• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,485 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

  • ...

Invite to Canterlot

The fireworks filled the sky as the ponies stomped and jumped in joy at the sight, screaming and whooping at the sky as the fireworks faded. "That's the show! Thank you for viewing The Amazing Twiley," she posed triumphantly, "donations are accepted and appreciated." She struck a stage pose and a last pop was heard overhead as a rainbow of magic fell upon her stage.

I've gotten so good at these show theatrics I should really just start my own show, for real, Twilight thought as she smiled into the crowd of ponies throwing flowers and bits at the stage, stomping and shouting in approval, And I'm really glad that I know how to cast a shield over us or we'd get bruised from hail of bits being thrown at us, never again. "Thank you, one and all."

The team left the stage and went behind it to collect their donation buckets. Walking around to the front, Twilight gathered the bits from the stage and levitated them to a spot behind the curtain before bowing again and posing proudly. The only thing I don't like about these big cities is I have to stand here for so long while they shower us with praise and bits.

Bowing again Twilight called to the others to join her. "C'mon girls, one last set of bows."

"Um, Twilight, how long do we have to keep bowing and smiling? My muzzle is starting to hurt and this feels redundant," Fluttershy muttered as she walked past Twilight shifting positions on stage.

"The crowd'll die down shortly, let's just bow one more time then haul the stage away," Twilight replied through her forced grin.

Twilight and the others went and started signing autographs while Scootaloo retreated to the roof of the stage wagon to rest.

A few minutes later the show ponies had had enough and smiled as they collected their last bits and hitched up to the cart. Fluttershy and Twilight pulled it away as Rainbow watched the area from the air to make sure there weren't any fillies or colts holding onto the back or hitching a ride.

They did it in Vanhoover, they'll try it again somewhere. Fluttershy got a cramp cuz they held the cart up and made it too heavy; stupid northern ponies.

Scootaloo was on top of the wagon laying on a small pile of pillows. She had been having headaches for the past few hours and the show was torture on her so she covered her head and willed it away, unsuccessfully. Applejack walked along the right side of the stage coach and kept guard against anypony from the sides that may try to attack or harass them. It happened only once in Tall Tale city, but it was enough to terrify Scootaloo for a couple days.

A pony that had gone mad from the night had seen the show and when Twilight cast the sun illusion she had a mental breakdown. She tried to stab the smallest, weakest member of the group; she was held back thanks to their teamwork, but Scootaloo didn't travel on the ground or alone while in larger cities anymore.

Leaving the show area to the campgrounds they relaxed and gathered behind of the wagon to relax and count their takings for the day. With a few blankets they made a nice impromptu tent and gathered together close enough to stay warm from the chilly night without a fire, yet.

"135 bits in the jar and 419 from the floor. Not counting what we left that makes... Enough to sleep in a hotel in Canterlot for a week," Twilight squealed as the others grinned proudly. "Our total comes to," doing the math in her head took only 3 seconds, "6,432 bits. In two weeks we've earned almost as much as I earned in the last six months with four jobs."

She stood proud and opened her forelegs for a group hug. With a tight squeeze they embraced each other before they all sat back down and started talking about what to do when they worked their way into Canterlot over the next few weeks. Where they'd stay and what they'd eat. What they'd see and who and where they'd visit. Twilight really wanted to see what was left of her childhood home. The others just wanted to enjoy the capitol city.

"Hey, Fluttershy, can I talk to you quick?" Scootaloo asked as she left the tent, knowing Fluttershy would never say no. "Fluttershy, remember how I told you my mom was the secret leader of the Children of the Night? When we get to Canterlot, I don't know if I can go fight Nightmare Moon if she's there. I can't hurt my mommy, you understand right?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment then nodded. "I understand. If it comes to it, don't attack her, focus on Nightmare Moon. Your mom wouldn't sacrifice herself if you're in the room, or hurt her only filly." Fluttershy knew it was a lie but needed Scootaloo to stay mentally firm, "And no matter what, remember she's your mom and will always love you. Even if you hurt her false goddess. So, there. You feel better, little mare?"

