• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,485 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

  • ...

The Show

"Okay, Twilight. It's been three weeks of practice and training. The high mages have given you all the training you can get in such a short time, the guild has taught you all you can learn. Now, it's time for your first show. If this goes well, we're one step closer to winning. Are you ready?"

Twilight closed her eyes and dozens of spells flew through her mind as she recited them and imagined mystic symbols and glyphs. She took in an extra large breath and held it until her lungs started to sting. Exhaling it all at once she smiled and hopped into a power pose. "Show time."

Shining nodded the mares all put on their cloaks and hoods. Shining stepped away as Twilight pulled the stage wagon into town from the border of the Everfree forest. It was heavier than usual since this time it was full of traveling supplies plus her show equipment, and even with her friends by her side she still chose to pull the cart alone. "Bye, Shining," Scootaloo shouted back.

"Hush, silly filly. We're on a secret mission, we can't ever say his name til we're done," Applejack scolded, "Plus, you ain't supposed ta say bye. Say 'see ya later.'"

Scootaloo trotted up next to Twilight and smiled a wide toothy smile. "Twilight, I can pull if it's too heavy for you. I'm a lot stronger than I look, you know. I could totally help you pull it," she said proudly.

"Tell you what, Scoots. Go behind and push, tell me when you start and I'll let you know if it's helping, okay?"

Scootaloo looked at Twilight and sighed before stopping to let the wagon pass. Trotting behind she reared and pressed her legs against the back and walked along with it. "I'm pushing, is it better?" She asked exasperatedly.

"Oh, my. It's like I'm pulling nothing at all, thank you Scootaloo, you're such a great help," Twilight replied excitedly. For a second Scootaloo smiled and her wings fluttered before she remembered she was being treated like a foolish foal. She stopped pushing and walked behind the wagon sadly.

Fluttershy trotted up to her from behind to her right and draped her one wing over Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, we're like sisters now, right?" Scootaloo sniffled and looked at Fluttershy sadly, then nodded. "Well, Twilight has a big event ahead of her, and, she's really stressed at the moment. She's not trying to get rid of you, or make you feel bad. She's trying to focus on what's coming up, okay?"

Scootaloo stopped and sat on the dirt path with Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, let me go." Fluttershy closed her wing and got up and galloped to catch up to the wagon. I'm not a foolish foal or a silly filly. I'll show 'em someday.

"Twilight, I think you should apologize to Scootaloo, you hurt her feelings making her feel inferior with that pointless task you gave her."

"It's her fault, Fluttershy. She's to little to fly, much less pull or even push a wagon. She should just climb on top and rest."

"Twilight Sparkle, that is a very poor attitude to take into your first show. You have to talk to her, now. And remember to use 'I feel,' not 'you,' or 'fault.'"

Twilight stopped and groaned. I'm so tired of having a psychologist on my team. She unhitched herself quickly and sighed.

"Hey, Sparkles? Why'd you stop the cart?" Rainbow called from the top of the stage wagon.

"Rainbow Dash! That's why the cart was so heavy. Get off there now before I," Twilight stopped and felt Fluttershy's eyes on her, "before I ask you nicely to come down again and offer you a reward to get down. From the wagon," Twilight said slowly through a forced smile and clenched teeth. The feeling of Fluttershy's glare dissipated as Rainbow jumped to the ground landing on her forelegs then her rear legs.

"Hey, Fluttershy. Sparkles was really nice that time, thanks for talking to her. Hey, Sparkles? You gonna give me a candy? I got down, didn't I?"

Twilight turned and kept her forced smile as she nodded slowly. I do NOT like this setup. Just do it, Twilight. Do it for everypony in Equestria and beyond. "I'll get you a candy after our show, okay? I promise."

Rainbow smiled and jumped into the air and with a steady beat of her wings hovered a few feet from the ground. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, you're such a good flier now! I hope I can see you do an amazing trick some day." Fluttershy said as she walked with Twilight to the back of the wagon. "Twilight, is there something you wanted to say to Scootaloo?"

