• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 3,207 Views, 72 Comments

MLDC Next Generation: Teen Titans - Michael_Ravencroft

When evil seeks to plunge the world into darkness, eight young heroes will band together to stop it!

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Secret Origins Part 4: "Beware my power...!"

Golden Delicious, the only son of Applejack and Caramel, was off in Matropolis on a catering order. The eighteen-year-old had a passion for the culinary arts, although he was great at his farm work back home, he found his true calling in the kitchen, creating tasty and delectable foods, main dishes and desserts, he had a knack for pretty much any entree. Of course this was met with mixed results when it came to his mother, Applejack. She wasn’t too keen on letting him become a chief, mostly stemming from not having him close by, she was very protective of him when he was younger, more so because when he was baby he got very sick and his life was in danger.

But that was back then, now he’s big, strong, and a wizard in the kitchen. Although financially they couldn’t afford to send him to a culinary school, Golden Delicious, or Del as his friends called him, was able to make do in other ways. One of his friends, Cotton Candy, was able to talk to her mother, Pinkie Pie, about putting in a good word for him at Sugar Cube Corner. It was a popular hangout for adults and teenagers alike, but it was also a catering bakery. It was there that Del learned more about how to bake different deserts, and a myriad of different techniques and tips for them.

They eventually pointed him in the direction of a rival and friend, Gustave Le Grand. Gustave owned a popular fancy restaurant in Canterlot City, and on the word of the Cakes, allowed Del to learn the ways of the chief in his kitchen. Even helping Le Grand out with catering orders out of town and in town. Del made sure he didn’t neglect his duties at Sweet Apple Acres, family was important to him and he wasn’t about to let them down, he loved them all. His mother and father, his little cousin Api, and his older cousin Red June. Both she and Del were more or less the mavericks of the family, June wanted to be a cherry farmer in stark contrast to their family’s staple source of income for generations back.

But such was the case, all three cousins were thick as thieves. On this particular catering job, Del was revisiting one of Le Grand’s loyal customers, Fancypants and his wife, Fleur de Lis. It was here that he met their daughter, Crème de la Crème, or just Crème as she preferred. The girl was ditzy and a bit of an airhead, but she wasn’t stuck up or snobby, in fact, she seemed really fascinated with farm life and working on one, so it wasn’t any wonder that the two became long distance friends, e-mailing each other once and while, and sometimes offering Del a chance to work at one of her father’s parties as an assistant to their chief.

“It smells good over here!”

Del looked to his right and saw Crème appear. Her wavy hair flowed down to her shoulders, her color inherited from her mother’s hair, albeit a shade or two toned down than hers. She was quite tall, meeting the farm boy at eye level, with long slender legs, and an hourglass figure. She was wearing a flowing silver dress, strapless as it hugged around her torso and chest, allowing her, whether she wanted to or not, to show off her impressive bust. Del politely averted his eyes upwards to a chandelier that all of a sudden caught his eye.

“Um, yeah, it does Ms. Crème!” Del agreed.

“Hmmm, don’t ‘Ms. Crème’ me! It’s just Crème.” She pouted, crossing her arms in front of her like a child as she puffed out her cheeks.

“Sorry, but Ah can’t be callin’ ya all informal like that, at least not when Ah’m workin’.”

Crème released a sigh as she relented to his point. “Fair enough, but is there any chance you’ll be sticking around long enough to accompany? To tell you the truth I love these parties, but the other guys and girls here aren’t as fun to be around.”

“Heh, that Ah can understand.”

“Anyway, what do you think of my new dress for the party?” Crème stepped back and did a little spin. “It’s from this new designer my Mother discovered, her name’s Coco Pommel! She’s really nice and sweet, much nicer than that, ahem, witch, she worked with. Suri Polomare I think that’s her name.”

Del kept his gaze up but looked her over since she was waiting for his opinion. “It’s looks mighty fine on you Ms. Crème, but, uh…”

“Go on.” Crème urged.

“Well…it’s maybe cut a tad too low in the, ahem, chest area.”

Crème looked down at herself, pondering Del’s words as she examined the outfit from his perspective. She gave a thoughtful hum as she glanced behind her, at the nearly backless dress.

“You might be right, but Mother says I shouldn’t be embarrassed. ‘A girl deserves to have her beauty shown to all, and pity those who don’t see it!’ that was what she said.”

