• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 7,601 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Dragon - PlutoMilo

What if Twilight was the dragon and Spike was the pony? What would happen with Nightmare Moon? Discord? The Crystal Empire?

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Step Two (and the Everfree)

Twilight grimaced as she flew back. The wind stung all the places where scales had been torn off and her muscles ached. The pain grounded her somewhat, preventing her from spiraling into her guilt. She knew the moment she took a moment to rest, it would all come back, but that was the future Twilight’s problem.

Around halfway back Twilight probably ended up careening into a nearby tree, but she couldn’t be sure since she was half-blind, in pain, and somehow unfeeling all at once. There wasn’t any sensation that indicated she appeared in Someplace and yet when she opened her eyes, she was gliding aimlessly in the starry abyss.

She didn’t need any wind or exert any energy to stay aloft. Again, she simply just existed at that moment in time. For all she knew, she could be plummeting into sheer nothingness. It felt like she was in Someplace for much longer than the last few times. She just kept gliding in what she presumed to be a straight line, (which made no physical sense), since there was no reliable way to orient herself in space.

“Sometimes, I wonder if you see me as a real being. Or any of your subjects really. Even the oldest pony must seem like a child to you. Are we all specks of dust that float on by and maybe it’ll catch your attention? I really wonder sometimes,” Twilight whispered into the dark.

Then, with no further warning, a great presence grasped Twilight’s tail and yanked, hard. After being in the gliding position for so long, her equilibrium simply wasn’t prepared to suddenly go backward. So with all the gratefulness of a newborn foal, Twilight flailed.

The world bled back into view like dripping paint and light assaulted her sensitive eyes. Then she crashed into a tree. She only managed to curse before her momentum carried her through the topmost branches and she careened into another tree.

Leaves fluttered down and branches snapped loudly as the second tree finally managed to stop Twilight. All of the broken branches held her in a wrapped embrace, poking and prodding every part of her body that didn’t want to be poked or prodded.

She blinked and exhaled loudly in relief. Craning her neck, she saw she was held upsidedown and part of her back spines were impaled into the trunk. Prying herself loose, she clambered higher until the branches refused to hold her weight. The ones that barely did were straining and buckling with effort.

Her heart still beat erratically and she had to squint to properly see anything, but physically she was fine. Thanking whatever higher deity that was listening, Twilight threw her wings open and took off again. At least her friends were still helping her.

Another grimace twisted her face when she realized that her wonderful friends that she didn’t deserve, were still helping her even though she stormed off like an unruly child. The Magic of the Everfree roiled languidly in response, nearly shocking Twilight out of the air, again.

The Everfree writhed again in… amusement? For her own safety, Twilight dipped beneath the trees to walk. If the dragon didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought the forest to be giggling. A few nearby leylines pulsated, but not in an alarming way. Something warm wrapped itself around Twilight and honest to goodness, cooed.

It wasn’t tangible, but it was there. Logically, this would be the part where Twilight tears off back home screaming bloody murder about wayward wraiths. But Twilight wasn’t exactly thinking logically and therefore did none of the above and simply slowed her trot into a walk.

The Everfree draped itself more fully across Twilight, almost like a needy cat. The dragon snorted. She’d just compared the ancient Everfree forest, home to numerous dangers, to a lazy cat.

Despite not having vocal cords, the Everfree hummed. The melody was haunting yet strangely beautiful and Twilight found herself enjoying it as she strolled through the trees. They walked for some time before the Everfree’s presence suddenly became ice-cold. No scratch that, it was colder than ice. It was so cold it burned.

But whatever the Everfree did, it prevented her from getting transported to Someplace. The presence moaned and suddenly consolidated into something that had weight and was most definitely real. Since Twilight stopped moving when she felt Magic attempt to take her back, the weight wasn’t immediately apparent to her.

Taking a deep breath and wondering how much more weirdness she could put up with today, Twilight glanced down where most of the weight had settled. She blinked, looked away, and looked back. There was a snake twined around her neck, shoulders, chest, back, and halfway down her forelegs.

An incredulous laugh spilled out of her before she realized. The snake’s iridescent scales were such a dark green, they appeared black if direct sunlight didn’t hit the scales. Its head hovered around her own, leaning from her own neck. It was thicker than her fist and its eyes shined turquoise. It peered curiously at her before adjusting its grip on her.

“Worry not, Child. Your journey through the trees will be peaceful,” The snake didn’t open its mouth to talk, but it looked at her expectantly.

The only response Twilight could blurt out was, “Oh ponyfeathers, a snake is talking to me,”

While the snake didn’t have eyebrows, it gave the impression of lifting one in amusement. It clutched Twilight closer.

