• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 3,564 Views, 109 Comments

Sealed by a Minute - Revanius

Sunset was defeated and wants to reform but it's time for Twilight and Spike to return to Equestria, except when they try the portal is sealed leaving the two trapped in the human world, possible forever

  • ...

Chapter 10: Laughter

Sunset hopped down the halls of Canterlot High on her crutches, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon both looked away with a huff as she passed, the usually enthusiastic Bulk Biceps dropped gaze from her, and Micro Chips glared when she got within two feet of him. For Sunset it was an uncomfortable feeling, she was used to people jumping out of the way when she passed, but now all she got after the Formal, was looks of contempt or apathy, and while she couldn't begrudge them in the least, that didn't do much to make it feel any better. She sighed, knowing that this would probably be the norm until she either graduated or disappeared. But there was something else that crossed her mind when she wandered down the halls that really got her thinking.

When she compared the looks of those, she passed in the halls to the looks she got when she was around the girls, she could not help but wonder how they were so different. They had as much reason to hate her as any of the students, even more so in some cases, but they actually seemed to genuinely want to put the past behind them. She could only guess they had to be different in some way, they were the embodiments of the Elements of Harmony. That made sense, she reasoned, anger and resentment were common here but those five were special, it was the only way they could be willing to forgive someone like her that easily. Content that she had a logical reason behind it now, she made her way to her next class, she didn't have any community service scheduled for today and was intent on using that time to relax and hopefully help her persistently sprained ankle.

As usual, Sunset breezed through all her assignments, happy that no matter what her intellect remained the same, finishing long before any of the other students in her class and allowing her to lean back in her chair and think, idly rubbing her injured leg. It had been several days now since the Formal when she got the injury but every time, she tried to take a step with it she felt a knife of pain like it had just happened.

Maybe I should ask Rainbow Dash or her father about this, Sunset thought after another twinge of pain in her ankle caused her to flinch. No, it's probably just taking a while to heal because I never stay still. I'm sure it'll be fine by next week. Besides, there is someone more important that needs help.

Her thoughts turned to Princess Twilight and how she could help her and Spike get home. They are only here because of me, and I have to be able to help them get home, I owe Twilight so much for giving me a second chance, plus she encouraged the girls to give me a chance as well. Helping her and Spike get home is the least I could do for them.

When the final bell for the day rang, Sunset gathered up her stuff, ready to take a little time off, when a very excited voice shouted her name.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Pinkie Pie burst into the still emptying classroom, knocking a few startled students on their butts.

"Pinkie?" Sunset asked before the hyper teen gripped her by the shoulders.

"I need you to come with me!"

"What? Woah!" Sunset shouted as she was half carried out of the classroom by Pinkie Pie at a speed that shouldn't have been possible with Sunset's added weight. "Pinkie! Wait! my stuff is going to fall! Oof!"

They came to a stop and Sunset found that they were outside the school next to the bike rack, more specifically next to Pinkie Pie's pink bike with so many bright attachments. Attached to the back was a wheel barrel overloaded with what looked like party supplies. Pinkie Pie patted the basket of the bike. "Okay hop on!"

Sunset's recent ride with Rainbow Dash flashed in her mind, Sunset quickly shook her head. "No way, I am not double riding with anyone! We can just take my car."

"Oooh! Riding in Sunset's car!" Pinkie said as Sunset pulled out her keys, gathering up the party supplies.

"Just ride in the front seat okay, I don't like people in the back," Sunset said opening the driver's side door, Pinkie hopping into the passenger's seat. She was glad that she had cleaned up since Rainbow Dash had seen it, cleaning up the clothes and trash, though most were just stuffed in the trunk, which now also held Pinkie's Party supplies, but the pink-haired girl didn't ask any questions. Her most recent painting was still in the back under a canvas but that wasn't too odd.

"Okay, where are we going exactly?" Sunset asked as she pulled out of the school. "Pinkie?"

Next to her, Pinkie was bouncing cheerfully in her seat, turning on the air conditioner, looking at the back seat, completely lost in her own world. "Pinkie," Sunset said again.


