• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 3,208 Views, 72 Comments

MLDC Next Generation: Teen Titans - Michael_Ravencroft

When evil seeks to plunge the world into darkness, eight young heroes will band together to stop it!

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Secret Origins Part 3: A Gift of Fire

Hot Head was truly as his namesake described him. The young tan, rusty haired boy was a daredevil, and nowhere did that show more than when he was on his board, pulling one amazing stunt after the other. Mostly to show off how skilled and cool he was, and to impress Whirlwind. He was orphaned at a young age, and it was there that he met three other orphans that would turn out to be not only his best friends and pseudo-siblings, but also his family.

Lucky Star was the first he met, the lavender haired boy was quite popular with the girls of the orphanage. He didn’t seem to care that much, he knew they saw him as the “pretty boy” but he didn’t let it go to his head. Lucky was also smart, really smart, but he didn’t let show that much, afraid to be left or separated from the others because they thought he was some kind of child genius. Even so, the two quickly bonded and became each other’s surrogate brother.

The third was an older girl named Amber Lily, she was…different. She wasn’t afraid to get in your face and scold you when you did something wrong, and at the same time, she had this kind of motherly/big sister side that made her kind and caring to everyone there. She was also cute, with her, well, amber colored hair and beautiful green eyes, Hot Head even had crush on her. But that didn’t last long.

The fourth of their group was Annie, a young girl who was left at the orphanage when she was baby. Amber dedicated most of her time to taking care of the little babe and Hot Head and Lucky kind of became her big brothers. As the years went on, the four of them earned a nickname around the orphanage and outside of it, The Troublemakers. Mostly because they got into trouble, a lot, whether by accident or as a result of some harebrained idea Hot Head came up with for them. Despite all this, all four were close, but the day came when Annie, the youngest of their group, was adopted by her new mother Fluttershy.

It hit Amber the hardest seeing her go, the two of them were closer, practically sisters, and she had to say goodbye to her. Hot Head and Lucky Star knew the day would come when Amber had to leave the orphanage, she was three years older than both of them, and would soon reach an age where she couldn’t stay in the orphanage anymore. When she turned eighteen and the day came when she had to leave, she couldn’t. Amber didn’t want to leave the two boys she watched grow up and stuck by for so long all alone. The benefit of being a legal adult quickly came in handy, allowing Amber to legally adopt Hot Head and Lucky, moving into a nice two story house where they could all live together.

For the past couple of years all three former orphans had been living together under the same roof, both boys would tease Amber by calling her “mom” and making her shudder. They knew she thought it was weird being called that, seeing as how she was still young and not really old enough to be called their mother, still, she didn’t mind it completely, it was sweet in a way. Now it should be noted that Amber, as the years went by, developed quite the attractive figure, although she hadn’t gotten much taller, Hot Head and Lucky practically towered over her, Lucky Star more so.

And it was no surprise to them that Amber had a…“unique” sense of humor. She wasn’t afraid of saying something dirty or thinking it, often teasing and making everyone uncomfortable for a laugh. They knew Annie picked up Amber’s sense of humor, but it was a degree less than the originator’s. But all was well, they eventually ran into Annie again when Amber registered them for Canterlot High, so it was all’s well that ends well.

Currently, Hot Head was lamenting over his homework, thumping his forehead repeatedly against the kitchen table either out of frustration or in an attempt to induce a coma. Lucky sat across from him, cutting up an apple and eating the slices as he watched his friend and surrogate brother.

“Hot Head, Amber’s not going to let you out of this by knocking yourself out,” said Lucky.

“I know, I know, I know! Ugh, the X-Games tryouts are in less than two weeks, and I haven’t practiced for how long?!”

“About three weeks.”

Three weeks! Whirlwind’s going to mop the floor with me unless I get out there and practice!”

Lucky chuckled. “Well if you hadn’t gotten an F in math on your last report card, and hadn’t made Amber subsequently take away your board and ban you from practicing until your grade improved, then you wouldn’t be in this mess. But, that’s just my opinion.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” laughed Hot Head dryly. Hot Head went back to his work, trying to figure out a problem on his homework. “Seriously though, it’s not like I’m going to be needing this what with what I want to do.”

“Professional skateboarder, right?” Lucky asked.

“Of course! I mean I get I need it to figure out how much I’ll get in endorsement deals and product lines, but all this,” Hot Head gestured to the math problems on his paper, “doesn’t help with that.”

“Dude, you know you’re doing math every time you get on that board and skate, right?”

Hot Head looked at Lucky with a confused expression.

“Speed, gravity, velocity, inertia, all physics, all math, all things that go into every move you make on your skateboard. From every pic, roll, and jump, it’s all a big math equation, especially your timing in your moves. For you it’s more about instinct, you can feel it out without, but when I see you, I’m already thinking about how much speed and force you’ll need to pull this or that off.” Lucky explained.

