• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 5: Party Time

"SURPRISE!" shouted a bubbly voice. It soon revealed itself as the pink pony that Shining Armor had run into just after arriving in town. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised?! Were you were you huh huh were you?!"

"Yes, very surprised." Shining Armor said "But how did you know I would be here? I don't recall ever telling you or anyone else for that matter where I was staying."

"Oh you can't hide anything from me." Pinkie Pie said "But if I tried to explain myself you'd probably think I'm crazy."

"Like I don't think that already." Shining Armor thought to himself "Did you set all of this up all by yourself?" he asked.

"Well actually no." Pinkie Pie said "I may be Ponyville's number one party planner but even I can't work miracles. I had some help from a very eager volunteer."

"And that would be?" Shining Armor asked.

"Well howdy there Shining Armor, so nice to see you and Spike again. Hope you're enjoying the party that I helped to set up.'" Braeburn replied.

"Braeburn?" Shining Armor asked Pinkie Pie.

"Yes a roony!" Pinkie Pie replied cheerfully "Braeburn is such a nice stallion. And he's quite the life of the party, isn't that right Braeburn?"

"You bet it is!" Braeburn said "There's not a party game in the universe that I can't figure out. And I'm a master on the dance floor, I'd be more then happy to show off some of my skills."

"No thanks." Shining Armor said "And as much as I hate to rain on the parade I really don't want a party right now. Libraries are suppose to be quite after all."

"But what kind of party would this be if it were quiet?" Pinkie Pie asked "I mean duh, boring!" She began to ramble on and on about random things. Shining Armor tried to the best of his ability to tune her out. "She's so annoying. She's like the thing that won't shut up." he thought to himself. Then he saw something on the refreshment table "I need a drink, something tells me I'm going to be here for a while."

As he made his way over to the refreshment table Shining Armor was surprised to see some familiar faces among the crowd. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fancy Pants, Fluttershy, Thunderlane, Rumble, and even Apple Bloom were all present. "What are you all doing here?" he asked.

"Well Pinkie Pie's parties are something that you just can't beat! There's something for everyone!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I really wasn't intrested in going but Rumble insisted." Thunderlane explained "And Fluttershy came along so she could help me keep an eye on him."

"I'm not a baby Thunderlane." Rumble said "I can take care of myself."

"Don't you remember what happened at the last party?" Thunderlane asked "You got lost and I had to spend half an hour searching for you, only to find that you'd eaten several cupcakes and gotten a stomach ache."

"It's not my fault they were so darn good." Rumble said.

"Miss Rarity and I figured we could use a break from our hard work." Fancy Pants said.

"Yes, sometimes even the best of us can get overwhelmed." Rarity said.

"I came here hoping to shake off Rainbow Dash, looks like my hunch was wrong." Soarin said.

"I wanted nothing to do with this party." Big Macintosh said "But when Braeburn here never showed up to the get together at Sweet Apple Acres I had to do something. And this seemed like the best place to start."

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you and Braeburn are related?!" Shining Armor asked. Needless to say he was confused.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh said "We're cousins."

"I never would've guessed just by looking you two." Spike commented. Shining Armor had at this point reached the refreshment table and was busy preparing himself a drink.

"Well, I know Granny says it wrong to talk badly about family, but Braeburn isn't exactly the most hardworking member of the Apple family." Big Macintosh confessed "Don't get me wrong he's not lazy by any means. But he always seems to view life as a game, and he rarely takes anything seriously. In a way he's sort of like a mix between myself and Pinkie Pie."

"Speaking of Pinkie Pie why did she throw this party for Shining Armor?" Spike asked "I mean she should've heard by now that we're not going to be staying. We're only here until the Summer Sun Celebration is over, then we're moving back to Canterlot."

As if to answer his question Pinkie Pie appeared from what seemed to be out of nowhere. "Because I always throw a party for anyone who comes to Ponyville. That's why when I saw Shining Armor earlier I went 'gasp' and ran off, because I knew I'd never seen him before, and I knew I had to throw a party for him. And now it looks like he has lots of and lots of friends." Pinkie Pie explained.