Scootaloo loved to be called little mare. Her wings fluttered and she smiled as she trotted happily back into the blanket tent. I really hope it works out for her. She's been through so much and I don't know if I can help her and Rainbow Dash at the same time. I'd hate to have her sent to Broadhoof.

"Hey, Fluttershy, where are you? We miss you, come back in and hang with us," Rainbow said poking her head out of the tent. Fluttershy rejoined the group and joined them in planning.

"Hey, should we let her join us? She's been hiding all day and could use some fresh air," Twilight asked the group. They enthusiastically nodded and Twilight cast a spell on the bottom of the wagon on a glyph. A small door opened and Night fell out with a thud onto the soft earth and crawled to them. Stretching her hind quarters and wings she plopped down and smiled with the rest of them.

"Hey gals. Thanks for remembering me. I don't mind hiding in that stasis thing, but when I get out I feel so much better. What day is it? Are we closer to Canterlot? What's for dinner?"

"Inquizitive, aren't we tonight, Night?" Fluttershy mused, "I have some leftover pizza from lunch for now. We haven't gone dinner shopping yet, it's Wednesday and we're outside Manehatten. Tomorrow we'll be in Baltimare and then our reputation should get us entry into Canterlot over the next couple weeks."

"Fluttershy, I would love some pizza. That stasis magic only slows me down, it doesn't stop me from getting hungry. Oh, speaking of slowing down, I haven't gone to the bathroom in, technically, six days. Where can I go?"

The others giggled at Night's comments. Rainbow volunteered, but as Rainbow started to leave Scootaloo tugged her tail. Rainbow smiled and pulled her tail free. "Don't worry squirt, I'll be back soon." She then led Night into the starry sky to find a place out of the way. Night was naked and flew expertly not encumbered by armor or a cloak but had to stay slow to keep pace with Rainbow.

"Hey, Rainbow. Any idea why Scootaloo doesn't like you going out alone?"

"She says I'm like her big sister or something in her sleep. She wants me to keep her safe. I don't see why I can't, she's a really cool filly, just like me."

"You, still think you're a filly?"

"I don't think, silly. I am! Look at me, what grown mare is this big?" Rainbow gestured to herself and almost lost balance in the air.

"Oh, how could I be mistaken? Sorry." I heard she was mentally retarded, but I thought Fluttershy was helping her with that. I'll leave the psych stuff to her; I'm a warrior, not a nurse.

"Over there is a place no pony will see you, except me. But it's okay cuz we're bestest friends and pegasi mares." Night felt uncomfortable having Rainbow Dash watching guard for her while she let nature call, but there wasn't any other way around it.

"Okay, all done. Let's get back to the others and get some food."

"You sure were fast, did you learn that in the E.U.P?"

"Yeah, I learned to pee fast in training. They spent a week on that specifically," Night replied sarcastically.

Rainbow watched as Night flew away then looked back at the spot she had used on the ground. Wow, I should learn that too. It'd make me even faster then when I was a filly. I like teasing Night and making her think I think I'm a filly still; she's silly. But, Fluttershy said friends can play jokes on each other as long as they're not mean jokes. Flying after Night she smiled and wondered what her next joke would be.

The lights from the city danced across the gem fragments on Night as they flew and Rainbow couldn't help but stare at how pretty she was when she seemed to sparkle.

"Rainbow, what're you staring at? Better not be my flank or rump, I don't play that way."

"What? Why would I look there? Is there something there?" Rainbow shifted her gaze and tried to see if anything was amiss as Night stopped dead in the air letting Rainbow pass her by.

"You lead the way, Rainbow. I think I'm lost." And I'm not a fillyfooler, so I'll stay behind her for a while.

Rainbow shrugged and sped up. "I'm really hungry, I think I want a salad like Twilight has, but I think I want eggs and fish with it."

"Eggs and fish? Are you a carnivore in disguise?" Night mused as she flew to Rainbows side.

