• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 8,885 Views, 1,275 Comments

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 219: Chaotic Confrontation

Miles and miles away from Canterlot, in fact miles and miles away from any trace of any civilization, three creatures dwelled within a murky swamp. These three creatures had been working together for some time now, particularly because the one who had united them was still away for an undisclosed reason.

The three didn't mind, it gave them time to plan their own little scheme to take control. Stealing the book from the Canterlot Archives had been part of it, but in the time since they'd failed to find much useful information within its pages.

"I give up!" Tirek loudly complained as he slammed the book down on a table! "We've combed through just about every page and there's not a single thing about that blasted bell of Grogar's or how to use it!"

The Storm King sheepishly and nervously protested. "Don't look at me, Grogar never told me anything or I would've passed it on to you and miss bug horse over here."

"It's Chrysalis, you dolt!" Chrysalis hissed! "And I am NOT a bug, I am the rightful ruler of the changelings! And once I get my revenge on Grogar and Prince Shining Armor, I'll make sure my subjects pay for betraying me."

"Yes, yes, we heard it all before," Tirek replied in a mocking tone of voice. "None of us likes working for the old goat, and that's why we're gonna backstab him with his own bell. Then we're free to go our separate ways and do whatever we want."

Chrysalis only frowned. "Well we certainly won't get anywhere if you just toss away our only lead. I refuse to believe we wasted a trip to Canterlot for a book that offered us nothing."

Just then, something caught the Storm King's attention out of the corner of his eye. "Hey, wait a minute, what's this?" He commented and picked up the book, skimming over a few pages. "Guys, I think we may have finally found what we've been looking for. This is a first hoof account of Gusty the Great's own recollections of what Grogar's Bewitching Bell is capable of."

But just then an all too familiar voice called out from the distance. "So you finally made your true ambitions known. It took you long enough. And here I thought I would have to force your hooves and paws so to speak."

The three baddies turned around and gasped! There stood a rather furious looking Grogar, who held the fake bewitching bell in the magical grasp bestowed to him by his collar. "You thought you could fool me with a fake bell. As if I don't know my own bell and all its intricacies."

Reacting quickly to the situation, the Storm King immediately rushed up to Grogar and threw himself down at his hooves. "Please, master, you must forgive me! I was merely gaining the trust of these two weak minded fools to expose their plans. I was the one who tipped you off about their plan."

"You traitor!" Chrysalis roared and hissed as she leapt to her hooves. "I knew there was something wrong about you! How foolish of me not to have seen the writing on the wall."

But Grogar wasn't fooled for even a second. "Apparently you still think I believe a word you say, Storm King. You forget that I am not just all powerful but also all knowing. I have eyes and ears in places you could never imagine," As he spoke a chill ran down the spines of his three subordinates. "Even from the moment I brought you all together I had a hunch you would try to overthrow me. When Sombra struck out on his own, I hoped to use his inevitable demise as a way to keep you all in line. But I kept watch on your every activity just to be safe. And when I saw you successfully retrieve my bell, I also saw the seeds of your little scheme start to grow in your minds."

"Master, please, it's a misunderstanding!" Tirek tried to plead in vain.

The all powerful goat only shook his head. "Enough! I've seen and heard all that I need to see, and your little 'backstabbing' scheme is just like this fake bell," He effortlessly crushed it into dust with a hoof. "Now, like this fake bell, your resistance shall be reduced to nothing!"

Chrysalis remained defiant! "You think you can brainwash us into being your loyal servants?! We know a thing or two about manipulation and control, we will never serve you willingly."

"You speak as if I'm giving you a choice in the matter. But I'm not," Grogar declared as he used more of his magic to pull the real bell from its hiding place, quickly fastening it around his neck so that it would be secure. "You three tried in vain to understand how my bell worked. Now you shall experience its magical properties for yourself. I'll tolerate no further defiance, unless you wish to join that disgraceful King Sombra in oblivion!"

The bell started to chime once the goat had touched a hoof to it, and it swung back and forth as it generated a sickeningly green glow. The glow soon enveloped the Storm King, as well as Chrysalis and Tirek who tried in vain to run away from it. All writhed in pain as the magic from the bell took hold of them, slowly draining away their free will and independent thoughts. Once it was done they were now fully compliant with Grogar's commands.

Grogar gloated to himself as he looked out over his now fully obedient Legion of Doom. "Now, I think we can come to an understanding. I don't really ask much, all I ask is that I alone call the shots. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master Grogar." The Legion of Doom all answered at the same time in the same relatively emotionless tone.

The old goat grinned. "Excellent! And now it's time to discuss my plan. Today will be the last day of freedom for those ponies and their allies. By the time the sun has set over the realm, there will be only one ruler left standing: Me!"

Yet at that very moment, a voice called out from above. "Really? Not if I have anything to say about it. And as a matter of fact, I do!" In a dazzling display of flashing lights, who should appear before Grogar but Discord himself?

If Grogar was at all phased by this sudden appearance he didn't show it, he merely maintained a fiendish grin as he eyed the lord of chaos. "You think you can stop me?"

"I don't think, I know!" Discord heroically retorted as he hovered around Grogar. "Ever since I detected a magical imbalance I've been slowly tracing it back to its source. I soon learned that the culprits were none other than your three little stooges here, and that they were just a front for you. My only regret is that I waited for them to make their move, so that I could swoop in and pick off whoever survived."

"Ah, so you underestimated me," Grogar continued to smile. "Well that's okay, stupidity should be painful."

