• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Down The Hooooole!

Author's Note:

Yes, yes, I'm sure you'll all tempted to post that Plucky Duck video in the comments. But by now I think we've all seen it, and we all know how it goes. So please don't post or link to it here!

This one was obvious, cartoon or real life babies are always fascinated with flushing stuff down toilets. But some of it was partially inspired by a chapter of "Pony Fails" by MythrilMoth (the chapter "Foals Being Silly In The Bathroom" to be precise).

A few days passed after Pumpkin's Cake accident, and nothing of significance happened for either of the twins. Pound still wasn't fully ready to give up his diapers, and as much as Pumpkin wanted to use the potty, she just wasn't able to make it in time.

Then, just two weeks after the twins had begun their potty training, their parents had to tend to an important baking order across town. And so, Pound and Pumpkin were once again left in the care of Pinkie Pie, their big sister.

"Alright, you two!" Pinkie declared dramatically. "Don't think you can pull any fast ones on old Pinkie Pie, no siree! I know you two are ready to start using the potty, and I'm going to try my hardest to make sure you two use it whenever you have to go. And Gummy will be watching you too, so don't get any ideas."

Gummy looked at the twins with his blank stare, but didn't do anything else. Whatever was on his mind, the twins had no way of knowing what it was.

"Now then, if there are no objections, let's head straight to the bathroom," Pinkie went on. "Just because you don't think you have to go, doesn't mean you don't. Trust me, I speak from experience."

"Yay, potty time!" Pumpkin cheered, as she was scooped into Pinkie's right forehoof.

"Boo, me no wike potty time!" Pound protested, as he was scooped into Pinkie's left forehoof.

"Oh come on, bwother. Da potty can be fun!" Pumpkin said to her brother, as they (along with Gummy) were carried out of their nursery.

"Na, potty is stupid! But the toilet is fun!" Pound said with a grin. "In fact, I tink I know how we can have fun with it."

"Wha do we have to do?" Pumpkin asked, her curiosity rising.

"Weww..." Pound began, and whispered something into his sister's ear.

"Ooh! Sounds wike a good time!" Pumpkin smiled eagerly. "Bu wha about Pinkie? Won't she twy to stop us?"

Pound groaned in frustration, as the realization dawned on him. "You're wight, Pinkie is a pwoblem. And one we can't deaw with. Now, if Gummy wewe to be weft in charge, tat would be diffewent."

Little did Pound know, he was about to get his wish. And that his idea of bathroom fun, was going to have an unexpected ending.

"And here we are," Pinkie said proudly, as she carried the twins into the bathroom. She proceeded to place them on their respective potties, and pull their diapers down to their ankles. "Now then, just get comfortable and I'll..." Pinkie began, then she gasped as she suddenly remembered something extremely important from downstairs! "Oh no, I completely forgot! My celebratory cupcakes for when you two use your potties for the first time will be ready at any moment! I can't let them burn!" she exclaimed, and began to pace back and forth. "But I can't just leave you two here all by yourselves. What am I gonna do? Think Pinkie, think!"

Several seconds passed, as Pinkie tried to ponder a solution to her problem. Then, when she looked at Gummy, she gasped again! An idea had just come into her head! "Okay you two, change of plans!" she told the twins, and placed Gummy in front of them. "Gummy's going to watch over you and make sure you stay in the bathroom! I've gotta get those cupcakes out of the oven before they burn to a crisp! Nopony likes burnt cupcakes!" And Pinkie zipped out of the bathroom at a pace far faster than the frantic trot the twins had trotted when they thought the toilet was a monster!

Now the twins were alone with Gummy, which meant they were free to try Pound's idea of how to have fun in the bathroom. The baby alligator soon left his post by the potties, opting instead to walk over to the door and stare at the hallway walls from it. As soon as he did so, the twins got up off their potties, and trotted up to the great white bowl shaped thing that was the toilet.

"Weady sis?" Pound asked, turning to Pumpkin.

"Weady! Wet's do this!" Pumpkin eagerly replied, it was time for the fun to begin. The twins were going to take turns flushing things down the toilet!

Pound went first, he went over to the nearby roll of toilet paper, and with a flap of his wings he got on top of it. Eagerly grinning from ear to ear, the little pegasus starting unrolling the toilet paper from the roll. Pound kept rolling and rolling, until all of the toilet paper had come off of the role and rested on the bathroom floor. Quickly grabbing the long trail of the disposable stuff, Pound found the end of the trail and flapping his wings again, fed it into the toilet bowl. "Toiwet pater go down the hooooole!" he cried, as he pushed the handle down and flushed the toilet! The toilet greedily sucked down the toilet paper, as both Pound and his sister laughed a bit. Pound continued to flush, until the last of the toilet paper was sucked down the drain. Then he flew down to the ground and said to his sister. "Is youw turn."

"But wha am I supposed to fwush? All the toiwet pater is gone!" Pumpkin complained.

"Just find someting ewse and fwush it! Is not that hawd!" Pound replied.

"Wike wha?" Pumpkin asked, hoping for some ideas.

"Weww, how about... tat wubber ducky?!" Pound suggested, pointing to the small rubber duck that rested on the edge of the bathtub. "I awways did hate tat thing!"