"No, but when I was a crazy hermit living in the tree," Rainbow gestured to her head and rolled her eyes, "I'd catch fish sometimes cuz I was too embarrassed to go into town, and I got a taste for them. They're so much better since Fluttershy showed me how to cook them, though."

Night stared at Rainbow for a moment before asking. "Why were you embarrassed to go into town? You were a crazy hermit, shame shouldn't have been on your mind at all."

"I would sometimes eat mushrooms that grewed from my poo when I was starving but couldn't get any tradeables stuffs. It'd make me sickish sometimes and I didn't wanna throw up or go poo in town, that's just gross." Rainbow's comment took Night off guard, they flew the rest of the way in silence except for Rainbow humming a song and bobbing her head.

"Troops, I have reports the traveling show is going very well. They'll be in Canterlot within the next few weeks and then we'll see what the elements are capable of. We have a lot to prepare for, I have taken the title of General of the Royal Guard, on the advise of my parents and a vote by you, my troops. As general I will be filling positions and roles immediately and delegating responsibilites. Use your chain of command, as usual. That is all. Thank you and keep up the great work, team."

A loud stomp echoed in the main hall as ponies stood at attention and saluted him. He saluted back. "Fall out; stay smart and stay safe."

Shining Armor returned to the headquarters based in the old throne room of the castle. All respects to Luna were removed as well as both thrones. A war table stood in it's place and there was a detailed magic overlay of known Equestria as the map. It showed hundreds of sleeper cells that were ready to activate at strike Nightmare Moon and her deliveries, transports and soldiers at a moment's notice.

Just because I said I wouldn't attack her supplies anymore didn't mean I had to know if another pony did. It is a huge continent, after all, and not every pony works for the rebellion.

"General, we're ready to brief you on Nightmare Moon and her latest activities."

"Go ahead, captain."

"Sir, it seems we were mistaken and there aren't several Alicorns, which is great news. There is one Alicorn. A grey pony, we can't identify by gender or cutie mark, sir."

"Okay, that is great news. What else?"

"There's a patrol of their own E.U.P, all wearing enchanted armor but they have their free will. Loyalists. Also, there's a few reports of Celestia in the throne room. She's alive and very well. She's well nourished and allowed to leave the enchanted ward at random once a few days for a few minutes or so. Most often to watch the fireworks from the show."

Shining grinned and stomped his hoof twice in approval.

"Yes sir, it was a genius idea of your sister to do this show," the new captain of the royal guard stated flatly, "you had the vision to turn it into a secret attack. You also had the foresight to not tell your family about the risk and danger she's in."

"I know full well the risks and danger. That's why we were fortunate to have Night become a bearer. She's a skilled soldier and fully trained and ready to carry out the other mission; she's ready to die for Equestria and that's what we need."

"Sacrificing ponies isn't a need, sir."

"As a general I have to make the hardest choices; lives will be lost at the cost of victory. It's a given fact, I'm just going to do it at a controlled rate. Four ponies across Equestria have missions that might end their lives. Hardly a cause for major concern, I'm not ordering troops to line up in formation like during the Griffon wars and charge blindly into battle, spears at the ready. These are tactical, last ditch efforts. If I had another way I'd never have any of these chosen four ponies risk their lives."

"Well, sir, as it stands; Night is ready with her 'suicide' mission," he said making air quotes, "Peanut Butter checked in and is ready also, ready to destroy the grain silos. Cold Feet is ready and prepared to destroy the main train depot into Canterlot. Hard Time is in deep cover and is ready to destroy the barracks in the royal castle. I don't agree with this plan sir, one life is too many. You said that not two months ago, you've changed."

Shining sighed and sat on the floor and spoke loud enough for every pony in the room to hear. "We're all going to die soon." A gasp was heard echo in the suddenly silent room. "I wasn't supposed to say anything, but most of the plant life in Equestria is dying and no amount of unicorn magic can keep them alive. What we are saving is being stored in secret locations, but it's only enough to keep a select few alive for a few years.

