• Published 13th Nov 2020
  • 3,637 Views, 48 Comments

The Dark One Has Risen - Rob_Rhapsody

Some guy wakes up in equestria with the powers of darkness and chaos, what could possibly go wrong

  • ...

Chapter twelve

Author's Note:

Ok heres the next chapter hope y'all enjoy.

I never returned to Twilight's treehouse after that night, now Canterlot is under attack, I know the mane 6 are there, but should I go?

I'm going, I have to! Their my friends!

I stood up strong on my cloud and took off like a rocket straight out of hell. I arrived in time to get behind The mane 6 right before they opened the door to get the elements. And we were all taken prisoner to Queen Chrysalis. I tuned out her monologue until she noticed me. "Now what is this I see, what are you" She asked lifting my chin.

I remained silent "come now you must have something to say" she said. I moved my goggles up to show my eyes. "Chrysalis I suggest you leave now, cuz I've seen the future and it aint pertty" I said with my sharp teeth showing. She just laughed at me, making my eye twitch.Then she went on with her Monologue.
Then Cadence and Shining blow away all the changelings. "I warned her" I said. Twilight walked up to me. "Are you coming back home?" She asked. "You still mad and not forgive me?" I asked back. She got up and hugged me. "I'm not mad, and I do forgive you" Said Twilight. "Ok, I'll meet you back home" I said putting my goggles back on and flying out the window.

---Some Time Later---

I was on a train with the mane 6 and Spike. "Are we there yet? I don't know about you girls but I can hardly wait to see the Crystal Empire" I said looking out the window. "We're nearly there, Mamoru, Just be patient" said Twilight. "You have no idea how patient I've been" I mumbled under my breath as I rolled my eyes underneath my goggles. "What's that ya said, Sugarcube?" Asked Applejack. "I said I've been patient" I told Applejack. "Alrighty then" replied Applejack appearing satisfied with my answer.

"Aw, finally" said Rainbow Dash. "Took the words right outta my mouth" I said as we were exiting the train. "Hey Shining Armor" I said waving.

---one minute later---

"Aaaaah" I Yelled. We had just gotten through the barrier protecting the Crystal Empire, and I thought we were safe............ until I looked at my left arm. "Damn aerenth crystals are all over my arm" said annoyed. I looked over to Shining Armor. He had aerenth crystals on his horn. "You to huh, well I don't know about you but I'm going to cut this thing off" I said taking off my coat. I drew the katana on my right and held out my arm. "This is gonna hurt a lot" i said. "Wait don't...." Protested everypony, but they were too late. I took my sword and cut my arm off. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! FUCK! THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH!" I yelled out in pain. "Language!" said Shining Armor. The pain started to go away and I put my sword back in its sheath. "ARE YOU INSANE" Yelled Twilight. "I cut my friggin arm off, what do you think?" I said calmly. I grabbed my coat and put it over my right shoulder. I picked my arm off the ground and put it under my right arm and kept it there. "Why would you cut off your arm?" asked Shining Armor. "So I can grow a new one" I said lifting my stump and concentrating, but nothing happened, a look of shock plastered itself on my face. I lifted the stump as close to my face as I could. "Ok that explains why it's not growing back, there are crystals inside the flesh and bone marrow" I said. Rarity fainted. "Come on lets head to the palace, I need to make a temporary prosthetic" I said. We all walked to the center where the castle was, I got a few odd stares from a few crystal ponies. We made our way to the throne room. "Cadence" cried Twilight. "Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake" they both said while greeting each other. "Hey Cadence how are you" I asked.

"Mamoru! What happened to your arm" she asked worriedly. I took out my dismembered arm covered in crystals and made it wave. The guards in the room threw up after seeing my arm. "Hahaha, priceless, anyway it's covered in crystals, and I had to cut it off, normally it would have grown back by now, but they spread deeper than I thought" I said using the arm for gestures. "WILL YOU STOP THAT!" Yelled Shining. "Fine" I said. "You have any blacksmiths here cuz I need to craft a temporary prosthetic" I asked. "There is a shop in town" said Shining. He waved over a guard and whispered in his ear, the guardspony nodded and walked over to me."follow me sir" said the guard trying not to puke. "Sweet, can you hold my hand on the way there" I said giving him my detached limb. " I'd.. ulp... rather not" said the guard, trying his hardest not to blow chunks. I put my arm under my good one and we went off to the blacksmith shop. "He is sick" I overheard Shining say. "That's right!" I Yelled back making him flinch.

We finally made it to the blacksmith shop. I knocked on the door with my old arm and put it back under my good one. The guard turned pale after that. We didn't wait long for the door to open. "H-hello, can I help you" asked a strongly built crystal stallion. "Hi is it alright if I use your forge?" I asked. "Is this stuff what you mean?" He asked as if he were unsure. Inside was a furnace, an anvil and a few tools for making weapons and armor. "Yes, can I use it?" I asked. "Help yourself, I don't even know if I work here" he said. I looked at him quizzically and shrugged. I walked inside and the guard walked in with me. "Ok, first things first, we need to light the forge, and get the fire to burn hot enough to make the metal, then we have to make....... never mind I can use my magic" I said. I put my coat and old arm in a safe place. I lit the forge with a snap of my fingers and it burst to life. I went and gathered the tools I needed. "Hey guard, I'm going to need an assistant here" I said beckoning the guard over. I got out a couple large smelting pots and put in copper in one, iron in another, and bronze in the last one. the guard placed them in the forge for me. I went over to the bellows and started pumping the fire with the guard pony's help while the blacksmith pony just watched in silence.

Once the metals were melted I grabbed my old arm and put it into the pot of molten iron, then had the guard put it back in the fire. I went to work making molds and once I was finished, me and the guard poured in the metals into each mold. Once the metal cooled, we broke the molds and put the pieces together. Once the arm was complete, it kind of looked like a steampunk version of Claw's vibranium prosthetic gun arm. I put in place then fastened it on.

As soon as I put it on, I channeled my magic into it. Once I did, I was able to make it move. I flexed each finger and each joint. I took out a magazine and put it into the slot in the arm. Then the had it come apart. I aimed the gun and fired. BANG

"Perfect" I said pleased with my work. I cleaned up the mess with a snap and put on my coat. "Alright, guard you are dismissed, I have things to do" I said leaving.