• Published 9th Sep 2012
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Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Episode 120: ("Dark World" Alicorn Rising) HEALED WORLD

Pony POV Series Dark World Alicorn Ascension
Part 35
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
Healed World
By Alex Warlorn
Edited by Louis and Kendell2

It took a lot of convincing to get the world on our side. 'We beat Discord' wasn't enough in and of itself. Libra could have just said we were all forgiven and we would have been as a natural state of the universe, but Rainbow Dash wanted herself to have 'earn' it. Ugh! Did Rainbow forget everything we've been saying about forgiveness being given and not earned?

Libra had to explain to Rainbow Dash, then explain it again using a chalk board, that if Libra forgave herself (not as easy as it sounds) and the rest of us, that it was by definition the world forgiving us.

She was going to use sock puppets next when Luna stepped in and told us to stop confusing redemption with forgiveness, and to worry about the former and let those we'd harmed worry about giving the latter.

Personally, I think Libra was happy to see Rainbow wouldn't just smile and nod to Libra's every whim, showing the Rainbow Dash we all knew and loved.

If not for our other allies, it'd probably have taken a lot longer than it did for everyone to accept us. The Changelings were the first to agree, followed by the Diamond Dogs (thank you Guru Fido).

"Please...you have to believe us," Rainbow Dash pleaded. She'd INSISTED on being the one to say it. "I know we've caused a lot of death and pain...I know last time...last time I was here I killed someone...but I only did that because Discord told me he'd destroy Cloudsdale if I didn't...He lied to me, and I killed Storm Cracker for nothing...I now it doesn't make it right, but I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...that's all I can say...I'm not asking you to excuse the inexcusable, I'm . . . I just want you to know, we're not your enemies anymore. Please accept that I'm sorry."

The Hippogriffs honestly had no idea how to react to that. Or that fact Rainbow had started CRYING as she spoke. One of Discord's Chaos Six, had broken down crying tears of remorse right in front of them. None of them knew how to react.

"Big Banana Discord lied to you?" asked a small voice, the little hippogriff, Inquisition, peeking out from the crowd.

Rainbow couldn't bear to look at her. "Yeah...for the last thousand years...he lied so I'd think I was doing the right thing...I didn't think I have a choice."

"So he hurt you just like everybody else?"

"Yeah...I guess so," Rainbow said, looking up at the little Hippogriff, tears still clinging to her eyes.

The little hybrid looked her in those eyes. "...I believe you, Traitor Dash."

Rainbow cringed at the name, then smiled. "Actually, it's Rainbow Dash now."

Yes, before you ask, Apple Pie and Inquisition did hit it off fabulously when they actually met.

Queen Tiamat took the most convincing, since she required Libra to earn her respect as she had big sisters Celly and Lulu, and being a goddess as well we couldn't exactly say she didn't have the right to, her dragons were hers after all. But when the Mother of All Dragons spoke, her entire race listened. She and Bahamut also gave their blessings to the wedding of one of their children. I think Spike's heart skipped a beat when that happened, it's not every day your patron deities bless your wedding.


='Brand New Days' Personal 3: Answer=

Was it a beautiful marriage? With Rarity, oh, I mean my baby sister Libra as wedding planner, what do you think?

As her big sister, I was given the honor of being best mare. The rest of us were given the honor of being her brides' maids. During the fight for the boutique the flowers ended up landing on Derpy's head.

Yes, I felt like Spike was being stolen from me a little, but that was part of raising somedragon, you had to let them go eventually. Yes, Spike basically stood in for all who lived in the world, from Rainbow Dash to Apple Computer. I think it was Libra's gift to Spike. I was sad that I couldn't take my number one assistant with me, but now he was the number one husband to my sister, the mortal universe itself. He was my brother-in-law.

A decent trade-off.

The stars, the sun, the moon (with permission of their respective Alicorns), nature itself all contributed to presenting the most important day of Spike's life, and the formal recognition of Queen Libra, the Bride of All. Yes, that is now officially one of her titles.

All of Canterlot Castle Eden was used as part of the wedding ceremony.
Eden was quite happy to have such a momentous occasion take place inside her.

All the world was invited, thankfully we threw together a few illusion imagers so it could be seen worldwide instead of creating a chapel that could hold every sapient pony alive like Spike first suggested. Such a VAST ceremony it was.

Rarity chose Applejack to perform the ceremony. AJ replied that she wasn't qualified for that. Until Libra said She Was, and thus Applejack Was.

Remember, Libra is the mortal world, if she says something is, it is (as long it has to do with the mortal universe). Plain as that. Same way that YOU decide who YOU are. And no, she can't accidentally call somepony a pinhead and suddenly they'd have a pin for a head. My sister's a Concept, not a genie.

Now that AJ was recognized to be able to perform the ceremony AJ defended, "But-but Rarity, Ah-Ah," she finally got an idea, "I'm not uh, WORTHY!"

Libra grinned, "Oh but I think you are Saint Applejack."

Saint AJ blushed, and out of excuses, consented.

I'd like to get into the geopolitical system she established that was quite generous of a goddess to her mortal spouses who temporarily took up residence within her, and the checks and balances, but since becoming a Concept, I finally see how boring that is to everypony else. The wedding was more fun!

Little sister Libra's wedding dress was, of course, divine, a white dream that flowed and was alive as her. I'm sure it was based on a wedding dress Rarity had made during her days as a dressmaker in Ponyville.

