• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 2,247 Views, 68 Comments

Mighty Morphin Ninjas - AmethystMajesty25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies join forces with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for one epic team-up against an old enemy from the past.

  • ...


“Trust me. No one will ever know you better than the people you grew up with. The ones you won with, lost with, and changed with. Sure, you may end up fighting or drifting apart. That always happens over time. But that will never change the fact that they knew you before you knew you. And that bond... that bond can make family.”

Half A Year Ago

Sid and Robyn were spending their day by having a picnic date behind CHS at Canterlot City.

“Ok, Sid, I can tell something is going on,” Robyn said. “And I don't need my psychic powers to know that. What's going on?”

“Well...” Sid rubbed the back of his head. “Alright. I'll cut to the chase.” Then he took her hand. “Robyn, I've had a pretty rough life. But meeting and falling in love with you was the best thing that ever happened to me. And we've both been through a lot together. Which is why... I think we're ready for the next step.”

“The next-” Robyn gasped and covered her mouth. “Sid, are you...”

Sid got down on one knee and asked, “Robyn O'Neil, will you marry me?”

Robyn stood there in surprise, before she broke into a huge smile and answered, “Yes!” Then she tackled Sid and kissed him.

After that, the two stood up and Sid placed a ring on Robyn’s finger and they hugged.

Then Robyn turned toward the trees and called out, “You can all come out now! I can sense you're all there. And I can sense you sensing me sensing you, April.”

Then the Turtles, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, Zach, Caitlyn, Buffy, Carter, Angel, Gabby, Burne, and the Dazzlings came out of the woods grinning and smiling.

Then the Rainbooms came out, squealing with delight and excitement while April hugged her sister tightly.

Casey whispered to his cousin, “Don't do anything stupid. I can still beat the tar out of you.”

Sid just gulped into terror and Casey smiled, “Good answer.”

“She said 'Yes', she said 'YES'!” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing off the trees like a pinball.

“Booyahkasha!” Mikey cheered.

After everyone congratulates the engaged couple, Buffy, Caitlyn, and Rarity gushed over the wedding and getting designs for the dress.

As the girls were getting excited, Casey put his arm around Gabby. “Maybe our proposal will be like this?” He told her.

“We're not ready for that yet, lunkhead,” Gabby retorted.

Casey apologized, “Sorry.”

Leo told Robyn, “Congratulations.”

Robyn smiled, “Thanks, Leo.”

Pinkie announced with a big smile on her face, “Group hug everyone!”

Everyone gathered around for a group hug to celebrate the newly engaged couple, Sid and Robyn.

In the middle of the night,, Baxter Stockman was sleeping until a female voice shouted, “Wake up!”

Baxter Stockman slowly opened his eyes and noticed that he’s tied up to his rolling chair. Plus, he noticed that he was in a laboratory located underneath the Shredder’s mansion.

“What the?” He wondered while struggling to free himself. “Who's doing this? Show yourself.”

Suddenly, a ninja dropped down from the ceiling and unmasked herself, revealing to be Pimiko, who’s face was burned.

“Pimiko?! What are you doing here?!” Stockman questioned, feeling confused.

“Collecting what you owe.” Pimiko answered.

“What do you mean by that?” Stockman asked.

Pimiko just grabbed his chair and took Stockman off to his computer.

“First of all, before you do anything drastic, what do you want from me?” Stockman asked.

Pimiko then placed a computer chip on his desk. It was not just any ordinary computer chip. It was a computer chip with the Shredder’s conscious inside back from his battle in Gotham City.

Stockman observed the chip and asked again, “A computer chip? What for?”

Pimiko requested, “I need you to simply activate it.”

Stockman shrugged, “Simple enough. Just don't hurt me and I'll have it done in an hour. But why are you doing this?”

“Revenge. But it also will bring me the one man back to life.” Pimiko answered.

Stockman knew who Pimiko was talking about and feared for his life. “Right away. But what do you have to offer him. His Foot Clan is all but destroyed.”

