• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 3,564 Views, 109 Comments

Sealed by a Minute - Revanius

Sunset was defeated and wants to reform but it's time for Twilight and Spike to return to Equestria, except when they try the portal is sealed leaving the two trapped in the human world, possible forever

  • ...

Chapter 8: New Beginnings and Delays

Monday, Rainbow Dash's least favorite day of the week, and for good reason too. But today she was a little hopeful for the day to come, for the first time since freshman year she had friends, real friends, at Canterlot High. And this time she had, even more, she promised that this time she wouldn't let anything tear them apart. As she did her morning stretches, she looked down at the strewn sheets Sunset Shimmer had used still on the ground. None of them saw when the redhead took off yesterday, but Fluttershy did say that one of the cars that had been parked was gone when they left, most likely Sunset's. Rainbow hoped she made it home alright, wherever home was for her. Shaking herself from her thoughts she headed to the kitchen.

Her parents were waiting for her, her dad sipping on his morning coffee while her mom drank her tea. Rainbow snatched an apple up, tossing it in the air before taking a bite. "Hey, mom, dad, morning."

"Morning dear," Her mom said cheerfully. "You ready for school?"

"Yep, and for the first time in like forever I'm kind of looking forward to it."

"That's good," Her dad said. "You want a ride? I could drop you off on my way to work."

"Dad, the school adds twenty minutes to your drive," Rainbow reminded him again. Her mom opened her mouth to offer the same, but Rainbow cut her off. "And it's nearly the same for you mom, I'm fine. Besides I was thinking about riding my bike to school today, looks nice out."

Her dad shrugged. "If that's what you want sweetie."

"Just be careful out there, and don't be home so late, the game is on tonight," Her mom added as Rainbow grabbed another apple and her bag.

"I remember, I'll be home by five," Rainbow said as her father pulled her into her morning hug, her mom not far behind. "I never miss soccer night."

"Have an awesome day Rainbow," Her dad told her. "And when you see Sunset Shimmer remind her to watch that ankle of hers, she struck me as the type that would try and play off when she is hurt."

"I know the feeling," Rainbow said grabbing her bike helmet. "Bye!"

Rainbow loved the feeling of the wind against her face as she zoomed down the sidewalk, swiveling around the few people that were out. Peddling even harder her speed increased, it was exhilarating going as fast as she could and just barely avoiding the many potential crashes. Sunset might have thought it terrifying but for her, it was the perfect wake-up call before school. Before she knew it, she was pulling into the school zone and finally slowed her speed as she turned into the school parking lot and bike rack.

"One of these days yer gonna get yourself killed," Applejack said from her usual parking spot. "Ah'd rather not lose ya just after we stopped fightin'."

"You think any car's gonna kill me after the formal?" Rainbow said. "And I keep off the road, I'm careful."

"Yeah, Ah bet ya are," Applejack said doubtfully as the two walked into school. "Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are already here, Rarity's still at home."

"That's not like her," Rainbow said. "What about Sunset?"

"Saw her car parked but haven't seen her."

"Guess that means she here at least."

"Hey, Dash! Applejack!" A senior with long straw-colored hair and dark orange skin Rainbow had talked to once shouted walking over. "Nice work at the Formal, finally brought the she-devil down a peg!"

Applejack grunted and tugged her Stetson down, Rainbow Dash, normally one to love any kind of praise, shifted her eyes away. "Yeah, thanks it was pretty cool I guess, uh..."

"Strawfall," The senior said. "Shimmer's in one of my classes, bet she won't be so high and mighty anymore!"

"Right, ya wouldn't happen to see her yet?" Applejack asked.

"You want to give her a piece of your mind too?" Strawfall asked. "Saw her by her locker trying to get her books in while on those crutches. Can't believe they let her back in school."

Rainbow's anger was really starting to rise with the senior's words, Applejack though kept a straight face. "We'll be goin' now."

"Alright, and good work again with her," Strawfall said walking away. "Only be better if she were in a wheelchair, or not here at all."

"That's it," Rainbow said starting after him.

"Nope," Applejack grabbed her by the collar of her jacket, dragging her away.

"Hey! Let me go!" Rainbow protested.

The farmgirl shook her head and kept dragging. "He's not worth it."

"I don't like the way he was talking back there," She said folding her arms.

"Neither did Ah, but that don't give ya a reason to slug him, even if he deserved it."

Once the senior was well out of sight Applejack let her go, Rainbow stuffed her hands in her pockets and followed after her taller friend. "I never wanted her gone before you know. I wanted to punch her a few times, or at least slap that annoying look off her face, but I never wanted her really hurt or anything."

"Ain't gettin' no argument from me," Applejack said patting her on the back.

"Well, that's something you don't see every day," Rainbow Dash said when they found Sunset. The redhead was trying to get her books to her locker while on crutches, though she was obviously not used to it. Her locker was hanging open along with her bag, but the odd part was that she seemed to be trying to dig the books out with her teeth as both her hands were holding the bag and herself steady.