"I need to know where we are going?"

"Oh, just follow the FPS," Pinkie said pulling out her phone.


"Uh-huh, Fun Party system," Pinkie said with a giggle as the phone started giving Sunset directions. Pinkie then gasped pulling a CD. "You have a PostCrush CD!" She quickly slid the disk into the player and soon the familiar song True Original was playing through the car.

"Huh? Yeah, I like their music you know," Sunset said, a little surprised. "Didn't know anyone else at CHS liked them."

"Are you kidding! They're the best band ever! Which one is your favorite!?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

"Kiwi Lollipop," Sunset responded automatically, "of course, K-Lo's the main singer of the duo after all,"

"But without Supernova Zap's drums, they got no beat."

"I guess so," Sunset conceded, smiling a little. She never got to talk about PostCrush with anyone before, Flash preferred his rock bands and Snips and Snails had no taste in music and no talent from what her last birthday showed. "I really wish I could see them live, but they went on that 'indefinite hiatus' and might never come back."

"Never give up hope Sunny! I haven't given up on finding friends for my sisters and you shouldn't give up on seeing PostCrush live!"

"That would be cool, Pinkie."

"And maybe I could see them with you."

"Well, you are the only one I know who likes PostCrush," Sunset said. "So I guess so."



"we're here," Pinkie said as Sunset pulled into a parking lot, Sunset looked up at the sign of the building. Little Hearts Children's Hospital.

"Pinkie Pie, why are we here?" Sunset asked as Pinkie got out and started grabbing her party supplies. When the cheerful teen didn't respond Sunset sighed and got out moving around to the back. Pinkie Pie had a large load of boxes, streamers, confetti cans, and balloons in her arms, or in the balloons case tied to her arms.

"Here you go," Pinkie said tilting the load slightly, the streamers falling off onto Sunset's shoulders. "Now you are ready to party."

"A party here, you sure that's a good idea?" Sunset asked, from what she knew about hospitals they were not the usual place to throw a party.

"Don't be silly, if anywhere needed a party, it's here," Pinkie said confidently. "Come on, there are smiles to make."

With some reluctance, Sunset followed Pinkie Pie into the children's hospital, when they entered the waiting room there were a few kids sitting with their parents or sitting alone. One girl around eight was being held by her mother and her father had her right arm in a sling while her little brother played with toy trucks on the ground. An older boy around ten without a shirt had a large burn on his shoulder, one dad was arguing with a nurse while the other dad was talking to the boy. In the corner was a girl that couldn't be older than five was huddled in a chair in a ratty oversized shirt with a nurse trying to coax the girl out of the chair into a wheelchair. Altogether it was a little depressing for Sunset who quickly averted her eyes when the little girl looked her way.

"Pinkie Pie, I really don't think this is the best idea," Sunset tried to tell Pinkie, these kids wouldn't be cheered up by some streamers and balloons, and she really didn't like looking into their eyes, it gave her a bad feeling in the back of her mind. Pinkie Pie though didn't seem to listen to her, going straight to the front desk smiling like she was in a candy store.

"Pinkie Pie, it's been a while since we've seen you here," The nurse at the desk said barely reacting to the large number of party supplies in the teen's hands.

Pinkie Pie poked her head through the supplies. "Hi, Nurse Gel, sorry I haven't come by this month, getting the Fall Formal ready took alot more time than usual."

Sunset winced internally, then twitched externally when she felt a jolt of pain in the back of her head, knowing that her ill-worded commands to Snips and Snails, plus her own demands, were the cause of that extra time and energy. Pinkie though carried on her conversation with Nurse Gel. The Nurse then handed Pinkie and Sunset a pair of visitor passes before Pinkie started leading Sunset into the hospital.

"You've been here before?" Sunset asked once they were through the hallway doors.

"Well duh, I fell on my head a lot as a kid."

"That doesn't surprise me one bit," Sunset said. "No, I mean you've been here recently, that nurse knew your name and you don't need help finding your way around here."

