• Published 30th Jan 2021
  • 3,564 Views, 109 Comments

Sealed by a Minute - Revanius

Sunset was defeated and wants to reform but it's time for Twilight and Spike to return to Equestria, except when they try the portal is sealed leaving the two trapped in the human world, possible forever

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Mall Part 2

"Oh yes, I do believe that this suits you perfectly darling, don't you agree dears?" Rarity, eyes glimmering with diamonds, asked Applejack and Fluttershy, looking Twilight over, admiring her work.

Applejack tilted her head up looking at Twilight. "Ain't it a little too fancy for her to go wearing 'round town. Ah, mean it's not like she's goin' to the Great Ball or somthin'."

"It is a little much," Fluttershy muttered then quickly added. "But still very pretty."

"Uh! It is just fine for casual wear," Rarity protested. "Right Twilight?"

"Well..." Twilight looked down at herself then in the dressing room mirror getting a full view of herself. Rarity had put her in a sleeveless lavender dress that just reached her knees that was pulled tight around her waist, combined with the 'heels' as Rarity called the stilted shoes, Twilight felt like if she took two steps she would either fall down or pass out, neither of which she was keen on doing. Still...

"I don't know, back in Equestria we don't really use dresses much, though when we do it's normally for important social events."

Applejack took that with a smirk. "See? She don't need any fancy stuff, 'sides she might be goin' home tomorrow anyway."

Rarity rolled her eyes at the farmer. "One should always aspire to look their best and even if she leaves tomorrow she should still be allowed to wear the best our world has to offer."

"Rarity she needs something she can move in, just look at the stuff ya picked out," Applejack held up a pair of dresses Rarity had grabbed when they first entered the clothing store. "If Twilight ends up stayin' she'll need practical clothes, not just dresses."

"Fine, but I'm not having you pick them out Applejack, you'd probably have her dressed as a cowgirl," Rarity turned to Fluttershy who had kept quiet during the two's argument. "Fluttershy dear can you please go pick out some casual clothes for Twilight, perhaps a jacket or two for winter."

"Um sure Rarity, if you think I can do it."

"Of course dear after me I'd say you have the best taste in Canterlot." Rarity assured her. "Go I'll help Twilight out of the dress and get the rest back to the shelves."

"There was that so hard?" Applejack asked once Fluttershy left the dressing room, patting Rarity on the shoulder. The ivory-skinned girl turned away from the other two covering her face.

"Apologises, I guess I got a little over-excited at the idea of helping our new friend find a style, especially a Princess."

Twilight decided to reenter the conversation at that. "Rarity I thought we agreed not to bring up the princess thing while I'm here, it doesn't really matter till we get the portal open."

Rarity sighed turning back to them, starting to help Twilight out of the dress and stilt shoes. "I know as I said I just got a little overexcited."

"Not the first time she did it either," Applejack said. "Remember freshman year when ya found out Rainbow Dash had never worn a skirt?" Rarity blushed as Applejack continued. "This one here nearly had a heart attack then tried to drag Rainbow Dash to the mall in the middle of a school day!"

Twilight held a hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh as Rarity playfully slapped Applejack's arm, glad to see they had not let the previous night's events get to them. They had gone through an event very similar to one Twilight and her Equestria friends had gone through with Nightmare Moon and her new friends were several years younger than them. Yet here they were hanging out at a mall and joking as if nothing happened. Though it had happened and thinking about it brought up a question she needed to ask.

"Hey Rarity," Twilight said distracting Rarity from Applejack. "There is something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it darling?"

"Well, it's just earlier, you seemed like you... uh, how should I put this? You..."

"Did not want to spend my day with Miss Shimmer." Rarity said flatly. "It's okay to ask I'm willing to explain now."

Applejack, who had returned to her seat looked up at that as Rarity finished tidying up the dresses she had brought to the room before turning to the two. "Alright then so why do you not want to be around Sunset?" Twilight asked.

"The answer is quite simple really, I'm not willing to trust her yet and am in no mood to spend too much time around her unless it is necessary." Rarity said matter of factly.

"But you seemed fine with her helping to open the portal and you said you'd look out for her last night."

Rarity nodded. "And I meant what I said on both accounts, if Sunset can and is willing to help you go home then I won't deny her that. Given what she accomplished I won't deny that her help could be invaluable. And I did promise to look out for her and I will but that does not mean I have to trust or spend too much time with her, yet."

"Yet?" Applejack asked.

