• Published 9th Sep 2012
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Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Episode 74: (???) Party At Canterlot Castle

Twilight Sparkle sat in the Canterlot west castle courtyard. She really wished she had a nice book with her. She was pretty sure she would have been able to read it in spite of all the partying ponies, music, and noise-makers around.

''Little get together,' yeah right.' Twilight thought to herself sarcastically.

Who was here again? Too bad ponies weren't as easy to memorize as indexes.

There was Spike with Moondancer, er, dancing. Right, Spike's crush before... somepony. She had always just smiled and nodded when Spike acted nice around her while politely pushing him back. They looked the odd dance couple with a towering dragon as she she held onto his little pinky. Pinkie? The party had some pink, but not a whole lot.

Moondancer herself had a white coat, a red mane, and a moon cutie mark surrounded by stars. The teddy bear Spike had given her as her birthday present lay on a table nearby with gifts from others. It actually made Twilight a little self conscious that she hadn't brought a gift herself. Just something to add to Moondancer's plush collection would have been enough.

Moondancer and Twilight had both according to the gossip mill been on a 'secret list' of Princess Celestia's for powerful unicorns for a secret project. Twilight knew better than to believe rumors. Contrary to popular belief, many turned out to be recycled lies or exaggerations grown larger with each telling. It took forever for Twilight to convince her fellow students that she wasn't a goth and dark purple and violet were her natural colors.

Twinkleshine and Minuette and Lemon Heart looked at each other triumphantly at getting the shut-in to finally slightly socialize. However, Minuette trotted over and asked.

"Heeey, Twilight, come on, try dancing a little."

"I will in a minute."

"That's what you said thirty minutes ago, come on!"

She took Twilight by the forehoof and dragged her to the dance floor. She awkwardly danced for all of fifteen minutes, made a note to read books on dancing and sat back down exhausted.

This time she comforted herself with a glass of punch. If only one of the Princesses was here, she wouldn't mind speaking to Celestia, Luna, or, or Cadence. She knew they all had a lot to do with the thousandth Summer Sun Festival coming but up still...

Speaking of which, Twilight wondered why of all places Celestia would choose an obscure tiny town within pegasus flight distance from the capital to hold such a significant festival. Next thing you knew Princess Luna was going to be holding her Nine Hundred and Ninety-Ninth Winter Moon Festival in Stalliongrad.

Twilight felt another pony sit down next to her. Twilight turned her head and gasped at the incredibly old unicorn mare next to her.

Showing amazing strength to just lift her head, the old crone glanced at her while keeping her gaze mostly fixed on the party before them.

"Why is it you seem to never want to attend these parties?"

Blunt, but Twilight wasn't a social master herself. "Because they're a waste of time. Such silliness is not worth the effort it expends."

"You can't be sure, maybe they'll open up your eyes, it could be a wonderful surprise," said the pale blue mare, eyes still not leaving the party.

"I only have one lifetime to learn as much as I can, I don't have the time to waste on something that has nothing to do with anything."

"Hey! It's not nothing!" The two ponies looked up to a donkey jenny wearing white and blue polka dot pants. Twilight noted her eyes were Heterochromian. "Sure, I always get my homework done but I'd love to have lots of friends."

"Hello, Smarty Pants." Twilight greeted her childhood friend who took a seat on the other side of her.

"Hello Twilight! I wonder what it would be like to be popular, having tons and tons of friends."

"And having crowds fight over each other to steal a piece of your mane?" Twilight was surprised when the crone asked, still not turning her head from its original position in spite of the new arrival.

"Erm, maybe just one dependable honest stallion would be enough."

Twilight resisted rolling her eyes, knowing how some ponies had a pathological reaction to that sort of thing.

"Look at them," Twilight said staring at the crowd of ponies. "Living their short little lives. Flirting it all away like they're going to live forever when they know they won't. But they pretend they do."

"Having one short life is all the more reason to live it to make sure you're living it right though," replied Smarty Pants.

"That's exactly the point. They like to think their prefect little world works perfectly, that there are no true, giant, meaningful problems that'll affect them all, none of them wanting to see the chaos. "

Lemon Heart broke into a coughing fit and fell to her knees, everypony looked at her, her body was ravaged by spasms. She began to bleed through her nose.

The music stopped, Moondancer tried to use what limited medical magic she knew as others called for the paramedics.

