• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 154: Meeting The Grand Pear

Aside from the occasional letter, Shining Armor mostly remained out of touch as the weeks passed and Summer drew closer. By now, word had already started to seep out about the planned Friendship Festival in Canterlot, and with newcomer Songbird Serenade touted as the headlining attraction it was all anypony could think about.

Well, almost anypony. A few ponies had more pressing concerns to deal with. Namely the Apples, who had an unexpected secret about their family's history exposed. And not in the way they would've liked.

It all started one seemingly normal day, when an elderly earth pony stallion by the name of Grand Pear showed up in Ponyville. The news of his arrival did not sit well with Granny Smith, she was heard to mumble about "Prickly Pear" but refused to elaborate on anything else.

Although it nagged at him, Big Mac didn't dwell on the issue for too long. He had his chores to do, and a visit from Cheerilee that he'd originally intended to be for him to formally disclose their relationship to his family. But now, with Granny Smith in such a sour mood, that seemed unlikely to happen.

Cheerilee was not deterred though, she still came 'round right as Big Mac bucking the last of the apples from the trees. She cheerfully called out to him, attracting the stallion's attention.

"Hey there, Cheerilee," Big Mac greeted in his usual manner of speaking. "I know why you're here. But you've come at a bad time. Granny Smith ain't in the mood for company today."

"It's because of that Grand Pear, isn't it?" Cheerilee guessed, to which Big Mac nodded. "I thought so. I've heard tales about how Sweet Apple Acres used to not be the only farm here in Ponyville. And some ponies have mentioned something about a feud that drove Grand Pear to leave here and settle in Vanhouver for so long."

Big Mac sighed in frustration, hanging his head. "I reckon ya heard right. That's about as much as Granny Smith's ever been willin' to mention 'bout the Pears. Whenever Applejack or I try to press for more information, she just gets so frustrated and refuses to explain."

"But what about your parents?" Cheerilee pondered. "You were their oldest child, and they must have known something."

"They only said they'd tell me when I was older," Big Mac replied with a shake of his head. "Truth be told, I don't think they really wanted to explain. Ma in particular seemed to get real upset about it."

Although a part of her told the mare she shouldn't ask, Cheerilee pryed. "What were they like? Your parents, I mean."

Responding to his mare friend's question, Big Macintosh presented her with a photo depicting a rather tall earth pony stallion with a coat and mane and tail the same color as Apple Bloom, and wearing a stetson like the one Applejack wore. And an earth pony mare with a curly orange mane and tail, and a lighter orange coat. The stallion had green eyes, and a cutie mark depicting half a green apple with a star in the center. And the mare had blueish-green eyes, and a cutie mark depicting a jar whose contents couldn't be made out.

"Their names were Bright Macintosh and Buttercup," Big Mac explained to Cheerilee. "They really loved each other, and I mean it. Almost never saw 'em fight in my whole life time. Pa, he was super strong like me, but he had a big heart. Always believed in doin' an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. And Ma, she was a talented singer, but she helped out around the house and even in the fields. She had a knack for knowin' what ponies needed to do with their lives."

"They must've been quite the couple," Cheerilee commented and tried to keep a straight face. "It's a shame I never got to meet them."

Big Mac nodded. "Yeah, but my family and I, we made peace with their abrupt end long ago. Not a day goes by where we don't miss 'em though. But we know they're watchin' over us from up above."

"Sorry if I touched a nerve. I didn't mean to dig up old wounds. I was never really sure how best to approach the subject." Cheerilee apologized.

Big Mac just shook his head. "It's alright, it's a discussion worth havin'."

"Well... this may not be the best time to bring it up," Cheerilee nervously began. "But when I learned about Grand Pear and the feud between the Apples and the Pears, I did some research and...." The mare trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

Big Mac spun around, suddenly intrigued. "You know somethin' 'bout what went down, and why Granny Smith never talks about it?" He asked his marefriend.

A gulp escaped the teacher's lips. "Yes, but you may not like what you find out. Let's just say, your mother had a secret that she took to her grave. Not an earth shattering one, but still a big one."

"What?!" Big Mac gasped, recoiling in shock.

"I thought you'd say that," Cheerilee hung her head in shame. "If you're interested, the information's at town hall. And Mayor Mare can fill you in on the rest. If you'd rather not know though, that's fine. Just forget I said anything."

