• Published 5th Nov 2014
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A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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Sweetie trotted out of her house and walked over to Apple Bloom. Smiling, she weathered the reaction to the draining effect, knowing she could change their minds about cutting ties with Sweetie. Turning her flank, Sweetie let her friend see her Cutie Mark.

“You got your Cutie Mark!” Apple Bloom was leaping for joy. Sweetie smiled, enjoying the attention. However, that brought up an issue she hadn’t thought of.

“What does it mean?” Apple Bloom allowed Sweetie time to think, both slowly heading toward school. Sweetie mused for a moment.

“My talent is bringing out the song in pony’s hearts.” Sweetie nodded, satisfied she had explained her talent well. However, Apple Bloom merely looked confused. Sweetie sighed, knowing that meant she would have to actually go into detail to explain it. How does one explain Sweetie’s talent is helping other’s rise to theirs? Sweetie lowered her head and narrowed her eyes.

“It means I’m good at singing,” she spoke in defeat. Really, this was a conversation she was going to have multiple times each loop. A one sentence answer was best, and that meant accepting she would have to lie about her talent slightly. Of course Sweetie was a decent singer, but that wasn’t what her Mark was about.

“Oh! That’s great Sweetie. Ah wonder what mine will be.” Apple Bloom smiled toward the sky, imagining getting an ‘awesome’ Mark that would make Diamond and Silver envious. Sweetie smiled sadly, and they both headed into class.

“It means I’m good at singing,” she repeated again. It seemed the effect of Sweetie getting her Mark was enough for the four to forget the draining effect almost completely. However, that presented a problem of its own. For, if Diamond and Apple Bloom did not bond over the feeling toward Sweetie, they stayed enemies.

Maybe staying home one day will prevent this. I’ll have to try it next loop.’ Sweetie bid farewell to her friends and headed home. Thankfully, Twilight was still there. That meant Sweetie wouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow to get some questions answered. Sweetie dug into her saddlebags and held out the note.

“W-What the!” Twilight stared at the note for a few long moments, before rubbing her forehead with a hoof, and nodding. Levitating the note back over, Twilight turned toward Sweetie as a large folder of notes was held out. Twilight reconised it as her own magic-writing

“I was wondering, do you know why everything with magic resets, but my Cutie Mark stayed?” Sweetie pointed to her Mark as Twilight mused for a moment.

“Well, there’s two possible reasons. One is the loop isn’t affecting you, and you are growing normally. The other is that it is, but because you already have memory of what your talent is, it can’t wipe the mark away. Sort of how Tirek took our Marks when he drained our magic, but we got them back again without any repercussions once our magic was returned.” Twilight smiled warmly, giving a nod at her reasoning.

“Oh, ok.” Sweetie looked away, was it really that simple? Maybe it was, but what if it was option one? Would she eventually grow into an old Granny Belle? Sweetie shuddered, and turned to head up into her room. Sweetie wanted to practice spells. If she did it enough, maybe she could eventually use that memory transfer spell, so that Twilight could know her situation better.

After much persuasion, Sweetie had convinced Scootaloo to try and teach them how to race down an obstacle course on a scooter. Sweetie wanted to see if it was possible to get Scoots a Mark in scooting. Front what Sweetie understood, Scoots mark was about the joy of doing stunts at incredibly fast speeds. So it should technically be possible. They had decided to practice near the sharp drop off the cliff, as it had the longest flat bit of road. They were careful to stay far away however.

“Here, let me help you Apple Bloom.” Scoots was currently leaning over Apple Bloom’s scooter. Sweetie smiled, Twilight hadn’t wanted to agree at first, but eventually she had payed for two brand new scooters for them. Time looping payed off big time sometimes. Sweetie slowly sailed down the path, humming a tune as she tried to use her magic to push her along.

Scootaloo had said to just use her hooves, but Sweetie wanted to try doing it the Unicorn way. Plus, it was good practice. Sweetie beamed as she sweated from the pressure. Slowly the scooter began to pick up speed. Gritting her teeth, Sweetie felt wind start to push on her face. Yes, she was doing it!