Yeah, get those gems of harmony off and go back to your closet and let responsible adults handle this. "Scootaloo, I'm sorry. I felt like I was helping you to stay busy and occupied but I didn't take into account your feelings. I feel sad that you had to push the wagon and that I told you too."

Scootaloo crossed her forelegs and smiled as she turned her head and waved a hoof dismissively. "Yeah, whatever. I was totally helping out, Twilight. Someday I'll pull that wagon like it's nothing."

Twilight fought the urge to roll her eyes as she nodded and turned to Fluttershy. Mouthing the words 'better?' she walked past the mare and back to the front. "I'll hitch back up and we'll be in Ponyville in twenty minutes. Everypony, get ready."

Walking into Ponyville the town was alight with lanterns and ponies of all ages, genders and sizes dressed as just as many different monsters and creatures. Nightmare Night in Ponyville. Perfect time and place to see if my training has paid off. As she pulled the cart to the center of town by the town hall she sniffled then coughed as a cue for her friends to get into position.

Grabbing roped in their teeth they watched as Twilight trotted into her position before the show side of the wagon. Using her magic to remove her cloak the others pulled their ropes and the wagon opened into a grand, yet small, stage. "The Amazing Twiley" was hand painted on a banner over the center of the stage as she jumped on and cast a sparkler spell, garnering the attention of dozens of local ponies.

"Greetings, one and all, to view the greatest unicorn mage in Equestria! Watch, as I dazzle you, amaze you, and wow you with my feats of amazing magic versatility." Shouting as aloud as she could she cast a firework spell into the sky and it exploded into four others that rained magic sparklers onto the ponies. She was dressed in a modified Starswirl the Bearded costume without the beard and wore sterling silver hoof shoes.

"Mommy! Mommy! She's making fireworks! Can we watch?!" an excited colt dressed as a mummy asked as he pulled his mother's saddle bags.

Twilight took a pose and cast levitation making a rope tie onto a grommet in the ceiling and then hover straight out. Rainbow tossed her cloak off and shone with brightly colored gem fragments across her coat. The gems danced with the firelight below her into an orange hued rainbow across her body as she dropped to grab Fluttershy.

Grabbing her cloak cord in her teeth Fluttershy pulled and the cloak came free to expose her coat painted with pink polka dots and some of her mane dyed purple in random parts. Rainbow picked Fluttershy up to the roof and landed with her. Fluttershy opened her wing and closed her eyes then galloped forward onto the rope as ponies gasped.

"She only has one wing, mommy! She's gonna be hurt bad!" a filly shouted as Fluttershy reached the halfway point. With a thought Twilight untied the rope and looped it tying it to itself, then rolled it with Fluttershy as she galloped blindly ahead for a few seconds over the crowd. Stopping she turned slowly and walked left and right zig zagging as the rope kept her aloft.

"This is the greatest tight rope walking exhibition I've ever seen," an elderly stallion shouted in excitement. The crowd started stomping and cheering as Fluttershy opened her eyes and galloped back to the stage, stopping right next to Twilight.

"You see, my friends never have to worry about falling with me around. Except, in love!" Scootaloo had already taken off her cloak and crawled out from under the curtain and trotted to Fluttershy.

"I love you, mommy. Can you ask Twiley to do the trick for me?" Part of the crowd awed at the affection.

"Oh, little sweetie. I wish I could, but my voice isn't strong enough. Can you ask the audience for help?" Fluttershy said with her eyes closed and a forced smile.

"Hey, ponies out there, ask The Amazing Twiley to do the trick for me!" Scootaloo ordered. She cleared her throat. "Please, I really really wanna see it. And so do you, trust me. It's awesome."

The fillies and colts started chanting "Show us, show us, show us." Before ten seconds everypony, dozens more had joined, were chanting.