"Yes if Miss Shimmer is genuine about changing and makes an effort to make up for what she has done then perhaps I will be willing to put the past behind us, but I won't just blindly accept her into our group."

"Well, Ah saw her last night, and she looked as genuine as can be," Applejack said with a shrug. "And she was nothin' but polite since me and Rainbow Dash took her to Dash's."

"And that is fine by you Applejack," Rarity said. "But after everything Sunset Shimmer did to us before and during the formal forgive me for being a little wary of her." The ivory-skinned girl looked to Twilight. "And I'm guessing our counterparts in your world would feel the same if they went through what we did."

"Actually we did go through something very similar back home," Twilight said smiling at the memory of Nightmare Moon. It's funny it was so terrifying when it happened but what it led to just made her smile.

"Really do tell," Rarity inquired.

Twilight shook her head. "Another time, just know that back in my world it wouldn't take much for everyone to put what Sunset did in the past."

Rarity gathered up the dresses heading for the dressing room exit. "Well, it might take me a little longer to forgive her than in your world."

Applejack pulled the curtain out for Rarity as the dress lover left before saying to Twilight. "Ah know what Ah saw in Sunset last night, that girl meant it when she wanted to change."

Twilight nodded. "I think so too. Though it might not be easy."

"Don't worry 'bout that Twi' takin' on tough jobs is an Apple's specialty."


Sunset was not really sure what she was supposed to be doing, then again she had not been sure of anything today and she was starting to get used to the feeling. Since the group had split Sunset has just followed along as Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash led her through the mall, Pinkie kept talking, though Sunset only caught so many words though Rainbow Dash seemed to have no trouble keeping up. Sunset found herself questioning why she was here with them, why was she walking around with the people she had tried to kill. She knew they said they wanted to be friends, at least Applejack and Rainbow Dash had, and Sunset was starting to believe them, but she still questioned why she was with them at the mall.

It almost felt forced, like the idea that she could be their friend was just being pushed on by a promise and good intentions for her. That thought did not sit well with her, Sunset Shimmer would not be just a promise to be fulfilled, she had meant what she said when she wanted to change, and maybe she needed some time alone to think of that on her own.

Finally, the redhead broke her silence. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie. I want to say thank you for inviting me."

"And we're happy you said yes!" Pinkie interrupted.

'Not that I was given much of a choice,' Sunset thought. "But I think I should be getting back to my place."

That stopped the two teens in their tracks. "What are you saying Sunset, we just got here?!" Pinkie exclaimed getting a little too close for comfort.

Sunset backed away a step before answering. "This doesn't feel real, it's just too fast."

Rainbow cocked her head. "What do you mean?"

Sunset shifted a little on her crutches. "Me being here, it's too soon. I needed time to think, really think after everything that happened last night okay. And I don't want this friendship just to be fulfilling a promise."

"I thought I told you-"

"I know what you said but it still feels wrong okay, I just need some time okay, and maybe get this whole reform thing thought out."

Sunset turned to leave, ignoring Pinkie Pie's protests when Rainbow put a hand on her. "Okay you can go, but first I want you to try one thing with me and if you still feel like this is forced you can go."

Sunset paused before answering, she really wanted to go and think things over, but if Rainbow said she just had to do one thing it might be worth checking out. Looking back to the two she nodded.

"Um Rainbow Dash," Sunset said looking down at the controller. "How is this supposed to change anything? I've never even played a video game before."

Rainbow's head jerked to look at the red head. "Huh?! How have you never played a video game before or even an arcade game?"

Sunset shrugged. "It never seemed important you know. I spent most of my time plotting or studying didn't leave much for these strange machines."

"Well, these strange machines are the perfect way to make you feel more comfortable! You have no idea how easy it is to form a bond after playing a game together!"

"You tell her Dashie!" Pinkie exclaimed holding up a sign stating Go Rainbow Sunset! that Sunset had no idea how the pink teen had made so fast.

The red head raised an eyebrow at the controller, not really believing the teen's words. But if it got her out of the mall she would give it a chance. "One game, then I can go?"

Rainbow smirked. "If you want to go sure." She pressed the start button.

Sunset was the dumbest genius in the world, how had she lived in the human world for so many years and ignored these amazing machines. Five minutes in and she couldn't take her eyes off the screen as she and Rainbow blasted away at the aliens. It was oddly soothing seeing the alien ships blown to bits, like a little of her tension was in each one, and blasting it away brought her more at ease. Before she knew it they were on their third game and still going strong, Rainbow leading by nearly a thousand points but Sunset thought she was doing pretty good for her first time playing.

