• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 3,401 Views, 279 Comments

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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The 'Joy' Of Flushing

Author's Note:

WARNING!: This chapter will contain light disciplinary spanking. I know some people may have a problem with that, but it's solely an act of discipline done briefly to the twins, and that is not going to be the focus of this chapter. I'm not going to get into a debate about whether spanking a child is ever okay, and I will delete any comments that lead to a flame war. So please be civil and leave the debate out of this and all chapters, thank you.

This idea was suggested by BubblePuff minus the spanking part. I should mention that this fic is probably going to wrap up pretty soon.

Pound and Pumpkin enjoyed their visit to Ponypalooza, and the chance to spend time with their Uncle Igneous, and their aunts Cloudy, Limestone, Maud, and Marble. But all good things must come to an end eventually, and the very next day Pinkie and the twins caught the first train back to Ponyville.

"The butt ghost should be all gone by now," Pinkie told the twins, hoping to reassure them. "You don't have to worry about having your butt being gobbled. If you ever spot anything like it in the toilet again, you let me or your parents know and we'll take care of it."

And indeed, that night Pound was quite relieved when his now routine trip to the potty involved no super natural sights or sounds of any kind. The butt ghost had been vanquished. "Good," Pound thought to himself. "If it still existed I would never set hoof in this bathroom again. I like my butt whole and uneaten."

The next day, Pound and Pumpkin were brought downstairs, and they had breakfast as usual. However, even with a recently fixed up Smarty Pants, the twins (or Pound at least) found themselves growing bored.

"I wish we had somepony to pway with." Pound said with a sigh, as he watched his parents and his big sister Pinkie Pie tend to the customers at Sugarcube Corner. It was a very busy day, it seemed that every table was occupied.

Pumpkin put down her toys and looked at her brother. "Yeah, bu the wast time tat happened was when Diamond Tiawa was a foal. And she can't be ouw foawsitter again because Miss. Stawwight is back, and I dun tink I have enough magic to tuwn a gwown-up into a foal."

"Tat stinks," Pound lamented. "I'd weawwy wove it if Mommy and Daddy couwd tuwn into foals and pway with us fow a day. Thewe's so much I want to ask them about, and so much I want them to see. I'ww bet they'd even find it fun to fwush stuff down the toiwet."

"Maybe we could twick ouw big sistew in putting on a diapee and pwaying with us?" Pumpkin asked. "We twicked hew once, so maybe we can do it again."

Pound shook his head. "She too busy and too smawt to faww fow it now. And I dun tink we can baby Gummy eithew, he nevew does much of anyting."

"Tat we know of," Pumpkin replied, pondering something. "Maybe he's a secwetwy wowking undew covew as a spy ow someting?"

Pound looked at his sister for a moment, before she joined him in saying. "Nah."

"Weww, we got to tink of someting," Pumpkin said to her brother. "Tis might actuawwy be a good time fow one of youw 'ideas."

"Bu aww my ideas awways get us into twouble," Pound protested in reply. "And mowe often ten not they end with someting ow somepony getting fwushed."

Just then, who should come trotting up to the foals but an earth pony colt with a brown coat, a mane and tail with two shades of orange lazily styled, redish-orange eyes, and a propeller cap on his head? In one of his hooves he was holding a small electronic device that the twins had never really seen before. In fact, he seemed to more focused on that device than he was the twins. "Come on, I'm almost to a new high score!" He said to the screen, seemingly blocking out everything else.

"Button, please put that thing down and come sit at the table," The colt's mother called in a serious tone. "Our milkshakes will be here shortly."

"Just a minute, Mom!" Button replied, turning his attention away from the device and to his mother. As a result, he didn't notice the twins looking at the device with curiosity.

"Wha you tink it is?" Pumpkin asked her brother.

"Dun know, but maybe we can fwush it," Pound considered. "You stiww wun wet me fwush Smawty Pants, and I dun have anyting eswe I weawwy wanna see go down the toilet."

"But fwushing tings is pwobabwy how we bwoke the last toilet." Pumpkin protested.

"Tat's onwy because we fwushed a ton of stuff down it aww the time," Pound replied. "We just gonna see if tat tingy fwushes ow not, and then that's it. You said it might be time fow one of my ideas, and dun act wike you awen't bowed too."

Meanwhile, Button was noticing a faint light blue glow surrounding his joyboy. Turning around to face the twins he shouted at them. "Hey, you stupid babies, don't touch my joyboy! Just go stare at your bars or whatever it is babies do!" He held on tighter to his joyboy.

Button's comments set off something inside Pumpkin, she didn't like being called stupid! "Awwight, tat's it!" She said to her brother. "Wets teach this wude wittle cowt a wesson!"

"Yeah, nopony cawws us stupid babies!" Pound replied.

"Button Memory Mash, come over here now!" Button's mother demanded. "Your milkshake is going to melt if you don't hurry up!"

"Alright, alright, hold your horses!" Button complained, turning back around to face his mother. Unfortunately, in doing so he had given the twins the opportunity they needed. Briefly distracted by talking to his mom, Button's grip on his joyboy loosened, at the same time that Pumpkin's glow surrounded it and yanked it out of his hooves!