"Yep! Nurse Gel is so nice and friendly, she even helps do the balloon animals when she's not checking kids in, and I never lose my way."

"Okay, and exactly where are we going?" Sunset asked as Pinkie led her through another set of doors, she hoped Pinkie wasn't taking her where kids were waiting for their surgeries.

"The Recovery Ward, they need a party for getting better," Pinkie said as they came to a pair of double doors with the label Recovery Ward above them.

"Hi Everyone!" Pinkie shouted, bursting into the Recovery ward, Sunset a few steps behind, several kids resting in the beds looked up curiously at the pink intruder. "Who's ready for a happy getting better party!?"

A what? Sunset thought as Pinkie was already setting up serval chairs in a ring and tossing confetti around the ward. She did notice the kids starting to smile when they saw the decorations being set up. "I also have a special delivery from Sugarcube Coner," Pinkie said holding up two light pink boxes. "Mrs. Cake wanted something special for all of you, so cupcakes!"

Sunset stood back while Pinkie Pie passed out a cupcake to the kids, not sure what she was supposed to be doing in this situation. How was she supposed to make children smile, especially kids who are at a hospital? "Sunset here!" Pinkie said handing Sunset a jar of confetti.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Sunset asked.

"Spread it around, give it a little tap! tap!" Pinkie said patting the jar. "Can't have a Pinkie Party without confetti and streamers." She grabbed the streamers from Sunset's neck and tossed them into the air, lining up the halls perfectly.

"Alright," Sunset said taking the jar while Pinkie started entertaining the kids with what looked like an impromptu play involving several animal costumes she switched into for each line. Sunset mostly avoided eye contact with any of the children unable to leave their beds, tossing some confetti around the room before moving on to the next one. When she got to the fifth room, she found a little purple-haired girl with a bandage wrapped around her head, trying to grab a kindle sitting on a stool just out of reach.

"Need some help?" Sunset asked as the girl missed the desired object again.

"It's... okay..." The girl said in a strained voice as she tried and failed again. Setting down the jar Sunset grabbed the kindle and handed it to the girl. The kid immediately opened up a story and laid back in her bed, muttering a slight thanks before she forgot Sunset was even there.

"Odd one," Sunset said quietly turning to leave when she saw a cupcake on the table next to the girl, uneaten. "Don't you like cupcakes?"

"Huh?" The girl looked up from her book then to the cupcake before returning to her book. "It's fine, just want to read right now. You want it?"

"Uh no, you should have it, anything from Sugarcube Corner is guaranteed to be great."

"Hmm, okay," The girl said flicking through another page of her book. She briefly looked up, took a single bite from the cupcake before setting it back on the table.

Sunset was about to leave but decided to ask one more question. "What's your book about?"

"Um, it's about a Princess and a Farmgirl, the farmgirl, saves the princess from a monster, and the two go on an adventure to save the Princess's kingdom."

"I think I know that book," Sunset said, mentally going through the books she read recently. "Does the farmgirl have an older sister?"

"Uh-huh," The girl nodded looking up from her kindle.

"I didn't think anyone your age read that book, where you at in the book?"

"The Princess and her friends just got to her Kingdom, and the big sister just fainted."

"So, then you already read the boat scene where they had to tie up the ninja girl then pretended to throw her overboard, that's probably one of my favorite parts."

The girl gave a low energy giggle while nodding. "It was funny, that and when she stole the bard's fish."

Sunset started to laugh too, remembering the scene, when she felt another painful spike run through her head shutting off the laughter. Sunset held her hand to her forehead while leaning heavily on her other crutch, the girl sat up straighter in her bed. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Sunset assured her. "Just a headache, I should probably go see if Pinkie needs any more help, enjoy your book."

"Okay, thank you again for the help..."

"Sunset, names Sunset," She said stepping out of the room, she barely heard the girl mutter the name Lily before she was out of earshot.

