• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 24: Big Trouble in Little Appleloosa

"Seriously, I can't thank you guys enough for coming." Braeburn said enthusiastically "You're gonna love Appleloosa! I gurantee it!" He had been very excited when he recently told his friends that Appleloosa, although still not quite completed yet, was ready to start recieving visitors.

Soon afterward, he arranged for them to visit. And so, the six stallions were traveling across the desert in a train. Twilight and her friends, as well as Spike, had promised to visit as well, but their train didn't leave till a later date.

"I sure hope so." Soarin replied "Especially since you said this town's been under construction for quite a while now."

"A wise pony once told me that good things come to those who wait." Big Macintosh spoke up "Besides, when you're designing and building an entire town it's important not to rush through the process. What's worth doing is worth doing well. That's what I always say."

"Those are some pretty wise words there Big Macintosh." Thunderlane chimed in "I, for one, just hope the towns ponies are friendly."

"I'm pretty sure they are." Fancy Pants reassured Thunderlane "After all, they've been working together to build this town for over half a year now. Something that would no doubt be impossible, if they were all at each others throats all the time."

"It sure was nice of you to do this for us Braeburn." Shining Armor said kindly "I must admit, a change of scenery can be nice every now and then."

"I knew you'd think so." Braeburn replied with a smile "Appleloosa promises to be quite the tourist destination once it's completed."

"So, where are we gonna be staying once we arrive in town?" Soarin asked "You said it yourself, the hotel isn't finished yet."

"You'll all be sleeping over at my house." Braeburn explained "It's quite nice. And there's plently of room."

"Oh Braeburn, you didn't have to do that." Shining Armor said honestly "You could've just waited until the hotel was completed before inviting us."

"I could've, but that would've meant waiting even longer to show you all the sights of AAAAAAAAAppleloosa!" Braeburn replied "And boy does this town have sights to see. I have so much to show you once we arrive!"

"A tour huh?" Fancy Pants asked "Sounds interesting. I didn't know you were appointed the town's tour guide."

"I wasn't." Braeburn explaned "It's just something I like to do. My real job, outside of overseeing the construction, is being the right hoof stallion of the town's law enforcer, Sheriff Silver Star."

"Wait, you mean, you're NOT the sheriff?" Soarin asked. Braeburn shook his head "But I thought for sure that was the job you were assigned."

"I don't recall ever saying anything that implied that." Braeburn replied "Besides, I'm a lover, not a fighter. In my opinion, violence just tends to lead to more violence. That being said, I'm willing to admit there can be times where violence is the only solution, but those times are few and far in between."

"Wow, I had no idea you felt that way Braeburn." Thunderlane commented, needless to say, he was shocked.

"Well, now you do." Braeburn stated "That's part of the reason why I didn't take up the role of sheriff. I want the citizens of Appleloosa to be able to solve their problems peacefully."

"Uh Braeburn," Shining Armor said with concern "not that I mean to interrupt, but what exactly are those buffalo doing so close to the train?"

"What do you mean?" Braeburn asked.

"Just take a look for yourself." Shining Armor stated. Everyone raced over to the same window Shining Armor was looking out of. Sure enough, an entire herd of buffalo were roaming only inches away from the train car. At any moment, it looked like they might ram into it.

The buffalo didn't seem to be aware that they were being watched, and continued roaming, as if they were trying to do something. What that something might be, no one knew.

Several tense minutes passed, before the buffalo slowly began to back away. Before long, they had disappeared in a cloud of dust.

"That was way too close for comfort." Big Macintosh stated.

"I'll say." Thunderlane spoke up "I thought for sure they were gonna ram straight into this car."

"Well I'm glad they didn't." Fancy Pants said with relief.

"Just what were they trying to do?" Soarin asked.

"I don't know." Shining Armor replied "I hope they were just attracted by the loud noise the train was making."

"They weren't." Braeburn admitted with great reluctance "This isn't the first time they've been spotted so close to Appleloosa."

"It isn't?" everyone else asked.

Braeburn sighed "I'm afraid so." he admitted.

"You mean, you've known about this?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes." Braeburn said with a sigh "For a long time actually. And it's quite serious."

"Really? How so?" Soarin asked.

"You'll understand better once we arrive in Appleloosa." Braeburn explained "Speaking of which, it looks like we've arrived." Sure enough, the train pulled into the Appleloosa Train Station.

"So, where to first?" Fancy Pants asked.