Crème, although slightly annoyed that he wouldn’t look at her for more than a few seconds, found his chivalrous, gentlemanly nature endearing and cute, not wanting to stare. She knew that came from his upbringing and it was one of the things she admired about him.

“Oh that reminds me, I have a friend coming over to visit sometime next month! We should so get together and hangout!”

“Sounds good to me, but is he one of, well…” Del gestured with his head towards the younger party guests.

Crème shook her head and made an X with her forearms. “Nope, definitely not like them! His parents and mine are close friends, so I’ve known him since we were kids. He’s really nice and very honorable, and never looks down on anyone.”

“Sounds like a pretty decent guy.” Del commented.

“Yeah, and he’s into archery! He even went to the Olympics and got a gold medal for Norway!”

Del gulped. “Oh, wow.”

“Awww, don’t worry Del, I know you and him well be best of friends! If you can come that is? I can arrange for you to come back if you can?”

Del thought it over, true he didn’t mind spending time with Crème, she was really fun to be around, almost like Cotton Candy, but the girl she knew back home was a little more aware than Crème. Still, it could be fun to see this childhood, archer friend of hers.

“Ah’ll see what needs doin’ back home, if Ah ain’t too busy helpin’ out the family Ah’ll give ya a call,” said Del.

“Yay! Oooh, now I feel like dancing! C’mon!”

“Whoa wait I need to man the food –!”

“Time to cut a rug Del, foods not going anywhere, well maybe except into people’s stomachs!”


Sweet Apple Acres was a pretty big part of Canterlot City’s farming business. That’s not to say that there weren’t other lucrative farms around, but theirs had been around the longest, ever since the city was just a small town way back when. Rows upon rows of trees covered the valley and fields of the Apple Family farm, tended to for generations by the men and women who lived here. Of course the family has spread out and sprouted farms and businesses of their own in different regions and towns, but the tried and true beginnings of their family will always be Sweet Apple Acres.

Del loved his home, he loved everything about it. The farm was just far enough from the city so that it didn’t pollute the air, plus with all the trees they had, it was like they had their own air freshener and cleanser twenty-four-seven. Del had come back from his catering job and was now busy helping out his family with the harvest of one of the fields. Now the method of the Apple Family’s fruit picking was…different from others, but given the generations they’ve had to perfect this technique, and to buildup the strength to do it with, it worked for them.

Del stood before one of the apple trees, having the base of it surrounded with empty baskets. He got into what some would assume was a fighting stance and, in one swift motion, kicked the tree. The tree rattled and shook, causing the apples to fall with multiple thudding sounds right into the perfectly positioned baskets. Their standard margin for error was at least five or three not making it into the basket, but Del, like his mother, kept it at two to one. The young man wiped his brow, he had removed his shirt awhile back, revealing his well-toned, muscly body. He did however keep his bandanna hanging around his neck, having been made into one from a blanket he treasured as a kid by his Aunt Apple Bloom.

Applejack, his mother, was busy applying the “apple bucking” technique to a tree. Her blonde hair was tied up in its usual ponytail, her orange plaid shirt tied up under her bust, exposing her midriff to the cool air as she worked. She still wore her Stetson hat, never parting with the thing, it was even in her wedding photos.

“Whew, just a few more and we can call it a day Del,” said Applejack.

“Sounds great Ma, Ah’ll cook us some supper when we get back.” Del started moving some of the empty baskets off the horse drawn wagon and to another unpicked tree.

“Don’t you go worryin’ about that, Ah’ll cook us up somethin’ good. Least Ah can do since ya got back.”

Del loved to cook, his mother knew this, but the two of them often butted heads when it came to what he wanted to do with his life. But it never got to be too big of deal, they were always cordial about it.

Hopefully that’ll change soon…

Applejack had kicked another tree at the same time as her son, creating a chorus of falling fruit to echo around them. Del had noticed, up till now, his mother had been quiet, which was nothing new, she often kept quiet when focusing on work, but she would at least strike up a conversation now and again to fill the silence for a few minutes. Finally, since they were almost done anyway, Del decided to ask what was up.

“Hey Ma, you alright?”

Applejack stopped mid-kick, bringing her left boot down before glancing over her shoulder.