But Big Mac, with a firey determination in his eyes, declared to Cheerilee. "We're goin' down to town hall this instant. I need to know the truth. Whatever it is, I'll have to deal with it."

The tall stallion made a mad dash for town hall, millions of questions buzzed in his head about the secret. What could it be? Why had nopony told him about it for all these years? And most importantly, what about it was tied to Granny Smith's refusal to talk about the Pears?

When he arrived at town hall and entered to the back where the birth, marriage, and death certificates were kept, Big Mac was surprised to find not just Mayor Mare but also two very familiar ponies waiting for him: Mrs. Cake and Burnt Oak. He knew the latter had been a close friend of his father when they were colts and had plenty of stories to share in that regard. But what Mrs. Cake had to do with his parents, he hadn't the slightest idea.

"Ah, Big Mac, and Cheerilee too," Mrs. Cake greeted. "My, what a lovely surprise."

"I take it you knew somethin' 'bout my parents? Somethin' I never knew before?" Big Mac questioned the plump baker.

Mrs. Cake nodded and flashed a bright smile. "Did your mother ever tell you that it was because of me that I got my cutie mark?" When Big Mac shook his head, the mare explained. "Well, I wasn't always Cup Cake. In fact, my first name wasn't always was Cup. I used to be called Chiffon Swirl, and for the longest time I had no idea what my calling in life might be. But then one day, as if she knew what I was meant to do with my life, your mom brought over some pears, eggs, sugar, flour, and just told me to be creative. And the next thing I knew, I was making all kinds of pear flavored treats, and I got my cutie mark!" She was quick to add. "After that, your mom and I were the best of friends. She helped me start up my baking business, and always supported me. So, when I learned she'd changed her name to Buttercup, I decided to change my name to Cup to support her. Cup Cake rolled off the tongue better than Chiffon Cake anyway."

"Wait a minute!" Big Mac exclaimed as his mouth dropped open, and his eyes widened. "My mother's real name wasn't Buttercup?!"

"Indeed it wasn't. I should know, I was the one who helped guide her through the name change process," Mayor Mare proclaimed, trotting up on the scene. "I have the certificate right here to prove it. And I've also marked your mom's birth certificate, if you want to know what her birth name was."

Big Mac reluctantly obliged the mayor's request, pulling out the designated piece of paper and scanning it carefully. When he'd finished reading it, it nearly dropped from his hooves. The name printed on the birth certificate, was not for Buttercup but for one Pear Butter. And in the photo attached to the certificate, the young Buttercup was cradled in the hooves of a light amber coated stallion with a green scarf around his neck. He had stern brown eyes that seemed to melt for the foal in his hooves alone, a mane and tail two shades of moderate orange with a few yellowish gray locks showing in the curls, and a cutie mark depicting a green pear.

"It... it can't be!" Big Mac stuttered. "M-my mom was a... a... Pear! The daughter of Grand Pear! But... h-how can that be so?!"

"Bright Mac almost never called Pear Butter by her real name. He always called her Buttercup, said it was 'cause the first time he met her, she reminded him of buttercups and how if you hold one under your chin, they're supposed to make your chin glow," Burnt Oak explained to Big Mac. "He was practically head over heals for her, and they'd often meet in secret just to talk to each other. Buttercup was also the only one who could ever get Bright Mac distracted and cause him to lose control. Heck, there was this one time he crashed through a fence and broke a water silo. Grand Pear didn't take too kindly to that, he put Bright Mac to work every other day fixin' what he broke."

"And Pear Butter's cutie mark was a preserved jar of pear butter. But it was always hard to tell," Mrs. Cake added. "Once she married Bright Mac, she started claiming it was a preserved jar of apple butter instead."

Finally regaining his words, Big Mac questioned. "But why would she do that? And how come I never saw Grand Pear growin' up, even though he was my grandfather?"

An awkward and uncomfortable silence fell over the room, all eyes turned to Mayor Mare. The elderly mare hung her head, but tried to keep a straight face. Adjusting her glasses and taking a deep breath, she began. "It was just after I'd been elected to office. Grand Pear decided to move to Vanhouver to expand his business, and so he could get away from the Apples. Pear Butter wasn't old enough to life on her own yet, and she was so torn up about it. But Bright Mac, he wasn't about to let something like that come between him and the mare he loved. So, the night before the move, he asked me to meet him at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. And to bring witnesses." And with that, Mayor Mare started to flash back to that fateful night long ago.

