• Published 9th Sep 2012
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Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Episode 136 (Shining Armor) At The End Act Four: Onwards and Upwards

17 At The End
Act Four: Onwards and Upwards

I admit it, I wasn't excited for this fight...well, even more so compared to any other fight, considering I'm a pacifistic pony who dislikes the very idea of killing. I became a guard to protect, not to destroy.

But a part of me wanted to do it...if for no other reason but to free Cotton Candy's soul.

"Well, we've got more numbers now, but how are we going to stop this crazy thing?!" Sandgriff asked.

"Don't worry, with the Captain here, we can beat it," Thunderchild remarked. "He beat one before."

"...Dima, mind doing the swordfighting this time?"

"If you will do the shield work."

We nodded to each other. "Think the rest of you can handle the other cyborgs?"

"Don't worry, sir," said Ellis, giving a smirk. "We've got this and...is that a rocket launcher?"

Zangief gave a slightly too proud smirk. "Yes."

"Told you you'd like him."

We scouted the room, and saw the Fake Alicorn built around a poor Earth Pony stood with a pair of cyborgs. One was an Earth Pony like we saw before and the other was a Pegasus cyborg.

"The Earth Pony borg has a flamethrower, the Pegasus has tesla coils," Sandgriff reported. "We tried the rocket launcher, but all three are too fast for it. Grenades stunned them but can't seem to cut through the armor."

"...I think I've got an idea for how to take out the Pegasus," Thunderchild said, rubbing his chin. "But I need some help."

Ellis and Zangief were looking over a rocket launcher and planning something. "We've got an idea to deal with the Earth Pony Borg, sir."

"Mason, I know it's asking a lot-" I said.

"You've managed to blow up Makarov's flagship, fight your way all the way over here, free your squad from behind enemy lines, just today, Captain. You're either insanely lucky, or you know what you're doing. Go for it."

"Do what Thunderchild and Ellis have in mind. Leave Cotton Candy up to me and Dima."

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): You trust Thunderchild to lead a group?)

The Pegasus borg is a stallion, so I know he's not going to get distracted by the windspan.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Well...I guess that's a good reason.)

And he's my number two for a reason. I trust him. He's a pegasus, we're his storm, he knows how to direct the lightning.

Cover fire was launched, distracting two other borgs and letting me and Dima charge forwards to confront the Fake Alicorn.

"Uh, I don't suppose we can count on you to incompetently destroy yourself seconds into the fight in a brief and convenient show of irony too?"

She took off a pair of sickles, slashing at us.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): I'll take that as a no.)

It was worth a shot!

I blocked with one my riot shield (enforced by my magic), allowing Dima to do a slash of his own which was blocked by the other sickle.

We traded blows for a few moments, with me using the shield to cover us while Dima countered with his own blade.

This went well...until she combined her sickles into some kind of scissor weapon. "Oh Horseapples!"

Energy crackled through the scissors and she sliced my shield right in half!

"Not again!"

Thankfully, this allowed Dima to slash the weak point of her wing, severing it. Unfortunately, since she couldn't fly, this didn't help much.

Now, instead of blocking with a sturdy riot shield, I was stuck having to put up rapid little shields trying to cover us. And my armor didn't do much against her and I got a few cuts.

Dima managed to get a slash on its horn, but it didn't come off like I'd hoped it would...it did seem to disorientate her. Why does Makarov keep adapting?!

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Perhaps Pandora gave you a hint to deal with her.)

A hint?

Dima screamed as he was slashed across the shoulder and kicked down. I pulled what was left of my riot shield up and blocked her sickles and she forced it down. Pandora...what did...

'Y'see, little secret? He let fate in to defy the concept, he's also trying to show love is weak so he's letting her in too!'

Of course!

"Saharnoj Vaty! Remember Yablokovodka!" I yelled in Roedinian.

She kept forcing down on my shields.

"Saharnoj Vaty! Remember your sister! You love her! You and her don't want this, do you?! You're not killers! What would she tell you if she was here right now?" She actually stopped applying as much force and seemed to be struggling against her own body. 'Seemed to?' She was!

"Your sister wanted to be free! She loves you! She didn't want to do this! Neither do you! If Makarov wins, then your own people and everypony else will be under his hooves forever! Do you want that?! Would Yabloovodka want that?! Would your family want this?! Fight it!"

" . . . there . . ."

She spoke! A voice scratching its way through wires.

"THIS IS STILL YOUR BODY! You have a choice!"

" . . . there-is-nothing . . . to-fight-with."

She forced me back further. "What about your sister's memory?! What about her wanting you free?! What about her dying wish being for you to finally be free?! When she was freed, you were the FIRST thing she asked about! She wants you to be free! Fight Makarov for Yablokovodka! Be free so she can rest in peace!"

" . . . there . . . is . . .no . . . freedom . . ."

She forced me almost on top of Dima.

"Makarov is weakened right now! If there was EVER a time you could be free, now's the time! Your sister IS free! Lunabaleta IS free! You can be too! If you can't free yourself for you, do it for Yablokovodka! Do it for your sister!"

I felt the force lessen a bit.


"That's right! You love her, don't you?! You want her spirit to finally be able to rest in peace, right?!"

I felt the sickles tremble.

"Y-Yes, I do..."

"And that's never going to happen if you let Makarov win! Do you want that?!"

The sickles fell to the ground and she staggered back, holding her head. "N-no...I...I don't!"

"What?!" asked Makarov's voice from the cyborg's body. "Stop it! This is not possible!"

I took a moment to do a check on the others. The troops had managed to distract the Earth Pony borg long enough to let Zangief get close and hold it in place with his brute strength and telekinesis. From the looks of things, the hose feeding fuel to its flamethrower had been punctured by one of Audience's crossbow bolts. Ellis ran up and threw a couple grenades connected by a cord around its hind leg, directly at the joint.

They took cover quickly, allowing the grenades to detonate and blow its leg off. Zangief picked up his rocket launcher before it could fully recover and fired, blowing it to bits.

The Pegasus Borg still couldn't fly, but was doing a good job of sending lightning flying. With all magic weakened, most Pegasi wouldn't be able to use weather manipulation period. Thunderchild wasn't just any Pegasus. He showed his ability by using his wings (Gag using his remaining wing to help him out) to manipulate the lightning with a great deal of effort. Nikolai dashed in while it was occupied by them and drove one of his his Shashka swords into the gap in the armor under its neck, impaling it through the chest. He jumped back, letting Thunderchild and Gag redirect the lightning right into the sword, electrocuting it.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus):...Ok, Thunderchild was the right choice...)

