• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 3,564 Views, 109 Comments

Sealed by a Minute - Revanius

Sunset was defeated and wants to reform but it's time for Twilight and Spike to return to Equestria, except when they try the portal is sealed leaving the two trapped in the human world, possible forever

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Mall Part 1

When Rainbow Dash entered her room Sunset was still where they left her, laying on the ground unmoving and barely breathing. It was honestly a little creepy how still the defeated bully was, the way she made almost no movement at all like she was in a coma or something. Deciding to start small Rainbow starting poking the sleeping girl in the side repeatedly with her finger, no response whatsoever.

"Welp, I gave her a chance. Now we do it my way." Rainbow said cracking her knuckles. Grabbing Sunset by the shoulders she pulled her up so she was sitting then went about shaking her.

"Hey time to wake up coma girl." She said shaking her again, Sunset's head lolled but besides a slight mumble Sunset still gave no sign of waking up.

Rainbow wondered what it would take to wake her up, a smile forming on her lips as she got a funny idea. Digging around a bit through her room she found what she was looking for and kneeled down next to Sunset holding up a small air horn. She had mainly used it as an extra-alarm when she needed to get up extra early though a couple of times in freshman year she had used it to prank her friends at sleepovers, once she got Rarity to leap in the air in shock.

"Last chance Sunset you gonna wake up or do things need to get loud?" Sunset gave no response. "Okay then, sorry Sunset, but you leave me no choice," Rainbow said chuckling.

Shaking it up she held it next to the sleeping teen and pressed down the blaring noise echoing throughout the room, Rainbow Dash looked away, one hand covering the ear closest to it. There was a loud scream that carried over the noise and Rainbow was on the ground as a hand lashed out slapping her with a lot more strength than she would have guessed.

"Leave me alone!" Sunset screamed over her. She shot to her feet, or at least she tried to. Sunset seemed to have forgotten about her injured leg for a second as she put weight on it, she let out a gasp of pain and tumbled on top of Rainbow Dash. Their groans mixed together as Sunset cleared the sleep from her eyes glancing down at Rainbow Dash who smiled at the confused teen.

"Rainbow Dash!" Sunset screamed as she scrambling off her host as fast as possible "I'm so sorry!" She stammered. She continued her rant before Rainbow could get a word out, eyes clenched shut and pressed against the wall. "I didn't mean to hit you, honest! I was just having a bad dream and lashed out when you woke me up. Not that it makes what I did okay or that it's your fault. Please don't be mad, I honestly didn't mean it."

Sunset stopped any further rambling when Rainbow Dash started laughing as she pulled herself off the floor. "Man," She said rubbing her cheek. "That is some arm of yours, ever considered trying out for baseball or something."

She continued laughing as she pulled herself off the ground rubbing her cheek. Sunset looked at her like she was crazy or something. "So your not mad at me for slapping you?"

"Heh, not the first time I've been slapped for a prank and it won't be the last time, at least you didn't chase me around the house with my bat, like Rarity did," Rainbow said. "Welp, come on you need to eat before we leave." She held out her hand for Sunset.

"Leave? You going somewhere?" Sunset asked taking the hand, pulling herself up with Rainbow's help.

"We are all going to the mall in a bit, Pinkie Pie invited us and can't turn down an invitation from her, trust me I've tried." Rainbow shuddered remembering the time Pinkie chased her halfway across town in freshman year.

"Are you sure you want me there with you?" Sunset asked. "Wouldn't it be better if it was just you and your friends?"

"Well one, it's not my call, Applejack said Pinkie wanted you there and I already told you, no saying no to her. Two, if you really want to show us your good now this could be a good chance. And three, no it would not be better if we went without you cause that'd mean leaving you all alone and that's not right."

"Well, if you say so."

"Course I say so, now come on you need to eat at least something before we go."

"There ya are was wonderin' when ya'd get out here." Applejack said as they entered the kitchen setting out a plate of eggs and bacon. "Gonna have to eat fast if we're gonna make it."

As Sunset sat down Applejack turned her eye to Rainbow Dash pulling her out of earshot. "Now did Ah hear ya set off the airhorn in there?" She questioned.

