• Published 9th Sep 2012
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Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Episode 101: (Shining Armor) tunH dnoceS

Pony POV Series Shining Armor Part 10
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Pony POV Series
Written By lz0291 http://lz0291.deviantart.com/
tunH dnoceS

Getting out of the embassy once we returned was much easier than expected. Bond was waiting for me, not in navy uniform but a dark blue hooded sweatshirt with a messenger saddle. He asked to discuss a few matters with me and the Princess. Before that though, we bid the other Air Navy officers with us goodnight as they left. Ace was also advised he'd be needed tomorrow as apparently I was getting another day off.

Assuming I survived the evening.

"Well then, Princess, please have the kitchen toast me a muffin, I'll be back for breakfast," he said as he left.

"...What a guy!" Twinkle Shine giggled, not nearly as quietly as she probably hoped.

"That's the first time he's said that when breakfast was actually the next meal," Bond noted.

Candence ordered trio to bed which they reluctantly complied. Cadence and I followed Bond to a spot away from prying ears, with Bond's anti-listening spell up for good measure.

"Princess, I'm going to tell the door guards that me and Shining have gone out to a party I've been invited to. You should change your clothes and sneak out and meet us at the end of the street so no one sees you getting in the cart. We'll wait with the carriage around the corner," Bond said.

She agreed to this, then made a show of bidding us goodnight and hoping we enjoyed the party. Bond and I went out the front door.

"Wait there, I'll bring the cart around," he said, before trotting off around a corner.

"Er, Bond, who's going to PULL the cart?" I asked, but he was gone.

I was assuming he'd planned for the Princess to ride inside and us to pull. It made sense, I guess, but I was never a very good carthorse. Still, it had to be a light cart if he was pulling it around by himself. I looked the other way from where he had went... and then I heard a deep, rumbling growl coming up behind me. Like an angry wolf.

I turned almost in a panic, only to see Bond sitting inside a bizarre... thing. A black-metal cart-like thing with a stretched out front and a rather small looking cabin. He sat behind an odd thing that looked like a ships wheel, in the faint glow of his magic. It was making the rumbling noise. I stared at the odd contraption. As it stopped the rumble drew down to a faint but low purr.

"Commander Bond... What is that thing?" I asked, as he climbed out.

"It's a magic-powered self-propelled carriage. A Gaston-Maretin, to be precise. This will get us there fast and inconspicuous. No one builds a cart like Gaston," he said as if this explained anything.

"...Er... good for Gaston."

I looked it over with a raised eyebrow. Bright silver, looking like it came from another planet...

"Yes, Commander. Inconspicuous...."

Soon enough, I'd realize he was right: this WAS inconspicuous. The only reason our Gaston-Maretin would have stood out at all, was for looking cheap compared to some of the more modern Itallion and Columbian 'sports carts' parked outside Mason's apartment. When did these mechanical monsters come about?

"Shame there's only two seats," I pointed out another fault.

"Look in the back."

I did. All I saw was a rather cramped space with a bench.

"...Are you proposing we stuff a Princess of Equestria into the rear luggage compartment?!"

"No, not at all. First, those are seats, and second, I'm proposing we stuff a Captain of the Royal Guard in there. Besides, I put all my gear in the rear luggage compartment."


He duly had me stuff myself in the back. I had to sit on the rear seats like it was a bench. Still, the short ride to go wait for Cadence down the street was smooth. And I suppose it did make sense to put the guy Makarov actually cared about where he wouldn't be noticed as easily. A few moments later there was a gasp from behind us. We turned to see a purple pegasus in a hooded shirt, and thanks to that hood I never recognized her until she spoke.

"...Is that a Gaston-Maretin?!" A familiar voice asked as the hood was pulled down.

I noted that it seemed to have been resting on an invisible horn, so clearly it was just a sort of glamour spell. With the hood down I saw her eyes were also purple.


"Yes, it's me, figured the hoody would help a bit once I was out of the Germane Embassy. But... Wow. I can see why the Conserve Canterlot's Beauty Committee had these banned, they'd make the rest of the city look ugly..."

Once we were inside the apartment, I wasn't surprised to discover the cover-story was in full swing. Cadence removed her disguise as soon as the door was closed, and the soldiers inside saluted upon seeing her. Otherwise they seemed remarkably cool about the whole thing.

It was a very large penthouse apartment, and the living area was well-stocked. A nice stereo system, a well-stocked fridge - there was a door leading to a patio, but it faced the wrong way to look to the hospital, but it gave a very nice view of the city behind us, not to mention an easy way for the flying squad to take off.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Nice digs for a Navy Lieutenant Commander...)

Actually, it belonged to his cousin, remember? Toneigh, a female deer, owned two of nightclubs - Maisonette Neigh and Firefly. The latter was, er, restricted to males without an invite...

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): Oh, it was a lesbian club?)

...I'm not sure I want to know how she guessed that. But the point was, she was fairly rich. Dai took me over to the windows as Cadence spoke with the troopers, while Bond carried a luggage chest from the back of his carriage through to another room.

"Now, Captain, you've got a good view from this window of things..." Dai explained.

Two large windows gave the vantage of the destination. Colony Island lay about a hundred meters off our side of the river, and Broker lay across the way from us. A large bridge crossed the island lower down, but didn't seem to have any off-ramps for land traffic. There was a small two-lane bridge that led towards the tower block where Baseplate and Price were already in place. I couldn't see them though. The ruined hospital lay there, as dark and foreboding as advertised. It gave me chills just looking at it.

"And also, these four will be covering you with rifles from up here. The Unit Metal guys you know, but these are my girls..."

One of the Navy snipers was a female Unicorn, dark blue with a cutie mark of a bird - a snipe, of course, named Hawk. The other was a female Griffin named Horse. They seemed polite enough.

"How's your wing, Grinch?" I asked to change the subject after saying hello to the Navy sharpshooters.

"Oh, it's cool, just a scratch. Can't fly on it though."

"Gullshit, dude, you were flying this morning," Truck shouted from across the room.

"Doc doesn't know that, bro."

"Anyway, Captain, I think we should get you better equipped, more fitting gear for starters..." Bond said, coming over.

"Why does he need to get better gear? Aren't tuxedos what spies wear?" Cadence tried to joke.

Despite being a Princess, Bond gave her a very disapproving look.

"You think real espionage is like Con Mane, don't you, ma'am?" He sighed.

"Er, well..." She trailed off.

"Permission to speak freely?"

"...Granted, Lieutenant Commander."

He took a deep breath.

"Con Mane is a load of rubbish about a spy who steals cake recipes from ridiculous places! A tuxedo is NOT adequate equipment for a jungle, it's not even an adequate disguise for a party if you go around telling everyone your real name and asking for Vanilla milk, shaken not stirred! And a crossbow bolt with a head made of meringue would still have a wooden shaft to penetrate the target at high velocity even if the ballistics weren't shot to hay! Quite apart from being absurd, if he's stealing the cakes for Princess Celestia, what's that trying to imply? That she eats a lot of cake? And don't get me started on that Daring Do crossover radio drama they did..."

(Interviewer's Notes(Pegasus and Earth Pony): Don't diss Daring Do!)

Strange, he stiffened slightly at that time, like he felt a shiver down his spine.

"Um, Commander Bond... She actually does enjoy cake a lot. But I agree, that Daring Do crossover was just silly."

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): That is unfortunately true.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Yeah, they SO played down Ahuizotl as a threat.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): Yeah, why do they always have one side of a crossover overshadow the other?)

"Yes, sorry, it's just it's kind of a sore point. I just hope that Neighson Airborne book doesn't take off, no pun intended."

"Can't say I've read it myself. Probably just as well, for some reason anything I'm seen reading becomes popular..." Cadence said.

"Well, when I write that novel I know who to ask to proof-read it," I noted.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): What was the idea for your novel anyway?)

Science fiction. It's about a special multinational task force trying to fight against invaders from another dimension, about a century in the future. Since they fight extradimensional aliens and the unit the book would be about were called E-Com. Also, the title of the story is Enemy Unknown, because they don't even know the species name of the aliens: They just call them EDs, short for extradimensionals.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): ...X would be cooler.)

Funny, Thunderchild and Audience said the same thing. Anyway, Bond led me off into another room, where it turned out his luggage had been holding a lot of actual spy equipment.

"We've got you some more useful clothes..." He began to explain.

"That's a turtleneck," I don't even know why I was complaining, it was better than the tuxedo...

"It's a tactical garment and it'll help you look a bit less obvious. I'm usually on the receiving end of these things and I'm starting to see why Major Hoofroyd is so sick of me already. Now shut up and listen. That will help cover up this stab vest, which is basically just a pouch-less Neighponese flak vest. You'll also be wearing under-armor, but this is slightly improved over standard issue."

"Good, I'd rather not risk Makarov going for another low blow if he does show up," I said in appreciation.

"You'll also have a saddlebag. That'll fit any gear you want to carry other than your main radio, which I'll explain in a minute."

I was shown a selection of things for the saddlebag. Night-vision goggles (I had a spell), flaregun for emergencies (I had a spell), a selection of knives...

"Butterfly knife, small and can fit in the turtleneck's pocket. Talon Combat Knife, bigger and you can slip it below your saddlebag. As for ranged weapons... well, I suppose that you've got stun spells, right?"