Pinkie Pie had begun making balloon animals and handing them out to the kids, Sunset leaned against the wall watching her work. Pinkie created an elephant, a puppy, and a giraffe in quick succession, handing one to a kid who was on his feet and handing the other two to kids stuck in beds. "You make those really fast," Sunset commented after the pink-haired girl created three lions on request.

"Years of practice," Pinkie said making a rhino without looking. "You having fun?"

Sunset raised an eye. "Not sure fun is the right word for this place, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I was wondering, how often do you come by here?"

"I like coming every week or so, give the kids a little cheer, they need it, sometimes I bring Applejack to read to the kids before their operations, they love her stories," Pinkie Pie ruffled the hair of a little girl with an IV. "I didn't get to do it this time, with the Fall Formal..."

"Look Pinkie, about the formal," Sunset started not sure how to say what she wanted without it sounding like an excuse. "I'm sorry that I messed up your hard work, and that Snips and Snails went overboard, though really I never should have had them do it in the first place, so yeah I'm sorry for what I did."

"Hmmm," Pinkie scratched her chin, smiled, and held out a cookie. "Eat this."

"Okay?" Sunset said taking the cookie, a little confused by the sudden change of subject. She took a bite out of the cookie, then her taste buds went up in flames as her eyes watered from the sudden spicy taste coming from the cookie. Trying to cough out the taste she bent over tossing her head around as she coughed, the kids that could see her cracking up at her actions.

"There, all forgiven," Pinkie said matter-of-factly as Sunset started to adjust to the spicy taste.

"What was in that!" Sunset asked stumbling slightly.

Pinkie Pie held up a jar of hot sauce. "For all your pranking needs, we good?"

"If it's fine with you, a little prank is more than fair," Sunset said, feeling a little better that she had said sorry. Sunset gasped as she felt another pain in the back of her head and instinctively banged it against the wall.

"Sunset? What's wrong?" Pinkie asked leaning in close.

"Nothing, just a little headache, I'm fine," Sunset assured her, Pinkie leaned in a bit closer. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, the redhead edged away.

"Maybe we can have Nurse Gel look at it," Pinkie suggested. "She's great with heads, one time she had to get my big sister's head out of a bucket."

Still getting over the pain in her head, Sunset wasn't certain she had heard correctly. "Why was your sister's head in a bucket?"

Pinkie Pie giggled nervously looking away. "Prank gone wrong."

"Well, like I said I'm fine, just a headache," Sunset said again. the pain starting to fade.

Pinkie Pie was still giving her a look, rubbing her chin. "Hmmm, Okay! Back to the party then, let's bring some smiles to these kids."

With that, Pinkie Pie went back to making balloon animals. Sunset sighed as the pain faded away. "It's fine," She muttered to herself. "Just a little head pain, nothing to worry anyone about."


Applejack tapped her hand against the dashboard of her truck along to the music as she pulled onto Rarity's street, the farmgirl having asked Rarity for some help with their homework. She was also hoping to see Twilight again, she hadn't seen her since the failed attempt to force the mirror open and she was worried about the girl. Er pony, or girl, she wasn't sure which one was right, and it gave her a bit of a head turn when she thought about it too much.

Still humming the song when she arrived, backpack slung over her shoulder, Applejack was feeling ready to knock this homework out early. When she knocked on the door, she was greeted not by Rarity but by Sweetie Belle, the younger Belle sister's hair tied up in a tight bun and wearing plastic gloves. "Hey Applejack, you here to see Princess Twilight? Or my sister? Please be Princess Twilight," She asked casting a look back into the house.

"Both actually," Applejack said stepping into the house. "Uh, whatcha doin' in there?."

"Twilight wanted to help around the house, she's been volunteering for everything ever since Pinkie Pie came over, right now we're doing the dishes and Rarity told me to help."

"Well that's mighty nice of you to do sugar," Applejack said stepping into the house.

Sweetie Belle responded. "Honestly, I'm really tired Applejack, I don't know where she gets the energy, we've been cleaning for like ten hours."

