• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,256 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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The Battle Of The Crystal Empire part 2

It was around four hours later that Dorcha guards had arrived in the Crystal Empire. The Crystal ponies absolutely loved it. Heck, even a few Spike's Liberation Front members showed them around. The Dorcha guards were told that they were welcome everywhere. The Dorcha guards had been more than happy.

They had arrived in six different helicopters that were heavily armed. Speedy had been overjoyed to see his leaders guards be in the empire again. He had quietly retreat back to his home and locked his weapons in the attic and covered his uniform away with other clothing that he owned. He was planning another attack that was gonna happen in Canterlot, but first task at hand; take out the sun guard trash from his country!

A land farmer from the Crystal Empire, was more than happy to welcome the Dorcha guards to her property. She had a lot of space for their helicopters, and had made special spots for them. They had landed there, and thanked her for her generosity.

Princess Cadance and prince Shining Armor hope that the Crystal Empire will calm down, and that the terrorist groups 'calm down,' a little bit. Then again, there is always someone working from behind, so maybe it'll be a lost cause anyways.

Currently, the Dorcha guards were marching around, making sure that there weren't any problems. Luckily, there didn't seem to be any. If they just knew...

In Canterlot, there was a crystal mare that was in her Spike's Liberation Front attire. She had been driving all morning, and had finally come to the one destination she had hoped for. It was Canterlot. She was looking for Inkwell's house.

The Crystal mare knew that Inkwell was the pony that had acted as Fleur De Lis' lawyer. The Crystal mare had planted a bomb under the car. So when she was far enough away, she would press the button that would explode the mansion she was living in. The Crystal mare knew already that she would have a lot of heat on her, considering that several of the other Spike volunteers had either been arrested or was at large.

The car she was driving was quite big, and was red coloured. The inside had red and black leather seats. She was currently behind the wheel, since she was doing this task alone. She was driving by a lot of different shops, mansions, and other buildings that added to Canterlot city or whatever they call it these days' and quite frankly, she doesn't care.

She did know that Inkwell did have her own room at the castle, but Inkwell from what she had read and heard, didn't always sleep at the castle. She did own a mansion from all the money she earns. Then again, she is the secretary for princess Celestia, of course she would be well paid. If that idiotic mare just hadn't been so set into getting rid of the hero of her nation!

She saw the mansion and smiled a little. It was payback time! The mansion from the outside was white and purple like most of the Canterlot buildings. She saw the large iron gates, and smiled a little. She was expecting those gates to be there, and she had a plan for what she was gonna do with them. Ever since the terrorist bombing in an attempt to kill princess Celestia; the guards and police had been on extreme high alert for any activity, but they weren't watching Inkwell as much as they didn't think The Crystal ponies would ever find out. How wrong they were, his majesties had said who was the lawyer for Fleur De Lis and what she had said and done to his majesties.

The Crystal mare quickly got out of the car and opened the gates quietly. Luckily, the office is on the other side that Inkwell is in, so she will have no idea what hit her. Then again, Inkwell will hopefully not wrongfully accuse any creature ever again. When she was satisfied with the gates, she went back to the car and drove inside.

The Crystal mare felt hatred in her heart when she saw the mansion. Not because it was big or anything, but because of the mare that is one of the many reasons her hero was banished. She parked the car near the front door of the mansion, and got quickly out of the car. She looked around and didn't see anything. It was around night time so nopony would be able to see her anyways. She quickly galloped quietly towards the gates and closed it. She had a good idea on what to do. She took out the detonator and saw the big red button. She hid behind the large stone wall that belonged to the mansion.

"This is the consequences of your actions." The Crystal mare said, feeling the anger and hatred return to her heart. She pressed the button.


The sound could be heard all around Canterlot, and the Crystal mare quickly teleported to the Crystal Empire. She had bought a potion that could help her teleport anywhere without any problems. She had received one of the ingredients from her hero and leader, and she was more than grateful. It was gonna be Tartarus tomorrow on TV.

In Badlands, Spike was watching the TV with great shock. He was watching the news and saw the murder of Inkwell.

"last night was a terrorist explosion in Canterlot, and the target was Raven Inkwell. She is responsible for the banishment of Spike, and it was no surprise that Spike's Liberation Front went after her. Many ponies from Canterlot says that they are living in fear and are wondering who is next on the list."

"The husband of Fleur De Lis; Fancy Pants has said this about the attack; "Why should we live in fear? I mean Spike's Liberation Front aren't terrorists at all, they are doing us all a favour. The world will be a better place without Inkwell."

"After that was said, a lot of supporters of Spike has nodded and agreed and supported the terrorists actions. Inkwells home is in total ruins and her friends and family are both angry and upset for the support a lot of ponies are giving the terrorists. We will probably never see peace until Spike Sparkle is back in Equestria. For now, see you later when we have more news!"

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were shocked. But, for some odd reason; happy. Spike felt the same way, as he slowly grew to a smile. He had sent his guards to the Crystal Empire in hopes of calming down his supporter groups.