Cotton Candy continued to struggle. "Get out of my head!"

"Keep fighting him, Saharnoj Vaty! Don't let him control you!" I told her.

"I can't!" She looked towards the Skyfall controls.

"Captain! There's more troops on their way! I think a couple more cyborgs!" called Sandgriff from a different door into the room than the one we entered through. Had it been there when we came in?

"Horseapples! We don't have time for this!"

"...Get out of here!" Saharnoj Vaty yelled, looking at the Skyfall controls.


"What?! No! You can't do that!" Makarov's voice yelled.

"Self-destruct sequence initiated," a computer voice announced from Saharnoj Vaty's body.

"Don't!" I shouted, if she had control of herself, couldn't she be helped somehow?!

She looked me right in the eye.

"This unit . . . I can't fight master . . . him forever! Go! Send Makarov straight to Hell!...My sister is waiting for me..."

"Unit will self-destruct in 10 seconds."

"Stop! I order you!"

"...Horseapples! Run!" I yelled as Saharnoj Vaty reached the controls.

"Thank you Sir Armor...Yablokovodka, I'm coming..."

We all dashed out of the room and a few seconds later, a massive explosion tore through the room, taking Skyfall's controls with it.

'Thanks, Saharonji Vaty...I hope you're with your sister now...' I recited mentally during the moment of silence that followed. I was so close. I really can't save any of them can I?

(Interviewer's Notes(Unicorn): I'm sorry Shining...You've saved their souls, trust us, that can be much harder.)

I guess your right...I just wish she could've beaten him.

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): She did: she proved her and her sister's love was stronger than he was.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): And that's the very definition of beating a Mare-y Sue: proving something they think is right dead wrong.)

Hehe...I guess you're right.

"...Did it work?" asked Audience.

We heard a new strange considerably more massive explosion from the distance.

"ARRRRRRRRRAGH!" came from the distance. The echo was the only thing that suggested the distance. I swear I heard a bit of...something roaring in it...something not quite equine.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"I felt that..." Thunderchild shuddered.

Dima chuckled as Kamarov and Garnet patched up his shoulder.

"Solomon is quite angry, that's a good sign."

We were outside the prison complex again, there hadn't been anything left inside to pay respects to the other two cyborg victims besides ashes. With Skyfall down, messengers were flying north to try and bring whatever troops were spare down ASAP. Hopefully they'd get here before Makarov recovered from having one of his prized cyborgs rebel and blow up his superweapon.

Sandgriff and the other Griffins were glad to be in the air again...Thunderchild was a bit more hesitant to fly.

"Gag...are you going to be ok?" he asked. The rest of us came up to him too.

Gag looked back at his severed wing. "Yeah...I mean it's...I...I can handle it..."

Seeing Gag of all ponies down like that...it just felt wrong.

Garnet nuzzled him. "I promise, I'll stay with you through this."

The rest of us followed suit, but I knew unless Makarov was deleted, Gag would never be the same again.

Even with the knowledge we had reinforcements coming we couldn't just hold our position, not all of us.

"Okay, I guess now we're advancing on that main barracks, looks like there might be an entrance to the main building there," Dai noted as we left.

The main barracks was partly built into the hillside, a looming grey block about a hundred meters from where we were mostly set up. It was covered with bullet holes and shell damage from our tanks blasting at snipers, but the main doors were sealed: We wanted it kept that way until we could knock. Or rather, now that we had him back, Ellis and a few of the Special Forces demolitions guys were going to knock.

Most of the Marines had switched to recovered Hooviet weapons for ease of use. The assault Marines had swapped to the pump-action shotguns they'd grabbed from the armories, and it had turned out a few crates lying in the depot here supplied more shotguns and shells for a few others, as well as some more riot shields (but no more armor). Some Hooviet grenades were going to be handy too. I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth when we need every edge we could get, but after all the death I'd seen today, I hoped all these weapons vanished with the monster.

"That's gonna be a hornet's nest in there. Kinda glad these tanks don't fit."

"You keep the outside secure and stop surprises behind us, Oddball. I think leaving about one in five of the fit and the wounded as a rearguard-"

"-seems good. Everytrooper going in have a shotgun or plenty of ammo, and grenades," Dima nodded.

In the end we left most of the long range shooters outside: long-barreled support gun versions of the Hooviet APPMa's, the DOG snipers, and piles of rockets and ammo for them. Some of the Immortals stayed outside with most of the remaining arrows (we Equestrians still aren't used to guns after all) the remainder took the short-barreled shotguns now spare from the assault Marines swapping to Hooviet weapons to go along with their swords. The marines that had the improved armor we'd found all came with the assault element. And of course, me and my squad went in.

"We're gonna kick some flank up close in there!" A Marine noted.

"...Yeah, but they'll have this kinda stuff too," Gilda then burst his bubble.

"These riot shields are going to be important. We're not in the safe zone for full strength magic yet... and we can't just fly over anyway. Too much AA past here," A Sergeant noted.

"...Shield guys, we're on point," I declared, and we formed up. Audience and myself, plus a few unicorns the allied forces supplied. Taichi had pinched one, as well as two APPMa's.

"Hoping to clear out a whole room yourself, Jonin?" Dai joked.

"If I can," he said and I was pretty sure he meant it.

I shielded the explosives team with my magic: We were planning to blow the door out completely then advance. There was a short exchange of fire as some of the windows of the barracks tried to shoot out, but I think that they'd already been pushed away from the windows mostly.

The demolitions team rushed back a few moments later. They'd slapped pretty much everything that went bang they could find on there (I silently thanked Cotton Candy that her sacrifice had saved some of our explosives).

"Alright, five, four, three, two, one... FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

There was another immense explosion... then a huge rumble of falling concrete.

They'd taken the front off the building.

"...You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" I found myself yelling in surprise. Ellis always goes for overkill.

"Never mind, charge in!" Dai shouted, and we advanced.

The large explosion had done plenty to suppress the troopers firing out the windows. And as we ran through the clearing dust, we discovered something.

"...The doors are still standing. How the heck is that even possible?!" Gag protested.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): That's...a very good question...)

"Go through the new door!" Garnet pointed out.