“Ah was just wonderin’ if you were alright? You’ve been quiet since we got out here so…just curious is all.”

Applejack looked away from her son for a moment, her shoulders rising as she took in a deep breath and falling after her long exhale. She then reached into her right rear jean pocket, pulling out what appeared to be a white piece of paper. She then turned around and held it out to him.

“This came fer ya while you were away,” said Applejack.

With a confused look, Del walked over to his mother and took hold of the paper. He unfolded it a couple of times to reveal that it was in fact a letter. His eyes grew wide at who it was from.

Mister Golden Delicious

We regret to inform you that your application for scholarship into Maîtres de l'Académie des Arts Culinaires has been rejected.

Although we have seen your references as well as the work you have done, we would like you to have just a tad more experience under your belt.

If you wish to apply again –

Del couldn’t read any further, crumbling the paper in frustration and disappointment at seeing the news. But then it struck him, the letter was folded up, not in an envelope, which meant his mother had not only opened it but read it as well. Del looked up and saw his mother staring at him, arms crossed as she tapped her bicep with her fingers expectantly.

“Care to explain? When did y’all apply for a scholarship and to what exactly?” Applejack asked curtly.

“Ah sent out a form of registry for scholarship to a school in France,” said Del.

Applejack blinked in confusion. “What the hell’s in France?”

“All the best schools for cooking are in France, Ma. And Ah know they ain’t cheap either, so that’s why I went and applied with Mr. Le Grand’s help.”

Applejack sighed heavily. “How did Ah know this was comin’ back to that? And when were ya goin’ to tell me and your Pa about that?! Were ya just plannin’ on springin’ it on us on the day ya left?!”

“It was a long shot alright, Ah wasn’t even sure if they would! And apparently they didn’t so Ah guess ya got nothin’ to worry about!” Del shouted back as he did an about face.

“What is so bad about this place Del?!”


“Are ya ashamed of this place, yer family?!”

Del turned around with an incredulous look on his face. “Of course not!”

“Then why does it look like yer tryin’ to get as far away from us possible?!” Applejack asked.

Del grunted and turned to face his mother. Although he was taller than her, that didn’t mean she was any less intimidating, having shown more than once that size didn’t matter when it came to someone getting in your face.

“Ah’m not tryin’ to get away from anythin’! Ah love the farm, but it’s not where meh heart is Ma. Ah love cookin’, makin’ somethin’ that people can enjoy, Ah love the work and art put into it, and the Cakes and Mr. Le Grand seem to think I have a knack for it. If Ah went to that school, and came back with a certification, Ah’d be able to start a restaurant, and use the farms apples in some of my main dishes! Ah could drum up more business for us!”

Applejack snorted. “We don’t need extra money, we’ve been doin’ just fine! And what’s all this talk about ‘restaurants’ and whatnot?! Ah knew ya loved cookin’, ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, but now yer tellin’ me about all this just now?! And where the hay were ya goin’ to get the money to start up this restaurant anyway?!”

Del looked away from his mother. In truth he hadn’t really thought about that part, restaurants weren’t always successful, and mostly due to not having enough money to startup. He couldn’t ask the Cakes or Mr. Le Grand to help him, believing that they have done more than enough to help him in honing his craft. And if things didn’t pan out so well, it would mean trouble, financially, for both of them.

“Let me guess, ya were probably goin’ to ask that gal for help, what’s her name, Crème. Ah’m startin’ to think you’ve been spendin’ too much time with that rich hussy up in Matropolis! She’s probably just stringin’ ya along ‘cause she’s inta farmboys.”

Del turned on his mother, staring her right in the eye as he balled his fists in anger.

“Don’t you call her a ‘hussy’! Crème’s a nice gal, she ain’t like those other stuck up Richie Riches, course she can be a little ditzy and spacey at times, but she’s got a good heart! So don’t ya ever call that!”

Applejack pushed her forehead against Del’s. “Well if ya think so highly of her, why don’t ‘cha see if she’ll marry ya! Then ya can live the hoity toity lifestyle ya want so much!”

Del felt like saying more, but just snorted and stomped down the orchard before he said something he might’ve regretted.

“Where the hell are you goin’?! We ain’t done talkin’ about this Del!” Applejack shouted.

“Ah am!” He yelled back.

“Well fine then, go on, get!”