I've already decided a group of stallions, mares, and foals that will live at one of the sites, impartially based on survival skills and abilities. Within a year, nearly everypony in Equestria will be dead from starvation. The cold of night has been easy enough to deal with, but most of you know unicorn magic can't fight the cold forever, and some of you have already felt the chill."

A few ponies looked at each other and one raised a hoof. "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"I've seen smoke from my breath when I went outside the castle, is that why?"

Shining lowered his head. "The actual temperature outside is cold enough to kill all plant life in a day. I've had high level unicorns across Equestria cast warming spells over major food sites since the start. But they're getting tired, and some have become affected with Arcane Illness." Unicorns across the room lowered their heads and huffed. "Everypony knows what that is, right?"

A green earth pony entered the room from just outside the door and stood at attention. "I don't, sir. Is it serious?"

"Corporal, I'm sorry you had to hear that. You really shouldn't eavesdrop on officer meetings, I'm going to have to have a word with you after we're done. How old are you?"

"17, sir. I'm from Trottingham, joined 11 months ago, before all this."

"Well, long story short, Arcane Illness is what can happen to a unicorn if they use magic too consistenly, the magic going through the brain can cause insanity starting with paranoia then working its way to dementia, finally brain death. Once it starts," Shining stopped and looked at the stone floor, poking it with a hoof. His tail swished uncomfortably."

"They have to surgically remove their horn," a mage stated deadpan, "They lose their mind and their magic in exchange for their lives. A fate as bad as death for most."

The feeling in the room was sad and unhappy as the ponies thought about what that would be like. A Pegasi without wings, an earth pony without a rear leg, a unicorn without a horn. Fates that took all their potential away and would doom them to an unnatural life, probably stuck at home like an old retired pony waiting for death.

"However, let's not dwell on that. We have to plan for the next mission. Captain, take the corporal into custody and have him locked in the brig until the missions are complete."

"What?! Sir? Why? Please!" the corporal screamed as two ponies collected him in their magic and walked him out of the room.

"I don't know you, and even though I'm sure you're a fine earth pony with great intent, you just became a risk to every pony by listening into a secret conversation. I'll visit you soon and give you company while I can." Shining nodded to the stallion as his pleading and cries echoed away. "So, that's what it means to be a general, if you have a problem or think you can do better, please let me know captain."

The captain lowered his head and walked away to check on his notes.

"Sir, I'll just continue the report. Castle repair group nineteen reports-"

Twilight and the others were sleeping soundly on top of one another staying warm by each others body heat with full bellies and the scent of the burned out fire just outside. A whinny from outside the tent woke Night who nudged Twilight. "Twilight," Night whispered as she crawled free from the others and under the wagon, "Twilight, get up, somepony's outside."

Twilight sat up and yawned before she stood and arched her back like a cat, hearing a crack she shook quickly, her mane waving freely in the dark. She walked to outside, so sleepy she barely saw the enchanted royal guard before her. "Huh? What is it?"

"The Great Twiley?"

Twilight blinked her eyes and the world came into view a lot clearer. A chill in the air made the hair on her back stick up and she shivered as she saw the soldier in front of her. She took a step back more awake then she was a moment ago. "The Amazing Twiley, sir. How can I help you?"

"You are summoned to the halls of the Queen Nightmare Moon at once."

Twilight felt excited as she heard the offer before she began to remember the plan. "Sir, I don't know. How'll we get there and what about our other shows?"

"You leave now."

Four unicorns came into her line of sight and began casting spells.

"Sir! What're you-" in a flash of light they were outside the throne room in the palace, "doing? We can't... go to the, palace." Twilight finished her sentence meekly and she looked around. A click was heard from under the tent as Night sneaked back into hiding. "I have to get my friends and we need time to prepare, sir. You understand, right? We were sleeping."

The guard nodded. It was unnerving to be around a stoic pony for Twilight. "I understand," he stated, "gather yourselves and your cart and follow me."

With a rush, Twilight turned and poked her head in the tent. "Girls? Girls, we have to wake up, now," Twilight urged. They rustled and one of them groaned. "C'mon, we have to get up! It's an emergency," she poked Scootaloo on the nose since she was the closest.

