• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 7,601 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Dragon - PlutoMilo

What if Twilight was the dragon and Spike was the pony? What would happen with Nightmare Moon? Discord? The Crystal Empire?

  • ...

Return of Disharmony - End Arc

It was Twilight’s turn for her jaw to drop. Discord’s smile stretched further at Twilight’s bemused expression.

“Is-Is there a catch?” Twilight stammered with wide eyes.

Discord shook his head, “None. Chaos magic is very hard to learn, let alone master. I’d be very surprised if you could end up conjuring things by the time I’m done with you. Though, your cutie mark seems to suggest Magic itself has given you a blessing. I’d look forward to our lessons together if you do accept.”

Twilight sprang up, nearly unseating Spike, and did a little happy dance, “Yes! I’d love to!”

Rainbow Dash angrily scrunched her eyebrows, “Woah, hold on Twi! You don’t even know if he’s telling the truth. Besides, the Princess said to use the Elements on him. He’s evil,”

“Magic is magic,” Twilight waved a wing dismissively, “It’s what the user decides what to do with it is the problem. Discord won’t mess with my brain,”

“Ugh, what a downer Celestia is,” Discord groaned, “What is she? A god?”

Five blank stares met his eyes before they all nodded. Twilight sighed. She knew she would be wasting her breath, but she said it again.

“Celestia isn’t a god,” Twilight grumbled, “She’s a pony like everyone else. Wait no scratch that. She isn’t like everyone else because she lives off of cakes,”

The rest of her friends sported scandalized looks as Twilight spoke. She suppressed the urge to sigh again. Again and again, her friends never believed her even when they witnessed Celestia’s mistakes first-hand.

“Darling, as her student you should speak of her with more respect!” Rarity said reproachfully.

“I do respect her, but she isn’t a god,” Twilight said firmly.

Discord giggled and did a flip, “I thought it would be harder, but you already see Celestia’s faults. Splendid!”

“Not really faults. More like weird quirks that tell me no being is perfect,” Twilight shrugged, “Like you. You aren’t perfect either,”

Spike chose that moment to say, “Once, Mom and I walked into the kitchen at night and Celestia was just in there eating cake!”

Twilight chuckled and shook her head, “Alright everyone, let’s go report back, that includes you Discord,”

Discord tisked and wagged a finger in her face, “As my apprentice, you address me as Master,”

Twilight arched a brow but didn’t comment, “This might feel weird for anyone who hasn’t teleported before. Don’t panic and it’ll be fine,”

Twilight charged her horns and met everyone’s eyes individually before letting the spell go. The entire group landed in Celestia’s throne room in a burst of purple sparks. Everyone other than Spike collapsed to the ground and voiced their discomfort. Twilight was the only being to see Celestia banish a plateful of cake before rising majestically.

Discord groaned and flopped onto the floor like a deflated balloon, “Ohh, I hate normal teleportation,”

“How Chaotic,” Twilight quipped.

Then Discord reinflated himself and stood next to Twilight, “Your great Marshmellow-ness, I have decided to surrender. Your student has intrigued me and I’ve decided to take her under my wing,” he dropped a paw into Twilight’s head.

Twilight snarled and snapped at his paw and he quickly took his hand back.

Celestia blinked and then sighed wryly, “My student never took note of rules. I see you have returned the Elements, very well.”

“Oh, I take note of rules,” Twilight corrected her mentor, speaking over her cringing friends, “I just never listen to them if I don’t want to,”

“Perhaps in some far-off world, Twilight is still a pony and listens to rules obsessively,” Discord suggested.

Spike guffawed into Twilight’s hair, “Mom listening to rules?”

“I listen to some,” Twilight protested, rustling her wings indignantly, “Just the ones that make sense to me,”

Discord wiped away a tear that formed in his eye, “You’ve been my apprentice for less than an hour and I am just so proud already!”

“You haven’t even taught me anything yet,” Twilight huffed.

“You’re making that job easier and easier, dear Twilight,”

“Because I’m just oh so chaotic, your great Chaotic-ness,” she said back sarcastically.

Celestia face-hooved and sighed very loudly, “You two can work out your situation later. I would say job well done, but you didn’t even finish the job,”

Twilight somehow made her eye roll more apparent than normal but nodded anyway.

Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she said, “Thank you, my esteemed mentor,”

Reverently, the rest of her friends bowed to the Princess and thanked her. Under Celestia’s direction, her friends returned the Elements of Harmony into the box.

As the alicorn lifted the box in her magic, she turned to Discord and sighed, “Do I want to know how you managed to get through my enchantments?”

Discord’s wicked grin was back as he boop-ed Celestia’s nose with a talon, “A barrier is useless if going around is an option,”

Twilight’s jaw hung open again as she incredulously asked her mentor, “You didn’t ward anything other than the door?!” she cast her gaze to the number of sigils and magic circles on the door, “That many circles in one place and you didn’t think to encircle the final creation?!”

Probably by sheer will, Celestia managed to stop from blushing and keep her neutral mask on, “Every pony makes mistakes,” she haughtily said as she resealed the Elements.

Twilight dragged her claws down her face, creating a nails-on-chalkboard sound as they scraped against her scales. Discord giggled as he hovered upside down.

“I declare your mission complete. Thank you for your service to Equestria,” Celestia declared in the royal voice, “Is there any insurance I get for leaving you free, Discord?”

Discord thought for a moment before snapping his talons with a large smile, “Nope!”

“If you all would excuse me, I need to inform my sister of this new development,” Celestia said stiffly and she didn’t even take the time to sigh properly as she turned away.

As Celestia exited the room, her friends bowed again. Twilight managed to stop from rolling her eyes this time. Applejack looked especially terrified after seeing Celestia upset.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this displeased since the first Gala I went to,” Twilight commented, then she shrugged, ignoring her friends’ horrified looks, “She’ll get over it and somehow manage to poke fun at me with this later,”

In the silent aftermath, Discord proclaimed, “Your first lesson will be teleportation. I’ll see you next week Twilight Sparkle. Expect the unexpected!”

He jumped up, did a pirouette, and vanished in a flash of light as he posed. Twilight chuckled and turned to her friends again.

“Shall we go home?”

Author's Note:

Edited - 11/9/21