A much younger Mayor Mare proudly sported her pink mane and tail (it would be a few more years before she would start dying it to look older and more experienced), looking out at the decorated clearing in the orchard. It now resembled a make-shift church, complete with isles and an alter. Off to one side stood Burnt Oak, and on the other side stood the recently wed Chiffon Cake (she had wedded Carrot Cake just a few weeks earlier, and made Pear Butter the best mare).

Bright Mac was delighted, his plan had worked even better than he could've hoped for. "You ready, Buttercup?" He asked his soon to be wife.

Buttercup, for her part, was in a state of shock. But she nervously asked. "Are you sure about this, Bright Mac? I mean, what if our families find out? What will they think?"

"Who says they have to know?" Bright Mac suggested with a wink. "It'll just be our little secret. Besides, I'm sure about you, so sure that I'll marry you this very night if I have to. Whatever the future may hold, even if we're to be apart from each other for Celestia knows how long, we'll get through it together."

Mayor Mare beamed with prime. "I think that's my cue. Whenever you love birds are ready."

Bright Mac and Buttercup walked down the isle together, Buttercup trying not to dwell on the fact that her father wasn't here to give her away as tradition dictated.

Instead of exchanging vows aloud, however, Bright Mac and Buttercup exchanged seeds and planted them in the ground next to where they stood.

But at that moment, who should stumble upon the scene but Granny Smith (though some called her Apple Smith) and Grand Pear. And the both of them were anything but pleased at the sight that greeted their eyes.

Granny Smith spoke first. "What in tarnation is goin' on out here?! A weddin'?! On my orchard?! And without my say so?!"

"Pear Butter, what in the world do you think you're doing?!" Grand Pear snorted. "You're supposed to be helping me pack, not making goo goo eyes at our sworn enemy!"

Pear Butter shrunk in fright, afraid of the confrontation. But Bright Mac shielded her and bravely he declared. "Ma, Mr. Grand Pear, Buttercup and I are in love. And we'll be married just as soon as Mayor Mare gives the word."

Mayor Mare quickly declared. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." And she fled the scene as fast as she could. Burnt Oak and Mrs. Cake did the same.

"Married?!" Granny Smith gasped in horror. "No no no! Bright Mac, I don't care what kind of spell that Pear Butter's put you under, but you ain't marryin' her!"

"Finally, something we can agree on!" Grand Pear angrily remarked, trotting over to Buttercup. "Enough of this nonsense, Pear Butter. You can't be married. The Pears are moving, and you've gotta stick with your family, understand?"

But to the surprise of everyone, Buttercup shyly answered. "But... the Apples are my family now too."

Gasps rang anew through the orchard, as Grand Pear recoiled from the shock of the statement. "What madness is this?!" He stomped his hooves down in protest. "Are you saying, you're choosing to be an Apple over a Pear?"

"Are you makin' me choose?" Buttercup asked with tears in her eyes.

For a moment, Grand Pear said nothing. But then he flatly remarked to his daughter. "Yes, I am."

"Then... I guess I am choosin' to be an Apple and not a Pear," Buttercup sobbed. "Why'd you make me choose, Papa? Can't we just let bygones be bygones and end the feud with the Apples?"

But Grand Pear would hear none of it, he just stormed away and muttered. "Don't come crying to me if you get second thoughts. Goodbye, Pear Butter." Leaving a grief stricken Buttercup to be consoled by her husband and mother-in-law.

"And that was it. Grand Pear never set hoof in Ponyville again for as long as Buttercup was alive. In fact, until yesterday, he'd never come back to Ponyville at all," Mayor Mare ended her story. "I'm sorry you had to learn all this. I debated when it might be best to talk about it with you and the other Apple siblings."

"Well, sounds to me like now's as good a time as any," Big Mac said firmly. "Come on, Cheerilee. I gotta tell Applejack and Apple Bloom about this. And then, we're gonna pay old Grand Pear a visit. He's got some explainin' to do."