"Yes, I would rather use my horn. If I can stun an attacker rather than kill him, I will."

"So what if you're caught in a Death Dome spell again with only your hooves against someone who's already kicked your flank without breaking a sweat? Even a mouthgun or a knife would be better than nothing. First rule of unarmed combat?"

"...Get armed quickly. Okay, I see your point. But I'm a terrible shot!"

"Don't worry, these things are short ranged anyway, I doubt even you could miss. First up, Wheatley Revolver, six shot muzzle loading percussion cap you can fire with the mouth. But if you don't want to try get used to the recoil and taste of blackpowder we've got airguns too. Colt Single Action Airgun, six shot air-revolver. Or you can use my PPK. Air-powered Spiriling type weapon, means Pneumatic Pistol Short in Germane. Actually, Price has a rifle airgun like this right now, the Austneighians, Germanes, and Lindblumians really like these. Same range as bows, but they can be semi-automatic. Or even full auto if you've got a big air tank. In fact, Columbian Generation 3.5 Tanks have them, and I think the new G4 ones will be able to mount them too..."

Had I been under a rock? When did all these weapons come out of R&D? I'd never seen an Equestrian carrying anything more advanced than a clockwork crossbow.

"Uh, I have no idea what the difference is, Bond. Or what you're on about with this Generation three point five rubbish."

"I'm referring to Tank generations. Not too major for us Equestrians, we don't have tanks. Anyway, the Wheatley will not be fun to fire but it'll drop anything short of heavy armor at short range, the SAA might not manage stronger armor, and the PPK is slimmer so you could hide it below the shirt. However, you might hurt yourself with the slide and jam it."

"...The revolver airgun sounds simpler," I conceded.

"Good choice. Look, I KNOW you're not going to like this, but Makarov is a deer, so if you DO end up having to pull a gun on him, aim for the neck. Most instinct would be for the head, but their skull is thick, the area for an instant kill is surprisingly small, you're not a good shot, and you don't have a high powered enough weapon. And his chest will probably be protected by armor rated for arrows, so the neck is your best bet since there's lots of stuff to damage there and less likely to be any armor."

Yes, it did make me uneasy to talk about actually shooting Makarov, but since it was Makarov, it was best that I knew all my options. "...Got it, aim for the neck if I HAVE to."

"Now, it's about forty minutes until you need to get down there, so you should do your best to memorize the layout of the hospital..."

"And make up my mind if I really want to go in," I said.

He nodded. "I understand. Even if he does claim to know about the Defiant, something smells fishy. And not just the tuna sandwiches some of the Griffins were eating. Anyway, the radio..."

It turned out they'd planned quite a bit. The radio was designed to stop anyone listening in because it was actually very weak. The receiver I carried would only work with more or less line of sight to one of the receiver dishes, either in the apartment or on the tower block. Unless I went in the basement I should have been able to get some form of reception.

Of course, it also meant I could only talk to people who had a visual on me. If things went wrong I had a normal radio too, with advice to use 'misfit' as a callsign on it if things went flanks-up, but I was warned to be careful because there was a police exercise underway that might be on similar frequencies. And I also had a flaregun.

As for the hospital itself, much of the second floor had collapsed, long ago, into the first. It had been a two-story brick structure before abandonment, and more or less an empty shell in places now. Reznov wanted to meet me in the main lobby, right in the middle of the place. There was only one ground entrance not boarded up other than coming in by air, and it was at the near end. Luckily, the lobby was open enough that both groups of my sniper coverage could see in. The rest was a maze of crumbling and graffiti-covered walls, and the second floor was the remains of rotting floorboards and crumbled brick.

However, there was another 'entrance' - A tunnel in the basement led to the riverside where there had been a small boathouse. It was gone now, but the way in wasn't. It was exposed though, so the three sniper teams could see it very clearly. As for why the tunnel was there, well, the hospital had started life as a general infirmary. And then it became a hospital for infectious diseases. The tunnel was used to remove bodies discreetly. It maintained that function even when the hospital switched over to become a mental ward. I had no desire to go anywhere near it.

The time approached... and I wimped out and ran away LIKE A HOSS!

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus):...)

Kidding again. Of course I went down there. The walk was fairly short, but played upon my paranoia.

"A'right, laddie, we can see ye noo. Can ye hear us?" Baseplate's voice rang out as I began to cross the small land bridge to Colony Island.

It wasn't the best reception even with clear lines. On top of that, Baseplate had decided to let his accent run wild.

"Yeah. How long have you been watching the ruins?" I kept my voice low, so I didn't seem suspicious.

""Few hours. Some of mah lads had a quick scout aroon, scanned it frae a distance. No' a soul been in or out that we've spotted. Haud oan... Whit the..."

"What's wrong?" I asked. I was about to start heading around the tower block to reach the hospital entrance.

"Target just walked into the main lobby. Unless he teleported I think he's good at sneaking. " Price then cut in.

"...Normal Deer can't teleport. Apart from the telekinesis, they're basically Earth ponies," I noted.

Once upon a time, the deer had been a techno-minimalist, nature-loving people. The rise of the old Roedinian Empire, the battles between noble tribes, and the emergence of the Tsars led to much of that being nullified. By the Hooviet era, the Deer regarded themselves as pioneers of technology. Yet, to my knowledge, none of them had invented a non-magical answer to teleportation or invisibility.

"They've also got stronger grips with fully grown horns even if they can only grasp two things at once." I was helpfully reminded.

"Just keep the motherbucker in your crosshairs and tell me if anything looks suspicious."

"...Roger that. I don't see a weapon on him. Bugger needs a shave, though..."

"With your facial hair, Price, you've no room to talk. Are you SURE it's not Makarov in disguise? I know HE can teleport."

"Nope, not him, wrong body type."

"All things considered, I wouldn't put shapeshifting past him, keep a sniper on him. I'm going around the building now, let the others know I'll be dark for a moment..."

As I walked around the corner, the tower block got in the way of the directional radios, Luna's moon hung over the city, brighter than ever, making the river into a silver mirror, reflecting the lights of the bridges and cloudscrapers. It felt strange to see it without the Mare in the Moon across her surface any longer. Gas lamps helped to throw more shadows behind me and I tried to fight the urge to look into them. The hospital, however, looked like pure blackness.

"Hello! We can see you again!" Cadence cheerfully spoke.

"...Good to know," Thankfully she'd had the presence of mind not to use my real name. I felt safer.

Was it the sniper coverage, or just the fact that any potential attacker would have an Alicorn to deal with? Sorry, but I'm afraid it was the snipers. I trust Cadence but she's the Goddess of Harmony and Music, not War.

"Okay, I might have bad reception now, I'm not looking up at any of you," I warned, and readied my night-vision spell.

It relied on my horn to emit infra-red light, so it was really just a form of hornlight only I (or someone else with their own night-vision spell or equipment) could see. I saw a window that had obviously once been boarded up, but now wasn't: this was my way in. It led into what looked like a former ward, with nothing but trash and rude slogans graffitied on the wall. I didn't stop to investigate anything.

"Why'd they leave this place standing in a city like this..." I muttered into the radio.

"Ghost stories, dude. Well, no, not really, there's been a campaign for years to designate it as a historic place." Grinch replied.

I noticed a half-open steel door leading into a stairwell was in the corridor outside. The way to the basement. Certainly not a place I wanted to go. The corridor here, as long, dark, and spooky as it was, led me to Reznov.

"You guys hear me?" I asked.

There was a faint crackle, but nothing. I walked down the corridor, and paused halfway there. I had this sensation there was something coming up behind me.

"...Can you hear me now? I could have sworn I heard something behind me."

"No' a thing there, laddie. Nae ghosts, nae hooviets, no even a hobo wi' a knife. Wan wi' a shotgun though..."

I turned in panic. Nothing.

"You bastard..."

"Ye say it like ye never met me."

I continued, reaching the lobby. Reznov in the middle. I took a moment to make absolutely sure it wasn't Makarov in disguise before continuing.

"Greetings, Captain Sparkle. I am glad you came."

"Hello to you to. What's this about?" I asked.

He tutted. "Oh, Captain, you know very well what I have to say to you. But I will say it only to you. Please drop the transmitter. You can retain any normal radios, but I am familiar with how your allies operate. What changes there have been to the game, I have paid attention to."

"Sh... Don't. It's some sort of trick!"

"Have them check. There is nothing around. There are no airships swooping in from the Hooviet Embassy. No Spetsnaz lurking in the shadows. We are safe here, Captain, and you are safest under HER gaze."

"...Whose gaze?" I asked, after letting my team know to have a look.

"Princess Cadenza, of course. It is really quite remarkable... And incredibly fortunate. But please, just trust me, Captain."

"Clear, no one around. Just you two. You can drop the transmitter, we've got you covered." I was then told by Dai.

After reassuring Cadence I'd be fine, I put the transmitter down. Reznov promptly placed a piece of slate on it.

"That will be enough to block things. Now... You must have questions."

"Yeah. Who are you really and who working for? Why are you here?"

"Hm. Simple questions. I am here with a warning that your government and the Columbians would both do well to heed. Makarov is planning a large-scale attack on his enemies, at home and abroad. His influence spreads like a cancer. Even the leaders in Mosroe do not know what he is truly planning, even though he plays them like puppets. He is not just a deer with desire for conquest, he's a monster that will not rest until he's consumed all he desires. He must be stopped, Captain."

