• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 3,485 Views, 171 Comments

A World Without a Rainboom - Mocha Star

What if Rainbow Dash never did the sonic rainboom? The world changes as soon as Nightmare Moon arrives.

  • ...

The Battle With Nightmare Moon (part 1)

"General, we're in position. We've gathered all the available troops and our agents inside Canterlot are prepared, code names aside they are in position across the city and ready for their missions. Once Twilight casts the fireworks spell they'll all detonate at the same time and then Night is on her own with the others."

"That's okay to hear. I wish we had more time, but it has to be now. Celestia, watch over Twiley."

"Sir, Celestia is a prisoner. She may have to watch your sister turn to ash before her."

Shining looked sharply at his captain. "I understand that," he snarled, "Don't tell me what I already know. Let me, let us all, have something to believe in before we all die, one way or the other." With a final growl Shining stomped to his war tent that was setup a few miles from Canterlots first outpost.

"Officer on deck!"

"At ease, whats the situation? Are all units accounted for?"

"Yes sir, the map is fully active and shows all placements of units down to their cutie marks. You'll know who is where and you can communicate with any unit commander at any time just by touching their cutie mark."

"Excellent, I can see my sister in the castle too, impressive."

"Any pony that's been in the castle stronghold since we cast wards and enchantments has tracking magic on them. You can't tell if they're alive or dead, though. So let's just hope for the best on the battle front."

"Sergeant, most ponies don't know how to fight outside small personal skirmishes with their neighbors. Battle is a completely different thing. Expect at least half these dots to retreat at the first sign of combat. Plan accordingly. Also, bring me that private I had locked up earlier. We'll see if he's really ready to earn a stripe."

"Yes, sir."

"All units: Order your troops into position, they're moving to the throne room, the signal will happen shortly."

"Applesnack, you're really okay, right?" Rainbow whispered to her friend as they walked side by side, wearing light brown cloaks, in preparation for the show.

"Yeah, Sugar. I'm fine, we're both fine."

Rainbow giggled. "Remember when you told me about you being pregnant? I told Fluttershy you had a foal and were hiding it inside your tummy? I was so silly."

The others giggled as they remembered. "Fluttershy has to take Rainbow to another room and explain the process of reproduction," Twilight added.

"Rainbow didn't talk for almost six hours, but kept looking at every stallion walking by and trying to peek at their, you know." Scootaloo joked between chuckles.

"Oh yeah, well, at least I like those things, but Fluttershy says I'm not ready for one yet," Rainbow sighed, "she says she wants to teac-"

"Now, girls. Let's focus," Fluttershy interjected, "we have a lot to do and this has to be perfect. We're performing for the Princess, um. I mean Queen, Nightmare Moon."

"That's right, 'Shy, we have to become legends tonight. Let's knock her horse shoes off!" Scootaloo shouted, hopping from the top of the wagon to Twilight's back.

Smiling wide they stopped in front of the throne room doors as the guard rapped on it. Both doors opened slowly to reveal a slightly brighter light than the rest of the castle. As they walked into the throne room Nightmare Moon stood from her spot on the throne and walked down the steps, wings opened by her side. Celestia was in near the throne in her mystic cell; healthy but tired.

"Verily, I greet thee," she began and smiled with carnivorous teeth, "thy are the wizards of wonder I have heard of? I have seen thy spectacle a dozen times from my windows and thou have impressed me. Wilst thy perform for us?"

The mares bowed, Scootaloo hopped off Twilight and bowed as well.

"Your highness, I have not seen you since your arrival in Ponyville. You are more resplendent now than you were then. The beauty of your night pales to your own beauty, surely."

"Thy speak merrily, thy dost not jest in your observations, and thy orbits do not deceive thee. The most resplendent creature stands before thee, Mistress Twilight of the arcane arts. Entertain me and I will reward thee greater than any pony can imagine. Disappoint me," she sneered, "and face her fate." Nightmare moon pointed to a corner under a dim lantern. The lantern flared up and shone on Trixie.

She was dressed as a historical jester but was looping a motion over and over from prideful pose to a cowing position.

"What happened to her, your majesty?" Twilight inquired.

"She was a fool, at best," Nightmare Moon said standing tall, folding her wings to her sides, "I gave her an appropriate attire then made sure that, for the rest of time, all would know what happens to those that jest at the expense of royalty." Smiling darkly she cast a spell and Trixie changed positions to one of a scream of fear and agony. "Do not disappoint me, Great Twiley."

Nightmare Moon trotted next to the outer ring of Celestia's ward and laid down, looking expectantly at the performers. As Twilight looked at the Princesses, side by side, she felt awe in their presence. Then a pile of bones with flies hovering around it behind them snapped her back to reality. Do or die, Twilight. This' it. Don't mess up.