“You just work and let me worry about that. Fail... And I'll reduce you to nothing but a brain in a jar.” Pimiko threatened the scientist.

“Y-Yes ma’am.” Stockman frightfully answered as Pimiko untied him and he went to work on reviving the Shredder.

“Father, you will gain more power than you'll ever had when you return. And with my plan, I will show you I'm better than Karai.” Pimiko thought to herself as she started remembering her past.

Years ago, when Pimiko and Karai were kids, they sparred each other with their father watching in the Foot’s hideout. Karai easily kicked her sister’s sword and knocked Pimiko to the ground. When Karai offered her a hand up, Pimiko slapped it away.

“This time... I won't lose.” Pimiko vowed as she got up.

After that, the two girls resumed their sparring match.

Stockman asked while typing, “All this because Karai kept beating you?”

Pimiko answered, “It's not just that. Father favored Karai over me, his own flesh and blood.”

Stockman remembered, “Oh that's right. Karai was Shredder's adoptive daughter.”

“I just wish my father favored me over Karai.” Pimiko said.

“Stockman scoffed, “Welcome to my world. My parents favored my brother over me.”

“I'm actually curious who your mother is, but something in the back of my mind is telling me it's a hazardous question.” Stockman wondered.

Pimiko replied, “Go on.”

Stockman continued, “But I can relate to sibling annoyance. My parents favored my twin brother over me. Only times they've given me any notice was when they mistook me for Barney.”

Pimiko said, “That's so annoying.”

“More than you think.” Stockman replied.

“But still, I will get my revenge.” Pimiko vowed.

Stockman scoffed, “Like father, like daughter.”

Pimiko heard him and put a blade at Stockman’s throat.

“Care to repeat that?” Pimiko angrily asked.

Stockman frightfully answered, “No, ma'am.”

Pimiko replied, “Good. Now get back to work.”

Stockman went back to work as Pimiko let him go and exited his lair.

Present Day

On a busy morning, six colored superheroes jumped into action against a massive octopus-themed monster and a gaggle of hideous henchmen down in the streets of a city called Angel Grove.

The huge monster told his enemies, “Look upon me and tremble, Power Rangers! With my arrival, the buildings will crumble and the trees will turn to ash! The sky will be dark as coal and...”

“And my favorite show will get cancelled. Bad days ahead, we got it!” The Black Ranger exclaimed, interrupting the huge monster’s speech.

“Thanks for the horoscope, Apocalyptus, but we kinda like our own future around here.” The Red Ranger said.

The Blue Ranger asked his fellow Rangers, “Is this thing Rita's way of trying to scare us?”

“I think it's her way of trying to kill us, Billy.” The Yellow Ranger answered.

“But we're not afraid of her monsters and they won't scare us.” The Pink Ranger reminded them.

“C'mon team, let's sweep Rita's goons out of our city!” The Red Ranger ordered his teammates.

“We’re with you all the way!” The Green Ranger shouted.

“YEAH!” The Power Rangers started fighting against the henchmen one by one from left to right.

“You know, these Putty Patrollers are so old-fashioned. Right, Tommy? HI-YAH!” The Pink Ranger stated while spin kicking a Putty.

Tommy, the Green Ranger replied, “Can't argue with that, Kimberly. But you know, it's Rita Replusa's doing. What else is new?”

Apocalyptus continued his speech while attacking the Power Rangers, “Rejoice, thou puny Rangers. For with thy destruction... the Mollusk Monarchy begins!”

The Yellow Ranger commented while dodging, “Good band name.”

“I agree.” The Black Ranger added while cutting off one of the monster’s tentacles.

“Trini, Zack, cutting off the tentacles won't matter. A mollusk can regrow...” Billy reminded Trini before she cut him off.

“Whoa! Okay, class time is over. Can we finish off this eight-legged freak, Jason. Please?” Trini asked the Red Ranger.

Jason nodded, “Trini's right. We need the Power Blaster now!”

