• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 3,204 Views, 72 Comments

MLDC Next Generation: Teen Titans - Michael_Ravencroft

When evil seeks to plunge the world into darkness, eight young heroes will band together to stop it!

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Invasion Part 3: The Battle Begins

Summer meant spending time with family and friends, but in Echo’s case it was one in the same thing. Ever since the death of her father in the car accident, Echo had been living under the same roof as her cousin Whirlwind, she was happy that her Aunt and Uncle were more than willing to take the young girl in. In Echo’s opinion, they wanted to, too afraid of losing the last bit of family they had left.

It wasn’t all bad though, Echo’s friends, Api and Pixel, were there for her. And it was nice living with her Aunt and Uncle, Whirlwind was already like a big sister to her, now she got to be one practically every day. Tonight, though, Echo was having a little sleepover.

Api was clothed in her onesie white PJs with red apples all over it, Pixel was wearing an oversized T-shirt that had Pacman on it chasing ghosts, and Echo was wearing some black boxers with a gray tank top undershirt. Her aunt Cloudchaser had asked if she preferred something else for sleeping attire a while back, but she liked this as her PJs, it felt freer and less stifling. That, and her cousin often went to bed wearing the same…if not sometimes less.

“Ah can’t believe you actually got to see Hawk and Dove!” Api exclaimed.

“Shhh!” Echo and Pixel hissed.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Echo had told her friends that she was Thunder? Must have slipped my mind. Yes, she indeed told her friends she was Earth’s Mightiest Mortal and Champion of Magic, kind of had to when they were all three cornered by a pack of hellhounds summoned up by some idiots who were playing around with magic. Anyway, she changed in front of them, and from then on they’ve kept the secret ever since, even helping her to get away and transform by making excuses or covering for her when needed.

“Sorry, but Ah still can’t believe it!”

“Yeah, what were they like?! I bet Dove was nice, she looks pretty and cool with that white feather cape,” said Pixel.

“Eh, Ah like Hawk better, she can really kick some butt and she charges right in, not afraid of nothin’,” said Api.

“Oh, and the fact that she’s shorter has nothing to do with it.” Pixel accused as she stuck out her tongue.

“Hey ya cheeky blighter, that’s below ‘e belt!”

“You’re accent switched again.”

“Whatever, still think Hawk’s better.” Api proclaimed.

“Ahem, sitting right here guys.”

Pixel and Api looked to Echo, sitting against her bed nonchalantly as the two girls went on about the other superheroes. The two girls realized what they were doing and quickly apologized.

“Sorry Echo, you’re still number one with us,” said Pixel.

“Yeah, sorry, we…uh, fergot for a sec…”

Echo chuckled. “It’s fine, I get it. And they were pretty cool. Hawk’s intense, but Dove is a lot calmer. Still, don’t know what was up with those thugs and those super weapons though.”

Pixel had a curious look. “Well what did they say about them?”

“They didn’t know either. They said they knew someone who could look into it, so I just let them have it.”

“Why didn’t ya work with ‘em? Ah bet you three would’ve made a great team in findin’ out what those weapons were?” Api asked.

Echo brought her legs up and hugged them to her chest. “‘Cause…I’m supposed to keep the world safe from magical stuff, I occasionally stop a few criminals if I can. But that kind of stuff I leave up to Hawk and Dove, or ones like Arrow in Matropolis. And the global stuff I leave to Green Lantern and Blue Lantern, I don’t need to get involved, they got things handled. Besides…”

“Besides?” Api asked.

“I have to be ready in case he shows up again.”

“Who shows up?” Pixel asked.

“The guy who murdered my Dad…”

Api and Pixel looked worriedly at their friend. The young Apple got up and sat beside her friend, offering what comfort her presence could offer. Pixel did the same, although, being the tallest of their group, she was able to drape her arm over both girls and bring them close to her. Echo smiled at both her friends. She knew they’d always have her back, always be there for her, and Echo knew she’d always be there for them, whether it was as a friend or as Thunder to protect them.

“Alright, enough with the sad sack stuff! Let’s talk about something else!” Pixel offered.

“Like what?” Echo asked.

“Like how Nighty and Api would make a cute couple.”