Hot Head thought it over for a moment, finding this revelation cool in a way that it was like math in motion, and a little miffed he couldn’t translate that into homework that he could physically turn in. Just then the two boys heard the front door open, both looked in that direction and saw Amber walking in, her purse slung over her shoulder, and dressed in mint-green nurse’s uniform.

“Hey Amber!” Both boys called out.

“Hey guys,” greeted Amber.

“Tough day?” Lucky asked.

“You guys have NO idea, that fiasco at the base still has most of the hospitals full of injured people. We finally got some backup from a couple of the neighboring towns so they let those of us who have put in more than twenty-fours go home! Glad to be home!”

Hot Head and Lucky knew all about it, the news from three weeks ago about the Stagg Industries robots going haywire and killing everyone there. There was also reports about two weirdly dressed girls tearing the robots apart and stopping the slaughter. But all three were just glad that Annie and her friend Starburst weren’t hurt. Since then, hospitals all around Canterlot City were being flooded with the victims, and of course, Canterlot General was the biggest and by far best equipment to deal with so many. It inevitably led Amber to pull a double, and now she was home.

Amber strode into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge. She pulled out one of her cans of beer, opened it, and took a swig. She sighed contently, thankful to be home, away from the chaos, enjoying a drink, and in the company of her two favorite teenage boys. Don’t get her wrong, Amber loved her nursing job, but stress was stress and home was home. Amber spied Hot Head, pencil in hand, with a slew of problems on the piece of paper beneath it.

“How’s it going Hot Head?” Amber asked.

“Fine, I guess…”

“Well, don’t get discouraged, I didn’t like math either, but it’s come in handy, especially with my work.”

Hot Head gave a little huff. Amber walked towards him, going around hugging him from behind, slightly surprising him.

“I know it’s tough, but I believe in you Hot Head, and I’m sorry, but I’m really thinking about you and Lucky. I didn’t do what I did because I felt like being a bitch, I just want you to succeed, alright?”

The rusty haired boy sighed in defeat, he couldn’t ever be mad at Amber, annoyed, vexed, mortified, sometimes pissed, but he still cared about her, just as much she did them.

“I know, it’s alright, besides, Lucky’s giving me a hand, so I should be able to get a C next time.”

Amber stood up and smiled. “Oh no, a B at the very least, A would be fantastic though. Just saying.” The young woman then stretched out, popping a few kinks in her bones. “Well, I’m going to go relax, did you guys get the mail?”

“On the coffee table,” they responded.


After Amber left the kitchen and they heard the sound of her upstairs bedroom door closing, Hot Head’s shoulders slumped, knowing exactly what was coming next. Lucky put down the apple and got up from his seat, going to the fridge to prepare dinner for the three of them. Besides being a smart “pretty boy”, Lucky was also good in the kitchen, maybe not culinary genius, but pretty good as far as they were concerned. The tall, purple eyed boy looked over his shoulder, noticing the change in Hot Head’s attitude and chuckling at his mood.

“You know you should just get over it,” said Lucky.

“I still can’t believe you’re alright with it! She –!”

Hot Head stopped talking, hearing footsteps from the staircase. He kept his back turned, staring right down at his school or at Lucky. He then heard muffled thump of the couch cushions and soon after the TV turning on.

“That! She does that!”

“So what if she walks around the house in her underwear, it’s her house.”

One of the things both boys had come to learn from Amber was that she liked to walk around in nothing but her skivvies, if at all. Lucky, surprisingly, didn’t seem to mind or really care that Amber sometimes walked around the house half-naked or in the buff, rationalizing it as this was her house for one, and she did come home exhausted sometimes from her work and needed to relax, and if she felt more relaxed in just her underwear or nothing at all, then who was he to complain.

Although they were adopted by her and living in the same house, Amber was the one paying for it, and she did originally buy it for herself to live in. Lucky figured that she would’ve done this kind of thing back at the orphanage if there weren’t so many kids there, but now with her own place, she was free to do what she wanted, and Lucky didn’t want to mess with that.

Hot Head was of a different mind. The first time he saw Amber in just her underwear, he had a nosebleed and passed out on the floor. From then on it had been a back and forth between them about what was appropriate to wear while living with two teenage boys. Hot Head would get flustered and cover his eyes whenever Amber did this, and it quickly became a fun little way to tease him, even Lucky got in on it, helping in Amber’s trickery from time to time.

Still, he understood Lucky’s reasoning, but it still bothered him. Didn’t she care she was living with two teenage boys?! That’s not to say that either of them would try something, it was just the principal of it all. It was like she didn’t even care that she was showing them everything, or maybe it was because it was them that she felt comfortable enough to do so?