"That is actually nice to see that your supporters would do anything for you. Even though, i don't agree with violence." Fluttershy said, smiling at Spike who nodded with a smile of his own.

"Do you think there will be a battle in the Crystal Empire? Between our guards and the sun guards I mean." Pinkie asked, making Spike nod in confirmation. There was no doubt in his mind that there would be a battle that would most likely turn into a bloody massacre.

"Yes, there is no doubt in my mind it will happen. It will be a long battle until we win that battle, and hopefully then, we can live in peace. Although, there will be a lot of tensions between Equestria and Badlands, except for those who support me of course." Spike said, making the other two nod in agreement. They did expect there to be a lot of tensions between the nations.

All of a sudden, Vux came rushing in to the kitchen with a worried look on her face. Spike looked at her questionably who simply looked at him with worry in her eyes. "You highness! There is a battle going on in the Crystal Empire! We have lost three guards, but one of the sun guards threatened with invading our glorious nation and execute you! What are your orders?!" Vux asked, with a panicked voice. Spike thought about it. It was most likely just a empty threat and nothing more to it.

"It is most likely a empty threat. Although, I want you to send more weapons. The ones that will make a lot of damage, I want to see and hear the sun guards lose the battle. We can't have them invading the Crystal Empire, we must protect it at all cost." Spike said, making Vux nod and rush out of the kitchen again.

"The war has began." Spike said, quietly mpbut loud enough for Fluttershy and Pinkie to hear and they nodded. They couldn't bear the thought about how many will most likely die in the battle. Spike pulled out a phone and dialed a number.

"Yes your highness?" a voice said, that couldn't be determined if it was a male or female. Spike wasn't gonna allow any innocent mares, stallions, fillies and foals die.

"Dorcha guards fighter two, two seven. I need you to make sure the civilians doesn't get hurt. Especially, the young children, I want you to protect them at all costs in those bunkers, and I want guards over the bunkers to make sure they won't be easily hurt. Got that?" Spike said, that left absolutely no room for argument. Not that there would have been one in the first place.

"Yes your highness." The voice said, making Spike smile. In a few hours the battle would hopefully be over.

The Crystal Empire six hours earlier

Speedy was in his home when it happened. There were gunshots followed by screams of fear. He galloped to his attic and threw on his attire and grabbed a assault rifle and a pistol. He then ran out of his home, and he looked around for anything out of the ordinary.

He saw some Dorcha guards rush into some sort of battle. He ran towards them, and was met with other Spike volunteers. "What in Tartarus is going on?!" Speedy shouted over the sound of gun fire and explosions. He went for cover and shot towards the enemies.

"It's the sun guards!" One volunteer shouted iver the gun fire. "They came back, and it looks like the war has began. This is it! This is the final battle. The Battle Of The Crystal Empire!"

Speedy widened his eyes. This was truly it. This was the final battle. Speedy closed his eyes and remembered his childhood, his teenage years, and everything he had done in his life. He was Speedy, he is a Spike Volunteer. "If I die, I want then to be buried in Badlands where our leader is. I want to have the Badlands national anthem." Speedy said, making the others nod in understanding. They had been thinking the same thoughts.

Speedy then fell to the ground, as he felt himself feeling pain. He had been hit by a spell! He didn't know which one but it was a spell! One of the Spike volunteers rushed towards Speedy and dragged him to another safe place. The battle was intense. The Dorcha guards were firing of their ammunition towards the sun guards who just wouldn't give up.

One of the Dorcha guards fired his machine gun towards the sun guards who immediately took cover from the metal bullets. The sun guards had lost at least seven ponies, and were bound to lose more if the Dorcha guards kept this up. The Dorcha guard went for one of the granades, and threw it towards the sun guards who were confused as to what to do. The sun guards were covered by some vehicles and used spells to cover themselves from certain attacks, but it wasn't enough. Those metal things that flew threw the air just went through their magical barriers. All of a sudden, the grenade went of, and the five sun guards who were the closest to it were either killed or injured.

Spike's Liberation Front members rushed into battle in hopes of winning the battle. They carried heavy artillery, and Sleedy smiled. It was not who had the biggest weapon; it was how you used the weapon. The Crystal ponies who rushed into battle and started firing their shots. They acted just like the Dorcha guards, but were much more violent. Speedy felt his body ease up a little, and he could move again! He got up and took his weapon and started firing it at the sun guards who were shooting of spells and throwing spears at them, to no avail.

The buildings nearby were boarded up and the Crystal ponies used this to their advantage. Speedy saw a few teenage Crystal ponies rush into the building with several RPG's. Speedy decided to follow them. Not because he though that they were unprofessional, but because he needed a higher vantage point. He rushed up the several stairs in the building, and reached the rooftop. The teenagers where there, and he smiled. They were preparing their first shot, and he couldn't be happier.

"Need any help?" Speedy asked, as he rushed to their side. They looked up and saw him. They quickly shook their heads.

"No need, we got i from here. Feel free to have a go if you want. The first shot though, is ours!" One of the teenagers said, while he was working on the RPG. Speedy nodded and went towards the edge of the rooftop and saw the sun guards preparing a huge blast. He decided to buy the teenagers some time, as they were still preparing for the first shot.