“WHAT?! Ewww, no! Uh-uh! Negatory! That ain’t the right ship, no sir!” Api vehemently proclaimed.


Suddenly all three girls went silent.


“Uh…what was that?” Api asked.




Echo, Pixel, and Api stood up as they looked around the room, standing back to back. At that moment the power cut off, and the room was pitch black; the only light source coming from Echo’s bedroom window. The three girls gulped, but then saw a large shadow speed by the window, causing Api and Pixel to jump and hide behind Echo.

“Oh thanks guys!”

“Hey, you’re the one with superpowers,” said Api.

She couldn’t argue with that. Just then the door handle jiggled, causing all three to turn in its direction. Echo stood firm, watching as the handle continued to rattle and finally it stopped. The young, spiky haired girl clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes, ready to spring into action. The door slowly opened, inch by slow inch it creaked open until…


“AAAAHAAH!!!” Api and Pixel screamed.

“SHA – Whirlwind?!”

Indeed, it was Whirlwind. The frosty haired skateboarder had a flashlight shining under her face, casting shadows to make her appear frightening, and with those intense icy blue eyes, it worked. The older girl chuckled at the startled faces of the three young ones.

“That wasn’t funny Whirlwind!” Echo chastised.

“Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t resist. The power went out, I guess we blew a fuse or something.”

All three let out a collective sigh of relief, Echo especially, since she almost transformed in front of her cousin. Whirlwind then dispensed flashlights among all three girls.

“Hey guys, the next time you want to try and ‘scare’ me, you’ll have to try better than doing some thudding against the wall.”

Pixel, Echo, and Api stiffened up at that.

“Ya mean…you weren’t makin’ those thuddin’ noises?”


“Seriously?” Pixel asked.


“Then what…?”





All four girls looked up at the ceiling, shining their lights as if it would bring the culprit into view. Suddenly another shadow sped across Echo’s window, followed by a third, and a fourth. All three girls huddled around Whirlwind in fear, with Whirlwind herself stunned from what she saw.

“You guys saw that right, please tell you saw that?!”

“Yes!” All three answered.

“Okay…Mom and Dad are out…we’re alone…”

Whirlwind looked down to the three girls clinging to her, Echo was still showing bravery, despite wanting to stay close to her cousin. The older girl gulped and steeled her nerves.

I’m the only adult in the house, I-I have to keep them safe!

“Girls listen to me.” Whirlwind crouched low so that she was eye level with them. “I need you three to be brave for me. I don’t know what that was, but maybe it was a big owl or something…more than one owl, maybe. Don’t worry.”

Whirlwind was cursing herself now for not bringing her cellphone, her pajama shorts weren’t exactly equipped with pockets. Luckily, Echo’s was right on her nightstand and charged. The olive skinned teen hurriedly grabbed the phone and dialed 911. The phone rang twice, three times, four, and then.

{We’re sorry, all circuits are currently busy, please try again later.}

“You’ve got to be kidding me?!”

Whirlwind dialed the number again.

{We’re sorry, all circuits are currently busy, please try again later.}

“OH C’MON!” She whispered harshly.

“What’s wrong?!” Echo asked.

“Nothing’s wrong,” she lied, “just need to try another number.”

Whirlwind quickly dialed in her father’s cellphone number. She waited for the phone to ring but then she was hit with another automated message.

{Sorry, due to the extremely high call volume, all services are currently down. Please try again in an hour as we try to fix the problem. Thank you.}

What is going on, thought Whirlwind.


“What was that?!” Api cried.


All four girls turned to the window and watched as a large demon monster stared at them from the window. They screamed bloody murder as the monster roared at them, and then swung its fist right into the window, shattering it and part of the wall in one hit. Whirlwind quickly threw open the door and shoved Pixel, Echo, and Api threw it, slamming the door behind them.


Whirlwind knew that one of her parent’s cars was still in the garage, she may not have a license or learners permit yet, but all that be damned survival was number one right now! The four of them made a mad dash for the stairs, skipping two to three steps along the way, miraculously none of them stumbled, landing on the floor with a thud and moving out of the way of the next person behind them. Once they reached the living room, however, that’s when things got bad.

