• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,485 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

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7. Hiding in Plain Sight

"Ponyville, get off if you need to, we’re leaving in 15 minutes and we're taking no passengers," the conductor shouted to the ponies waiting to board.

"Hey, what the buck? Why can't we get on? I've been waiting here for three hours just to get home and now I have to walk!?"

"Orders from the royal guard, ma'am. Trains begin running again in 36 hours, until then we evacuate Canterlot," the conductor replied.

"Evacuate Canterlot? Nightmare Moon has returned for real!" a mare shouted, causing a panic as ponies scattered from the depot, clearing the area and letting the refugees disembark. Only a couple dozen left, but it made room for others to sit and rest finally, after several hours of standing and being pushed together.

"Mommy, daddy? This is Ponyville? What a dump!" Twilight said as she looked around, "The houses are ancient and uneven. It smells like apples, but that's the only good thing so far."

"Twilight, we're hiding here so be respectful. We don't know for how long or where we'll stay so we have to make friends."

"I don't need nor want local friends, and I know exactly how long I'll be here. 36 hours. Then the train'll take me home where I can get back to my life."

"Now, you may be an adult but you can't talk to us like that. Besides, what if Miss right is just down that block?" Night said. Twilight blushed and puffed her cheeks, then turned and walked into town.

Ponies were either inside their homes or gathered in the streets trying to make sense of what just happened. Nightmare Moon had returned and the fact was gaining traction making everypony uneasy.

"Eternal night? How will we survive without the sun?" One group began asking each other while others wondered if this was an elaborate test of loyalty by Celestia. Pegasi were in the sky flying scouting patterns as they were required to do, if able, in the event of attack or danger. More experienced unicorns were preparing defense spells while earth ponies were helping to fortify town hall against attack from unknown attackers.

"Mommy, are we gonna be okay until Celestia returns?" a colt asked. His mother smiled and nodded but sadness filled her eyes.

"Mom, I think we should get to the hotel before it gets all booked and we have to sleep in the street."

"This is a hamlet, darling. We'll be lucky if they have an inn."

"An inn? What is this place? A theme park? Whatever, let's just go."

"Sorry Miss, we booked up two days ago. We were supposed to have rooms but Nightmare Moon's return changed that. Ask around town, see if you can find a family to take you in, and stay safe," the innkeeper said. The lobby was full of ponies that had been turned away or had already doubled up in their rooms, so with little options, they left and walked down the street.

"Mom, I know I've been complaining a lot, but, I'm scared..."

"We are too, Twilight. I don't know what we'll do or where we'll go, but, it'll be okay because we're a family."

"Except for Shining Armor. He's planning war against Nightmare Moon and could die, and we'd never know." Night Light stopped in his tracks and growled.

"Don't think like that, Twilight. He'll be fine and he'll help Celestia bring the sun back." His wife placed a hoof on his shoulder calming him down. "I'm sorry, Twilight. I'm not ready to sign him off as dead until I have to. I believe in him and his leadership and by Celestia he'll defeat that witch."

"Excuse me, did you say you know a pony that's gonna defeat Nightmare Moon?" Rainbow Dash asked with wonder. "I totally saw her be all scary in the town hall and I was scared but my best friend Fluttershy and Jack helped me calm down before I passed out and fell into a mud puddle that was under me. Fluttershy? Come say hi to the ponies that know this other pony that's gonna defeat Nightmare Moon and kick his butt back to the moon."

"Excuse me, but Nightmare Moon is a mare and who are you, exactly?" Twilight asked.

"Her name is Rainbow Dash. I'm Fluttershy, and I apologize for her... enthusiasm. She's been very excited since I came back," Fluttershy said standing behind Jack. "Also, this is Jack." Jack nodded at Twilight then groaned as Rainbow landed on her back.

"Yeah, this' Jack and she's gonna make a movie about me and how I lived in a tree and it's gonna be soo cool! Fluttershy's my best friend and she's not hurt so I can't be sad anymore ever again!"

"Well, you are very enthusiastic and it's nice to meet you Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Jack, I know who you are and it's nice to meet you," Twilight said. "You're the reason I got rid of two of my jobs in Maneapolis. So, thank you."

"Well, I'm always glad to meet a happy pony I've helped. How many jobs do you have?"

"Four now."

"Four? That's too much for any pony. C'mon back to my farm and have supper with me and a couple other refugees I'm helpin' out and we'll talk about getting you down to just one." Jack smiled at the group in front of her and began walking to her farm.