"Hey not my fault she sleeps like the dead, it was either that or I started slapping her." Rainbow defended waving her hands in front of her.

"Looks like she beat ya to it." Applejack commented looking at the red mark on her face.

"Heh yeah, for a girl I barely saw on the field she has quite an arm and some strength behind her." She said looking to the table. Sunset had finished her eggs but was looking at the bacon with a queasy look that looked pretty familiar to the athlete.

"Is something wrong dear?" Rainbow's mom asked.

"No," Sunset replied picking up a strip grimacing. "It looks... good."

"Is she?" Applejack said as Sunset closed her eyes and took a bite.

"She is," Rainbow Dash was already moving, remembering a very similar situation years ago, it had not ended well.

Sunset's eyes bugged out as she started to gag, hands pressed tight over her mouth as she repeated gagged. Rainbow grabbed a small trashcan they kept in the kitchen, rushing to Sunset. "Here." Rainbow gestured, Sunset accepted it without a word, understandable, and then vomited into the small trashcan. Once she finished heaving, Sunset buried her face in her hands while Applejack removed the trashcan, Rainbow sat next to Sunset staring at the former bully.

"So, you're a vegetarian," Rainbow said matter-of-factly.

"Uh-huh," Sunset responded. "Eggs and milk are fine though." Rainbow bonked her lightly on the head.

"Well then you should have said something, honestly that was almost as bad as the first time Fluttershy came here," Rainbow said shaking her head, at least Sunset didn't force herself to eat almost all of it before barfing. Rainbow's mom came back from the kitchen with a small plate of sliced apples and a glass of water, Rainbow nudged Sunset who stuck her head up to see the offered food and water.

"Thank you," Sunset crocked, voice still a little raw from the vomit.

"No problem dear." Rainbow's mom smiled as Sunset started crunching on the apples. Rainbow's dad came back from his office he had gone to after Sunset threw up carrying a small pill bottle in one hand and a pair of Rainbow's old crutches from when she broke her leg last year.

"She feeling any better?" He asked. "Need some stomach medicine?"

"No thank you," Sunset answered, her voice clearing up. "I'll be okay."

"Good, though I still recommend taking one before you leave just to be safe. Also, I brought you something that will help you moved around more with your injured leg." He said offering the crutches. Sunset poped one last slice in her mouth before accepting them, rising to her feet holding the crutches under her arms, she remained on her feet though she was a little shaky looking.

"It will probably tire you out faster keeping pressure off your injured foot so try not to move too much." Rainbow's dad advised.

"Yeah and it gets really annoying after a while, not to mention moving as slow as a snail," Rainbow added thinking back to her own time with the crutches, worst two months of her life!

Sunset did a few test steps around the kitchen as she got used to the crutches, when she turned back to them there were tears in her eyes. "Thank you." She said. "Really you've all been much too kind to me, far more than I deserve."

"Yeah, don't mention it. Really." Rainbow said a little embarrassed by Sunset's words. This new Sunset would really take some getting used to she thought. Really wanting to end the awkward feeling Sunset was giving her she turned her attention to Applejack who had returned from putting the trashcan outside. "Hey Applejack when did Pinkie Pie say we should meet up?"

"'bout nine." Applejack answered looking at the clock, 8:30.

"Looks like we'll be late," Rainbow said with a shrug.

"Then best get a move on already. Come one." Applejack ran out of the room, Sunset and Rainbow Dash shared a look before following.


"Of course she would be late, two years has done nothing for either of their punctuality." Rarity huffed pulling a brush out of her purse, brushing a stray hair putting the offending stand back in its place. Twilight and Rarity were waiting in front of the mall for their friends, Sweetie Belle and the other CMC's had been left in charge of watching Spike who couldn't come. The two had arrived on time at Twilight's insistence yet they were the only ones there. "Honestly I thought she would have learned."

"I'm sure Pinkie Pie and the others will be here soon," Twilight said not really listening.

"Yes, Pinkie Pie. Of course." Rarity brushed her hair back again and smoothing out the rhinestone dress' skirt while searching the parking lot for any sign of Applejack's old pickup truck. Honestly, could Pinkie Pie have not given her any more time to prepare, she actually had to rush choosing her dress so they would be on time. Of course, she still looked fabulous but that did not make it any better. Not to mention her hair which refused to flatten out today.