Ponies stopped chatting happily, nopony was dancing anymore.

"Take a good look, all it takes is just one thing, one unforeseen catastrophe. And everything falls apart."

"They're rushing to help a friend, aren't they? Doesn't that prove there's more to them than just congo lines of celebrations?" The crone asked, finally turning more attention towards Twilight Sparkle.

"Only because the disaster's right in front of them. Deep down, somewhere, all ponies still herd creatures willing to abandon one of their own to die if things get too risky."

"If that's the case, then aren't they proving they're better than their nature, though?" Smarty Pants asked, "Like Spike? He's a dragon. But he's so nice and polite and a perfect assistant who never complains. Who does everything he's asked and can always be depended on without fail."

"He's not so 'perfect' as that," Twilight whispered.

"Maybe, but it's how you see him in your heart, right?" Smarty Pants replied.

Twilight let out a small dark laugh, "Yeah. It is. Which only goes to show nopony is actually friends with anypony."

"What?" The crone asked.

"Nopony can truly in their hearts know anypony. The closest we can ever come to is emulations of them in our minds!" Twilight's voice rose in a hurtful, almost hateful tone, "The person that you're friends with isn't the real them! Every friendship is no different from an imaginary friend!"


"Friendship is nothing a glorified game of pretend! And games of pretend should be left for foals! Such games have no place in the world of adults!"

The crone merely shook her head solemnly.

Lemon Heart had stopped breathing. Minuette tried CPR on her. Minuette coughed and brought her hooves up. She gasped in fear when she saw blood on them. Ponies panicked and ran through different doors only to arrive through different ones.

"And there you have it! Once things go out of control, the stampede instinct kicks right in!"

"That's not true!"

"Are you really that blind-?!"

"THEY'RE trying!"

Twinkleshine and Moondancer stayed with Minuette as her coughing got worse. They asked Spike to fly her straight to the hospital since none of them knew how to teleport.

"Poor Twinkleshine and Moondancer. Perhaps if they'd spent more of their spare time... I don't know... practicing life-saving techniques, instead of frivolous socializing, they might've been actually been able to save Lemon Heart and Minuette's life themselves, instead of passing the buck onto somepony else."

"Would they have even been AROUND to call for help, if they never took the time to befriend Minuette?" Asked the crone. Twilight glanced at the mare's cutie mark, a magic wand.

"In the end what does it even matter? They say friends are ponies you know at heart, but no pony can really know anypony, because everypony keeps something hidden away, locked inside, they never show their real self to anyone. Friends don't exist. They just like to pretend they do."

"And yet, Moondancer and Twinkleshine don't care about the hidden things, they're still here for their friend Minuette."

"Because if they weren't, they'd have to face up to the ugly truth: we're all just selfish animals at heart."

Smarty Pants answered back nearly in tears, "THERE IS MORE! People LOVE each other for a REASON! It's not just about preserving their DNA! It's about sharing their ideas and points of view so everypony can understand everypony and everything in reality just a little bit better!"

"Ponies cherry-pick reality. They accept truths they want to be real, and reject those they don't. No matter how smart, no matter how wise, no matter how experienced a pony can claim to be, they all just bury their heads in the sand rather than acknowledge an ugly fact."

"But, isn't generalizing them like that just burying your head in the sand also?"

"Fire burns. Ice is cold. Are these generalizations? They're just reality."

"Ponies' thoughts are more complex than a campfire or an ice cube!"

"Complex? Psh. All thoughts are just chemical reactions in the brain. Don't make it sound like those little sparks of electricity actually have value. There are batteries that hold a better electric charge."

"!!!... If that's all there is to it... then how are we aware of us talking right now? How are you aware that you're aware? How can you even question that you're aware? Instead of your body just going through the motions-?! Ponies, PEOPLE, aren't robots! I'm not a robot! And we're not JUST animals!"

"Is that so?" Twilight grinned almost sickly, "Let's talk about YOUR best friends, shall we? Or can we even call them that anymore?"

"What?" Smarty Pants got up and took a step back. The crone looked away sadly.

Twilight Sparkle stood up.

"You defend them. But you don't actually care about them. It just makes you feel bigger to pretend you do. You act like they mean something to you. But in the end they're just a means to make yourself feel good. Like a drug."