"Only two hours and twenty-three minutes," Princess Twilight said popping out of the kitchen, like Sweetie Belle her long hair was done up in a neat bun, Applejack suspected Rarity's work, and was wearing yellow plastic gloves in addition to an apron with Rarity's diamond motif. "Hey Applejack, just trying to be helpful around here, and turns out cleaning can really help get used to these hands."

"Ah'll take your word for it," Applejack said. "Why don't ya take a break and help Rarity and me? We could do some talkin' while we work."

Twilight considered for a moment before answering. "Maybe in a bit, I want to get the dishes finished then put away, get a snack for Spike and Opal, then I could come and help with your homework. Think you could save your toughest for last?"

"Sure Twi'," The taller teen nodded, Twilight ducked back into the kitchen, and Applejack pulled Sweetie Belle aside. "Keep an eye on her, right now her hands are like the wings of a startled chicken."

Sweetie Belle looked at her slightly confused. "Okay, I'll do my best. By the way, Rarity's in my room."

Rarity was flipping through a magazine when Applejack entered Sweetie Belle's room, the older Belle sister sitting on a small couch, she tossed it aside when she saw her friend. "Applejack! I was wondering when you would get here."

"Spoke with Twi' and Sweetie Belle, they're doin' the dishes right now."

"They are still working?" Rarity asked. "Honestly didn't think they could find anything else, I offered to help when they started but they insisted on doing it without me."

"You did say once that your sister loves helping," Applejack said sitting down on the ground, pulling out some workbooks. "Ah think Twilight might be the same."

"It appears so, well it is nice just seeing her up and around really," Rarity said grabbing her own workbook. "So, what was it that you needed help with again?"

"The usual, Math and English are givin' me some trouble, and Ah don't want a word about the English," Applejack quickly added.

"I wasn't going to, it could happen to anyone, shall we start with math then, get it out of the way?"

"Actually, can we wait on that, Twilight said she might come and help and asked we save the tough stuff for last, she looked excited about it really."

"If that is what you want, then sure, now in class we have started Romeo and Juliet, why don't we start with the analysis questions." Rarity started going over the play, Applejack scribbling along. It took nearly an hour but by the end, Applejack had finished the assignment on the play's first act, the whole fancy language still threw her for a loop, but Rarity was good with translating, at least when she didn't fall into fancy talk herself.

"Now then, there is just one more little piece we must go over before we can turn to math, then we can check on Twilight and Sweetie Belle and see it-" A crash from the kitchen cut Rarity off. "Oh dear."

The two teens jumped to their feet rushing to the kitchen, Applejack worried Sweetie Belle had dropped something that might set Rarity off. Instead, they found Sweetie Belle holding an unbroken plate, though she had a look of confusion mixed with concern, her eyes locked on the cause of the crash. Twilight was on her knees, Spike sitting near her trying to calm her down, as she tried to piece a broken plate back together.

"Twi' wait!" Applejack said as Twilight's hand drifted to a sharp looking piece, Twilight didn't seem to hear her and grabbed the fracture. Her hand then shot to her chest as she cut herself on the shard. Applejack and Rarity eased their way around the shards. The two touched Twilight by the shoulders, intending to ease her back, but she jerked like they shocked her.

"Hey there Sugar, it's okay, right Rarity," Applejack stated calmly.

Rarity nodded. "Yes dear, it's just a plate, I have back-ups."

Applejack eased her hand onto Twilight's shoulder, this time she didn't jerk away, together she and Rarity led Twilight over to the couch, Spike following behind. "I'm sorry I broke your plate Rarity," Twilight said after she sat down, Spike jumping into her lap. "My grip slipped, and it hit the floor."

"It really is fine Twilight; I have plenty of dishes, one broken plate is not going to put me out or anything."

"Wait! Maybe with my crown I could fix it."

"Now there is no need to tucker yourself out over it," Applejack cautioned. "Just sit and relax for a moment."

Twilight gave a weak laugh. "You are giving me advice not to work too hard?"

"Now why is that funny?"