"Follow me." Braeburn said somberly. Braeburn led them all to a ledge overlooking an apple orchard on the outskirts of town.

"You never mentioned anything about this in any of your letters." Big Macintosh stated, as he and the others looked around. "And I should know, I got quite a few of em over the months."

"That's because, if I did, Granny Smith would've never stopped worrying about me." Braeburn said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Shining Armor asked "Is there something you wish to tell us?"

"It's complicated, and part of me thinks it's really stupid, but I'll try my best to explain." Braeburn said with great reluctance "Apparently, the entire town of Appleloosa is land that was once populated by a tribe of buffalo."

"You mean, like the ones we saw on the train?" Soarin asked.

"The very same." Braeburn answered "Apparently, they didn't mind having ponies take over land that they had little use for. Which is how Princess Celestia was able to obtain permission for Appleloosa to be built in the first place."

"I had no idea." Shining Armor stated.

"Nothing is more complicated than the world of Canterlot politics." Fancy Pants replied "Take from someone who was once a part of it, the less you get involved with it, the better off you'll be."

"Anyway," Braeburn continued "this here apple orchard was planted almost the instant construction on this town began. Without it, we wouldn't be able to survive out here. Unfortunately, it seems that the land this orchard was planted on, was the native 'stampeding ground' for the buffalo tribe."

"'Stampeding ground'?" Shining Armor asked.

"It's an ancient cultural tradition of the buffalo." Thunderlane explained "At least, from what I've heard."

"That's what the buffalo say." Braeburn replied "And because of that, they've been causing trouble."

"What sort of trouble?" Big Macintosh asked.

"Part of the reason why construction of this town has taken so long, is because the buffalo keep attacking the trains that bring the building materials." Braeburn explained "They've also attacked trains carrying food and medical supplies. We've tried to work things out with them, but they keep demanding that we cut down the orchard. And even though we've told them that we need the orchard to survive, they refuse to listen. It's getting to be a real problem."

"I had no idea." Shining Armor admitted "Why didn't you mention this sooner? I'm sure if Princess Celestia knew about this, the situation would already be resolved."

"That would require breaking through the barriers and hurdles established by the Canterlot nobility." Fancy Pants stated "And trust me when I say, there are a lot of them. It could take weeks, or even months, before Celestia could obtain permission to do anything. After all, it's only a border dispute, not actual war."

"Not yet it isn't." Shining Armor said omniously "But if someone doesn't do something soon war may come just the same. Especially if anything happens to this orchard."

"I know, and that's what worries me." Braeburn admitted "I'm still hopeful that this conflict can be resolved peacefully, but as the days pass, the situation just keeps looking bleaker and bleaker. And I can't help but wonder 'What if war DOES break out? What will happen to us then?' So you can see why I've been keeping this under wraps."

"I can understand how you feel Braeburn." Shining Armor stated "But this is serious. You said it yourself, the situation continues to get worse. It's only a matter of time before someone sets off the powder keg and things spiral out of control. Someone's got to do something before that happens."

"The question is 'what sort of something?'." Braeburn replied "'What can be done to solve the problem before war breaks out?'. And until we know the answer to that, there's not much we can do."

"Still, doing something is better than doing nothing." Shining Armor said firmly "If worse comes to worse at least you won't be able to say you didn't try. Besides, you can't let things go on like this! Sooner or later it has to stop!"

"I know that, and so does the sheriff." Braeburn replied "But our options are limited. The buffalo may be attacking our trains, but no one's gotten hurt yet. We don't want to unintentionally provoke them and start an inter racial incident."

"Haven't you tried to contact the buffalo tribe at all?" Big Macintosh asked "Maybe they don't know that they're causing you guys so much trouble."

"That's wishful thinking, but we've already thought of that." Braeburn said glumly "Their responses clearly show that they're aware of what they're doing to us, and they don't seem to care at all. Every time their demand is the same, surrender the apple orchard and return the native stampeding grounds. And every time, we tell them that such a thing is impossible. And it just goes back and forth."

"There must be something you can do that you haven't already tried." Shining Armor stated.

"If there is, we haven't thought of it yet." Braeburn admitted "For now though, I think it's best if you just forget about it. Hopefully the buffalo won't cause anymore trouble while you guys are here. Now, come on. There's still a lot of sights left to see here in Appleloosa."

