• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Pony Goldberg Would Be Proud

While Pumpkin was spending the day at Fluttershy's, Pound was staying at Sugarcube Corner while both his parents and his big sister Pinkie Pie were trying to make him use his potty.

Pound still wasn't thrilled with the idea, even though he knew he didn't have a lot of other options left. He'd tried everything, but it seemed he was destined to use his potty. That is, unless he could hold out whenever they sat him on his potty, and make them give up. He knew his mother was already considering putting him back in diapers for a while, so he just had to make the other grown-ups think that was their only option. "I just have to not go pee pee or poo poo in my potty," he thought to himself. "I doubt the grown-ups will let me try the toilet, especially after what my sister did."

"Come on, Pound, won't you please use your potty for us?" Mr. Cake pleaded, trying to carry his son to the bathroom. "Your sister uses hers all the time, don't you want to be a big pony like her?"

"No, I no wanna use potty!" Pound protested, as he tried to fight back and resist being pulled along. He didn't care how much his tail hurt from being yanked on by his father, he wouldn't budge.

"Pound Cake, come on!" Pinkie groaned, attempting to push Pound from the front. "You have to start using your potty, you're not getting your diapers back!"

But Pound refused to budge, he only blew raspberries at Pinkie. "No potty!" he stubbornly told her.

Alas, despite his best efforts, Pound eventually proved to be no match for either his father or his big sister. And with their combined efforts, they managed to push and pull Pound down the hall to the bathroom, where his mother was waiting for him. She had one last weapon, a secret weapon, that she was going to try and use on her son. The very sort of weapon her own mother had used on her.

"Well, here we are." Mr. Cake said at last, as he finally let go of Pound's tail and breathed a sigh of relief.

"For a toddler, he sure is stubborn," Pinkie commented. "As stubborn as a mule, or at least a mule that isn't very nice."

"Yes, well hopefully our little 'stubborn mule' will cooperate and use his potty like he's supposed to." Mr. Cake declared, pushing the light blue colored plastic bowl before Pound Cake.

Pound stuck out his tongue at the accursed object, why couldn't his parents and big sister understand his desire to not use it? He'd get out of diapers eventually, when he was old enough and big enough to use the toilet. Why give his diapers now if he'd also outgrow what he was being trained to use in place of them?

"Pound Cake, that wasn't nice! It's just a potty!" Pinkie scolded. "Now come on, sit on it like a good little foal. Pretty please with ice cream on top?"

Pound turned his head, refusing to even look at the stupid and useless thing. Nothing his parents or big sister said or did could make him use it, he was quite sure of that.

"It's alright, he doesn't have to use it if he really doesn't want to." Mrs. Cake said in the sweetest tone possible.

Both Mr. Cake and Pinkie Pie's mouths dropped open in shock, had Mrs. Cake lost her mind?

"Sugar plum, I know you don't want to be the bad guy, but you can't give into Pound's demands," Mr. Cake told his wife, attempting to talk some sense into her. "If he knows he can manipulate you now, think about how much he'll exploit this as he grows up. You have to put your hoof down and tell him he has to use his potty."

"Yeah, you don't want your son to be ridiculed and teased for still being in diapers when he starts preschool? Do you?" Pinkie added.

"Oh, it's fine. It doesn't bother me how long Pound stay in diapers," Mrs. Cake said with a wink. "All that matters is that he's happy, and if that means stopping his potty training until he's ready, that's fine by me."

Pound was delighted at his mother's statement, he'd finally gotten through to her and now she was sticking up for him! He couldn't wait to get back into his diapers, especially since he really had to go!

"You don't have to use your potty anymore, Pound Cake," Mrs. Cake sweetly went on. "Though it would make me very happy if you did. I suppose I can't expect you to do everything I ask of you though. I mean, I only gave birth to you, fed and nursed you, bathed you, changed you, and played with you. You really don't owe me."

Pound's happy mood quickly faded, now he was starting to feel really guilty. "If I don't use my potty now, I'll make Mommy really upset, and I'll only have myself to blame," he thought, glumly realizing what he would need to do. "I guess I have to start using my potty if it'll make Mommy happy. I can't believe she turned my own weapon back on me!" Reluctantly, Pound trotted over to his potty and sat down on it, then he started to push. Mr. Cake and Pinkie Pie couldn't believe their eyes!

Mrs. Cake looked at the two and winked at them as she chuckled to herself. "Works every time," then to Pound she cheered. "Good boy, Pound Cake! Mommy's so proud of you for using your potty!"

"How could I have forgotten that my own parents did that with me?" Pinkie thought to herself, remembering her own potty training experiences. "Sure, Maud was a big help, but I just couldn't stand to see my folks look so unhappy."

Pound was glad to have made his mother, his father, and his big sister happy. But at the same time he was a bit mad that he'd been guilt tripped so easily. Still, if it would make them happy he supposed that he could try to start using his potty, just a little. He still preferred his diapers, and wanted to hold onto them for long as he could, but in the back of his mind he knew that probably wouldn't be for very long. Especially if his sister kept using her potty.

