• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,256 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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The Fall Of Badlands

Everything was falling apart. Badlands had become a country of doubt and gangster activity again. The Kirin mob that was part pony and dragon, had become more hostile than they usually were. Pipsqueak was trying his best to rule the country in Spike’s absence, but it didn’t seem to affect them at all. The creatures inside of Badlands were not interested in cooperating with the Badlands government and started to speak freely about what his Majesties had done to them and their families. Pipsqueak didn’t believe for a second that Spike had thrown any creature inside a concentration camp as he would have known about it.

Spike’s Liberation Front had gone on a rampage to those who spoke badly of Spike and did not hesitate when they pulled the trigger. They did it so with a smile that graced their lips. The Crystal Ponies had been cooperating with Pipsqueak who was more than happy to inform them of the events that had happened. They immediately went to work and did not stop until all of the other creatures had either been killed or arrested. They were true followers of Spike and would follow him until the end of time. That was their code and motto. If they failed, they would make sure that everypony and creature knew of their failure.

Spike had been gone for over a week and nopony or creature knew where he was. They suspected that he might have travelled to Equestria but Pipsqueak deduced the idea after he had stated over fifty different reasons his brother in all but blood would not go there. The others weren’t so sure as they had all learned how powerful Spike is and had a feeling that he might be somehow in trouble. Spike was clever and knew what he was doing. That much they knew. He never did anything without having a solid reason for doing it.

Badlands was falling and getting destroyed as war and famine were seeping into the lands. Pipsqueak and declared war against Saddle Arabia, and they were winning but to some extent, losing as well. War costs a lot of money and Pipsqueak had blown thousands of bits on the warfare equipment. He was looking for ways to not pay the Dorcha Guards, but he knew that his brother would not have agreed to it so he continued to pay the Dorcha guards as he ruled the lands with an iron hoof.

The war with Saddle Arabia had shocked many nations and was sending messages to Pipsqueak to not fight or involve their nations and they would be trading with them. Pipsqueak agreed to all of them except for the one from Equestria. He knew that his beloved Princess Luna was on his and Spike’s side, but it didn’t hurt to stay safe. He never answered that letter, but since he has yet to declare war with them, the Equestrian’s believed that they might be safe. Might. There was a big possibility that he had planned to invade Equestria and making Spike the sole King of the whole lands and that they would then invade the rest of the world and have Spike as the King of the world.

The Crystal Ponies immediately jumped at that idea as one Crystal Pony had suggested this idea and they fully believed that Spike was the one and only capable one to rule over the world. The Badlands was slowly but surely becoming a gangland again as the criminals were going out from their hiding and killing police, royal guards, and civilians left and right. Although, this had lead to many being killed on the spot without as much as a reason for those who didn’t know. Pipsqueak was a dictator through and through, not even attempting to hide it in the first place.

Spike was still being held in the room where he had been forcefully teleported to. His aunt was trying to get away corruption away from him, but he was too far gone. Well, that was until she found out that it was love that she needed to save him. Luna had quite literally gone to Princess Cadance, told her the truth, and asked if she could somehow find if somepony truly loved him and fount that every Crystal Pony did so but they wanted to find somepony they could truly trust. They found out that Vux was one of those creatures who truly loved him. Princess Luna did not know who the creature was but she trusted Cadance’s judgement as she was an alicorn princess and she was the Princess Of Love so she would know way better than her in the first place. She had yet to speak to Twilight Sparkle and the other element bearers. Times were hectic and so was love.

Princess Cadance had decided to travel to Badlands and get Vux and see if she would be willing to help them. They had a feeling that she might help them but there was a big chance that she wouldn’t either, to begin with. She did not know Vux that well and she had a feeling that Vux didn’t fully trust her but that was fine, you don’t immediately trust a stranger because they saved you. That trust needs to be truly earned and that is how life worked. You build a bond of trust and you see if the creatures spill the beans or see if they don’t spill them at all.

The Badlands stores were all close because of what was going on outside. Police and soldiers having a huge war with some gangster organization that was huge in Badlands. In fact, it was one of the biggest crime syndicates before Spike committed the coup and killed criminals that committed heinous crimes that Princess cadance rather not think about. There was blood on the ground that was both old and new. It was sticky and thick. Cadance sight as she moved through the streets of Badlands that had become a gangster’s paradise.

The Dorcha guards were trying their best to dissolve the fighting, but it was no use. The gangsters would win like they usually did in Badlands. There were two sides to this conflict. The one’s who wanted Spike gone as King of the Badlands and those who wanted Spike as the King. The Crystal Ponies without hesitation said that they wanted spike as their beloved King. They didn’t even falter when they said King like Cadance thought they would. They usually get flashbacks from when King Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire with an iron hoof. Luckily he has been finally defeated after all this time. . .