Unfortunately for Braeburn, even by next morning things were no better. The news spread fast, and there was no way to cover it up. The buffalo were stepping up their game. They had been spotted on the outskirts of Appleloosa. What they intended to do, no one knew. And that alone was enough to send the citizens of Appleloosa into a panic stricken state. Already, precautionary mesaures were being taken, just in case the buffalo decided to attack.

"Well, this is another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into." Soarin commented, as he and his friends observed what was going on.

"I'll say." Fancy Pants added "How do we always seem to end up in these situations?"

"I know this looks bad, but surely all hope is not lost." Thunderlane said hopefully.

"Maybe it isn't, but what we can do?" Big Macintosh asked "Time may be running out for this town."

"Braeburn, how are the evacuation measures coming along?" Sheriff Silver Star asked.

"The orders have been issued, and already the citizens are preparing to pack up and leave." Braeburn replied.

"Good, what about the weapons?" Sheriff Silver Star asked.

"They're on their way sir. They'll be here soon." Braeburn stated.

"Excellent." Sheriff Silver Star said happily "If those buffalo think they can just come charging into this town, they're sadly mistaken. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna defend this town to the very end."

"Even if it means giving your life?" Braeburn asked.

"If that's what it takes to ensure this town is still standing, then so be it!" Sheriff Silver Star said boldly "Hopefully it won't come to that. Hopefully, if those buffalo know what's good for them, they'll turn around and leave!"

"This is serious!" Thunderlane commented "War could break out at any moment!"

"Not if I can help it!" Shining Armor stated, and ran off.

"Where are you going Shining Armor?" Soarin asked.

"To see if I can't talk some sense into both sides, and straighten this whole thing out!" Shining Armor replied.

"Are you nuts?! What makes you think you can just waltz up to the buffalo and tell them to stop?!" Big Macintosh asked.

"Nothing, but I have to try!" Shining Armor stated.

"I hope he knows what's he doing." Thunderlane said, as Shining Armor raced away.

"Want me to go after him Big Macintosh?" Soarin asked "Just say the word and I'll take off. He won't get far."

"Let him go." Big Macintosh ordered "I think he just might be able to solve this. And even if he can't, it's better than just sitting around doing nothing."

"Well, I don't like the idea, but I guess it's too late to talk him out of it." Fancy Pants commented "I just hope everything goes well, for his sake."

If Shining Armor had any doubts about whether or not he would suceed at his mission, he sure didn't show them. Even as he raced towards the outskirts of Appleloosa, the look on his face showed just how determined he was. Nothing was going to stop him from doing this. He would not let war break out if he had anything to say about it.

Eventually, Shining Armor found a group of buffalo just outside of Appleloosa's border. When they saw Shining Armor, they only knew that he didn't appear to be an Appeloosan. But looks could be deciving. "Halt." one of the buffalo said sternly "Who are you?!"

"My name is Shining Armor." Shining Armor answered "I wish to speak to your chief."

"Are you from the town of Appleloosa?" the buffalo asked.

"No." Shining Armor answered "But I want to speak your chief, it is urgent!"

The buffalo appeared to be confused "You say you are not from this town, yet you still appear to be concerned about its fate. Why should you care if we level it to the ground? Do not stick your nose where it does not belong. Such foolishness will only get you into trouble. This does not concern the likes of you."

"Yes it does." Shining Armor explained "One of my friends comes from that town, and my other friends are currently down there as well. None of them wish to see this end in violence."

"I see." the buffalo replied "But what business do you have with our chief? He is very busy, and does not have time to bother with the likes of you."

"Please, you must let me through!" Shining Armor pleaded "I want to see if I can convince your chief not to attack the town."

"You are not an Appleloosan, and yet you think our chief will take the time to listen to you?" the buffalo asked "If so, then you are wrong. Chief Thunderhooves does not like to concern himself with ponies who foolishly side with the Appleloosans. Especially not meager common travelers such as yourself. Go away and never return!"

"You don't understand, I'm not just another common traveler." Shining Armor explained "I'm the Captain of Equestria's Royal Guard."

"What nonsense is this?" the buffalo asked "Do you expect me to believe that story?"

"I swear I'm not making this up." Shining Armor said frantically "You have to believe me!"

"I have to do no such thing." the buffalo said crossly "It is my job to make sure that Chief Thunderhooves is not bothered by ponies such as you, who wish only to waste his valueable time."

"But I'm telling you the truth!" Shining Armor pleaded "I can prove it."