The crash from earlier was the sound of another monster smashing its way through the backyard sliding door. Whirlwind saw the other one lumbering down the stairs, hissing menacingly at them. Whirlwind saw her skateboard resting against the hall closest, she quickly grabbed it and held it aloft like a weapon, adopting the fiercest gaze and stance she could, trying not seem as scared as she was really feeling. The monsters got closer, ready to do whatever it was they were going to do. Eat them? Rip them apart? Take them away? All were bad as far Whirlwind was concerned.

“NO!” Echo shouted.

The young ten-year-old put herself between Whirlwind and the demon-monsters, making her cousin do a double take at her reckless action.


“Sorry ‘Cuz…but you need to stay behind me!”

Echo’s violet eyes changed as they filled with the azure energy of her magical might, she concentrated on the good and righteous fury within her heart and soul.


A bolt of lightning shot down out of nowhere and struck Echo, creating a mini-shockwave that pushed Whirlwind, Api, and Pixel back, along with the two demons. White smoke bellowed around where Echo stood, but the smoke didn’t last long. Another wave pushed the smoke away, revealing a teenage heroine in a red armor suit. Her twin-tailed scarf flapped in the crosswinds of her power, body wrapped in an aura of magical lightning. Magic’s Champion had arrived, the heir to the title of Shazam, Thunder!

Echo stared at the two beasts from under her hood, glaring at them. One of the demons charged for Thunder, but she quickly brought up her right hand and fired a powerful lightning blast that struck the monster! The creature let out unearthly pained squeals and roars as she electrocuted the beast, Thunder then pushed forward, doubling the power of the blast and sending the demon flying back through the door and into the backyard, where it then exploded.

The other demon didn’t take kindly to its companion getting electro-fried and stupidly attacked her. Thunder saw the beast trying to hit her with a double hammer fist. But the magical warrior caught the attack, grabbing onto its wrists. Echo grunted and growled as she pushed back against the beast, with a mighty effort, she jumped up, putting her right knee forward and striking the monster right in its chin.

The blow made the monster stumble backwards in a daze, giving Echo the time needed to finish it. She charged for the monster, grabbing it by the neck and taking it right outside into the backyard. Echo then slammed the beast right into the ground, and gave a sharp and sudden twist, hearing a loud cracking sound.

She released the monster, watching its head fall limply to the ground as its tongue lolled out of its mouth, its neck and throat completely crushed by her demigod strength. Echo breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived.

“HO-LY, CRAP!” Whirlwind exclaimed.


Echo turned around and saw Whirlwind standing in the doorway, with Pixel and Api standing beside her and giving Echo a worried look.

“Echo…is that…really you?!”

The former ten-year-old sighed and removed her hood, revealing long purple and pink spiky hair, and a pair of familiar violet eyes. Whirlwind walked up to the teenage girl, astonished that she was in fact her little cousin.

“Oh…wow…you’re Thunder, that superhero girl on the news!”

Echo blushed. “Y-Yeah…”

“And you sound older too! That voice suits you by the way. And did you two know about this?!”

Pixel and Api smiled sheepishly, but nodded their heads.

“Oh man…if Dad and Mom find out they’re going to flip! I mean – I won’t tell them, but – oh my god I can’t believe you’re a superhero!”

Whirlwind brought Echo into a bear hug, lifting her up slightly. Not that Echo didn’t like having her cousin hug her, but the situation didn’t exactly call for it.

“Whirlwind I promise to explain this later, but right now I need to find out what these things are and where they came from! I know you think it’s dangerous but I need to go!”

Whirlwind released Echo and gave her a serious look. “Alright.”

Echo, Api, and Pixel blinked.

“Just like that?” Pixel asked.


“Yer not even goin’ to try and stop her or get hysterical like?” Api asked.

“No point in that now, seeing as how Echo just pile drived one monster into the dirt and blew another one up, besides it’s not like I could stop her. Right?” Whirlwind asked smirking.

Echo rubbed the back of her head embarrassed. “Not really…no.”

“Just go and do your thing, I’ll keep the girls safe.”

It was now Echo’s turn to bear hug Whirlwind, with the older cousin hugging back. “You’re the best big sis ever!”

“And don’t you forget it, now go and give ‘em hell!”