Discord only retorted as raising his paws. "I agree. You're the stupid one if you're planning to challenge. I hope you don't harbor any illusions of victory," He briefly morphed into a magician as he pulled out a card from a top hot. "Because if so, I've got your number!" He prepared to snap his fingers. "So long, mighty Grogar. It was nice knowing you while it lasted. Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell your underlings that your downfall was swift."

Yet when Discord successfully snapped his fingers, nothing happened. The bewitching bell remained on Grogar's harness and Grogar himself was unaffected. Discord jumped back, frantically snapping his fingers multiple times and sending all sorts of crazy and chaotic things at Grogar. But the goat was able to dispel every illusion and every attack with the greatest of ease.

"I... I don't understand!" Discord frantically exclaimed as Grogar slowly advanced toward him, causing the draconequus to back up as best he could. Beads of sweat trickled down the lord of chaos' face in a way they had never done before. For the first time in ages he truly felt afraid for his own safety. "You're not with the forces of harmony. How is it possible you can counter my magic?! Your bell can't be that powerful! Can it?!"

To the surprise of Discord, Grogar threw back his head and laughed long and hard. "You fool," He taunted as he suddenly brought himself face to face with the spirit. "Your magic can't best mine no matter how hard you try, and do you know why?"

"N-no, why?" Discord gulped.

"Because my magic created you!" The old goat explained as an unusual look of resentment flickered in his eyes. He then used his magic to pin Discord down as he explained. "They weren't kidding when they called me the Father of Monsters. I brought forth countless unspeakable evils in my original reign that even the self-righteous Gusty the Great struggled against. But you, Discord, you were my greatest creation! You were to be my ultimate weapon, my doomsday device with which to wipe out all who would resist! I gave you powers that could defy the laws of reality, power that could rival even those of the maker herself."

Try as he might to break free, Discord found himself powerless against Grogar's magical grip. And as he struggled in vain he questioned his captor. "You're lying! I have no father or mother! My existence is a mystery! If you had created me then why don't I remember?!"

Grogar snarled, hissed and pressed his snout up to Discord's face. "It is so long ago that you've repressed the memory away deep inside of you. I made one mistake that cost me, I gave you free will. And all too soon I discovered that even with your incredible powers you had the mentality of a spoiled child. You saw everything as a game, a sick and twisted game where anyone who didn't play by your rules was a party pooper. That meant that whenever I gave you commands you would disobey. Eventually, you ran away and abandoned me in my time of need. You turned your back on your creator, your father. Unable to live with the guilt and unwilling to make friends with the ponies, you suppressed the memory. Do you deny it?!"

Suddenly, hearing Grogar's voice triggered something deep inside the witty spirit's mind. Memories long forgotten suddenly came flooding back to him, playing back like a movie reel. There it all was. "I... I remember now," He nervously remarked. "I remember everything. I did run away. A decision I don't regret, you were no fun at all. But I never thought the ponies hated you even more than I did, that they would rise up and overthrow you. My only regret was that I didn't aid them. If I had I might never have become the monster they came to fear," Then a fiery rage took hold of him as he somehow found the strength to break free! "It's a failure I'll correct here and now! You may have created me, but I will never fight at your side!"

"Very well then. Since you ally yourself with the ponies you'll get no sympathy from me," The old goat declared as he began to concentrate magical energy into his horns. "Let's see which of us is truly the best."

Despite Discord's newfound determination and vigor, he was sadly unable to overcome Grogar's magical advantage. He was soon overpowered once again, bruised and battered badly as a result.

And then Grogar made his move. He touched his bewitching bell and began to chant something. "I very well can't have you running off to warn your 'friends', Discord. I gave you your powers, and I can take them away just as easily," He spoke as his bell began to do something most unusual. "Your reality warping abilities and free will shall be a thing of the past. You'll finally be the obedient servant you were always meant to be."

As Discord struggled to get to his feet, all the strength seemed to be drained out of him. "No! NOOOOOOOOOO!" He cried, helpless to prevent the drain! Just like when he had lost his powers to Tirek, he couldn't stop the bell from taking away his chaotic abilities no matter how much he might want to. In a matter of seconds he was completely powerless, and fell limp and nearly lifeless to the ground.

Only once all the chaos magic had been drained fully did Grogar take off his bell, it had served its purpose for the time being and he wouldn't need it again. "Now, Discord," He approached the weakened spirit. "You will serve me and me alone, as will these other creatures before me."

Panting and gasping for breath, Discord weakly answered. "I... will obey... master."

Smiling in satisfaction, Grogar was certain his plan could be carried out without interruption. He set his bell down near his crystal ball that had allowed him to see so much (including the Legion of Doom's plan to betray him). "I've heard that today is the day when these ponies will be gathering to crown themselves a new supreme ruler," He told all four creatures. "We shall crash that party! And the ponies and their allies will shiver and shake with fear at the news that their greatest enemy is upon them."

Author's Note:

I think we can all agree that the "twist" about Grogar actually being Discord in disguise the whole time was stupid. There was no need for him to do it and all it amounted to was basically insulting fans who had clamored for Grogar to appear. So I've rightfully decided not to do that twist, and to build on what was seen of Grogar prior to the twist as an all seeing, all knowing evil.

Discord being a creation of Grogar is a headcanon many had since Grogar was introduced as the "Father of monsters", though considering I had written Discord to have existed around the same time as the founding ponies of Equestria I knew I would need to explain how he could still be antagonistic after not serving with Grogar and letting the ponies defeat him.

But rest assured that this is not the end of Discord's involvement, and I'm not going to kill him off either if that's what you're thinking.

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