"Well in my world there is a counterpart for almost everyone including you girls," Twilight explained. "And I once had to caution my world's Applejack from working too hard after she drove herself to exhaustion during harvest season."

"Heh funny, something like that actually happen' in freshman year, remember Rarity?"

"Do I? Applejack's granny caught ill, and Applejack decided to fill in for her at lunch, the same week she volunteered to help Pinkie at the sweet shop where she had just gotten a job, and the week she promised to help Rainbow Dash with tryouts."

"Not my finest week, I accidentally mixed up the ingredients' for the macaroni and the chocolate cupcakes, and I nearly broke Dash's leg when I jerked my leg at the wrong moment. After I nearly cost two of my friends what they were working towards I promised myself not to overwork again. Now I'm telling you Twi' it's great that you want to help out, but don't try and do too much too soon, or next time it could be worse. Just take it slow and steady 'kay?"

Twilight nodded. "Okay, thanks for the advice."

Rarity clapped her hands cheerfully. "Good, now how about we all take a break and watch a little movie before we do anything else."

"You mean go to the theater right now?" Twilight asked.

"No dear, we can just pop a movie into the television."

"You can watch films at home?" Spike commented just as confused looking as Twilight.

Applejack and Rarity nodded, Rarity started rubbing Twilight's back while Applejack got up. "Sit tight sugar, you have a very good surprise coming your way, Ah'll clean up the mess and get the popcorn ready. Rarity you pick out a good one."

"On it, Twilight, darling, you are going to love this."

"Does this mean I can stop cleaning now?" Sweetie Belle called from the kitchen. The teens started laughing, along with Spike.

Author's Note:

Post Crush was something that bonded Sunset and Pinkie in the series, seemed like a good way to start their relationship.

That was a real story that Lily was reading, if no one guesses it by Chapter 12 I'll put it in the author's notes.

Remember in the first Equestria Girls movie Applejack and Pinkie Pie seemed to get along fine while setting up for the party, have a reason why Sunset couldn't tear them apart.

There is a reason why Sunset is having those pains, wonder if anyone can guess the reason.

Next chapter, Sunset and Applejack, and two visitors to Twilight.

Comments ( 13 )

Thank you for the update.

I'm calling it. The Elements of Harmony gave Sunset Shimmer cancer.

nice work

Glad I followed on the same day you updated this.

Great Update!

Why do I think Sunset has a more serious injury then she realizes. Hopefully she can get some help.

"I guess so," Sunset conceded, smiling a little. She never got to talk about PostCrush with anyone before, Flash preferred his rock bands and Snips and Snails had no taste in music and no talent from what her last birthday showed. "I really wish I could see them live, but they went on that 'indefinite hiatus' and might never come back."

Good thing your wish will come true, except it'll be in a terrible way...:ajbemused:

Pinkie Pie held up a jar of hot sauce. "For all your pranking needs, we good?"

Hot Sauce in a cookie eh? And I thought jalapeƱo frosted cupcakes were odd/gross? :fluttershbad:

"Twi' wait!" Applejack said as Twilight's hand drifted to a sharp looking piece, Twilight didn't seem to hear her and grabbed the fracture. Her hand then shot to her chest as she cut herself on the shard. Applejack and Rarity eased their way around the shards. The two touched Twilight by the shoulders, intending to ease her back, but she jerked like they shocked her.


Sure can't wait for the next chapter. And glad to see you back! :pinkiehappy:

Great to see this story updated! :pinkiesmile:

It's nice to see Pinkie and Sunset getting along, even with PostCrush! :twilightsmile:

But I'm worried about Sunset keep getting her "headaches". I hope it doesn't get worse. :fluttershysad:

Great story. Hope to see it continue. :twilightsmile:

pls continue this, i thought u stopped using fimfiction but knowing u do then plss continue it!

It was something I got from the books, in the book version of Rainbow Rocks Sunset had a car and that was where she kept her book to communicate with Equestria.

Comment posted by ScisetShimmerEvan deleted March 17th
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