"Hey Rarity, Do you think Spike will be okay with the CMC's?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Rarity said waving, a bead of sweat running down her head. "The girls can be responsible when they try."

"Really? Cause you don't sound too confident."

"Everything will be fine dear, now where is Pinkie Pie, she invited us you would think she would show up on time. And Applejack, how is she always late?"

"I'm sure she'll be here soon." Pinkie commented.

"Yes but that does not make it any less rude and AHH!" Rarity screamed as she realized Pinkie Pie was right next to her. "Pinkie! When did you get here?"

"Huh?" Pinkie raised a confused eye. "We've been here the whole time silly!"

"I'm sorry, we?" Twilight asked.

"Hi." Fluttershy's head popped out of some nearby bushes.

"Eek!" Twilight screeched jumping away, Pinkie laughing the whole time.

"Sorry," Fluttershy whispered climbing out the bushes. "Pinkie said to hide in the bushes and come out when she came out. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, it's fine." Twilight helped brush some leaves that had stuck to their quiet friend's dress.

"Miss Pie," Rarity scolded. "Were you hiding in the bushes to prank us? And you roped in poor Fluttershy into your little scheme."

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Sorry Rarity, it just seemed so much fun and you should always start the day with a laugh."

"It's mid-morning," Twilight interjected.

"Still counts!"

"What counts?" Applejack asked, her truck pulling up next to the curve. The farmer tipped her stetson hat, raising an eye as Rarity quickly fixed her hair again, curse its determination to stick up when she least needed it.

"Oh nothing darling, Pinkie Pie was just having her fun is all."

"Guess that's why Fluttershy has leaves on her dress." Rainbow Dash vaulted out of the backseat without opening the door, jogging up to the shy girl brushing off the remaining leaves.

"Rainbow! No jumpin' out of mah Truck! Yall break it!" Applejack got out of the truck getting out a pair of crutches from the truck bed. "Here ya go Sunset at least someone can wait two seconds."

"Sunset? Sunset Shimmer came as well?" Rarity asked as the defeated bully in question lurched into sight, keeping one foot off the ground as she moved rather shakily on the crutches she was obviously unfamiliar with. "I was under the assumption that it would be just the six of us."

"Pinkie Pie invited me, that not a problem is it? I can just go if it will be a problem." Sunset made a hesitant lurch to the side away from them.

"No no, it's fine just unexpected." Rarity turned away already putting aside the unexpected intrusion. "So Pinkie did you have a plan for our first group outing in nearly two years, exculding the milkshake parlor before the formal?"

"Yep and the first thing is something I really want to do," Pinkie exclaimed. "Though we need to go to the fountain to do it."

"Yall just go on ahead, Ah have to park mah truck." Applejack turned her truck back while Pinkie Pie somehow gathered the rest of them together and pushed them through the mall entrance.

"Pinkie we can walk for on our own." Rainbow Dash complained.

"Oops sorry, I just really want to do this." Pinkie said stopping. Sunset Shimmer stumbled giving out a slight whimper that Rarity almost missed when she put some weight on the foot she had off the ground. Fluttershy moved to help but the two both flinched away from each other when they locked eyes and nearly taking a tumble when they did so. Rainbow and Pinkie, who were closer, helped steady Sunset while Twilight and Rarity caught Fluttershy. Rarity frowned as the other two steadied the defeated bully.

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy whispered just lough enough for Twilight and Rarity to hear. "It's just when I saw her eyes I just..."

Rarity rubbed their quiet friend's shoulder. "Shh, it's okay dear I understand, trust me." Twilight looked slightly confused at the act but said nothing. When they got to the fountain Pinkie started lining them out in front of it, Fluttershy and Rarity keeping Rainbow Dash between them and Sunset Shimmer to their left.

"Okay now, all we need is Applejack." Pinkie held her hands out making a camera square with her hands.

"Ah'm here." Applejack jogged up to them. "What ya need me to do?"

"Stand right here." Pinkie Pie pushed Applejack next to Sunset Shimmer, getting out her phone and passing it to a random boy walking by. "Can you take our picture please?"

