• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,257 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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It was total chaos in Equestria and the rest of the world. They were all scared that the King of the Badlands would attack their country next. Several countries had decided to have peace talks, but Badlands had never responded to them, and that was something that was worrying the other nations. In their mind: Spike could be planning anything. One wrong move, and their country could be total toast. Griffinstone had been completely demolished. Princess Luna and Cadance, were in complete and total shock. They didn’t think that Spike could do something like that. Sure, he may have become more violent, but not enough to destroy a whole country!

Spike himself did not give a flying feather about it. He was tired of always being looked down upon. He showed his hatred to the rest of the world. Pipsqueak thought that it was amazing that his brother in all but blood, showed Equestria that Spike and their nation is not to be taken lightly. They can start wars and finish them just as fast. Spike was currently in his throne room watching the news. It showed millions of Griffins that had been killed, but there were a few souls that seemed to have a guardian angel with them, because they had survived. Although, they did have the worst kind of burns on them. Spike chuckled darkly, not realising that the corruption of the armour was almost finished. The only thing that could possibly save him was love. But who loves a dragon who had genocided and blown up a whole country?!

Shadow Pony was inside of Spike’s mind, wandering around making sure that the hatred continues. He had managed to escape from limbo because there was soul magic inside of the armour. The Armour had belonged to Gorgar, and it had then been bought by many different creatures over the years, which had corrupted many. The armour had even once belonged to princess Nightmare Moon. . .

Shadow Pony was walking down what looked like to be a long corridor. One of the ones that you see in horror movies. There were several doors that were open, and Shadow Pony that was a shadowy pony figure with white glowing eyes, and grey shadowy mane and tail, was grinning in a sadistic way. It didn’t look natural, and it made him look horrifying. The doors revealed different memories of Spike’s early life and all of the good memories that he had with his family and friends. Shadow Pony was trying to corrupt those memories so that he could finally, fully corrupt Spike and start wars and famines. It was a brilliant plan that he had, and it would hopefully work. He just needed to toy with Spike for a little bit more, and everything would be his.

The corridor continued what would feel like forever for some creatures, while Shadow Pony couldn’t help but laugh. He was clearly winning everything. He used his red counterpart: Red, to corrupt princess Celestia into banishing Spike and made sure that Spike got banished even if he got the votes for ‘not guilty’ and it worked splendidly. He then kidnapped Twilight Sparkle months later and made it look like that she had come willingly to Badlands and she had been tossed into the concentration camp. Everything was going according to plan. . .

All he needed was to finish his corruption and he would be ready to fight against his old banishers: the Pillars. After that, he would simply genocide Equestria, making into nothing more but a mere wasteland. A planet that serves no purpose. If other beings were to find the planet, all they would see would be fallen cities, and rotten bodies. He would make sure of it.

”Yes, everything is going according to plan. All I need to do is give dear Spike a push in the right direction, and his body will then be mine to possess. Yes, everything will work out.” Shadow Pony said, as he turned a corner and met a few memories of Spike that he didn’t seem to be able to penetrate with his corruption, and it was making him angry.

”I don’t understand how that weak dragon is even able to withstand my penetrations! It is impossible, and he is simply a baby dragon! Though, I did give him the mind of a mature adult.” Shadow Pony said, as he mused to himself and decided to walk toward it.

The memory was inside a giant glass ball that had a staircase leading towards it that was made out of black ooze that came from the Shadow Pony. Said ooze creature walked up the steps with purpose and kept his gaze on the purple scaled dragon who was currently remembering the time when he helped Twilight Sparkle write a letter. Shadow Pony couldn’t forbid him from seeing these memories as he had no control over those memories.

”If i could only damage it somehow without hurting the body itself. I can’t risk killing Spike, as i would have no power to resurrect his body. I am not strong enough for that. I need time, and that is something that i am currently lacking, but i am not rushing it. That is how many other villains have lost before. I will not lose this time, i will win and everypony and creature will bow down before me. Like they should have in the beginning.” Shadow Pony said, as he used his right hoof to punch the glass and break it a little, only for the glass to restore itself before Shadow Pony was even able to do anything.

”ARGH,” Shadow Pony let out, as he used his ooze to form a large hoof to break the glass but wasn’t able to break much as it quickly restored itself again. Shadow Pony grinned as he was losing his patience. Villains are destructive, and he is known for being destructive himself. He could maybe shoot a large destructive beam at the glass and destroy the last of the good memories, but he would need a lot of energy, the type of energy that will most likely drain in in the end. But he did have a solution. He would simply make Spike go to a specific place in Equestria where they sell dark artifacts. Hopefully, Shadow Pony will find the one thing he is looking for, and that is the dark globe.

The dark globe is an artifact that can hold onse magic and help the caster so it will be like two alicorns fighting against one. He could use this, and then he would have Spike within his grasp and then, Equestria would seize to exist and he would live on as the true leader of the Empire!

”Yes, everything is working. All I need to do now is to send Spike on his way to Equestria, and then he’ll get the dark globe and then there will be total destruction! I am so close to it, i can feel it!” Shadow Pony said, to himself as he tasted the victory he had yet to win. Shadow Pony laughed as the typical villains laughed as it echoed throughout Spike’s mind.