“Continue on, Child. Best not wait until dark to go back,”

When Twilight started to walk again, the snake spoke again, “The Sun has her reasons. I am sorry I cannot save you completely. Once you are outside of my domain, I will not be able to shield you like before. Magic is quite upset about being used as a transportation source,”

The dragon didn’t know what to make of that and didn’t respond other than a noncommital hum. The snake was strangely warm, warmer than even Twilight. As they walked, the snake continued the song it started before it gained a physical form.

By the time they reached the treeline, the sun signaled it was almost late afternoon and another pang of guilt flashed through her. She’d been gone for more than a couple of hours by then. The Everfree tightened its coils around her in a hug before detangling itself from her and dropping to the forest floor.

“I leave you here, Child. There haven’t been many where I gain enough energy to form a conscience. Perhaps when this is all over, you could come to visit. There hasn’t been a Child for millennia,”

Twilight smiled awkwardly at the snake, “Thank you for the safe journey. Um, I’ll try and visit,”

“Do be wary of the Puppet Master, young Child,” the snake inclined its head and slowly dissolved into shadows.

Shaking off her growing unease, Twilight decided to fly back to Ponyville. She hadn’t realized it at the time, but with the Everfree literally hanging off of her neck, her aches and pains had just vanished. But now, with it gone… No, she had a job to finish.

Twilight landed in front of Carousel Boutique just in time for her friends to usher Applejack out of the doors. An awkward silence descended on the group and Spike scuffed the ground with his hoof. It was loud in the dead silence.

“Hi, sorry for running off like that. I lost track of time,” Twilight internally winced at how emotionless she sounded.

Fluttershy’s smile was strained as she reassured her. Her fins pinned themselves back involuntarily when Rarity pointedly avoided her gaze. Wordlessly, Spike clambered onto her shoulders and hugged tightly.

“So, er, we goin’ to help Pinky?” Applejack questioned.

“Of course we are, darling,” Rarity scoffed, “It’s just that somepony was rather upset earlier,”

“How about,” Fluttershy forcefully interjected, “-we deal with all of our problems after, hmm?”

“Splendid idea, Fluttershy,” With that, Rarity led the way to the farm.

Almost numbly, Twilight followed. The walk to Sweet Apple Acres was stiff and awkward. It was enough for Applejack to look around nervously. When they came upon the farm, Big Mac welcomed them back with a wide smile.

It was a testimony to how stressed Big Mac was since at the sight of Applejack, began to ramble, “Fluttershy might be best to be workin’ in the apple fields. They keep droppin’ them apples and bruisin’ ‘em. Twilight’d be best goin’ to the hay fields, they havin’ trouble brin’in’ them bales in. Applejack, would you mind helpin’ Pinky Pie with her buckin’ form? It don’t matter what everyone else be doin’ so long y’all helpin’,”

A teen galloped up to Big Mac and whispered something and abruptly, Big Mac was trotting away and saying over his shoulder, “‘Scuse me,”

Eager to escape the stifling awkwardness, Twilight made for the fields, Spike in tow. Later, when she’s lugging a bale to the barn, Spike asks from behind, “Do you think she’ll forgive you?”

Twilight stopped to sigh, “I think so. She’s angry and rightfully so, but I also kinda don’t regret it. Once this is all over, I’ll properly apologize but it’s up to her if she wants to forgive me or not,”

Before the conversation could continue, there was a whisper of a warning and Twilight detangled herself from the makeshift rope harness. Just as the last bit of rope fell away, the dragon keeled over without a sound.

When her eyes cracked open again she stumbled back in shock. Someplace was turbulent. The previously lazily flashing stars were swirling in eddies and an invisible wind blew through the space. She was only there for a split second since the moment she appeared, she physically felt something drawback.

Twilight ducked and threw her wings over her head in time for what felt like a boulder to crash into her. She half expected to be a grease stain or something when she opened her eyes again. Instead, she met the eyes of Spike, who was sitting a respectful distance away and waiting.

She groaned and let her head drop back down into the dirt, “One more to go,” she said hoarsely.

Somehow, Twilight dredged up enough energy to finish hauling the bale into the barn. After closing the doors, Twilight made her way back to her friends. She smiled tiredly at Applejack, who was grinning and hollering her joy.

“I’m going to Canterlot tomorrow,” Twilight declared when she rejoined everyone, “Do you think you can help Pinky by then?”

Rarity sniffed but it was almost unheard over Rainbow and Applejack’s loud affirmations. Fluttershy glanced at her curiously, and Twilight shook her head. She meant what she said, the apology would come later.