A quiet fart left one of them and shortly they all were scrambling to escape the tent.

"Hoo-doggie! Dinner didn't smell that bad goin' in! Who's hidin' a skunk?" Applejack said as she took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Oh my, that was quite, unpleasant. Rainbow, what do you say?"

"Hey! It wasn't me, I'm not the one who ate a bean salad, Twilight."

"Hey, I was out here trying to wake you up! Look where we are," Twilight pointed at the throne room door.

The stoic guard chuckled for the first time and garnered the attention of the others who gathered together in worry. "Twi, where are we?" Scootaloo asked nervously.

"We're in Canterlot Castle! Wow, that's so awesome, I never thought I'd be here for real," Scootaloo shouted as she realized, then bounced around looking at the stained glass that lined the halls as windows. "That's so cool, how'd they get the glass to look like a tapestry? It's like, oh yeah. They are magic," she laughed as the others looked at the guard uneasily.

"Sir, um, mister enchanted guard, sir. Why are we here?"

The guard returned to his stoic stance and looked at them. "You have been summoned to perform for Queen Nightmare Moon. I will give you an hour to prepare, follow me." He turned and started walking away as his mages lifted their wagon and followed him. Two other guards that were unnoticed stood behind the grouped mares and Scootaloo. Twilight motioned for them to follow the wagon. Several minutes and a couple halls later they were led into a large room while their wagon was left just outside.

"Thank you, sirs. We'll be as quick as we can, we never thought we'd perform for royalty."

"Just make certain you're better than the last one. Trixie made claims she was the best, what happened to her..." They guard trailed off then turned and stood guard. The room was as spacious as a small single room house. A fireplace, couch, coffee table and several chairs were the furniture while the walls were adorned with paintings of ponies past.

Twilight cautiously closed the door with a forced grin aimed at the guard, then turned to the others.

"I have to send a letter, who has a quill and parchment?"

"We have pencils, crayons, and paper in the wagon, Twi. I'll get 'em." Applejack suggested.

"No, wait, if we go out there and get writing stuff they'll know something is amiss," Twilight warned.

"We're writing a game plan, is all. Stay calm, I'm an actress. I may not look the part but I still have the skills."

Twilight hesitated before nodding as she and the others went to the couch and sat on it and the floor to collect themselves.

Applejack knocked twice on the door, a second later it opened. "Sir, I need to get some supplies from my wagon, is that okay?" The guard nodded once and motioned for her to leave. Applejack went inside the stage coach and opened a small cubby door. A couple sheets of paper and various colored crayons fell to the floor garnering the guards attention before she picked them up and grabbed some extra pencils.

She quickly exited the stagecoach. "We have to make notes and plan; time's short. See ya soon, big guy," Applejack said seductively as she passed him. Giving her a look as she passed he snapped his head back forward and cleared his throat.

"Got your paper and the guard is almost putty in my hoof. All it took was five words. We'll have to see if we can use him later." Applejack placed the paper and pens in front of Twilight as Rainbow bounced on the couch.

"Can I draw a picture? Please, Twi?"

"Okay, here." Twilight passed a sheet of paper and the crayons to Rainbow as she giggled and took a yellow crayon in her mouth and started scribbling as Scootaloo watched on.

Twilight aligned the pen and paper before picking up a pen in her mouth and writing a short note to Shining.

"Twilight, I know you don't like magic much, but why do you use your mouth to write and not your telekinesis?" Fluttershy asked.

"Bithuause," Twilight spat out the pen and smiled, "Because, when I chose, years ago, to stop using magic, I got used to the tactile sensations. Plus, I've tried writing with my magic and it's illegible so far. Most unicorns have years to practice and I've only been using detailed magic for a little over a month now."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure you understood yourself still."

"One of your psychological techniques?"

"Yeah, sort of."

Twilight picked up her pen and finished her note. Using her magic she gave Fluttershy a glance as she focused and cast a teleport spell on it. "Now, we have to stall for time."