Pumpkin grabbed the duck with her magic, and briefly looked at it as if she were contemplating whether or not to flush it. Then she floated it over to the toilet and dropped it in. "Wubber ducky go down the hooooole!" she declared, as she pressed the handle down with her magic. The two foals watched as the water swirled around the duck, and sucked it down the drain, but not before it let out one last squeak! "Okay, tat was fun! Wha shoud we fwush next?" Pumpkin proposed.

"Whatevew we want! Wet's go!" Pound replied, and flew over to the bathtub. He grabbed a bar of soap, took it to the toilet, and dropped it in. "Soapie go down the hooooole!" he cried, flushing the toilet. The soap bar quickly slipped down the drain, prompting a few chortles from Pound.

Pumpkin went towards the bathroom sink, and grabbed her pink colored toothbrush that she'd never used with her magic. Dropping it into the toilet she said with a grin. "Bwushie go down the hooooole!" With another press of the handle, the toothbrush disappeared.

Pound grabbed a comb resting on the counter next to the sink, he eagerly dropped it into the toilet. "Comb go down the hoooole!", another flush took the comb away.

Pumpkin decided to up the ante, just flushing random objects wasn't enough. So, she took off her diaper, and even though it was perfectly clean she did not hesitate to drop it into the toilet.

"Oh coow, I was just about to twy fwushing my diapee!" Pound eagerly commented, buzzing his wings in excitement. "Do it, sis!"

"Diapee go down the hooooole!" Pumpkin grinned, and flushed the toilet yet again. The diaper spun around with the toilet water, and went down the drain like everything else that had been flushed. But for whatever reason, it didn't stay down. It came right back up through the hole, as the water rose with it.

"I guess diapees dun fwush, tat stinks!" Pound grumbled, as his sister fished out her diaper and the water retreated. It was thoroughly soaked with toilet water, and utterly useless. It was dropped into the nearby trash can without fanfare. "Guess you get to go again, sis. Make it good!"

"Oh, I will," Pumpkin grinned. But as she looked around the bathroom, she found nothing that would be interesting or funny to flush. "Why dun we go back to our nursewy and gwab some of our owd stuffed animaws?" she suggested to her brother. "We can fwush the ones we dun sweep with anymore."

Pound nodded, truth be told he had gotten bored of flushing random things as well. But he knew Pumpkin's plan had one problem that would need to be taken care of. "We have to get wid of Gummy," he told his sister. "He's supposed to be watching us, and thewe's no way he'll just wet us thwough."

"Gummy is a pwoblem," Pumpkin realized, then she got an idea and a rather cheeky grin formed on her face. "But he wun be if we fwush him down the toilet."

"Oh tat is so eviw, I'm in!" Pound replied. "Wet's fwush him! Maybe he'ww show some emotion fow once!"

"Yeah, maybe," Pumpkin grinned, as she concentrated her magic around Gummy. With a great deal of straining, she picked the baby alligator up, floated him through the air, and dropped him into the toilet with a loud splash! The twins raced to the toilet, and saw that Gummy didn't seem to suspect anything, he was still showing no emotion. The cheeky grin still on her face, Pumpkin concentrated her magic on the toilet handle. "Gummy go down the hoooole!" she said with a giggle, and forced it down!

Both foals watched, as Gummy continued to just look at them with that blank stare, even as he spun around and around with the water, then disappeared down the drain! The last thing that could be heard from the gator was a gurgled. "Glug, glug, glug." The foals burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter, seeing Gummy be flushed was the highlight of this trip to the bathroom! And the best part was, it wasn't even over yet! They still had some stuffed animals in their nursery left to flush!

"Shaww we go gwab what we wanna fwush?!" Pound eagerly asked his sister.

"You bet! Last one back hewe is a dirty diapee!" Pumpkin replied, and the foals dashed out of the bathroom at lightning speed! But this time, they'd be back!

The twins returned shortly with their chosen stuffed animals (though Pound seemed to be trying to hide one of the ones he'd chosen for some reason). "Weww sis, this was youw idea, so you can go fiwst," Pound offered. "Fwush away!"

Pumpkin nodded, as she proceeded to take the first animal from her collection (a stuffed monkey) and stuff it into the toilet. "Monkey go down the hooooole!" she said, and flushed the toilet. The stuffed monkey went down head first, so his butt was the last thing the foals saw before it vanished.

Pound took out a stuffed turtle, dropped it into the toilet, and said. "Tuwtle go down the hooooole!" With another flush, the turtle was gone.

"Buttewfwy go down the hooooole!" Pumpkin declared, stuffing a stuffed butterfly into the toilet and flushing it. The butterfly disappeared faster than either the monkey or the turtle.

"Rubbew ticken go down the hooooole!" Pound said, as he quickly took out a rubber chicken and flushed it down the drain!

Pumpkin gasped, that chicken had been her favorite, and now her brother had flushed it down the toilet! "How dawe you, I woved tat ticken!" she shouted at her brother.

"Sowwy sis, bu I was bowed and didn' know what ewse to fwush," Pound half apologized/half shrugged. "You can fwush one of my favowite stuffed animaws if you want."