She saw the castle in the distance and smiled a little. She knew that Vux would most likely be shocked over the news that her King was corrupted by an evil entity, but she had figured out a way to explain it to Vux and she knew that Vux would understand quickly. She had been with Spike the longest and would be the most reasonable in all of this. When she was near the castle, she saw two Dorcha guards stand there with sharp eyes on her and she felt a little naked as if they looked into her very soul. It made her feel a little bit uneasy.

“Hello, Princess Cadance, what is your business here?” The Dorcha guard to the left asked as he looked at her with a blank expression. Cadance was a little confused. She had heard them speak before, but never the castle guards that stood here. In fact, she doesn’t even remember that they have moved at all. But when she looks at the violence going on here in Badlands, she can’t blame the guards that they are a little bit more careful and maybe even more hostile than before. That is what she would have told her guards anyway.

“I am here to see, commander Vux. Is she here?” Cadance asked, in a formal tone that made the Dorcha guards look at her extra sharp with rapid attention. The guards looked at each other and seemed to discuss with their eyes as they didn’t look at Cadance for quite some time. The air grew tense, and the trees that were on either side of the guards looked more hostile than it usually was. The trees were long and thick. The wood on it was black and the magic inside of it was unforgiving.

“Princess Cadance, commander Vux is inside, but be warned: she is in a frenzied state of mind. She believes that his majesty has left Badlands for good.” The guard to the right said, earning a nod from Cadance. The metal gats swung open and she walked inside and saw that the little garden that used to be there, was now grey and boring. There was no life at all. Everything felt dark and Cadance could barely handle it. She may be an alicorn Princess, but that doesn’t mean that all areas of dark magic don’t affect her like making her shiver.

The double doors opened up when she was close enough and she stepped inside of the castle that felt empty and abandoned. The magic inside was unstable and it felt darker than neutral. Cadance walked up the stairs that looked like had seen a few years. There were a few Dorcha guards that had been killed as she found thirteen dead bodies when she was walking over towards Vux’ room. When she was outside she looked inside of the room as the door was wide open. The floor was covered in blood and the walls had text on them that she wasn’t able to read. It must have been in the changeling language.

“Commander Vux?” Cadance, called out as she saw the changeling on question looking out of the window and not responding at all. It looked like she wasn’t breathing either, but Cadance saw movements from her chest, suggesting that she was indeed breathing and alive. The commander did not even look at the Princess Of Love who was in her room. It was over. Badlands had fallen. It was in enemy claws now. Why should she stick to this rotten land? She could be spending her time on the beach somewhere, enjoying a drink, so why was she so. . . guilty, or rather, why did she feel so guilty? She had not done anything that would make the emotion come, but here it was. Manifesting itself to her heart like a spear had been thrown through her heart. It was painful, but it was maybe necessary. Her leader was gone, he had disappeared and she knew that Spike was dead. Why would he be alive and vanish? She knew he was dead, the Equestrians kidnapped him.

“The war is over Princess Cadance, even though, there were only preparations for one. Are you here to arrest me? If that is so then I won’t be struggling, I’ll come freely so you can take me to Equestria so I can be executed.” Vux said, in a lifeless voice. It did not hold any sort of grudge, hate, anger, or disappointment towards the Princess. Cadance was surprised and felt worried for the changeling commander that sounded so. . . defeated. it was like she had lost all hope in the world. She felt bad for the commander but knew that she would have hope as soon as she heard that Spike was alive.

“Commander Vux, King Spike Dorcha is not dead. He is alive. He was ‘kidnapped’ by Princess Luna so she could see what happened to him. She found out that he was corrupted by an entity known as The Pony Of Shadows. We also found that only someone who loves him could be able to save him.” Cadance said, hoping that she would be getting any sort of reaction out of her, but to her surprise, she only turned around and said in a very emotionless voice:

“Look for some creature else. He does not love me.” Vux said, trying to make the Princess Of Love leave but it only made the Princess more determined to get her to see reason. Vux did not believe that she was able to make her leader come back and be himself again. Too much had happened and so many creatures had died In the wars that they had created and fought with and against. There was no place she could turn to except the Crystal Empire, Changeling Kingdom, and The old Changeling forest. She was planning on getting as far away from Badlands as possible. The war was over. “Badlands has fallen. . .”

Author's Note:

Hello guys! This sort of just came to me when I was watching a show with my younger cousin. It was about an evil kingdom that fell apart after their evil leader disappeared to never be heard from again. If I find the name of the show I'll put a link to it. I sort of fell asleep as the show was mostly meant for those by the age of three to six. The bits that I saw was great though!