Echo released Whirlwind and nodded firmly. She took a few steps back and launched herself into the air, zooming off towards the city. It didn’t take her long to encounter another round of demon monsters terrorizing the people. She flew into action, smashing her fists, spin kicking, knocking them away, and even hitting them with lightning blasts here and there. Echo concentrated, linking her mind through dimensions and connecting to someone who might be able to give her answers.

“Mom, can you and Murmur hear me?!”

We can Echo, what’s going on? Scootaloo asked.

“The city’s getting invaded by some kind of demons, can you see them?!”

Oh my, well, they’re not like any I’ve read about or seen, said Murmur.

And I haven’t seen that Omega symbol before either, it means “the end” but this is the first time I’ve seen it on a monster like that , said Scootaloo.

“Something else is up, I can’t sense any magic from them either. Even demons have magic, twisted and corrupt, but magic nonetheless. I can’t feel it at all!”

Keep it together, find out where they’re coming from. Murmur and I will search the Library and see if we can find anything out in the meantime.

“On it! And Mom…do you think it’s…him?”

………I hope not.

Echo went back to her work, fighting through one horde after the other, blasting away at them and smashing their bodies, even tearing them apart. But there seemed to be no end to these things. Suddenly, something caught her attention in the distance. Her eyes spotted something that was drawing the demons to swarm around it, blasts of fire came streaming from whatever it was they were attacking. Determined to find out the cause of all this, Echo took off towards the commotion.

There was no shortage of demons as she got closer, spotting Canterlot University coming into view. Police and Firemen were all over the place, trying to get the students who were in the dorms and in night classes out of the buildings. Echo noticed that there was an unusually high concentration of these monsters here.

Maybe this is where they came out?

Echo hurried to where the highest amount of the demons were, and stopped when a stream of fire roared over her head. She looked back to the epicenter of the blast and gasped, her eyes bulging from her skull at what was before her. Golden arm gauntlets, red chest plate armor, hair made of flames, and eyes glowing white. Her mind flashed back to that day, the horrid day when her father was murdered by a fiery monstrosity that was searching for her mother, and trying to force her to come out by killing her dad and almost killing her. Her fists clenched so tight her knuckles went white. Echo’s lightning aura flared up, gritting her teeth as her eyes became pools of azure magical energy.

“It’s you…! I’ll make you pay…!”

Are we even getting anywhere?!

“Better than letting all of them get through!”

Hot Head was doing his best to hold off the creatures that flooded out. Both of them didn’t understand what was happening, one minute they were rescuing other university students from these demons, and the next minute, a hole gets punched in space and a never ending flood of demons comes pouring out of it. Hot Head – or Firestorm since he was both of them at once – continued to lob fireballs and plasma flame blasts at the opening, trying to stifle the monsters from entering their world. But for every ten or fifteen they blew up, another thirty or fifty took its place.

“We need to plug that hole or destroy that conduit, it’s the only way to stop them!”

Would love to do that bro, but between keeping these things off the other people, and trying to keep them inside that hidey hole of theirs, it’s a little bit of a tall order!

Suddenly Firestorm heard the crashing of thunder, and a flash of lightning. Lucky spotted the source immediately. Thunder was floating in the air a few yards away, her aura blazing with lightning energy.

“Looks like we finally got some backup!”

Hot Head turned around and saw what he was talking about. Alright! That’s what we need, a heavy hitter!

Thunder started to float towards them.

Is it me or does she look pissed? Hot Head asked.

Thunder’s speed increased.

“She kind of does now that you mention it…”

Thunder was now speeding towards them.

Is she giving us the ‘Evil Eye’?

“I would say so…oh crap! Hot Head defend, now!”

Firestorm brought its forearms together to form a shield. At that moment Thunder cocked back her right fist and punched Firestorm, sending the amalgamated form flying into the clock tower with a loud “GONG!” Firestorm rubbed his head, trying to regain his bearings from the sudden attack by someone they thought was there to help them.

Thunder reappeared a few feet away from the hole in the tower, her eyes sparking with electrical fury. “I’m not letting you get away from me, it’s time for you to pay for what you did!”

Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out! What did we – I – do?!