Sunset had managed to get one of her books out of the bag, but as she started moving it to her locker the bag started to slip from her hands. Before she was sent tumbling the two teens rushed forward, Rainbow Dash swooping in, taking the bag as it fell from Sunset's hands and the book that fell from her mouth while Applejack steadied the smaller teen by grabbing her shoulders. "Woah there partner," Applejack said keeping a firm grip on Sunset's shoulders. "No need to be takin' a tumble over some books."

"It's fine, I can handle it," Sunset assured them reaching for her bag.

"Nope!" Rainbow exclaimed holding the back out of reach.

"Come on, I need to get ready for class," Sunset protested.

Rainbow tossed the bag to Applejack, Sunset turned to the farm girl with a glare that quickly faded under the farmer's eye. "Just tell us what books you need, Ah'll put the rest away."

"I can do it myself," Sunset muttered looking down.

"And it'll go faster if ya just tell us what you need and let us help," Applejack told her, Rainbow smirked as Sunset, with some reluctance told Applejack what she did and didn't need.

"Well don't you three look comfortable together," Rarity said coming up to them as Applejack handed Sunset's bag back to her. Behind Rarity, Rainbow Dash could see Fluttershy nervously tugging on a streak of pink hair, Rainbow shrugged at her friend and leaned against the lockers.

"Yep, no problem with that right?"

Rarity shook her head. "No, just commenting, I also noticed it's noticeably cheerier around the hallway this morning, quite a welcome change."

"I guess so," Rainbow Dash said looking around the hallway, she did see several students moving about the halls together that just last week wouldn't even look at each other. Bulk Biceps and Ditzy Doo were holding hands while Micro Chips and Sandlewood were by Micro's locker. Even those Rainbow already knew were friends, like Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon were being more open together. "They do look happier."

"Indeed, it's a new day at Canterlot High, for a better it seems," Rarity said.

"Won't get any argument here," Sunset said quietly, shifting on her crutches.

"Speakin' of happy, you see Pinkie Pie today, Rarity?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, I believe she was going to speak with the teachers, something about Halloween decorations around the school and permission from Principal Celestia."

"What about Twilight?" Sunset asked. "Is she here today?"

Rarity frowned. "No, she has been a bit down since her attempt at the portal failed, so she decided to stay at my place today. She is not officially enrolled here so it should be no problem for her."

"I'm a little surprised that never came up before the Formal," Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight not being a real student and all you know."

"Huh, yer right there, for the best anyway," Applejack said with a shrug.

"Yeah, oh! I almost forgot!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "I'm reserving the field for tomorrow for a practice game, anyone want to come watch?"

"Ah'll be there," said Applejack.

"And so will I," Rarity commented.

"I want to, but I have work tomorrow after school," Fluttershy said, eyes cast down. "I'm sorry."

"And I start volunteer work at...tomorrow as well," Sunset said hesitantly. "Sorry too."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "It's fine, just a practice game, at least some of you can make it."

"We'll cheer for the two of ya," Applejack said.

Rarity added. "And Pinkie Pie will be there, so she will undoubtedly help."

Rainbow Dash felt a slight tug on her sleeve. "Dashie," Fluttershy said quietly. "We have to get to class."

"Right! We got to go, see you later!" Rainbow Dash said taking her friend's hand, rushing off with Fluttershy in tow. "Come on, I can't afford another tardy!"


For Rarity, the day had been one of the best school days she had had in a long time. For the first time since freshman year, she didn't need to watch everything she said for fear of being overheard or see the constant fear and tension in almost every student. She had even been able to talk openly with some friends she had not spoken with in over a year since the clicks closed up. The only dark spot in her day was when she and her little sister came home, Spike was laying in the living room and Twilight was nowhere to be seen.

"You're back!" Spike exclaimed jumping up as they came in, tail wagging rapidly.

"Spike!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, dropping her bag as she rushed the puppy.

Spike blanched at the sight of the younger Belle sister. "Oh no! Not again!" Before he could make his escape, Sweetie Belle snatched him up in her arms.

"Don't worry Spike, I had a long talk with Sweetie Belle about being gentler around you," Rarity assured the talking puppy. "Isn't that right Sweetie Belle?"

"Yes Rarity," Sweetie Belle said bashfully letting Spike go. "I'm sorry about what happened Spike."

"O-okay, but if you ever come near me with a hat..." The puppy growled.

"I won't. Does that mean I can pet you again?"

"Umm, fine," Spike said letting the younger Belle scratch him behind the ears. Rarity hid her smile behind her hand, despite his protests otherwise she could tell he loved every bit of attention Sweetie Belle gave him.

"Spike, has Twilight come out of her room since we left?" Rarity asked, bringing the puppy out of his tranquility.

"No," He said between scratches. "I brought her a bowl of soup earlier, I think she ate it, but she hasn't really left your bed since we got back from the school.

Rarity had been afraid that would be the case. "I will go say hello then, Sweetie Belle remember to do your homework before heading out with your friends."

Rarity knocked before opening the door, she could faintly make out her friend underneath the plush blankets pulled up tight around her. Rarity's drapes were pulled covering the window, so no light came through, leaving the room in darkness. "Mind if I turn on a light?" She asked only getting a groan in response, she decided to take that as a yes.