Twilight smiled and nodded before closing her eyes and focusing on the spells she had learned. Her horn glowed a bright purple and had a dark outer cone around it as she activated the arcane energies from within her to reality. A beam of white light engulfed Twilight as she hovered in the air, white light pouring from her eyes and mouth.

Ponies in the audience backed away in fear as Twilight lowered to the stage still aglow and walked to the ground before the light surrounding her flashed brightly, blinding the audience for a second. Opening their eyes they squinted them shut again as the light of the noon day sun shone upon them. They gasped and stared in awe as the sunlight filled their eyes with it's beauty before vanishing and the night sky returned. The crowd was silent as they looked to the starry night sky and somewhere a hoof stomped the earth. Then another, another and another until the earth shook and trembled.

The screams and cries of joy and laughter and approval mixed into a chorus of white noise as Twilight stroke a pose and smiled on stage, panting lightly. Before she knew it ponies had swarmed her asking how she brought the sun back. If she was a princess or if she had the power to control the sun.

A simple illusion spell and they're ready to believe anything. You were right, Shining. Good job. "Ponies, the magic I possess is as great as a princess! Put me down and let me show you what else I'm capable of!" The crowd put her down and backed up, creating a half circle around her, tightly packed together they looked on with awe.

A focus of the arcane energies again and she cast a blast far into the sky. It expanded and covered the town and several miles across with a purple light before exploding into fireworks. The sound was deafening as the colorful display exploded around them, however, the ponies didn't look away. From Canterlot ponies saw the light show and 'ood' and 'awed' at the sight. The sound of popping from the fireworks were audible even into the royal throne room. Celestia's ears perked up and she smiled as she raised her head. An enchanted guard watched her closely as she stirred for the first time in days.

"Fireworks. Don't you hear them, Nightmare Moon?"

Nightmare moon was asleep on the throne and stirred slightly. "I hear popping, could be anything, sister. Go to sleep or stay silent." There was a loud pop and Nightmare Moon sighed. "I shall see what vexes thee."

She groaned and pushed herself up and trotted to a window and looked out to see nothing. She sighed and rolled her eyes then trotted to the next wall and looked out and her eyes widened at the purple hue and the expansive fireworks and a real smile crept across her face. "Tia, TIA! They're having fireworks! In my honor, I hold no doubts. Tia, come here!" Nightmare Moon grabbed Celestia in her magic and pulled her from the enchanted circle to the window facing the display.

"Is in not the most beautiful thing thy have seen in a millennia? That town, Ponyville. I had half the town destroyed and now they honor me, mayhaps I should do that to every town, city and berg. Thy disagree, surely?"

"Nightmare Moon, you will do as you please, with or without my advice."

"Thy are mistaken, sister. I have made an accord with the leader of the resistance to hold the nightmares at bay, in exchange no further attacks against my transports. Thine are mistaken, I am not a tyrant. I am a queen, a noble queen."

"You are as you believe, not as others see you. The dark magic you allowed to corrupt you has warped your mind. Let it go and the ponies will love us both."

Nightmare Moon growled and threw Celestia away from the window. Opening her wings she began to cast a dangerous spell. "Celestia, thy are wrong and I will kill thee the next time thy speak to me in such a way." She released her spell at a guard and he vanished into a puff of grey smoke. "Thy will suffer a fate worse than anything thy can imagine if you challenge me."

Celestia felt her heart ache as she looked back to the pile of ash that was once a loyal subject of hers. "Yes, my Queen, Nightmare Moon. I shall obey, for as long as I must."

"Then that will have to do, for now. Thy may return yourself to your ward, or I will do it for you."

Celestia stood tall and opened her wings and glared at Nightmare Moon before sighing and walking into the ward. "Go, enjoy your fireworks, Queen Nightmare Moon. Enjoy the honor they bestow upon you." Laying down she felt the enchantments tug her to the floor, locking her back to her current life. Soon, she will be defeated and peace will reign again. I know Shining Armor will not fail me.