Just as Pinkie Pie finishing speaking those words Shining Armor's face suddenly turned bright red, but he wasn't blushing. Sweat began to pour down his face as his mane and tail suddenly caught fire. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" was all he could say and then he quickly raced off to try and cool down his burning mouth.

Spike inspected the bottle that Shining Armor had opened. "Hot sauce." Spike read "Guess that explains the sudden outburst."

"Eh I don't see the problem with it." Pinkie Pie said, pourng some hot sauce onto a cupcake. To the surprise of Spike she downed the whole thing in one gulp, as if the added spiciness meant nothing to her. "Yummy." she said and then disappeared again.

Meanwhile Shining Armor had managed to cool off with a quick chug of some milk. Then he decided to retire to his bed. He knew he was going to be up early for the Summer Sun Celebration due to his duties as a member of the royal guard. But as he entered what he assumed was the bedroom he was surprised at who was there to meet him. "Twiliy?" he asked.

"Hi B.B.B.F.F!" Twilight said happily. She was obviously thrilled to see Shining Armor again.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you still be in Canterlot?" Shining Armor asked. Needless to say he was confused.

"Well actually not long after you and Spike left Princess Celestia came to visit me." Twilight explained "She said I need a break from my studies, and that there's more to a young pony's life then just studying and reading books. I suppose she sent me here specifically because she knew you were here as well."

"How long are you going to be here?" Shining Armor asked.

"Princess Celestia didn't specify." Twilight said "She just said she'll decide when I can resume my studies."

"Well anway I'm glad to see you again." Shining Armor said "And I know Spike has missed you as well."

"Speaking of Spike how is he? Is he doing okay without me?" Twilight asked "This is the first time he's been away from me since I hatched him."

"He's doing fine Twily." Shining Armor said "He and are I getting along pretty good for the most part. But I think you need to keep a better eye on him, he's got quite the sense of humor."

"Oh don't I know it." Twilight said "I swear sometimes I think he teases me on purpose."

"Do you want me to go get him?" Shining Armor asked.

"I think he'll be fine on his own for now." Twilight said "He's a big boy and he care take of himself."

"Are you sure about that Twily?" Shining Armor asked "I mean he is your number one assistant."

"Well every assistant needs a break now and then." Twilight said.

"If you say so I guess." Shining Armor said "Now I think I'm gonna hit the hay. Feel free to stay up for as long as you want though. And if it isn't too much trouble perhaps you could do me a favor."

"Anything for you B.B.B.F.F." Twilight said "What can I do for you?"

"See if you can find out anymore information about Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony. Just in case." Shining Armor requested.

"I'll see what I can do." Twilight said "Sweet dreams B.B.B.F.F."

"Same to you Twily." Shining Armor called. Just before he climbed into bed however he took one look at the nighttime sky. The stars seemed to be moving closer and closer towards the moon. Shining Armor was starting to grow worried. "I hope the legends really aren't true. I hope I'm getting all worked up over nothing." he thought to himself, and with that he drifted off to sleep. Or at least he tried to. His thoughts kept returning to Nightmare Moon, and the ponies he had met on this particular day. "I swear some of these ponies are crazy." he thought.

Eventually Shining Armor managed to get some much needed sleep. Several hours later he was woken up by Spike. "Come on!" he said "It's time to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun! And you know what you have to do."

"I'm coming Spike." Shining Armor said "Did you see Twilight earlier?"

"Yup." Spike said "I'm always happy to see her. And you'll be happy to know that she'll be present at the sun rising as well. After all everypony who's anypony is going to be there." And with that he, Shining Armor, and Twilight set off for the town hall in the center of Ponyville. Along the way Shining Armor couldn't stop thinking about Nightmare Moon. He had a bad feeling that things were about to go wrong.

Author's Note:

The plot, she thickens.

Tune in next time to see Nightmare Moon's grand entrance.

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