But Pumpkin was furious, both at losing her favorite rubber chicken, and at her brother's lack of concern for the role he'd played in its demise! He was acting like a big, fat, turd! In fact... that's what her brother was right now! A big, fat, ugly, stinking, turd! And there was only one thing you could do with turds!

"Okay, 'bwother'," Pumpkin replied, her angry expression being replaced by a smile. "You wan me to fwush someting? I'ww fwush someting!" Then her horn lit up yet again.

Pound was quite surprised when he found that HE was being levitated by his sister's magic! And that could only mean one thing! "Sis, wha you doing?!" he asked, even though he had a pretty good idea of her intentions.

"Isn it obvious, I fwushing you down the toilet!" Pumpkin declared, floating him over to the toilet and dropping him into the bowl with a splash. "You a big tuwd fow fwushing my favowite ticken, and Mommy, Daddy, and Pinkie Pie say tuwds awe to be fwushed!" she told her brother.

Pound was quite frantic, as he tried to escape from the toilet! He tried to flap his wings, but the toilet water weighed them down and made them useless! Then he tried to climb out and grab the seat, but the sides of the bowl were too slippery and he couldn't get a grip! Then he saw his sister's magical aura surrounding the toilet handle, he knew what that meant! "Sis, I weawwy, weawwy, sowwy!" he said in the best pleading tone he could muster up.

But Pumpkin only replied with "Pound Cake go down the hooooole!" and forced the toilet handle down with her magic.

That was the last thing Pound heard. Reluctantly, he accepted his fate, as he spun around with the toilet water and was sucked down the drain. He had no idea where he'd end up, but wherever it was he probably deserved to be there for flushing his sister's favorite stuffed animal.

Pumpkin thought for sure she would find flushing her brother to be highly amusing, but much to her surprise she found that not a single chuckle, chortle, giggle, or snort, had escaped her mouth during the whole thing. Truth be told, she was already starting to feel kind of guilty. Her brother had made it perfectly clear how sorry he was, did he really deserve to be flushed over a rubber chicken, even if it was his sister's favorite?

"Gosh, I feel like a big old turd right now," Pumpkin thought, as her guilt caught up with her. "And since I'm a turd, there's only one thing to do!" With an incredibly reluctant and unhappy sigh, Pumpkin levitated herself into the toilet. With what little magical power she had left, she surrounded the toilet handle. "I coming, Pound!!" she shouted at the drain, not certain if her brother could hear her or not. "Pumpkin Cake go down the hooooole!" she cried out, as she was barely able to muster up the necessary magic needed to force the toilet handle down. She quickly began to spin around and around, as the water sucked her up and took her along on its downward bound journey.

"Phew, that was close! Any longer and those cupcakes would've burned!" Pinkie said to herself, as she came back up to the bathroom. She had heard a lot of flushing as she'd been frosting and decorating her cupcakes (how she had forgotten to do that, on top of leaving them in the oven, she was still stumped on), but had not suspected anything. "Whatever it is Pound and Pumpkin are being fed must really make them have to go," Pinkie thought to herself. "I hope Mr. and Mrs. Cake didn't accidentally buy the special pureed foal food, again."

"Alright, Pound, Pumpkin. Are you two done yet?" Pinkie called, as she entered the bathroom. But what she saw caused her to gasp, she had entered just in time to see the last of Pumpkin Cake's hair (complete with her blue bow) disappear down the drain! To make matters worse, there was no sign of Gummy or Pound Cake! "Where could they have gone?! Did they just disappear into thin air?!" Pinkie wondered, before she spotted the empty toilet paper role, several stuffed animals from the twins nursery scattered on the floor near the toilet, and many objects (like the rubber duck and the soap bar) missing. She quickly put two and two together, she had thought all that flushing had sounded odd. But there was no way, that explained everything! Surely there was no way all that stuff (as well as Pound and Gummy themselves) had been flushed down the toilet, right?

Pinkie frowned, there was only one way to know for sure, and she didn't like it. It was going to be VERY nasty! But a plunger just wasn't going to cut it, even if she tried to intentionally clog up the toilet. "I can't believe I have to do this again," she groaned in frustration, remembering the last time she'd needed to retrieve something that had been flushed down the toilet that wasn't supposed to go down it. Pinkie zipped out of the bathroom, and returned a few seconds later completely dressed from head to hooves in scuba diving gear, complete with a snorkel, big flippers, a mask, and (most importantly of all) an oxygen tank. Carefully stepping into the bowl with her flippers, Pinkie took a deep breath. "Hold on Pound, Pumpkin, and Gummy! Pinkie's coming!" She then reached a hoof over to the handle, and pressed it down. "Pinkie go down the hooooole." she muttered to herself, as she prepared for another trip down the pipes. This time, to retrieve her baby alligator, several random items, and of course two very naughty toddlers (who were going to get a stern lecture once they were located, fished out, and bathed).

If anypony had been watching the upstairs bathroom in Sugarcube Corner, they would've seen a scuba diving pink coated pony disappear down the toilet bowl, and then probably would've questioned their sanity.

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