• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,256 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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Building a portal

Equestria, the land that is supposed to be the friendliest country. It is anything but that. An innocent dragon was banished, even from a crime he didn't commit. Fluttershy was distraught by it. Spike had helped her out so much over the years, and now he is Celestia knows where! She couldn't believe it, how could they be so quick to judge? Fluttershy didn't know, but she did intend to find out.

She was currently in her small cottage being depressed that her dragon friend was gone. She was in her room that consisted of a wardrobe, bed, small book shelf, and some pictures of her and her friends. Spike was in a few of them but not all of them. Fluttershy felt disgusted by Twilight. Spike worked to the point were he was probably seen as a slave almost, and then there is a giant misunderstanding, and everypony except a few turns on him. Fluttershy now understood why so many villains exists. It is because princess Celestia doesn't give them a hundred procents chance at explaining themselves even with clear evidence. She didn't hate the princess, because she was in a tight position. Fluttershy sighed as she looked down at her green mat. She thought that the vote from princess Luna and Cadence and prince Shining Armor would have a big impact on the voting, apparently not.

"Spike, wherever you are, please contact me..." Fluttershy said, quietly to herself. She hadn't received any letters from Spike, but she refused to believe that something bad happened to him. There had been many nights were she feared he maybe died. She refused to believed it, she would be strong for Spike.

Pinkie Pie didn't have it easy either. She dearly missed Spike. She always hoped for the day, Spike would walk into Sugarcube Cube corner and order a gem cupcake. The Cake's had supported her every step of the way. They had tried selling as many goods as possible to help free Spike from his banishment. Many ponies like the CMC, Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch, Lyra and BonBon, Filthy Rich, Miss Cheerilee, and many more didn't believe Spike did it.

Pipsqueak had spread several posters of Spike and his banishment. Many ponies read it, and had mixed feelings about it. Pipsqueak was a good friend of Spike, and was angry when he heard he had been banished. He was always angry and depressed at school, and never gave anything away from his blank facial expression. Miss Cheerilee was deeply worried for him. He had been supportive of the violence in the Crystal Empire, and even went as far as to say; "At least they are doing something productive. Hopefully princess Celestia will listen." That had made ponies look at him with surprise. He had never shown that type of anger or malice really.

He was currently in miss Cheerilee's class, and he was bored out of his mind. He used to pay a lot of attention in class, but since Spike banishment he had become more irritated with school really. Spike used to help him with his school work when he needed help. All of a sudden he felt that all eyes were on him. He looked around and saw that every filly and colt were looking at him including miss Cheerilee.

"What?" Pipsqueak asked, already irritated. The students and teacher flinched by the tone. He had really become a fraction of himself.

"Pipsqueak, do you know where magic was originated?" Miss Cheerilee asked, hoping to have a normal lesson. Pipsqueak raised his eyebrow.

"Do i look like Faust or an Angel? I have no idea." Pipsqueak said, irritated. Cheerilee sighed. She knew that Spike and Pipsqueak were close. In tow when Spike had his of-days, he and Pipsqueak would hang around town. She didn't know that they were that close, but it was clear that they were close like brothers.

"Magic is actually unknown where it originates from, and we are probably not the only dimension that has it, if dimensions exists that is." Cheerilee said, making the students look at her in awe. Pipsqueak looked unimpressed.

"Yes, how fascinating. Can i learn something more useful? You can bore the other students with useless material if you want." Pipsqueak said, in a bored expression. The other students looked at him in shock. Cheerilee looked at Pipsqueak dumbstruck. She did not expect that come out of him. Pipsqueak took his school bag and left the classroom. The classroom had benches that was made out of oak wood. The walls were pinkish, purpleish, with a green board to write things on.