Shining looked at the scene from the castle tower along with several dozen other ponies and smiled at the sky as it exploded into fireworks. "You're really something, Twiley. Great job."

"Who believes now in the amazing power of The Amazing Twiley?"

The crowd had dispersed and had given the stage more room and as they cheered and stomped as a Pegasi ran up to the front and challenged. "I don't believe in you, you're a phony and use cheap tricks to show off. I challenge you to do better than this." The stallion opened his wings and hovered in the air before flying straight up and diving to the ground, turning inches from the earth he began to spin faster and faster until he made a small tornado.

Casting a spell she made her own tornado swirling the opposite direction and rammed it into his cancelling it as he spun between the two and landed with a thud on his haunches. His eyes still spinning he tried to stand and fell over as a pony giggled from the audience.

Great acting, corporal. Applejack will definitely pay you back later.

"So there you have it. I, and my team, are the greatest in Equestria! We accept bits and candy as tribute." Twilight smiled with a wink as some in the crowd giggled and chuckled.

"Ma'am, that was a great show," a short stallion said as he dropped a bit into their bucket along with the dozens of others, "Would you be interested in acting in a theatre play?"

"Sir, I appreciate the offer, but The Amazing Twiley is a traveling show, we have places to be and this' way more fun than being in one place." Twilight reflected for a moment on what she had said compared to her opinion on having many jobs a few months ago. She felt a real smile creep in place of the forced on she had on. "I really do enjoy this and I don't know if I'll stop."

"Ah, I see. Well, thanks for your time, Twiley."

"Yes sir, and thank you for your patronage."

"Twiley?, Rainbow whispered loudly, "can we go to the spa when we're done? I wanna feel pretty and they know me there, we can get a discount."

Twilight turned and smiled at Rainbow. "I think that's an amazing idea. My hooves are in serious need of TLC."


"Tender loving care, Rainbow."

"Oh, Fluttershy said I'd get a stallion that gave me that someday. Will he do my hooves then?"

Twilight smiled and chuckled at Rainbow's filly like view of the world. "He'll do that and a lot more. Go get some candy, it's the perfect night and you're in for a lot of different candies cuz it's a holiday!"

Twilight turned back to the crowd dropping bits into the small bucket that Scootaloo was replacing with another because it was nearly full of candy from the fillies and colts and bits from the adults.

We may have made more in an hour than I make in a month in Maneapolis. I think I may have to rethink my stance on magic and my life path. She looked back at where her cutie mark was, under her Starswirl cloak, and wondered if she had a way to change her destiny.

"Oh my gosh, that was so cool, Twilight. I can't believe you did all that! Ah, this' the life! I can get spas and hooficures every day for the rest of my life," Rainbow beamed before she giggled from the file brushing against her hooves, "And it tickles. Really, I never thought I would be so happy and have so many friends."

"Rainbow, you're right. I like this, it's a great way to relax and unwind after a show. The ponies sure did enjoy the show, I can't wait for the next town," Fluttershy said from a mud bath lazily.

"I don't see why you have to milk it like this, let's just go and get dinner and sleep at the Inn. I'm totally pumped for our next town," Scootaloo said as she laid on a massage bed alone.

"Scoots, why don't ya go and see Applejack. She's helping guard the wagon and could use the company, if you're bored."

"Okay, Twi. I'm goin'. This place is lame-ville," Scootaloo hopped up and galloped out of the spa. The run to the wagon was exhausting and far for such a little filly but when she got there she stopped and acted like it was nothing. "So, Jack. What's it like being a stagehand when you were a superstar a few months ago?" She teased.

"Well, it's really an eye opening experience, Scoots. I gotta give 'em credit for doing a lot more than this. I know I pay them a lot, but maybe it's not enough. I'm gonna write a letter to my dream team and see what we can do. How're you Scoots? Excited? Bored? Don't like getting the spa treatment?"

