• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,625 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter two

Author's Note:

Hope you like this guys

Celestial stares at me, possibly thinking about what she wants to know first. “Why are you wearing sunglasses?” She asks. I reach up to check my sunglasses and notice I’m still wearing them. “Oops, I forgot I was wearing them” I said as I took them off. Then she looked at me with surprise and maybe a bit of fear.

“I’m sorry if my eyes bother you, I’ll just put them back on” I said but before I put the sunglasses back on, she stopped me. “Wait, no I’m sorry, I was just a little surprised” she said. I looked at her and decided to put the sunglasses back into my coat. Without warning she was in my face with her horn glowing. “What’cha doin’” I asked with confusion. “I apologize, I just had to see what kind of magic you have” she told me. ‘I have magic? Weird’ “Okaaaay.... so what kind do I have” I asked.

She hesitated before answering. “You seem to have a very powerful form of dark magic, which troubles me” she replied. “Dark magic? Wait is that how I’m able to fly?” I asked. She looked unsure at first but then answered “Perhaps, but I’m not sure”.

“Ok, so if I have dark magic, could you teach me to properly use it?” I asked. “I suppose but it might be difficult” she replied with her normal serious face. “difficult for me or difficult for you?” I asked to which she chuckles, breaking her serious face. “ possibly both would be correct, but I believe that my sister would be better suited, I miss her so much” she said as a tear ran down her cheek.

‘Wait if Luna isn’t here that must mean I’m as far back as episode 1, I must make sure’
I looked at her with seriousness. “I have a question, would you by any chance have a student by the name of twilight sparkle” I asked. She looked at me with both surprise and confusion. “Y-Yes, how did you know” she responded. “Did you just send her to Ponyville to monitor the summer sun celebration and try to make friends? I asked a little louder than seemed needed.
“W-Wha... how did you know that” she asked with a little fear.

I took my right hand and started stroking my chin ‘should I tell her? Dang a I need a shave, Dammit man focus! If I tell her I could probably risk the future, but then again... yup I’m gonna tell her’ I stopped stroking my chin and got my cup of tea and took a long sip. “Ok, I have to tell you the truth, I’m not from here” I said with a grim expression. “Very well, where are you from?” She asked with uncertainty.

I took a long deep breath. “I’m from another world, a few years in the future and I already know what’s going to happen because in my world all this is a series of episodes in a children’s show for six year old girls, and I got here by opening a strange letter, and now that I know how far back I am, I can tell you with certainty that Nightmare Moon is returning tonight, but everything will turn out fine after twilight realizes she has friends and activates the the elements of harmony and changes Nightmare moon back into Princess Luna” I said while standing up and making multiple gestures. After I finished I took a couple deep breaths, all the while she stares at me with her classic surprised expression.

I took another big deep breath. “Now, I’m sorry if I was a little blunt, but that is just how I am, I used to be something called a human being, or if you would rather the scientific term, homo sapiens, but now that I’m here I’m not so sure anymore, since humans don’t have magic or my kind of eyes, now I need to wait till nightmare night for you to introduce me to your sister, cuz I know she’s going to have the royal Canterlot voice and speak in the “royal we” and have all the thee’s and thou’s, and I’m gonna have to wait forever until then, but right now you probably have a lot of questions” I said while pacing and making a spectacle of myself. Still she had the same surprised expression only a little more confused. She just continues to stare.

I dropped my arms to my sides and went back to my seat and sat down, took a second to check my pulse while taking a few deep breaths, then picked up my cup, again pinkies out, and took a long sip. “Well any questions?” I asked. Still she kept staring with surprise. “Oh shit, I think I broke her” I exclaimed.

“W-What!?! No, I-I’m fine, is all that true?” She asked with a little worry in her voice. “I’m afraid so princess, are you alright” I told her. “So my sister truly is coming back?” She asked in her worried expression. “Yes, now, I need a place to stay while I’m here, cuz I don’t want anypony to know I’m here, I don’t want to cause a panic” I said.

“O-Of course, yes, thank you for telling me all this, you will be staying in the guest room next to mine” she said calmer now with a smile. “Next to your room, huh, still don’t trust me and you want to keep a close eye on me, I get it, heh, well I’m just glad to be somewhere nice” I said ending with a chuckle.

She gave me a knowing smile which I returned and we finished up our tea. After that we got up and Celestia led me through the door to the hall, from there we walked for a while until we reached the throne room, which also looked exactly like it did in the show.

"So.." she started "if you are from the future does that mean you don't need me to guide you to your room" she asked. "Actually I don't know the layout of your castle so I'm going to need you to show me the way" I replied. "I see" she said. Then we went through a hall to the left of the throne. We walked through the hall for a while before she stopped and turned to me. She gestured to a door to my left. "This will be your room, I'll let you get settled for now, I'll send a guard to notify you about dinner, and escort you to the dining room" she said opening the door with her magic. "Thank you, princess, I'll see you later" I said walking through the door. We waved goodbye as she closed the door behind her.

"I am going to enjoy this" I said with a Cheshire grin that went up straight to my ears, looking super creepy.