And it turned out we'd even blown up the walls BEHIND the door, making the main entrance it was guarding accessible.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): And that just raises further questions!)

I've just stopped questioning how things are possible anymore, makes it easier to stay sane.

Unfortunately it seemed this main entrance hall was still somewhat fortified even with most of the front wall gone. Hails of bullets ripped out at us, and my shields weren't strong enough to stop some. A couple of Marines fell down, though one tripped on another who was wounded.

However, most of us had wings we could now use: And had used them to try and head for the upper floors. This area was two floors with an access tunnel leading to the main area, meaning it was a guardhouse/loading area of sorts rather than part of the main facility. And we were now able to access almost all of it since we'd accidentally removed the walls. It appeared that supplies were loaded off of the trains then taken by small carts into the main compound here. The doors were too narrow to fit the tanks, and in the kind of confined quarters we'd likely encounter I doubted any room they had would last long.

The VDV troopers were well trained compared to the conscripts. The fact they'd held this barracks instead of storming out to be cut down was a sign they had their eye on the bigger picture - or reinforcements (or Makarov was too busy having a tantrum to force them to do so). But they had no room to fall back, and we simply began clearing what was left. I led a group consisting of Misfit (minus Audience, he was helping others with his own shield) and a few borrowed Marines into a room that turned out to be an office, empty of occupants.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Why is Audience on shield duty again? I thought he was a sniper.)

He is, but he's also a unicorn, which means he can hold the riot shield I'd sadly neglected to imagine a way for Earth Ponies and Pegasi to properly hold. It's not his thing, but we needed shield guys more than snipers right now. Elsewhere, Sandgriff and Unit Metal had found the small mini-armory at this gatehouse, overwhelming the troops there that had been trying to move out a large machine gun.

We didn't have it all our own way. At the end of one corridor they'd managed to set up one of the machine guns behind steel plate. A Navy DOG trooper grabbed a fallen APPMa with a grenade launcher to fire back. The griffin got her shot off- but in return was hit by their fire.

We finally ran into something: A Deer in a red uniform near a strange plunger box, just as Dima's group burst in another door.

"Ah, it is-"

Ellis had ran up and kicked him in the face before any of us had actually spotted the commissar. Gilda then had to shoot him when he tried to raise his gun, with our weapons already pointed at him!

"Do any of those guys live?!" A Marine wondered.

"Most of them don't seem to last long," Dima noted.

"...Sir, can ah go check something real quick? Ah'll be careful..." Ellis requested. He was looking at wires coming out of the plunger box.

"...Sure. Someone go with him," I said.

Kamarov and Zangief went off with him, as did a couple of Marines.

Eventually, clearing out more and more rooms that were just storage lockers or bunkrooms, we assembled by the larger doors which led into the main base. A team kept it covered while we made sure everywhere was clear.

"...Any more explosives?" Dai wondered. It was a fairly sturdy door.

"Uh, 'bout that, Lieutenant Commander... Ya know how we blew the front off?" Ellis began as he and his mini-group came back.

"Hard to miss..."

"...This is why."

He then produced a stick of white putty.

"The Hooviets call it Blasting Putty. It's a sort of explosive you can mold. Ah think they were trying to set up their own supplies of the stuff at the front to get us when we came in, but... their trigger guy must've been startled and set it off when the bomb detonated."

He then spat it out, letting one of the Griffins carry it. "Blech! Also tastes nasty!"

"...So we kinda lucked out," Sandgriff noted.

"That would probably have flattened us, my shields or not," I realized.

"Seems like maybe not everyone is down with the whole 'let Captain Sparkle live long enough to fight Makarov' thing?" Frost noted.

We had to wait while the explosives experts looked for enough putty to try breaching the door, trying to use small amounts on the hinges and lock to keep the bang as low-key as possible. I noticed Gilda was shaking a little looking where the commissar used to be.

"...You okay?"

"H-huh? Yeah, it's just.... that was kinda... the first time I'm sure I actually shot somecreature like this."

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): ?! But she'd been fighting before you even landed, and she was fighting all the way there! Surely she fired her gun before?)

Yes... but it was usually volley fire or into something clearly not quite alive any more. She hadn't been able to see the results up close many times, and especially never had any downtime to dwell on it. She might not have actually seen the face of the one she killed. Believe me, it's not easy. Killing isn't something that should be easy...

"He was raising a weapon. He could easily have killed your comrades. If we had been quicker off the mark, we would have done it," Dima noted.

"The fact you can still feel bad about it is a good thing. For a start, you're still Griffine. Second, you're still alive to feel guilty, right?" Frost suggested. I gave a nod to second it.

"Plus most Commissars are total... Cloaca, is it?"

"Well, uh, I'm more used to saying plothole or flankhole myself but I get it," Gilda nodded.

"Okay, we're ready to breach! Just hope we got enough, these doors look pretty tough...." Ellis shouted.

Everyone got ready, standing back to charge, checking weapons, and in my case, shielding the two griffins ready to throw stun grenades that were standing barely five meters from the bomb-rigged door. Some of the Griffins also took time to eat a little from their rations, apparently all the...all the blood around was setting off their prey drive, though most seem to have it completely under control.

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): Are you afraid?)

Of the Griffins? No way. Griffins aren't slaves to their instincts. I have instincts to run from half the things we've run into on this tour, but I don't listen to them...except the Wolf. Even the Dragons fight their hoarding instinct when they're around pony mines due to their treaty. So no, I'm not afraid of them at all. Especially since I've got a REAL dangerous predator to deal with.

With another set of bangs and some thrown stun grenades as the doors fell down, the fighting began again....

It became quickly apparent that the Hooviets had actually planned ahead. This was actually just an entrance to a long set of tunnels before it reached the barracks - Making me suspect the apparent weak spot was a feint.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Or Makarov is putting things in your way so he can gloat that it was a feint 'all along'.)

I was trying to hope everything ahead of us was like that when we got here. Still, Makarov seemed to be getting smarter the longer this was going. That DID scare me.

As expected we'd burst into a loading tunnel. Small carriages on rails (which broke off diagonally every hundred meters or so - complete with a perfect machine gun nest overlooking each turn) and a low ceiling that would have stopped our tanks, scattered crates and barrels, and from the look of things, plenty of little branching corridors likely leading to boiler rooms, offices, armories and a swimming pool.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Um, what?)

Seriously, third tunnel on the left says Swimming Pool. Why do the bad guys get a swimming pool and we don't? Stupid imagination monster.