“I got your back, guys!” Tommy reminded his teammates.






The Power Rangers forged their weapons together to create the Power Blaster. They fired their Power Blaster at Apocalyptus with a powerful energy beam.


“AGGGHHHHHH!” Apocalyptus yelled before he exploded into oblivion.

“Nice work, Rangers.” Jason told his team.

Zack cheered, “Yeah, undisputed victory number forty-seven. Do you think anyone's gonna beat our record?”

The Power Rangers once again kept the streets of Angel Grove safe from Rita’s goons.

Meanwhile in nighttime New York, the Ninjas and Allies went to fight against Hun and his Purple Dragon thugs.

“Seriously guys, you need a new hobby.” Rainbow said while spin kicking a Purple Dragon thug.

“Maybe you should try skateboarding or...” Mikey was interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

“Or learn how to bake sugary sweets!” Pinkie cheered.

Fluttershy added, “Or learn how to nurture animals.”

“Guys, can we just for once fight the Purple Dragons without a hypothetical debate... for me, please?” Leo asked everyone.

“Right.” Leo’s friends nodded and continued to fight against the Purple Dragons while Hun was dealing with Casey and Pinkie Pie.

“Come on, Hun. Why don't you just call it quits and walk away from this.” Casey suggested

Hun grunted and angrily threw another punch, only to crush a car.

Pinkie added, “I guess that's a no.”

“You puny brats just won't go away that easily. Well today is the day I'm going to change that!” Hun vowed as he continued swinging punches at Casey and Pinkie.

Casey asked her, “Pinkie, Fireworks Special?”

Pinkie nodded, “You know it.”

Casey grabbed an explosive puck and Pinkie threw some explosive sprinkles. When charged at them, they threw their surprise and blinded Hun long enough for him to charge into a wall. After that hit, Hun became stunned, letting Pinkie, Casey, and the rest of their friends surround him.

Leo told Hun, “Give up and we promise we'll cure you.”

Just then, a kunai with a red cloth tied to it landed in front of Hun. Under his sunglasses, his eye widen knowing who sent this. “Another day!” Hun said.

Then all of a sudden, Pimiko jumped over Hun and landed in front of the Ninjas and Allies, confronting them as well.

Hun greeted her, “Miss Pimiko, I am honored to be in your presence once again.”

Pimiko noted, “You look terrible, Hun.”

Hun scoffed, “All thanks to Karai and those lousy friends of her's. But I received your message. Perfect timing for my help as always.”

“Pimiko?” The Ninjas and Allies said in unison.

Applejack asked, “Now what's a rotten snake like you doing back here?”

Pimiko answered, “Like you would even believe me. So I'm not spoiling the surprise.”

Hun informed her, “Ma'am, we should leave before the police come.”

Just then, police sirens wailed from a distance as everyone heard it.

Everyone made a break for it just as the police arrived and arrested Hun’s henchmen. As for the Ninjas and Allies, they regrouped at a nearby rooftop.

Leo said, “This can't be good.”

Donnie asked everyone, “So, what's Pimiko up to now?”

“Not sure. But we'll stop her for sure.” Karai vowed.

Sunset suggested everyone, “Maybe we should contact our allies to warn them.”

Leo nodded, “Agreed. Better for everyone to know the potential trouble.”

“Yeah. But right now, let's get some sleep. It's almost midnight, yo.” Casey yawned.

April added, “I'm pretty beat, too.”

Leo saw everyone was exhausted. He informed everyone, “Alright, I'll handle the warning. Everyone else, get some rest.”

Everyone nodded and went back to their homes to get some sleep.

Back in the underground laboratory, Baxter was almost done recreating the Cyber Shredder and placed the computer chip inside for Pimiko. After that, he opened the ceiling with a push of a button and a flash of lightning struck right at Cyber Shredder’s body. The systems of Cyber Shredder were starting to reboot itself.