"Don't worry, Sugar. I got ya covered," Applejack said before she trotted to the door and screamed in pain, falling to her side.

The guard opened the door and gasped as he saw Applejack doubled over in pain. "Miss, what's wrong?"

"My foal, I think something's wrong. Can you get me to the infirmary?"

The guard looked saddened for a moment before calling for the medics. A few minutes passed and Applejack was doing her best to act like she was in pain still, but it was getting hard to maintain until a group of medical personal ran into the hall shouting at the guard to move away.

"Ma'am, what's wrong, where does it hurt?"

"My foal, I think something is wrong," she grunted and curled up as she held her lower belly. The medics pulled out a litter and she crawled onto it carefully. "See ya soon, gals. I'm sorry," Applejack said while wincing with pain.

The girls put on their best worried looks they'd been taught as Applejack was hauled away in a rush. "Hey, guard guy. We can't go and put on a show without her! What're ya gonna do about it?" Rainbow challenged.

The guard shot Rainbow a glare before he grabbed the door and slammed it shut. "I think we got all the time we need. Great job girls." Twilight gave them a warm smile. "Hopefully, Applejack can keep this up for a day, it's a big deal to act like that."

"Oh, she's been an actress for a very long time. Also, she's used to getting little sleep thanks to the nightmares from before. She'll be fine and we'll have a nice session later, if she needs it." Fluttershy said quietly, but confidently.

"Captain! Gather all senior officers in the war room NOW!" Shining shouted loud enough for his voice to echo through much of the castle. The next hour was the most nerve wracking of Shining's life since he thought he got a mare pregnant in officers school. The officers finally gathered and he announced the show had made it into the castle early. "We have to mobilize our forces and have them all meet at Canterlot at the same time. We have one day, actually, exactly 22 hours and thirty two minutes.

"Our window of opportunity closes after that and we may not have another chance. Gather your individual troops and mobilize. Have any and all mages teleport any ponies that can make it and those that can't will have to do their best to get there. Let's move, ponies. We have a sun to bring back!"

The officers cheered and galloped from the room, their missions clear.

"It's been six hours, I need to go to the bathroom, where is it Twilight?" Scootaloo asked as she crossed her legs.

"I'll ask the guard." Twilight opened the door to ask the guard but a new one sat in his place. "What happened to the other guard?"

"He's dead. Failed to get you to perform on time."

The mares gasped and Scootaloo lost a little control of her bladder as she galloped to the guard. "I gotta go! Where's the bathroom?"

The new guard pointed to a bucket outside the door.

"You can NOT be serious. I am not going in a bucket in the hall, I need a real toilet. Sheesh! Where's the royal guest treatment."

"Yeah, what if we tell Nightmare Moon you embarrassed us and made us mess up our performance?"

Wow, Rainbow actually made a logical assumption. I'm impressed, maybe she's really getting better. Twilight smiled briefly at Rainbow before returning her attention to the guard who was obviously nervous.

"Very well, follow me. If any of you leave you'll meet Trixies fate."

The three gulped as the guard trotted quickly with Scootaloo behind. "What do you think happened to her? Maybe tortured?" Fluttershy shuddered.

"She coulda been killed," Rainbow suggested with a shrug as she walked back to the couch.

"Let's not speculate. Let's just say she's an example to not mess up. Let's go over the routine and add in the final finale."

They gathered around the coffee table and discussed their plan again.

Scootaloo flushed and exited the stall in the restroom. The sink was too high for her to reach so she tried to jump, fluttering her wings her best she barely floated down as she thumped on the floor. Stupid wings and stupid adult sized sinks. They built this place for horses, not ponies and definitely not fillies. "Hey, guard. I need to wash my hooves, where are you?"

The guard walked in and looked at Scootaloo with empty eyes. In the night fires of the halls she couldn't see his eyes, now they were normal white and yellow irises, but his pupils were dark and empty, like he had no soul or light in his life. It scared her too much to have him act as a stool for her. "I'm ready to go now, please."