In dragon tradition, Spike covered his scales in gems, functioning as his 'tuxedo' (eating none of them), making him look like walking treasure. Rarity made sure the pattern of the gems complimented her dress.

Libra told me personally she still had one thing she wanted: to eventually remake herself into a universe where everypony actively chose not to lie. Where the idea of lying had no reason to even exist! I wish her luck with that. If she can't be that universe, herself, maybe she can give birth to one that is.

Rarigreed spent a thousand years living a lie, Libra is sick of them. Foals are taught just how destructive and poisonous lies even for the best of intentions can be. After Discord's constant lies, loving parents support eagerly her. A truthful goddess offers them the trustworthiness they hope for.

The seaponies' story of what happened to Discord she begrudgingly accepted because it was true 'from a certain point of view.' And she's still best friends with Applejack who's still the Element of Deceit, who knows how much lies for Rarity have hurt her. Libra knows about AJ offering alternate lessons, and doesn't stop or discourage her. Apple Pie loves that contradiction.

So much happened that it would take me centuries to write it all down, and some of it did take centuries, but Libra had plenty of time. I can't give you all the details, since so much happened like I said, but I'll do my best to tell you the really important things!

The biggest thing happened BEFORE the wedding! No one of us saw it coming, and we were all surprised, a few shocked, some a little scandalized, but no one dared challenge her. Some ponies might have called it a cheat, but I don't think anypony alive cared. No more than a flower in the desert cares when it finally rains.

But this wasn't erasing mistakes. This was a wedding gift.

She was the Bride Of All, after all, and she needed to favor everyone a gift truly worthy OF a goddess. And as a gift, it would be a one-time thing, once and never again. Mortis and Father made sure she understood this. Frankly, I don't know what Libra said to Mortis to make him bend his most sacred law: 'you only live once.' I think Father might have consider it his dowry, and Mortis his wedding gift to his newborn sister.

Pragmatic outsiders who are following my story might call Rarity's wedding gift an act of purest insanity: a overpopulation nightmare-come-true. But if there was one thing Discord and all his minions excelled at, it was keeping the world population at a bare minimum. There was plenty of elbow room. Plus, you want to tell their loved ones those ponies don't deserve a second chance, pragmatic outsiders?

On a condition from Mortis, she could only asked those who had passed away after Discord's return, and only if their death related to Discord's evil.

To everypony else it looked like she took an instant to speak to all those waiting on the other side, in reality in the timeless spirit world her consciousness took as long as each needed.

Many had no reason to return...since all their loved ones were already with them. Others felt they had already accomplished what they had set out to do in life. Some felt they had earned their death, or simply wished to simple move on. The rest simply enjoyed Heaven too much.

Some had come from the bad place, and couldn't wait to come back, Havoc let them go without argument. He thought it would be interesting. The Draconequi started betting pool on how many would just find their way back into Their Father. Libra made sure they all came back at ages where they couldn't repeat their mistakes and were given to loving families.

Of course she just had to give her own personal touch to those who came back to life in a world now truly free of prejudice. So yep, the gem-eyed and the crystal herd walked Equestria again, only now they were crystal pegasus, crystal dragons, crystal griffins, crystal unicorns, crystal Virgacorns, and every other species out there. Libra found it poetic. Dinky wasn't the last unicorn after all. Rainbow Dash was gratified beyond description...particularly upon seeing her sparkling father again.

Learning that neither Pinkie Pie nor Fluttershy were returning brought us all to tears.

Libra told us they both had loved ones in the spirit world who needed them more than we did. We all sadly accepted that answer. But I'm sure they were still there, watching over us, celebrating with us, even if we couldn't see them.

Among our other lost loved ones who had elected to remain dead or had died of old age: Sweetie Belle, Rarity's parents, Saint Apple Bloom, her husband Lance and their foals, and King Big Macintosh.

Libra shed tears for each of her mortal family she hadn't shed when they died, doubly so for the little sister she'd never able to thank for saving her. AJ on the other hoof had shed her tears centuries ago and knew they were waiting for her.

Trixie...the Trixie of this timeline had died of old age, not because of any of Discord's magic. May she rest in peace. Her legacy lives on in her Element of Magic.

However, a little green filly with white hair wearing a red bonnet made an appearance. Personally I think it was Libra (and the filly's!) personal surprise joke gift, to Applejack. And I think Granny Smith, excuse me...ANNIE Smith...wanted to get back her place in the history book of Equestria's longest lived mortal pony. And yes, Applejack cried her heart out with tears of joy.

Minty Pie's parents...Minty Pie's parents...came back because they wanted to tell their baby girl the hero how proud they were of her with their own faces. Minty Pie broke down in tears of joy, sobbing.

And four foals greeted Apple Pie. Apple Pie returned Magica's horn almost numbly. Poison Apple moved first as she hugged her twin almost to death. Caster And Puella returned to their tearful parents praising their new goddess, as was Apple Pie. I don't blame them.

Apple Pie turned down being the flower girl for wedding of the goddess of mortal existence, and insisted she'd be allowed to share it with Magica, Poison Apple.

I didn't hesitate to give Trixie's Element of Magic to Magica. Being Magic itself, it would always be a part of me, anyway. I know Magica and her own friends will make fine heroes someday: watch out Grogar. Apple Pie would be getting the normal foalhood with her three friends and twin she and anypony deserves. The look of joy on her face as she tearfully hugged her friends and family is a memory I will cherish forever.