"Oh really?" the buffalo asked "What proof do you have that could convince me to let you pass?"

"It's not much, but I hope it will do." Shining Armor said, as he dug into his saddle bags. He pulled out a special badge that the Captain of The Royal Guard was given.

The buffalo guard examined the badge carefully. After what seemed like several tense minutes, he gave it back and said "It appears you were telling the truth after all. Very well, you may speak to Chief Thunderhooves if that is what you wish. But be warned, Chief Thunderhooves will probably not be as friendly or as patient as I have been. Do not be surprised if he disregards your suggestion outright. Once his mind has been made up, Chief Thunderhooves rarely changes it."

"I'll keep that in mind." Shining Armor said, as he put the badge back in his saddle bag.

"Follow me, and I will lead you to our chief." the buffalo said. Shining Armor did so, and the buffalo led him through the tribe, past a series of tents. Finally, the buffalo stopped. Near him stood a buffalo that was much bigger than the rest. His black fur constrated quite heavily with the land and sky around him. Atop his head was a hat of white feathers with red on their tips. Standing next to this looming giant, was a female buffalo who looked small, and not just in comparison to the chief. "Excuse me chief." the buffalo said.

The black buffalo turned around. Apparently he had been talking about or discussing something just a moment ago. "What is it?" the black buffalo asked "It had better be important."

"The Captain of Equestria's Royal Guard wishes to speak with you." the buffalo guard said nervously.

The black buffalo said nothing for a moment, as if he were pondering the situation. Then he said "If he wishes to speak I shall hear him out. In the mean time, return to your post and remain alert."

"Yes sir chief." the buffalo guard said, and went away. That left Shining Armor alone with the black buffalo, and the smaller female buffalo.

"Greetings to you, captain." the black buffalo said in a booming voice "I am Chief Thunderhooves, the head of the very tribe of buffalo you see before you now. What is your name?"

"My name is Shining Armor." Shining Armor replied.

"A fitting name for a captain." Chief Thunderhooves commented "Tell me captain, why do you wish to speak to me? As I am sure you can see, we are currently preparing to do battle with the Appleloosans."

"I know. That's why I wanted to talk to you." Shining Armor said honestly.

"It is?" Chief Thunderhooves asked.

"That's right." Shining Armor nodded "You don't have to do this you know. Whatever your troubles with the Appleloosans may be, they don't have to end in war."

"Captain Armor" Chief Thunderhooves spoke up.

"You can just call me Shining Armor." Shining Armor stated "It's easier that way."

"Shining Armor." Chief Thunderhooves continued "You seem like a reasonable pony, unlike those Appleloosans. But, having spent time among them, you must know what it is that they did to us."

"Braeburn told me everything I needed to know." Shining Armor explained "I'm aware of what's been going on."

"Then you know why that orchard must be destroyed!" Chief Thunderhooves said sternly "That orchard was built right over our native stampeding grounds. Those grounds are not something that can just be replaced. Believe me, we have tried."

"So, war's the answer?" Shining Armor asked.

"Trust me when I say that we would have rather avoided war with Appleloosa, if that were possible." Chief Thunderhooves replied "Unfortunately, we have come to realize that the Appleloosans will never agree to our demands. They have refused to remove that orchard every single time we have asked them to do so."

"Even if that's the case, don't you think you could try to work out some sort of compromise?" Shining Armor asked "Maybe there's a way for you to get what you want, and for the Appleloosans to get what they want."

"Such an outcome is nothing more than a foolish dream." Chief Thunderhooves said crossly "It is impossible for us to get what we want, and for the Appleloosans to get what they want, at the same time. We want the orchard to be removed at once, but the Appleloosans refuse to move even a single tree. Therefore, compromise is impossible."

"Maybe it is, but maybe it isn't." Shining Armor suggested "My friend Braeburn, and most of the citizens of Appleloosa are pacifists. They don't want war anymore than you do. I'm sure if you tried to negotiate with them again you would have better luck."

"Even if they do not want war to come, they will still not give up their orchard." Chief Thunderhooves said with a shake of his head.

"Really? From what I can tell you and the Appleloosans have never even talked face to face." Shining Armor stated "Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't you simply been communicating with the town by telegram?"

"That much is true." Chief Thunderhooves admitted "It is only further proof that these foolish ponies do not consider our demands to be reasonable. They are cowards, and have been trying to pacify us for a long time. It is unfortunate for you, that you and your friends had to visit the town, at the very point whn the men of our tribe and I, have decided that the town must be destroyed! Now, stand aside! Your attempt at stalling us is futile! Our attack will not be haulted!"