Thunder brought up both her hands, lightning arced off them, coalescing in the space between. The lightning flowed and took the shape of a swirling sphere of electrical power. Thunder then tossed the sphere right at Firestorm, the Nuclear Man acted fast. Atomic rings formed around both hands as he took the bricks, and metal bell, breaking down their atoms and transmuting them into a shield made of the elemental metal, lead. The lightning smashed against the shield, thankfully the non-conductive properties of the metal were able to deflect a large portion of the power behind the attack, leaving the sphere no option other than to detonate.

Some the tower was blown away, the top half mostly. But within the rubble stood Firestorm, the lead shield strapped to his left arm. Thunder glared angrily at the fire man, her hands shining with magical lightning. Firestorm exited out of his defensive stance and put his hands up as a sign of surrender.

Easy, Thunder, right? I didn’t kill your dad! I don’t even know him! Hot Head pleaded.

“You…don’t lie to me!” Thunder roared.

She thrust out her left hand, firing a lightning blast. Firestorm countered, shooting off a plasma flame blast from his right. The two attacks met each other halfway, striking each other with resounding force. Thunder struggled as she pushed against his flames, and Firestorm did as well, noting the strangeness of her lightning attack. It wasn’t naturally based, and seemed more powerful than normal lightning, but he had to persevere, for Lucky and Hot Head, dying here because of a case of mistaken identity was not on the agenda.


Del had seen some pretty strange and cool things over the past year as Earth’s Green Lantern. He and Candy used their power to stop a meteor that would’ve otherwise struck Earth and made all life go extinct. He saved a plane from careening into the ocean with hundreds of passengers on it. Heck, he and Candy even partied with an alien species on another planet as their way of saying thank you for saving their planet, but this…demons spilling forth from a hole punched in space…that was new one.

“Blue!” Del called out.

“On it GL!”

Candy pointed her ring at Del, and immediately the synergistic power of Willpower and Hope shined forth within the warehouse.

[Will: Power levels at 175%.]

[Hope: Power levels at 100%.]

Del created a two large, double barrel, Gatling guns that mounted on either arm. Around his shoulders and lower half of his legs, missile pods formed. For Candy, two long, futuristic rifles appeared in both hands, wings appeared on her back made up of eight panels. Cannon mounts appeared on either side of her hips and extended outwards into firing position, the panels then jettisoned themselves from her back, leaving a sparkling aura of where they were. The panels angled themselves till they were aimed right at the opening.

Del fired first, unleashing a hellfire barrage of green light bullets that pierced and killed all the demons it hit. Candy fired next, the panels, rifles, and cannons shooting forth cerulean light in streams at the opening. Between their beam spamming, the two of them were able to plug the hole with the corpses of the fallen demons, but it wasn’t enough, the demons were already pushing through the dead, and even charging head first into their attacks.

Arrow saw this and quickly notched an explosive arrow. One of the demons made it past their barrage, but Arrow fired, hitting the creature dead center and blowing it up in midair. Another two escaped, but Arrow was quickly on top of them, using a combination of his sharp tipped and explosive arrows to bring them down.

Together the three heroes attacked and attacked, trying to keep the monsters centered at just the portal, but it was becoming apparent that no matter how much damage they were doing, they weren’t going to stop them any time soon.

“They’re endless!” Del shouted.

“Even with our combined powers, we can’t just hold here forever!” Candy added.

Arrow took a moment to perch himself on a tower of crates, watching the hole the demons streamed from. He saw the ring pulsing, and keeping gateway open, that’s when he got an idea.

“We need to disable that device, the gateway ring that’s stabilizing that hole in space! If we can overload the portal with enough energy, we can slam the door in their faces!” Arrow pointed out.

“Then we’d better push ‘em back,” said Candy.

Del looked up at Candy and nodded.

“One…!” Del shouted.

“Two…!” Candy yelled.


Del released the missiles in his pods, firing hundreds of dozens of them right at the opening! Candy fired one last beam blast at the same time, both attacks decimating the horde with a large explosion. Both Lanterns cocked back their ring hands, and at the same time thrust them forward, producing a powerful dual beam of green and blue that blazed down the hole in space. The gateway ring was starting short circuit, unable to withstand the might of the Green and Blue Lantern’s combined might! Candy and Del pushed the beam more and more, floating closer to the hole until they were right on it. The gateway could no longer take the influx of power, unable to maintain its stability, the circuitry overloaded and began to close.