"I DO care about them! I do!" Smarty Pants protested. "I've fought for them! I've risked my life for them! I've sacrificed for them!"

Sparkle moved in closer like a predator would their prey. "And as soon as it hurt to feel, as soon you couldn't find a fat enough excuse to hide behind, you abandoned them, you got in line like a good little tinker toy! The moment you lost hope and ran from your own heart and memories you PROVED how much they all REALLY meant to you!"

Sparkle grasped Smarty Pants with her forehooves and began to magically grip on her face, slowly applying pressure.

"You think you have conscience? YOU?! You're only feeling nostalgic!"

Sparkle tore off Smarty Pants' face, it gave way like simple cloth. A fearful gray-toned unicorn mare with red eyes shivered underneath.

Sparkle took Tragedy by the neck shoved her face forward at the other end of the courtyard.

LJ lying through her teeth to Rarigreed. The airborne Fluttercruel taunting the ground bound Angry Pie. Traitor Dash huddling in a corner curled in a ball. And so many piles of pony skulls around all of them.

"All of six of you disgust me to my core," Sparkle said slamming Tragedy into the floor, leaving one nostril bleeding, it didn't regenerate. "You don't deserve a crumb of empathy or sympathy for what you've permitted them, and yourself to become! Nothing's left in my heart for you but my blackest revulsion!"

"Sympathy can be misplaced and abused by monsters. But empathy is meant to be given to even the worst monsters." The old crone whispered not getting up. "We ponies are simply limited in our power to give it."

Tragedy looked at the old crone in awe while Sparkle snorted and slammed Tragedy in the floor again completely ignoring what the crone had said in her lecture, "And THAT isn't even the worst part! Oh no. It's the idea of existence itself having to endure ALL SIX of you insufferable cretins forever more! An everlasting and inescapably inseparable gang of the most reprehensible villains ever! Loveless and unloveable! And to top it all off: all of the REAL heroes have all been burned away... BY US!"

Tragedy shuddered.

Sparkle brought a mirror to Tragedy's face, "TAKE A GOOD LONG LOOK!"

"Twilight! Don't you recognize me?! Please stop!"

"No! Stay back!"
"I hope your burn in Tartarus you murderer!"
"This isn't you! Please fight it!"
"I-I can't fight her. She's still-Agh!"

"All... hail... Discord."

Tragedy's vision blurred. She was... crying?

"Just look at yourself! You're not a person! You're not even alive! You're just hideous!

"The only redemption left for you and all your partners-in-crime lies in your annihilation so you can no longer extend Discord's evil! And the only salvation for this entire world is obliteration! I don't say this out of hatred or apathy, but purely of mercy.

"After all, considering how the six of you have systematically butchered every hero and do-gooder from Queen Cadence on down to Scootaloo throughout the centuries... what's left but the insane, the corrupted, the transformed, the joyless, oppressed, tormented masses who have no hope anyway? No one's ever coming to save them. Theirs is truly a situation where the dead mourn the living."

The old crone snorted, actually sounding insulted by Sparkle's last few words.

"The only deliverance the world can have is if it never existed at all!" Sparkle snapped. "THIS WORLD IS DEAD!"

"I... I'm sorry."

"You're WHAT?" Sparkle snapped at her. "You really think a good life before this mess started and a few scattered good good deeds and there make up for a thousand years of being a murder machine? You think apologizing now make a sliver of difference? Don't babble nonsense!" She leaned in closer and began to whisper in her ears, her tone suddenly much softer, "But, it doesn't have to stay like this. There's another way out. Find a way to wipe this world off the face of the universe. You're a smart girl, you'll come up with something if you put your mind to it long enough! You owe it to every soul suffering this hellish existence. Pull the plug on this forsaken world so that Discord can NEVER TOUCH ANY OF US EVER AGAIN... and clear the way for worthier worlds. Commit the one good deed that could ever possibly be committed in this worthless black reality you've helped make with your own hooves."

"Even the darkest of times, ya gotta find somethin' to laugh about."

"Peace and mercy to all that lives."

"For Queen Cadence!"

"Listen to our song."

"Dragons stand united as one!"

"I'm the rebel leader!" "No I am!" "IT WAS ME!"

"Not worthless. Not hopeless." Tragedy gasped out. "This world... isn't dead."

The old crone lifted her head slightly.