"Okay, got that, so... the rest?" I urged.

"I work for... not quite myself, but for the many who cry out in suffering. As for who I am... We Deer believed once that, with death, we returned to the soil. But what calls itself 'Makarov' has denied this peace to many. Many of those the Hooviets use as pawns are still trapped above the earth, their souls unable to move on. I am one amongst many who hear the cries of the dead and seek vengeance for them."

"Are you speaking of some form of... necromancy? Body reanimation?"

Good actor or real traitor, I thought, as he paused for a second.

"Captain, I must be honest with you here. You are asking simple questions in the hope of simple answers. I can provide you simple answers that are true, or I can give you complex answers that are truer still but rely on additional information."

"What's the catch for the true-true answers?"

He laughed. "There is not a catch, as such. You simply need to not trust me."

"Not trust you? Look, if your Equestrian is poor I can switch to Roedinian..."

"No, Captain, I mean precisely what I said. Your distrust of me is good. Perfect for me to show you the full truth."


"You know of Ley Lines?"

"Yeah. Ley Lines are a sort of mana-flow that crosses the world. I think Earth Pony rock farmers try to build on them as much as they can, but they're either as wide as raging rivers or as thin as threads. They change as magic changes. They're used a lot in Zebra magic I think."

Thanks for rambling on about your studies into other magics last Hearths-Warming, Twiley!

"Correct. Ley Lines are a flow of magic. There are places around the world where Ley Lines can converge. Those who stand at such waypoints are said to reach incredible epiphanies... gain hidden knowledge. Zebras, Minotaurs, Deer... Yes, you may think we are just Earth ponies with antler telekinesis. But the truth is we are closer to Zebra than Earth ponies in how our magic works. Other than growing of seeds and plants, our magic lets us explore knowledge and imagination with the right circumstances. And it lets me show you directly the 'true truths' as you call them. But first I must tell you the simple truths. Facts that can be proven."

"...Sounds like you're planning to take me on a vision quest."

"Something like that. 'Vision quest' is as close an approximation as any. This is a place where many ley lines converge - nine, in total. Currently, there are but two other places like this, with nine intercrossing ley lines: One is in the Everfree Forest of your own Equestria, where the Princesses built their first castle. The other is in Chernobull. Many places see eight converge. Many more see seven. Most see less, two is common. But only three places see nine lines cross. What's more, they came together since after the hospital was built. Just three ley lines can allow one's knowledge and imagination to open to an unimaginable degree of depth. A novelist could pen his magnum opus, a weapon designer could leave his competitors in the arms race eating his dust for DECADES! You can only imagine what nine ley lines can do to the mind."

"...Hang on, I've heard rumors about something deep in Canterlot..."

"Oh, that. I think I know what you speak of, and it is something completely different. It is more focused, and shows a far broader spectrum of time and space. Ley lines merely work with time, and let one see all existence as applicable to them. Except, for most ponies and griffins. They instead may see shades of the past, shades of what could have been in other timelines applicable to them... but they cannot focus. "

"So... the ghost stories about this hospital...?"

"The magically-sensitive seeing and sharing visions. Delusional unicorns are especially susceptible. If you have ever been truly ill, yourself, you may recall strange visions..."

"Yeah. When I was a foal, I was pretty ill one time. I was nine or ten, not sure. For some reason my dad and uncle couldn't find a doctor at all during a snowstorm, and they couldn't take me out in it. Anyway, I think I get it. You can use Deer voodoo..."

"Voodoo is one of the Zebra animist spiritualities. Deer call it Divination."

"Oh, sorry. You can use Deer Divination to show me stuff. And apparently because I DON'T trust you, that's a good thing?"

"Your distrust shows you are blessed with strong mental defenses, Captain. A natural strength against deceptive magics. A backstabber could trap you in a genjustu or a geass and even then they'd probably need to make eye contact, maybe even direct horn contact..."

I had NO IDEA how much of all this was true. That WOULD explain that why everyone else was falling for Makarov's spell except me. But when different magic schools usually compare notes, 'That's impossible!' is traditionally the first thing out of their mouths. Either way, I wasn't about to put much stock in it.

"So when I offer to show you what I saw, know that it will be the truth. I cannot show you a falsehood even if I wanted to."

"...So for me to believe you I have to distrust you? Seems a bit paradoxical."

"Indeed. Paradoxical is a perfect word. But now I must ask: what is it your truly wish to know?"

"I want to know about the Defiant, about Makarov... And you said you knew what the monster that chased me was. I want to know what that means."

"More simple questions. But I cannot give you the simple answers to all of them right away. What I shall first tell you is about Chernobull. About betrayals the Hooviet Empire performed in a desperate attempt to save itself. And I will tell you of 'Makarov.' Or what calls itself that. And I will tell you of the Defiant. And once I finish with those, I shall tell you of yourself."

"Myself? Why would that tell me what the beast-thing meant?"

"A unicorn philosopher of Zhongguo's Qilin tribe once said that 'if you know the enemy and know yourself'..."

"....'you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.' We're made to read that as Officer Cadets."

"Very good, Captain. You do not know your enemy nor do you truly know yourself. But that is for later. First, the truths that apply to the here-and-now. The truths you can confirm with yourself as you are now."

"'With myself as I am now?' What is that even supposed...?!"

"...We must start at Chernobull."

"Okay, fine." I tried not to sigh.

"Chernobull was a magical research facility. It was built on the convergence point of nine ley lines. Their aim, of course, was to draw upon its magics, and enhance the knowledge and imagination of the facility's scientists. Roughly thirteen years ago, it exploded. Many were killed, but from the ruins of that disaster, a... hero of the Empire was born, in a manner of speaking. A seventeen year old Captain-Lieutenant of the Spetsnaz, who displayed great heroism, rescuing trapped comrades and preventing the loss of key resources."


"Correct. His star began to rise after the Chernobull incident. This is a truth. But he was actually born there TWICE before... And not metaphorically. Chernobull was the site of many magical research projects. One that succeeded was the creation of unicorn-deer hybrids with exceptional talents in both Deer and Unicorn magics. Curiously, only one such hybrid of this project still lives to this day..."

Wonder how. I imagine Chronic Backstabbing Disorder may have been in play.

"So he is a genetically engineered super soldier born at a magical ley line 'super genius zone' ...and that's how he knows so much? He can use ley lines to scry... divinate... whatever?"

"Yes. Or at least, that is the scientifically-accepted 'justification' for all Makarov is able to do. It's not precisely a falsehood, either. But it only scratches the surface of Makarov's birth."

"...Please, go ahead and tell me."

"I will show you. But first, I must tell you the truth that applies here-and-now about the Defiant. She was shot down in the jungles of Kundu."

Not an accident then.

"Makarov claims YOU were involved in the Defiant's disappearance. Said you went rouge, killed spies and agents of foreign powers without authority," I told him.

"Technically, all of this is correct. The shoot-down... I was not the one who pulled the trigger, but in a way, I was responsible. Work I did had identified a number of spies and agents working against the Empire's interests. One of them..."

"Saltire Bond? So you shot the whole ship down to get him?"

"No. Captain Bond was not the target of the attackers. His wife was, for she interfered in matters of interest to the Hooviets."


"Mrs. Bond was a specialist in Zebrafrican affairs. I supplied information to the Columbians, who supplied it to the Equestrians. And she was the agent who oversaw it all. The Hooviets wanted to be rid of her, so they had Kundu rebels attack the ship after severing communications."

"Wait... You're one of ours?!"

"...If you mean I supplied information to Equestria's allies, yes. Most of the spies and agents of foreign powers I had killed were Hooviets and Hooviet Allies. For the last twenty-five years I have been secretly passing on what information I can to Hooviet enemies. But Makarov's goals have accelerated. That is the truth as it applies here and now."

"...And what about the... other truth?"

"I can tell you the other truth of the Defiant. She was never shot down. Makarov should not have been born. Chernobull should have exploded twenty-five years ago. Something changed."

"...You're saying a time traveler changed the past?" I whispered. I might've accused him of being a complete nutjob... except I knew that time travel spells had been in existence since the days of Starswirl the Bearded.

"Not precisely. Time travelers who journey to the past with the aim of changing it, for good or ill, end up creating temporal loops, creating their own past. Stable loops, most of the time... and very fortunately so! No, what happened with Makarov was that a branch in a timeline was made that technically had no right to exist. That branch, we will discuss more of later, but for now, the unforeseen consequences of it, most notably on a global scale, was that it provided an opening... for LATER changes. To something that should never have been sent to this world."

"...When did Chernobull explode exactly? When 'should' it have, rather?"

He told me a date.

"What a coincidence. That's pretty close to my birthday."

"Indeed... A coincidence, indeed. Now... to explain the true truth, I must show you what should have been. I must show you what WAS instead, in the averted timeline. But first, I must know how you know yourself. The simple truth that applies here and now."

"Uh, okay... What do you already know?"

"You are a soldier. You are loyal to your people and your nation. Like all wise beings you have fear... but not for yourself. You never fear for yourself as such, do you? You are a shield. You wish to block attackers from harming others. You wish to defend. If you must die to defend, you will. That is all you desire, is it not? To do your duty for that which matters."