He fired at the sun guards who made the unicorn preparing for the blast, to stop the spell. He then restarted again, and was out of sight, much to the annoyance of Speedy. Finally, the teenagers were done and aimed the RPG. Speedy pointed at them where to aim and they did so. They waited few seconds then fired.

The RPG fell backwards after they fired, but the shot itself was flying towards the location where the unicorn had stood just a few seconds prior. Speedy chuckled, and then heard the loud; *BOOM*

Speedy saw a part of the sun guard body fly of. It was only half of it though, but they were indeed dead. They then heard a sun guard shout; "FALL BACK, I REPEAT, FALL BACK!!" The sun guards were evacuating, and that could only mean one thing; they had won. They had won! The battle was over!

Some Spike's Liberation Front members were stilling shooting at them from the back. Speedy on the other hand didn't, he was simply happy that the battle was over. It meant that they could officially belong to Badlands where his leader ruled!

"We won! We finally won the battle." One Crystal mare shouted in happiness. It was the same mare that had bombed Inkwell's home. Sne was happy that the battle was over. Speedy was happy himself, but he knew for a fact that the war was far from over. There would be more killings needed to be done in order for the war to officially end.

"I agree, but the war is far from over."Speedy said, making them look at him and nod. They had done their bombings, and knew for a fact that the sun guards wouldn't give up until, the Crystal ponies are arrested and the ones involved in the terrorist attacks. "But today.... today we made history, our children will hear of this story, and they will feel proud."

They cheered at that, and got into their cars and drove around the Crystal Empire. Some die-hard Spike followers wanted to see of they could catch up to the sun guards and execute them. While others, were driving around with Badlands flag in their cars and shooting up in the air. They had won.

present time

Spike was in his throne room overlooking everything. He had received word that they had won, the battle was over. Spike smiled and decided to party with his whole nation. He had placed up everywhere around the cities and everywhere in Badlands; Crystal Empire flags and the civilians were celebrating the victory.

Princess Cadance and prince Shining Armor had been invited and they were on their way. The Dorcha guards stayed in the Crystal Empire and were patrolling the streets to make sure the sun guards didn't attempt any other coup. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had hugged each other and Spike, and wee now preparing for the celebration.

The soldiers of Spike's Liberation Front had been formally invited together with their friends and family, and they were making their way towards Badlands. Spike and Vux were currently speaking about the arrangements of the Ball Room where the party was gonna be. Pinkie Pie had gotten her assignment from Spike on what to bake and she was more than happy to oblige.

"We won your highness, we won!" Vux said, excitedly. Ever since she had received word that they had won, she had been overjoyed. Spike chuckled, she sounded like a little filly. She must have realized as she started to blush.

"You look cute when you blush." Spike said, making Vux blush even more. He wasn't using his demon-like voice so she knew it was genuine. She placed her head on his chest and just mumbled incoherent speech.

Spike chuckled. She had become clingy towards him, but she had also started to look at him... differently. Whatever she heard in the shop where he got his armor, must have spooked her. She is always looking around as if something is there but isn't seen. 'She might simply be cautious.' Spike though, to himself. Then again, she maybe is looking for something that he can't know about.

"Come on love, we gotta make sure everything is alright for the party." Spike said, making Vux look at him and nod. She then got of him, and walked towards the exit of the throne room.

All of a sudden, Fluttershy galloped into the throne room and she was looking around frantically. She spotted Spike and flew so fast, Spike couldn't comprehend it. When his vision cleared a bit, he looked at Fluttershy questionably. She simply shook her head, and took his claw and dragged him from the throne room.

Spike hadn no idea what was going on. First, he was in his throne room planning for the celebration, and now he was being dragged by Fluttershy who hadn't given him an answer. Spike didn't even see where he was. He knew he was away from the castle, but he didn't exactly know where he was at.

Fluttershy then suddenly stopped. Spike got himself up from the ground. She had accidentally dropped, him but that didn't matter. She looked at him until their eyes met, and she pointed towards something. Spike looked in the direction she was pointing at, and saw it was a screen. He looked around, and realized he was in one of the many military bases that he had made for his guards. On the screen when he looked back....

"Why are those harmony traitors coming here? They weren't invited where they? I only invited my brother in all but blood Pipsqueak but also the CMC, Big Mac, Fancy Pants, Discord, and the Cake's." Spike said, making Fluttershy panic a little.

"I don't know Spike, one of our guards said that they saw them come towards here, and that was thirty minutes ago. Should we cancel the celebration?" Fluttershy asked, looking at Spike who was looking at the screen intently.

"No, we continue with the party. Although, I want guards everywhere. I want it to be impossible for them to enter and cause a disaster in our glorious nation." Spike said, making Fluttershy nod in understanding. She then flew of to inform the other guards and other civilians to make sure the corrupted harmony bearers can't even set a tiny hoof inside.

This was gonna be a long night...

Author's Note:

And here is the second and final part! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!