Of course, sign-reading was difficult as the inhabitants were shooting at us. More VDV troopers firing, the various shields we had stopping most of the fire. All these explosions in confined spaces were really giving me a headache.

Taichi's blasted 'two guns' approach wasn't very helpful either, especially when he stood right behind me and fired over my head.

I moaned. "Why can't more of you use nice quiet weapons like Captive..."

No creature heard me over all the gunfire as we kept advancing down this straight area of tunnel, forced to break off and clear the side corridors in groups as well. The maze of crates and barrels was our best approach, as the Hooviets clear lines of sight down the tracks didn't help us much even if we could see them. Even worse was those machine gun nests, the access to them was only through a door the machine-guns had covered: No going through the side corridors to get in the other side.

"How long is this tunnel anyway?" I shouted, as a rocket launcher volley was hurled at the nest.

"I think we'll be going at least fifteen hundred meters beyond this. This tunnel system looks a lot like some I saw back when I was still with the Hooviets," Dima replied.

"Yeah, you'll get a hundred meters straight like this with crates and junk, with offshoots to ventilation systems and stuff, then it'll be zig-zaggy areas with no cover, just straight tunnels with machine guns and grenade launchers pointing down. Need to get past about four nests before you reach another straight, and there's a blast door splitting it in half. That part should be two hundred meters," Nikolai noted.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Guess the Hooviets REALLY don't want people attacking through their supply tunnels.)

"...Why'd no one warn me there's six separate charges against machine gun nests with no cover?!"

"We did! Outside, before we came in, remember?!" Sandgriff yelled over the volley fire on the nest at the end of the straight portion. My eyes went wide as what REALLY happened hit me.

"Nikolai, think clearly, like Mother Deer showed you, we had seen this place before on the map, this was a straight access tunnel. Now it's a Stalin-pattern standard defensive access tunnel. Solomon's used his powers again," Dima warned.

"Damn, you're right. Sandgriff, we didn't actually tell the Captain. Solomon has changed the rules."

"...That's not very reassuring to be honest," The Griffin noted.

"Horseapples. We'll probably find a giant robot in the next area without any cover in it!"

"I'll save some rocket launchers," replied Zangief.

The machine-gun nest fell silent after our rockets were followed up by sniping, and we reached the first 'zig', which was mercifully short and lacked a nest. Scouting ahead, and looking around the corner, some of us confirmed there was indeed another nest now down a hundred meters straight of the tunnel with no cover.

"Okay, best we can do here is shield snipers and heavy weapons to pour fire on them, and that's your job, Shining," Dai noted.

"I'm not entirely sure I can hold a shield long against all that fire," I admitted.

"...Best we got."

If it hadn't been terrifying, it would have been monotonous. Basically I shielded a few volunteers to go out, and start trying to pick off the machine gunners: Difficult shots even for our snipers thanks to the distances and the small areas visible behind the metal shields each gun had. Meanwhile, rocket launchers tried to move down behind shields (mine or riot shields) to have a better chance of hitting the nests rather than having the rocket spin out or even get shot down (in these tight corridors there was only so much room in the air for rockets and bullets as crazy as that might sound).

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): What if they blew up rockets while ya launched 'em?!)

The Columbian and Neighponese rockets were just very big arrows with rockets on their back meant to punch through armor. The Hooviet ones seemed to focus their explosion. As long as none of the rockets were high-explosive for hitting troops in the open or attacking fortifications we weren't at risk of them being too dangerous if that happened. Sadly, all our rockets really did was punch holes into the nests and that didn't always stop them firing since most of the explosion (if there was one) got absorbed by the concrete. And the troopers firing were mostly managing to fight through being deafened or stunned by any shockwaves.

"A flamethrower would be useful. Or incendiary rockets," Dima noted.

He'd tried his magic gun out: it barely had power to tickle the concrete at this distance thanks to the magic-weakening field. Still, I was sure we were closer to the 'safe haven' unaffected by the Iron Curtain.

We'd lost people making this assault, but I hadn't been able to stop and find out how many. We'd left small groups as rearguards with the fallen as we went, taking them back to the main stretch. After all, Oddball's tanks and the regular marines held our backs and reinforcements were hopefully coming.

I had to tell myself that these losses were needed. Remind myself of what they'd told me in the academy, that in any real crisis the risk was that someone on my side would die or be badly hurt, and we couldn't stop things going badly every time. And I needed to push the pain of losses aside to later, because otherwise more would die if I made mistake dwelling on it.

...But then I realized I'd never know the names of those I'd sent into death or serious injury, or their faces. This wasn't my Guard, my company or platoon. I was just leading it through chance. True, the other officers and NCOs were using their initiative but they had been deferring to me if they had time to discuss matters.

A part of me kept telling me that I could get Makarov's erased and none of them would have died...but another part of me kept telling me if I did that, if I wrote them off like that I'd be making a horrible mistake. I listened to that part.

The last zig-zag nest was eliminated, after what felt like about an hour of trying to push past each one, but it had really only taken us about fifteen minutes. There was time for our surprise...

"...It looks way too quiet," Dima noted.

Things can't LOOK quiet."

"Not now Captive."

Scouts had been using a sort of periscope to check around the corners and not alert the enemy as much, and as I looked through it, I agreed. There were plenty of piles of crates and barrels, and a fair few near us for cover: but no sign of guards.

"Ellis, you look through it, do we have enough blasting putty left to get past that door?"

I held it up for him, and he quickly shook his head.

"Way too thick, Sir. We'd need a lot of explosives and unless we could focus it all into one spot, we'd risk taking the roof down too."

"Shining-san, I have an idea," Taichi then offered.

The Shinobi had snuck out: they'd not been able to sneak down the corridors using their skills as the risk of detection without cover was too great. But here they could dash into cover and use their genjutsu for short spells. Apparently the longer they kept it up if they got close, the target saw through it, hence the run being a risk before.

The stealth they used was part careful movement, part camouflage, and part genjutsu. If someone looked right at you long enough they'd probably see through you unless it was your talent. But the tricks for it varied from species to species, and each Shinobi clan taught their own separate ways. Equestrian Guard stealthy movement had to cover a generic one-size trick: Shinobi and their clans could specialize.

