• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 7,601 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Dragon - PlutoMilo

What if Twilight was the dragon and Spike was the pony? What would happen with Nightmare Moon? Discord? The Crystal Empire?

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Chocolate Rain - Discord Arc

Twilight kept a careful eye on Spike as he happily jumped in and out of the corn stalks. She was helping Applejack with the corn harvest this year. Her large forelegs were capable of carrying nearly a cart’s worth as the two of them went back and forth from the storage barn.

“Good haul this year,” Applejack commented, “This’ll last Ponyville until late Fall I reckon,”

Before Twilight could answer, Rainbow Dash blasted past, bending the corn stalks with her tailwind, and chasing what looked to be a bright pink cloud that was raining brown liquid that smelled suspiciously like chocolate milk. Not long after that, the entire sky was filled with whizzing pink clouds, drenching Applejack’s harvest in chocolate milk.

“Rainbow! What in tarnation? What’s all this brown rain?” Applejack demanded in her naturally loud voice.

“There are crazy weather patterns all over Equestria,” Came Rainbow’s distant reply, “It’s raining over Cloudsdale for some odd reason! But don’t worry, I got this under control! Sorry about your apples!”

Since AJ was looking up at Rainbow Dash, she didn’t notice her corn turning into popcorn until one cob pelted her in the face with its exploding kernels. Not a moment later, the rest of the unpicked corn exploded into popcorn as well, leaving most of Twilight’s talons buried under a layer.

Twilight’s logical brain refused to acknowledge the fact that whatever was happening shouldn’t be possible and kept rubbing at her eyes, thinking it was a vision. The rising level of popcorn made that quite a hard feat indeed.

Pinky Pie burst from the nearest pile of popcorn, happily munching on whatever she could get her hooves on. Surprisingly, that is what snapped Twilight out of her denial. Despite Pinky being an anomaly in of herself, if she was reacting to something, that meant whatever it was, it was real.

She didn’t waste any of her thought processes to wonder where Pinky came from. It would only cause a headache and the logistics wouldn’t make a single drop of sense.

Twilight snapped her mouth shut and yanked Spike’s green tail out of another popcorn mound that had buried him earlier. He was following Pinky’s example and shoveling popcorn into his mouth as fast as possible.

Rainbow zoomed back toward them, however, this time she was the one being chased, “Stupid sticky clouds! I gotta put a stop to this,”

Upon closer inspection, Rainbow had clumps of cloud stuck to her wings and in her mane. Pinky chased Rainbow Dash gleefully from the ground, following the chocolate milk rain, drinking as she ran.

“Why would you want to stop this?” Pinky asked, “This is amazing!”

“Maybe for you darling,” Rarity appeared, dressed in a heavy-duty raincoat with an umbrella fixed upon her back.

Knowing Rarity, the unicorn had probably magicked on the beautiful raincoat before the first drop of chocolate milk rain ever hit her fur. Most unicorns utilized their small inter-dimensional storage with essentials. Rarity’s essentials consisted of fainting couches and random bits of clothing that somehow got used. Twilight stopped questioning when Rarity once pulled out an elegant feathered headdress.

She turned to address AJ, “Anything I can do to help dear? Without getting dirty that is. Or wet, or taking my raincoat off,”

“Err,” Applejack cast her eyes around, looking for something that fit Rarity’s requirements.

Twilight rolled her eyes and continued gathering up the popcorn with great sweeps from her tail. This would be a nasty cleanup process. Spike’s shriek of shock had Twilight twisting around so quickly, she nearly pulled something in her neck.

The tree Spike took shelter under had keeled over, the apples too large and heavy for the normal branches to hold them up. The roots stuck up as if reaching for the sky. Twilight started forward toward Spike, only for another tree to fall over right on top of her. Her grunt at being forced to the floor was muffled against the dirt.


Above her flattened head, was the crunch of an apple. When Twilight managed to poke her head out, small critters were all around her, feasting on the overgrown apples. A stray branch covered her head like overgrown bangs.

Fluttershy descended upon them, pleading with the animals, “Please don’t eat Applejack’s apples. We can go back to the meadow and eat our salad. How’s that sound?”

Twilight snorted. Only Fluttershy could remain calm while cotton candy rained chocolate milk and apples grew to the size of tires. The pony who was sometimes startled by her own shadow almost always kept a cool head when faced with actual problems.

Right as the pegasus pulled a bunny from the apple, the bunny grew legs long enough to rival the Arabian horses from the continent over. Fluttershy dropped the now-hooved bunny in shock.

“No! This is not possible! I must be seeing things,” Fluttershy shook her head like a dog and her breathing came in short pants as she tried to get a hold of herself.

Twilight gave up on trying to make sense of the situation and gripped the ground to pull herself forward, her various spines and fins easily shredding the poor tree. She grimaced once she realized she would need a nice lava bath to rid all the plant matter that now clung onto her scales. She shook herself to remove the stray branches and leaves.

Once she was free of the offending tree, Spike jumped onto his place on her shoulders. He gently picked out a branch from her hair. Twilight lit her horns and concentrated on her failsafe spell. It should cleanse the surrounding area of any abnormal enchantments or spells.

She made sure to pull from the leyline that was under the farm. Whatever enchantment this was, it was a massive one to affect so many things at once. Once the spell was properly charged, she waited a moment to make sure all was well before releasing it.

