• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,637 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

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Chapter one

Author's Note:

First chapter hope you like it!

“Well isn’t this just great, I’m stuck in a forest, looking like a dark super hero, what else can...... Wait, wait, wait, bad idea, bad idea, I should not try to jinx myself” I said

I looked at my attire just to double check.
‘Black floor length coat, black pants, black polo shirt, black shoes with metal soles, Yup, this is definitely happening, I’m a Displaced dark superhero’ I thought to myself. I got my bearings and walked over to a nearby rock ‘might as well see what I got in this suit’ I checked my pockets and found my phone.

at first I was overjoyed, but then I checked my service, ‘no bars, Shit’ I looked into my coat and found a pair of sunglasses and put them on ‘not bad’ I thought to myself.
Then I found my weapons, two katanas sheathed and hooked to my belt, then I I looked further and found my 9mm pistols. ‘Sweet’ I thought appreciating the guns.
I checked under the coat behind me and pulled out a grenade.

“Woah, awesome!” I placed it down on the ground in front of me and reached back to see if there were more, I brought out another one and placed it down, and I continued doing that for the next hour or so. It wasn't until after the 257th grenade I pulled out that I realized that I apparently had an infinite supply.

After I took another hour putting all those away I checked for throwing knives and surprise, infinite amount, I put those away and then checked for magazines for my guns, same infinite amount. “Where am I keeping these?!? Oh right I never specified how many ammo my character had” I said.

I got up and decided to find a way out of the woods. “Might as well see if there’s a town near by” I said to myself. I walked until I found a path, I followed it to a clearing and found a road leading to a town. A town that could not be mistaken for any other, Ponyville. I remembered it from the show. I was sure because I watched every episode all the way to the series finale, and every movie too.

“You have got to be kidding me! Ponyville, really! Wait that can mean only one thing, I’m in Equestria! ah hell yeah!” I said in astonishment. ‘Wait if I’m in Equestria, does that mean that letter sent me here....’ (Gasp) “Oh my gosh, if that letter brought me here, and the fact that I look exactly like my super hero character, that means I’m a Displaced, which means I have powers too!” I said with joy.

I think back to what that letter said.

If you crave for power, then you shall have it


I got out my phone and played the Superman theme I had downloaded, then put it back into my pocket.
I started testing my theory by crouching down, closing my eyes and preparing to jump or fly, hopefully fly. I jumped, but I didn’t stop going up. I opened my eyes to see the ground very far down below.

With a smile on my face I put my arms out like Superman and went off like a rocket. I looked behind me to see that I was leaving a trail of black smoke, but having remembering that was similar to rainbow dash’s sky trail. “Woo hoo” I cried.

I did a few barrel rolls and loop de loops and started flying over Ponyville. I could see down below that there were definitely ponies here. “Oh man this is so cool!!!” I said to myself as I took a sharp turn to the right by stopping for a second and shooting off in another direction. ‘Oh I gotta find Oakey oaks library, that’s where twilight lives!’

It wasn’t long before I found it, but I didn’t land I just flew straight over. ‘Oops, oh well’ then I circled around and went straight up into the sky as soon as I could see the curvature of the planet I stopped and gazed at the beautiful view. I took out my phone and did a selfie with a peace sign. I put my phone away as I started going back down with my arms at my sides, seemed a little cooler that way. I was starting to see past the clouds and see the ground below.

I could see Canterlot resting on its mountain and decided to head for it. ‘Why not, I could Land in the garden and introduce myself to the princesses! Oh I can do a superhero landing!’ So that’s what I was going to do. As it so happened I could see princess Celestia walking in the garden.

I started slowing down in my descent enough so I wouldn’t make a crater and got my body into the superhero landing position. I landed with a small shockwave. I stood up and dusted myself off. “Nailed it” I said with a fist pump.

I turned around and saw her, Princess Celestia, she had what she normally had on in the show, I was trying hard not to geek out. Then she spoke to me.

“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” She asked.

I took a moment to calm myself a little.
“Um, hi” I said with a wave, she just looked at me waiting for an answer. “Oh, sorry if I startled you, I am Mamoru, Mamoru Shinigami” I told her. “I saw you while I was flying and wanted to say hello”.

She just kept staring at me, so I decided to get her attention. “Hey, hello are you checking me out?” I said jokingly to get her to look me in the face. After I said that she blushed a bright crimson red.

“W-What, no I’m not” she said.
‘D’aaaw she’s cute when she’s flustered’ I thought to myself. “Well at least I got you to stop staring, creeps me out, now I know how my mom felt when I just stood and stared” I said with a smile.

Then I saw her return the smile. “Anyway I assume you would like to talk a little more, so why don’t you invite me inside for some tea, sound good?” I said with a gesture to the castle.

“W-what, O-Oh, of course, come with me” she said as she started moving.

‘That went better than I expected’ I thought to myself as I began to follow her.

We made our way through the halls and I thought it would seem strange if I didn’t ask her name. “So, what’s your name?” I asked and she looked at me. “I am Princess Celestia, ruler of equestria” she said in her motherly tone.

“I see your getting a little more comfortable with me, that’s good” I said with a chuckle. She was about to open a door, but I beat her to it with my super speed and opened it for her. “Ladies first, after you” I said with a small bow. “Um, thank you” she said with uncertainty as she walked through.

I closed the door behind myself and was greeted to a large dining room. “Wow” I said in awe. She chuckled at my amazement. I watched her walk to the dining room table and take a seat in one of the many chairs. I used my super speed to take the seat across from her. She looked at me with a surprised look on her face.
“H-How did you... never mind” she said looking from the door to me as I pretended to look dumb. “So when’s tea time” I asked trying to change the subject.

“Oh the staff should be arriving shortly” she said right before the doors opposite the other opened up to reveal one of the maids wheeling in the tea. The maid placed the tray on the table, took a glance at me then went back the way she came.

Celestia used her magic to pour each of us a cup. “Cream and sugar” she asked. “Yes please” I said. “One lump or two” she asked while readying her cup. “Just one is fine thank you” I said. She floated my cup over to me with her magic and I held my hand out to take it. I placed the cup and saucer down in front of me and took the cup, pinkies out of course, and took a sip. “Mmm, this is good, what kind is it” I asked.

Celestia took a sip of her own. “I believe it is camomile do you like it” she answered with a smile. “I do, I had a feeling it was camomile” I said making her chuckle.

I put my cup down. “So what would you like to know” I asked.