Applejack watched as her son continued storming off down the rows of apple trees till he had vanished from her sight. She stood there a few minutes, cursing under her breath and kicking the dirt in anger and indignation. After a while she just leaned up against the wagon and sighed disappointedly.

“Ah F’ed up…”

“Well, can’t argue with you there Hun.”

Applejack turned around and saw her husband, Caramel, walking out of the tree line and heading towards her. Applejack turned and pulled down her hat to hide her face.

“Ah just went and insulted our only son’s friend…and more than likely made him feel like he was lower than dirt for pursuin’ his dreams…Ah don’t deserve to be a mother…”

Caramel put down the basket he was carrying and went to Applejack, placing his hands on her shoulders and bringing her back against his chest.

“Don’t think like that, you’re just…a little overprotective is all,” said Caramel.

“Ah just can’t help worryin’ about him…not after what happened when he was born.”

Caramel remembered that day very well. When Golden Delicious was born, a few months after Del was born the newborn got really sick, it worried both of them to the point that they feared that they would lose their first child so soon after he was born. But by the good grace of the heavens above, Del was able to come out of it, and ever since then has been healthy as a horse. But that didn’t stop AJ from constantly worrying about him, fearing that one day the mysterious illness would come back to claim their child and neither one of them would be there to help him through it. Caramel worried too, but he knew Del’s will was strong, body and mind as well.

“I worry too AJ,” said Caramel.

“So why aren’t ya as scared as Ah am? You really want him to go away to some other country halfway around the world?! What if something happens to ‘em?! What if he gets sick again –?!”

“What if the whole country blows up, what if the sky catches fire, what if we’re invaded by extraterrestrials? What ifs, AJ, that’s all they are, what ifs. We can’t focus on those, if your ancestors kept thinking about the ‘what ifs’ do you think this farm would even exist? The same thing with your parents, do you think they worried that they wouldn’t be able to support three kids? Probably. Did Granny Smith worry about raising you three after their accident? Most likely. But they didn’t let their fears get the better of them. You’re stronger than that Applejack, I’ve seen it more than once back in high school, and even when we dated. You even wrestled a damn timber wolf, A WOLF!”

Applejack’s freckled face blushed remembering that fight. “It was goin’ after little Api and Del back then, Ah just did what any mother would’ve done.”

“Exactly. And worrying about their children is what parents do. But you can’t let those fears rule you and make every decision for them. Del’s almost twenty, he’s practically a grown man, but he’ll always need his folks, and his Ma.”

Applejack wiped away a tear quickly before her husband could see it. “Ah…Ah should probably go and get the rest of the baskets before night falls.”

Translation: I’m going to go look for Del and tell him I’m sorry, thought Caramel.

“Sure, I’ll tell AB, Pip, Big Mac, and Cheerilee that you guys are working further in the fields.”

Applejack nodded to Caramel, she then hopped onto the wagon and grabbed the reins of the horse, giving them a quick whip to spur the workhorse forward down the trail. Leaving Caramel to shake his head and smile at his wife.

“Both stubborn as mules sometimes. Now then…”

Suddenly a sonic boom roared overhead, Caramel looked up and watched as a streak of green and yellow flashed across the sky as they lowered towards the direction Applejack was going.

Del was walking for a bit when he stormed off, but it turned into a full sprint down the dirt trail into the rows of trees. Eventually he stopped at a clearing, sitting atop one of the numerous hills in Sweet Apple Acres. He sat there and watched the sun dip towards the horizon, the argument he had with his mother still fresh in his mind. He hated arguing with her, considering how close they were, but still, he just couldn’t take it anymore, he had to get that off his chest and tell his mother straight to her face what he wanted to do. Unfortunately, telling her all that, it made him realize just how little he had thought his plans through. He never did think about where he was going to get the startup money for a restaurant, and that’s assuming he graduated from such a school.

Worst case scenario, if he didn’t manage to graduate, he could keep working at Le Grand’s, but with the new knowledge and skills he learned while there. And who knows, maybe the old Frenchman would hand over ownership of the restaurant to him when he thought he was ready. But that was wishful thinking, Del wanted to use his skills to help his family, yes they were good financially, but they could be better. He was thinking of his parent’s retirement as well as his little cousin Api’s future.

