• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,623 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter eight: nightmare night special

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this chapter it has a bit of horror and a bit of music. Now this is based some time after Luna was accepted by the ponies. So hope you enjoy. If you want to send fan-art I will appreciate it and put it in here below.

[fan art goes here]

Now again I still need a cover image, so if you send art I will use it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the song of the headless horseman. I just made a few minor changes to make it seem like it was in the Mlp universe.

It was nightmare night, and I was in my vampire costume. I was able to get my own stall, pfft ha ha, pun intended. I was watching Luna canoodling with the other ponies, so now is my time to strike.

"COME ONE COME ALL AND HEAR THE TALE I HAVE FOR YOU TONIGHT" I called out, getting the attention of everypony. Flaring my bat wings and showing off my fangs.

---Music starts---

"Now just gather round and I'll elucidate
On what goes on outside when it gets late
Along about midnight, the ghosts and banshees
Get together for their nightly jamboree
There's things with horns and saucer eyes
Some with fangs about this size" I said while gesturing.

"Some are fat
And some are thin
And some don't even wear their skin
I'm telling ya, brother, it's a frightful sight
To see what goes on Nightmare Night" I said.

[Shadow Star singing]
When the spooks have a midnight jamboree
They break it up with fiendish glee
Ghosts are bad, but the one that's cursed
Is the Headless Horseman, now he's the worst

[flower mares Chorus] That's right, he's a fright On Nightmare night

[Shadow Star singing]
When he goes a-joggin' 'cross the land
Holdin' his noggin in his hand
Demons take one look and groan
And hit the road for parts unknown

[flower mares Chorus]
Beware, take care, he rides alone

[Shadow Star and the flower mares Chorus]
And there's no spook like a spook who's spurned
They don't like him, and he's really burned
He swears to the longest day he's dead
He'll show them that he can get a head

[Shadow star]
They say he's tired of his flamin' top
He's got a yen to make a swap
So he rides one night each year
To find a head in the hollow here

[flower mares Chorus]
Now he likes them little, he likes them big
Part in the middle, or a wig
Black or white or even red
[Shadow Star]
The Headless Horseman needs a head

[Shadow Star and flower mares Chorus]
With a hip-hip and a clippity-clop
He's out lookin' for a top to chop
So don't stop to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man

[Shadow star]
Now if you doubt this tale is so
I met that spook just a year ago
Now I didn't stop for a second look
But made for the bridge that spans the brook
For once you cross that bridge, my friends

[Flower mares Chorus]
The ghost is through, his power ends

[Shadow Star]
So when you're riding home tonight
Make for the bridge with all your might
He'll be down in the hollow there
He needs your head, look out, beware

[Shadow Star and flower mares chorus]
With a hip-hip and a clippity-clop
He's out looking for a head to swap
So don't try to figure out a plan
You can't reason with a headless man!

---lightning strike---

"AH, HA, HA, HA, HA" went the horseman in the distance on a hill close by.

"What was that" asked Princess Luna.

"That.... would be the headless horseman" I said with a worried look.

---lightning strike---


"LIGHTEN UP WILL YA" retorted Rainbow Dash.

"BITE ME!" I growled back.

"Looks like somepony beat me to it, ha ha" said Rainbow Dash. "Very clever, oh, by the way, a Shadow bolt called..... they want their uniform back!" I yelled back. "Grrrrrrr, Fine!" Yelled Rainbow Dash. "Go growl at a Diamond Dog" I yelled.

"Anyway nopony is to go into the Everfree Forest, unless they want their head chopped off by a centuries old headless spirit" I yelled.


"Ha ha ha, oh man, they are so going to be scared" said Mamoru without a head, wearing a suit of armor and a cape, holding a broadsword in one hand and a jack-o-lantern in the other, and sitting atop a horse made of dark magic. Then he rode off into the Everfree forest.

---Shadow Star POV---

I waited for the crowd to disperse before I could meet up with the mane 5. (Fluttershy doesn't like Nightmare Night)

I walked over to them. "What was that thing? I thought the headless horseman was just a story" asked Twilight. "Everypony thought that Nightmare Moon was just a story and yet...." I finished gesturing to Princess Luna. She looked over and waved at us, and I waved back. "Anyway, everypony should be safe as long as they don't go into the woods" I said.

"Aaaaaah, run the headless horseman is coming this way" said an unnamed pony.

"Spoke to soon" I said. "Come on everypony lets take this headless creep down" said Rainbow Dash. "Ok, then all you have to do is find his head" I said. "Come again, sugarcube?" Asked Applejack. "The only way to stop the headless horseman is to give him his head, but that seems like a fools errand, good luck Rainbow, thanks for volunteering" I said looking at Rainbow Dash. "What, hey, do I look like a fool to you" asked Rainbow. I gave her a once over. "Do you really want me to answer that?" I asked. She just gawked at me.

---horse whinnying---

The headless horseman came into view. He rode this way and that tossing pumpkins and swinging his sword around. "HA HA HA HA HA" he laughed. Then he saw us, at least I think he did, I couldn't really tell without his head. "Uh oh, we've been made, EVERYPONY RUN!" I shouted.

The mane 5 and I kept running until we reached a dead end. "There's nowhere to go we're trapped" cried Twilight. We all turned around to see the horseman stop a few feet away. He just stood there. "What is he doing" asked Rarity. "Sizing us up, trying to decide who's heat to chop off first" I said hiding a grin.

The horseman stepped down from his horse and placed a pumpkin where his head should be. It lit up quickly, flames coming from every hole. The horseman slowly stepped closer and closer until he was just a foot away. The girls all cowering close to me. We all watched as the horseman raised his sword high. The girls all close their eyes, each thinking this is it. Then he brought his sword down.

But nothing happened. The girls all opened their eyes. "Huh?" They said in unison.

"GOTCHA!" said the horseman in a familiar voice. Then he put away his sword and brought his hand up to his pumpkin head and spun it around. It kept spinning and began to change shape. Then it stopped.

The horseman turned out to Mamoru Shinigami the whole time. "Ha ha ha, oh, I got y'all so gooood! Ha ha" said Mamoru. "I can't believe how easy that was, ha ha" he continued. "ARE YOU INSANE YOU NEARLY SCARED US ALL TO DEATH!" I yelled. "And it was awesome!" I continued. The girls just sat there eyes wide and their mouths agape.

"Sorry girls I couldn't help it, I just really enjoy this holiday" said Mamoru. "Aw, dude you really had me going there" I said. The girls were still staring with their mouths open. "I think you broke them" I said to Mamoru. "Well I better get going now, have a nice night everypony" said Mamoru walking away and getting back on his horse and riding off.

The girls just kept sitting there. "I should probably take you all home" I said. And that's just what I did.

"Ok Twilight time for sleep, close your eyes" I said trying to close her eyes only for them to keep popping open. "Ok, I'm getting tape, cuz this is ridiculous" I said leaving the room to get tape. I came back to see spike waving his claws in front of Twilight's face. He looked over to me. "Rough night" he asked. "Yup, hold her eyes closed please" I asked spike. I used my magic to duct tape her eyes shut. "How long is she gonna be like this" asked spike. "She should be fine in the morning, I hope" I said unsure. "Let's get some rest we can check on her in the morning" I told spike.

I made my way to my bed and spike made his way to his. But spike didn't see the shadow coming in from the window and go into Shadow Star. "I am beat, good night spike" I said. "Good night Shadow Star" replied spike with a yawn. I used magic to put out the light and curled up into my covers and fell asleep.