Sitting down next to Twilight on the bed, moving the empty soup bowl out of the way, Rarity stroked the long hair that the pillow covering Twilight's head couldn't bury. "I'm worried about you dear, you have barely said a word since we got home yesterday." Twilight adjusted the pillow slightly, one eye looking up at Rarity. "I know I can't understand what you are going through, I am just worried. I could get Pinkie Pie to come over if you want."

She had hoped that would get at least something from her downcast friend and she was not wrong as Twilight answered. "It's fine Rarity, I just need time."

Rarity nodded grabbing the bowl as she stood back up. "Of course, just make sure you keep your strength up, we don't want you collapsing from hunger when we find a way to get you and Spike home. And if you need anything just ask."

"Okay, thanks," Twilight muttered sinking into the pillow again.

Rarity sighed once the door was closed, she really was concerned for Twilight. 'She needs help to get her spirits back up, more than just me.' She thought deciding to bring their friends over sometime soon, maybe Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy could help their saddened friend in a way Rarity couldn't. But she would still do her part, she swore to herself, that until they found a way to get Twilight and Spike home, she would continue to help them however she could, it was the least she could do as their friend. Nodding as she assured herself, Rarity went off to start preparing dinner, not noticing the faint glow that came off her hands for a split second before fading away.


Rainbow Dash groaned as she left her 'Special Education Class', as the teacher insisted on calling it, she was ready to get home and watch the game. At least she had something to look forward to tomorrow, she always felt more alive when she was competing, especially when it came to soccer. It was too bad some of her friends wouldn't be able to see her moves but at least Applejack, Rarity, and Pikie Pie had agreed to come.

Stepping out into the mid-afternoon sun she grinned up at the sky, perfect weather, and expected to be just as good tomorrow. As Rainbow made her way to the school parking lot, her thoughts on the games she would play when she got home before the Soccer game came on and the practice game tomorrow, she almost didn't hear the sounds of other people's voices. When she did, she stopped, listening in on what sounded like at least three people, two of them were not happy.

"I can't believe you came back here after everything you did," The first voice said, a boy from what she could tell.

"I still go to school here," A second voice Rainbow recognized as Sunset responded.

"Did you hear that she didn't even get detention," A third voice said, this one a girl. "You should have been expelled, what did you blackmail the principal or something?"

Rainbow turned a corner to the parking lot, at the end Sunset was by her old car, a junior boy Rainbow had PE with, and a sophomore girl named Spritzer she'd seen around that Scootaloo said had caused her some trouble, were blocking Sunset from the driver's door. "It was their decision, not mine," Sunset told them pulling out her keys. "Now is there anything you wanted from me?"

"Yeah, we want you to get lost, like you should have after the formal," The junior, High Wind she remembered, said.

"I can't do not, at least not until I help a friend get home," Sunset told them.

"Ha! Like you could ever have a real friend," Spritzer laughed. "Those girls are only around you in case you try and act up again." Rainbow Dash rolled up her sleeve, ready to charge at them when Sunset responded.

Sunset shook her head. "That's not true, I-I don't care what you believe, they said that they want to give me a chance and I'm not disappearing till I make sure Twilight gets home, now if I did anything to you two, I am sorry, but can you please just move."

"You still have some nerve for someone who is lucky to not be in prison right now!" High Wind said as he took a step closer, Spritzer leaning against the driver's side door of the car. Sunset backed up on her crutches as the junior advanced.

"Maybe we should teach her a lesson, get it in her head that she's nothing here anymore," Spritzer agreed as High Wind reached for Sunset who tried to back away.

"Hey! Get away from her!" Rainbow shouted catching all three's attention. High Wind and Spritzer bolted when they saw Rainbow running at them, completely forgetting about Sunset. "Yeah, you better run!"

"Thank... you," Sunset said next to her, sounding shacky.

"It's nothing," Rainbow said facing her, a little surprised at what she saw. Sunset didn't look so good, she was shivering heavily, sweat running down her face, and she was breathing rapidly. "Hey, you okay, did those guys scare you?"

"No... not sure... what's going on," Sunset said her breathing becoming more rapid.

"You sure? You don't look so good."

"I'm... fine," Sunset insisted. "I just... need to get in my... car."

Sunset took a hobbled step towards her car then froze. "Sunset?" The red head stiffened in place, she started trembling, then she screamed and fell backward. Rainbow caught the writhing teen before she hit the concrete, trying to keep her steady as Sunset heaved and spasmed. "Sunset? Sunset!"

Author's Note:

Some notes on the chapter...

I don't think any of the main characters wanted to really hurt Sunset, even at her worst. She was a bully, and they might have wanted to stop her but that doesn't mean they wanted to cripple her or make her disappear.

There was a little scene with Twilight and Spike here. Twilight's not doing so good after her failure. She won't be active for a bit, but we'll come back to her story eventually, once Sunset's is a bit more complete.

Sunset is on a path to reforming but that doesn't mean she won't stand up for herself if she's in actual danger, certainly not from those two. And what happened at the end, what caused her to fall? You will have to wait and see.