"What will you do now, Apple Pie?" I asked. "Where will you go from here?"

"Me?...Ah'm gonna keep helpin' ponies and makin' 'em smile! Just ya watch Half-Light!" I will.

Gilda had found the courage in death to swallow her pride to be with her best friend again. No I don't where which place she'd been. She's still rough around the edges. But I've seen far worse than her. And if all this has taught me anything, was that everypony deserved to be given a second chance, or a third, or a forth, as long as the chance for growth is real. Rainbow Dash had hugged her the moment she came back. and Gilda couldn't resist returning it.

There was one unicorn pony we all knew was coming. There had never been any doubt. But it still took us all off guard all the same. A gray unicorn colt, with a diamond (an image not an actual one) for a cutie mark, with blue eyes, and orange magic and a light blue mane. Flesh and blood. She hadn't brought him back as an immortal. He was also a foal. He was going to grow up, become a stallion, grow old, and die one day. In other words, he was alive.

Applejack and Tom Bell had spoken at length. The little foal still courteous and well spoken, but his naivety and inexperience was a lot more obvious now that he didn't have the stone body of a stallion. I may have arranged a play date between him and Magica.

Libra had promised to see her son again somehow, and this was how she kept that promise, simply because she had been Rarity at the time didn't now mean that promise had no weight to her.

Rainbow Dash had a complete and total break down meanwhile, crying her eyes out, shuddering and sobbing on the ground and on her back knees, when the filly she had killed in battle and who she had ignore the spirit of returning from death to try and save her, and who Rainbow in return had denied the her spirit at least three times...returned to her.


"It's me, Rainbow Dash!"

Scootaloo had been a mare who was beginning to have gray in her mane when she died. Now she was the filly who had driven Ponyville crazy with her two friends, except she still had her cutie mark.

"Scootaloo...I'm...I'm sorry..."

Rainbow was promptly shut up with a hug that she returned.

Scootaloo told me later: "Twilight, truth is, I liked being with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle but...Rainbow Dash I feel needs me more."

If this filly isn't the next Element of Loyalty I don't know who is.

The two had hugged, flown, laughed, cuddled, nuzzled, I don't think I've ever seen Rainbow Dash so happy. And she was more alive than she had been in a thousand years. Seeing the two of them fly in the sky, blue again after so long, felt so, right. Even Gilda backed off and let the two have their fun before eventually joining in.

There is one resurrected pony you can bet to Tartarus leapt at Libra's offer without a moment's worth of hesitation. The very first, in fact. Libra said she had practically trampled the Thestral who'd brought her. Stomp, smash, crash, splash straight into the River Styx. She sparkled in the perfect sunrise I think Celly might have provided. And I'm certain Luna provided the nightingales. I provided the camcorder.

What more is there to say?

=Chronicles Of Narnia 'There's A Place For Us'=

"Is she real?"

"MOTHER! I AM REAL!" Sparkler didn't hesitate to hug her mother, showing her that she was no spirit, no illusion, no performance, she kissed her mother again and again not ceasing her hug, her horn glowing, sending sparkles in every direction.

Derpy Hooves hugged her, and wrapped her wings around her, and the wind blew, the air sounding like the world's most serene and warm flutes playing. Derpy hugged her and wouldn't let go.


"MOM! It's alright! I forgive you . . . I forgive you...cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a . . . stick a cupcake in my eye, I forgive you. I'm so proud of you."

Derpy broke down crying. "So I'm not a bad mother?"

"Don't compare yourself to that mare, mom. You're free. You...you're my mother."

And a short while later: "Dinky...mommy kept her promise."



I swear there are not enough 'very's' ever written to describe how bursting with joy that little gray unicorn's heart was when she laid eyes on her big sister. I even had Eremios check, there weren't.

For the first time in a thousand years, the Hooves were back together like they belonged. Venus must be working overtime with all the hugs and kisses going around.

Derpy and her family were given the 'retirement' they wanted. They had done their fair share and Derpy was determined to open up a bakery and reestablish the global mail system. I honestly don't doubt she can do both, her determination is legendary. If Derpy puts her mind to do something, she's going to do it. She wasn't regarded as the mentally retarded mare she'd been seen as a thousand years ago, she was seen as the hero she'd always been. She didn't let it go to her head, but I can't say she wasn't happy to be seen for who she really was.

The Doctor? He grew up and lived a happy life for once, as is the reward for any other-world hero who's spent their lives protecting good who finds themselves reborn in Equestria.

He emerged on Derpy's doorstep besides his TARDIS as an adult ginger pegasus in his early thirties. His adoptive parents -- a loving pair of schoolteachers -- had raised him believing he was a normal non-Time Lord pony...and he does not recognize the TARDIS for what it was. From what I understand, the big blue box is housed in Derpy's basement. All the usual suspects in his rogues' gallery -- the Daleks, the Weeping Alicorns, and more -- were all too busy in a monumental war with the evolved Cyberponies (who no longer practiced unwilling or forceful conversion and were now destine to be the final proof of the goodness in sentient-life) to endanger innocent planets.

And Libra sent one of her Avatars to inform the Weeping Alicorns (the ones not wiped out by being poisoned by Nightmare Eclipse's massive amount of paradoxes), that as the goddess of the mortal world she was EVERYWHERE . . . none of them have moved a millimeter since. As for the Daleks, Libra has decided inserting Equestrian DNA into them to give them a full range of emotions will either makes them become not so evil, or make them blow themselves up. This led to a LONG talk with Strife over spheres of authority, and made a truce to keep OTHER species' wars away from Equestria.

