• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 3,207 Views, 72 Comments

MLDC Next Generation: Teen Titans - Michael_Ravencroft

When evil seeks to plunge the world into darkness, eight young heroes will band together to stop it!

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Secret Origins Part 5: "Smile, all will be well, silly!"





This was the sound heard within the dark cave, nothing but blackness, cold, and the sound of dripping water echoing within the long expanse of the cave. Within this hollow space sat a girl, her hair was mostly pink, with streaks of off-white, almost swirling into each other. She sat in a meditative position, with nothing but a white robe that hung off her right shoulder, and a blue ring on her right middle finger. The ring gave off a soft blue light, illuminating the darkness just a tad, but not enough to see everything.





The girl was known as Cotton Candy, Candy or CeCe to her friends. She breathed in and out, slowly and evenly, in rhythm with her steady heartbeat. Within the darkness of this cave, her mind flashed back to the day when she first saw it…


The streaks of green and yellow in the sky, the thunderous boom in the distance. The worried, sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach when she saw said streaks land somewhere near her friend’s farm, but at the same time she felt something bigger was at work, and that this bigger presence was telling her that everything would be alright. She took the sight of a green pillar of light shooting up into the sky as a good sign.

Later that day Candy visited her friend, Golden Delicious’ family farm. Apparently everything was okay according to them, but even though Candy could be a bit of an airhead sometimes, she was smarter than some gave her credit for. She noticed, on the day that her mother and her went to go visit the Apple Family, that Del had a green ring on his right hand. She’d known the culinary apple farmer long enough to know that he wasn’t one for wearing jewelry, and for some reason she could feel a strange power emanating from the ring, as if it had a powerful presence, but it wasn’t threatening.

Candy could tell when her friends weren’t being truthful with her, and being of the Apple Family, both Pinkie and Candy knew what terrible liars they were, but if they did lie, it must’ve been for a good reason. One day Candy decided to visit Del, asking her Aunt Maud for a lift, her Aunt Maud didn’t ask any questions, she seemed to understand her need to go and see her friend.

When Candy arrived there, she found Del with a bag slung over his shoulder, walking towards the apple trees. Deciding to find out what was going on, she followed the farmer as stealthily as she could. She tailed Del deep into the apple orchard, she knew the orchards just as well as Del, having helped them in their work and playing with him and his cousins in the orchards since they were children.

Del stopped in a clearing, looking around to make sure that no one was around. Candy decided now was the time to spring up on him.



Del spun around, dropping his back and pointing his ring in Candy’s direction. She found the action odd, he held it as if it were a weapon and was going to use it. But after he saw who it was Del lowered his arm and sighed heavily.

“CeCe, what the hell, ya almost gave me a heart attack!” Del shouted.

Candy was taken aback by the slight harshness in his words. “S-Sorry Del…I was just worried about you and…I’ll go.”

Del face palmed himself as he saw Candy turn around to leave and quickly called out. “Candy wait, Ah’m sorry! Ah’m just a little…nervous and wound up is all.”

The young teenage girl turned around confused. “Nervous…about what?”

Del stopped, wondering if he should say anything to her. “It’s complicated CeCe…”

Candy walked up to Del, placing her hand on his shoulder while smiling up at him comfortingly.

“Sometimes telling someone about it can make it less complicated,” said Candy.

Del relented, if there was anyone who could keep a secret and confide in, it was Candy. Del and Candy sat down in the grass as Del recounted the events of a couple of weeks ago. How the streaks of light landed at his home, about the battle between the aliens Sarenia and Garseckt, and how Sarenia’s ring chose him to be a Green Lantern. Candy had to admit, all this sounded too fantastic, but Del was deadly serious in every word he spoke, and she knew he wasn’t one for making up stories like this.

He also told her about how two other Green Lanterns, a humanoid who looked like a cross between a buffalo and horse by the name of Dakotah Deltana. And the other, a girl with skin as white as snow, black hair with a mix of electric blue highlights, and sporting sunglasses and earphones, her name was Electronica. The two Lanterns came to collect their fallen, and saw that she had passed her ring to Del. This Dakotah was apparently a drill sergeant of the Green Lantern Corps and told him he had to report to Oa for basic training before he could be officially the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. Electronica was able to negotiate with Dakotah to allow Del time to get his affairs in order before just up and leaving.