“It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!” Baxter hollered, acting like the mad scientist he was while Pimiko rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, can we get this show on the road please?” Pimiko requested.

Stockman apologized, “Right, sorry. Now, it's straightforward from here.”

Pimiko nodded, “Excellent. Now we can begin our revenge plan.”

“Were you ever a Frankenstein fan?” Baxter asked, going off-topic.

Instead of a nasty remark, Pimiko was honest and replied, “I prefer Dracula over Frankenstein.”

Cyber Shredder continued to reboot himself as he checked his systems and diagnostics until it was up to 100%. He woke up and looked around Baxter’s lair.

Cyber Shredder looked at his new body and wondered, “I... Live?”

Pimiko cried and bowed to him, “Father.”

Cyber Shredder looked at his daughter, “Pimiko?”

Stockman added, “Not sure if it completely works.”

Cyber Shredder turned his attention to his old accomplice, “Stockman? Last time I saw you, you were a fly.”

Baxter deadpanned, “Never mind.”

“What happened to your face, Pimiko?” Cyber Shredder asked as he looked at his daughter’s half-burned face.

Pimiko grunted, “You can thank Karai and those blasted friends of her's.”

Cyber Shredder asked, “Friends?”

Pimiko reminded her father, “You remember. Those turtle freaks, the pestering Rainbooms, those lousy Mutanimals, and the traitorous Dazzlings.”

After hearing Pimiko’s explanation, it angered Cyber Shredder. Making him throw a fit on anything he destroys in Baxter’s lab.

Baxter noticed, “Yep, it worked.”

“No doubt about it.” Pimiko nodded as the duo dodged incoming debris.

“You finished? Because you almost destroyed my lab.” Baxter shouted, feeling upset that his lab’s almost ruined.

“If it makes you feel any better, we can destroy our pesky enemies once and for all.” Pimiko suggested.

“Yes, but I need a new source of power to defeat them. One that will outmatch our enemies. And I want it now!” Cyber Shredder demanded as he slammed the table, but also hit the remote and turned the TV on to the news.

The news anchor announced, “And once again, Angel Grove is saved by the Power Rangers from one of Rita's diabolical monsters…”

Cyber Shredder watched and observed the footage from the TV. And he was completely interested by its power. The Green Ranger to be exact.

“And I think I've found it.” Cyber Shredder said.

Baxter frightfully thought, ‘Yep, I'm dead.’

The next morning, the Rangers were at the airport and all geared up with their normal clothes and luggages.

“Hey guys, what's up! Y'all ready for a trip to New York City?” Zack cheered.

Billy replied, “Affirmative, but let's not forget to let Zordon know where we're going in case of emergency.”

“Agreed,” Jason noted.

“I'm telling ya, this trip is going to be so dope.” Zack stated.

The Rangers nodded and chatted more about their trip, feeling excited. Then, two guys from their school arrived at the airport their luggages too. Well, lots of them.

“So Bulk, remind me what we're going to do in New York City again.” The skinny guy asked.

Bulk answered, “Simple, my small companion. Fellow classmates, we are going to catch us... A mutant!”

The students laughed at Bulk’s announcement while Bulk and Skull rolled their eyes.

“Everyone's a critic.” Bulk scoffed.

Skull whispered, “And hang with out some girls along the way?”

“You got it, buddy.” Bulk whispered back as the two continued to carry their luggages.

“Seems like you two took your time at the airport.” Tommy said while his friends snickered.

Bulk huffed, “With how dangerous these creatures are, we're going to need as much firepower as we can get.”

The buffoon brothers struggled to walk in a straight line while carrying the heavy load.

Kimberly shook their head, “Those two are so clueless.”

“Well, we better catch our flight or else we’ll miss it and these two will take one of our seats.” Jason informed his friends.

Everyone nodded and rushed towards their plane.

Meanwhile, a witch was spying on the Rangers through a telescope from a castle on the moon. She wore a ridiculous outfit and had a magical staff with her.