Shining Armor was horrified "Please, you must reconsider Chief Thunderhooves." he pleaed "If you attack Appleloosa, you will destroy innocent lives! And you will lose all support you might have amongst the settlers. Not to mention, you will attract the attention of the Equestrian government, who will likely view your actions as an act of terrorism. As Captain, I would oversee the royal guards that would be deployed to fight your tribe, and capture you. And I wouldn't be able to vouch for you, because of what you will have done. Are you really willing to risk all of that for the sake of your stampeding grounds?!"

Apparently, Shining Armor somehow managed to break through to Chief Thunderhooves with those words. Because the buffalo chief seemed deeply troubled by them. He thought for a long time, and said nothing all the while. No one said or did anything. At last he spoke up. "You are.... correct." he said somberly "Perhaps, we have misjudged the ponies by not directly talking to them. Maybe we will have better luck convincing them to get rid of their orchard, if we talk face to face."

"It's worth a shot." Shining Armor said hopefully.

"Very well then." Chief Thunderhooves stated "We shall talk to the citizens of Appleloosa, and attempt to solve this problem peacefully. But we will only try this once. If these face to face talks fail, we will attack! And no one, not even you, will be able to stop us! So you had better hope, for your sake, and for the sake of the Appleloosans and your friends, that the talks go smoothly." This made Shining Armor gulp, as he led Chief Thunderhooves, the smaller female bison (who he learned was called Little Strongheart, the chief's adopted daughter), and the rest of the buffalo tribe towards Appleloosa.

"I don't like this." Soarin said, pacing back and forth "He's been gone for too long. Something must have happened to him. And I'll lay odds on who's to blame."

"Now now, let's not jump to conclusions." Thunderlane said nervously "We already learned our lesson on that."

"But this is serious." Soarin stated "Shining Armor should've been back a long time ago, but it's been at least an hour, and no one knows where he is. I knew I should've gone after him, but Big Macintosh wouldn't let me!"

"Hey, don't blame me Soarin!" Big Macintosh said crossly "I figured Shining Armor was the best bet to try and talk the buffalo out of war. Unlike the rest of us, he's willing to admit that both sides might have a point. And his beliefs aren't biased because of personal ties."

"I'm sure Shining Armor is all right." Fancy Pants reassured them "He's strong. Princess Celestia made him Captain of The Royal Guard for a reason. And as his friends, we need to have faith that he'll be able to do something before it's too late."

"Well whatever he was hoping to do, he'd better do it soon." Braeburn said with concern "I can't convince Sheriff Silver Star to hold off a strike for much longer. The clock is ticking."

"Hey, look!" Thunderlane shouted "I think I see Shining Armor in the distance, but he's not alone."

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked.

"It looks like the whole buffalo tribe is following him." Thunderlane explained "And they're coming right this way."

"What?" everyone gasped.

"Just what does he think he's doing?" Soarin asked.

"I don't know." Thunderlane replied "I'm pretty sure he'll tell us in a moment. You know, once him and his 'buddies' arrive."

"Not that I mean to question his intentions, or anything, but I'm not really sure I see the point in him bringing all those buffalo into town." Fancy Pants stated.

"Well, it's not like we can stop him." Braeburn commented "As long as it means war isn't coming to this town I'm willing to let him do whatever he wants. At times like this, we have to try anything and everything possible."

"I sure hope he knows what's he doing." Big Macintosh stated.

"Hold your fire!" Shining Armor called, when he saw that Sheriff Silver Star looked ready to attack "These buffalo come in peace. Their chief has something he wishes to say."

"It'd better quick, or else he and his tribe can kiss their sorry behinds good bye!" Sheriff Silver Star threatened.

"Well, no time like the present chief." Shining Armor encouraged.

Chief Thunderhooves nodded. "Citizens of Appeloosa!" he said in his booming "I am Chief Thunderhooves, leader of the very buffalo tribe that now stands before you! We have been 'convinced' by Captain Shining Armor, to talk face to face with you. It is the hope of that individual, that these talks will prove productive, and will result in a lasting peace between us."

"Is this true?" Soarin asked.

"No bull." Shining Armor said honestly.

"I don't know how you did it, but I think you may have just saved the day." Braeburn said with a smile.