“Electronica said she’d escort me to Oa so Ah wouldn’t have to make the trip through space alone, and that’s about it, she’s just waitin’ for me to give her the signal,” said Del.

Candy leaned back, staring up at the sky as she took all of this in.

“Wow…That’s…Wow. Are you sure about this Del? Not that I don’t think you’ll totally blow those other recruit guys out of the water, but…is your mom and dad alright with this?”

“Well, Ma was there when it happened. We talked about it a lot for the past couple of weeks, she’s a bit scared –”

“‘A bit’?” Candy asked, knowing his mother well.

“Okay, a might scared, but I think it’ll be good. Sarenia said the ring doesn’t make mistakes, if it chose me then it was for a reason. Ah don’t want make her sacrifice be in vain, and you know Ah’m not one to walk away from something important.”

Candy sighed. “I know, and you’re right. I’d tell you to be careful, but I know you’ll come back!”

Del smiled at his friend, feeling his spirits lifted from talking to her. “Guess it’s about time.”

Del stood up and so did Candy. The freckled faced boy pointed his ring into the air, willing the ring to release a thin beam of energy that shot straight up into the sky. Several seconds past with nothing happening, but soon a green flash zoomed straight down from the sky. The streak of emerald light slowed down till it became a slow descent, the intense aura lessening to reveal the Green Lantern. Electronica had a green vest on that covered her upper body, she had cloth, fingerless gloves that covered her forearms. On her feet she wore green boots that had metal plates on them, and some black shorts that hugged her waist and thighs.

Electronica had her left hand on her left construct earphone, bobbing her head and moving her body to the beat that only she could hear. When she landed Electronica danced a bit to the music, Candy couldn’t help but notice how fluidly she moved to the music, she kinda wanted to know what she was listening to. After a minute Electronica stopped, lowering the volume of her earphones and looking upon the two teenagers, arms crossed as she gave them a grin from under her green shades.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here? Saying goodbye to your girlfriend are we?” Electronica said, teasingly.

Both Del and Candy blushed at the accusation.

“No-no-no-no-no! I’m not his girlfriend! Just a good friend!” Candy corrected.

“Right, she’s my childhood friend, known her since we were little!” Del added.

“Oooooh, childhood friend huh? Well, she’s a cutie I’ll give you that Del.”

Del placed his right hand over his face in embarrassment. “Electronica please…”

The white skinned girl wagged a finger in the air. “Uh-uh, among my comrades and friends, you can call me Electra. Anyway, you ready to go?”

“Yeah, Ah am.” Del confirmed.

“Wait, how long will your training take?!” Candy asked.

“Oh basic takes about three months Earth time, so you’ll see him back pretty soon.”

“That means you’ll be gone all summer, can he at least write?”

Electra rubbed the back of her head, “Unfortunately no…Basic training will take Del to different places, and during that time he’ll be pretty much cut off to all except fellow corps members. Plus I don’t think Earth has faster-than-light communication.”

Hearing that made Candy a little sad, but she knew she didn’t have to worry about him, she got good vibe from Electronica, so Candy was assured that he’d be in good hands.

“Guess Ah’ll see ya in three months.” Del walked over to Electronica, his bag slung over his left shoulder. He then turned to Candy waved to her. “See ya Candy.”

“Later,” replied Candy.

Electronica pointed her ring to the sky, and Del mimicked her. Both rings glowed and in the blink of an eye they shot up into the sky faster than a bullet, two streaks of light combining into one as they sailed higher and higher, becoming a green star in the blue vastness above.

Del well do great, I believe in him…

“But you don’t know that for sure.”

Candy opened her topaz yellow eyes, and in the darkness appeared a girl that looked exactly like Candy. Her eyes shimmered with yellow, a brighter shade than that of her own eyes. She laid on her stomach before Candy, kicking her legs back and forth as she propped herself on her forearms.

“Of course I know that, Del’s determined and strong.”