And so it was that, a short time later, Big Mac, Cheerilee, Applejack, and Apple Bloom, all approached Grand Pear in the Ponyville market place. The years had not been kind to the stallion, he had aged considerably. His mane and tail were a ghostly white, and he had shrunken in stature a little. Still, he seemed to have no trouble getting around.

Grand Pear was most surprised to be confronted by a quartet of ponies, three of which sported cutie marks that depicted apples in some way, shape, or form. "Can I help you?" He innocently inquired of his guests.

"The name Pear Butter ring any bells?" Applejack sternly asked. When Grand Pear's eyes widened, Applejack added. "That's right. Name's Applejack, this here's my little sister Apple Bloom, and my older brother Big Macintosh and his special somepony, Cheerilee. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and I are your grand kids."

"I had a feeling," Grand Pear commented, his tone of voice sounding deep and sorrowful. "Pear Butter wrote me letters all the time, all of 'em as her new name of Buttercup. Told me all about her new family. But I never bothered to reply, I was just so angry. And I let the feud keep me from my family for many years."

"You moved back to Ponyville to be closer to your grand kids, didn't you?" Cheerilee asked.

Grand Pear nodded, struggling to hold back tears. "The last letter I got from Buttercup, she mentioned how she'd just given birth to a beautiful little filly named Apple Bloom. She kept holding out hope I'd come back and apologize. At that moment, I realized I'd been a terrible grandparent. I wanted to return and make amends. But by then it was already too late. By the time I could come down to Ponyville, she was already gone forever. I was too ashamed to show up for the funeral. Took me until now to even work up the courage to set hoof in this town again."

"Well you know what, Mr. Grand Pear, sir?" Apple Bloom commented. "Nothin's keepin' you from your family now. It's not too late to make amends and be a better grandparent. Heck, if you're lucky, you'll get to live to see great grandfoals from my brother and Miss. Cheerilee."

Big Mac and Cheerilee both blushed at the thought of starting a family. That was something they'd considered, but not for years and years to come.

"In any case, there's somepony you need to see. Somepony you owe an apology to." Applejack sternly declared.

Grand Pear gulped. "I had a feeling it would come to that eventually. You think she'll forgive me?"

"If you could overcome the feud and make amends, I'm sure she can do the same in time." Cheerilee encouraged.

Granny Smith was most surprised to see the Apple siblings and Cheerilee at Sweet Apple Acres later that day. But she was even more surprised to see Grand Pear with them. "So, you're finally back, huh?" She remarked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, I am," Grand Pear sternly nodded, before his mood changed and he tearfully confessed. "I... never should've left. I can't believe I let some silly feud get in the way of my family."

"It ain't entirely your fault, I contributed to it as well," Granny Smith confessed. "Should've tried to pay you a visit much sooner and smooth things over, 'stead of lettin' your daughter bury her Pear family heritage."

"And I should've been here, sooner," Grand Pear added in a low, hurt voice. "Can you... ever forgive me?"

"Oh of course I can, old Prickly Pear," Granny Smith replied, offering a hoof to the elderly stallion. "After all, Sweet Apple Acres took over all the land you left behind when you moved to Vanhouver. So in a way, it's like a part of you never left."

"Thanks a bunch, old Crab Apple," Grand Pear smiled, returning the hoof shake. "At least now this feud has finally come to an end. If only we'd been able to make amends sooner."

Granny Smith simply replied. "Well, at least now we can both grow old together, and watch the grand kids grow up. Heck, I reckon it won't be long before we start havin' talk of great grand foals."

"Granny! Grand Pear!" Big Mac and Cheerilee both whined, blushing bright red. Then everyone laughed. And it was a good, hearty laugh. A sense that at last, peace had come to two families that had feuded with each other for so long.

Author's Note:

I haven't really done much with Cheerilee in this fic universe yet, and I wanted to change that.

And I wanted to bring up a headcanon mentioned by someone else, that explains something a lot of people wondered after "The Perfect Pear". How Chiffon Swirl became Cup Cake.

Now, the next chapter of this fic won't be out for a long time. I've got other fics to work on, including an adaptation of the movie for this universe. And you can expect to see that sometime in July, hopefully.

Rest assured that the rest of Season 7 will be covered though. And as for Season 8, I think I will adapt it here. But the focus won't be on the school, it'll be more on a search for Queen Chrysalis and Shining Armor forging alliances.

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