That said, Gag had used some Shinobi guidebooks to try figure out the best techniques for himself, his linguistic talents helping him understand it a little better since apparently things could be lost in translation. He'd managed to help teach Audience to improve his own stealth, useful for a sniper (though Gag was still better at it). Given his current...condition, it helped make up for his...handicap keeping him grounded...

I reluctantly let them both try sneak out to take up a sniping spot they'd noticed. I couldn't shield them, it would interfere with the mild genjutsus...

"They'll be okay..." I told myself as much as I reassured Garnet.

"I know, Sir, it's just... While we were in the cells, he kept trying to hide in plain sight. Like he didn't want any of us to see him either. The guards kept seeing through it though, they'd all been better equipped until about half an hour before you came, and they didn't really seem too bothered to count us after that."

The Shinobi darted from cover to cover, Audience and Gag now well hidden behind some crates. Their plan had been simple enough. They'd look ahead rather than scan and risk alerting the enemy, then they'd come back... after planting a few exploding notes and the remaining putty. We could then, behind my shields and the riot shields, rush out with that diversion (hopefully also putting a few bigger threats out of commission) and reach cover.

Even if the radios were able to work properly (the structure interfered) they'd have been listening for them. And letting the Shinobi try and be amongst the enemy when we had to charge would be disastrous for friendly fire reasons.

Unfortunately, there were a lot of side tunnels in this area and the Shinobi would certainly be spotted trying to enter them. All they could do was scout the main areas.

"Why do all the plans we get forced into using involve charging an ambush," Thunderchild sighed.

"I think I know why," Nikolai mused.

Natasha was quietly fuming. Audience had pinched the best sniping spot being able to sneak out. She wasn't all that good at being stealthy moving - Hooviet troops just trained to try avoid being spotted rather than try to trick anyone watching.

The Shinobi came back, almost so stealthy we didn't see them for a few seconds after they rounded the corner.

"We're ready... The bad news is there seem to be a lot of Spetsnaz out there," Taichi noted.

"How many?" Dai wondered.

"...All of them, I think."

"Oh horseapp-"

"Oh, and they had like ten Tankettes hiding behind crates at the far end, flamethrowers, tesla coils, and rocket versions."

"What?!" I hissed.

"I said had, Shining," He grinned.

"...Everyone get ready then," I said, not feeling all that reassured at all.

Some explosions later, we charged. As expected, the Spetsnaz weren't completely in disarray, but it had been enough to let us reach cover. We spotted a Commissar that had jumped out to start inspiring his troops.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot!" One of the Shinobi yelled, and quickly made some hoof signs.

"Hooviet Soldiers! You will stand your ground in the face of these cowardly -"

Then he exploded.

"...Was that really necessary?!" A surprisingly large number of people said with me.

"Psyops, the enemy should be-"

"Look, a Commissar exploding probably gave THEM a morale boost too!" Nikolai groaned.

"Ah... Wait, what?"

"Commissars are cloaca," All nearby Hooviet rebels and some Griffins said.

"Still a bit excessive," I muttered even as hails of bullets bounced off my shields.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): How did he even plant that explosive in the first place?!)

Admittedly, the fact he could and we have no idea how he did shows he was a good ninja. Even if he wasn't entirely right about the outcome of it.

"Move up! We're pushing them back!" Someone shouted.

"Wait a second, the tunnels, make sure we clear them!" I tried to yell.

I noticed a group of Marines bounding forwards to cover, and not looking to the right... where an open side corridor was right there. They didn't react.

"CLEAR THE DAMN SIDE CORRIDORS FIRST!" Dima yelled as he rushed out towards them, readying his magic blaster.

It was too late though. Gilda had heard us both and turned her head in that direction but whatever she was about to say was cut off by her having to dive down to the ground to avoid the hail of bullets. A number of the marines standing between her and the Hooviets were cut down before they even realized what hit them, and Dima wasn't able to stop himself landing in the line of fire. And I had been too slow to boost the shields around them all.

I tried to put them back up but it was too late. I was too late. Dima was firing his blaster, and some of the Marines there had managed to turn their fire at the enemy, but I was too late.

Dima had almost fallen, but his head was still up and he was firing. And something snapped in Gilda.

"YOU FRIGGIN' JERKS!" she roared.

She began firing her shotgun from her prone position, but then stood on her hind legs and began just blasting it down the corridor. The other marines beside her that were still up followed, though not all had pump-actions. Still, they were putting immense fire down now that I wasn't failing them...

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Shining, you said yourself you couldn't dwell on it! It's not your fault, battles are unpredictable! Makarov probably WANTS you to feel that way.)

"Come on, with me!" Dima shouted, getting up and leading some Rebels, Immortals and Assault Marines down the corridor as more moved to check the ones that had been ambushed. Gilda and many of the other marines not downed dashed after the group Dima had taken.

He'd pretty much managed to save most of them. I thought he'd been hit but maybe not...

"Clear those side corridors out!" Thunderchild yelled out, so loud even the Spetsnaz probably heard him.

We pushed down, thankful the huge doors at the end meant no machine gun nest here. Just two either side of the door, and it seemed that one of the tankettes had been somewhat intact with one key part. The flamethrower on one tank that had been blown open seemed unharmed, but the twisted wreckage around it had it stuck from being turned around without a lot of power.

Zangief had power. He turned the flames onto the machine guns, and down one more corridor we had yet to clear. I shielded some troops who went in past the flames from the burning fuel, then tried to smother it to ease their return.

When they came back, it was all over here. Just the door to get past, and the wounded to check...the dead to mourn however we could.

I turned towards Dima as he emerged from his own corridor.

"Dima, do you have any ideas on how to-" I began, then he collapsed.

I rushed over, shouting for a medic. Garnet had been checking the wounded marines by the door as it was, and she bolted over since they were all stable... or dead.

"Dima, what's wrong?!" Kamarov had ran over

"...Had to take the hits. No other choice, all of them had started aiming right at her..." He said.

"What are you talking about?" Thunderchild wondered.

"...Me. When I dived down, all the Hooviets down the corridor had began aiming at me. They weren't firing on all of us, they'd been all aiming at me..." Gilda said.

"That's nuts, they just opened fire, they weren't after you, Private!" A Marine Sergeant said.

"They weren't, Solomon was! She's Equestrian. She's not part of Shining's squad. He wanted him to think he'd failed the only other Equestrian here, but not kill anyone he doesn't want for himself... It's how he thinks. It's all part of his script..."