“Pfft, c’mon C, deep down you really want him to come back a failure, because as tough as he is, he can’t handle stuff like this! We should be there waiting for him, he’ll need some comforting…” The other Candy laid on her side seductively and ran a finger from her hips, to her belly, and flicked off the center of her chest. “When he gets back.”

“Not the kind of comforting you’re suggesting,” said Candy calmly.

“Please, you’re afraid and you know it! Afraid he’ll find some other girl that’s not as ditzy and airheaded as us! We’ve known him for years and hasn’t made one move on us! What chances do you think we have now that he’ll see other worlds with alien babes on them?!”

“It doesn’t matter, I care about Del. But I have no right to push him to me. If that’s where his heart leads him, then I’ll welcome him with open arms. But till then, I will pray and hope that he finds what he’s looking for and I’ll do all I can to make sure I can help him.”

“That’s rich coming from you!”

Out of the darkness appeared two smaller girls, one had pink hair similar to Candy’s, but with a highlights that were a shade brighter in it. The second was slightly smaller than the first, but her hair was a mix of light-blue with gray highlights. Both girls sported yellow glowing irises like the Candy still lying on the cave floor. These were Cotton Candy’s younger siblings, the twins Sugar Rush and Cloudy Skies.

“You don’t think you can do anything right!” Sugar Rush accused.

“You try many hobbies, where many hats, yet you never seem to find yourself perfectly suited for any of them,” said Cloudy Skies.

“And let’s not forget how super jealous we were when these two were born! We even tried to run away, but just ended up running back home! How dumb do you have to be to not even know how to run away correctly?!”

Candy furrowed her brow a little at that. “I’m not dumb, I just have a good sense of direction sometimes. And so what if I’m not good at different things, it just means I haven’t found my knack just yet.”

Sugar Rush blew a raspberry. “Puh-lease, our Mommy is like the best party planner in Canterlot City, even back when she was your age, she was planning her school’s parties and stuff!”

“She was loved by many of the school, always putting a smile on their faces. Even into her older years, she never stopped.”

“And then we were born…” The other Candy got on her hands and knees and started crawling towards Candy. “A lot of people expected good things from us, but you don’t seem to handle the big stuff when it counts. You can plan a party well enough, but you seem to have a problem with big parties, you even freeze up in front of crowds of people! How lame is that?!”

“I…I…just…” The light of the blue ring was starting to falter. The apparitions making their way closer to Candy.

“Face it big sister, nobody really likes you, they just put up with you,” said Sugar Rush.

“You are a nuisance to your friends and our Mother and Father, the failure first child,” said Cloudy Skies.

“At this rate there’s only one thing you’ll be good at, and you can’t say it won’t be fun,” said the other Candy.

The light dimmed more and more as the apparitions got closer and closer. The words they spoke were hurtful, and spoken from the deepest, darkest parts of Candy’s heart. These were all things she feared, all the things she was afraid would be brought about. A feeling of despair was beginning to encroach on her, along with the darkness of the cave and the apparitions of her siblings and alter self. But…

“You’re wrong…” The ring began to glow. “I do have doubts, and fears, but so what?!”

The ring glowed brighter, illuminating a small portion of space around her.

“If I just focused on all the bad, I wouldn’t be able to see the good, and the good I can bring to others…”

The apparitions, once having cocky, sinister smiles, now started to back away from her, almost as if they feared the blue glow.

“I love seeing others smile, and knowing I brought that smile makes me happy. I may not be good at everything, but I try, and with my friends I can become better.”

Candy slowly rose up from her sitting position and stared down the apparitions before her.

“Sugar, Cloudy, I was jealous of you. But the day Mom let me hold you two, and you two smiled at me, all I ever wanted to be from then on was good big sister to you two. I know you’ll both do great things when you’re older, and I’ll be happy knowing that I helped you in some small way, even if it’s just a hug or a kind word.”

The apparitions of Cloudy and Sugar clutched at their hearts, going down on one knee as if being struck a mighty blow.