"...I want to be remembered. I want to know that if I were to fall it would matter, that I'd saved others. That someone would remember my name, that what I did was a success. I guess that's a little selfish but... "

"Hm. Selfish. Is it now? With all you would do for ponies, is it truly selfish that the only price you ask is that they remember you? The only price you ask if you were to give your life for them? I think not. I am biased, of course. Hooviet warriors... Red Deer of the Fire Caste... we dream of serving the Empire as fawns. We dream of being remembered as heroes. In a way, what we are told in the Empire is similar to what you actually live in Equestria. Our Greater Good speaks of peace and harmony, though it does anything but. It speaks of remembering heroes and heroics, but all too often we die forgotten. No names on memorials or in booklets. Only Generals, only the Roe Deer, are ever remembered for 'heroism'. The rivers of blood they spill on their own side be damned..."

He paused.

"You are both simple and complex, Captain. You desire to protect and serve, and all you want is to know it is appreciated. You feel you were born to be a shield. Born to protect others from that which would harm them, to help them when they are in need. From letting a sister smile to being there for a Princess who often feels alone in a crowd. You live for others. This is good. It will mean you can emphasize with what I was... When I was foolish enough to trust the Greater Good. But first... have you ever heard of Basilisks?"

"Basilisks... The animal, not the Germane cannons? They're similar to Cockatrices, right?"


"I bucking hate Cockatrices..."

"Indeed? Tell me, Captain, why do you hate those creatures so? Have you ever encountered one? Have your relatives? It cannot simply be a matter of Hoofball, as seriously as you take the sport. It is something deeper, is it not?"


This... this isn't what the books said would happen! It was supposed to be a zenlike state, a trance. Some ponies enjoy it... Why am I...

I tried to cast a spell.

I tried to fight. I tried to draw magic! It couldn't affect my mind, it didn't manage to hypnotize me first! Of course! Huh, that's actually kind of interesting... I'll need to tell somepony when I...

Oh no... the cures... The cures work by waking you up. If I'm awake already how do I wake up again!? And... Why can I still feel my magic draining into the spell I was going to cast?

'Where the hay did that come from? And why did it sound like....'

"...I don't know. I've just never liked them or the idea of what they do. It might be... I heard about a Pegasus who went into the Everfree, back when I was only about nine or ten, and they put his statue in the Hall Of Heroes. I felt the whole idea was sick, like putting a corpse on display."

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): There ARE cultures who do that and consider it a sign of respect you know.)

Not now, please.

"They turned him back a few weeks later, but... he'd changed. He'd become addicted to the zen state petrification is supposed to cause. He went AWOL. They searched Everfree. They never found him again. The tabloids stupidly claimed Celestia gave him his wish about wanting to witness the rest of Equestria's history as an immortal observer. But what does this have to do with... changing the past?" I wondered.

"Well, according to the Empire, a basilisk's gaze is instantly fatal. All that is left is lifeless rock, a particularly severe and permanent case of rigor mortis. In fact, they're more like Cockatrices. Unless you are a Deer. No zenlike state if you have antlers."


"Do you know that petrification actually is two spells?" He began to answer.

"One to bind the soul to the body and one to petrify it?" I guessed.

"With cockatrices, yes, but the practical effects are the same. Most creatures that petrify feed off the life-force of the petrified being. The binding causes inner-peace because one is part of the greater soul of the universe, but if one has immunity or another blockage, be it a natural one or an attempt to use magic causing interference, one does not get that far. Like the fact that we deer constantly have a sufficient flow of magic to get in the way thanks to the way our magic and antlers work."

Not for the first time I was glad I was a unicorn. And then I remembered I'd probably try to cast a spell at any cockatrice I met, meaning....

"One is bound, aware and not remotely at the normal state of inner peace, into their own body. And feeding off their own life-force in order to sustain the partial soul-binding until it's all gone. Perhaps this is part of why you fear them. You actually would have to deliberately surrender to them to not risk eating away at your own life-force."

Oh good, so I was in trouble either way. Still, I felt a slow lingering death preferable to being an immortal one-pony zen rock garden... But I'd prefer the slow lingering death caused by that fatal condition known as mortal life.

"This is all very good and making me want to level every forest with basilisks, cockatrices, rock dogs, gorgonsnakes and catoblepae on the planet..."

"...Rock dogs live on mountains." I was corrected

"Whatever. Point is... what's your point?" I snapped.

"Thirty years ago, the Department of Truth changed the books in an effort to change the present. Easy enough, few Deer had ever read the real story and anyone arguing about the updated version was quickly was silenced. They tried to erase the past to cover up the fact that any Deer petrified is effectively doomed to a slow lingering death until they finally drain themselves of all their magic. The process can take decades."

"Why? What reason would they even need for that?"

"They changed 'history' to suit their own goals, of course. It would hard to motivate even conscripts to seek basilisk's venom with a risk like that. For some reason an instant death and being told you would be placed as a monument to your own bravery was a far better motivator... Not that many of them even were placed as proper monuments. More than a few Roe Deer generals and politicals decided to decorate the lawns of their dachas with the... waste materials. A few numbers off the casualty figures here and there..."

I felt sick. They'd not put glorified mummies on display, but the slowly dying instead. After telling them it would be quick and painless, that you'd live forever as a hero. Instead you'd die forever as a garden gnome...

(Interviewer's Note (Unicorn): You know there are cultures where elderly monks intentionally petrify themselves and put themselves on display as a spiritual inspiration for the younger generation yes?)

That's nothing like this. These soldiers were told big fat lies so they'd throw their lives away!

(Interviewer's Note (Pegasus): Hey, we're with you. We know more than one pony who was lied to and believed they were doing the right thing...The worst part was probably realizing it was just the opposite.)

"Why did they even want the venom?" I managed to say.

"To kill dragons, of course. It is corrosive and poisonous...And has a shelf life of about three weeks. So plenty was needed for study. This was just one experiment conducted at Chernobull. Just one of the eggs placed in that basket. Just some of the bodies piled up in the name of devising a dragon-slaying superweapon. And at the time, the project to create the perfect warriors was failing. Every single hybrid was dying. That project was abandoned. Research into the other projects was doubled. The imaginations of the deer there, the money and resource put in... It was a massive concentration of thoughts and dreams. But it wasn't just sweet little 'ivory tower' 'pie-in-the-sky' brainwaves. There were also dark thoughts, nightmares, all the ugliness residing in wicked hearts. Amplified eighty-one fold."

He then drew a little closer, antlers flanking my horn but not touching. Which was fortunate as I was getting kind of weirded out already. Then again, he claimed to want me not to trust him...

"I will show you, Captain. I would like you to relax, but you won't. So this may sting a little since you will resist... Oh, and maybe start a stopwatch."

Great, the one useful spy gadget Bond could have given me and he didn't.

"If you try anything funny, remember, I've got an Alicorn watching me."

"Oh, indeed. She watches over your heart. And some other bits, but she is only young..."


Before he answered though, there was a flash of white light, and a bit of pain...

Reznov was in an office. His anger and disgust at what he saw was immense. A Deer in his late-fifties, uniform bedecked with medals, sat at a desk, with tears in his eyes and an empty vodka bottle before him. An old book with a frayed cover sat before Reznov. It was an Equestrian bestiary.

'We are looking from my eyes, twenty-five years ago... The day the Empire's betrayal became clear.'

"Shoot me, Viktor. Shoot me, but read that book. Know why I did what I did! Know why I warned those spies..."

"You did it from greed, you bastard! You betrayed the deer you lost in battle, you betrayed your own flesh and blood, you betrayed the Empire! "

"They were my troops.... My soldiers... My sons... Read! The Empire betrayed us!"

We looked down at the book. It was bookmarked at a volume that spoke of basilisks. It spoke...


Reznov wanted to reject that before him. But he knew it was all true.

"No, Viktor. Truth. That's the truth. Every one of the soldiers we sent hunting those damned overgrown snakes, every 'instant death'... Most are still alive, trapped for years to come! Thousands..."

"...We only lost a few hundred troopers on the missions..."

"More lies. Lies I wrote myself. We needed to lie. We needed to keep morale in the wake of the Dragon War. And if the truth was known we'd never have... I'd never have sent your brothers... I'm thankful Vassily was bitten now..."


"Please, my son. Shoot me. Do your duty. Do what you wish after this but know that the Empire does not return your loyalty...."

'...As a fawn I had held my father, Vladimir Reznov, to be a hero. He had been decorated for heroism, promoted to the highest ranks a Red Deer can reach in the Empire. Like my father, I sought to be such a hero. It was his heroism that had let me become a trusted operative of the Committee for State Security. His position that had led to my brothers becoming company Warrant Officers. I thought they too had died heroes. But my father... Had discovered the truth. He had betrayed the Empire. They had told me this. I had thought him no longer a hero. I thought he had betrayed me and my brothers...'

A pistol appeared in front of Reznov, drawn from a holster.

"...Father, I am sorry."

"I don't care what side you're on anymore! You are my last son. You may hate me but I cannot hate you. I have betrayed all I taught you to be. But they betrayed us first. And if you shoot me for my treachery, they will never suspect you of any disloyalty. Choose your side and shoot me or shoot me and choose then, whatever order!"