Spike had finished watching the news and was walking through the long corridors of his castle and made sure that he looked intimidating and sharp. He couldn’t have his enemies believe that he was not looking out for himself. He needed to make sure that his enemies didn’t doubt his abilities. That was one of the few mistakes he had made in the past when he believed in the magic of friendship. It is magical. magical in destroying one's life. He had lost his wings, and nopony even batted an eye about it, except for those who believed in him.

Spike suddenly hit the wall to his right so hard, there were a few cracks. He then used his left claw to make sure that the pieces went back and looked as if nothing happened. He didn’t want to frighten his guests who were staying at the castle. The ones who were staying were those who worked at different embassies who were allies to the Badland Empire. Spike had made many allies, but those were the ones he knew of. Pinkie Pie had managed to talk to the Yaks of Yakyakistan to have an ally with Badlands, and it worked smoothly.

They had agreed and their nation was expanding, and becoming very quickly, advanced in their weapon and medicine technology. Spike had learnt their language without any problems, and was helping them with Equestrian and Crystalian. He had sent over translators, and was hoping that they would lower down the language barrier a little bit. If they knew either language, it would be no problem.

Spike continued to walk though his magnificent castle, with candles illuminating the place and making the place feel warm and eerie. Most creatures that lived in Badlands said the same thing, unless you were a friend of his majesties or were a Crystal Pony. Spike laughed dryly as he walked into a room that had very little light, but Spike could see because of his magic. The room was all black, and there was a desk and chair to the left and to the right was a bed that had handcuffs on the bed. The bed sheets were originally white, but they seemed to have turned wine red. . .

Spike let out an annoyed sigh, and used his magic to clear it away from blood. He used his magic to summon candles, and used his own fire breath and lit the candles. The room lit out more and revealed everything that had possibly happened in the room. There was writing on the walls that said: Unbelievers.

Spike chuckled and left the room. He mostly used it for traitors who had committed crimes that were against his glorious nation. His country and subjects were something he took very seriously. His brother in all but blood Pipsqueak did even more so, and that was something Spike appreciated over anything else.

Spike decided to head towards Equestria. He had no idea why, but he felt like there was something important there that he needed. He needed to reach the border between Badlands and Equestria, and he would be solid. He wouldn’t have to worry about being seen as he would use glamour to look like somepony else. He didn’t have to worry about money either.

”Everything is in place. OKay then, i will just need to get to the border, and the i’m fine.” Spike said, out loud to himself, drawing attention to a few guards but they didn’t dare make a move. They would not intervene in their King’s greatness. They quite valued their heads. . .

It was a sunny day like most day’s in the Badlands, but it seemed scorching hot that particular day, almost as if the sun itself was trying to tire Spike out, but it was futile. He was simply too strong. A little hot weather wouldn't stop him from doing his mission. If he would even stop, he would do it for a reason.

The city looked marvelous as Spike had invested a lot into glass and other building companies that has made the country become a huge attraction. The investments were good, and Spike wasn’t planning on selling any of the shares that he had anytime soon, or rather, the companies as he bought them all up from the investments.

”A great investment indeed. . .” Spike said, as he trailed off and continued to walk, and saw how his subjects made way for him as he walked with elegance and confidence. His sword was to the side and it seemed to be glowing red mixed with black, and showed the power he held. No creature wanted to get on his bad side. The Crystal Ponies on the other hoof or claw, wasn’t as concerned as they adored him and worshipped him as if he was some sort of God. . .

Spike cringed at that. That was the last thing he wanted them to hear. Before he would know it, they would write holy scriptures about him, and how he created Equestria and other dimensions. He shuddered at the thought. He wanted them to see that he was powerful, but not powerful so that he is a literal God. Not even an alicorn princess would be able to say that because they are technically normal if you check the rankings between a God or Goddess and an alicorn that can raise the sun and moon. That is nothing at all. A God or Goddess could build literal lands, and create different creatures without any problems.

Sure, Spike could create creatures, but those were merely so he had a strong army that could fight without any problems. That was the only purpose they served in the first place. Then again, without them, he would most likely have simply been a terrifying dragon with armour. He most likely would have ruled, but the process would have taken longer.

The cars drove by and honked occasionally, and Spike paid them no heed. The sun was not as scorching, but the rays were still powerful and made Spike’s armour heat up, but that was nothing. He was a literal dragon that bathed in lava. It was nothing at all, in fact, it felt nice against his scales.

Spike had just arrived at the border between Equestria and Badlands, after he had gotten on a bus that could drive him to a specific station, and had walked the last bit. He was currently talking to one of his chiefs that was briefing him about activity near the border which might be defectors that want to join Badlands. Spike was grinning at that. He was doing something right if he was gaining defectors. The chief was wearing green metallic armour and covered his mouth and nose. His eyes were piercing blood red and looked demonic.

The two large doors made an entrance for Spike, and he walked through with ease. He would have to be careful when he walked inside the Everfree Forest. It was one of the most dangerous places in Equestria. He couldn’t simply die from the Timberwolves, although, they wouldn’t be able to do so considering he is substantial.

Spike hadn’t been attacked for the last few minutes and saw that as a good sign, and was simply walking. He soon reached the end of the forest. He was blown away by what he saw. It was Ponyville!