“I believe in myself, and Mom and Dad haven’t once ever thought those things about me. I see it in their smiles and in their eyes, with every hug and ruffle of my hair, I feel it.” Candy stepped forward, making her alter stumble backwards onto her back. She stopped there, waiting for Candy to do something, but instead only felt the gentle caress of her hand against her cheek. “So you don’t have to think of yourself like that, I’m proud of who I am.”

Candy’s ring glowed brighter in the darkness, she then stood back and brought her left fist up and gently held it against her open right palm.

“So farewell, because all will be well.”

Candy closed her eyes and bowed before the apparitions, the blue ring let loose a blinding radiance that dispelled the apparitions and lit up the tunnel. When next she opened her eyes, Candy saw that everything inside the cave was as clear as day. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, with a smile on her face she strode towards it, not fearing what would be on the other side.

She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the change in light, her ears took in the sounds of rushing water, fluttering birds, and wind as it moved through the trees. When Candy opened her eyes fully, she saw before her a beautiful landscape.

Blue crystals jutted out of the ground, becoming tall monoliths that stretched a few stories tall. Before her was a lush forest, and a dirt trail. Candy walked along the trail, enjoying the smell of the flowers as she walked past them, a strange bird flew up to her and landed on her shoulder, chirping a song as she walked as if to keep her company. Candy giggled at the twin tailed bird and kept a leisurely pace down the road. She was bare foot, but the dirt was so soft and free of rocks that she didn’t mind it, and it was comfortably warm. The blue sun up above shined through the canopy of leaves, bathing the various alien fruits that hung from them in its nurturing sunlight.

At the end of the road Candy looked upon a wondrous sight, a castle made entirely of crystal stood at some distance away, at the bottom of this tower like castle, was a giant blue lantern, it’s glow was brilliant and gentle, the castle absorbed this light and let it flow out through the highest peak in its structure, creating an aurora borealis effect across the sky, but instead of a rainbow of colors it was many hues of blue.

Candy looked up and saw someone approaching her. It was a woman, in her early twenties from what Candy could estimate. She wore a suit of blue and black, a strange insignia was on her chest, the same as on Candy’s ring. Her long flowing hair was a mixture of dark-blue, yellow, and royal blue. A golden ribbon wrapped around her long locks, adding to her beauty. A powder blue skirt was attached to the waist of her suit, flowing down to just a few inches below her knees, and on her back were wings that were blue starting from the tips but faded into slivery-white once they reached the base of her back .

A blue aura encompassed her body making her look like an angel descending from the heavens. She landed before Candy, smiling happily at her as she looked upon the young girl with her silvery-blue eyes.

“Saint Mi Querida Esperanza,” greeted Candy as she bowed before the angelic woman.

“Please Sister Candy, I know it’s a bit of a mouthful to say, you can just speak the translation to make it easier, I don’t mind at all.”

“Oh, okay, thank you Saint Hope.”

Saint Hope nodded approvingly. “You have done well Sister Candy, you’ve completed the final day of your training and your ring shines bright. You are ready to take your oath before the Power Battery, please allow me to escort you.”

Candy bowed once again to Saint Hope and her to Candy. Both girls walked along the dirt path till it changed to crystal. In the distance to Candy’s left was a large waterfall, and further beyond the castle a vast mountain range, even though she had been on Planeta de la Paz for three days, she still found this world beautiful. Saint Hope walked side-by-side with Candy, hands behind her back as she hummed a little tune.

“Um, Saint Hope?”

“Yes Sister Candy?”

“Not that I’m ungrateful for you choosing me to be a Blue Lantern, but I have to ask…”

“Why you, correct?”

“It’s not that I have doubt, but I was just wondering why out of all the people on Earth, why did the ring appear to me?”

Saint Hope giggled. “Your curiosity is not misplaced. It is a valid question, to which I will answer. You see, the light of the Emotional Spectrum exists within us all, every color and every emotion, but your world, planet Earth, for some reason has yet have been touched by it. The appearance of a Green Lantern and a Fear Lantern have sparked a change in your world. Whether for good or ill has yet to be determined, but something tells me that it will be the former rather than the latter.”

Candy thought on this. “So, until Fear and Willpower showed up, Earth couldn’t touch the light until now.”

