• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Diaper Shortage?

"Hm, that's odd." Mr. Cake commented to himself the next morning.

"What is?" Mrs. Cake asked her husband, as she came downstairs with the twins nestled either side of her mane (they had just finished using their potties). "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, everything's fine sugar plum," Mr. Cake replied. "It's just, I swear we had lots of diapers last night, and yet now we seem to be missing a few. The box is almost empty."

Mrs. Cake laughed. "Well honey bun, we did have the pony we hired to foalsit the twins get turned into a foal herself. That probably explains it."

Mr. Cake shook his head. "No, I checked on the diaper supply after Diamond Tiara went home, she only took out the one diaper. I think we've got a diaper thief on our hooves."

Mrs. Cake sighed. "It must be Pound Cake, again. He's finally using his potty, but I can tell he's not happy about it. This morning in particular he seemed to be trying his hardest to hold it in so he wouldn't have to go when seated on his potty. I just don't know what else we can do to get him to give up his diapers."

"I don't think it's Pound," Mr. Cake said seriously. "If it was, he'd be trying to hide the entire box like he did before, not stealing them one at a time."

"Then maybe it's Pinkie Pie," Mrs. Cake teased. "I thought she looked cute when the twins were babying her. Really makes me wish we'd gotten to know Pinkie as a foal. Plus, who knows how much Starlight's spell affected her?"

"Maybe," Mr. Cake replied, putting a hoof to his chin in thought. "But I haven't noticed anything unusual in her room lately, and she had no trouble letting me check it. Plus, I don't think Pound's diapers would fit her, they're too small."

"But then where did that diaper she was wearing in the bathroom when the twins were babying her came from?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Probably some sort of growth spell from Pumpkin, or maybe Pinkie just knew where to find one in her size," Mr. Cake shrugged. "Either way, I don't think she's our diaper thief. Whoever it is, they're doing it late at night so they don't get caught."

"Good thing we've got our new foalsitter coming back tonight to watch the twins," Mrs. Cake said with a wink. "Diamond Tiara will make sure that diaper thief gets what they deserve."

"We should probably double her pay for dealing with our diaper depleting delinquent," Mr. Cake added, setting the twins in the playpen. "That is, unless either of you two know who's behind this?"

Pound and Pumpkin shook their heads, they had no idea who it could. All Pound had to say in replay. "Is not me though."

"Are you absolutely sure about that?" Mr. Cake asked, eyeing Pound.

"It's okay if you are, we promise we won't be mad," Mrs. Cake added. "But you know you're supposing to do your pee pees and poo poos in your potty, not your diapers."

"Yeah, I know. I did tat dis mowning wike you wanted me to." Pound replied, and went back to talking to his sister.

"Think his story checks out?" Mrs. Cake asked her husband.

Mr. Cake nodded. "Sounds like it does, which mean the diaper snatcher could be anyone that the diapers would fit. Doesn't really narrow it down though, those diapers were meant for foals but they could fit some colts or fillies with a little bit of stretching."

"What if it's Diamond Tiara? I mean, the twins did turn her into a baby last night," Mrs. Cake suggested. "Maybe she missed that and wanted to do it again on her own?"

Mr. Cake laughed. "Imagine what that would mean, we hired a diaper snatcher to be our foalsitter."

"It's just a suggestion, I doubt Diamond's the culprit." Mrs. Cake replied, getting in a chuckle or two of her own.

"So let me get this straight?" Tiara asked The Cakes that night. "Somepony's stealing the diapers that are supposed to be for your son, and you want me to catch them in the act?"

"If possible, yes," Mr. Cake explained. "But if you can't, just try to get a good look at whoever's responsible and let us know."

"And make sure not to neglect your other responsibilities," Mrs. Cake added seriously. "The diaper thief doesn't take priority over making sure the twins behave themselves AND use their potties."

Diamond nodded in reply. "Don't worry, you can count on me. The twins will be taken care of, and that diaper thief won't be getting their hooves on anymore diapers after tonight. Especially when I make them an offer they can't refuse."

"Just don't treat them too harshly, whoever the thief is," Mrs. Cake cautioned, as she and her husband left to spend an evening together. "I'm sure they have a good reason for doing it."

"Maybe, but they still should know better than to steal from a baby," Tiara vowed. "That's one thing I NEVER did as a bully," she then trotted over to the playpen and approached the twins. "Hey you two, you wouldn't have any idea about who's stealing Pound's diapers, would you?"