Twilight and the others moved their wagon to the far end of the room to begin their show.

"Girls," Fluttershy whispered, "she still talks like that? If we fail our children will have to talk like her."

"Well, my foal ain't talkin like that. Let's do this and go home under the sunlight."

"Applejack's right. Shining Armor is on his way and soon he'll be here. This'll be over before we have to worry about anything. Everypony, make sure you have your stun gems and let's began the show." They each nodded and took to their positions.

Everything went according to plan, the show was going along well, and the room filled with lights and stars as Twilight cast her illusions. She took an intermission break to catch her breath with the others while Nightmare Moon summoned snacks and drinks for her and Celestia, who were actually enjoying the show quite a lot.

Twilight used the time to focus her mind as she prepared a variation of the sunlight illusion spell that was designed for Nightmare Moon.

"Rainbow, Scoots. You're up. Start juggling while I take center stage," she said sternly. She stomped heavily on the floor and a switch opened the trapdoor releasing Night from her hidden compartment with a thump on the floor. "Behold, for your royal highness, Nightmare Moon. I will honor you with a display of the most beautiful thing in the history of Equestria!"

Focusing her magic as she took a guard stance, she opened her mind to the full power of the arcane energies around her drawing them into her mind and body. It was easier here for some reason and took a lot less effort as she felt the power flowing through her. She cast the illusion spell at the ceiling and in a flash of light everypony shielded their eyes, save for the royal sisters. Opening them they saw the most beautiful night sky with the moon still possessing the mare in the moon; Nightmare Moon looked on curiously. She had never seen her moon look like that.

The stars shone brighter than she had made them, constellations outlined themselves in dozens of new shapes she hadn't known of in her thousand year absence, and then it turned to show the modern Everfree Forest.

The illusion shifted in three dimensions to the old castle and of Celestia, standing on a tower in her resplendent glory. Nightmare Moon growled and looked to Twilight who was laying on the floor holding her head at the base of her horn, a light shone from her closed eyes. The image turned and showed a young Nightmare Moon, standing behind Celestia facing the other way. They turned and nuzzled each other before the image faded.

"What is the meaning behind this?! Thou have no idea what thy toy with. When one toys with the feelings of a goddess, they become toys for thy goddess!" Nightmare moon seethed with rage at Twilight, standing tall, horn glowing with a black aura, and her slit eyes glowing a light blue.

"Wait, your highness, please. I did not mean to offend, thee. I merely meant to show the unity of you both before your highness was cast, so injustly, to her greatest gift to the world," Twilight pleaded, as she and the others lined and bowed deeply, trembling slightly. Nightmare Moon relaxed and huffed. "The final act, your highness? Don't you want to see it? Even if you want to curse us or kill us, please. Let us finish our show so others will know of thy kind mercy."

Nightmare Moon let her magic dissipate as she stepped back. "Thy are a wordsmith indeed, Twiley. Your last act will seal your fate. Proceed." Walking next to Celestia she stood, wings ruffled slightly. She lit her horn and her armor appeared on her as she sneered. "If thy displeases me, your blood will not cake my coat."

The stage group trembled in place, each gulping loudly as they looked to each other. With a hesitant nod they knew they were going to do or die. Taking their places for the final act, a firecracker popped and they took a pose aimed at Twilight.

Twilight focused the energy at much less effort and force and cast the magical cloud that spread out from the open windows across the castle. With a bow, she activated the fireworks spell. The deafening explosions across the throne room masked the explosions across Canterlot and within the castle itself. Nightmare Moon smiled as she watched the lights and sound fill her senses.

The fireworks went across Canterlot where thousands of ponies watched in awe at the display.

The fireworks were nearly done as Nightmare Moon reared and kicked the air in excitement. Night moved faster than any of the others had ever seen a Pegasus fly while being so close to the ground, enchanted dagger at the ready. Charging at Nightmare Moon she thrust the blade up, straight to where her heart would be, however she wasn't expecting the sitting queen to be wearing her armor. The knife deflected, Nightmare Moon looked down, saw Night's withers, and roared inaudibly against the fireworks. Falling with all her might she narrowly missed Night. Night made another thrust at the Nightmare Moon's underbelly, striking armor again, to her frustration.

Night twisted quickly and exited the underbelly, arced up, then threw the dagger at Nightmare Moon. Catching it with her magic Nightmare Moon flung the weapon away, it clattered to the floor, and growled. The fireworks were ending and its sound was dissipating. With their surprise attack passed and Nightmare Moon distracted the show crew stood their ground as Applejack cast off her cloak.

