waiting to see what would develop.

She pressed harder into him, practically standing in his arms. Spike returned her sudden, fiery passion with his own, holding her up with one arm, and using the other to caress her neck, and then her flank as his hand ran down her back. She shivered with pleasure and kissed him harder.

Spike parted his lips to mutter something funny about her reaction to his touch, but instead she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Spike grunted contentedly, more than pleased with the results of his failure to speak. His draconic tongue was built for this kind of dexterity, tingling against her tongue here, now there, as they continued their kiss.

Rarity moaned quietly, enticingly, as her tongue accidentally slid up one of Spike's many fangs. It didn't hurt her, but rather excited her. She could feel the danger so near, coupled with the pleasure of the act, and it sent shivers through her spine as she felt Spike's claws on her flank again. They fought like this for minutes on end that felt like hours, each trying to please the other.

At last, in need of air and a break from the kiss, the two parted. Rarity's heart was racing, her eyes seductively half-lidded as she gazed up at Spike. "My my, I didn't know you had it in you," she teased, running a hoof in small circles on his chest.

Spike blushed under his scales, his words coming out as a stammer. "T-to be honest, neither did I. Still, I enjoyed it. A lot," he insisted, his tone becoming stronger near the end. He cradled her again in his arms, sweeping her off her feet. He couldn't imagine another kiss like that back to back, but he couldn't deny the fire burning in his chest either. The need to have her pressed close, as if somehow it would make her a part of him.

"Stay with me tonight, Spike," Rarity said suddenly, surprising even herself.

Spike looked at her as if he expected her to take it back.

She only smiled, now glad she had said it. "Just like this. I want to fall asleep in your arms. I want you to hold me forever, and never let go."

Spike situated himself more comfortably, laying on his side, and making her a bed out of his crossed arms, nestling her in his warm neck, and folding a massive wing overhead, like a blanket over the world; their world.

"As you wish, my lady," he whispered quietly, nuzzling her gently, as he had said and done not long ago.

"Thank you, my lord," she replied warmly. After only a short while, the late hour of the night, and the sudden excitement took their toll. Exhausted and comfortable in Spike's care, she finally fell into sleep.

Kissing her gently one last time, Spike pondered that. Lord Spike and Lady Rarity.

It had a nice ring to it.