"Don't celebrate just yet Braeburn." Shining Armor stated "If these talks fail Appleloosa is doomed!"

"That won't happen, will it?" Thunderlane asked nervously.

"I sure hope not, but there's really nothing more I can do." Shining Armor said with concern "I've done my best to try and defuse the situation, but the rest is pretty much up to Chief Thunderhooves, and Sheriff Silver Star."

"Well, as the sheriff's right hoof stallion, I think it's my duty to try and adivse him on what to push for, and what to compromise on, in those talks." Braeburn said, and set off "You'd better come too Shining Armor. Your help just might be needed."

"Hopefully it won't be, but I think I'll tag along just in case." Shining Armor said, and followed Braeburn.

"So, what are the rest of us suppose to do?" Soarin asked.

"The only thing we can do." Big Macintosh stated.

"And that would be what?" Soarin asked.

"Pray that the talks succeed." Big Macintosh explained "And something tells me, we'd better pray pretty hard."

The talks began, as the clock struck high noon. Tensions were high, and so were the stakes. The question that hung in everyone's mind as Chief Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silver Star finally meet face to face was, would the peace talks be enough, or were they doomed to failure? Everyone hoped it was the former, and not the latter.

"So, you finally have the courage to meet us face to face, you cowardly ponies." Chief Thunderhooves hissed.

"We may be many things, but cowards ain't one of em!" Sheriff Silver Star snapped "We ain't afraid of you buffalo! If you attack us, we'll take you down!"

"Really? From what I was told, you ponies are mostly pacifists. Apparently, that was just a ruse." Chief Thunderhooves said crossly.

"That information hasn't got the chance of a snowball in Tartarus of being even the slightest bit true!" Sheriff Silver Star replied.

"I can see that clearly." Chief Thunderhooves said sternly "It seems, you foolish ponies don't know when to back off."

"If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're gonna get!" Sheriff Silver Star threatened.

"So, will you ponies give up that apple orchard?" Chief Thunderhooves asked "Or will you foolishly hold onto it, even as trample your town into the ground?!"

"You'll never get the chance!" Sheriff Silver Star bellowed "We'll bring you down before you could ever demolish even a single building!"

"Well, this isn't good." Braeburn said, looking in on the peace talks "We've got to do something."

"And I think I know just what that something is." Shining Armor added "Now listen carefully Braeburn. Here's what I want you to do."

"I can not believe I was convinced to meet you face to face." Chief Thunderhooves said crossly "This has been nothing but a waste of time."

"Well, looks like we finally agree on something!" Sheriff Silver Star replied.

"Indeed. I hope you ponies are ready for war." Chief Thunderhooves said ominously.

"Oh, we are." Sheriff Silver Star said confidently "The question is, are you?"

"I was ready since yesterday." Chief Thunderhooves stated "And if it weren't for these pointless talks, I would've already destroyed your town by now."

"You and your tribe wouldn't have lasted five minutes!" Sheriff Silver Star boldly proclaimed "We'd have crushed you in a heartbeat!"

"Well then, seeing as we have nothing left to discuss, I believe these 'peace talks' have concluded."Chief Thunderhooves said sternly.

"Indeed they have, so you and your tribe better hightail it out of my town this instant!" Sheriff Silver Star threatened "Any buffalo that stay, will be arrested and thrown in jail!"

"You could throw as many of my men into prison as you wished." Chief Thunderhooves proclaimed "But you would never be able to hold them."

"That's what you think!" Sheriff Silver Star said smuggly.

"Not so fast!" Shining Armor shouted, blocking the exit to the building where the peace talks were being held "Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves."

"And why is that?" Chief Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silver Star both asked, before glaring at each other.

"You guys call yourselves leaders, yet all you've done since meeting each other is aruge and bicker!" Shining Armor explained "And you should both know better. Harsh words will never solve problems, action will. So, instead of calling each other names, why don't you actually TRY to get along? At least then we might actually get somewhere!"

Chief Thunderhooves and Sheiff Silver Star were both silent for a moment, and they seemed to look rather ashamed of what they had done. Then, Sheriff Silver Star said "You're right about one thing."

"And what would that be?" Shining Armor asked.

"Harsh words won't solve our problems." Chief Thunderhooves explained "But action, most certainly will! Like war, for example!"

"That's not what I meant!" Shining Armor said crossly.