If somethin’ like what happened to Echo’s pa happened to Api…Ah want to make sure we can take care of everybody. But, Del sighed, maybe I’m just not cut out for it…

Del looked once more into the distance, seeing that the sun had dipped about halfway on the horizon.

“Guess Ah’d better head back and apologize to Ma…*sigh*…and face the music.”

Just then Del heard a sonic boom roar across the sky. The farmer bolted upright and turned his gaze skywards. His eyes scanned up above for any sign of a jet plane, but instead he watched as two streaks of yellow and green flew right towards him! Del cried out and dove out of their way, tumbling down the hill as he heard the thunderous dual impact, along with the shower of upturned dirt and grass being flung into the air. When Del finally stopped rolling, he propped himself up on his forearms, groaning from the rough tumble. He looked back up at the hill that he was sitting on just a moment ago and saw that a big chunk of it had been blasted away. His eyes followed the path of destruction further downhill till his eyes rested on two beings.

The first was a woman, her skin was a bluish-green color, turquoise if Del remembered right, and shimmered like it was made of crystal. Her upper body was covered in green and black mesh-like suit, it exposed her midriff and her forearms, and on her shoulders were two green metal pads. From her waist down it was the same, her boots made of the same green metal as her pads. She had a hair that seemed to be a shade lighter than her body, but flowed freely like normal hair despite its crystalline structure. Upon the center of her chest was an insignia on that Del didn’t recognize, and on her right hand was a ring, glowing with emerald light that surrounded her entire body.

Opposite the green glowing woman was a frightening creature. It looked like a spider, with its four long hairy insectoid legs protruding from its back. Its body was thin, with two long arms and four claws, its long humanoid legs bent backwards as the three talons on its feet dug into the ground. This creature’s head was large in disproportion to its thin body, with two long pincers on either side of its drooling mouth. It was dressed in some kind of uniform, yellow and black, with an insignia on its chest that appeared similar to that of the alien woman’s. On the middle claw of its left hand rested a yellow ring, which glowed with a yellow aura that enveloped the monster’s body.

“It’s time to take you in Garseckt! Surrender now and I promise to leave you three limps instead of none!” The female alien warned.

“Kckt, Sarenia, ever loyal to the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps, they are weak, such talent is wasted on them! You have such potential and the yellow light of fear suits you better,” said Garseckt.

Sarenia chuckled at the notion. “You’re flattery is wasted, now last warning!” The Green Lantern raised her right hand and aimed it at the monster across from her. “Surrender and remove your ring, or I’ll take it off for your, claw and all!”
Garseckt let out threatening hissing and clicking sounds as he entered an attack stance. Sarenia let loose a powerful green energy blast from her ring, but Garseckt materialized a yellow construct shield which took the brunt of the blast. The sheer power and force put into the blast pushed him back, making him dig his talons into dirt to gain some leverage. Garseckt jumped up into the air, hovering overhead as his yellow ring shined. A giant spiked hammer appeared overhead, as if holding the weapon in hand Garseckt brought the giant weapon down on Sarenia.

The Green Lantern quickly erected a barrier around herself as the spiked hammer fell, a thunderous boom roared out, followed by a pressure wave from the initial impact. Garseckt quickly brought his hammer up for second time, but Sarenia was wasn’t about to standby and take it. She hardened her barrier till she couldn’t be seen at all. She then pointed her ring towards the ground and formed a drill, burrowing deep beneath the earth. Garseckt brought down his hammer for the second time and shattered the barrier like fragile glass.

The Green Lantern continued to tunnel her way below, popping up fifty feet away and flying up to meet the insectoid alien! Her left arm transformed into a long, single-edged blade, she then coated it in her green aura and brought it down on Garseckt. The surprise attack caught the alien off guard as the diamond blade sliced into one of his four spider legs. Garseckt hissed in pain as he bolted away from Sarenia. His severed limb fell to the ground, twitching for a few seconds before stopping completely. The Fear Lantern’s nub bled out a disgusting yellow blood, Garsekct quickly used his ring to create a bandage construct around his severed limb before glaring at the Green Lantern who took it.