Celestia smiled at the sight of her subject Jack in the group. "Princess Celestia, we're here to free you!" Twilight shouted as she and the others separated and charged the guards. Readying their stun gems the mares began striking the unarmored areas of the guards as quickly as they could. Casting a spell the throne room doors glowed and slammed shut. "Thy will die tonight, all of thee!"

"Oh, shut up ya old dam," Applejack shouted with a smirk before she slapped a guard in the face with a gem, "Learn to speak Celestian and not that old crap."

Celestia covered her mouth with a hoof and giggled softly, emboldening the mares. Rainbow Dash flew to the top of the wagon and dumped a large bag of gems out. A moment later she began flying around the room, dropping several at a time by her friends. With a safety spell cast on them, they mused as Nightmare Moon's guards picked them up with their hooves, to use them as weapons, only to fall unconscious.

Scootaloo grit her teeth and turned, choosing to charge at the princess while out of sight, and tossed a gem at her under body. The gem missed as Nightmare Moon turned to attack another pony that Scootaloo couldn't see, the gem passing directly in front of Nightmare Moon's face. Looking down quickly she snarled, spraying spit down at the terrified filly.

"I'm sorry, please don't be mad," Scootaloo squeaked as Nightmare Moon raised her hoof and brought it down towards Scootaloo. Scootaloo fell back then gasped as she looked at her belly, Nightmare Moons hoof had landed exactly between her legs and missed her completely. Scampering back then up she galloped as fast as she could in any direction avoiding magic energy blasts from unicorns fighting her friends and the stomping behind her as Nightmare Moon tried to crush her.

Rainbow Dash flew down and scooped up Scootaloo and flew her to the top of the wagon. Grabbing three stun gems and throwing them blindly at Nightmare Moon as she huddled over Scootaloo. "I'm sorry, Scoots," Rainbow said as Nightmare Moon roared at them.

Nightmare moon coughed heavily and spat a gem out of her mouth as she stumbled and fell to her knees. She shook her head and tried to stand, but her head swam, her stomach ached, and she felt her power wane. Seeing the opening as Nightmare Moon collapsed, Night dove quickly and sent a heavy kick, focused at the base of Nightmare Moons horn, that missed and struck the dizzy mare on the top of her head. The dark horse fell to her chest, her face smacking the floor. She began screaming in pain as she did her best to cover her horn and press the spot that was hit with her wings and hooves.

The few guards that were in the room were now unconscious, those that were left stopped attacking as her enchantmens wavered, easing control of their minds long enough for the bearers to attach gems to them. "We have to focus on getting Celestia free, let's go," Twilight called as she and Applejack galloped around the outer perimeter.

"Children, do not try," Celestia warned, "only she can lower the ward and release me."

"Princess Celestia, what do we do? How can we kill her?"

"Jack, I cannot condone you killing my sister any more than I could the murder of any other pony. You will find a way, I trust in all your abilities."

The five mares and one filly turned and galloped towards Nightmare Moon, who lay groaning on the floor as a trickle of blood left her head. She raised her head, face full of pain, focused her magic, and a beam of light shot to the ceiling creating a dark blue flash. "What in tarnation was that? What did you just do?" Shouted Applejack.

A dozen of her Pegasus flew in through the windows, shattering them as they entered. Unicorns teleported into the throne room with spears, wing blades, and other weapons at the ready.

They were surrounded. "Fluttershy?"

"Yes, Rainbow?"

"I love you," Rainbow leaned over to Fluttershy and gave her a tight hug. The others knew they had lost and joined in to a tight group hug. They all waited for the attacks to come and destroy them.

Seconds passed and the sound of wings beating in the air and of Nightmare Moon groaning incoherently on the floor near them filled the void. They broke their hug and opened their eyes, looking around the room. Every pony in the room was fighting with their inner choice of doing their sworn duty to nightmare moon and killing these ponies or, following their instincts to preserve the herd.

A grey Pegasus flew into the room and landed heavily on the floor next to Nightmare Moon, standing tall the horn on her head shone with a swirling light.


The Alicorn turned to Scootaloo and her expression softened. "Scootaloo? Why are you here, sweetie? You're supposed to be in Las Pegasus with Cider's family," she scolded, "they were supposed to collect you after I left, didn't they show up?"

"No, mommy," Scootaloo started apologizing before she steeled her nerves, "I left as soon as I found your note. I didn't know anypony was supposed to help me."

"Wait, child," Night Lead said, eyes wide, "you traveled across Equestria, alone?!" The Alicorn was more of an upset mother than a ward of the tyrant at the moment. "And then you join the ponies that are fighting against me; against your family?"