Derpy said she was often tempted to have him look inside the fob watch which would restore his Time Lord nature...but always decided against it, saying he ought to enjoy at least ONE life where he allowed himself to set down roots and experience the peace, stability, and comfort of family life. She reluctantly said it also reminded her too much of Nightmare Eclipse if she didn't accept this Doctor as a person too.

Derpy and The Doctor, or rather Time Turner, are quite happy together, as husband and wife. He makes a wonderful father to Sparkler and Dinky, and their new child.

I think out of us six, Derpy was the one who got what she wanted the most. Her babies were back with her, and she would get to see them grow up and live their lives. She had endured for a thousand years, and finally, she had what she had endured for. If anypony has truly earned their happy ending, it's her. I wish her, Time Turner, Dinky, Sparkler, and Sapphire health and happiness for all time, and may fate be kind.


You're wondering about Discord's victims? The ones he mutated and changed?

As it turns out, many have stayed the way they are of their own free will (which RD made sure they had). As it turned out, during his time away from us with Fluttercruel whenever Paradox was busy elsewhere, his chaos magic had almost become helpful. A large number had actually found happiness through their changes rather than in spite of them.

The dragons who had been ponies showed no interest in rejoining the herd, and on the other hoof Queen Libra made it clear she wouldn't be doing any species changes except on the condition of loved ones being together and ONLY during the transition period of Second Reign Of Chaos to New Equestria.

The curse on Sky Ocean is gone, and won't mutate ponies who enter it, and the breezies are only reproducing the old-fashioned way. They're still finding their place in the world, but Queen Libra's promised to help them.

The hydrokinesis Discord taught the seaponies just before he died is now regarded by them to be the last gift of their creator. And it does enable them to go about. Sky Ocean is still there, even though the other oceans are no longer jelly one day and sewing needles the next. It's become a part of life for the seaponies. Just like they have become a part of life in Equestria. Besides, Sky Ocean is still beautiful at night, I don't think Luna would LET it be put on the ground.

Most were surprised that instead of nice sounding and ugly, seaponies were beautiful. Now that the 'surface was safe', the seaponies wanted to see it all, in particular one sea-filly named Waterflower.

Seaponies were told Discord was enslaved by an evil spirit and sacrificed himself to banish it, at the same time telling his Elements of Chaos vital knowledge to help them defeat the Alicorn Witch who had sought to destroy the world (it took some convincing to get them to accept myself, Celly, Lulu, and Libra were GOOD Alicorns, but Celly's view of Discord and their innate innocence made it easier). For the Discord they had loved, and the Discord we had caught a glimpse of, this was factually correct. And most ponies that tried had difficulty convincing them otherwise.

The seaponies actually held a funeral in Sky Ocean for their fallen master. Queen Libra allowed them, and made sure none disrupted it. Only those who attended knew the when and where, she didn't even tell the other Elements. Also in attendance were Golden Tiara and Diamond Tiara. There was something wrong in seeing the manically-happy mother and child sobbing at the death of their master.

The seaponies' sorrowful song at the loss of who they saw as their creator was as haunting as it was pain filled. With all of Sky Ocean singing, only the strongest willed didn't break down in tears with them.

Scootaloo and the pink filly, Diamond Tiara, had little to say to each other. It wasn't about the schoolyard grudges from a thousand years ago...but because Diamond Tiara had been Discord's creature, and Scootaloo, a champion of the rebellion. The amazing thing was, when it was Diamond Tiara who tried to make friends with the orange filly. Whether they ultimately make up, I don't know, that's their choice to make.

The amazon mares who all look like Shady are an interesting case. The universe had gotten a lot larger for them. Libra for her part kept them protected like they should be. They were told that their creator was no more, and share much the same story that the seaponies do, and for them, I think that is the truth, because that is how the Discord they knew died.

Golden Tiara and Diamond Tiara chose to continue to live as Earth Ponies. The two's loyalty to Discord was real, even if their sanity had been restored. The maid squad (opposed to being dirt maids), while remaining loyal to secondary rulers, are now in the service of Queen Libra at New Canterlot Castle Eden, under direct supervision of Eden, since it was her body they were cleaning.

The purple ponies aren't really the targets of revenge, since Discord hadn't let them out to cause misery in centuries, they're myths and rumors at best. Knowing the Discord I now know, I wonder if he planned it that way.

Both now work in New Canterlot Castle. Even though Rainbow Dash said Libra was crazy for letting two of Discord's minions to work for her, Libra calmly pointed out that that would be rather hypocritical given the help she was giving Discord CHIEF minions to get on with their lives.

"We rebelled! They didn't!"

"They were sick, Rainbow Dash, now they are well. They are allowed to live as they wish. And their father and husband is still waiting for them in the afterlife. They only asked for me to remove their immortality so they can live out their lives."

"Well, I'm still going to watch them. I'm through with awful surprises biting us in the butt."

"Nice to meet you new friend!" Golden Tiara came up behind RD and lovingly hugged her.


Libra also had a very special surprise gift for Applejack she gave before the wedding.


"Yeah Rarity?"

"I have something for you."

"Oh? What?"

"The time we 'played' in my fake Gala when I was insane. Were you happy?"