The boy shrugged holding up the phone, Pinkie leaped over them landing on the fountain behind them. "Say cheese everyone." She leaned down and pulled up the corners of Sunset's mouth whose eyes widened in shock, Rarity quickly struck a pose, tossing her hair back with a wink, as the picture was taken. "Thanks." Pinkie said releasing the startled Sunset to catch her phone.

"So you just wanted a picture?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Not just a picture," Pinkie Pie held up the phone. "I wanted something to look back on as our first get-together since freshmen year."

Looking into the picture Rarity did have to say that it was a good shot, even if she wished she had more time to do her hair. But she loved the way her rhinestone dress caught the light not to mention her heels, she always dressed her best and this time was no different. Then there was Applejack who, like Rarity, had struck a pose before the photo was taken tipping her hat, winking, and raising a thumb to the camera. It was quite a silly little pose and Rarity found herself giggling as she looked at it.

"See that's why I wanted us all here, smiles all day today." Pinkie pocketed the phone and pulled a map of the mall from her hair. "We have a lot of ground to cover today and I don't want a minute wasted, so I was thinking-"

"That we should split up, what a great idea Pinkie." Rarity said quickly cutting her off. Yes, it was terribly rude but honestly, it was for the best. And she did not think Pinkie would mind considering how often she will do it.

"That wasn't what I was gonna say silly." Pinkie started again.

"Oh but it would work out just perfectly," said Rarity. "You see Twilight here needs a new wardrobe and while I can make some for her it would be best to purchase a few for her now, and Fluttershy can help us. Meanwhile, you and Rainbow Dash can show Sunset around."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Fine with me, if it gets me out of shopping for dresses then I'm good with splitting up."

"But this is supposed to be our first big get-together," Pinkie Pie protested. "It can't be a get-together if we split up."

"We can meet up for lunch at noon together," Rarity assured her.

"Well alright then Ah guess Ah'll go with Rainbow Dash then." Applejack said.

"Actually darling I was hoping you could come with us," Rarity grabbed Applejack's hand. "We might need your help at the store."

"Uh Ah don't know Rarity..." Applejack began. "Rainbow and Pinkie might need my help." Rainbow Dash gave Applejack a quick push-in Rarity's direction so the farmer had to grab onto her to keep the fashionista from falling.

"Don't worry about us Applejack you go have fun at the clothes store, me and Pinkie will take care of Sunset." Rainbow Dash already had Sunset by the shoulder and was leading her away, Pinkie shrugged and followed.

"See you at lunch!" Pinkie waved before the three were swallowed by the crowd.

"Um Rarity, was there any reason why you did not want to be around Sunset? Cause it certainly felt that way." Twilight moved up next to Rarity giving her a questioning look as Applejack let Rarity go.

"Later darling, I'll explain later, promise." Rarity gave a dainty sigh then clapped her hands together. "But first, we go shopping."

Author's Note:

(Fun Fact: Did you know it is a common occurrence among writers to hate their own work? Well I certainly do, I always feel like my tones are flat and the language is either too simple or too complicated, not to mention an overreliance on the word said, and I feel like the personalities are always the same! I honestly feel like I'll mess up with each part of the story!! Welp that's my little rant now onto the notes)

Seriously this mall section was supposed to be a single chapter, not three! I had planned for it to be a single long chapter covering the whole day but now I know that would have been like 8,000+ words! Then I thought when I split it into two that would be enough but it felt like that was still too dragging of a chapter and the way it came out it just felt better with two separate chapters, now it'll take me nearly another month to get it out, that's like three months on what was supposed to be a single chapter!

Now as for some stuff on the chapter itself I hope I'm getting the personalities right for the characters, I think it's turning out alright but I still have my doubts. And I'm just going to end any thoughts on Rarity taking Rainbow Dash's traditional spot as the skeptic on Sunset's redemption. She's not, she has her qualms with Sunset that will be a factor in their relationship but she will not be overly hostile and she is willing to give Sunset the chance. I just want to say that now as she might come off as a little subtly hostile towards her here (An effect that happens when you have to divide a chapter into threes).

Also Twilight and Sunset will have their interactions soon it's early days for them right now.