"Look Shining Armor, you're just gonna have to accept the fact that the buffalo tribe and the citizens of Appleloosa are destined to fight each other." Sheriff Silver Star proclaimed "Peace will never come as long as that orchard is involved."

"Glad to see you have finally realized that." Chief Thunderhooves stated "But I doubt you are willing to remove it."

"Darn right we are, we can't survive without the fruit of that orchard!" Sheriff Silver Star shouted "Why can't you buffalo folk understand?!"

"Because that orchard was built on our native stampeding grounds!" Chief Thunderhooves shouted "You ponies are ruining our native tradition!"

"Braeburn! Get over here and help me prepare the town for war!" Sheriff Silver Star called out.

"Come, Little Strongheart, we are leaving this miserable town!" Chief Thunderhooves called. There was no reply from either of them.

"Hey, Braeburn! I know you can hear me!" Sheriff Silver Star said crossly.

"Little Strongheart, now is not the time for one of your games!" Chief Thunderhooves snorted. Still, there was no reply.

"What did you buffalo scum to do Braeburn?!" Sheriff Silver Star asked.

"Nothing. But perhaps we should have, seeing as you ponies did something to Little Strongheat!" Chief Thunderhooves replied.

"Actually, neither of them are hurt." Shining Armor explained "In fact, I think I know where you can find them." Shining Armor led both Sheriff Silver Star, and Chief Thunderhooves, through town. Neither of them said anything, but they continued to glare at each other. "I hope my plan works." Shining Armor thought to himself. If this failed, there was no hope for peace.

Shining Armor stopped, at the edge of the hill looking out over the apple orchard. "Take a good look, and tell me what you see." he said to the two leaders.

Reluctantly, both Sheriff Silver Star, and Chief Thunderhooves did so. And what they saw, surprised them. Braeburn, and Little Strongheart, were racing through the orchard. The vibrations causing the apples to fall from the trees, and into baskets placed at the trunks.

"How is this possible?" Sheriff Silver Star and Chief Thunderhooves asked. They were quite confused.

"It's quite simple actually." Shining Armor explained "While you two were busy arguing and bickering, Braeburn and Little Strongheart made a small clearing in the orchard."

"Couldn't one of them have just done it on their own?" Sheriff Silver Star asked "Braeburn is pretty strong after all."

"The same can be said of Little Strongheart." Chief Thunderhooves added.

"Nope, it was only by working together that they were able to do this." Shining Armor explained. In reality that was only half true, Braeburn and Little Strongheart could've actually made the path on their own, but it would've taken they longer to do so. Shining Armor made sure however, that both Sheriff Silver Star and Chief Thunderhooves didn't know that.

"Don't you see?" Shining Armor asked the two leaders "Working together is certainly much better than being enemies, wouldn't you agree?"

"Even if that's true" Sheriff Silver Star spoke up.

"There is still the issue of the native stampeding grounds." Chief Thunderhooves finished.

"Why do you think that clearing was made?" Shining Armor asked "It's wide enough and long enough to let the buffalo run through, and stampede, to their heart's content, while still leaving room for the apple trees to grow, and their fruits to be harvested. Take a look for yourself if you don't believe me."

"I'h reckon I'h will." Sheriff Silver Star stated "I've got to make sure you ain't pullin' my leg."

"I too shall examine the area." Chief Thunderhooves proclaimed "I shall be the one to decide if there is enough room for us to stampede as tradition dictates."

"Go right ahead." Shining Armor said kindly "I'm pretty sure you'll both be pleased by what you discover." And, he was right. The clearing was enough to satisfy both sides, and at long last, peace came to the town of Appleloosa. A deal was soon made, in which the buffalo tribe were allowed to stampede through the orchard whenever they wanted, while also recieving some of the various baked goods that came from the apple crops. The stampeding quickly proved to be an effective means of harvesting, even more efficent than apple bucking.

By the time Twilight and her friends (as well as Spike) arrived, no one would've believed you if you had told them that Appleloosa had once been on the brink of war.

"I must say Shining Armor, you really surprised me." Braeburn said on the train ride back "I never knew you had such a knack for diplomacy."

"Beginners luck I guess." Shining Armor said with a shrug.

"Even so, all of Appleloosa is in your debt." Braeburn stated "If there's anything we can ever do for you, don't hestitate to tell us."

"I don't think I'll ever have a use for that debt, but thank you anyways." Shining Armor said honestly "I'm just glad that things could be resolved without violence."

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