"...Not in the least. It was like sand paper. At fist. Then Ah got used it, ya know, numb? Then Ah realized, Ah liked it. Ah felt like Ah was stabbin' mah cutie mark, myself, and my family all in the back that Ah could actually LIKE bein' a lady. It scared me. Almost as bad when Discord made me reject Honesty. But, our time together. It made me almost feel like the world was sane again. I just just pretend for a few hours with your golems that everything was alright, a pretty lie to myself Ah could live in."

"And then?"

"Then sometimes, when the weight got too much, as the centuries went on, as Ah got more pressured, Ah felt like Ah was escapin' to ya after we were done with Discord's errands. Like meanin' one thing an' sayin' another was okay there, it wasn't somethin' horrible Ah was carrying for everypony else. Kinda silly huh? By the end there, Ah think bein' with ya in yer crazy game was about the only thing keepin' me sane, and...Ah was actin' like 'mahself' just so RD wouldn't lose hope. It would've of killed her, no way in Tartarus could Ah do that ta her. Not when she had a shred of Rainbow Dash still in 'er."

"And when you destroyed my fantasy?"

"Yer a friend, the time for pretend was over. Ya were dead inside, and Ah could finally bring ya back to life."

"Did you feel anything else?"

"...Maybe, that suddenly, with yer Gala over, Ah was the one stuck pretendin'."

"By My Command: Abigail Jacqueline The Fifth of the Fifth Line. In your heart be who you WISH to be, not who you feel OBLIGED to be."

"My lady, I don't understand, what do you mean by-" Abigail put her hooves to her mouth, "-Rarity?"

It wasn't the pure Manehattenite accent she'd expected nor AJ's original country accent. She nuzzled the earthpony, "Only what was already there. Applejack, you're free."

"But, but dear Rarity, I wish, I mean Ah dang wish-"

"You've been forcing that accent for a hundred years Applejack, you're more than your choice in dialect. This is who you want to be in your heart, not who I think you should be."

"...this is who I want to be. But I don't wish to create a rift between me and my beloved family because we're from opposing worlds." A hundred years ago, when AJ had finally appreciated the beauty of words.

"They love you for what you do Applejack, not your dirty appearance or lack-of manners. And they'd never ask you to bury your heart for their sake."

"I don't wish them to think the Applejack they love is a lie. Like the Applejack in your gala for the first few centuries was a lie."

Libra nodded. "I understand, it's not an easy choice to make." She levitated a dress onto a chair nearby. "I'll leave this here in case you want it. The custom cowpony saddle I made for you is in other other box." Libra then left her friend to continue her preparations.

Abigail looked at the dress thoughtfully.


"Yes, Applejack?"

Abigail made a beautiful flourished twirl to face her friend. "Thank you for the dress, but I think I would prefer one of your darling custom made ones if you do not mind," she said with a smile.

Becoming a Concept, hadn't robbed Libra of her talent as a dress maker.

Applejack's mane and tail were no longer a mess and her hooves were no longer chipped or rough. Her coat was brushed and cleaned.

Applejack wore a dress, and she didn't feel ashamed or restricted. She felt, peaceful, like she could finally let her guard down. She no longer needed to lie.

She looked at herself in a mirror. Was that really her? Yes, it was her, maybe the her that had been growing inside the shell these thousand years. She wasn't the AJ from a thousand years ago, and she no longer needed to pretend to be.

Libra hadn't physically change her one bit, this beauty had always been Applejack's if she had wanted it. I think she might have been more beautiful than Rarity the unicorn had been.

"My dearest friend Rarity," She turned gracefully and bowed, "I thank you. I accept this most wonderful gift."

"I told you we'd continue our conversation later."

"Yes you did Mi'Lady Rarity. I am proud to see you are still a mare of your word."

She nuzzled her, and Abigail nuzzled back, "And I always will be."

Applejack (as she still let her friends call her), was a shining star at the ceremony as she wed Libra and Spike. And turned more than a few heads.

Yes, she still wears her hat, that hat is a symbol of love for her family, there was no way in Tartarus she was going to give that up. Took forever to repair from the last battle, being ashes and all. It's a bit of a contrast with the dresses she now happily wears, but compared to Discord, ponies are more than willing to accept such things.

After the celebration she'd spent most of her time at Sweet Rock Acres, but regularly attended parties in Canterlot, even taught at a school for Earth Pony magic. Yes, it stayed Sweet Rock Acres, but Applejack and Apple Smith did help them expand what they knew how to grow.

Luna and Celly were formally adopted by Libra. They still have a lot of growing to catch up on. Luna smolders under it a bit -- a grown-up trapped in a child's body, with her youngest sister as queen and stepmother -- but she's grown to enjoy it. I think. Both of them look after Celly, who has been regaining her magic and knowledge from the ground up, and is quite enjoying the company of her little brother Tom. Luna says that if given a choice, that maybe it's about time Celly gets to have a foalhood that didn't have tragedy in it. I agree with her.

However, Lulu did get something she was quite joyous about; the Windy-gos who, being sentient descendants of her other two Windigos, gave her the admiration and respect she'd always wanted. It helped that they were so tiny even as a filly she was bigger than them.

Oh! Speaking of which, Philomena arrived, having spent her time with the Changelings after I freed her until she heard of Discord's defeat. Celly was ecstatic as can be expected from a filly who's beloved pet had returned. She loved that firebird. Even after thousand years as a clay pot, Philomena let Celly to remember Dissy as she wished, to make her mistress happy.