I heard Garnet gasp. "That explains why none of the Marines were hit center of mass...All in the legs, lower chest, or stomach...the Hooviets were aiming down..."

That's when I noticed Dima's wound. It wasn't center of mass like it WOULD have been had they been aiming level. It was lower on his body as if...as if they'd been aiming down when he'd been hit. Towards the Griffin who'd dove to the floor.

"How the Griffin Hell..."
"It's true, Makarov's changes to fate can be seen with Mother Deer's blessings, or if you're...well, Shining Armor. I managed to feel the change in their directives... They definitely all wanted her dead. Solomon's script," Natasha cut in.


"We went over it, Sergeant," Sandgriff reminded.

I watched Garnet and Kamarov trying to get to Dima's wounds. Blood was pooling below him.

"...But why me? I still don't get it, I'm just a grunt! One Marine! I haven't even done anything all that cool, I just... I did what everyone else did! Except some of them died and I didn't and now-"

"Gilda... Calm down... Solomon's ways are... petty, always something petty..."

"Rainbow Dash," I realized, taking my eyes off the medics, stopping wondering what difference it could have made if Dima had been wearing this improved armor...

"W-what?! How'd-"

"The Elements of Harmony. Mak... Solomon is petty. Anything to hurt enemies indirectly. And he'd surely see Equestria-saving heroines as enemies."

"That's crazy! How would he even KNOW about Dash?! How do YOU know?!"

"My sister is one of the Elements. I'm sorry, Gilda... I think you might only be here because Solomon wanted something with multiple uses. Something to taunt me with, something to hurt other possible enemies with."

"To his sick mind, you were perfect," Dima wheezed.

"Dima, stop talking, save your strength! This bleeding just won't stop." Kamarov said, sounding shaken.

"...Then don't try."

"Dima, we can help!" Garnet protested.

"Help me do what? Lie wounded back here for Solomon to come and finish off?... No, this was... this was how it wasn't meant to be... and that's what annoys Solomon..."

"You're going to bleed out just to try and piss him off by going off his script?!" I shouted.

"Yeah... You know how much... he hates people not doing what he wanted them. You said it yourself; we're his arch nemeses, his ego won't allow him to tolerate anyone but him killing either of us. If I die here, I don't just go off his script a little bit like Saharnoj Vaty did. If I die here, then his planned climax where we both die by his hooves can't happen."

"Well, yeah, but it'd piss him off more if you help me kick his flank, right?!"

"Captain... Shining... I'm already doing that. And if you take my weapon... that'll annoy him too...I want you to burn my body as well - don't allow him to make me one of his twisted monsters..."

"I won't need to. You can stand up and annoy him with it yourself! We need you here, Dima, your friends need you!" I protested.

"...They need you, now, Shining. And you need my weapon...Solomon has controlled my life since I was born, dominated it...written it...please let me take back the quill and write how my story ends."

"Hey, uh, there's one of the guys that surrendered here says he's a medic, he can help... Least I think that's what he said, he doesn't speak Equestrian," A Marine came over to offer.

A Hooviet was held at gunpoint by two rebels.

"...We didn't have anyone surrender to us during the fight," Natasha noted.

"That is absurd! Of course some of us surrendered!" The Hooviet said.

Something felt odd about his pattern of speech...

"...You speak Equestrian after all?" Gag wondered.

"No, she spoke Roedinian, why would I speak Equestrian?"

"Captive, Donnez-moi votre arc," Gag said.

"Wait, wha-"

Audience held his crossbow out, and ...

"This is for my wing."

....with his remaining wing, Gag pulled the trigger. The arrow went right into the Hooviet's eye with a spurt of blood...

"Idi na khuy, Makarov," Gag said with a blank expression.


"It was another of Makarov's robots, it sounded just like him," Gag pointed out.

Sure enough, it was oil now. Not blood. There were sparks from where the bolt was sticking out the other side...
And then we heard another roar of rage.

"Heh... Thank you for that, Running... Thank you..." Dima said, and then looked at me.

"Shining...I envy you..."

"Huh? For what?"

"...I'm what I am because Solomon chose most of my life for me...I was a murderer, I've killed innocent creatures...you protect ponies because it is what you want...I don't want to be a killer in the next world...but if I were like you? A protector?...A guardian...I wouldn't mind...choosing that story to live...I hope it's the one I will choose..."

I remembered my dream, of our meeting we were supposed to have. "...I think you will be..."

He just gave me a smile and...

...He was gone. Defying M... defying Solomon, no Nameless with his own end.

(Interviewer's Notes (Uncorn): Not Solomon?)

Solomon means 'wise king', there's nothing wise or kingly about him! Azure Raven works too. It's as pompous and STUPID as he is!!!

Silence fell in our small circle. It was as if the other noises around us had been muted, and now all we heard was the crackle of the flames and the voices of allied troops tending to other wounded, searching for more ammo and weapons....

Then it was broken for a moment by a scream of rage so powerful that the entire base quaked. In fact, I swear the base flickered like an illusion spell being disrupted as the scream became an unearthly, inequine roar... for a moment all my memories of Makarov as how I'd seen him fizzled revealing a haphazard mishmash of something... then the silence returned.

"...Moon sent," I sighed.

"Mother Deer will watch over him," Natasha said.

I turned to Zangief. "...Mind doing the honors?"

The big moose nodded slowly and got the flamethrower again, lighting Dima's body aflame.

More silence except for the crackling flames, but then it was Sandgriff who broke it. It was as much mourning as we could afford, and probably more than we should have taken, all things considered...

"What do we do now? We gotta get that door down somehow."

"Agreed... Dima would not want us to stop and mourn, not even for him..." Kamarov sighed.

I looked at it, then at the lion themed horncannon I now had.

"...I guess all we can do is search for..."

My eyes fell on some scattered parts from a crate, and the tesla coils.

"...Anypony know where Ellis is?"

"Looking for explosives or something else to cut through the doors, why?" Thunderchild asked.

"Remember when we tried to build that cider still for Captain Sharpe?"

"...Oh sweet Celestia," He turned pale.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Good trick for a pony with white fur....)

"...C-Cider still?!" Kamarov wondered.

"Look, if it works, it'll really piss Solomon off. Dima would have loved it. Besides, does that door look a bit like a barn to you guys?"

"[size= 0.5] Mommy..." Thunderchild whimpered.