Sarenia stared down her foe from the edge of her blade-arm, keeping her ring primed for a counterattack. Garseckt quickly opened his mouth and fired a pinpoint shot of webbing right at the Green Lantern. The webbing hit Sarenia in the face, blinding her and making her change her arm back to normal to try and rip off the webbing. Garseckt pointed his ring towards Sarenia, firing a beam of yellow light at her. The beam then burst at the tip, turning into a net that spread out over a wide area. Sarenia soon found herself caught in the net, ripping off the webbing just in time to find herself caught in his web. Garseckt commanded the net to become taut, wrapping around her and hindering her movements. Garseckt flung Sarenia to the trees, slamming her into one tree after the other, felling them with each smashing hit. He then raised his left arm up and then down, repeatedly slamming her into the fertile ground of the farm.

Del watched this all unfold, the two aliens having a duel of light and tearing up his family’s farm. It was unreal, it’d be amazing if he weren’t right in the middle of the fight! The alien known as Garseckt spun out, whipping around Sarenia with him. The spider alien released his hold on the construct net, flinging the alien women right into the ground with a great “BOOM”! Del waited for the alien woman to rise up and fight again, but she didn’t. The spider alien then flew down to the edge of the crater where he had thrown her, standing over it superiorly. Del didn’t know why, but deep down he knew, he felt that the women clad in green was good and that this monster was evil. He couldn’t allow this thing to win, if he did, then there was no telling what it could do to the rest of his family. With fierce determination, Del sprinted towards them.

Garseckt meanwhile looked down at the beaten Sarenia. Her crystalline body had cracks all over it from the repeated slams, add to it that fear weakens willpower, and it just made the blows that much more damaging. Garseckt used his ring to create shackles, lifting Sarenia up from the crater by her wrists. He then formed a blade and, with what could be assumed as a sadistic smile, thrust the blade through the crystal alien’s stomach. Sarenia gritted her teeth from the pain of the blade, Garseckt then withdrew the weapon, causing her wound to bleed out blue blood. The spider Fear Lantern smiled his hideous smile again, creating two giant nodes on either side of the Green Lantern. The nodes released concussive sound waves that screeched in Sarenia’s ears.

She grunted, refusing to let the monster hear her painful cries as she felt her crystalline body begin crack from the sound waves. The damage was building up, and only worsening the wound she just suffered, the sound was scrambling her mind, making it hard for her to concentrate on a construct formation.

“Just give in Sarenia, let me hear your beautiful screams before you die!”

“Ragshet grah mah!” Sarenia cursed.

“Oh such language, maybe I should cut out your tongue!”

“Get away from her you oversized bug!!!” Del shouted.

Garseckt looked towards the voice in confusion, only to have a size eight cowboy boot meet his mandible. The sound of crunching bone could be heard as Garseckt was sent flying twenty feet away, skidding against the dirt like a pebble skipping the surface of the water. The yellow constructs faded away, their creator no longer able to concentrate on maintaining them. Del landed roughly, having gone into a sprint to deliver his “apple buck” kick, but he quickly recovered, watching as the alien women began to fall from the air. He positioned himself directly beneath her and caught her, he was prepared to lift something that weighed several pounds since she had a crystal body, but she felt surprisingly light.

“Hey Miss, can ya hear me, Miss?!”

“…Ugh…Who…are you…?”

“Ah’m Del, don’t talk right now we need to get ya out of here before he gets back up!”

“You…You attacked Garseckt…?”


The young man watched as his mother came bursting out from the tree line and thundering towards him. Applejack pulled back on the reins, yelling “WHOA” as she brought the horse to a halt, nearly tipping over the wagon. Applejack looked upon her son, carrying the injured Green Lantern.

“What the hell is goin’ on?! Who’s she, and why’s this place look like a damn warzone?!” Applejack asked.

“Later Ma, we need to get her out of here, there’s a monster over there that’s comin’ for her and –!”

A burst of yellow light exploded behind them, silhouetted in the light was Garseckt, infuriated that he had just been kicked by a lowly human. Del handed the alien woman to his mother and turned around to face the alien that was coming towards them.

“Ma, get her out of here now!”

“DEL WAIT!!!” Applejack shouted.

Del ran right for the spider monster, fists balled up and ready to fight the creature. Applejack felt a stirring from the alien woman as she lightly pushed off of her and turned towards the retreating form of the charging boy. She then pointed her ring at the boy smiling.

“Ring choose well…and please choose him…!”