Spike? You need to ask? He's never left Libra's side. Lady Abigail and Dame Rainbow Dash, have remained the senior Elements of Kindness and Loyalty, and serve their goddess well.

They still called us 'Rarity' and 'Twilight', and we didn't mind it. We may have gotten new wings and responsibilities, but we were still their friends. They didn't see it as serving a goddess so much as helping their friend protect the world they loved.

Rainbow Dash and Gilda believe or not have gotten into Daring Do books (after Scootaloo introduced Rainbow Dash to them). And Abigail I think, is finally able to live life again, instead of trying to rush through it to the end at last. I'm happy for her.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo capped off the wedding celebration with a double Sonic Rainboom amid the fireworks display. I think the pride they both felt in that moment was beyond measure. They decided to restart the Wonderbolts together (Scootaloo may have had the body of a filly, but she still had her flying skills), Rainbow asking Gilda to join them first thing. I don't think I've ever seen that Griffin so touched, but Rainbow saw she had talent. Rainbow asked Derpy if she wanted to join them once the mail system and muffin shop were going well. Derpy didn't decline, just ask for time to think about it. I think a part of her enjoyed being seen for who she was and what she could really do and the idea appealed to her. Inquisition instantly declared herself their biggest fan.

Have I forgotten anyone? Oh? Me? I didn't really stay that long. I shouldn't have, and I couldn't, I wasn't lying to Rarity when I said felt what I was feeling would have driven me insane if I tried to ignore them. I wonder how Super Stallion deals with all the cries for help he hears.

But there is one detail I think I neglected to mention. And a cookie for you if you managed to figure it out. I'll finish with what happened was way back at the beginning of the healed world.

Our meeting was barely a minute after Libra declared all ponies 'free' and put our constellations in the sky. But it wasn't that which triggered what their change. They had already been freed. They were restored at the same time they saved me from myself and my own grudges. I'm just happy they had the courage to face up to me.

I am such a stupid egghead pony, I should have seen it coming. If Dinky could be turned back from a non-living muffin, why was I thick enough to think they couldn't be as well?

They weren't in my bedroom. They had grown all over the castle, if I hadn't hit them with the Elements, they'd have likely grown over the planet eventually restoring it's natural beauty whether Libra had done the job or not.

I sensed a presence and excused myself with barely a 'Good-bye.' I think my friends all believed I was going on my journey.

I found them in the art gallery. Healthy and alive. Sane and on four hooves. They stumbled clumsy on their legs, and it had been a thousand years since they had spoken. But had had each other to practice with while we were distracted with our socializing above. I was ashamed I hadn't felt them sooner.

A pair of unicorns. A blue stallion with yellow eyes and a crescent moon inside another crescent moon. And a grayish light lavender mare with a stripped white and violet mane and blue eyes. Her cutie mark was three purple five point stars.

They looked up at me awe. Their eyes watered. Oh no. Please no. They stared at me in awe. No no no. Please! Don't be...don't be scared of me. I didn't mean for my magic to go wild...I didn't mean to hurt you...I love you...I really love you...I...eh? They're...they're...

"Twilight my filly, is this really you?"

They're hugging me.

"YES--! YES IT IS! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I knelt down and lower her head so I could nuzzle them, I spread my wings out then folded them around the two of them.

Moonshine 'Moonlight' Sparkle, my father.
Starlight Sparkle, my mother.

I can't remember being so happy in my life.

"Twilight," Dad said, "You've gotten big."

"I've...I've had a lot of growing."

"I know," he replied, "We've seen you grow quite a bit."

"Thank you, for saving me, twice."

"You're welcome dear," Mom whispered, "what are parents for?"

I stood before my parents in New Canterlot Castle, still their child.

=Rhapsody A Musical Adventure, "Thank You"=

"Thank you, everypony, for being there from the start.
We've been on this journey for so very long
I'd be so alone
Without all of you
No matter what, our bonds will last forever
My freedom you have won
We have shared the laughter and tears.
We faced all our fears
I must say good-bye just for now till we meet again."
I stood atop the tower of Dream Castle, we had come so close to losing everything to the Smooze, but we were still here with new friends.

"Thank you, my friends. Thank you over and over.
It's hard to believe how this journey begun.
I wish wish wish that I never had to say good-bye
But I have to go now for quite awhile."

I made one last pirouette and bowed before the audience, my big sister Meadowlark in the front row along with Starlight and all my friends.

"Thank you, my family, with all of my heart.
You've shown me more than I can believe
Thank you for staying with me time after time
Never once did you leave me behind"
The christmas tree in Ponyville square was beautiful, more so for Little Princess Rarity being the first time she and Star-Catcher have seen one, it was wonderful to share and spread the christmas cheer. It really was a minty christmas!

Thank you, everyone, for now we have to say good-bye
But don't worry, I'm only going away for awhile
We've been together from the very start.
Thanks for giving me a reason to believe.

"Thank you all for believing in me.
You help me find the courage to see.
You help me find the courage to be me."
All of my soul sang.

I won't tell you how long I stayed with my parents: a minute, a day, a year, eight-decades. Being with them was the only paradise I wanted after everything we had endured. But...I finally understood what Abbatissa meant. And what I should have understood from the beginning. For the power and right to change the world, I had given up my eternal rest. I had given up any right to be with them as long as I wanted. Respites would be all I'd ever have.