“So the Rangers are going on a little trip?” The witch asked.

One of her cohorts asked, “Ooh, a trip. Where are they going Rita?”

“Does it matter Squatt? This is the perfect opportunity to strike while their guard is down.” Rita stated.

Everyone cheered, except for another henchman, Baboo, who was reading a magazine about Earth’s ninjas.

Rita noticed him and took his magazine away, “What's so important that's it's taking every bit of single digit IQ?!”

Baboo exclaimed, “Hey, I was just getting to the good section!”

Rita looked at the article and read about Earth’s ninjas. She scoffed before throwing away the magazine, “Earth Ninjas? Hamato and Foot?” Rita scoffed, “Pfft. Like we ever need those idiots. Finster! Send the putties down there to this so called 'New York' and find those pesky Power Brats!” Rita ordered.

Finster bowed, “Yes, my queen.”

“Baboo, make yourself useful and find anyone associated with either of these clans.” Rita ordered.

Baboo replied, “Yes Rita.”

“What about me?” Goldar yelled.

“Patience, Goldar. Just wait until I say so.” Rita answered.

Squatt raised his hand and asked, “Ooh, can I go, too?”

Rita rolled her eyes and answered, “Fine.”

After Rita’s done dealing with her henchmen, she went back to her rocking chair to get some sleep while Baboo and Squatt departed for Earth.

Back on Earth, the Ninjas and Allies were preparing and decorating the wedding ceremony at the O'Neil Farm with Pinkie Pie directing traffic.

Pinkie spoke through the megaphone, “Come on, come on, come on everyone! We have a schedule to keep,” She then looked at Mikey who was approaching towards the wedding cake, “Mikey, if you even think about touching that cake, I'll beat the loving tar out of you!”

Mikey ran and went back to work as Pinkie called her friend, “Twilight, you got the music system set up, yet?”

Twilight replied, “Pinkie, relax. I know this your first wedding planning, but you're doing great.”

“Yeah, we're still working on the music.” Fluttershy added as Spike nodded.

“It's going to be great.” Spike noted.

“Aww, thank you Twi,” Pinkie said through the megaphone as Caitlyn, Buffy, and Rarity were working on the wedding dress. “How's the wedding dress going girls?”

Rarity answered while working, “Ahead of schedule, Pinkie.”

Pinkie cheered, “Perfect. That's everyone... except Raph and Casey.”

Caitlyn wondered, “I'm almost afraid to know what those two are in charge of.”

“Beats me. Probably in charge of the groom.” Buffy shrugged.

Pinkie scratch the back of her head, “Eh, something like that.”

Meanwhile in the house, Raph and Casey were trying to calm Sid down. “Guys, I'm serious. I'm not planning on chickening out,” Sid said.

“Relax, Sid. You got this!” Casey exclaimed, motivating his cousin.

Sid asked them, “You think?”

Casey said, “Of course. You've gone straight and completely stopped gambling.”

Sid noted, “It wasn't easy.”

Raph added, “Nothing in life worth doing ever is.”

Casey put his hand on Sid’s shoulder, “No matter what happens, I'll always be your best cousin and your best man.”

Sid smiled, “Thanks, Casey.”

Raph then asked, “So, you thought about kids?”

Before Sid could answer, Pinkie Pie rushed in and alerted her friends, “Boys, we need help!”

“What is it? Bad guys?” Raph asked as his left hand wrapped his right fist.

“No. It's not that Raph.” Pinkie answered.

“Well then, what is it Pinkie? Spill it out!” Casey questioned her.

Pinkie answered, “I forgot to pick up the fireworks.”

Casey and Raph were not thrilled until Casey answered, “Say no more, Pinkie. We're on it.”

While Casey and Raph went to get the fireworks, Sid sighed in relief, “Oh thank goodness. I thought something terrible happened to Robyn.”

Pinkie sat down on the couch next to Sid and told him, “Oh relax, she's fine. Nervous, but fine.”