“Just tell me, is she at least wearing a shirt?!”

Lucky glanced towards the living room. “Nope. Oh, looks like she went with the black ones.”


Hot Head’s, well, head, smacked against the table. “Give me a break! Amber, show some damn modesty would ya?!”

“Modesty’s for losers! And you know, you and Lucky are free to do the same any time! Oh! We should make this a nudist household, who’s in?!” Amber shouted.

“Hmm, sounds interesting…”

“HELL TO THE NO!” Hot Head protested.

“Fine, fine, killjoy. But just for reference, I wasn’t kidding about the part of you two walking around like this! It’s your house too guys!”

Lucky shot Hot Head a look that said “Told you so”.

“Oh don’t give me that look, if Annie was up in here doing the exact same thing, you’d be the same way!”

Lucky’s face went red at the thought of Annie doing the exact same thing as Amber in the living room. He quickly turned around and went to work preparing their meal, all the while Hot Head had a smug grin on his face, if there was one good piece of ammo he could use against Lucky it was Anthea.

“OH MY GOD!” Amber yelled.

Hot Head and Lucky quickly rushed into the living at hearing Amber’s distress.

“What’s wrong Am – OH JEEZ WOMAN, PUT ON A SHIRT!”


Amber, Lucky, and Hot Head found themselves at a law office downtown. It was a pretty high dollar place, the kind of building that lawyers who had wealthy clients would inhabit, and in this case, that’s all that this building was dedicated to. Amber had received a letter from this office, requesting her presence, along with her adopted ward, Lucky. Naturally all three came to the building, dressed as neatly as possible. The whole time Amber sat between the two boys in the waiting room, her foot tapping against the floor nervously, they all were. While her adoption of the two was legal, the people in charge – not the orphanage staff, they knew her well – had doubts about Amber’s ability to care for them, and properly provide. It was always a thought in the back of her head, fearing that she might slip up somewhere and that would give them the excuse to tear their little family apart.

“Hey,” said Hot Head, “it’ll be okay.”

“Y-Yeah…I know,” said Amber, not entirely convinced.

“You haven’t done anything wrong Amber, you’ve been a great guardian and big sister to us both, and that’s the truth,” said Lucky.

“Yeah, no one’s breaking up the Troublemakers, right Amber?!”

Amber smiled gently at both of them and nodded her affirmation.

“Ms. Amber Lily?” The receptionist called out.


“Mr. Will B. Done is waiting for you.”

With a heavy sigh, Amber rose up, flanked by Lucky and Hot Head. All three went into the office, where three chairs were set up for them. The right of the room was entirely window, giving them a perfect view of Canterlot City. Behind the large wooden desk was bookshelf that was made into the wall, with each shelf filled with law books, knickknacks, and various other items. Amber sat in the middle chair, while Hot Head took the right and Lucky the left. The man sitting at the desk was peering over some documents, he then assembled them together and placed them out of the way. From behind his silver, frameless glasses, he looked at each of them in turn and nodded.

“I’m glad you could come Ms. Lily.” Mr. Done spoke.

“It sounded important, although, I’m not entirely sure why you called us here. This doesn’t seem like an office that pertains to Child Welfare or ACS,” said Amber.

“Ah, no, we handle all kinds of law here, but we are exclusively for clients who pay retainer fees, of course that’s not why I called you here. My reason is because of the young man sitting to your left.”

Amber and Hot Head looked to Lucky as the purple haired boy stared at Will B. Done incredulously.

“Me? What for?”

“I was paid a handsome fee long ago not to ask questions, and just as much to act as your personal attorney, and by right, since you are his legal guardian Ms. Lily, I am at your disposal as well. Are you currently in need of my services?”

“No, no, nothing like that!” Amber assured.

“Very well then, onto to business.” Will B. Done reached below his desk and stood up, bringing with him a large black suitcase, grunting with effort to get it onto the desk. “This is part of an inheritance, from your late parents, Mr. Star, to you.”

Lucky stood up slowly and gazed over the case. It was black in color, made of some kind of metal that he wasn’t sure of. There was a panel on top of it, with a digital readout next to it.

“Along with this, I was instructed to give you these two letters. The one marked with a number “1” is for you to read, the one marked “2” is for your eyes only. My instructions were very specific on that.”

Lucky took both letters, opening letter marked “1”. Amber and Hot Head walked over to him, standing beside Lucky as he read the letter.

Dear Lucky

If you’re reading this, then your mother and I are no longer living. We most likely have a good idea as to how our demise came, but for certain reasons it not something speak of yet.

We wanted to let you know that we love you son, and that we’re sorry that we never got the chance to see you grow into the bright boy I’m sure you are.

Your mother and I are scientists, so in case you were wondering where you got your smarts, and as far as looks, you probably took after your mother.