There was a loud roar, and the smell of sulfur and smoke.

"...I will have our revenge, Father. I will avenge you and my brothers..."

'And so I began to subvert all I had been. I was assigned to Chernobull, to root out spies. And I did. I found 'Alexi' Mason the first week. I kept him alive, and I used him as a route to betray the Empire. To save spies, to sabotage Hooviet actions. I protected many spies and agents of foreign powers, more successfully than Father. I had always wished to follow in his hoofsteps. And so I did... Until the day Chernobull exploded.'

Reznov's vision shifted again. It wasn't quite as painful.

Reznov heard alarms and klaxons, and saw two Deer kicking at a door. It was slowly buckling.

"Is there even anyone alive in the control room?" One of the Deer asked.

"Dimitri, if there is but a chance Sokolov is safe, we cannot abandon him," Reznov replied.

"Yeah, gotta agree with Victor," The other Deer said as he kicked.

"Columbians and their optimism," Dimitri muttered.

"Sokolov is a true comrade. Without his warnings and advice the machine would have overloaded and detonated."

"Shame about the pulse that knocked out all the electronics. Except for power to the machine and those rutting klaxons!"

Finally, the door gave a loud crack, and swung open. The metal locking bar had snapped from sheer stress. Inside the control room was chaos. Sparking consoles... charred bodies. And one Unicorn hiding below a yellow shield.

"Sokolov! Come!" Dimitri shouted.

"Wait! I'm trying to count. The arcs seem to be..."

The Deer sighed, and made to go and fetch the Unicorn. As he did though, an arc of lighting shot out into the wall. He jumped back with a yelp as Sokolov made a dash.

"The machine seems to have achieved self-power... I do not think we will ever stop it." The Unicorn scientist rather calmly said.

"What the hell did Zelinski build?"

"What he always built. Insanity. This was supposed to be an Imagination Engine. He claimed it would allow a focused user to but dream things into existence."

"...And construction on this insane idea was authorized?!" Dimitri balked.

"Yes. But as I feared, it was merely an accident waiting... or rather, impatient, to happen. That strange surge in the ley lines... It was either the machine or something else. Whatever it was matters not... We're here now. I thank you for delaying the criticality, it has bought valuable time to evacuate..." Sokolov rambled.

A disturbing sound seemed to echo just loud enough to be heard under the roar of the engine. It sounded like a female voice screaming in pain.

"Uh, yeah, about that one, Doctor... We tried to find a way out of this bunker but as far as we can tell the only place there's a remote chance, well, we need to go over the gantry..."

Sokolov sighed.

"The gantry over the test chamber?"

"...Yes." Reznov said.

"Fine. I suppose I will try and cross first. If the arcs don't vaporize me and my protective shield then I should be able to allow you all to cross."

"Oh, they haven't actually been hitting the gantry yet." Mason noted, as the group went down the corridor, and looked out on the metal walkway.

"It's weakened though. We should cross one at a time and carefully," Sokolov warned.

Dimitri volunteered to cross. He had made it, and as soon as he was clear, an arc of lightning hit the walkway.

"...I'm starting to think this massive exploding machine doesn't like me!" He shouted across the way.

Sokolov made his way over, and shielded Mason. No arcs came up on either trip. Reznov began to cross, and as he did, something else began to happen below.

"What is... There seems to be someone down there! In the machine!" Dimitri shouted.

Reznov looked down. The shape of a Deer stood there, as if made of lightning and fire.

"...It is a trick of the light," Sokolov ventured.

The 'trick' then gave out a screech. Lightning shot out, slicing into the gantry. Reznov dived to try and escape the collapsing walkway... but too late.

'This was a shadow of something that should not have been. An imagined being denied existence, sealed in Lady Pandora's Box. Somehow, that shade was attracted to the weakening of dimensions. It felt that desire for power and strength that was so prevalent throughout our culture. That desire for an almighty Deer, a perfect being... Someone to lead the Empire to invincibility. Lead us out from the ruins of the war with the Dragons. And when it had an opening, a weakening... It struck. Something else weakened the fabric of reality for but a split second. What, the being did not care. It took the shot. And we'd given it the chance.'

We were outside outside. It was night, and there was a Hooviet conscript standing guard. Strangely, his head seemed to be glowing....

The vision neared, walking closer and closer. The guard did not respond, until the vision was right in his face. He had a moment of panic, a chance to curse... before white light shot into his skull. He gave a gasp, and then whatever had made him glow began to vanish.

'This is the vision I had after the fall... '

For a few seconds, images flashed across our vision. A doe, memories of saving meager wages to be able to afford... Something more than just getting a marriage certificate signed...

And then the soldier burned away. Nothing left behind at all. Even his hoof prints in the snow.

'This was Conscript Pushkov. He had been daydreaming of proposing to, and marrying, his sweetheart. This unfortunately meant that after things changed... he was the first being imagining that the Shadow of Chernobull encountered...'

'Zelinski's machine worked. His imagination brought a failed creation's attentions to light. It should have been a perfect being but it was abandoned by its creator, deemed a failure. Left as just a void, no mind to speak of. Just instinct and raw power. A need to feast on imagination. We had wanted the ultimate soldier, and that was the role it saw fit to fill, the role it was drawn to. But it knew that what those of Chernobull desired, could not be fulfilled at THAT point in time. Not in the true truth. And so, with a little imagination... it journeyed backward, feeding on optimistic hopes and dreams.... '

There was a blur of visions. The Shadow struck at everything. At night, especially. Dreaming Deer, asleep in their beds were easy prey. Guards pining for home or loved ones too. And as it fed it learned more and more about the hope that had been the strongest: Hybrids.

The vision stalked into laboratories, altering samples. But it knew perfection could only exist once. It made only ONE amongst a hundred truly powerful...

And then it turned inside itself. Staring right into us.


And with that... things changed again. stood on shaky hooves and surveyed what surrounded him.

"Dimitri? Sokolov?"

And I heard voices. Faint. "...Who is there?"

The voices grew louder.

"Who is that?"

Louder... Louder...

"I cannot... You are all screaming at once..."

The very air itself seemed to be nothing but noise.

Anguished wails.

Tortured screams...

And one more scream joined them as it all turned black.

"Gha! Celestia curse it, I though you said that'd sting a little..."

"Did it not?" Reznov wondered.

"Felt like a bucking poker being shoved on my horn..."

"Well... It proves you resisted..."

"Yeah, but I can't trust a word! That story was nuts. Some sort of evil imagination spirit created Makarov? And you somehow survived it..." I shook my head.

"Survived? I cannot make you believe. All I can tell you is that this is not how things should be, and that it is you who can help set them right. Makarov is the product of the madness. He is protected by the sheer force of countless stolen existences and imaginations like it was the blessing of a god. And you are immune to it. You are best placed to stop him. I sincerely apologize for thrusting this burden upon you, but there is no other choice. Either the Shadow of Chernobull will die by your hoof, or you shall lead the stalker to him."

"...Stalker? How do you know about THAT?"

"Pandemonium told me, she wishes to fix a wrong she's caused."

"Wait, she? Who?"

He ignored my question. "And now... The truth about yourself."

"What, I'm actually a male alicorn and my wings haven't grown? I'm a guardian spirit? I'm a cyborg from the future?"

He sighed.

"Nothing so absurd... Yes, nothing so utterly absurd." Did he say that ironically? "Captain, tell me who you are."

"We went over it..."

"No. That was what you are. Who are you?" He pressed.

"...Captain Shining Armor Sparkle. Son of Starlight and Moonshine, brother of Twilight. Aged twenty-five, Guard Commander of Princesses Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria. Marsenal supporter, I want to write a novel some day... "

"Hm, yes. Plans for the future. And memories of the past. What if I told you they were uncertain?"

"...Well, we can't predict the future. Things can change..."

"No. Your past. It is what is uncertain," He said.

I blinked.

"...How can that be? It happened. And I've got a terrific memory. How can my past be uncertain?"

"Did I not tell you? History, even that which seems established... Can be altered. And most often, it can be altered if something is wrong. The most benign of changes can still cause ripples and unforeseen consequences. And for you... There are no foregone conclusions. If you travelled forward in time to see your future it would not matter for it can change. As can your past, Captain."


"Time should be linear for mortals. One direction, down a river. But for you... You are a raft in a stormy ocean. A shark circles. It may grasp you at any time, rendering the journey, all of it, null and void. And even if it seems your past happened, to you and all the world around you... it will unhappen should the shark catch you. Or, should I say... the Stalker."

"You DO know about that thing... What the heck is it? Why is it after me?"

"It hunts you for it perceives you as wrong. Your existence has altered matters. If it has your scent, if it has you when you are vulnerable, it will not stop. You are a simple truth, Shining. Only if you can become a true truth will you be safe. Only then will it stop..."

"Okay, when am I 'vulnerable' then? Why doesn't it just leap out and tear me apart when I'm brushing my teeth or something...and if it's so determined, so unstoppable... so much of a Termarenator, why are there such long gaps between its attacks? And why would my existence be wrong?"

"That, I don't know. You must be here for a purpose. But I cannot see what it may be. And why it is not hunting you 24-7, is because you have protection. The stalker is what I call it. Others have given it many other names: 'bete noire,' 'the barghest.' It is a being that maintains the timeline. It is in confusion right now, for the timeline seems damaged to it, but it cannot tell how. All it knows is YOU, Shining Armor, are wrong. You must be removed. But it cannot defy the gods. If a deity expects you, if you are close to a god, you are safe. In the sight of a god you are most safe, especially if that god cherishes your company."