Pipsqueak left the school, and walked back to Ponyville and headed to Sugarcube Corner. He hoped to hear from Pinkie that she had heard something from Spike. He walked down the sleek dirt road and didn't look up. He felt so angry at the jury and everypony who didn't believe Spike. He was seething. He knew that holding in all this anger was dangerous and unhealthy, but he in all honesty didn't care one bit. He walked into Ponyville and some ponies looked his way. It was a known fact that Spike and Pipsqueak were close like brothers, and there had been ponies who had said bad things about Spike. Pipsqueak to put it lightly became angry. He put two fully grown stallions in the hospital. He is a minor so nothing could happen to him, and most ponies grew terrified to say anything bad about Spike. Pipsqueak might not know it, or care for that matter, but he rules Ponyville.

Pipsqueak walked into Sugarcube Corner, and he was greeted by Pinkie Pie. "Hello Pipsqueak how are you today?" She asked, looking at him with concerned eyes. Pipsqueak looked at Pinkie and smiled.

"I'm in a bit of a rough spot Pinkie. Have you heard anything from Spike?" Pipsqueak asked, making Pinkie's hair deflate. She sadly shook her head, and Pipsqueak sighed. He had hoped that Pinkie might had gotten a mysterious order from somepony, os in this case dragon.

"No, i'm sorry Pipsqueak i really haven't. I haven't even gotten any mysterious requests or anything to hint that Spike is alive and well. We'll have to wait and see." Pinkie said, sadly. Pipsqueak nodded in understanding. He had expected that this might be the response he'd get, but he was still hopeful. Pipsqueak pulled out some bits and handed it to Pinkie.

"I'll take a chocolate cupcake." Pipsqueak said, and Pinkie nodded. She rushed to make everything done. Pipsqueak then got the cupcake in his hoof. He smiled sadly at Pinkie who also smiled sadly at him. He left and enjoyed the peaceful walk he had back to his house.

Pipsqueak wasn't the only pony in Ponyville who missed Spike dearly. The CMC missed him a lot themselves. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, had started to turn cold to their sisters. Scootaloo had stopped talking to Rainbow Dash, and showed her cold ice eyes towards her. Sweetie Belle had at first stopped talking to Rarity, but Rarity begged Sweetie Belle to talk to her. She then told Rarity her reasons for not speaking to her. Rarity had become quiet after that. Applebloom openly mocked Applejack for her beliefs. Applejack had tried to make Applebloom "realize" that she was right and that Applebloom didn't understand anything.

They were currently in their clubhouse worried for Pipsqueak. They had seen him become colder and colder for each day that went by, but they didn't think he would go that far. They knew he had put up Spike Republican Youth flags around Ponyville. He always hung it up in his front porch in the morning. The flag had a purple background, and four claws in the middle where it said; Spike Republican Youth. Other ponies like CMC had gotten three of those flags. They were hoping that Spike would one day return, and bring back the nice Pipsqueak.

In the dungeons of Spike's castle was a secret room that Spike had built for the portal. Spike had placed a body mirror in that room, and there were some machines that kept it alive. They just needed one more piece and it would be complete. The problem was, that they needed a very powerful alicorn or unicorn. Spike did have an idea of solving that though, and that was kidnapping Starlight Glimmer. Thing is, he needed to be disguised as a pony to not seem suspicious.

He was currently at the border of Badlands and Equestria. Spike wore his armor, so he wouldn't be recognized. Then again, he looks like a warlord anyways, so they wouldn't recognize him at all. Spike used a spell from his magic to make himself invincible. He had learnt that dragons did have magic, but that its rarer in the modern era, because a lot of dragons have forgotten about it. Spike had found a book in the Friendship Castle about magic and which creatures has it. Spike had hidden this knowledge from Twilight, he didn't want her to know this mostly because she would hide those books herself from him, so he wouldn't be able to study them himself. Considering how it went down in the courtroom, Spike believed he would have been executed if the ponies had that knowledge.

Spike was currently sneaking around his own borders. He then saw two stallions who were patrolling together. Spike got an evil glint in his eyes, and pulled out his sword quickly. The stallions heard it, and drew their own swords. Spike circled them. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle from the alarm of the two stallions.