Scootaloo stood tall and left the group by two lengths. "Mommy, they aren't my family," she gestured to the armed ponies around the room, "you are, or were. And you're not a very good mom." Scootaloo felt her heart ache. "You, you, YOU KILLED MY DADDY!" Scootaloo screamed so loud it echoed, other ponies lowered their weapons and the Pegasi landed to listen to the argument. "I watched my daddy die, and so did they, right in front of me. What if that witch hadn't show up?" Scootaloo pointed to Nightmare Moon, "what would you have done? Killed everypony? Even us kids?"

Her mother hesitated. "No, we would have... Yes, Scootaloo," she stammered, "you're too young to understand what we've dedicated our lives to. We have to do this, it's our true destiny, our cutie marks are meaningless without her."

"That's a lie!" Rainbow shouted as she and the others faced Night Lead. "I didn't get my cutie mark until a few months ago," a round of gasps were heard from the room, "when I got it, it was supposed to be the greatest moment of my life. My destiny on my body, but that's a lie. Cutie marks are a suggestion. My destiny is to be a great friend to Fluttershy and to help make everypony as happy inside as I am!"

Rainbow gasped as the gems on her began to glow and lift her into the air.

"And my destiny is to make every pony understand that life is worth living." Fluttershy squeaked as the gems on her glowed and she levitated into the air next to Rainbow. Rainbow moved and touched Fluttershy on her withers with a warm smile.

The others realized what they had to do.

Applejack stepped up and stood proud. "I help orphans across Equestria, and now that me and my sis are ones, I'm gonna double my efforts through my generosity."

"Mommy, when you left me, I had to walk across Equestria to find you. That took a lotta courage, everypony said."

"And I'm ready to die for my friends, for my fellow ponies. I'm loyal without fault," Night said joining the others in the air.

Twilight looked at the others hovering in the air and closed her eyes. What am I special for? I don't have a lifetime of skills, I'm a trade master. I really wish I'd thought this over. All I've been doing is casting magic with my friends and helping us all stay friends through all our differences... She opened her eyes. "I've been running from my destiny my whole life. I have hid behind others and only with these ponies beside me have I learned the true value that we all have for each other; determination."

She let the arcane energy flow through her as she let her inhibitions and apprehensions go without fear or worry for the first time in her adult life. The energy was so relieving as it coursed through her body.

Nightmare Moon stood up, her head throbbed from the gash Night had caused. She spit out a curse as she focused all the dark magic in her and tore the bounds of reality to access more than enough to vaporize the castle and all who inhabited it in a mistaken blast.

"I represent the drive and ambition that no friendship can be without: together our friendship and dedication to the each other and the pony race is unbeatable." Joining the others in the air their fragments left their coats and formed full gems bearing their cutie marks in dazzling necklaces. A crown appeared on Twilights head as she let the unencumbered energies flow through her.

"Mommy, I'm sorry but, eternal night is totally lame. I-I hope you tell daddy, I love him," Scootaloo said shutting her eyes tightly.

Night Lead bowed her head to her daughter and stood up. "He always loved you, and so do I," she hesitated, "I'm sorry I choose to do this." Night Lead opened her wings and charged at the group. She grabbed out with her magic but it fizzled out. She instead reared and wrapped Fluttershy in a hug before she flew straight up, looking to her daugther, Scootaloo with apologizing eyes. She flew up charging her horn quickly blasting the ceiling with a massive magical blast.

"FLUTTERSHY," Rainbow Dash screamed, her heart sped and the world slowed down, her dream was not going to come true. Her voice cracked and she bolted faster than she had ever flown into the air Night Lead and her friend.

Night Lead was unbelievably fast as an Alicorn. The others fell to the floor as the magic chain was broken when Fluttershy and Rainbow left the area. Nightmare Moon sneered and started drawing magic again from the deepest nether realms.

Rainbow passed Night Lead several seconds of flight into the air. "You unicorns and whatever all have the same weakness. Your stupid magic and your stupid horns!" She stopped above and charged with her hooves aimed straight at Night lead, who began to cast an agony spell. The magic it hit its mark and Rainbow screamed and winced, her momentum kept her charging through the pain. Connecting with full force she snapped Night Lead's horn off, knocking the alicorn unconscious and releasing Fluttershy.

Rainbow screamed in pain as the agony spell tore through her nervous system. The sound of Fluttershy screaming barely registered to her over her own screams for a moment before the dream they shared flashed in her mind.

Author's Note:


This chapter and the following are being actively edited, shortly it will be completed, the following chapter, as of now, is the original second half of this.

Thanks for understanding.