The duo ceased their beam attack, watching as the hole began to rapidly close and in an instant was back in the form of the strange box object that it was before. The two light wielders were panting from the effort of blasting away at so many of the creatures, and pouring so much power into the tear. But they both had satisfied grins on their faces, well Candy did, Del’s faceplate made it hard to tell, but Candy could feel he was elated.

[Will: Power levels at 61%.]

[Hope: Power levels at 59%.]

“Damn…we nearly blew our ring charges just to stop it,” said Del.

“Nearly, give me a minute and I’ll recharge you,” said Candy.

Arrow slung his bow over his back and went to pick up the alien device that was once the gateway for the demons. He examined it from every possible angle, it was obvious to Arrow that those monsters planted the box as a gateway for an invasion force, but the odds of Arrow, and the two Lanterns being here to stop it from happening were too good to be true.

“This was too easy.”

“Yer kiddin’ me, right?” Del asked.

“A group of that many only having one box, is not good strategy.” Arrow placed two fingers inside his hood, putting them directly on an earpiece that was nestled in his left ear. “This is Arrow, come in home base!”

Del and Candy looked to each in confusion. The look on Arrow’s face changed, from curious to deathly serious in a matter of seconds.

“Can either of you tap into telecommunications networks?!” Arrow asked.

Del brought up his ring, the light that emanated from it created a holographic sphere. Within the sphere the ring tuned into one of the many news networks, images of demon monsters swarming in the sky, attacking and abducting people from the streets all over the world. The grim truth now dawned on them, this was not an isolated incident, this was happening everywhere.

“Oh no…”

“We need to hurry and stop this before it gets worse,” said Del.

Arrow listened in on his comm., a grave expression forming on his face. “Unfortunately it has, turn to Canterlot City news!”

Del reworked the signal until he got a news station. The sphere shifted and now displayed the image of two beings clashing in the city, along with the invasion force. Del and Candy recognized one of them, having run into Thunder more than once during different incidents that involved magic. The other was a mystery, neither Lanterns nor Arrow knew who it was she was fighting, but from the looks of it she was not in a happy mood, and the other guy seemed like he was trying to reason with her.

Candy clasped her left hand over her ring, even from here, she could feel it. “Del, Thunder’s mind is clouded with rage and vengeance, but it’s…it’s misdirected, whoever that is, is not the one Thunder should be fighting!”

“Then we need to stop her. We’re gonna need all the help we can get right now, but if we’re goin’ to do this, we do this fully charged.”

Candy nodded her affirmation. Both Lanterns pointed their rings towards an empty spot in front of them. Their rings glowed bright and in an instant, punched a hole in space. Arrow watched with curiosity as the blue and green tears in space opened wider. From them floated out two lanterns, one blue and the other green. Del held his green lantern in his left hand, the same as Candy. Both Lanterns placed their rings into the openings, making the lanterns shine with brighter light than they had before.

In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night,
No evil shall escape my sight!
Let those who worship evil’s might,
Beware my power – Green Lantern’s light!

In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full our souls ignite!
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars for hope burns bright!

Arrow covered his eyes as the Green and Blue Lanterns shined with renewed power, their green and blue outfits shimmering with greater power than when they started.

[Will: Power levels at 100%. Hope detected. Power levels rising to 130%. 150%.]

[Hope: Power levels at 100%. Power levels holding at maximum.]

“Green Lantern, Blue Lantern, I want to come with you. Canterlot City is home to S.T.A.R Labs, they’ll have the equipment we might need to figure out what these things are and maybe how we can shut them down.”

Del looked to Candy, and she to Del.

“Well…not that I’m doubtin’ yer skills Arrow, but ya seem to be runnin’ on empty.”

“Not a problem. My spare should be here in three…two…one.”