Slowly, Sweetie went around the obstacle course Scoots had set up. Picking up speed, she turned and went back though it. Sweetie beamed, this was quite fun. Closing her eyes she let her magic cut off, allowing the scooter to come to a complete stop. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turned toward Sweetie, eyes widening.

“Sweetie! Look out!” As Scootaloo spoke, she leapt onto her scooter and dived toward Sweetie. Opening her eyes, Sweetie blinked and glanced back. Was it just her or was the obstacle course and Apple Bloom farther away than she remembered? No, she was definitely moving. Turning her head, Sweetie widened her eyes, seeing the incline she was starting to go down. Sweetie tried to slow herself down with her magic. There was still time, don’t panic.

SWEETIE!” As Scootaloo cried out, Sweetie lost concentration, and her gradual decline, that had been slowing down, suddenly jerked forward to a more hazardous speed. Sweetie cried out and gritted her teeth, but her magic was just slipping off the wheels. Sweetie looked down toward the ground, and lowered a foot.

Sweetie’s foot made contact with the ground, and the scooter slammed sideways, sending Sweetie forward. Tumbling down the hill, Sweetie whimpered, curling into a ball as sharp rocks and jagged edges cut deep wedges into her white body. Slowly, her coat began to run red with blood.

“Hyah!” Scootaloo leapt at Sweetie, and tried to bring both Sweetie and herself to a halt, digging her hooves in as she gripped the bloodied form of Sweetie Belle. For a small moment, they paused, balancing at the very edge of the incline. Scootaloo gulped, and slowly began to lean backward.

“Look out!” Apple Bloom tried to warn them about Sweetie’s scooter as it crashed into them, sending them over the edge. Scootaloo buzzed her wings, before realising she had dropped Sweetie. As soon as she stopped, she too began to fall. Crying out, she desperately hoped Rainbow Dash was flying nearby.

Sweetie opened her eyes slowly, pain throbbing through her body. Each breath sent jagged ice down her spine. Each movement was like someone slicing her body with a thousand knives. Looking up, she saw the fear on Scootaloo's face. Sweetie took another shuddering breath, unable to think in her current state.

For Sweetie, everything was pain. Every moment was a thousand times worse than the headache boiling inside her head. Everything was a high pitched keening in her ears. Scootaloo’s fear barely registered, eyes blinded by pain. Sweetie felt her body slowly spin, aiming her downward due to her head being heavier at the front.

There it was, the floor below. Hard, unforgiving, and uncompromising. Sweetie had no doubts, mind taken over by cold calculation as it worked through the pain. It was amazing really, her brain was split in two. One part was handling the immense pain Sweetie was feeling, and the other was just looking at what was going to follow. This would be her death. Sweetie had no emotion, she just stared as it approached. Closing her eyes, she took one final shuddering breath.

Sweetie’s death was silent. There was barely a sound as her body implanted on the ground. Anyone who examined the body would notice the thousands of broken bones, and the calm look on the filly’s face. It had been instantaneous, no pain had been felt upon impact. Sweetie Belle was gone.

Around Ponyville, Canterlot, and Manehattan, all the ponies looked up toward the sky. All blinked in shock as it suddenly turned to night without warning. All immediately began to notice something different. However, nopony had the presence of mind to comprehend it as reality bent.

All ponies, and only ponies, who were outside began to age, and collapse. As they died, each turned into dust, which in turn blew away in the wind. As silence resounded in the clearing, only one pony saw this happen. This pony was an Alicorn, who had just looked up from the book she had been reading inside her castle.

As Twilight watched this, she had no idea why it had happened, but she felt the chill pass though her all the same. Whatever had just affected those stuck outside could very well happen again. Twilight turned and woke up Spike, preparing him to send a letter. Whatever was happening, only Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had a chance of surviving in the outside long enough to get anywhere.

Twilight sighed and went to brew a cup of coffee, hoping it had been an illusion, and she hadn’t just seen dozens of lives snuff out in an instant. Including one that looked strikingly like herself. Rubbing her forehead, she groaned. This was really way too much for 12:02 in the morning on a Monday.

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