"You coward! It's been a thousand years, and you haven't changed a damn bit! And mark my words... you'll STILL be executing Discord's every command with the same dull resignation, the same robotic obedience, two thousand years later! This world needs to be put out of its misery!"

"... You're the coward who wants to give up."

Sparkle snarled and her hoof slammed down on Tragedy head.

But froze inches from her face. The entire world, simply stopped in place.

The world darkened, except for two spot lights above the two near-identical unicorns.

A third spotlight clicked on, showing a gently gray-tinted purple unicorn mare with a cutie mark showing a magenta star and five sparkles.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked at them like she would a mirror; at the fully gray Tragedy and bright purple Sparkle, her heart aching, her body feeling so heavy, her horn lifeless.

The two other purple unicorns both slowly faded away as their spotlights dimmed to nothing.

"What's the point of even trying?" Twilight asked herself.

Her spotlight began to slowly shrink. Let this be the end of it.

"Don't destroy yourself."

The spot light stopped getting smaller.

"But... but why?" Twilight looked around asking like a child would with a question they barely understood.

The elderly blue unicorn trotted next to Twilight and sat down next to her.

Twilight's own spot light faded, but not her with it as had happened with the other two, and the darkness lightened to show the western castle courtyard again, empty save for the old unicorn and her. It was midnight now with a moon high in the sky with no sign of Nightmare Moon's seal. The rest of time stood still, the wind didn't blow, the crickets didn't chirp, even the moon's light seemed dim. The world seemed lost in cold fog.

"You're finally ready to listen?"

Twilight nodded slowly.

"Firstly, don't give up yet. You're always making things more bleak than they really are Twilight. Second, the world still has beauty in it, it still has goodness in it, it still has heroes and hope .

"Third, stop torturing yourself, it helps no one!"

Twilight shuddered a little.

"Four, you still have those who love you, as long as you have those, never throw yourself away. But that is only half the equation! You also have a responsibility to yourself! Those who cared for you put a lot of effort into you, so don't you dare betray the ones who put their own hearts into you. Do you understand?"

Twilight slowly nodded twice. The wind blew lightly, calmly.

"Good. Also Twilight. Remember. Remember all those times:

A egocentric, smug, anti-social mare who in the span of one day realized that friendship with other ponies wasn't such a waste after all. And CHANGED.

A farmer who swallowed her pride and allowed her friends to help her rather than destroy herself. And CHANGED.

A lazy, sometimes flat-out selfish, flight school drop-out who chose the happiness she felt with her five new friends was better than the happiness she felt with a friend who had fallen into sin. And CHANGED.

A unicorn was willing to give a condescending liar the chance to CHANGE!

A cowardly pegasus as fearful as a mouse who found the heart of a lion when her loved ones were threatened and CHANGED.

Two ponies who were polar opposites in what they valued, but found their symmetry, and CHANGED together!

A little filly, who learned not to let words hurt her. And she and two friends like her, all CHANGED together!

Two friends who were so much alike about loving their athletic prowess they actually clashed, they changed for the worse, but a helping of humble pie helped them CHANGED for the better!

And a unicorn, who, had her ego put in its place after nearly being eaten by a hydra, finally CHANGED her views: that magic can come from more places than a unicorn's horn.

And this special, wonderful pony continued to grow and change and learn.


Remember an Alicorn, who allowed herself to be driven mad by her own petty jealously, hatred, rage, and envy. In an blind immature cry for attention, she chose to sentence the world to a slow, cold death. AND SHE CHANGED FOR THE BETTER! All thanks to YOU and your wonderful friends!"

"Spike... Luna... Celestia! Liar... NO! APPLE-jack! Pinkie Pie... Fluttershy... Rarity... Tr... RAINBOW Dash! And... me." Twilight finished in a whisper. "I do remember them. All of them.
Each of the precious memories were like fireworks in Twilight's mind and heart, blasting back the darkness encircling it. The smiles on all their faces... including her own! The warmth and goodwill flowing between them. The fun times. The simple acts of kindness. Their heroism. After so many untold generations with holes and thick fog in her memories... to recall all this, and know that it was really real, was like gazing into a better world.

The crickets began chirping, birds singing.

"How bright and wonderful we were, inside and out."

"You can all be bright and wonderful again, I assure you." The old mare said. "Inside and out."

"But... how CAN we, though?"