“Correct. Your friend, Brother Del, has been given a great gift, and through his connection to the light of will, the other lights sought out those with connections. But since the blue light of hope sits side-by-side with will, ours was the next light to seek out a bearer. You are special Sister Candy, the light of hope shines greatly within you, and we wish to help you realize that great hope.”

“I kept thinking I wanted to help Del, but I didn’t know how. But then this ring showed up, and thank you by the way for coming to explain to my Mom and Dad about it.”

Saint Hope remembered that conversation, Candy’s mother was in awe and let out a seemingly never ending stream of questions as she examined her form, her hyperactive little sister followed right behind with the same triad of questions, while her father laid on the floor passed out, and the other sister tried to help him wake up.

“It was no problem Sister Candy, your mother is quite lovely and lively.” Saint Hope chuckled.

“Yep, she’s always like that,” said Candy.

Soon the two girls reached the giant Blue Lantern Power Battery, many other Blue Lanterns from various planets were gathered around it, waiting with smiles to watch the induction of their newest member from a world that had never before known about the Emotional Spectrum. Saint Hope’s expression changed from bemused to slightly serious upon reaching her next topic before they reached the battery.

“Now Sister Candy, remember, upon becoming a Blue Lantern, your friend, Brother Del, will need your help in the battles to come. Hope is strong, but when both hope and willpower fight together, they become a great power. The light of hope is a light of miracles, a promise of greater things, and dawning of a new sun. You carry with you, within your ring, the hopes and dreams of not just your world but through its light, the universes’ as well.”

“I understand, and I am ready, Saint Hope.”

Saint Hope placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling at the young girl. She walked ahead of her and stood under the opening of the giant lantern. Saint Hope turned around and spread her wings as she spoke to the gathered Blue Lanterns.

“My Brothers and Sisters, today we have gathered here to induct into our ranks Sister Cotton Candy of Earth. Today is a most momentous day, for she will be the first of hopefully many among her people who keep the light of hope alive in the universe! Sister Candy, please step forward.”

Candy did as instructed. Walking down the path made for her by the crowd of Blue Lanterns, each smiling and bowing to her as she passed them. She had to admit, it was a little embarrassing walking in front of so many in nothing but a robe-like toga, her anxiety of being in front of big crowds was there, but it wasn’t as overpowering as it once was. These others, aliens from different worlds, and yet, she felt such a bond of comradery, respect, and kindness radiate from them that she didn’t feel afraid at all, she was happy. Candy walked on, but with her head held high and a smile on her face. Once she was close to Saint Hope, she knelt down before their leader, she then felt Saint Hope place her right wing over Candy’s left shoulder, the downy softness of her feathers was comforting.

“Sister Candy, are you ready to join in our noble quest, to keep those who would bring despair from prevailing, and spark hope in the hopeless?” Saint Hope asked.

“I do,” said Candy.

Saint Hope removed her wing. “Then rise Sister Candy, and recite the sacred oath of the Blue Lanterns!”

Candy rose to her feet as Saint Hope stood away. She pointed her ring towards the opening of the giant Power Battery and concentrated, the ring glowed bright as the serene light flowed through her body.

In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full our souls ignite!
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!

The Power Battery blazed forth with cerulean light, coursing through the crystal palace and shooting up into the sky, igniting the heavens with its blue light of hope. That very same light enveloped Cotton Candy, wrapping her in a blanket of soothing comfort and kind feelings. The toga was ripped away as the light overlapped her body. A black mesh formed first, covering her legs all the way up to her waist. Upon her feet formed another layer of soft, faux blue leather boots.

On either side of her thighs were blue panels, and around her waist a belt formed with a blue metal clasp. The black mesh traveled further up, covering her stomach and chest, and stopping at the base her neck, leaving her arms bare. A blue vest formed over her chest, with the Blue Lantern insignia upon it. Lastly, two blue metal wristbands formed on their hand, the white toga cloth changed to blue and attached one end of the wristband to the other, creating a flowing mantle behind her.