The Columbians looked at the device me and Ellis had managed to create like it was a bomb...which I can't blame them for. We'd put it about fifty meters from the door, building a crude device to try and fire a chunk of metal about thirty kilograms at the middle of the door.

We'd used a whole bunch of conveniently placed tesla coils and power packs. Our device overall was pretty big - and even with as much help as we could get to move things around it took us awhile. Still it was convenient how things Ellis noted we needed kept showing up...

At least it gave us time to make sure Dima's body had burned completely...

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): And what would those things you needed be?)

Sorry, that information is too dangerous for mortal eyes.

"...So you two made this when you were younger?" Sandgriff asked.

"Yes, and got building homemade cider stills put on the 'banned from the premises' list," Thunderchild added.

"...In Equestria?" Gilda asked, blinking. While we were more disciplined, we were also a bit more relaxed when it came to individual comforts and the like in the military compared to Columbia...

"Yep," Ellis added as we put the finishing touches. "Alright...ready...Ah think."

We all took cover in the tunnels and I set off the thing with my magic.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" I yelled, making sure everyone knew.

Three things happened, all the metal in the room near the device jolted from magnetism, and there was a brief flash at the end of the device: I checked with Twilight the last time we did this and it turned out that was plasma being formed in the wake of the projectile, as well as apparently also interacting with magic to cause the slight rainbow-corona that flashed out from the flames.

Second, a hole about six meters wide was blown into the doors ahead of us... and presumably anything on the other side was about to have a bad day.

Third, most of the parts we used in the machine exploded.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Shining, you'll eventually meet three, possibly four little fillies Spike's friends, with one of which is Ellis' cousin, swear you'll NEVER tell them about the cider still mass driver. EVER!)

Uh...okay...I swear.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Good, they caused enough trouble with a minecart and a flux capacitor, I'm afraid to see what they'd do with a cider still mass driver...or will have caused...That incident was hard enough to understand when less time travel was involved.)

Less time travel?!

(Interviewer's Note (Unicorn): Just focus on saving the world!)

On my order we rushed into the room....an empty room.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): What?)

Well there were a ton of crates, but no Hooviets or anything else for that matter. Well, except a trolley, but it and the crate on it took the brunt of the impact. It may have gone through it too but I'm not really sure. We were too busy checking for ambushes...but nothing.

The Marines carefully looked around the room with guns ready, taking things slow to make sure there weren't any Hooviets laying in waiting spying on us. The Shinobi looked for spying devices or spells. There were none of either.

Ellis even checked for bombs, but there was none to find.

"I don't like the looks of this, Sir," said Garnet, looking around. "All those Hooviet machine gun nests and then...nothing? It doesn't make any sense..."

"Maybe our knock on the door scared 'em off," Ellis chimed in. "Ah'm scared just thinkin' about what it must've looked like comin' at 'em from this side."

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): So what do you think happened?)

My guess was Solomon wanted to speed his final duel with me...or, hopefully, Dima...Dima's death had managed to do what Dima wanted it to and clopped him off so badly he's forgotten about his own army.

We moved forwards, keeping an eye out for an ambush or the like. But still nothing. The nests at the zig zags were completely abandoned.

"Ok, this really smells fishy," said Sandriff, looking around. "I know Makarov isn't exactly the sharpest talon on a claw, but even he isn't this dumb."

I was just waiting for Nameless to show up having transformed into some kind of giant monster after having eaten all his men.

Finally we got to what looked like the main Armory. And that just made this a bit more suspicious.

"Uh...I might be the rookie here, but even I know leaving your main armory unguarded isn't smart," Gilda remarked.

Then we heard an engine and...oh, you have to be bucking kidding me!

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): What is it?)

A freaking forklift came swinging around the corner and tried to run us down! We had to jump out of the way. A group of Spetsnaz came out of nowhere and opened fire, forcing us to not only dodge fire, but to make matters worse, the forklift swung back around and tried to crush me with the crate it was carrying. Since I was covering the others with my shields, I had to jump out of the way.

So while the others were engaged in a firefight with the Spetsnaz, I was busy trying to not get impaled by a forklift.

Thankfully, Ellis supported me by throwing a grenade under its wheels. The explosion naturally blew out the tires. With it going out of control, I dodged one last time and the forklift crashed into a wall. As its pilot tried to bail out, I quickly shot him with a stun spell.

The others were trying to take out the Spetsnaz. While Audience was the only Black Thistle member of my team, Thunderchild was still able to do some damage manipulating lightning from some electric coils on the walls...which seemed to only be there for decoration...Thank you Nameless and your obsession with fulfilling every single villain cliche in the book.

Audience picked out a spot and had Gag cover him and act as a spotter. The Hooviets' cover didn't help him or Natasha much.

Zangief's trusty rocket launcher wasn't much use in an armory where it could set off the ammo. So he alternated between gunfire, or if he could, beating the horseapples out of anydeer he could get in close combat. Seriously, I had to dodge a few Hooviets who he threw through the air. One of which was another Commissar...who ended up landing on one of the electric coils. Seriously? Does Nameless make those guys just so they can die?

Nikolai did well with those swords of his. I might have been good with a sword, but he was a trained swordmaster. And most of the Hooviet soldiers apparently didn't have his training either. Once things got into a melee, the Hooviets didn't stand a chance.

Sadly, it wasn't a complete flawless victory on our part...we had a number of wounded, some of which were taken out of the fight...there may have been a few dead, I'm not sure. Ugly's scheme wasn't the only thing spiraling into madness.

After we managed to clear the room of hostiles, we decided to check over the armory to see what we could find. There weren't any more of the armory, though there wasn't anymore of the armor, I did find another replacement riot shield and the others were at least able to find fresh ammo.

We moved forwards, fighting more Hooviets as we went along until we came to a courtyard.

"It seems Makarov's keep is up ahead," Natasha stated, lookinh up ahead

"What makes you say that?"

She pointed to an ominous spike covered tower. It also was playing its own background music. "That's the only place on the compound dramatic enough for him to tolerate living in."

"...Point taken," I said as lightning flashed around the citadel. Seriously, who could live there except Azure Raven?

At that point, we realized the obvious and took cover as more Spetsnaz flooded into the courtyard...and that wasn't all.

The fourth and last of the Alicorn cyborgs arrived on the scene. Not only did she have a cybernetic horn, she had two pairs of cybernetic wings.

"Puzyri..." I muttered, moments before having to block the spear she had as she drove it at me with her telekinesis.