In that moment, I might have given it all back if I could have, but I couldn't, this wasn't some road I could just turn around on. I was the road.

When the time came, I kissed them both on the forehead, and tell them both just how much I truly and completely loved them.

"Twilight, you've made us, very very proud of you," Dad said.

"Thank you Papa."

"Don't forget us dear."

"I promise I never will Mama."

There was one other soul brought back to the world of the living I think you'd like to know about. Smarty Pants' couple days as a living person during the reign of Discord made her a victim as much as any other. And she wasn't overlooked. My parents adopted her as their second child. I am proud to have her as Twilight Sparkle's little sister.

= Pony The Unknown Instrumental =

"Keep...keep your head on straight, okay?" Spike asked me, tears in his giant eyes and huge voice cracking. "I'm...I'm not going to be there to make sure..."

"I will, Spike, I promise," I said, kissing him on the forehead too, and getting a huge hug in return.

I came to Derpy next. "T-Twilight...won't bridget puss...won't beget muss...wo-"

I hugged Derpy. "I won't forget you...I won't forget any of you, I promise."

Rainbow Dash started crying when I went to her. "It's...it's not fair...we finally...we finally won...now...now I have to lose you too..."

I nuzzled her. "No, you aren't losing me...I'm magic...I'll always be with you...with everypony...and every time you get to another happy ending? I'll be celebrating right there with you..."

She just hugged me rather tight and I let her cry herself out on my shoulder.

Applejack just smiled sadly. "Just tell my beautiful sister Apple Bloom I spoke my greetings and love to her, please?"

I nodded and kissed her forehead. "I will, I promise."

Celly simply ran up and hugged me. "Tell Papa that Lulu and I said we love 'Em!"

I giggled and smiled back. "I will...see you later, sis."

Minty Pie hugged me next. This time there were no flashes of other worlds, just two friends hugging. Both of us where complete. There was nothing left for us to say to each other. If there was any beings who perfectly understood each other, it was us.

"See you soon," Libra whispered.

"See you soon too," I whispered back.

Magica was next, I think me and Apple Pie both where putting it off. "Magica...I know you'll be a great Element of Magic..." I told my Champion.

She nodded. "I hope I am...Thanks for watching over Apple Pie while I was gone."

I gave her a smile and put my horn on one shoulder, then the other, then touched it to her head before giving her a kiss. "I'll never let a friend down if I can help it. And I know neither will you."

And finally, the moment I'd been dreading...

Apple Pie broke down crying when her turn came. "...I'm sorry Apple Pie...but I can't stay...I-"

"Ah...Ah know..." the filly said, looking up at me. "Ah know sometimes...sometimes the hero has tah go once their job is finished...But Ah'll miss yah, Halflight," she said, tears running down her face. "Miss Rainbow's right! It's not fair!"

"Life's not fair, to show we are. I'll miss you too...I'll never forget you..." I told her, kissing her lightly on the cheek. I think I had tears in my eyes too. "Even in the darkest of times..."

"Yah gotta find somethin' ta smile about," and smile she did.

I stepped back away from them and my horn glowed brightly. Reality gently opened, revealing the realm of My Parents. Celly and Lulu both felt a wave a belonging. Everyone couldn't help but smile. And they knew they mattered, that they had a reason to be, that someone cared.

"Goodbye, I'll never forget any of you..." I said, them waving, Apple Pie, Rainbow, Spike, all of them crying...and I cried too. "Farewell..."


More awaited me on the other side. Pinkie Pie insisted she and her foals throw me a going away party.

Fluttershy simply nuzzled me. It was Fluttercruel who surprised me the most.

The little half draconequus lowered her head. "Aunt Twilight...I'm sorry..."

I gently nuzzled her. "I forgive you...forgiveness is not earned, it's given."

She still had a long way to go, but she at least could admit she'd done wrong and that was a start.

I was surprised to find Shady there, "I have thank you, Nightmare, no, Amicitia. You are the reason my son is well again."

"That isn't what I intended at the time."

"All the same, if not for you, my son would still be sick, thank you."

I bowed to her. "You're welcome."

I didn't dare stay a moment more than I had to. There things I wanted over with rather than loom over me. I had much to do. But first,


"I really need to talk with Ox-Head and Horse-Face," Anarchy said, watching me walk into the torture chamber/mini-universe.

"There's nothing wrong with your security, I'm on the visitors' list," I said politely.

"Huh? Let me check," Anarchy took a clipboard out of nowhere, "Well whaddya know."

I nodded, looking over at Discord, who I could tell was trying to avoid looking at me. "...Mind taking a time out?"

Anarchy shrugged, "Don't have to ask me twice Miss-Kick-Your-Own-Flanks." Anarchy began playing his ChaosBoy 5D.

Discord didn't react to his congo lines of deaths stopping.

I approached the younger Draconequus slowly. There was no telling how he was going to react. I KNEW he'd changed but...

"...I'm sorry."

And I still didn't see that coming. "Huh?"

Discord turned and looked to me. "I said 'I'm sorry', don't make me repeat it a third time, I HATE repetition...Sorry I'm not very good at this. After I sold my conscience I never imagined I'd grow a new one."

What the buck? "You're apologizing to ME? After EVERYTHING I did?"

Discord sighed, looking down. "I sincerely wish you wouldn't say you're the same pony as that witch. I'm surprised you didn't...didn't do to her what I did to Dissy..."

