• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,768 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

  • ...

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Sweetie stared at the ceiling, and sighed. Boredom was one of those things she had been trying to avoid, but she really didn’t know what she could do. A part of her silently wondered what would change if she did nothing? Closing her eyes, she knew it wouldn’t. There was nothing she could do, there was no escape.

“So, what do I do about it?” Sweetie glanced toward the window, watching as a pegasus flew by at exactly 5:15 in the morning, as he did every other loop. Sighing, Sweetie counted down the seconds, her ear flickering as a rooster began to caw in the distance. Sitting up, Sweetie rummaged around her bags, and pulled out one of the looping books she knew off by heart.

“Tch,” gritting her teeth, Sweetie tossed it into the air, and set it on fire, quickly dousing it the moment it was turned to ash, preventing the fire from spreading. Glancing toward it, Sweetie tried to force herself not to think about the friend she had lost before even getting to know her.

“Right, I think it’s time I asked Twilight for help.” Sweetie nodded, standing up and quickly checking her bags were in order. Most of the stuff was piled in her room, due to the spell to make the bags twice as big not working until she got Twilight to recast it. Only the most important items were in her saddlebags.

Walking downstairs, Sweetie quickly wrote a note to Rarity, explaining she had gone to see Twilight, leaving a copy of Rarity’s looping note beside it. Placing it on the table, Sweetie turned and trotted out the door. Knocking on the castle door, Twilight was quick to answer. Sweetie barged past her, entering the castle. Levitating the note into Twilight’s face, Sweetie closed the door, and took a seat.

“Bla bla okay listen Twilight.” Sweetie quickly cut off Twilight, motioning for her to sit down as she waited impatiently. Eventually, Sweetie was obeyed, and she began to speak, eyes narrowing as she discussed the serious subject.

“I’m bored. I don’t think I need to tell you why I need to avoid that.” Sweetie knew Twilight would be thinking about the many looping books, and what happened to the main character if they grew bored, or too pressured. Sweetie closed her eyes, and waited for Twilight to think on the matter.

“Well, I’m going to need some time to think of better ideas, but...Oh! I got it, this!” Twilight beamed a smile as she held up a diary of some sort. Sweetie raised an eyebrow, taking it in her magic. Opening it, she realised it was the diary of Celestia and Luna. Sweetie’s eyebrow raised further, and she slowly closed the book.

“Well, not that exactly, but that’s what brought the idea into my head. You see, I got that from the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters in the Everfree. There’s plenty to do there. I’d be happy to escort you, but you probably don’t need me to escort you ehe…” Scratching the back of her head, Twilight tried to laugh away what she felt was turning into an awkward moment. Sweetie shook her head, giving an endearing smile.

“I’d love you to come. Who knows what we might find together?”

“As you can see, there’s plenty of ancient books. Lore, even a section dedicated to Celestia’s Fanfictions. I would not advise reading them.” Twilight winced as she glanced to them, and Sweetie wondered how bad they could be. Maybe it would give her an idea of what heroes Celestia had seen while growing up.

“There’s a lot to read here, sounds like fun, but is there anything else?” Sweetie plucked a few of the books out, and placed them in her saddlebags for later. Turning, Sweetie followed Twilight out of the library, and into the ruined halls of the castle.

“To be honest, I don’t really know. Last time we properly explored the castle we all got horribly lost and frightened only to find out it was Pinkie Pie. I’ve never really properly ‘explored’ it per se.” Twilight smiled, and Sweetie mused, both pausing as they entered the throne room. Looking around, Sweetie supposed this would be fun.

“Alright, I’ll see if I can make a map.” Sweetie nodded, that sounded like the most fun. Twilight giggled, and waved a wing as she turned and headed for a door.

“Alright, I’ll be in the library if you need me. Try not to get stuck in a death loop or something. See ya.” As soon as Twilight left, Sweetie opened her saddlebags and pulled out a large piece of paper, and scribbled down the bit of the castle she already knew about. Listing it up, she nodded, and slipped it back into the saddlebag.

“Alright, so I’ll stick to the left, and once that’s done try tracing my way backward.” Sweetie nodded, taking a step to head for the first door. Opening it, Sweetie saw a long hallway with a lot of armor being displayed on stands. Stifling a shudder, Sweetie was struck by how creepy they were.

“Nonsense,” she scoffed, shaking her head rapidly and beginning to walk down the path. Sweetie noticed signs amiss, one armor set being in disarray. Sweetie supposed this was from Twilight’s last exploration. Nodding, Sweetie marked the corridor on the map, and continued.

Of course, that was when a giant gaping hole opened up underneath her, and she fell down a slide into a dark dungeon room with rusted bars. Rubbing her sore flank, she turned and kicked a few out, and exited the cell. Looking around, Sweetie flipped the piece of paper over, beginning her map again.

“Right, let’s uh...try...right…” Sweetie turned, and headed down the hall, ears flopping back as a grating sounded from right above her. Visions of the ceiling crumbling around her made her worry she might get caught in a death loop again. Sweetie shuddered, highly doubting her savior would be able to find her out here.

Ignoring her qualms, Sweetie pushed forward.

Author's Note:

Hey, I'm looking to shamelessly advertise a fic I'm working on for a contest. You can find it here if you are interested. It's roughly 5k, so it's not very long. I would love any feedback you care to give.

Also ^that, because devils number and whatnot.

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