Then it hit me: Skyfall being destroyed meant that the Alicorn Cyborg could fly now too. And did so before firing down lightning at us. Or more specifically...

I had to shield Gilda from far more lightning bolts than it should have sent her direction. "Gilda, stick behind me! Looks like Solomon still wants you dead."

"Uh, then shouldn't I stay away from you?"

"He's not about to let another nemesis die to one of his minion-" Then a number of lightning bolts were fired directly at me, forcing me to dodge. "...Ok, maybe not..."

"Shining Armor..." screamed Azure Raven's voice emanating from the cyborg. And here came the evil monologue of evil.

"You and your men are going to die by my hooves...slowly...painfully...And that Equestrian Griffin is going to bleed out on the ground, just like I planned...Now...PREPARE TO SUFFER!!!" he yelled, and it was actually frightening that time...Something had changed.

"...or he's assumed remote control of her to kill me that way. Point is, he's trying to kill you and I'm not letting him do it, so get over here NOW!"

She couldn't argue with that and got behind me, covering my back and letting me cover hers. I also figured keeping us together would let the others worry about the Hooviets instead of the cyborg Fake Alicorn.

One of the Marines tried to take on Nameless head on. He naturally got swiftly overpowered.

"Not today!" I yelled, putting a barrier up to block the spear right as Nameless prepared to finish the Marine off, then used my telekinesis to launch Dima's sword forwards, striking Solomon in the chest and driving her...him...back before pulling it back to my side while the Marine fell back.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Did you learn that on Pony Rangers?)

No, using swords in telekinetic combat is different than using it in your mouth. I didn't exactly throw it so much as do a trust over a longer distance. Still leaves me a bit more vulnerable, but considering my bad aim, it was the only attack I could be sure would connect with my target.

Gilda shot behind me and took out some Hooviets to cover me. I took the opportunity to try my attack again before Nameless could recover, aiming at the base of her...his cybernetic horn...and it didn't work.

"Horseapples! Azure Raven got smarter!"

"No...I got more hungry...Hehe..."

Ok, why is he suddenly genuinely threatening?!

I had to dodge (pulling Gilda along with me) as her spear turned into a whip which she...he...ok, I'm going to just use she because the body's a girl! She swung at me. I then shielded Gilda from some bullets and watched Nameless fly back up, then diving at me, trying to slash me with the wings. I was barely able to block with the sword and blast her point blank with a gravity buster. That dented her armor and drove her back.

"The old weak points aren't working anymore! And Pandora's not here to give me another hint to beat her!"

Gilda forced an attempted flank attack by a Commissar into cover with her shotgun. "Well then think of something! We have to take her out!"

I had to block another barrage of lightning with my shield, this time having a much harder time doing it. Thunderchild hurried over and managed to redirect it away. But I noticed even he struggled a great deal to accomplish just that.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Let me guess, it hit the Comissar?)

Probably, but I didn't have time to check!

I looked around, trying to find anything to use...Ah!

"Ellis! Audience!" I called, thankfully them having been close to me in the firefight.

"Yes sir?"

I pointed to an AA gun nearby. "I need you to take the Shinobi and capture that AA Gun, it's about the only thing I see that might be able to take out the Fake Alicorn," I explained.

The two gave me nod and headed off to do so.

"Gilda, how's your lightning manipulation?" I asked, shielding us with Thunderchild's help from another onslaught of lightning.

Gilda offered her own lightning manipulation to help Thunderchild finally send a blast of lightning back at Nameless. It blasted her backwards, but somehow only managed to singe her armor instead of critically damage her.

Nameless thrust her spear at me and actually succeeded in getting past my shield and barely missed me. She pulled it back, but I managed to close my shield around it and hold it back...unfortunately, she was holding it in telekinesis and managed to trust it back at me.


(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): SHINY!)

Don't worry, I'm ok, it just cut my leg. I had to let go and she pulled it back.

"I have finally drawn your blood..." Nameless said, licking my blood off the spear tip.

She charged up lightning into her spear and tried to throw it at us...

Just in time for an onslaught of Anti-Aircraft fire to strike her. I wasn't sure exactly what it was firing. Maybe it was the same thing as Sasha fired or maybe they were something stronger (given this was Solomon, I'm fairly certain it is the latter), but whatever it was it cut through her armor like a hot knife through butter.

Caught off guard, Nameless was too surprised to evade the onslaught ripping through her and crashed to the ground a few seconds later, her armor in tatters and her wings and horn torn to bits.

I trotted over to her, looking down as her eyes flickered. "I-I'm...s-sorry..." It was a female voice, no longer Azure Raven's.

"...All is forgiven, Puzyri...rest in peace..."

"Would have liked . . . to fly on my own . . . with these new wings . . .just once." And with that, she shut down and her soul flew free.

Author's Note:

Story Arc written by LZ0291 lz0291.deviantart.com/ as was this chapter.

Shining Armor is given a two year tour of the world to be the captain of Princess Cadence's body guard. Yeah. That's all. That's everything Yep. Nothing what so ever else. *AJ's Liar face*

"Time is an ocean in a storm."

This storyline runs PARALLEL to the events in the Dark World storyline narrative wise.

Please help the trope http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries and recap pages. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/PonyPOVSeries (please?)

Previous Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Shining-Armor-17-3-417847184

Next Chapter:

First Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Fluttershy-FlutterCruel-Pearls-260092460

MLP: FiM is copyright of Hasbro

Image by Kendell2 http://kendell2.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Shining-Armor-vs-Makarov-418176949

Group Music Suggestions For This Part

Dima's death
And Ever We Fight On, ,Killzone 3

Last Cyborg Fight
Cynder Boss (With Chorus) The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning OST
Majestic Wings Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

LZ's music suggestions.

Act 4
Battle Over Skyfall
Burst, Sean Murray, Call of Duty: World at War
Colosseo, KCE Sound Team Japan, Metal Gear Solid
Storming The Barracks
Take Down, Todd Haberman, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Fighting Through Tunnels
Extraction Point, Lorne Balfe, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Dima's Death
And Ever We Fight On, Joris De Man, Killzone 3
The Mass Driver
Warsaw Theme, Adapted by Johan Skugge & Jukka Rintamaki, produced by Rami, Battlefield 4
Puzyri/Nameless Battle
Penultimatum, Kelly Bailey, Half-Life 2: Episode 1

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