"Nope, sowwy." Pound said with a shake of his head.

"And I sowwy bu I can't tuwn you back into a fowl tonight," Pumpkin added, looking at Diamond with her sad puppy dog eyes. "My magic onwy wowks in showt bwusts now. Pwetty soon my hown is gonna stowp wowking aww togethew tiw I get older."

"Same goes fow my wings." Pound commented in a somber tone.

"Well, that's okay. We can still have fun, right?!" Diamond eagerly asked the twins.

"Wight!" The twins cheered in delight.

A mysterious figure watched Diamond and the Cake Twins inside Sugarcube Corner, peaking in occasionally through one of the windows. The figure stood, watching and waiting for any opening.

Suddenly, the figure saw Tiara scoop up the twins and say to them. "Okay you two, it's time for a potty break. No buts, you know besides the ones you're gonna sit on your potties." That little joke prompted a giggle from all three, as Tiara carried the twins upstairs.

"Now's my chance," the figure thought to itself. "I'll just slip in, snatch up a few diapers, and be gone before anypony is any the wiser."

Unfortunately, the figure didn't anticipate they would make so much noise. The backdoor of Sugarcube Corner had been locked shut, no doubt to make it harder on the thief to get in and out undetected. Which meant they would have to slip in through one of the windows.

Diamond heard the commotion from downstairs, and quickly realized what it meant. The diaper snatching thief had come back to try and swipe more diapers! Well, not if Tiara had anything to say about it, and in fact she did!

"You two sit tight, okay?" Diamond asked the twins, who were sitting on their potties. "Diamond has something she needs to take care of."

"Go get that diapee snatching jewk!" Pound encouraged.

"With pleasure," Diamond smirked, and quickly made her way downstairs. She was prepared for anything. Upon reaching the kitchen (where the box of "crinkly colt" diapers was kept), the pink coated filly quickly lunged out and tackled the intruder. "Gotcha! Thought you could outfox old Diamond Tiara, did ya?" the filly smirked, proud of her accomplishment. "Ha, as if! Now give back all those diapers you stole, or prepare to be tickled senseless!"

"Alright, alright, you win." a familiar country voice groaned, quickly revealing its owner to be none other than Apple Bloom.

Tiara gasped! "Apple Bloom! What are you doing with Pound's diapers?! You know they're not for you, and they're meant for a colt not a filly!"

Apple Bloom sighed, as she was freed from Diamond's grasp and allowed to stand. "I just... got curious and.... I wanted to see what would happen if I put one on," the farm filly confessed. "I didn't mean to take so many, especially since I ain't usin' em."

"But why did you do this?!" Diamond asked. "The Cakes are going to be super ticked with you if they find out you're behind their sudden diaper shortage."

"It's stupid, you'll laugh at me." Apple Bloom replied, her ears drooping.

"I'll be the judge of that," Diamond said, putting a hoof around her friend. "Whatever you tell me doesn't have to leave this room."

Apple Bloom seemed to hesitate for a moment, before she told her pink coated friend. "Well, you know about my folks right? How Ma and Pa passed away when I was real young?"

Diamond nodded. "You really miss them, don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah, and I thought... if I tried on a diaper... maybe I could picture what it would be like if they were still here," Apple Bloom explained, hanging her head in sorrow. "Told ya it was stupid, now go ahead and have your laugh."

But much to Apple Bloom's surprise, Diamond only chuckled slightly for a moment. Then she replied. "You know, if you really wanted to, you could've just asked The Cakes and told them about this. I think they would've said yes."

"I doubt it, and even if they did none of my family would've agreed," Apple Bloom frowned. "I suppose part of me just felt like I had to grow up too fast 'cause of what happened with Ma and Pa. I'll give back all the diapers I took, they're still fresh," then she added. "You promise not to tell anypony about this?"

"And why wouldn't I?" Diamond asked, a bit confused at her friend's odd request.

Apple Bloom grinned. "'Cause if you do, they're going to know about your deal with the twins to turn into a foal again. I heard you discussin' it with them earlier."

"How did you-" Diamond began.

"-That's my little secret," Apple Bloom interrupted. "So, we have a deal?"

"Wow, I've really rubbed off on you haven't I?" Diamond observed, but agreed all the same. "Fine, we have a deal."

"What can I say, I learned from the best." Apple Bloom said, her grin growing wider.

Author's Note:

An idea suggested by Smity1038 on DeviantArt, next chapter will have Sweetie Belle to round out the appearances of The Crusaders.

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