The light flowed into Candy’s ring, revealing her new uniform to all of her fellow Blue Lanterns. Candy took a moment to examine her new form and squeed gleefully at the outfit, but then she remembered where she was and she stopped, bowing respectfully first to Saint Hope and then to the other Blue Lanterns.

“Well done Sister Candy, but I assume that you don’t want others to know your identity, correct?”

“Oh, duh, almost forgot!” Candy waved her hand over her face, creating a blue mask that obscured her eyes, making them appear as white slits. “There we go, secret identity kept.”

The other Blue Lanterns clapped and some cheered in congratulations to their newest member. Saint Hope walked up beside Candy and smiled her warmest smile yet.

“Now then, Sister Candy, let us return you home.”

“Yes Saint Hope!”

The other Blue Lanterns parted and watched as both Saint Hope and Candy flew off into the sky, breaking through the atmosphere and heading off into space.

Del’s going to be surprised when he finds out!

Qwardian Space…

Deep within the recesses of the extradimensional space, a planet bathed in yellow light exists. This planet had no name, but it was known as the main base for the Fear Lantern Corps, the sworn enemies of the Green Lantern Corps.

A single ring flew through space and headed right for the planet, entering the atmosphere and speeding by various nightmarish and horrifying alien beings, each wearing a uniform and ring similar to the spider alien monster, Garseckt.

The ring flew before a woman who stood at the highest tower closest to the Yellow Power Battery. Her hair was a flowing mixture of stars, mimicking a night sky, and upon her back were black wings that fanned out, making her look very intimidating. Her eyes changed from their turquoise hue to yellow, her agitation that one of their Fear Lanterns had been defeated always put her in a sour mood. She took the ring into her left hand, using her own ring to read the data stored on it. After a moment she glanced over her shoulder.

“Nidra, I know you’re there. Quit skulking in the shadows and stand firm.” She ordered.

A young girl descended from the shadows of the ceiling, her cobalt blue hair flowing down her back as her bat-like wings slowed her descent. Nidra’s slit yellow eyes adjusted back to normal round irises as she approached the woman.

“Yes Mother?”

“It’s Luna when we are discussing important matters, daughter.” Luna corrected.

“I didn’t know it was important, Luna,” said Nidra with a slight curt tone. “What has gotten you into even fouler mood than usual?”

“One of our soldiers, Garseckt, has fallen.”

“Ugh, Garseckt, not going to miss him. Guy was more of a sadistic pervert than what we usually get around here.” Nidra commented.

“Admittedly yes, and I’m more or less happy he’s dead. I did not care for the way he looked at you,” said Luna, keeping the last portion under her breath.

“What was that?”

“Nothing you need concern yourself with! Garseckt’s death will prove useful, apparently he was defeated by a Green Lantern on a planet called ‘Earth’.”

“And what does this have to do with me?” Nidra asked.

“I want you to go to Earth, survey it, and see if its inhabitants could prove useful to us.”

Nidra’s pointed ears perked up at what she was hearing. “Are you…Are you letting me go out on mission?! Solo?!”


Nidra had to contain her joy, this was her first mission away from the Qwardian Dimension, and she couldn’t – didn’t want to botch it up by looking so happy about it.

“I’ll leave immediately, Luna.” Nidra turned around and was about to leave the room until a thought entered her head. “Um…if I encounter a Green Lantern on that world, what are my orders?”

Luna released the ring and let it return to the selection room, she then crossed her arms behind her back and kept her gaze forward.

“You eliminate them…” Nidra lowered her head. “…At your discretion.”

Luna listened as the door closed behind her, she waited a few moments and sighed.

Supernova, our daughter doesn’t need this world, maybe a change can come upon this Earth.

Author's Note:

Cotton Candy Bio
Sugar Rush Bio
Cloudy Skies Bio
Nidra Bio
Dakotah Deltana Bio
Electronica Bio
Princess Mi Querida Esperanza (aka Hope) Bio

Yeah I decided to cameo Faith-Wolff's Next Gen characters into this as well. Will I cameo others and will they appear in future chapters? Don't know, but we'll see. Oh and the planet's name in translation means "Planet of Peace" google translate.