Sid chuckled, “I guess we're both on the edge, right?”

Pinkie shrugged as she exited the house and went went back to the barn to check on her friends while Sid laid down on the couch to relax.

The bus loaded with students from Angel Grove High had just entered New York City. The students form the said school looked out their windows to get a good look at one of the biggest cities ever. The car parked outside a hotel, and the students dismounted and stood before their teacher and their principal.

“All right, students, settle down please.” The teacher calmed them.

The principal spoke up, “For today let's take the time and get settled in at the hotel, and tomorrow we'll begin our tour of the city.”

“We've already talked to the manager here and has set you all guys up your rooms. Two for each room.” The teacher explained.

Bulk raised his hand and asked, “Ms. Appleby, Principal Caplan, how much longer till we can go on our own?”

Skull added, “Yeah, we've got something important to do.”

“That can wait until we all get inside and checked in.” Ms. Appleby ordered, as they all went inside the hotel.

“Uhhh, fine.” Bulk groaned as he and Skull followed.

As they all waited in the lobby, the Rangers were checking their assigned roommates. Zack spoke to Billy, “Yo Billy, looks like you and I are bunkmates.”

“Affirmative.” Billy replied as they shook hands.

“I'm with Kimberly.” Trini cheered.

“Awesome!” Kimberly smiled.

“Then I guess that leaves with me and Jason.” Tommy explained.

Jason nodded, “Wouldn't want it any other way.”

Tommy and Jason then had a little fun as Tommy lightly threw punches while Jason held up his hands to block while the rest of the Rangers chuckled.

“Okay, guys. Let's go find our rooms and settle in.” Tommy informed his friends.

Later that night, Tommy went out to get some pizza for his Ranger pals until he noticed four shadows that looked like turtles running up the rooftops. He got curious and decided to follow them. After minutes of running, the Turtles stopped and finished their patrol.

“Well, nothing to report here. No sign of any danger.” Donnie informed his brothers as he watched over the streets.

“Good. Now that we're done here. Let's get some rest before anyone sees us.” Leo ordered.

“Right.” The rest of Leo’s brothers agreed as they ran back until they were stopped by Tommy Oliver.

“Hold it right there, monsters.” Tommy exclaimed.

“Monsters? Seriously? We are not monsters.” Raph exclaimed.

The Turtles couldn't believe their eyes and saw Tommy. The Green Ranger that helped the Ninjas and Allies back on the island with the help of the other Power Rangers where they defeated Niox.

“Tommy? Is that really you? Boy I am so glad to see you.” Mikey greeted Tommy.

When Mikey was about to shake his hand, but Tommy delivered an arm throw to him. The rest of the Turtles gasped and rushed over to Mikey.

“Are you alright Mikey?” Raph asked.

“Yeah, I'm good.” Mikey answered as he stood up and gave his brothers a thumbs-up.

“How do you all know my name?” Tommy asked.

Mikey chuckled as he scratched the back of his head, “Well, It's kind of a long story. You see…”

“Are you all working for Rita Repulsa?” Tommy questioned them.

The Turtles had no clue who or what Tommy was talking about. Donnie answered, “Who?”

“Seriously? You don't know who your creator is?” Tommy asked again.

“We have no idea what you're talking about.” Raph answered.

“Easy there, Tommy We don't want any trouble.” Leo pleaded him.

“I guess Rita Repulsa is getting desperate with her monsters.” Tommy stated.

“Look Tommy, we're not your enemy. So please, stand down.” Leo said, calming Tommy down.

“Really? Okay then. If you really want to believe me that you're telling the truth, you have to beat me first,” Tommy stated before he pulled out his morpher, “It's Morphin' Time!”


After Tommy morphed into his Green Ranger form, Leo and the others reached for their ninja weapons as Tommy reached for his Dragon Dagger with everyone in their battle stance.

“Alright then, we'll prove it to you that we're telling the truth.” Leo vowed, glaring at Tommy.