The old mare trotted face to face with Twilight, catching her head before it could hang any lower.

"Twilight if you still don't think that you can change, if you still don't the others can change, if you still think the WORLD can't change-" The crone's voice changed completely, it was- "-then think about us-" Queen Cadence. The pink Alicorn spread out her wings and looked lovingly at the little pony. It was a sunny and bright afternoon in the park they always went to. Twilight looked up at her in shock. "-and all the time we spent together as close as any family."

Twilight began, "Sunshine Sunshine-"

Cadence replied, "-Lady bugs awake-"

"-clap your hooves-" They did just that.

"-and do a little shake." They finished together.

Somewhere a gold tiara holding a black red gem shaped like a star turned right-side up.

Twilight pressed herself against Cadence, and it was a memory come to life. Just feeling the soft downy texture of Cadence's feathers... it made her feel young again. Loved again, as she hadn't been loved for time out of mind. She began to sob.

"It's alright Twilight, you were ill, but now you are well again. You've done wrong, but you are not beyond atoning for it... And I forgive you for it all."

Cadence gave her a long, long hug.

Twilight managed to smile. Cadence nuzzled her, Twilight nuzzled back, happy but crying, and found no contradiction or chaos. "So my little pony, is tragedy magic? Or is friendship magic?"

Twilight looked up at her old foal sitter, "Both are. Because it's our choices that make magic good or bad. Friendship can either be the greatest blessing, or a trap, depending on what friends we choose to make. Tragedy can either make us stronger or break us, it all depends if we choose to face it or hide from it."

"Very good my faithful and loyal filly. And there's something else."

"What's that?"

"Remember, no matter how helpless it gets, don't give up hope, because you're the only one who can destroy your hope. No matter what you've done, so long as you feel an ounce of remorse, you can find redemption. And no matter how alone you feel, you'll never be alone, so long as you don't forget the bonds you've made." The fog was lifted.

Twilight was startled to hear hoof stomping and clapping. Ponies were circled around her, cheering for her. Her mother and father. Lyra. Bon-Bon. Moon Dancer. Lemon Heart. Twinkleshine. Minuette. Spike. The other Elements of Harmony. Celestia. Luna. Her old math teacher. Dr. Whooves. Cheerilee. Zecora. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. The entire Apple family. Mayor Mare. Daring-Do. The Cakes and The Pies. Derpy and Dinky. P0N-3. Berry Punch and Ruby Pinch. Their old pets. And so so so many more!
She had never felt so light, so, so...

"I'm free."


I heard soft tweeting outside the castle. My room now with a window. When was the last time I heard birds sing? I was covered in soft leaves. Huh? I sat up and looked at myself. I was my unicorn self again. But I don't remember changing form...

I looked at the rest of my room, and thought for a moment I was outside.

Earth Pony magic directs and encourages or discourages the flow of life. The two potted plants now covered every inch of my barren lifeless quarters like a jungle.

They had done more than grown. They had joined together.

I got on my four hooves. As I moved, the vines and branches actually PARTED for me. I felt like someone I loved was releasing a long hug.

The plants had intertwined with each other everywhere, like lovers. Flowers of every color and nature bloomed even as I watched the vines and branches mingled with each other in something not unlike ecstasy. My floor was covered in dirt now, and my ceiling was broken away to the sky above. The two plants were so thick along the walls I almost wondered if they had replaced them.

Their vines had blocked the door in every conceivable fashion, but now began to unwind from it.

I slowly looked around in every direction. There were spots where I couldn't even tell where one plant ended and the other began. But it felt so... so right. The way their growths rushed into each other, it was like a loving couple making up for lost time.

And their leaves on me, their vines surrounding me...it felt like parents hugging their child who had finally come home.

It was... beautiful. So beautiful.

I blinked away tears. "Thank you... both you, for everything, thank you a thousand years over thank you. For everything. I promise to never forget you or neglect you. I promise you'll always be a part of me. And I promise, this world will be one you'll be happy to live in.

I leave behind Tragedy, Master's tool, I leave behind Sparkle, Discord's
toy, I am simply Twilight The Unicorn. I am me. I have magic to do and tragedies to face. I'm done hiding in the cage I've made for myself and those around me...I'm finally free. And I have some friends to make."

Pony POV Series
Dark World Part Six
By Alex Warlorn

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