"It seems like mother has trained you better. Before, you used to be useless. Well, you still are but not as much as i expected." Spike said, with a demonic voice. The stallions froze in fear, but still were back to back looking into the forest. Spike let out another chuckle. One of the guards then realized something. 'Mother? Celestia doesn't have a son!' The guard though.

"Princess Celestia doesn't have any children!" The guard shouted, making Spike laugh. Spike knew that these were lower ranked guards, but it was still fun in confusing them.

"I could tell you otherwise, but i'm afraid your in my way of the mission i must complete." Spike said, making the guards tighten their hold on their swords.

Spike made himself visible, and he attacked. The two guards jumped away from the swinging sword, and took cover. Spike saw how one of them hid behind a large stone. Spike walked over not making any sound, and flung the sword on the stone. The stone was cut in half. The guard looked terrified. He backed away from Spike, who kept walking closer and closer. Eventually, the guard was stopped by a large tree. He looked at the helmet of the warlord. Spike pulled up his sword and struck him. The body of the guard was cut into two pieces, and blood was running down to the small pecks of grass. Spike looked around, and saw the several trees that covered almost the whole of the Everfree Forest. Spike used his vision to see the second guard. Spike didn't seethe guard for a while, then he saw movements. He followed the movements and saw that the guard had somehow been injured. Spike didn't waste time, and cut his head clean of.

Spike shook his head. He was honestly embarrassed to say Celestia had once his mother. She clearly couldn't even train her soldiers to be more prepared for everything. Spike picked up his head and walked away. He was walking and stopped once at a cut-down tree. He placed the head there, and became invincible again. He walked with heavy steps that didn't make any noise. Spike reached the end of the Everfree Forest, and looked around. He saw several Spike Republican Youth posters and flags, and same went for Spike's Liberation Front. Spike chuckled.

They really did care about him didn't they? Spike shook his head. He was on a mission, and he would complete it. Spike walked until he saw the majestic Friendship Castle. Spike knew about the wards, but he didn't worry about it. She would never suspect that her ex-assistant would return right? Spike carefully opened and closed the door. Spike looked around, and saw the blue crystal colours on the walls and floor. There was a red mat that lead to all rooms. Spike was impressed, it hadn't changed much since he was banished. Spike wondered if Sparkle had hired another assistant. 'She better treat that assistant right, and not jump to conclusions like she usually does.' Spike thought to himself.

Spike walked up a staircase that he knew lead to the bedrooms. He didn't make a sound, but he still wanted to tiptoe just in case. Spike walked down a empty hall that only had flowers as decorations. Spike chuckled a little. 'She must have left the castle at some point.' Spike though, and continued to walk down the hall.

Spike walked until he was outside the bedroom of Starlight Glimmer. Spike didn't know what to feel for this mare. He didn't even know if she had bothered to read the news paper articles. Spike doubted it, but he still needed her to open the portal. He had an idea if she refused to help him. Of course, he wouldn't show his face to her, because she would then try to talk him out of it. Spike opened the door carefully, and stepped inside. He closed the door behind him and looked at the sleeping mare. Her room had a large bed with her cutiemark on the covers. A wardrobe, a full body mirror, and a bedside table. She also had two book shelves. Spike chuckled, in a lot of ways, she was like Sparkle but she was more understanding the Sparkle is. Spike looked at the sleeping mare. He looked at her with a unreadable expression. He then noticed on the bedside table a book. Spike looked at it closely and saw it was her diary. Spike shrugged to himself and opened the diary.

Dear Diary

Spike has been arrested for a crime I don't believe he committed. Apparently, he murdered Fleur De Lis, but the timeline doesn't add up. I told Twilight about it and she just told me it was fake. I don't know what to believe, but I do believe Spike is innocent. He has helped me in so many ways, and I can't see Spike doing something like that. Ever. Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash has become more hateful of the existence of Spike. I don't know where that resentment and hate comes from. Pinkie and Fluttershy are the ones who believes that Spike is innocent, along with a lot of other ponies of Ponyville.