From the whole in the roof something zoomed inside, it was a rocket in the shape of an arrow. The drone rocket flew around until it landed just a few feet from Arrow. The large cylindrical projectile hissed as its middle section opened up and revealed a quiver, twice the size of the one currently slung on Arrow’s back. The young archer took out the quiver and put the spent one inside it. Once strapped on, Del and Candy could see that the quiver itself was practically the width of his broad back, and a foot or two in width and length.

“Now I’m ready.”

Del whistled impressed. “Alright, let’s head over to Canterlot City, if we’re lucky we can stop Thunder, and link up with Hawk and Dove there as well.”

{Good luck Fletcher…be safe.}

Fletcher, Arrow, smiled. “I will, I don’t plan on dying tonight. Stay in the underground base until this is over, you’ll be safe there,” he spoke in a whispered tone.

{I will, now go save the world!}


Fiery columns spewed out of the holes in the ground in varying intervals, the roars and sounds of distant screaming filled the air of this hellish world. Black metal towers and structures spread across the landscape, adding to the ominous red sky above. In the distance, there were large conduit towers. They glowed with the same black and white light that the strange portals the demons entered from.

Within the tower were hundreds of pods, each one held within it a different creature, alien to those of Earth, and in many different varieties. Some even held humans. One of the pods, holding an amphibious alien from an aquatic world, was strapped down to the flat of the pod. Metallic tentacles jutted out from the sides near its head and hooked onto the corners of its mouth and, with little concern for its comfort, pried its jaw open and held it like that. Eight more sprung out, these ones aimed for its eyes, hooking under its eyelids and keeping them open.

The immobilized alien struggled the best it could against its bindings, but it had no way of getting free. At that moment, the pod began to fill with a thick, blue-green substance. It started at its feet and quickly rose higher to its knees, and then its waist, chest, neck, and finally, it went all the way past its head. The alien tried to scream but its lungs and gills were filled with the gel-like substance. There were a few gurgling noises until there was nothing at all.

Energy was funneled into the pod, activating the blue-green substance. It wrapped around the creature, quickly eating away at its organic material and breaking it down to its bare necessities. The fluid collected it all and reconstituted the organic matter, reshaping the amphibious alien into something grotesque. Its cranium was smooth, the eyes were gone, but it had long ears. The creature’s body was bulky, bearing razor sharp claws on both hands, dagger teeth, and long talons on its feet. The creature roared fiercely and in no time it was released. The monster stumbled about on the ground, finding the strength in its legs quickly so it could stand up. Instead of rampaging and killing everything in sight, it started to walk towards a large doorway, as if preprogrammed, it followed the instructions running in its mind, what little mental capacity it had was enough to follow some complex commands.

The creature stepped into the doorway, shutting behind it and putting it in complete darkness. After a minute, the creature reemerged on the other side, fully donned in golden armor, bearing the Omega symbol on its chest plate. The creature spread its wings and joined the millions of its kind standing near the tears in space, flying towards one of the portals that lead straight to Earth. But that creature’s journey came to an end. From that very tunnel a beam made up of blue and green light bellowed forth and incinerated every monster that was inside the tunnel of light, and those awaiting entry as well.

The tunnel collapsed and closed itself off, no longer useable for transport. The beams had done some damage on their side of the portal, blowing away a small portion of the creatures and damaging a bit of the advanced technology that was used to open the portals.

A man clothed in a purple robe stood to the side, shielding his face from the sparks being thrown off from the damaged machines. He growled in indignation from his lovely creations destroyed, and even more ticked off for having his machines tampered with. The man in the robes went stark still, hearing the thundering stomps coming from behind him. The man quickly turned around and kowtowed to the being behind him, and judging from the large and long shadow he cast, it was definitely something to be feared.

“My Lord, it appears we have a few upstarts on this planet. They managed to damage but one portal, but you needn’t worry, we can still send more.”

A low growl could be heard from the robed man’s master.

“O-Or…do you wish to deal with this problem yourself?”

“At times it is necessary for even a god to step down from his throne and soil his hands.”

“Yes…Lord Tirek.”

Author's Note:

Next time on Teen Titans:

It's all out war as Green Lantern, Blue Lantern, and Arrow try and stop Thunder from killing Firestorm, but an intervention from Hawk and Dove might help with that. But can the young heroes ban together to stop this invasion and save the Earth from a terrible fate?! Not if he has something to say about...