The green ring shot off the alien woman, her green suit disappearing with it. Her body went limp, making AJ hurry to catch the woman.

“Hey are ya alright?! Ah’m talkin’ to ya, can ya hear me?!”

In Brightest Day…

The ring zipped into the air, stopping for a moment as its otherworldly technology searched for a new bearer. It’s blinking green light stopped shining as it aimed itself right for Del, taking off like lightning.

…In Blackest Night…

Garseckt charged for Del, summoning two yellow sword constructs to cleave this human in half!

No evil…shall escape my sight…!

Del was terrified of this monster in front him, but he couldn’t let that stop him, yes this was stupid, yes this might’ve been futile, but if he could slow this creature down long enough for the crystal woman to get away, then he’d be damned if he wasn’t going make this easy on the spider!

Let those who worship…evil’s might…

Del raised his right hand, prepared to punch the monster right in the face, but right before he clenched his fist, the green ring slipped over his middle finger. The green light of willpower surrounded him, energizing every cell in his body. A suit of black, green, and white formed over his body, bearing the same insignia as the as the alien woman.

Beware our power…

Del thrust out his right fist with heightened speed, smashing it into Garseckt’s face and catching him completely off guard, his eight eyes watching as the ring shined.

…Green Lantern’s light!!!

The ring unleashed its pent up power, blasting Garseckt with a full powered energy blast! The beam roared out as Del pointed the beam straight into the sky, lighting up the twilight with his emerald glow. Del willed the beam to stop and it obeyed, but when he readied himself to fight back against Garseckt he found that that wouldn’t be necessary. The creature’s head and upper half of his body was completely blasted away, the only thing left was his waist, legs, and his two arms that had escaped the blast.

Del panted, glad that the monster was dead, but now completely confused as to why he was wearing a suit and a ring that was the same as the alien’s.

“Oh crap!”

Del turned around and quickly ran back to his mother and the alien. He skidded to a stop when he saw that the alien woman was no longer in her uniform or wearing her ring. The only had on some weird space suit. Applejack had the woman’s head resting in her lap, her hand pressed over her wound to stop the bleeding, but it didn’t seem to be doing anything to stop it. Some blood seeped from the corner of Sarenia’s mouth, she then moved her head, hearing the approaching footsteps of the boy who helped her.

“Del, correct?” Sarenia asked.

“Y-Yeah, just hang on Miss –”

“Sarenia,” she interrupted, “my name is Sarenia of Space Sector 873, home planet Hexcarta…”

“Alright, Sarenia we’ll get ya to a…a doctor or somethin’!”

Sarenia shook her head. “No…it’s too late. Listen to me, you have been chosen by my ring, it is a great gift and a terrible privilege. You are to be the first Green Lantern of Earth, and it will be your duty to protect your world and sector.”

Del and Applejack looked to his right hand, seeing the glowing ring that once used to be Sarenia’s.

“But…Ah…Ah can’t Ah…I don’t…”

“The ring doesn’t make mistakes, you have the potential Del of Earth, and I believe in you.”

Sarenia lifted her crystalline hand, Del quickly grasped it as he looked into her now pink eyes. He could see that this wasn’t some way to force him into this, she genuinely believed that Del had what it took to be a Green Lantern. Even though he wasn’t exactly sure he was right for the job.


“You will make a fine Green Lantern…”

Del felt her hand go limp, he held onto it gently as he placed it over her chest, his mother doing the same with the left hand. She gently slid Sarenia’s head from under her lap and rested it against the soft grass. AJ then took off her hat and placed it over her heart, although she didn’t know the alien long, she saved her boy and for that she would be grateful. Del stood up and offered a silent prayer to Sarenia and whatever deity her people worshipped that her soul would find peace. Applejack replaced her hat back atop her head, wiping some tears from her eyes.

“Um…Del, sugarcube…Ah…”

The young man moved forward and hugged his mother fiercely, surprising her by the sudden embrace, but only for a moment before she too hugged him back.

“Ah’m sorry too, Ma.”

Mother and son held each for a few moments before separating.

“We have a lot to talk about.”

Del brought up his ring and looked into it. “Yeah, Ah think we do.”

[Golden Delicious of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.]

Author's Note:

Golden Delicious Bio

Before any of you ask, no that's not a typo I just split the diff for Maretropolis and Metropolis.