Pipsqueak, a young colt is very angry at princess Celestia. I saw him beat up a full grown stallion today as if it was nothing! Apparently, it is not the first time either. Anypony who speaks badly about Spike faces his wrath. They were like brothers to my knowledge that I got from the others. If that really is the case, then I understand why you become a lot more hostile towards others. He hasn't given me any sort of problem, he only looks at me and smiles and then he goes back to doing whatever he is doing.

If Spike is out there, then I hope he is safe. I don't want him in any sort of danger at all. Then again, wherever he was banished to, might not give him that choice. That is all.

- Starlight Glimmer

Spike closed the diary and sighed. He put the diary back and looked at the still sleeping Starlight. He used his magic to teleport her to his castle. She would be put into a room where she would get food, water, bathroom and other essential until she opens the portal. Spike had walked here because he wanted to be as much alone as he possibly could. He opened the window from Starlight's room. He jumped out the window and closed the window by using his magic. He then made himself into smoke, kind of like King Sombra but this was more evil than Sombra's. Spike traveled to the Everfree Forest and continued to float through the forest. There were quite a few guards there, and Spike smiled. If they got to close to his border he could then take pleasure in killing them. Sadly, they weren't, and Spike teleported himself across the border. He landed elegantly and walked away, still being invincible. He hoped that Starlight would easily co-operate.

Spike walked through the badlands and he was tired. For the first time in days, he felt tired. He was going straight to bed when he reached his castle. He walked and teleported a few feet sometimes and it felt good to almost be where he wants to be, and that is is castle where his king sized bed is. Spike eventually reached the city, and teleported outside his castle. His guards didn't seem the least surprised to see him. They bowed to him and quickly went back to their stoic posture. Spike bowed to them aswell, and walked towards his castle. It looked marvelous and powerful. Spike liked it that way, it would make everypony who betrayed him feel fear when they look at this castle. Spike opened the double doors with his magic, and also closed them quickly.

He went to his bed, which was on the third floor. He walked into his bedroom and jumped into his bed. He didn't hear the small voice in his head say; "Soon, revenge will be ours."

The next day, Spike woke up feeling refreshed. Spike looked at his clock and saw it was twelve o'clock. The good thing about being a tyrannical ruler would be sleeping for as long as you want to. He obviously rules Badlands, so why would he need to get up early? Spike just quickly got out of bed, and not glancing at his room walked out.

He walked down a small path, trying to find the staircase that would lead to the kitchen. Spike walked with purpose and elegance. His soldiers patrolled both inside and outside the castle. Spike liked it like that. He wanted to seem powerful, even though he is. Spike reached the kitchen that was large, and sat down at one of the chairs. His maid came, and gave him some pancakes. Spike tanked him and he bowed to him. Spike didn't take the helmet of, but he could still eat the food through magic. His magic would help him gain the nutrients he needs that is in the pancakes. Spike enjoyed it, and called over for a guard.

"Our guest, Starlight Glimmer. Is she awake?" Spike asked, the guard who didn't show any emotion.

"Yes, she woke up two hours ago, and she was confused and scared as to where she was. We had to use a sleeping drough on her. Sorry my liege." The guard said, bowing his face in shame. Spike shook his head. He expected that to happen and he didn't once blame them for it.

"It is okay soldier. You did your job, and I did have a feeling that it was gonna happen. Also, is she asleep now?" Spike asked, at the end wondering if she was still sleeping.

"Yes my liege, she is still asleep. Do you want me to wake her?" He asked, and Spike shook his head. He didn't want to wake up Starlight when she clearly needed her sleep to comprehend what was happening.

"No, let her sleep. Anyways, how is the portal coming along?" Spike asked, and his guard bowed at the first command he got.

"The portal is coming around greatly my liege. We still need a unicorn, which is why this mare is our guest right?" The soldier asked, and Spike smiled. They weren't by any means dumb, but Spike expected these minions not to be independent thinkers.

"Yes, and we will use her tonight even with force if he gave to. We will then rule better with those weapons that exists in that world. We can easily kill our enemies one by one." Spike said, making his guard nod in understanding.