"...How close?" I whisper hoarsely.

"It depends on the strength of the god. In Canterlot, home of Celestia, herself, you are free to roam the whole city as long as your existence is expected. But with younger gods, or weakened gods... You would only be safe at very short range. Less than tens of meters from their line of sight..."

"All right... So you know it exists but you're nuts. Great."

He sighed.

"No, Captain. I speak the true truth. The wolf... It cannot harm you so long as you ensure your location and safety are known to the Alicorns. If they doubt you are safe, if you stray far from them... you threaten your very existence."

And then I heard it. Sniffing... growling...

"...Do not panic, Captain. She must merely be looking away..."

"...If you're telling the truth and she's looking away, it can get me. If you're not, it's going to get me anyway." I said, staring him in the eye before turning to confirm.

And there it was and wasn't. A shadow in a doorway, a wolf-shape of nothingness. Growling, glaring, sniffing... pacing over to where I'd dropped my radio. Picking it up, and making it vanish...

I pulled the emergency radio.

"Misfit-Actual to all callsigns, compromised and need urgent assistance, repeat, compromised!"

"...Who the hell are you?

"...It's me! Who else would it be?!" I shouted. I could hear sounds in the background, a radio playing. It had to be the party, right?

"This black dog is out of control..."

The song sent a shiver up my spine.

"Spirits damn it, some flatwing idiot cop... Look, pal, this frequency is use already. Dial it over to whatever the rest of the cops are using, okay? Don't bother trying us again 'cos now we've gotta send out a switch frequency order. Thanks for that, you bucking cloaca..."

There was a beeping alert tone. The signal to switch to backup frequencies. Eyes on the wolf-shape I tried to adjust.

"Eagle Nest has you, Eagle Eye. Eagle Scout, check in?

I was about to try, and clarify the error... when I realized. Eagle Scout?

"Eagle Scout, checking in. Some sort of problem?"

I dropped the radio in surprise. The voice of 'Eagle Scout' had sounded familiar. Like someone I'd watched die....

"Captain... It is the influence of the Stalker, and the effects of the ley lines. You are hearing echoes of what the true truth should be... the lost timeline... Hearing the other world that could have been..."

"It's doing this?! It's messing with the radio?!" I shouted.

I shot off a flare from my horn.

"No, it cannot harm you right now! She expects you here, your Princess, do not..."

I stopped listening. I saw the flare arc into the air... and the creature jump to grab it in the blink of an eye. I pulled the flare gun... and fired it at it. It ate it.

"Captain, please! You are just wasting effort... You are panicking needlessly!"

I drew the airgun, in my horn instead of my mouth. It was a few meters away staring at me. Even I couldn't miss at that range. Logically... the rounds never hit it. It removed them.

I stared. I threw the gun, and I bolted.

"NO! YOU FOOL, DO NOT FLEE!" Reznov screamed.

But I was past hearing. I was panicking. A primal urge screaming at me, telling me move it or lose it. A sensation it would wipe me out, erase me utterly. That I'd be forgotten entirely....

I ran down a corridor, finding piles of trash. I threw them behind me. I glanced over my shoulder... the garbage piles stood upright. It had fixed them! And was right behind me...

I tried to blow a window out. It teleported ahead of me, repairing it. I had to turn and run the other way...

"Buck off! Leave me alone!" I shouted, tugging down a bit of roof.

It ignored me, growling in hungry rage and keeping the chase up once it fixed the damage with a swipe of claw. But that was a mistake. It had taken to the second floor. It was above me.

"Horseapples horseapples horseapples..." I said as a mantra, seeking the window that was unboarded... And seeing it...

...Seeing the blank wolf-shape drop down in front of it. I skidded, and felt... Felt myself almost begin to fade as I recovered and ran. Just, an emptiness. Seeing... nothing, for a nanosecond. A sensation that I'd ceased to be.

But I was still around. The claws had missed by an inch, and I fled. I blasted open the door with my horn to get past, and practically fell down the stairs. Behind me I saw the extra light the open door had made vanish. The thing had closed it behind me...

" .nonE escapE thE wolF"

I lit my horn as bright as I could and made my eyes able to see the glow in the vain and panic-driven hope maybe it couldn't see in the dark if I did that... I was also scrabbling in my mind, trying to recall the way to the tunnel. Hoping it wasn't blocked up by rocks or that there was something else down here... It was pitch black bar the night-vision glow of my horn and all I could hear was the breathing, the growling, the claws scratching as they yearned to tear me from existence.

One corridor seemed flooded. I was able to avoid it, knowing that there could have been anything hidden in the water. A dryer route, a little way down gave me a perfect right turn to the tunnel to the docks. The door to it was sealed off, but I blasted it open with a gravity shield ball. I had no doubt it would be fixed in my wake...

It was almost a straight line, and to my brief dismay, flooded too. I had to risk it. I could see moonlight as I raced down it. The echoes of my hooves, the splash of water, my own breathing and heart rate... I couldn't hear it behind me any more, I dared to make a quick glance behind me just as the water levels faded and the ground seemed to be clearer ahead... I made the dock, and raced up the small stairs! I felt safety was getting near... I glanced up over at Dai's apartment hopefully...

" .alL beforE yoU havE vanisheD"

I then tripped on something I hadn't seen, barreling into a pile of trash and right into the shadow of the ruins, out of sight of the apartment. I might have wondered why on earth these places always seem to have a rusty old shopping cart, but I was more worried about the fact I'd put my hoof right this one and trapped myself.

The wolf was pacing slowly behind. Every wet hoofstep I made in the dust and dirt vanished away. The trash I'd disturbed in my crash was put back as it stalked forward.

I managed to raise a shield, as strong as possible, between me and it.

"What are you? Why are you chasing me?" I screamed.

" .inconsistencieS musT bE eraseD .ordeR musT bE restoreD"

"...He was telling the truth..." I realized.

It got closer. It just walked through the shield. I could feel the breath on me as it neared... I felt it again, that fading sensation. The jaws of infinity were about to bite down on my neck. I was done for.... I was... I never had been, I...

It stopped. It looked up, confused. It sniffed... it turned. It walked away and vanished into the moonlight.

"...What the buck just happened there?" I muttered, and managed to free my leg.

And then I saw a small light. To my surprise, it was a unicorn filly, her horn glowing faintly. And I realized it was because I still had the night-vision spell on my eyes. She was trying to be unseen.

"Uh, hello?" I said.

"Aaaah!" She jumped, then tensed seeing me.

"...W-who are you?" She asked nervously.

She couldn't have been more than sixteen. I couldn't be sure of her colors in the gloom, but her coat was either white or a very pale yellow or cream. Her mane seemed to be a mix of a lighter purple and a darker color, and her eyes seemed to be golden or yellow. It was odd, the mane kind of reminded me of my mother, but her eyes, were my uncle's…

"...I'm an Equestrian Guard," I said.

"W-well, you shouldn't be hiding in the shadows and ambushing fillies! That's just creepy..."

"I wasn't ambushing... Look, my name's Shining Armor, I... Uh, was just taking a walk and..."

I wasn't telling some random filly a wolf of non-existence had been chasing me!

"I've, uh... never heard of you, sorry. What rank are you?"

"...Well, of course you won't have heard of me. But I'm a Captain," I sighed.

"Oh. Well, uh, It's... weird to meet you, Captain Armor. I'm..."

"Sparkle." I corrected her.

"...Oh. You must know my dad, I guess."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Major Cool Sun Sparkle. He's... Oh, uh, sorry, I really should go, Sir. I mean, I had a day off, th-there's nothing wrong with me being here, honest, but, I'm meant to be back before oh six hundred and... Um... Sorry, bye!"

And with that she ran off, leaving me very, very freaked out. I was too stunned to even try and follow her.

And then I heard hoofsteps. I turned to see a pony walking past, and he seemed to see me as well.

"Whoa! Holy horseapples..." I managed to say as he tensed and produced a pistol.

"You don't sound local. Where are you from?"

"I'm Equestrian..."

"What the hay are you doing out here then?!" He challenged.

Great. A police officer. Had the damned wolf helped my backup miss him walking up?

"I was, uh... just taking a walk, Officer.."

He was silhouetted by the moon, and my horn light was now stopped. He sounded about forty or so.

"You think I'm... Okay, yeah, you got me, I'm LCPD, plain clothes. I'm meant to be here. What's your excuse? Some prank your party at the embassy played or something?"

"...Yeah, we'll go with that."

"...What's your name?" He asked.

"Shining Armor." I said.

Then swore in my head because I'd just told a cop my real name right after a night where they'd probably all heard of or read about 'Captain Shining Armor Sparkle' as being involved in some shady goings on the previous evening.

"...Not a bad name, but I think your armor won't be so shiny lying drunk in the mud, huh, kiddo?"

The way his voice sounded... the way he said kiddo...

'Hey, 'sup, kiddo? How are you feeling now? '

'Just wondering if my favorite nephew's free to go to the match this afternoon. You got anything else planned, kiddo?'

