• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 171: Shining's Special Assignment

The very next day, Twilight and Shining Armor (alongside Spike) traveled to Canterlot for an audience with Princess Celestia. Twilight was all too eager to present her plan for a school of friendship in Ponyville.

Princess Celestia smiled. "A school of friendship sounds like a splendid idea!" She proudly proclaimed. "It would a wonderful way to repay all the nations we've befriended in recent years, and a chance to build on the ties that bind us."

Twilight looked across to Shining and nudged him with a hoof. "And you had your doubts. Told you Princess Celestia would say yes."

"Never said she wouldn't, Twily." Shining playfully ribbed back.

Celestia couldn't help but chuckle. "That's enough of that, you two," And she quickly changed the subject. "However if you're going to be building and running a school of any sort, there is a name you need to know about. It's a body that governs all schools within Equestria."

"Even yours?" Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded. "Not even a princess can do whatever she wants. Like with all great societies there are limits placed on the leaders, so that no one may wield absolute power," She then flashed a symbol. "This is the mark of the EEA: The Equestria Education Association. They hold the final say on all schools, including matter such as curriculum and staffing. Before your school can open its doors, the EEA must grant approval."

Twilight gulped. "Is there some kind of test I'll need to pass to gain their trust?"

"Should I start making flash cards?" Spike questioned.

Celestia shook her head. "No no no. There are no tests or anything of the sort. The EEA approval comes in two stages. First you have to present your preliminary plan to the board members here in Canterlot. And if they sign off on it you'll have to allow an inspection by the head of the EEA. Otherwise your school is unaccredited and will not be allowed to operate."

"Sounds not unlike the school board in Ponyville," Shining commented as he recalled his own experiences. "I still can't believe they allowed Spoiled Rich of all ponies to be their president, at least until numerous ponies including myself blew the whistle on her. Boy did she blow a fuse when the decision was made."

"I sure hope there aren't any ponies as cruel and heartless as Spoiled Rich at the EEA," Spike remarked. "But it always seems like there's somepony who doesn't understand the importance of being nice."

"Well the EEA head constantly changes. They just recently elected a new chancellor," Celestia informed her guests. "His name is Neighsay, Chancellor Neighsay to be precise."

Upon hearing the words "Chancellor Neighsay" Shining Armor gulped. "I've heard of that guy. He's as menacing as he is mysterious."

Celestia let out an unhappy sigh. "It's most unfortunate that his reputation for controversy precedes him. He really does mean well, I assure you. But be warned, pitching a school like this to him will not be easy. He has a very 'narrow' way in which he views the world."

"No problem!" Shining firmly declared. "Give me five minutes alone with the guy and I'll make him see sense. Blowhards like that always talk a big game, mostly because they just don't know any better."

But Celestia shook her head. "No, Shining, I'm afraid I must ask you to stand aside on this. Even if your discussion with the chancellor would be civil it would still be easy for other board members to suspect you were trying to influence him. And considering this school is your sister's dream project, I'm sure you realize how quickly ponies would suspect a conflict of interest," She somberly added. "Twilight and Spike will have to make the pitch on their own, you are to take no part in it."

Reluctantly, Shining nodded his head as he bowed to the princess. "I understand, your majesty. I may disagree, but I understand why," But then he sighed and kicked the ground. "It's just not fair! All this time my sister's been waiting to make this dream a reality, and after she saved my hide at my wedding and the whole limbo fiasco occurred, I was hoping to finally have a chance to do something nice for her."

"Oh chin up, Shining. There is still a part you can play in helping your sister realize her vision," Princess Celestia declared with a bright smile. "I have a very special and very important job for you. One that I think your talents are well suited for."

"What would that be, exactly?" The prince pondered.

The sun princess explained. "If the EEA grants approval for your sister to build the school as I'm sure they will, there will be a need for students. But it will take a lot of convincing for our allies to send any of their young to our lands, placing them in our care. So we need to show them that we're not only up to the task, but are taking the responsibility very seriously!"

"Well that's all fine and dandy, but why do you need me for that, exactly?" Shining questioned Celestia. "Cadence is more of a diplomat than I am. Why not send her and have me watch over the Crystal Empire in her absence?"

Celestia's chipper mood faded, replaced by one of seriousness as she added. "Because your assignment has an added responsibility. A top secret one to boot. And when I tell it to you, it is not to leave this room. Only you, your sister, Spike, and I can know about it," After quickly looking around to make sure there was no one else besides her three guests, she whispered to Shining. "We're going to forge an official alliance with all the nations in order to enlist their help in tracking down Chrysalis."

Shining nearly gasped in surprise! "Chrysalis has been spotted?!"

"No, there's been no official sightings. But there are many cracks within our security that the ex-queen will try to exploit," Princess Celestia reluctantly admitted. "The alliance was Thorax's idea and it was originally just meant to be between Equestria and the changeling hive. But when Queen Novo, Dragon Lady Ember, Prince Rutherford, and acting head of Griffonstone Grandpa Gruff all heard about it they each insisted that their nation be added. And in the former two cases, they made it clear they wouldn't join unless you were there to iron out the details."

"Well why didn't you just say so?!" Shining perked up! "I'd be honored to take up the assignment! I won't let you down, Princess Celestia!"

Celestia nodded. "I know you won't. You and Twilight will both be successful in your objectives, this I have foreseen in my visions. But..."

"But what, Celestia?" Shining asked her. "Is something troubling you?"

"I'm afraid my visions have also indicted trouble," Celestia declared. "Though of what nature I can't determine. I sense there is little I can do to stop you though. Especially you, Twilight. For ever since you graduated from your studies with me I sensed you would sometime strive to become a teacher in your own right. Just please promise me that you'll be careful, both of you. Need I remind you that Equestria is still recovering from the Storm King's invasion?"

"Hard to believe it's been almost half a year already. Feels like it was just yesterday." Shining commented.

"And we are still not back to full strength just yet. I estimate it will not be for at least another two months before our standing army will be on the same level as it was before the invasion," Celestia somberly cautioned. "The last thing Equestria needs now is an international incident or anything that would undermine the peace."

Author's Note:

We never did get any sort of clarification on what kind of role Grandpa Gruff occupies in Grifonstone. He's not a king or an emperor, and he's probably not a president or a governor. But aside from "School Daze" when he's shown with the other leaders we have no indication that he is Griffonstone's official leader. So I wanted to offer up an explanation here, the details of that will be explained more in depth in the next chapter.

The bit with the alliance including other nations is a reference to the North America Free Trade Agreement, signed into law in 1994. It originated in 1986 as a trade deal between the United States and Canada, under President Ronald Reagan. By the time it was signed into law by President Bill Clinton it had expanded to include Mexico (the inclusion of which is still a matter of great controversy in the political realm).

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