Her magic washed over the surrounding landscape, expanding outward from her in a shockwave. Her friends stopped in amazement. When the light died, nothing changed much to her horror. To add insult to injury, another tree fell over right onto her tail and a hooved bunny trampled one of her talons.

Her eye twitched and smoke rose from her nose. Spike easily ducked underneath the spray of purple flames as Twilight twisted around and set fire to the tree. Instantly, the top half of the tree was reduced to ash and the trunk caught fire, blackening into charcoal a second later.

“Ok! New plan!” Twilight clapped her claws as if nothing happened, ignoring Applejack’s horrified look at what used to be one of her trees, “Rainbow, could you corral those clouds into one corner of the sky?”

Rainbow saluted and in a very nostalgic tone responded, “Aye aye Dragon!”

As Rainbow flew off, Twilight explained the rest of her impromptu plan, “AJ, once Rainbow gets them all together, I want you to lasso them and bring them to the ground. When that’s done, Fluttershy, somehow convince those weird abominations to eat it,” Twilight waved a wing vaguely at the hooved-bunnies.

Fluttershy looked aghast, “They aren’t abominations!”

Twilight raised a disbelieving eye ridge. The hooved bunnies were only a little bit shorter than Twilight, who was just as tall as Celestia, which meant that the creatures were much taller than the pegasus.

“Right…” she muttered under her breath.

Pinky bounced around underneath the huge cloud Rainbow was creating. Rarity shuddered at the mess that was Pinky’s mane and face. Spike stared on enviously as Pinky drank her fill.

Applejack readied her lasso as Rainbow zoomed around making the giant cloud as small as possible. Rainbow pulled away from the cloud just as Applejack released her lasso. Her aim was true and with her earth pony strength, Applejack hauled the cotton candy cloud down and successfully tied it to a nearby fence.

Immediately, Pinky zoomed with a speed that nearly belied a pegasus to the grounded cotton candy and buried her face in it.

Fluttershy exaggeratedly tapped a hoof to her chin as if thinking, “Oh dear, I hope none of the animals see this cotton candy. I’d hate to have to share it,”

“You and me both sister!” Pinky Pie agreed from inside the cloud, only to get shoved aside by the numerous squirrels and very tall bunnies.

Applejack chuckled, “And when y’all done, feel free to have some popcorn for dessert!”

“Great job everyone-” Whatever Twilight was going to say next was halted by the familiar catch behind her throat.

Spinning away quickly, lest she accidentally incinerate one of her friends, she blew her green letter fire out and an official scroll fell to the ground. Applejack whimpered as another one of her trees blew away in the wind, having been caught in the flames and subsequently turned into a standing ash facsimile.

Uttering a quick apology, she picked the scroll up from the ground and opened it. Immediately she knew something was amiss since it wasn’t her mentor’s usual graceful horn-writing. The letter was written in a hurry and was only a single line long. In fact, most of the letter was taken up by her mentor’s needless titles.

“The princess wants to see all the Element bearers in Canterlot immediately,” Twilight announced, quickly estimating what time it was from the sun’s position, “Come on! If we leave now, we can catch the one o’clock train!”

Rainbow Dash immediately took off, grabbing the official letter and racing to get the tickets before Twilight could even voice the idea. Fluttershy flew after the rapidly retreating form, albeit a bit slower.

Rarity shucked off her bulky raincoat and shook out her mane, “I suppose my new dress line must wait. What a pity,”

Applejack stretched a few times before galloping after the two pegasi with a loud “Yeehaw!”. Pinky was nowhere to be found, though Twilight knew she was probably already waiting at the train station.

“Ready when you are darling,” Rarity proclaimed, knowing her delicate unicorn legs would only slow the entire group down.

Twilight scooped the unicorn up into her claws and threw open her wings with a large woosh. She jumped up the moment she felt a slight breeze hit her wings and they were off. Spike whooped as they climbed higher in the sky.

The trio overtook Applejack a mile from the train station. Twilight landed with a thump, scaring the ponies exiting the train. Predictably, there were screams and some poor pegasus fainted. Rarity was deposited to the floor just as Applejack skidded to a halt, breathing heavily.

Rainbow Dash waved the letter about as she called to her friends, “Over here guys!”

As per usual, everyone grimaced at the reaction to Twilight. Her friends quickly ran into the compartment while Twilight waited on the platform. A moment later, Spike slid off of her back and cantered into the compartment as well. He turned back at the door and waved.

“Mom said she’d meet us there. They don’t let her ride the train,” Spike explained as he made himself comfortable. The moment he sat down, the train began to move.

Rainbow and Applejack snorted in outrage as Fluttershy spoke, “You would really think the train depot would be accepting wouldn’t you?”

Spike opened his mouth to correct her but was spoken over by Rarity, “Honestly, those ruffians really ought to set a better example,”

“It’s just that-” Spike started to say.

“The owners are from Canterlot. What do you expect?” Applejack scoffed, once again interrupting him.

“She doesn’t fit!” Spike exclaimed loudly before someone else could interrupt, “She can’t even fit through the door,”

There was a chorus of sheepish “oh”s before normal conversation resumed.

Author's Note:

I feel like several characters are OOC but idk how to fix it lmao, I'm sorry!

Edited - 11/9/21