• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 26,764 Views, 5,268 Comments

A little loopy. - FaelaArts

Sweetie Belle gets stuck in a time loop.

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“Hello my dear Sweetie Belle, please come in so you can tell.” Zecora let the filly into her hut, pouring them both a drink of something Sweetie didn’t recognize. Giving it a sip, it tasted wonderful, she closed her eyes to enjoy the taste.

“Zecora, I was wondering if you might be able to help me learn how to defend myself. Only for emergencies, but I’d like to be able to rely on more than just my magic.” Sweetie waited as Zecora considered it, wondering if she would need to try and convince the zebra she was looping.

“What you ask is quite a task, but if you desire I can teach you what you require.” Zecora stood up and walked over to Sweetie Belle, and waited.

“Yes please, anything you can teach me would be great.” Sweetie smiled warmly, and Zecora opened the door, leading the filly outside. After a short walk down a crack in the forest, Sweetie emerged into a clearing with a pool of water.

“Some tasks will be above your skill, but I can teach you about the power of will.” Zecora sat down, instructing Sweetie to do the same. Sweetie did as instructed, wondering what this ‘power of will’ was.

“A clear mind in any fight, will help you discover what is right. Patience and wit are what you need, for that we need to let go of greed. Close your eyes and be still as a rock, do not worry about thoughts that flock. Find a way to clear your mind, enough that thoughts leave you well behind.” Zecora closed her eyes, folding her legs as she turned as still as a statue.

Sweetie tried to copy the position, but found her legs didn’t bend that way. Sitting normally, Sweetie got comfortable and closed her eyes. So she wanted to be still, and not think. Sounded simple enough, all she had to do was stop thinking. Right, that’s still thinking, Sweetie shook her head rapidly, clearing her thoughts as she tried to clear her mind.

After five minutes, she opened her eyes and cried out in annoyance.

“I’m sorry Zecora, but I can’t do this. Thank you for the help anyway.” Sweetie stood up, watching as Zecora slowly opened her eyes, and stood up. Bowing her head, she smiled warmly.

“Do not fear the results of today, I did not expect it to immediately hold you sway. Practice often and soon you’ll find, it comes as easy as breathing to clear your mind.” Zecora escorted Sweetie Belle back to her hut, and bid the filly farewell. Sweetie began heading back toward Ponyville. So she had a way to increase her endurance, agility, and magic.

“So if I practice running, then Zecora’s thing, then my magic I shouldn’t be too tired. But I still don’t feel like that’s enough. But it’s not like anyone here knows Karate or anything” Sweetie grumbled loudly as she stopped once arriving in Ponyville. The question was, how much of each should she do each day?

“Did you say Karate?” A blue blur landed in front of Sweetie, and she blinked as it cleared into a familiar pony. Rainbow Dash tilted her head, and Sweetie nodded.

“I could probably teach you a few things if you want, though I don’t know why you didn’t just ask your sister.” Rainbow Dash motioned in the direction of the boutique.

“Why would I ask my sister?” Sweetie tilted her head. This was great! Something she could use to fight!

“Well, duh, she’s an even higher belt than I am. I’m only a Songham-er camo belt-er…” Rainbow Dash paused, tapping her chin as she thought of the best way to describe it.

“Well let’s just say it’s the belt between yellow and green. Essentially it means I’m pretty awesome at it, but I still have a long way to go. My form’s too freeform, it keeps getting me disqualified during sparring matches.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. It didn’t overly matter, they all agreed she was awesome, even when disqualified.

“What belt is my sister?” Sweetie tilted her head, this was the first time hearing that her sister knew Karate. This was great! Sweetie could get lessons from someone even better than Rainbow Dash.

“Brown, close to getting the next belt from what I heard one time at the s-” Rainbow Dash cut herself off and smiled sheepishly. Sweetie rolled her eyes, as if she didn’t know Dash liked the spa.

“That’s great, I’ll go ask her for help then, see you later Rainbow Dash.” Sweetie waved goodbye, and quickly trotted in the direction of her home. By luck, Rarity was home. Sweetie stepped in and smiled warmly at her sister.

“Teach me Karate!” Sweetie saw her sister jolt, and slowly turn toward her.

“Come again?” Rarity put her drink down as she regarded her sister. Was she serious?

“Rainbow Dash told me you’re a brown belt, whatever that is, in Karate. Please teach me!” Sweetie waited as Rarity digested this, and sighed.

“Very well, but It isn’t going to be easy. It requires constant diligence. And I’m a little bit rusty.” Rarity stood up and began to clear the main room of the boutique out. Rarity knew it would be best to get Sweetie a proper teacher, but the filly might not want more than one lesson. Rarity supposed she could at least help her sister get off a white belt.

“Alright, let’s begin.”

Sweetie slumped on her bed, and sighed. Karate was a lot different to what she expected. It wasn’t tiring like Applejack, nor boring like Zecora’s. It was like a routine. Sweetie closed her eyes and smiled.

It is going to be a long time before I can actually be strong enough for what I want, but I can make it. If my magic is growing with each loop, it should mean I can grow my strength in other areas too. Either way, it will only help in the long run.’ Sweetie yawned and settled into bed. Sure, she wanted to do more pranks, but she felt antsy. Her desire to find a way out of the loop was hindering her pranks.

“Back to work next loop,” she sighed, knowing she couldn’t faff around any longer.

Author's Note:

I used this for the karate thing.
And before you say; Yes the show has Rd wearing a black belt. But it's close enough to the belt I gave her to pass it off as that. I don't see RD having a black belt, it goes against logic.
Here is another poem made by: Divine Path

To be still in the darkness,
searching silently for the fleeting light.
The cage may grow tighter,
can you tell?
Warmth may drain from each regain
of the love blossoming through the hearts
of the ponies left dynamic,
presently unchanging.

The creature of darkness plays their own game,
by which rules do they play,
do you suppose?
That in this nightmare a hope remains undying;
is it welcome in this land of darkness?

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