"Well, duh. I'm old enough to a lotta things, but everypony treats me like I'm a foal and can't do anything myself. Then they wanna treat me like a fancy pony that wants to get a bath everyday and get my mane done. It's really annoying. I wish I was with my daddy and-" She stopped and turned away as her heart ached at the memory of her parents.

"You know, Scootaloo. If you really need to talk to anypony, Fluttershy is qualified and required to keep anything you talk about secret. It'll make you feel better, trust me. I've gotten a lot out with her and it feels great." Applejack placed a hoof between the little fillies wings. They fluttered quickly as she ran in the direction she was facing blindly.

She opened her eyes and tried to see through the blur of tears that fogged her view. Stupid tears and Applejack and Children of the Night. Why can't it just go back to the way it was? Back when everything was easy and made sense and was fun and happy and I played and was gonna learn to fly with-.

She stopped after running until her legs hurt and looked back. No pony was following her, no pony was around. She had ran out of town by who knows how far, all she knew is she was surrounded by trees. The night was nice and cool, the sound of animals of all types chirping and groaning in the distance was relaxing and was louder than the sound of her crying in to the ground.

Daddy, mommy. I miss you, why'd you have to-

"Heya there, Orangie? Why are you crying alone in the woods?" A voice said from above her. A Pegasi was lowering herself to Scootaloo's side and looking at her with a confused look and crossed eyes.

"Nothing and none of your business. Leave me alone."

"Hi, my name is Ditzy Doo, but ponies call me Derpy Hooves cuz I don't use my hooves so good and I can't always do things good. I don't like that name and I used to cry alone out here too. I used to cry by that tree right over there, see? It has a string on it and I used to keep balloons there but Ditzy got tired of them being flat when she'd come back everyday. Do you like balloons?"

Scootaloo sniffled and wiped her eyes with her foreleg and sat up. She looked to the tree and barely saw a string tied to it, only because it was rainbow colored. "Yeah, I see it. It's okay, I guess. Balloons are okay, too."

"When I was a filly, my mommy and daddy were really happy sometimes, but mommy would cry a lot and have to take medicine a lot too. Daddy said she was just a sad pony and needed to have extra love from Ditzy. Then one day mommy took me here and showed me how to make bubbles and they were so much fun and had the rainbows in them," Ditzy looked to the starry sky and smiled, then her smile fell and she looked at the ground and poked at it with her hoof, "Then she left Ditzy here alone. She took Miss Sweety back home, but I didn't know where home was so I stayed for days and nights and I was really hungry.

I left to go find mommy and I went into town there and soon I had a new family and home and even a new sister. And then, I didn't cry here anymore! It was so nice to have a new family since my other family was lost forever. Soon, I'll have a new family of my own and we'll always be happy," Ditzy sat and rubbed her belly, "Isn't that right, little one? Well, I've gotta do something, but thanks for talking. See ya later," Ditzy opened her wings and flew away before Scootaloo could say a word.

Happy with her new family and making a new one? Maybe I should try hanging out with the others a little more.

"Pinkie, I have a secret to share with you. I need you to come with me, okay?" Rarity asked as she trotted into Sugarcube corner.

"Rarity, I don't know, I have deliveries to make," Pinkie said, trying to excuse herself professionally from her sisterly obligations, "And there's no pony to watch the store."

Rarity had been sleeping very well and was a lot happier, but still came home talking in her sleep about things that scared Pinkie. It had been almost three weeks since Rarity had begun sleeping through hours at a time, but she would still talk in her sleep and dream eat every time.

"Oh, Pinkie. You'll love it. It's to die for, I won't take no for an answer." Rarity smiled and began pushing Pinkie out the door of Sugarcube Corner against Pinkies protests and locking it behind them. Pinkie finally gave in and trotted beside Rarity to the outskirts of town to a small farm with an old looking barn, but it was oddly long. "Pinkie, there it is. You're in for a treat, bigger than any cupcake."