"Got it!" Pumpkin shouted, holding the device high above her like a trophy.

It took Button a moment to realize his joyboy was missing, but when he did he was quite furious. "Hey, give me back my joyboy you stupid babies!" He demanded.

But Pound and Pumpkin only blew raspberries at Button, before they rose from their playpen and took off still holding onto the joyboy!

Button chased after the foals as best he could, but he wasn't used to running so much (he always left the running to the characters in his video games). "Come on, give me back my joyboy!" He demanded.

The twins only continued to stick out their tongues, as they made their way into one of the public bathrooms on the first floor. They flew towards the first open stall, and dropped the joyboy in.

"No, don't!" Button demanded, when he saw the twins eyeing the toilet handle with cheeky grins.

"Tingy go down the hooooole!" Pound and Pumpkin declared, as they forced the toilet handle down.

"NO!" Button cried, dashing into the stall as fast as he could! He was too late, with a loud roar his joyboy was sucked down the drain and disappeared! "I was so close to a new high score!" He complained, tears welling up in his eyes. That joyboy had been with him since he was in diapers, he had never gone anywhere with it. And now it was gone, flushed down the toilet and likely already in the sewers. Sobbing, Button ran out of the bathroom and straight into the arms of his mother. "MOM!" He wailed at the top of his lungs. "THE BABIES FLUSHED MY JOYBOY DOWN THE TOILET!"

Button's mother tried her hardest to keep her son from making a scene. "There, there, Button, it's okay," She told him, lightly stroking his back. "Your joyboy was getting kind of old anyway and Mommy was going to buy you a new one soon."

"BUT I DON'T WANT A NEW ONE, I JUST WANT THE OLD ONE!" Button wailed, continuing to sob.

"Hush now, sweetie," Button's mom replied. "Mommy will take care of this."

"What are you gonna do?" Button asked in between sobs.

"Just leave it to me," Button's mom reassured her son. She then marched angrily up to the counter and rang the bell, bringing both Mr. and Mrs. Cake out. They had come running when they heard Button's sobs, but he was crying so loudly it had been hard to determine what exactly he had said. "Some parents you two are!" Mrs. Mash scolded with an angry scowl.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Your foals just took my son's joyboy and flushed it down one of the public toilets!" Mrs. Mash complained. "Don't you two have anypony watching over your children?!"

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Cake began. "Pound and Pumpkin are right-" But when he looked at the playpen he saw that the twins weren't in it. Gulping, he looked across to his wife.

"We're awfully sorry about that," Mrs. Cake apologized, trying her hardest to look as sincere as possible. "We will deal with our children's bad behavior and we will gladly compensate you for your loss. How many bits does that joyboy cost?"

But Mrs. Mash shook her head. "I don't want your money! I'm going to take my son down to the Ponyville Sewage Treatment Plant to see if his joyboy has already ended up there and if it can be salvaged! If it isn't and you haven't called a plumber to check the toilet, I won't be coming here ever again and I'll make sure to tell everypony I know about this! When I was raising my sons I never let them out of my sight, not even for a minute! Clearly you two need to start doing that yourselves!" Then she turned to Button. "Come on, sweetie. Let's go see if we can fish out your joyboy."

"Okay." Button replied, still sobbing. Taking his mother's hoof he followed her out of Sugarcube Corner.

Pound and Pumpkin were still in the bathroom, they had heard everything. "Uh-oh." They said to themselves, as they realized what was going to happen to them.

"The plumber's on his way." Mr. Cake told his wife, who currently had the twins over her lap and had pulled down their pull-ups.

"Good," Mrs. Cake nodded, and turned her attention to the twins. "Now, Pound, Pumpkin, what do you two have to say for yourselves?" She asked of them.

"We sowwy." The twins apologized, shooting their best pair of puppy dog eyes at their mother.

"I hope you are, my little angels," Mrs. Cake replied, while trying to keep a straight punishment face. "But I have to make sure you two learn your lesson. Flushing things that belong to other ponies isn't nice."

"Pwease dun spank us!" The twins pleaded, before they felt a few firm smacks across their exposed rears. The twins burst into tears, more from the fact that their mother had spanked them rather than the actual pain.

"I know it hurts, my little ponies," Mrs. Cake told them, trying to stay firm. "But I have to do this! After what you did today, I don't even know if I can trust you two to stay down in the bakery in your playpen!"

"I... uh... better go see if the plumber has arrived." Mr. Cake commented, quickly excusing himself from the situation. Like his wife he was wondering if the twins could be trusted to behave after what they had done today. But right now he was more worried about whether or not the flushed joyboy could be retrieved. The last thing he and his wife needed were bad publicity and an angry customer. "Maybe we were wrong to give Pound and Pumpkin so much freedom," He thought to himself. "I know I did a lot of bad things as a foal, but I never flushed something that belonged to somepony else."

Mrs. Cake, meanwhile, gave the twins a more more firm smacks, before she finally relented and pulled their pull-ups back up. "Now then, Mommy is going to place you two in the time-out corner so you can think about what you did," She scolded. "And I hope, for your sakes, you NEVER flush anything down the toilet that doesn't belong ever again!"

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