'Alright, I'd tell you to remember what your training says about obeying superiors... But between you and me, kiddo, I'm gonna remind you the rules your mother gives when we go to a game. Listen to your uncle, he's in charge. Don't wander off, and don't let him pretend he's a single father again even if you are ten years older now! '


"I hope you're trying to concede the point there, kid. You don't look like my niece and frankly, if I am your uncle, my brother-in-law has some explaining to do... Now, you should probably get up and go home."

He then wandered off, some light flashing off his eyes and mane. Golden yellow eyes, pale blue... I stared in shock as he went away, too surprised to even move as he vanished around the corner...


And then I was startled by the voice behind me and screamed like a little filly.

"AAAH! I mean, AAAH, hello, Princes.... Cadence, um..."

"Are you okay? I was worried! The others started acting strange..." She said, and I managed to realize she looked utterly terrified as well.

"I... I tried to get the radio, but I think..." I tried to say, only to be drowned out by the landing of many armed griffins and pegasi, and the pop of teleporting unicorns a few seconds later.

"...Princess, you've proved the Major's point there," Bond sighed.

"Captain! He's a Captain!" She snapped.

"Princess, I think you... Uh... Wait. Captain Sparkle?"

Bond looked at me as if he'd only just recognized me.

"...What are you doing down there? We've already been having trouble getting in touch with you...."

"You never TRIED to use the radio!" Cadence accused.

"...Princess, with all due respect, I have no idea what you are referring to. Captain Sparkle refused to bring a radio, even a directional one. He would have sent a flare up..."

"But I brought a... I had two radios!"

Bond looked at me puzzled.

"...No, you didn't."

"Something weird is going on here," I muttered, rather than argue.

"Yes, very weird..." Cadence said icily.

"Okay... Right, whatever it was, did you at least get the important facts?" Bond sighed.

I nodded. The important parts... The Defiant being narrowed down in location instead of just 'somewhere in Zebrafrica', the revelations that Makarov was indeed a super-soldier but thankfully, the last surviving one... The warning he planned an attack... That Reznov claimed to have been turned years ago. But I'd fled before I could have clarified other things. Mason, a precise location.

And on top of that, I had the problem that letting them know what had happened and what he said would throw it and me into doubt. We'd both seem crazy. I would have to leave that out when I reported.

"Commander Bond... I think we need to discuss this at the Embassy. In private... And maybe after I get a drink..."

"I'll have one too..." Cadence muttered.

"Fine. We'll head back, pass on the information to Dai tomorrow."

He looked me over.

"But to be honest I think maybe the whole thing could wait until morning. Shining looks like he's seen a ghost and I have no idea why you were so panicky, Princess."

So, after a drink, I did go to bed.

Columbian Epilogue

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Epilogue?)

It sure felt like one to me after my second dance with the completely bucking insane.

The next day, the closest we came to a problem was in the morning. Only because I'd somewhat botched part of the meeting last night...

"Planning an attack? Did Reznov elaborate?" Dai Mason wondered.

"No, uh, I... had to leave before then, Commander." I said, sheepishly. "I had reason to believe our position was compromised."

"It's better than nothing but more details would have been a lot more useful, Captain. I can try to let the intelligence agencies know, but the more we start sniffing around the more likely Makarov will try to throw us off the scent. He's already shown off his good counterintelligence..." General Shepherd sighed. "He hasn't smelled a rat already."

"There's a chance he's bluffing, of course. Maybe he just has one spy well-connected in Canterlot, or here. But we can't be sure. Any intelligence operation we conduct could be made and busted wide open before we even really begin if he does have enough spies or just one in the right position. Just starting to
look for more details could be risky," Bond noted.

"Or Reznov gave us crap for whatever reasons Makarov wanted us knowing it. If the Defiant went down in Kundu, you just know we'll never be allowed to really look. It's going to take months of negotiations, Kundu is pro-Hooviet. He won't need spies to know you took that if it is bait..." Dai pointed out. "And if it's not bait, then he'll figure out we know long before we even start searching."

"That's possible as well. Deception is Makarov through and through," the Equestrian officer admitted.

"...The less in the know, the less likely it is we'll have a leak, right?"
Cadence wondered.

"Theoretically. Right now, unless the room is bugged or something, just us five really know what Reznov said," the General said.

"And I've got the proper spell up just in case of that," Bond explained.

"So a letter to Auntie..."

"Unless Princess Celestia's the spy, I imagine she'd be able to get ponies she could trust to keep it quiet, and discreet in how they start sniffing. Maybe just try disguise it as follow-ups to looking into the skirmish a couple of nights ago..." Bond said.

"Alright then. I'm okay with leaving this ball in Equestria's court for now. Any increased intel beyond what we already have is either going to alert Makarov, or it's what he's waiting for. Equestria can try root around with their cover plan. Maybe someone will be lucky," Shepherd said.

"And considering last time the crew heard about the possibility, Sunset nearly got lynched, it's probably best the fewer ponies know the better," I added.

"Best we can do with so much uncertainty. We'll try keep you posted if we can, and hopefully we'll have something before you guys are anywhere near Kundu. I'm betting they're going to say your party has to look for it, because like hell are they letting us in without another good reason." Dai finished.

"Okay, thank you. I think we're done? And if I'm honest, I hope this is an end to all this spy and assassination stuff," Cadence said.

"Princess, I'm in full agreement," I noted. "I'm sick and tired of being a weirdness magnet."

"I'm not, I like having two jobs," Bond added.

After that... Actual peace. I looked over my shoulder, expected problems, but nothing. I was dragged along again, sure. But the museum we visited was... Well, Griffin art and history is certainly different. Reminded me a bit of old Pegasi art, but like the country, it was varied. Not just warriors, but unity and acceptance. The civilian shipyards were rather interesting: The nearest Equestrian equivalents were a good deal smaller. So were the civilian ships, come to think of it.

We returned to find a reply from the Ministry of Defense to Audience's case, as well as our report on other events. I was a little surprised that we were being advised to promote him, as well as reminded that Lance-Corporal Apple was eligible for promotion as well. Cadence felt that was fair, and duly told me that I was to promote them both. I really didn't need much nudging, Audience had saved my life by making a serious choice in the heat of battle and Apple had shown strength of spirit. He'd recovered quickly from something not everyone can. I was proud of them both.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): No promotion for Thunderchild?)

Thunderchild had shown strength in battle, and saved my life but there's more to it than that. Both of them had showed mental qualities that earned the promotion. There's also the fact Thunderchild saved my life in a battle that never happened. Thunderchild DID, however, earn a Princess' Commendation. And yes, I was proud of ALL of my team.

I even managed to be dragged to the party at the Neighponese embassy without incident, other than hated tuxedo. Princess Euphie managed to have a chat with Twinkle Shine, and her Samurai even apologized. Probably on orders though. It seemed a little reluctant. But hey, Twinkle Shine had also been ordered to accept it if it came, so she did. She was also instructed on the proper manner to address Neighponese royalty. There was this pink Pony who seemed to be everywhere shooting her mouth off talking about 'cameos', but she acted weird rather than suspicious, since the last thing a spy would do is not try to blend in. She seemed familiar somehow.

And I was back in uniform for the Inauguration. Goodbye, Tuexedo. Hello, Duty and Dress uniforms....

The inauguration parade was an excuse for the Columbians to really show off. Flypasts by the Air Force and Navy, Marines and Army marching along in shiny uniforms and dye-jobs with shiny rifles and crossbows slung over their backs, and their favorite toys on display to their allies and their potential rivals. Like a big show and tell event, except Little Griffy's toy tanks were sixty to eighty tons and had breech-loading cannons that the stories claimed could punch right through a dragon's scales. Or more likely a target, a Hooviet Mammoth Tank.

It did give the general impression Makarov, or anyone else, had to be utterly nuts to think they could take on Columbia. The smaller, faster, and newer 'Generation Four' tanks seemed somehow a lot more menacing than the bulky and rather ungainly older 'Generation Three point Five' vehicles they drove alongside. Maybe it was just that being smaller, they'd be harder to hit. Maybe it was the fact they looked like they could hide a lot easier to ambush you. Maybe it was the angular portions that were there instead of the straight flat panels of the G3.5 tanks.

Still no idea why all the tank commanders stood out the top hatches holding swords though. Maybe in actual battle they'd drive up close to hit people with it? Others in the Equestrian section watching the parade had different questions.

"Okay, so, why do Griffins even use tanks? They all fly, and if they're anything like pegasi a lot of them will be claustrophobic," Minuette wondered, quite reasonably. Sunset nodded unconsciously folding out her wings.

Minuette fortunately followed the advice from me and Cadence. And the perfect pony to answer was now no longer something to be afraid of.

"Well, Columbia always did think in more dimensions than other Griffin cultures. They always understood that an air war alone won't win you wars. The ground is where most of the resources are, and if you can fortify the ground with arrows and your own airpower, it's nigh impossible to win a siege or a battle from the sky alone: so, tanks. As for the claustrophobic thing, well, Griffins aren't really like Pegasi in that way. They like to fly and love large spaces, but if you tell them they get to drive something that's fifty tons of armor and guns, they go for it."

"So, why are the new ones smaller than the older ones?" Twinkle Shine wondered.

