• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,777 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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Rarity leapt out of bed and slammed Sweetie’s door open, blocking her ears off to the noise by holding her ears against her head. Sweetie was screaming at a pile of ash that was vanishing into nothing. Rarity took a step into the room, Sweetie didn’t notice.

“Sweetie Belle, what’s wrong?” As soon as Rarity spoke, the screaming stopped, and Sweetie turned, and dived into Rarity arms. Sweetie began to sob loudly, tears streaming down her face. Rarity comforted her sister, confused but knowing what her role was.

“I killed them *sob* I killed them.” Sweetie continued to speak those three lines without pause as she cried into Rarity. Rarity bit her lip, and decided it was best to comfort now, and ask questions later. Bringing her sister deeper into a hug,

“There there, I’m here. It’s ok.” Rarity gently patted Sweetie on the head, the crying intensifying. Whatever had spooked Sweetie must have been very horrific if she was this mortified. Rarity sat down, knowing she was in for a long comforting session.

After a few hours, Sweetie eventually ran out of tears to shed, and entered a fitful sleep. Rarity snuck the filly back into her bed, and breathed out. Rarity turned and headed down the stairs, maybe pancakes would make her sister feel better. There was the matter of school...No, Sweetie could miss a day.

“Ah, there’s Apple Bloom, I’ll go tell her Sweetie won’t be going today.” Rarity put down the batter and turned toward the door. Walking out, she smiled warmly as Apple Bloom smiled back.

“I’m sorry Apple Bloom, Sweetie won’t be going to school today.” Rarity smiled sadly as Apple Bloom tilted her head, and gave a slow nod. Rarity blinked, for a moment she thought she had seen relief on Apple Bloom's face. Shaking her head, it was gone.

“Ah, okay, tell Sweetie that Ah’ll meet her at school for the rest of the week. Ah gotta get to it early to...help Cheerilee.” Apple Bloom waved goodbye, and skipped toward the school. Rarity turned and headed back inside to make pancakes.

”You killed us! I thought we were friends!” Scootaloo’s ashes curled into a vague pony-like shape, eyes made of darkness. The others formed, all circling around the huddled form of Sweetie.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know!” Sweetie covered her eyes and sobbed. Why had she thought they would be fine? Why had she thought the logical conclusion was they would loop too? Apple Bloom forced Sweetie’s hooves away, and looked Sweetie in the eyes.

“Yer a monster! Never talk to us again ya hear? You don’t deserve friends for what ya have done!” Apple Bloom scoffed and walked away. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were next.

“You will always be a blank flank. Somepony who murdered her friends does not deserve something as great as a Cutie Mark.” All four vanished in a puff of smoke, and the room began to darken, leaving Sweetie in darkness.

“Sweetie, I made you pancakes.” Rarity opened the door slowly, seeing Sweetie huddled on the floor where the ash and dust had been earlier. Sweetie jolted awake at the sound of Rarity’s voice, and tears began to stream down her face again.

“Oh dearie me.” Rarity scooped her sister up and hugged her close as the filly began to cry again. Breathing in, Rarity decided it was time to find out just what had Sweetie so traumatised.

“Sweetie, I need you to tell me what’s wrong. Please, you’ll feel better once you do.” Rarity slowly put a hoof to her sister’s chin, and slowly pushed it upward. Sweetie sobbed, burying her face into Rarity’s fur.

“I-I killed them! They were my friends an-an-and I thought it was-but it wasn’t an-and they-oh god they grew older than Granny Smith an-and It’s my fault!” As Sweetie cried into Rarity’s chest, the fashionista realised two things. One: She had no idea what Sweetie was talking about. Two: Sweetie had somehow ‘killed’ something and was absolutely mortified.

“Shhh-Shh-Shhh...Sweetie look at me.” Once more, Rarity tilted her sister’s chin up.

“Did you mean to do it?” Rarity forced her sister to remain looking at her as her cries grew stronger.

“No! I-If I had known I would never have-my Celestia.” Sweetie closed her eyes and began to shake. Rarity waited a moment, before once more forcing her sister to look at her.

“It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know, you have no reason to think you are to blame.” Rarity looked her sister evenly in the eyes as she suddenly stopped crying. Sweetie sniffed and tears leaked down her face as she opened her mouth to speak.

“But-” As a hoof was placed on Sweetie’s mouth, Rarity interrupted.

“No Sweetie. It is not your fault. It was an accident. You are not to blame. Say it.” Rarity waited patiently, remove her hoof from Sweetie’s mouth.

“I-It wasn’t my f-fault, it w-was an a-accident.” Sweetie slowly repeated, tears streaming down her face once more. Rarity brought her sister into a smothering hug as Sweetie began to cry once more.

“And don’t you forget that.”