“We'll see about that.” Tommy stated, glaring at the Ninja Turtles.

After a minute of hesitation, the Turtles and Tommy clashed with each other for the battle on the rooftops.

Minutes later, the Rangers’ communicators went off as they were already dressed and about to sneak out of their respective hotel rooms.

The Rangers contacted Zordon and Jason asked, “Go ahead Zordon. What's up?”

Zordon explained, “Rangers, Alpha has located Tommy and picked up strange readings in your area.”

Jason replied, “We're on it.”

Before the Ranger leave, Zordon also told them, “There's more. Baboo and Squatt are in a separate part of the city. I don't why, but you have to stop whatever they're planning for Rita.”

“Don't worry, we'll find them.” Jason replied.

“Very well. Good luck Rangers and may the power protect you.”

Jason yelled, “It's Morphin' Time!”






After they morphed into Power Rangers, the team teleported to the rooftops.

“A rooftop? Why is it always a rooftop?” Trini questioned.

Zack calmed Trini down, “Look at the bright side, you can almost see the Statue of Liberty from here.”

“You sure we're in the right spot?” Jason asked.

“Alpha said this is where he picked up Tommy's energy signature.” Billy explained.

“Great. If he morphed, then he must be in…”

Kimberly was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of Tommy bursting through the walls behind them.

“…Danger!” Kimberly yelled.

The Rangers went to check on Tommy and Jason asked, “Tommy, are you okay? Is Rita…”

Before Tommy can answer, Leo and his brothers saw the rest of the Power Rangers.

“Looks like the Green Ranger called for backup.” Leo noticed.

“Heh, good. Now it'll be more than a work out.” Raph said while stretching.

“Donnie quick… take a picture.” Mikey suggested him.

The Power Rangers were perplexed and confused as Billy said, “Huh. Ninja tortoises?”

“Finster must be running out of ideas.” Zack suggested.

Donnie challenged, “Six against four? That should be pretty fair.”

“I've been waiting for a matchup like this.” Raph said.

“Look, can we just talk about this and settle down for a bit. I think this is all a huge misunderstanding.” Leo stated.

Tommy replied, “You should've thought of that before you hit me.”

“That's seems fair. I guess.” Mikey admitted.

“Alright. Let's do this Rangers!” Jason informed his team.

“Bros, knock some sense into them!” Leo informed his brothers.

And so, the two heroic teams clashed with one another on the rooftops in New York.

”Go go Power Rangers!”


While the Rangers and Turtles began to fight each other, Pimiko observed from afar with her binoculars.

“This is perfect. Have my enemies fought each other to the death until there is no one left while I take the Rangers’ new power.” Cyber Shredder stated.

“That's a very good plan, sir. However, if the other heroes came to intervene, I'll stop them myself.” Pimiko suggested.

“Settle down, Pimiko. Patience must be earned.”

“Yes, master.” Pimiko bowed to Cyber Shredder.”

“If all goes as intended. The Green Ranger will bring me what I require, and… the Power Ranger will be mine to command.” Cyber Shredder exclaimed as he and Pimiko observed the ongoing fight between the Turtles and Rangers until the time for their opportunity was right.

Author's Note:

Oruku Pimiko was Shredder's biological daughter who was rised along side Karai, but the two resented one another and did not get along. Pimiko hated her because Shredder favoured his adopted daughter over his real one. One day, she tried to poison her, but Shredder discovered this and banised her from the Clan.

Her new look more resembles her look from the Mirage Comics. Especially her mask.

Meet Robyn O'Neil, April's older sister from the TMNT Mirage Comics and 2003 series.

Cyber Shredder having a temper tantrum by wrecking Baxter Stockman’s lab was a based on Kylo Ren having a temper tantrum in his Imperial Star Destroyer in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Sid proposing to Robyn was based on Casey proposing to April in TMNT: Back to the Sewers.

The Power Rangers fought against the same monster, Apocalyptus, from the crossover comic book mini-series.

Artworks provided by jebens1