• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,257 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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Not Dead?

It was ice cold wherever I looked and felt. It was a shocking revelation for me. I only remember that I was kidnapped by a creature that looked shockingly similar to The Pony Of Shadows. It had happened in the middle of the night, and I am not sure how I got here. The room, or rather: cell that I was in, was made out of cracked stone that looked like it would break apart at any moment. But it didn’t, it remained intact and i was trying to count the days i was in the disgusting, filthy cell.

I was treated like a criminal! They only told me that ‘you know what you did’ , and wouldn’t give me anything else. I’m not even sure what i have done in the first place. They reminded me of the soldiers from the Dorcha guards, but they looked a lot more professional. They looked like they were ready for anything.

If i have counted the days correctly, and i strongly suspect that i haven’t. I have been here approximately one month. I have not received anything other than food and water. They have blocked my magic, and they even did something to my wings. The food tastes absolutely disgusting! I don’t even wanna know what is in it. The water is fine, but sometimes it has a weird taste to it. I have yet to meet the warden of this sick prison. I don’t even know how long i’ll be in here, but i know it will be for a very long time. Sadly, i don’t know if my friends are here or not. It’s better if they’re not. I have heard some sick screams from other inmates who have been mercilessly beaten half to death for simply saying something the guards didn’t like.

I’ll update as soon as i possibly can, i don’t know when, but i’ll try my best to have updates.

Hello, I have a major update. I found out that I am in the Badlands, where the murders of Speedy and Fancy Pants happened. I am inside a concentration camp of sorts. Their king tyrant, have killed those who have stood in his way, or those he felt like stood in his way. He shows no mercy to anypony or creatures. His soldiers are becoming more violent as the days go by. The inmates are sometimes publicly hanged for no apparent reason.

I am honestly scared by what their king is doing. King Sombra from what i have read and learned: has NEVER done anything like that. But then again, that is from what i have read and learned. For all i know: he could have done it, but perhaps not publicly.

I am allowed to walk around the prison, but that is only when i am supposed to work. I have no freedom. Apparently, i’m not supposed to overwork myself. I have no idea why, but that is what one of the Dorcha guards told me. I call them Dorcha guards, since they work for him as well. I also don’t see any difference between them and the normal Dorcha guards. I have seen how they hurt mares, stallions, and even children. King Dorcha shows absolutely no mercy. I have no idea who it is, but I will find out even if it's the last thing i do.

Okay, I have news: King Dorcha just arrived yesterday and is apparently going to talk to one of the inmates. I am honestly terrified. He can do whatever he wants with me, and I wouldn't be able to stop him. Sorry for the weird drops on the pages. I am so scared, and I am crying. I just wanna go home! Where it is safe, and where I can be myself. I wonder where Spike is. Even though he is a murderer, he would be able to help me in a situation like this…

I can’t believe that i wanted Spike’s company yesterday… King Dorcha is Spike. He kept interrogating me, and asking me why I killed Speedy and Fancy Pants. I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. But everything pointed towards him genuinely asking. I couldn’t believe the nerve of him. He kills those who stand in his way, he has two terrorist groups who do nothing but speak about how great he is.

When I told him this, he slapped me very very hard on my right cheek. He showed nothing but anger towards me, and told me that I was even scheduled to be executed. I was shocked. I asked him if i was getting a trial, and he said that there wasn’t a need for one, as every creature wanted her dead. Well, most of them. It would be done publicly, and after that, the body would be sent to her parents.

Strangely enough, he laughed at that part and kept saying “They already think you are dead.” Whatever he means by that.

I have noticed that inmates have slowly started to decrease. Either by being released, or by… I actually don’t know. The guards don’t speak much, but one of them had said: “They smell worse when we burn them.” I have a sneaking suspicion that I know what they are referring to, but I don't want to jump to conclusions without solid evidence.

I don’t know when I'm being executed, but I hope that the guards of the royal sisters save me from the tyrannical King slash dictator. To whoever is reading this: my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I hope you won’t have to suffer the same fate I did.

Author's Note:

This is a short chapter and i apologise for that. I simply wanted to upload this as to get everyones spirit up again. Actually, i have never intended on killing Twilight that fast. Although, i don't exactly want to spoil the story either. That would be very wrong. Anyways, i hope you enjoyed the chapter!