• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 7,582 Views, 530 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Dragon - PlutoMilo

What if Twilight was the dragon and Spike was the pony? What would happen with Nightmare Moon? Discord? The Crystal Empire?

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The Wedding - End Arc

The wedding was beautiful. It was perfect in every way possible. The wedding was put together in only a few days. They did lose some ponies since they could only get away from their own lives for so long, but most made it.

Twilight managed to keep Spike from the cake long enough to pile his plate with hay and veggies. When his mother wasn’t looking, Spike dumped his vegetables in a nearby planter. Subtly, Twilight sighed and pretended not to notice. She tried.

Fluttershy kept her cool with the animals in the gardens and even convinced a few of the exotic birds in there to join her choir. The added symphony made the wedding march that much more enchanting.

Applejack finally wowed the royals of Canterlot with her heavenly desserts. Only Blueblood retracted his statement and complained once more about ‘common carnival fare’. The other nobles ignored his complaints and continued to heap praise on the farmer.

Her brother nearly passed out at the altar when Cadence appeared at the doors. Twilight had to gently hold her brother up by the collar of his royal guard uniform when he very nearly pitched forward and off the dais. She had to remind him to breathe when Cadence started walking down the aisle.

Rarity worked her magic and whipped up a stunning wedding dress in a matter of two days. The reception went off without a hitch and the bride took a party cannon to her face. There’d been a moment where everything froze, only for the spell to be broken by the bride’s laughter.

When it came time for the vows, Twilight was concerned that her brother would burst into nervous tears without saying the ‘I Do’s. Right before the kiss, his hyperventilation had been so bad Twilight felt compelled to put a slight calming spell on him before, so the kiss could actually happen. Cadence laughed lightly at the tingle of magic.

When evening fell, the party migrated outdoors. The cake Applejack and the other bakers made was cut neatly by the couple before the top layer of the cake was lobbed into the unsuspecting groom’s face by the bride.

Rainbow Dash performed a sonic rainboom directly above the courtyard just as the bride and groom had their first kiss as an official bonded pair. The rainbow explosion was beautiful against the star-lit sky, but everyone only had a few seconds to admire the glorious colors.

A few seconds after the colorful rainboom, the tailwind caught up and blasted the entire courtyard. Half of the tables were blown away and one poor colt tripped over the planter as he was blown sideways. Spike had been lucky and simply ducked under his mother for protection from the fierce rainboom gale.

The new Prince’s immaculate mane gained a permanent cowlick that refused to lie flat. Even Twilight’s attempt at magic failed when the hair sprang back up. Twilight witnessed the bride cackle so hard, she had to duck into the hallway to calm down.

Twilight didn’t even get to witness Rarity’s meltdown about her hair, which she thought a crying shame. She heard it, very loudly and clearly, but by the time she’d turned her head after checking on Spike, the only evidence Rarity had been in the courtyard at all was a very bemused Applejack holding a plate full of foodstuffs that she’d never touch on her own. (Rarity came back half an hour later in a completely new dress and hairdo).

When the music started, Princess Luna landed near her sister, “Hello every pony. Did I miss anything?”

The delicate teacup that Twilight held in her claws snapped off at the handle and her eye twitched. When questioned, Twilight shrugged it off and fixed the cup with a simple spell. The cup was quickly set aside shortly after. The glower Twilight sent her mentor had the alicorn in question regally scurrying away so she could, “look for more cake. Any pony want some?”

Later in the night when most of the guests had retired, there was a thunderous bellow in the Royal Canterlot Voice, “Celestia! I cannot believe thou has-”

The rest of Luna’s tirade was cut off, but Twilight still smiled into her second plate of hay. Spike had no such inhibitions and giggled into his cake. Trust Princess Luna to be the one that actually takes national security seriously.

“Someone’s in trouble,” Spike sang softly.

Princess Cadence declared her wedding day perfect and Twilight couldn’t help but agree. When it came time to throw the bouquet, Rarity, despite her frail unicorn build, managed to shove her way into the middle and catch the flowers with a demented scream of “It’s mine!”

Twilight wasn’t sure if she should pretend she didn’t know the unicorn or whisk her out of the party entirely. The worst part of it was that Rarity wasn’t the least bit embarrassed about it.

Spike looked like he was either going to spontaneously propose to the unicorn or wilt and keel over in disappointment. Twilight patted him on the back in sympathy.

One day she would need to address this fixation Spike had with Rarity, but today was not that day. She would need time to figure out how to tell her son that any type of romantic relationship with Rarity anytime in the near future was illegal. Rarity was nearing twenty summers, nine summers older than Spike.

Twilight’s mortification was thrown out the window in lieu of her brother trotting over. His smile faltered slightly when Twilight shifted every so slightly so that Spike was positioned in between her forelegs, shielded from him, but he continued trotting over. Old habits die hard after all.

“Thank you for making this day so special Twily,” he said sincerely, if not a bit awkwardly.

“You’re welcome,” Twilight said simply, “It was really fun. But now I gotta make sure this rascal gets some more veggies,”

Her claws ruffled Spike’s mane as he whined and stuck his tongue out, “The day I voluntarily eat a vegetable is the day I’ve been replaced with an imposter,” Spike promised his mother.

“Sure, buddy,” Twilight chuckled while eyeing her brother.

His face had contorted, but not in a nasty way. Twilight couldn’t place it but Shining Armor looked lost. He blinked and studied Spike as if it was his first time seeing the colt.

“How old is Spike now?” Shining abruptly asked.

Twilight smiled at his effort, but moved aside and nudged Spike forward, “He can talk you know,”

His face gained the lost look again but he visibly steeled his nerves and hesitantly asked, “How old are you now, Spike?”

“I’m ten summers!” Spike said proudly, “Uncle Bulwark said when I’m twelve summers, he’ll teach me how to use a pike!”

“That’s pretty cool, Spike,” Shining smiled stiffly at him, “Thank you for being the ring bearer today,”

Spike grinned and bounced a little, “It was a little boring in the beginning, but fun at the end,”

Shining Armor huffed a laugh and eyed his sister again, “Keep in touch. I’ll keep working on it,”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Twilight said, receiving his hug, “Don’t be a stranger,”

“Never,” Shining said as he pulled away, “See you Twily. Bye, Spike. Thanks again,”

Twilight waved as he trotted back to his wife. The newlyweds climbed into the waiting coach and then they were gone.

“Uncle Shiny was really nice this time,” Spike said thoughtfully, breaking Twilight out of her thoughts, “Did he get smote- smited? No, it’s smote, on the head?”

Twilight threw her head back and laughed, “Perhaps, Spike. Perhaps,”

Later, Spike asked his mother a question that had her spit taking her tea across the tabletop.

“What happened to Chrysalis?”

“Oh, fu-”

Author's Note:

Annnnnd done with this arc! I'll be taking a month hiatus from now to get my life in order (mental health comes first!). Thank you everyone who's stuck with me thus far. The best I can promise at the moment is, I'll try. High school and literally anything else don't mesh well lol. I wish y'all well and I'll (hopefully) see y'all in a month!

Edited 11/10/21