I hope wherever you are now, that you are loved, and that you have good friends that surround you. Hold onto them Son, don’t let them go. You’ll never know how sad losing something is until you finally have…

But I digress, this suitcase is yours Lucky. For certain reasons it is to remain closed, if for any reason it needs to be, you are the only one who can open it. It’s keyed into your unique genetic code, in case of burglary. But keep it close, it’s our last gift to you.

With all our love,

Quasar & Nebula Star.


Lucky was sitting in his room, alone. He couldn’t wrap his head around what the letter had said. For years he never so much as knew the names of his parents, and now they leave him something that he’s not supposed to open?! And they were scientists, what kind of scientists were they?! Astrophysicists, Bioengineers, Advanced Robotics, or were they a pair of mad scientists that were plotting to rule the world and the thing in the case was a bomb of some sort, wanting their son to carry on their deadly work. Lucky scoffed at the idea, though given the secrecy of what lay inside, it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. He hadn’t said a word after they left the law firm, the only thing Lucky did was take the case and letter up to his room and close the door behind him without saying a word.

So it wasn’t unexpected to hear knocking at his door, followed by the sound of the door knob turning, and the squeak of the door opening. Hot Head peeked in, a concerned look on his face as he gazed upon Lucky, sitting on the edge of his bed as he stared at the case on his computer desk, with the 2 letter resting on top of it. Hot Head closed the door behind and sat at the foot of the bed, looking over his right shoulder at Lucky.

“Still haven’t read it yet, huh?” Hot Head asked.

“No, I haven’t,” said Lucky with little emotion.

“Oh…ahem, Amber’s a little worried about you bro, and I am too.”

“I’m fine…”

“No you’re not fine, and I get it, you just got a lot of heavy stuff dumped on you. And now you’re trying to make sense of it, about your mom and dad.”

“Pfft, they didn’t leave me a photo of them, an heirloom, or even a deed to where they lived so I could go and visit, no, they left me two letters and heavy as hell case that looks like something the Department of Defense or the CIA uses! And on top of all that, they apparently don’t want me to look inside unless I have to, why?! Is it a bomb?! Hell if I know! But that’s all they left behind, their names and that thing! What kind of BS is that?!” Lucky shouted.

Hot Head sighed. “At least you have something. My parents are gone, I don’t know their names or faces, Annie’s parents are alive, probably, but they just left her at an orphanage when she was a baby, and Amber, well, her dad couldn’t deal with her after her mother died, so he brought Amber to the orphanage and left her there. So stop your bitching! At least you have some names and whatever that thing is!”

Lucky looked away from Hot Head, true enough the tan boy was in the same boat as him until recently, both not knowing their parents’ names or how they died. But now Lucky had names to work with. A bit of shame crept into his heart, feeling low for not looking at the glass half full but instead half empty.

“Sorry bro,” said Lucky sincerely.

Hot Head sat up and patted his surrogate brother on the shoulder comfortingly. “S’alright, man. I’ll leave you alone for a bit, but please come down before Amber decides to strip. The moment I see her reaching for her waistband I’m heading to my room! So she’ll need one us to keep her company, and like said, she’s worried about you.”

Lucky chuckled, something he needed. “Alright, I’ll be down to relieve you of duty.”

Hot Head gave a mock salute and headed out of Lucky’s bedroom. Now alone again, Lucky Star sighed. He glanced over at the letter marked 2, he was alone, by himself, no better time to read it he supposed. The pretty boy walked to his desk and picked up the letter, opening it and reading its contents. His face shifted into various expressions, first was confusion, then disbelief, followed by awe, and lastly shock as his eyes widened.

Lucky looked at the case, although instead of looking at it like it was cheap, he looked upon it as if it were in fact a bomb. The teenage boy looked around his room, the blinds were drawn, the door was shut, and Hot Head and Amber were far enough away in the living room. With a gulp, he placed his hand on the pad, a green light passed over the flat of his palm four times from right, to left, and up and down. The readout flashed the word “processing” with a bar underneath it, displaying how long till it was done. Within a matter of seconds the bar filled and a female mechanical voice spoke.

[Recognized: Lucky Star, user approved.]

The circular pushed out from the sides of the case, the crease opened as the top half of the case lifted upwards and then folded back automatically. Lucky gazed upon what laid inside with a combination awe, fascination, and worry. Inside of this pill shaped container was an object about the size of a basketball, to Lucky it looked like an oversized atom. Three rings of yellow energy encircled a glowing red-orange sphere of light, it looked like the rings were trying to contain the orb, as if a star had been shrunken down and placed within them. Lucky tentatively lifted the pill shaped object out of the case and examined, he then looked at the letter for the second time, his gaze bouncing back and forth between the piece of paper and the sphere of energy within the container.

“The Firestorm Matrix…?”