• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,485 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

  • ...

The End?

Princess Celestia organized a parade for the Element Bearers the following week. Thousands of ponies lined the streets of Canterlot and hundreds more watched via magic from across Equestria, the chance to see the ponies that saved the sun, brought back the matriarchy and ended a war. The after party was equally exceptional and grand.

"Princess Celestia went all out with that parade! I can't believe how many came out."

"Twilight, we saved Equestria. This is just the beginning for us, we're legends! I can retire and focus all my time on helping ponies in need."

"Um, didn't you already do that, Applejack?"

"Yeah, but now I don't have to petition and ask for donations. I've already got a letter from my Dream Team, we've gotten enough donations to build a whole town. That monies going ta the needy in the right ways." Applejack said proudly.

"I don't care as long as I get to have fun with my best friends! This is a great party, better than that Grant Galloping Marshmallow I keep hearing about. I mean, how's a marshmallow gallop? Doesn't even have legs!"

"Rainbow Dash, you're the silliest. Did you get the letter I wrote you?"

"Yeah Scoots. But, I can't read yet," Rainbow stuck out her tongue jokingly at Scootaloo.

"So, did you have Fluttershy read it?"

"No, I turned it into the totally cool airplane and it went really far," Rainbow opened her forelegs and leaned like an airplane balancing. Scootaloo sighed and hung her head. "I've got it right here, I was gonna show you how good it flies but I think you want it back. Here ya go."

Scootaloo smiled as she was handed the paper airplane and smiled as she opened it. "Dear Rainbow Dash, you're the coolest and I want to be your little sister in my new family. I love my new family and never want it to be apart cuz we all love each other and we're totally awesome when we do that rainbow thing. But, your rainboom was more awesome, big time. Love, your little sister Scootaloo."

The others said awe as she finished. "That was certainly a courageous thing to do and admit, Scootaloo. We're happy to be a part of your family, right Rainbow? Oh, Rainbow, are you okay?"

Rainbow had tears flowing from her eyes as she stared at Scootaloo. "I've always wanted a sister and you're the best sister a pony could have," Rainbow hugged Scootaloo as Scootaloo beamed with joy.

"She already has a sister in Cloudsdale." Fluttershy whispered to Night who was closest next to her.

"We'll cover that when we get to it, 'Shy. 'Til then, let's just enjoy the party."

Hours passed as the party went on until it finally started winding down.

"Hey, has anypony seen Night? She's missing."

"No, Scoots, I haven't seen her in a couple hours. Let's just gather up and see if we can find her."

"Guards, any luck finding her?"

"No sir, general. We've searched Canterlot and asked every town to keep an eye out, but no pony has seen her. Sorry, sir."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. She's just gone. I have to tell my sister and her friends the disheartening news. Dismissed."

Shining sat back in his chair and sighed. Two weeks and we can't find one of the most famous soldiers and mares in Equestria. What the spell is going on?

"Shining sent me a letter, it says she's still missing." The others looked upset, Scootaloo most of all.

"I thought we were a real family, she said so. Now she's gone missing? Rainbow, is she okay?"

"How should I know? I'm not where she is," she replied with a shrug.

"Where ever she is, I certainly hope it's a safe place and she's not in trouble."

"I'll get word to Jack that she's still missing, let's just keep our spirits up, okay?" Twilight said as she levitated a cup of tea to her lips, "All we can do is hope for the best. I'm sorry I have to go to Canterlot, Princess Celestia said she had to talk to me about something really important, I'll be back tomorrow though."

"We know and we'll miss you so much. Ponyville will be a quieter place without you."

"Thank Celestia for that!" Rainbow shouted with a wide smile.

The group giggled at Rainbow as she gave a perfectly timed joke.

"Midnight Strike, you've returned! We heard about your victory against Nightmare Moon with the others. Come in, we have much to discuss."

Night removed her cloak and hung it on a coat rack by the door, her element gem sparkled in the light as she walked into the meeting hall as 7 ponies turned to face her in awe.

"Hail Midnight Strike! Bearer of our saviors freedom!" The all chanted in chorus. Night smiled as she entered and approached the statue of her god and bowed.

"Soon I will help free you, mighty Discord."

Author's Note:

Excited for the next book? So am I! Keep an eye out for when and where it may pop up!