“I’m sorry, as big an opportunity that is, I can’t leave my sister here alone.” Rarity smiled apologetically at the pony in front of her. How she ached to say yes, but Sweetie needed her. Ambition could wait.

“That is a shame. Very well, we will find a different designer for the event.” The stallion nodded, pulling up a pen to make a note. Both paused as a filly walked down the stairs, and smiled weakly.

“Go on Rarity, I’ll be fine. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Twilight can watch me.” Sweetie knew this event, even if the world was looping, meant a lot to Rarity. And it got her out of Sweetie’s hair for a few days. Besides, she needed to talk to Twilight. Rarity winced, the offer so tempting.

“But Sweetie Belle, what if you need me for something?” Rarity bit her lip and glanced between the filly and the stallion. What should she go with?

“I’ll have Twilight with me, and you’re only a few hours away. Go on, I’ll be fine.” Sweetie forced a smile onto her face despite how exhausted she felt, and Rarity bit her lip once more. After a moment she growled and rubbed her forehead. Walking over, she brought Sweetie into a hug once more.

“Are you sure?” Rarity looked her sister in the eyes. Sweetie forced herself to smile and nod. Rarity bit her lip, and stood up once more.

“I’d be delighted to go to Manehattan with you.” Rarity turned, and smiled warmly at the stallion. He nodded, and wrote something down. Rarity glanced down to her sister, before motioning to the door.

“Come, let’s get you to Twilight. I’m not leaving you alone on a day like today.” Rarity slowly led both to Twilight’s castle, and knocked on the door. Opening it, Twilight blinked curiously at the three.

“Could you please watch Sweetie for me? I have to go to Manehattan for a once-in-a-lifetime opport-er- I mean business.” Rarity glanced toward the stallion, who raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Twilight rubbed her eyes, and nodded.

“Of course, when will you be back?” Twilight leaned down and smiled warmly at Sweetie, who seemed to be underneath a cloud of gray.

“On Wednesday. Can I talk with you for a moment?” Rarity gently pulled Twilight to the side, and pointed to where Sweetie was.

“Sweetie has had a horrible morning. Something spooked her good, but she seems to be recovering from it now. Just don’t leave her alone for very long.” Rarity bit her lip, and once more considered staying with her sister.

“Alright, I’ll be sure to keep an eye on her,” replied Twilight, giving a smile. Rarity gave Sweetie one last hug, before following the stallion to the train station.

“Alright, let’s see what I can make us for lunch.” Twilight smiled and trotted into the castle. Sweetie followed without a word.

“Hrm, ooh I can make us some delicious Hayfries. How does that sound?” Twilight waited patiently as Sweetie blinked, and looked away.

“That sounds ok.” Sweetie sat down at the table, and Twilight bit her lip as she set about making the food. Rarity was right, Sweetie was almost like Twilight’s discorded version.

I gotta think of something fun to cheer her up. Maybe Twister? Kids like that right?’ Twilight silently sighed as she placed two plates of Hayfries down. What would Sweetie like to do? Sweetie wasn’t exactly how Twilight was when she was younger, she likely didn’t want the same things.

“Twilight, can I ask you a question?” Sweetie picked at her fries before plopping one into her mouth, chewing it slowly. It wasn’t her fault, she had to focus. Sweetie had a feeling telling herself that wasn’t going to change how she felt, but Rarity had said to. And it was sorta maybe helping.

“Shoot, we’ve got plenty of time to talk.” Twilight watched as Sweetie winced, before continuing. It was worse than she thought; the filly wasn’t even meeting her eyes.

“I’m kinda...doing an experiment and...I was wondering what the first thing you do before conducting your own is.” Sweetie finished her plate of food, and looked around for a drink. Twilight levitated over a jug of water, and poured them both a cup.

“Make a copy of my work.” Twilight took a sip of her drink, before noticing that Sweetie was looking at her for once.

“Why?” Sweetie tilted her head.

“Well, if something happens to me, I don’t want to lose my notes. Not to mention it’s helpful to leave a note for anyone who finds the spares in the future, warning them of what I was doing.” Twilight smiled, remembering a few notes she had made in her earlier years. Oh they had all been more or less the same, but even she would admit they had been on the dramatic side.

“That makes sense I guess…” Sweetie lowered her head and tapped her bowl as she slid her hoof along the rim.

“What’s the fastest way to do that?” Sweetie bit her lip and closed her eyes. Speed, she shuddered.

“I can teach you a spell that will do it for you if you like. All it requires is the paper to copy the notes onto.” Twilight levitated over two pieces of paper, and quickly wrote something on one, before concentrating. With a small poof, the writing appeared on the second piece of paper. Sweetie raised her head, and the ghost of a smile appeared on her face.

“Yes please.”

Author's Note:

It's quite hard writing a child in situations like this. Oh the woes of being a writer.

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