"They used their slower, bigger, older tanks at top speeds in Dalmasca, catching the Avian Empire by surprise. They hadn't expected a land campaign fought nearly as fast as an air war. It was expensive in terms of the materials used and the supply line, but that's because they pushed their tanks beyond the limits. Also, older tanks weren't designed to fight everything really. They were just seen as siege weapons, to fight fortifications or sit there as mobile defenses, not part of maneuver warfare. Columbia's just taken the next step and built the tanks to be fast rather than having to strain the machines to get what they want."

I was more worried about something else that trundled past as part of the
parade. Slightly smaller than even the G4 tanks...

"...Those ones are painted purple. Why are they painted purple?" I pondered.

"Oh, those are tank destroyers, Sir. They've got lighter armor at the side and rear, but the same engine and a more powerful gun, so they're not only a bit more maneuverable than the big proper tanks, they can theoretically take out tanks much easier. The other tanks are meant to try and fight everything these days, so they can't really rig up to fight anything specific - so the theory goes other tanks will be the toughest enemy because meeting a force as fast and tough as them means stalemate. Meant to be defensive or counter-attack weapons though."

"Armored self-propelled vehicles that aren't able to be used as tanks, but can stop tanks... What Brigadier-General Audience wanted to try and buy," Cadence noted.

"Well, to be honest, Your Highness, most of what I learned about the new Columbian tanks came from him. He wrote a book about Dalmasca just last year."

"Your father's a sneaky stallion, Audience. I'm betting he let the Columbians know purple's a color a potential customer's niece likes a lot..." I noted.

"Shining, are you trying to imply I'd try to convince Auntie to buy tanks because they're painted purple?!" Cadence said with surprise.


"Well, I wouldn't. So there," She said smugly.

Three... Two... One...

"They do look kind of nice though, tank-killing death machines aside."

Maybe if I found a purple fez...

"And don't even think about looking for a purple fez, Shining," She then warned a moment later.

"I wasn't, Your Highness," Apple would tell me later his cousin AJ was a more convincing liar than I was at that moment.

The President then gave a speech after the parade ended. It wasn't bad - he gave tribute to allies, spoke of peace, harmony, and also gave another welcome to Princess Luna, but it was fairly standard diplomatic and political fare. Pledges to work with allies. Pledges to work with the opposition parties at home. Pledges to do this and that. Of course, if he even delivered a quarter of the promises and pledges, that would be successful for a four-year-term politician who usually found himself with at least one hostile legislative body there to block anything he tried.

We remained there another week or so, to complete a proper state visit. The SAS returned home the morning after the inauguration, but of course, had not officially been there anyway. Makarov had also left at the same time, taking his over-sized battleship away. And causing another traffic jam by asking for a military send-off.

Unfortunately, there was minor trouble three days after that... On a day where the Hoofmaidens and the other civilians were allowed to visit the city and go where they pleased, as long as they moved in groups with LCPD and Royal Guard escorts.

Where was I? Well, Princess Cadence had decided to attend a small early afternoon garden party hosted by the Prench, and took Misfit Actual along. Garnet had by this point been well accepted by the squad (especially Gag...) and admitted she was glad to actually be doing something - She'd basically spent most of her days in the embassy with nothing much to do except have to morbidly hope someone hurt themselves so she could feel useful. They didn't even put her on patrols because she was attached to the embassy's administrative detail. She said she was lucky she'd not developed the so-called Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome.

That was a joke by the way.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): We figured.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): We did?)

Lovely use of somepony's talents - shove them where they're completely not needed and then give the places they are needed an extra cook or something. I really needed to remember to check out warehouses in Caledonia some day....

Anyway, the problem began when Detective Payne showed up.

"Princess Cadenza, Captain Sparkle, could we maybe go and talk somewhere? There's been something of a little incident in the city involving some of your diplomatic party..."

Naturally, Cadence almost freaked out on the spot until I let Payne explain in more detail. The hoofmaidens had apparently managed to have a weird little adventure involving an restaurant, cultural clash between pony vegetarian and griffin carnivore values, the sapience verses sentience of certain 'meat animals', and accidentally doing a musical number. They were now back at the embassy.

"What do you plan to do, Princess?" I asked.

"Well... This is ending soon, so I suppose all we can do is wait. I'll speak to the civilians involved, and you handle the soldiers..."

"Seems fair. Thunderchild? It was Jenkins and Pony with the Hoofmaidens apparently. Go back to the embassy, back Foaley up, and figure out what happened from them," I instructed.

"Yes, Sir." My Sergeant nodded and took his leave.

"...You're sending Thunderchild? Why?" Cadence wondered.

"Sergeants can be a lot more persuasive than I can be. They'll be nervous around me. They'll be too scared to clam up against two Sergeants. Oh, and if the civilians overhear it, then, well, your job ought to be a lot easier, Princess..."

When we returned, Thunderchild waited, along with Foaley and two thoroughly deflated troopers. They stood by the door of the embassy hall. The Hoofmaidens, and some more LCPD, stood off watching. Cadence's three assistants looked very nervous as the troopers saluted. Jenkins, a female pegasus, was trembling as she saluted and looked about ready to try and fly for it the second she saw me. Cadence made her way over to the Hoofmaidens as I spoke to the troopers.

"Got a report on the matter from the troopers involved, Sir, seems the troopers tried to warn the Hoofmaidens they were in the no-sing zone, but Jenkins here was sung at and couldn't help herself. And Lance-Corporal Pony here also failed to control himself," Thunderchild said as he saluted.

"I see. Any recommendations?"

"Well, Captain, myself and Sergeant Thunderchild feel it's best left to... your discretion whatever punishments are dealt out to them. As their Sergeant I can only apologize for their misconduct, and I feel that denying my right to seek input on any non-judicial actions taken against them is the only fair redress for my failings," Foaley said.

"Very well. I'll notify you of my decision shortly. First I think I need to hear whatever the Hoofmaidens have to say... You're dismissed, troopers."

The four saluted, but Jenkins whimpered a little.

They had been close enough to hear the whole thing. Cadence had just told them she was waiting on what I had to say.

"Captain? Would you like to say anything to them?" Cadence asked as I went over.

"No, Princess, I'm going to get a report from Thunderch-"

A streak of gold and white landed at my feet.

"I'm sorry, Sir! I just... I was never any good at resisting it when anypony started to sing! I tried to tell them they were in a no-sing area but they just sang at me and I sang back and we all sang at Ray... Lance-Corporal Pony... it's not his fault, Sir, I lost control and then I turned on him, I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

"Private Jenkins? You're not helping your case here. Or the Lance-Corporal's, for that matter."

She squeaked in fear.

"Get up, and go to your quarters. You're dismissed and your Sergeant will tell you what I choose to do. Is that understood?"

She nodded and squeaked.

"I can't hear you, Private."

"Sir, I understand!"

The Hoofmaidens (and Cadence) stared in surprise as Jenkins fled. They recovered though, and the three of them soon admitted their own responsibility, and Cadence explained the importance of the three of them obeying local laws.

"I can't say I like the idea of that law much myself, but as much as Columbia is a place where everyone speaks Low Equestrian and things just feel a lot like home with more Griffins and Cloudscrapers, it isn't. We're guests here. We have to apologize, pay any fines, maybe make a goodwill gesture of a donation to charity. You made a mistake, yes. But it still comes back to me, comes back to this diplomatic mission, and that means Equestria is ultimately the one looking bad here. And this was something minor, and Columbia is a close ally so they'll probably cut us some slack since you really didn't know where you were. But we're heading for Zebrafrica next. They wont just dismiss it as Equestrians being Equestrians, they may take offense in some nations...."

In the end, they were made to apologize, pay the fines, and reminded that they needed to obey local laws far more carefully. Without a good reason, we would have to waive diplomatic immunities in some cases - or we'd be ejected from that nation. We weren't Makarov. We couldn't abuse our power to those extents, not for anything.

As for Jenkins and Pony? Three days pay withheld to pay their fines and the remainder donated to charity.

To be honest? It was almost refreshing to have a NORMAL diplomatic emergency to deal with after all the crazy stuff I'd seemed to somehow become a magnet for.

After that, things were quiet. Before we left a few days after that, we hosted our own reception. We invited the Hooviet Ambassador, out of courtesy, and he did attend. We just never really had much chance to pay attention to him other than having Bond (and Gag) tail him all evening.

Anyway, Zebrafrica was next. The first true continental tour, staring in the land of Zamunda. A royal wedding, actually: Their Crown Prince was to marry his fiance, oddly enough a Columbian-born Zebra. Many other nations would send diplomats.

And that meant our flotilla would actually be joined by the new President on his first state visit, as Cadence extended an invite that his flotilla should join ours. Though given his was an Airship Carrier and two destroyers I think it should have been the other way around. The Neighponese were also invited to join the Allied Flotilla. I think some Ponsians snuck into it at one point for a laugh, but that wasn't really that important...

The more the merrier, we ponies are herd animals. And the bigger the herd, the less predators want to tangle with it.

Things were peaceful, and Columbia's rocky start turned out okay in the end. A lot had happened in just a few days - it had felt like months had been spent in the place. Maybe I was justified in always looking over my shoulder even with all the days of peace and quiet we managed to chalk up... Maybe not. Perhaps Zebrafrica would be peaceful all the way, I thought.

Remember what I said about thinking things like that?

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