• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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The Exploding Diaper

Author's Note:

Now don't you worry, there's not going to be any graphic diaper useage or anything like it in this chapter. BubblePuff mentioned a few chapters back that "Exploding Diaper" could make for a good chapter.

I decided it could, but not under the circumstances most people would think of (especially since doing that would probably warrant bumping the rating up to Mature).

Foalsitting the twins proved to be a very exhausting experience for Scootaloo, and The Cakes were not surprised to find out that she'd fallen asleep after putting them to bed. Rather than wake her, The Cakes decided to let her stay the night.

"So, how was foalsitting them? They weren't too much trouble, were they?" Mrs. Cake asked Scootaloo the following morning, once the orange coated pegasus filly had woken up.

"Not really," Scootaloo replied with a yawn. "Though there was one thing that certainly gave me and the twins quite a scare."

Concerned about that statement, Mrs. Cake decided to try and press for more details. "Oh, what happened? Did they hurt themselves?" she asked.

Scootaloo shook her head. "Nopony got hurt, but.... have you ever seen a diaper explode before?"

"Explode?!" Mr. Cake asked, nearly fainting right then and there. "Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means."

"Well, yes and no. Pound's diaper did explode, but not for the reason you might think," Scootaloo explained. "It all started about an hour and half after you two left to go eat."

Scootaloo had just brought the twins back downstairs after helping them use their potties. She was most impressed with them. "You guys are growing up so fast!" she happily exclaimed. "I can still remember when you two were first born, I didn't think I'd ever live down the fact that a baby was a better flyer than me!"

"You mean you can't fwy yet?" Pound asked Scootaloo.

Scootaloo tried not to look too upset, she didn't want the twins to feel bad. "No, and it really bothers me," she said, while trying to keep her tone from sounding sad. "They all say I'll fly eventually, and that there are plenty of late bloomers out there, but it seems like every pegasus I know can fly better than I can. But, I've come to learn that you can't spend all your time just waiting around for something to happen, and that it pays to look on the bright side of things. I may not be able to fly yet, but that doesn't mean my wings are useless. Thanks to them, I'm the fastest thing on the streets when it comes to scootering! I'd take you two on a ride around town, but I left my scooter at home and I don't know if they have helmets in your size."

"We sowwy you can't fwy yet, Scootawoo." Pumpkin apologized.

"It's alright, I know it will happen someday!" Scootaloo said eagerly, a look of determination could be seen in her eyes. "Plus, I've got plenty of other things that I can do that other ponies wish they could do as well. It's what makes me unique," she then set the twins back in their playpen and asked them. "So, what do you guys wanna do now?"

Pound and Pumpkin looked at each other for a moment, and seemed to whisper about something. Then they both said at the same time. "Bawwoons!"

"What? Balloons?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, ouw big sistew awways makes bawwoons fow us when we use ouw potties!" Pound explained.

"She awso sometimes bakes tweats fow us, but we dun want you to get in twouble again." Pumpkin added.

"But how am I supposed to make balloons for you two?" Scootaloo asked the twins.

"Big sistew Pinkie keeps a stash of 'em upstairs awong with someting she cawws hewium." Pound told Scootaloo.

"She says she keeps aww that stuff stowed there in case of bawwoon emergencies." Pumpkin explained.

"Alright, I'll go get the balloons and the helium," Scootaloo said to the twins. "But you two are coming with me, your parents warned me not to let you two out of my sight no matter what." And she scooped the twins into her hooves, and carried them up to Pinkie's bedroom.

Once inside Pinkie's bedroom, Scootaloo searched everywhere for a pack of uninflated balloons and a tank of helium. A task that was a lot harder than Scootaloo thought it would be, for it seemed that Pinkie had all sorts of things stashed and scattered all over her bedroom.

"You'd think balloon supplies wouldn't be so hard to find, knowing Pinkie Pie." Scootaloo complained, as she rummaged through the closet filled with every type of party supplies you could imagine.

At last, Scootaloo found what she was looking for. Tucked into a faint corner of the closet, was a tank of helium, and resting beside it was an entire box worth of balloons ready be inflated.

Carefully, Scotaloo wrapped the tank around her tail and put the box on top of it, then she scooped the twins back into her hooves and slowly made her way down the stairs. "This would be a lot easier if I could fly." Scootaloo thought to herself, as every hoofstep seemed to take forever, due to the fact that she had to be extra careful not to drop the helium or the twins.

At last, after several tense minutes and extremely delicate hoofwork, Scootaloo reached the bottom of the stairs. The rest of the journey was easy, and she had no trouble carrying the tank and the box of balloons across the floor to the twins playpen just outside the kitchen. Upon reaching her destination, Scootaloo set the tank down and put the box on the nearby counter next to the cash register. Then she put the twins back into their playpen, and paused for a moment to catch her breath. The trip downstairs had been exhausting, and she needed a chance to breath a sigh of relief.

"Bawwoons! Bawwoons!" The twins chanted, jumping up and down in their playpen in excitement.

"Okay, just give me a second or two," Scootaloo replied, calming the twins down. She took the first uninflated balloon out of the box, and brought it over to the helium tank. Then she paused, unsure of what to do next. "How do you work this thing?" she said to herself, as she inspected the helium tank closely. Fortunately, it didn't take her more than a minute to find out what she needed to do. She attached the nozzle on the tank to the tip of the balloon, then turned the nob. In a matter of seconds, the helium rushed into the balloon and inflated it. A few seconds later, Scootaloo turned the nob to shut off the helium (once the balloon had inflated a good amount) and tied a knot around the tip of the balloon so the helium wouldn't leak out. She then presented the blue balloon to the twins (while taking care to keep it away from Pumpkin's horn, Scootaloo had seen firsthoof how sharp unicorn horns could be during Sweetie Belle's last birthday party).

