• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,623 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter nineteen

Author's Note:

Sorry about the last chapter, but I needed to do things and I couldn't bring myself to complete it. Hope this chapter will make up for it. Enjoy.

Me and the girls were in front of the school. "Come on Mamoru, you have got to have a concussion after that, why do you have to go?" Asked Sunset with tears in her eyes. "I have to go because I'm needed there, besides I'm gonna be able to come back and visit" I said hopping onto my motorcycle. "Twilight has no idea what's coming, I need to be there" I said putting my goggles up and looking at Sunset Shimmer. "I promise I will try to be careful, girls look after her for me" I said looking at the EG mane 5. "Of course darling" said Rarity. I put my goggles over my eyes and revved up my engine. "Hey dude, I don't think you have enough road" said Rainbow. "Where I'm going I won't need roads" I said.
They all cleared away from my motorcycle as I rode off and used my magic to take the motorcycle into the sky. I turned back around and said "take me to Ponyville" and tapped my bell three times, and a quarter turn to the left. The front of my motorcycle started sparking. And I vanished from existence, leaving a flaming tire track in the sky.

---Later in Ponyville---

Sparks broke out in the sky as a strange object appeared out of nowhere all the ponies looked up at the terrifying sight. The thing appeared to be some kind of vehicle, and it had a rider whom seemed very familiar. The thing came down from the sky and went off to Princess Twilight's new castle.

---Mamoru POV---

As I rode my bike through town, I saw each pony was looking on in fear. I didn't let it get to me as I rode towards the large fucking castle that was very hard to miss. I pulled over in front of the castle. I took in a deep breath. "Feels Good to be back" I said with a cheshire grin. I gave a little chuckle and shut off my engine. I dismounted from my bike and went to the castle door.

I began banging the double doors like a madman. "Hello! Anypony home!" I Said as I kept banging on the doors. My arms began striking air as the doors opened to reveal a very grumpy Spike. "Spike! hey, how you doing, did you miss me!" I said before passing out.

---third person POV---

Mamoru had just passed out on the floor. Twilight came to see what the commotion was about. "Hey, Spike who was that....." Twilight began before she saw Mamoru passed out in the doorway. "Mamoru? How did he get here?" Twilight asked spike. "I don't know, but could you give my some help?" Said Spike struggling not to be crushed by Mamoru. "Oh, right" said Twilight with a blush. Twilight used her magic to pick Mamoru up and brought him inside. "Hey Twilight what is that?" Spike said pointing at Mamoru's bike. "It looks kind of like a bike, Mamoru must have rode it here" Twilight reasoned. "But how could he get here by not using the mirror?" asked Spike. Twilight brought in the bike with her magic and left it beside the doors. She then proceeded to close the doors. "Lets get Mamoru into a bed, his magic seems faint, he must have used a lot of magic to get here" said Twilight.

As soon as Twilight got Mamoru's gear, coat and shoes off she put him ina bed in one of the many guest rooms. As soon as Mamoru was tucked in he shot up. "Aaah, that Pineapple isn't wearing underwear!" Yelled Mamoru in his sleep, startling and confusing both Twilight and Spike. Then he flopped right back down. "What kind of dreams is he having?" said Spike. "He definitely seems the same as when we last had him" said Twilight remembering her old library. "Lets let him rest, I don't think we wanna be here for the next outburst" said Spike. They both left the room and closed the doors and headed to the throne room.

"So who was at the door darling?" Asked Rarity. Twilight got to her throne and sat down. "It was Mamoru, he's back" said Twilight. "What!?!" They all said. "How the only way to get from Equestria to CHS and back is through the mirror, right?" Said Rainbow Dash unsure. "Let's throw him a welcome home party" said Pinkie jumping up and down. "He's resting, He apparently used up a lot of magic to get here" said Twilight. "Yeah he passed out after knocking the door and asking if I missed him" Said Spike. "Did he say anything else?" Asked Fluttershy. "Nope but he did ride here on a weird bike" said Spike. "What's so weird about a bike?" Asked Applejack.

---Front Door hall---

They all looked at the bike in awe. "Oh, that kind of weird" said Applejack. "I think it looks AWESOME!" said Rainbow Dash throwing her hooves up. "You think so" said a voice from behind. The mane 6 all turned around slowly, and right there in the hall was Mamoru without his goggles, coat, gear, and shoes.

"I worked on the modifications myself, It used to run on fossil fuels, but now it can run on magic, which can be kind of draining, so I usually use fossil fuels to get around, but I used magic in order to make it fly here, so I passed out, so it's gonna be a while before I can use my magic again" said Mamoru seeming a little off balanced. "How did you fly it here? that would have made you out cold for weeks" said Twilight. Mamoru made his way over to his bike and walked it into the middle of the room. "Do you see this bell right here on the right mirror here? Well this is no ordinary bell, it has a spell on it that allows the owner to go anywhere they want, all they have to do is say the name of a person, er, nope sticking with person, or place, and tap it three times, then a quarter turn to the left, then zip, they are on their way in a matter of minutes" said Mamoru while showing how it all worked. "I've never heard of that spell" said Twilight confused.

"You wouldn't, it doesn't exist in Equestria, I got the idea from a movie, I was super surprised that it even worked" said Mamoru with a smile and rubbing the back of his head. "Wait, you got a powerful spell like that from a movie?" Asked Twilight in disbelief. But she never got an answer because just as she finished, Mamoru fell over and passed out again. "I guess, all that did a number on him, hehe" said Applejack. Twilight brought Mamoru back to his room and put him back in bed. Mamoru shot up again. "THIS WORLD IS A TV SHOW FOR SIX YEAR OLD GIRLS AND I'VE SEEN EVERY EPISODE!!!" Shouted Mamoru quickly then he flopped right back down.

"What was that about!?!" Asked Rainbow. Everypony looked to Mamoru then left the room slowly and closed the door. "There ae a lot of things wrong with that guy" said Spike, earning nods from everypony. They all laughed and left from Mamoru's door so as not to hear another strange outburst.