"Man, I can't believe you've never played a video game before," Rainbow said as they cleared another wave of aliens. "Seriously how have you never played?"

Sunset shrugged. "As I said, I spent most of my time either plotting or studying, neither left much time for video games. Though now I wish I had tried them."

"What about before you came to Canterlot? I doubt even you were plotting in elementary."

At that Sunset's eyes drifted slightly a bead of sweat starting to form. "Uh I've been studying all my life and I didn't have many chances to play games where I'm from." She turned her attention back to the game, a giant alien boss just appearing on the screen.

"Oh, you mean the pony world?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Sunset's hand jerked and the alien boss blasted her ship to piece, Rainbow's followed soon after as her head spun to look at Sunset.

"Do they not have any video games there?" Pinkie Pie continued.

"How did you know I was from Equestria?!" Sunset asked, Pinkie shrugged.

"It's obvious isn't it?"

"I didn't think it was."

"Wait wait," Rainbow said. "You're from the same world as Twilight?"


Meanwhile at the Belle Residence

"Stay back you animals!" Spike shouted grabbing another fruit in his paw, flinging the food at his attackers. It was a messy battle and Spike could tell he was losing but he could not give up yet, he would not surrender to these monsters.

"Give up Spike! Ah promise it won't be so bad." Applebloom held up a plate blocking the projectile fruit.


"Surround him crusaders!" Scootaloo directed salad bowl in hand. "I want that badge!"

Sweetie Belle's head popped up from behind the overturned table a salad bowl helmet covering her hair. "Can we please not destroy the kitchen again! Rarity didn't let me out of her sight for a whole week last time."

"Then leave me alone!" Spike shouted lobbing a tomato at them.

Rarity's kitchen was a warzone with mashed fruits and scattered kitchen appliances all along the floor, on one side Spike and Opal crouched in waiting, on the other side the CMC's stood gathered trying to force their way to the animals. Sweetie Belle hid behind the crusaders' fort, the kitchen table, with the source of the conflict, a set of grooming brushes and soaps meant for the animals. All that stood between them and a new badge for the scouts was an uncooperative dog and many fruits.

"I'm almost out! Opal, I need more ammo!" Spike shouted to the cat peaking over to see the approaching crusaders. "Hurry they're almost on top of us!"


"Huh?" Spike turned just as Opal kicked Spike in the face knocking him out of their makeshift defenses. "Traitorous furball," Spike muttered, rumbling his nose.

"Heehee," A pair of voices giggled above him.

"Oh no...."

They were on him before he could even make to run, Scootaloo grabbing him from behind, lifting him into her arms. "Success, come on girls! To the bath!"

"Twilight where are you?! Save me!" Spike shouted as the crusaders carried him away.

Author's Note:

For the longest time, I hated this chapter but now after all this time, it's grown on me, a simple light-hearted chapter being the middle of this mini-arc before the real story starts to kick in. This mall section is kind of just them trying to have a normal day after everything. Sunset will face the consequences for her actions and Twilight will have her own problems very soon but this section here gives them a little breathing room. Also, I just wanted to do that CMC and Spike scene (felt like poetic justice for his series counterpart leaving pets with them)

Now I know some were hoping for some big explanation on Sunset's actions and that will come eventually in bits and pieces but not now, not when there is some other stuff going on. Also, I want to explain how I feel the Mane 5 of the Equestria Girls world are taking Sunset's desire to change. Pinkie Pie's always been the forgive and forget type really, she lets things go pretty easy if they seem genuine and just wants people to laugh. Rainbow Dash likes to act tough and isn't the best at expressing herself but she's a big softy in the end and doesn't really hold grudges if someone is apologetic (the whole distrust of Discord and her dislike when seeing Gilda again seemed to come from their apparent disregard of past actions instead of apologizing. Applejack's good at reading people and giving second chances, not much really on her. I can see Fluttershy being open to change as she was with Discord in Equestria, but this Fluttershy suffered a lot (and that will come up eventually) and be a little scared of Sunset, afraid that it's a trick. Rarity's the only one I can really see still holding a grudge due to her own past suffering and her general personality, and even then it'd be more just not wanting to be around Sunset (perfectly understandable really) while still saying if Sunset proves to be genuine then maybe being friends.