Pinkie forced a smile and tried to control her breathing as she had a terrible thought run through her head. "I'm so excited to see your surprise, Rarity. Is that it? It's really a cool barn, I should get back though."

"Oh, Pinkie. You're being silly. Here, take this. I had it made especially for you," Rarity smiled and galloped ahead to a fence post and grabbed a box and brought it back to Pinkie. Opening it was a single beautiful cupcake with pink frosting. "Eat up, you'll feel great and ready for the fun!"

Pinkie smiled at the treat. It's only a cupcake, whats the worst than can happen? She ate the cupcake in one bite and swallowed it whole, the frosting coated her mouth in its sugary, creamy goodness and the cupcake itself was a red velvet with a unique flavor that danced on her tongue. "Oh my, Rarity. That was really good! Did you bake it? What was in it?"

Rarity smiled and squinted her eyes. "You're gonna find out soon, Pinkie."

Pinkie felt her head get light and she yawned, stumbling a step back she felt the need to sleep washing over her. "R-Rarity? Why am I so sleepy?" She asked drowsily as she fought to keep her head up as she lowered herself to the ground. The soft cool grass was so inviting she couldn't help but smile as she felt the grass tickle her belly.

"Pinkie, I'm going to show you the inside of a cupcake. Good night and get ready for our game!"

Pinkie felt fear for a moment as she gave into sleep and heard Rarity giggle echo into her mind as sleep took her.

Pinkie woke up and gasped in the darkness around her. "Where am I? Rarity? Where are you? I don't really like the dark, can you turn on the lights?" Pinkie tried to move but felt her legs tied together and a heavy weight on her back. A strap, holding me down? Why?

"Oh, dearest, you're awake! I'm so excited, now we can play!" The strap across Pinkies back suddenly released and she hopped up. Her front and rear legs were tied together just enough so she could walk, but not trot or gallop. Can you move okay? I want you to finish before it's too late. Can you smell it? The ovens are working and ready for the next batch of cupcakes, and we can't have them without you." Rarities voice came from above but was moving ahead.

"Rarity, I don't like this game, where are you? Can we stop?" Pinkie asked slowly walking forward in the dark. No reply reached her as she bumped into a hay bale. She turned left and moved forward and bumped another. Turning around she found a path before bumping into another. A maze? Oh, Celestia, where am I?

Half an hour passed before she exited the maze and thought she saw a spark of light in the far distance indicating the end of the path. Walking forward again she slowly paced forward in the blackness of the barn and tripped over something dry and powdery. Pinkie panicked and started breathing heavy. Is that a dead body? Oh, Celestia, NO!

She scrambled up and felt the dry substance sticking to her coat and in her perm. Walking faster she felt more objects in front of her as she felt her heart start to race. Rarity can't be a killer. She has to have a reason for this, a great reason that will end with her not in jail and me not in a cupcake. She stumbled forward and walked into a grainy substance that stuck and covered her legs as she stomped forward. The smell was sweet and was like cinnamon and vanilla, but Pinkie didn't want to taste any, who knew what it was?

Rarity could be heard giggling in the distance as Pinkie considered turning around, but the idea of walking over potential dead bodies wasn't worth it. Keep laughing it away, Pinkie. Just like granny Pie said when you were a filly. Laugh it away.

Pinkie felt a gap in front of her and stopped. "Now what, Rarity? Is the the end of the game?"

"Not until you're a cupcake, sweetie. Almost there, keep going!"

Pinkie took a deep breath and held it as she stepped into the void and fell a very short distance into what felt like slimy, stringy, firm things that clung to her and wrapped over her. She felt her mane heavy and long like it used to be before her new hairstyle. Climbing out of the goop she felt her leg bindings almost melting away and she tried to shake the sludge off but it was too heavy for her to move fast enough. Oh no. What is this? Why is this happening to me?