"So, Jack, you have a farm in town here? Do you just own stuff all over Equestria or what?"

"Twilight, that's a rude question to ask, apologize right now."

"No, it's okay," Jack said calmly, "I actually was born and raised right here in Ponyville on an apple orchard before I moved to Manehattan, then got a lucky chance to get into a commercial. My life changed that day, but my family here is the reason I am so philanthropic. I help ponies across Equestria because mama taught me about generosity and papa taught me about hard work. Big Mac is back at home, he's my brother, and he's been with me since my first movie. Always keep your friends close and your family closer, right?"

Night Light smiled in agreement and began a conversation with Jack as they walked back.

Everything's gonna be fine with Shining Armor in Canterlot. This'll be over by tomorrow.

"Troops! Attention! We are the Royal Guard of Princess Celestia and will follow her orders. Do I have your loyalty?"

"Yes, Shining Armor, Sir!"

"You thirty three are my most trusted and faithful soldiers and you will aid me in leading a resistance against Queen Nightmare Moon. She has enchanted several soldiers and they now do her bidding. Our task, our order from Princess Celestia, is to protect the citizens. We will do that by any means necessary to slow Queen Nightmare Moon without any collateral damage or injury to any pony that isn't enchanted."

"Sir, how will we know who is enchanted?" a soldier asked from the middle of the formation.

"Excellent question. First of all, they will be wearing standard armor with black rank insignia. Second, their eyes are going to look normal, but when you get close you'll notice swirling magic in their pupils. Lastly, they will try to kill you on sight the moment they have a suspicion you're an enemy. We have a lot to do soldiers, and less time than we would have liked.

“Our primary objective is freeing Princess Celestia. Only her magic comes close to Nightmare Moon’s. Second objective, disrupt her influence and power, free any ponies you can that have been imprisoned, captured, or enchanted. We will find a way to disenchant them someday, so don't kill unless you have to. I see many of you are uncomfortable with killing. That is understandable. We are trained to fight, to injure, to protect, to keep the peace, and to die. To kill is another matter altogether.

“We as a society aren't killers or beasts and we don't end lives often, however, if you have to make the choice in two seconds between taking the life of an enchanted soldier, who was your friend and is about to kill you, then your family, then all the other ponies in this room; the decision becomes easier. Are there any questions?"

The room was silent for a few seconds before a mare spoke up. "Sir, what about our families? If we die or are captured."

"In the highly unlikely event you are captured you will be interrogated and your families will be used against you as pressure. It's a common tactic. It's a choice you will each have to make. The same goes for me and my family. I will die and watch them... die, before I let you or this kingdom fall to a tyrant that controls the moon and sun. Take my word on this, if you fall, take your own life before they do. If you die before they question you or find out your clan they can neither harm them nor use them against any other.

Tell them nothing about our plans and only I will pass information along to trusted sources throughout Canterlot and the rest of Equestria as needed. Any more questions?"

"Sir, what will we do from now until we sabotage her plans?"

"Another great question. Live. Live your lives and don't talk about our resistance to anypony. Ever. You will not be spared and they will not be kind if you turn on each other. Go about your days... nights, like you normally would. Talk, party, laugh, gossip, and spread rumors like every other pony does, just mention nothing about us. That also means no alcohol or drug use." Several ponies groaned and whispers began amongst the ranks.

"Soldiers. ATTENTION! I didn't give you the order to rest. Maintain discipline or I will smoke you like a new recruit," Shining said in a demanding military voice. "Now. When you drink you become honest, when you become honest you tell secrets. No drinking. I have eyes across the city and there WILL be a pony watching each of you at all times. One drink and I will personally buck the drink from your hand and put you in the brig for a week with nothing but dry oats and water.

Do you understand me?!"

"Sir, yes sir."

"Very well. Unicorns, you will be divided into three groups. From each group one of each of you will decide on Defense, Offense, and Assist. Choose three pegasi and five earth ponies and those will be your squads. Any squad that loses a member for any reason will report to me. Any squad that is taken into custody will have an idea as to who turned them in, and any squad that completes a mission will receive marks toward promotions or raises once Celestia is back in control. Good luck and good hunting. I will tell each squad leader where your meeting location is and when to expect a letter and how you will each be in contact of each other.

"Platoon! Dismissed."

The ponies gathered into groups and separated until squads were formed and leaders were chosen. After a brief meeting with Shining Armor everypony left the warehouse they were in. The resistance had begun.