Which reminded Pound, he'd never gotten the chance to pay his sister back for sticking him to his potty or flushing his pacifier. But he'd already promised not to flush her, and he wasn't sure of what exactly he could to do get his long overdue revenge. However, his sister was away for the day at Fluttershy's cottage, which meant he had some time to brainstorm ideas. "She did something to me with my potty," he thought to himself, as he started trying to come up with schemes in his little toddler brain as he sat in his playpen. "So maybe I should do something to her with her potty? But what? And how?"

Then, when Pound was taken out of his playpen for lunch, an idea came to him in the most unexpected of places, a newspaper! Pound noticed that his father always seemed to like those cartoon pages depicting all sorts of strange objects called machines, which were apparently written by somepony named Pony Goldberg. Looking at one of these cartoon pages, something in the back of Pound's mind began to stir. "Maybe I could set up something like that," he thought. "Maybe even make it so that it will dump my sister's potty right onto her face somehow?"

But it was then that Pound remembered, his sister's potty was also at Fluttershy's cottage, and there was no way he could trot over there, take it, and bring it back for his scheme. His revenge would have to wait until his sister came home, which would give him time to start setting up the basics of his little "prank".

Pound gathered up a couple of things for his trap by himself, but for the most part he had to depend on Pinkie to help obtain what was needed. And he also needed her help to assemble the trap (though he made sure not to make it look like a trap, and the lack of the key piece a.k.a his sister's potty helped with that).

"Now, I just need someway of stealing my sister's potty and placing it into my 'machine' without the whole thing falling apart." Pound thought to himself, once everything else was in place.

Just then, there was a flash of blinding white light! And then who should appear in the very bathroom Pound was in, but the spirit of chaos and disharmony himself, Discord!

"I can't believe that disgusting thing exists!" Discord complained, as he showered himself off with chocolate rain. "Ponies continue to surprise me with their confusing ways!"

"Discowd!" Pound exclaimed, trotting over to the spirit. Said spirit's timing could not have been more perfect for Pound!

"Oh, well if it isn't the other half of the terrifying twins," Discord commented, concluding his shower and toweling off. "I, Discord, the mighty maker of mischief, am at your service!"

Pound grinned, Discord's arrival was going to play right into his hooves.

"Did you enjoy your time with Auntie Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked Pumpkin Cake, as she pushed the stroller carrying the unicorn toddler back into Sugarcube Corner that night.

"Yeah, yeah!" Pumpkin happily exclaimed, as she was unbuckled and set on the floor.

"Fluttershy said you were a good girl the whole time, and a good girl like you deserves a treat," Pinkie smiled, and told Pumpkin. "You wait right here, your big sister is going to whip up a special something tasty for you!"

But as soon as Pinkie was out of sight, Pumpkin's sister came trotting into view with the most fiendish smile on his face. "Hey sis," he said, suppressing a chuckle. "Guess wat?"

"Wat?" Pumpkin bluntly asked.

"I saw someting weawwy intewesting in the bathwoom, and it had to do with youw potty." Pound replied, continuing to smile.

"Wat you tawking about, my potty is wight-" Pumpkin began, but cut herself off mid sentence when she saw her potty wasn't in the stroller.

"You wooking fow youw potty?" Pound asked with a giggle. "Come to the bathwoom, and I'ww teww you whewe it is. I pwomise." Then he sped away as fast as his little hooves would let him.

"If you did anyting to my potty, youw a dead pony!" Pumpkin vowed, chasing after her brother. She followed him into the bathroom, but was surprised when he seemed to vanish just before he would've trotted through the door. But before Pumpkin had a chance to ponder this, she herself trotted through the door and tripped a rope. Said rope was attached to a wooden plank with a marble on it. The plank tipped downward, and the marble slid down, slipping through a small cardboard tube, and coming to a halt in front of a small gear. The gear carried the marble up and dropped it onto a raceway of sorts that ended with an entire stack of dominos. The dominos fell one by one, the last one touching the tip of a plastic arrow in a bow and causing it to launch. The arrow soared through the air, and struck a whoopee cushion that promptly deflated. The force of deflation pushed a small toy train down the tracks, causing it to bump a saw that sliced through another rope, which just so happened to be holding up Pumpkin's potty! When the rope was cut, the pink plastic bowl fell right onto the unicorn toddler's head, before she had a chance to react!

Pound burst out laughing, and Discord joined in on the fun. "Gotcha!" they both said at once.

Pumpkin, meanwhile, was seeing red. "I should've known my brother would do something like this." she thought to herself.

Author's Note:

The events of this chapter are based on two ideas proposed by BubblePuff, recently he suggested the idea of Mrs. Cake guilt tripping Pound into using his potty, and about a week ago he proposed the idea of Pound pulling a prank on Pumpkin that would end with her getting her potty stuck on her head.

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