"I am Nightmare Eclipse." I looked down. "...I'd be lying to say a part of me didn't want to do...that to her...But I didn't, Paradox is a part of me...her sins are mine. Including the sins I committed against you."

"Stop. Just stop. Let 'Master' get his two cents in."

I stopped talking.

He stood up and looked me in the eye. I didn't fear Discording.

"This whole mess started because of me..." An emotion that I'd once never have imagined to be possible appeared on his face; guilt. "Yes, Nightmare Paradox...you took it too far. I'm STILL surprised that Rancor actually liked that maniac."

"What can I say? I like revenge!" called Rancor from...somewhere in the realm.

"But it never would've happened if I hadn't been such a monster," the Draconequus said, sitting down, I sat down next to him.

"I've had a long time to think...On Paradise Estate...I was happy...And I threw it all away. I COULD have merged with Dissy and lived happily ever after with my immortal friends and loved ones...and I threw it away..." he said with a sorrow that couldn't be faked. The torture chamber's backwall fell away and he looked down into Entropy's Ocean of Chaos. "I had THOUSANDS of years of peaceful meditation to think it over...I lied to myself saying I couldn't think of changing my ways. I COULD have broken out and fell on my hands and knees begging Celly to forgive me...Instead I started this horror show. So yes, I'm apologizing to you, because the Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Tragedy, who started it all wasn't trapped in MY Hell, she's was trapped in hers because of me..."

We sat silent for a bit. Is Entropy's realm not the most quiet place? Have to give it that. At least it's the most peaceful spot in creation.

"...That's true...But that doesn't mean I don't have my fair share of things to apologize for," I replied. "I was a WORSE monster than you ever were. You may have deserved to be punished, but by the time it ended, you'd been paid in full several thousand cycles ago...I'm sorry."

Discord actually chuckled. "So, we starting a club for reformed monsters? Fluttercruel can join when she's healed."

I chuckled...which died quickly. "...I'm sorry I put you through losing her so many times...NO ONE deserves to experience that kind of loss."

"I'm sorry for being the reason you lost your friends so many times...You have a list, don't you?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

"Of things you came here to apologize for?"

"Uh...what makes you say that?" I asked, trying to shove the scroll back into the pocket dimension I'd pulled it out and out of sight. "...You have one too?"

"Why would I?"

"Because I wouldn't expect that."

Discord chuckled and took out a small list before unrolling it...it promptly vanished from existence upon touching the Ocean of Chaos several THOUSAND miles below. We both watched blinking. "Well...I didn't think that through."

We both actually shared a laugh at that. "...Look...lets just both say we're sorry for putting each other through Tartarus, okay?"

Discord chuckled, giving a small nod. "Sure...But I suppose the question is, are we going to forgive each other?"

I didn't have to think for a second. "Forgiveness isn't earned, it's given."

"Oy! You love saying that more than 'friendship is magic' now. Words of wisdom are like jokes, don't wear them out." Discord smirked. "...I think if there's one thing we can both agree on, it's that Apple Pie is an amazing filly...I wish I'd gotten to know her this last cycle. She was great to have as a friend that time I crowned her Queen Of the Chaos World one cycle."

I put a hoof on his shoulder. "There will be plenty of time for be her friend again, we have eternity after all. And I don't think Father will mind letting you talk with her."

He nodded. "I suppose so..."

I looked down, thinking of all I'd done to him...how low I'd crushed him. I had to ask. "So...what next? Once your punishment is up?"

He gave a sign. "I honestly haven't given it much thought. There's an alternate me who made a turn around, but I don't exactly have his options...All I've done for as long as I can remember is make ponies suffer...now I don't know what to do."

"...Your Sea Ponies are beautiful. Not how they were made...but the species has always been the one thing you made I considered beautiful... I think even somewhere, deep down inside, Paradox did, that's why she STOPPED forcing you to destroy Sky Ocean."

Discord chuckled. "Yeah...wish I'd could have made them from nothing instead of sentient beings, not that a Draconequus can HAVE that power, but...I've always thought they were beautiful too...didn't care for them till later, but at first..."

"...I think they're so beautiful because no two are alike...they're like snowflakes...diverse."

Discord nodded. "Yeah..."

"And what is diversity a part of?"

Discord blinked, looking at me. "...Chaos...You're getting good at your Concept...Hmm, me? Diversity?...Haha! Ironic, isn't it? I like it!...But I'm not changing my name..." Discord mock pouted and stuck up his nose, "It's my name, it's mine, and I'm gonna keep it!"

I give a smile and hold out a hoof. He takes it and-

"AHH!" I yell and stagger back. He shows the joybuzzer in his eagle claw. I can't help but laugh. "...By the way, there was someone else who wanted to see you."

Discord blinked. "Who would that be?"


Discord turned, looking into the eyes of an earth pony with a sunglasses Cutie Mark. She smiled back to him. "I'm so proud of you."

For the first time I can remember, I saw tears of joy in Discord's eyes as he hugged his mortal mother.

Discord's billion plus horrible deaths resumed a little while later and I left, Shady's soul returning to Father. At least Discord had someone dear waiting for him when his punishment is over, and according to Razzaroo's warning, I had one final fight to face. 'The enemy who would cause me more pain than any other.' But at least I knew I had one more friend I could always count on, and who had found his own happy ending, like I had helped all of my friends. And that was a happiness that could never be taken from them or me. They were free, and so was I.

Author's Note:

Cover art by Kendell2

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