"Of course my liege." The guard said, retreating back to his stoic posture near the doors of the kitchen. Spike finished his breakfast, and decided to head to the portal to make sure everything is okay with it. Spike was gonna go to the human world and steal human weapons and cars. He wanted to be the most powerful nation there is. Spike walked into the dungeons and saw the torches on the walls and the floor that was covered in filth. Spike walked through with purpose and didn't even bother to look at the cells. There had been a few arrests that had tried to attack Spike, but Spike was simply to powerful for them to handle.

Spike saw the door, and walked towards it. Vux had been worried about enemies getting inside, so Spike did it so only him, Vux, and his soldiers could get inside. She was happy with it, but was still paranoid which Spike couldn't blame her for. Spike used his magic from his claw to open the door as a "key" of sorts. the metal door opened and it revealed a mirror, that was as big as the one in the Crystal Empire. It showed Spike in his armor and sword. It was connected to different devices that had been powered by dark magic, and dragon magic at that. Princess Celestia wouldn't be able to power it down, and the same went for princess Sparkle. Spike grinned at himself and his well thought out plan.

All of a sudden he heard marching and a familiar mare screaming. "Get your claws of me! Let me go!" Spike sighed. She must have woken up. He did respect his soldiers, but they didn't have their own minds and were dictated by him. Spike then grinned to himself. He dictated them. The soldiers who were dragging Starlight Glimmer, walked inside and saw their leader.

"My liege, the pony had woken up." The minion said, making Spike look back. Starlight froze in fear. She didn't know who this was, but he certainly looked scary. "Shall we prepare for the opening of the portal?" Starlight's eyes widen. What portal? Who is this? Starlight has no idea, but she intended to find out.

"Hello Starlight Glimmer, long time no see. How have you been?" Spike asked in his demonic voice. Starlight was terrified, she didn't know how this creature knew her name, but she intended to find out. With the little bravery she had, she looked up at the creature who had a helmet on so she couldn't see his emotion. Then again, he wore it already when she was dragged inside this room with a mirror.

"Who are you?! Where am i?!" Starlight demanded, in a angry, but still fearful voice. The creature in front of Starlight chuckled. He was amused by the situation? Who is this?

"You can call me Dorcha, or lord Dorcha. But i didn't always go by that name. That is for you to find out." Spike said, making Starlight watch him confused. He then motioned for the mirror, and tapped it. Starlight assumed this was the portal, there were many different machines there that was running on magic. Starlight felt the magic and felt confused, she couldn't tell what creature had done it. It was as if that magic had come from another.... creature.

"Starlight, i want you to cast an opening spell. It doesn't matter which one, as long as its powerful. I know you can do it. When you are done, i'll let you go." Spike said, looking at Starlight who looked conflicted. On one hoof, she would get freedom and tell Twilight what happened. On the other hoof, she will open a portal to Celestia knows where, and will make this Dorcha more powerful. She sighed, and looked up at Dorcha. She felt like she didn't really have a way out.

"What Spell do you want me to use?" Starlight asked, looking down in shame for what she was about to do. Spike looked at her, pleased with her decision.

"Well, i said before that it didn't matter, but if you want something specific then go for the strongest opening spell you know." Spike said, keeping a blank voice, not letting any emotions show. Starlight didn't acknowledge him. She shot a spell at the mirror and it... worked? Spike walked towards the mirror and touched it with his claw, and felt the water-like sensation. He grinned. It was done.

"Thank you Starlight, i'll transport you to the Friendship Castle." Spike said, without looking back. Starlight was about to respond, when she felt a sucking sensation on her. She was gone, all that was left was Spike and his two guards.

"Prepare three other soldiers, we are going in there in five hours." Spike said, making the two soldiers bow and walking out of the room. Spike looked at the portal and let out an evil cackle.

Author's Note:

Yoooo, thank you guys for reading this chapter. Comment down below what you think, and i'll see ya next time!