"Yay, bawwoons!" Pound and Pumpkin cheered, as Scootaloo inflated several more balloons in every color imaginable. Pretty soon, balloons were floating all around the twins, who giggled as they occasionally grabbed one of the balloons to pass back and forth like a ball.

Upon inflating the last balloon in the box, Scootaloo turned off the nozzle on the helium tank, and just watched the twins play with the balloons to their hearts' content. She had to admit, at this moment they were being oh so adorable. Maybe foalsitting them wouldn't be so bad after all? But then, suddenly, Scootaloo felt a familiar pressure in her bladder! "Hey, you two!" she called to the twins.

"Wha is it, Scootawoo?" Pumpkin asked the filly.

"I need to use the little filly's room really quick," Scootaloo replied, the pressure growing by the second. "Can I trust you to stay put and not cause trouble?"

"Otay, we just pway with the bawwoons you made fow us." Pound promised.

Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief, that was one problem taken care of. "Good, I'll be back shortly!" And she zipped away to one of the public bathrooms on the first floor.

Pound and Pumpkin played with the balloons to their heart's content, while they waited for Scootaloo. But as the minutes ticked by their foalsitter for the evening didn't return, and the twins eventually began to grow bored of just playing with the balloons.

"Gosh, it sure is taking Scootawoo a wong time to go potty, I hope she's alwight in thewe." Pumpkin said with concern.

"I'ww bet she's doing numbew two." Pound chuckled.

"Tat's nasty, Pound!" Pumpkin replied, pretending to gag.

"But you have to admit, I couwd be wight," Pound went on. "And wegardwess, it dun seem wike she gonna come back anytime soon. We need to find someting to do to pass the time."

"Wike what? We pwomised Scootawoo we'd stay put." Pumpkin said to her brother.

Pound looked around, and his eyes soon fell upon the helium tank near the playpen. It was then that he got an idea. "Hey, sis, can you bwing that hewium tank ovew hewe?" he asked his sister.

"Of couwse I can, Pound. Wha you gonna do with it?" Pumpkin asked, as she surrounded the tank with her magic and with a great deal of straining brought it so close to the playpen, the twins could practically reach out and touch it.

"I gonna infwate my own diapee wike a bawwoon! I wanna see wha wiww happen!" Pound boasted.

"And you need my hewp, dun you?" Pumpkin asked, already certain she knew what the answer was.

"Tat's wight, sis. So, can you use youw magic to put that wong hose thingy into the back of my diapee, and then tuwn on the hewium?" Pound asked in reply.

"Suwe, I guess. But do you tink this is a good idea?" Pumpkin skeptically replied, her brother's other ideas didn't exactly have the best track record (especially considering his most recent had one led to her getting flushed).

Pound nodded. "Twust me, this one is gownna wowk!"

Pumpkin reluctantly sighed, and did as she'd been asked. Carefully, she used her magic to put the nozzle of the helium tank into the back of her brother's diaper. Then, she used her magic again to turn the nob.

Pound's diaper began to expand, as helium rushed into it! "Is wowking!" he cheered.

"Phew, that took a lot longer than I thought it would," Scootaloo said to herself, as she exited the bathroom. Just then, she heard a loud pop! "What was that?!" Scootaloo exclaimed, and rushed to check on the twins.

Upon reaching the playpen, Scootaloo found out what the source of the pop had been. Pound's diaper was in pieces, leaving him butt naked and looking rather shocked and embarrassed. Sitting next to him was the nozzle for the helium tank, which had clearly been moved. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together and realize what had happened.

"Pound! Pumpkin! Would you two care to explain this?!" Scootaloo asked quite seriously.

The twins gulped and looked up, the stern look on Scootaloo's face was quite unnerving. "Uh, this isn't what it wooks wike?" Pound nervously spoke up.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at Pound's statement. "Really? It seems pretty obvious to me you two played with the helium tank and tried to inflate Pound's diaper like a balloon. You two know that helium tank is not a toy, somepony could've gotten hurt!"

"We sowwy, Scootawoo!" The twins apologized.

"Is just, you wewe taking so wook to come out of the bathwoom, and we were bowed," Pumpkin confessed. "It was my bwother's idea, mostwy."

Scootaloo just sighed. "Well, the good news everypony's alright, and nothing got broken. But I'm going to tell your parents about this when they come home. And you better not do this again, understand?" The twins nodded. "Good," Scootaloo replied, and picked up Pound Cake. "Now then, let's get you a new diaper, Pound. And Pumpkin, I better not catch you playing with the helium tank when I come back. Understand?!"

"Uh-huh." Pumpkin nodded.

"And that's how it happened," Scootaloo explained. "After I put Pound Cake in a new diaper, I put the helium tank back where I found it and fortunately there were no more accidents for the rest of the night."

"My goodness, that must've been quite the fright for the twins," Mrs. Cake observed. "It's a good thing Pound's diaper is the only thing that blew up."

"And that it wasn't used when it did, that would've been real messy." Scootaloo nervously chuckled, while also extremely glad such a thing hadn't happened.

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