She trudged ahead and bumped into a wall. "Pinkie, go to the right. Follow my voice."

Pinkie trudged forward, her eyes she realized were held shut by the sticky substance she was last in. She could almost see light but her eye lids wouldn't open which scared her a lot. She felt it getting warmer. "Rarity? It's getting hot, what's going on?"

"You're gonna be a cupcake soon, dear. Just a few more seconds, almost time for our game to end!"

Pinkie felt the heat increase and suddenly smelt sweet air all around her and suddenly a heavy weight fell on her back again. Her eyes popped open and she screamed at what she saw.

The inside of the barn was decorated in the grandest of party decorations, hoof painted across every post, rail, wall and ceiling that was rebuilt from the inside making it look brand new, while maintaining an older looking exterior. There was a mirror was set up against a support beam ahead of her. She was baked into a perfect cupcake with red frosting. Rarity pulled a small bag open and red sprinkles fell across Pinkie.

"Rarity! What is this?! It's so pretty. The colors are like I'm inside a rainbow and this cupcake smells so yummy!" Pinkie took a bite of the shell around her legs so she could move again more freely.

"Pinkie, this is the biggest surprise of your life! Let me introduce you to the owners of the barn and the reason I didn't go crazy. I met them before the night of the fire and they let me help build this. It's a haunted house for Nightmare Night next week! Isn't it amazing! That's why I came home with paint on me, and- Oh, this is Mooriel. She's a cow and a baker of pies! She makes the most amazing blood orange caramel pies, I ate dozens and then I talked with the Cakes, they want to sell them!"

The Cakes and a half dozen cows plus four unicorns and a mix of a dozen or so other ponies came out from various hiding places and introduced themselves as Rarity climbed down from the rafters and joined in.

"Wait a second; first of all, how'd you make me into a real cupcake? This is amazing!"

"Well, when I gave you the sleep herb I had baked into the cupcake, I got a couple helpers to fly you in here, then Dark Camp here cast a blindness spell on you so it'd look like it was totally dark in here. There's no way for us to have really done that, so we had to figure out a spell and find a mage to cast it. We tied you with licorice and it melted once you were in the egg and fruit mix at the end.

So, anyway, we put all the ingredients all over the maze, from the first hay bale you bumped into, to the ponies on the floor that puffed you with baking powder and powdered sugar from underneath when you walked over them. We had a unicorn cast a fire spell that doesn't affect living things."

"For campfires and bonfires!" The unicorn shouted proudly.

"Yes, quite. That baked the cupcake as me and those two formed a shell that made your cupcake shape! So, there you have it. The making a pony into a cupcake haunted house! What'd you think?"

Pinkies eyes watered and she smiled as wide as she could. "I never though I'd be so happy to be food! It's amazing, sister! I love it! Lookit me, mom and dad! I'm a cupcake," she beamed as she took a few more huge bites and chewed and swallowed her way out of her soft delicious cage before stopping and inviting the others to take a bite.

"Rarity, I think this is the best gift ever! Thanks. I love you."

"Happy Birthday, Pinkie. I love you, too."

Moos and hoof stomps echoed through the barn as they hugged. "Pinkie, we're charging 10 bits a go per pony, any extra money goes to the repair town fund. It's all thanks to you."

"To me? What'd I do?"

"When I saw you start to be happier it reminded me of when I was a filly and the first time I rolled a rock around the farm and what joy I felt. And then you wanted to make others happy, I forgot about that along the way. This is what life is about, and it's your true destiny."

Author's Note:

Please note that in the world of MLP, recipes do not make sense and that's the only reason I made the end end happen as it did. In the real world dozens of things would go wrong in the real world if this were tried. Do not try this at home, or at a barn.

Also, don't read the creepypasta Cupcakes unless you're half as twisted as I am. :)